DBATU DSP Syllabus

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BTEXC504 Digital Signal Processing 3 Credits

UNIT-=1 DSP Preliminaries

Discrete time signals: Sequences; representation of signals on orthogonal basis; Sampling and
reconstruction of signals, Basic elements of DSP and its requirements, advantages of Digital over Analog
signal processing.

UNIT-2 Discrete Fourier Transform

DTFT, Definition, Frequency domain sampling, DFT, Properties of DFT, circular convolution, linear
convolution, Computation of linear convolution using circular convolution, FFT, decimation in time and
decimation in frequency using Radix-2 FFT algorithm

UNIT- 3 Z transform

Need for transform, relation between Laplace transform and Z transform, between Fourier transform
and Z transform, Properties of ROC and properties of Z transform, Relation between pole locations and
time domain behavior, causality and stability considerations for LTI systems, Inverse Z transform, Power
series method, partial fraction expansion method, Solution of difference equations.

UNIT-4 IIR Filter Design

Concept of analog filter design (required for digital filter design), Design of IIR filters from analog filters,
IIR filter design by impulse invariance method, Bilinear transformation method. Characteristics of
Butterworth filters, Chebyshev filters, Butterworth filter design, IIR filter realization using direct form,
cascade form and parallel form, Lowpass, High pass, Bandpass and Bandstop filters design using spectral
transformation (Design of all filters using Lowpass filter)

UNIT-5 FIR Filter Design

Ideal filter requirements, Gibbs phenomenon, windowing techniques, characteristics and comparison of
different window functions, Design of linear phase FIR filter using windows and frequency sampling
method. FIR filters realization using direct form, cascade form and lattice form.

UNIT-6 Introduction to Multirate signal processing

Concept of Multirate DSP, Introduction to Up sampler, Down sampler and two channel filter bank,
Application of Multirate signal processing in communication, Music processing, Image processing and
Radar signal processing.

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