JNVST 2008

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TEST- 2008


1.1 Introduction

In accordance with the National Policy of Education (1986) Government of

India started Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs). Presently the JNVs are
spread in 27 States and 7 Union Territories. These are co-educational
residential schools fully financed and administered by Government of India
through an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.
Admissions in JNVs are made through the JAWAHAR NAVODAYA SELECTION
TEST (JNVST) at Class VI. The medium of instruction in JNVs is the mother
tongue or regional language up to Class VIII and English thereafter for Maths
and Science and Hindi for Social Science. Students of the JNVs appear for X
and XII class examinations of the Central Board of Secondary Education.
While education in the schools is free including boarding, lodging, uniforms
and textbooks, a nominal fee of Rs.200/- per month will have to be paid by
the children from IX to XII class. However, children belonging to SC/ST, Girls
and Physically Handicapped and from the families whose income is below
poverty line are exempted from payment of fees.

1.2 Objective of the Scheme

(i) To provide good quality modern education including a strong

component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the
environment, adventure activities and physical education to the
talented children predominantly from rural areas.
(ii) To ensure that students attain a reasonable level of competency in
three languages.
(iii) To promote national integration through migration of students from
Hindi to non-Hindi speaking State and vise-versa.
(iv) To serve in each district as focal point for improvement of quality of
school education in general through sharing of experiences and
1.3 State-wise Distribution of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas

Accordingly to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme, one Jawahar Navodaya

Vidyalaya is to be set up in each District in a phased manner. At present,
there are 567 Vidyalayas spread in 27 States and 7 Union Territories. The
State-wise distribution of JNVs is as under:

Andhra Pradesh 22 Kerala 14

Assam 26 Lakshadweep 01
Arunchal Pradesh 16 Madhya Pradesh 48
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 02 Maharashtra 32
Bihar 38 Manipur 09
Chandigarh 01 Meghalaya 07
Chattisgarh 16 Mizoram 08
Delhi 02 Nagaland 11
Daman & Diu 02 Orissa 30
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 01 Punjab 18
Goa 02 Pondicherry 04
Gujarat 25 Rajasthan 32
Haryana 20 Sikkim 04
Himachal Pradesh 12 Tripura 04
Jammu & Kashmir 14 Uttar Pradesh 69
Jharkhand 22 Uttaranchal 13
Karnataka 27 West Bengal 15
Total 567

A maximum of eighty students are admitted in Class VI in each Vidyalaya,

through a Selection Test subject to availability of suitable candidates. The
Samiti reserves the right to reduce the seats to forty or to withhold result
and/or withhold admission and/or conduct of JNVST in case adequate
accommodation is not available.

1.4 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2008

JNV Selection Test for admission to Class-VI in JNVs for the academic session
2008-09 will be held as per following schedules. The last date for
submission of Application Form in BEO’s Office is 15 th
November, 2007.

i) On Sunday, the 10th February, 2008 at 9.30 A.M. in the State of

Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, West Bengal (except Darjeeling)
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh (except
Chamba, Kinnaur, Mandi, Sirmour and Shimla Districts), Jharkhand,
Kerala, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Orissa,
Punjab, Rajasthan, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Delhi,
Arunachal Pradesh (except Tawang District), Union Territories of
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli,
Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Pondicherry and in the Jammu &
Kathua, Districts of Jammu and Kashmir and Sikkim (except North
Sikkim District) and
ii) On Saturday 12th April, 2008 9.30 A.M. in the States of Meghalaya,
Mizoram, Nagaland, Jammu and Kashmir (except in Jammu & Kathua
Districts) and in the District of Tawang of Arunachal Pradesh, in the
Districts of Chamba, Sirmour, Kinnaur, Mandi, Shimla of Himachal
Pradesh, in the District of North Sikkim of Sikkim and Darjeeling
District of West Bengal.


2.1 How to get an Application Form?

Application forms for admission may be made on the prescribed Application

Form (attached with the prospectus) available free of cost from:

(i) Block Education Officer (BEO)

(ii) District Education Officer (DEO)
(iii) Headmaster of any Govt. / Govt. aided / Recognized Accredited
Institute / Centre of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan / NIOS where he/she is
(iv) Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya.

In case of non-availability of JNVST prescribed Application Form from the

above, you may copy the format of Application Form on plain paper
(preferably 21cm x 30cm) from our website at the address
http://www.navodaya.nic.in or the newspaper advertisement and apply
on it.

2.2 How to submit an Application Form?

Duly filled in application form must reach the Block Education Officer latest
by 15th November 2007. It shall be signed by the Head of the recognized
school/Special Education Scheme (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) where the child is
studying in Class-V, on or before 15th November,2007 (Candidates are
advised to get the acknowledgement from the BEO at the time of submission
of Application Form).
2.3 Issue of Admit Cards

Admit Cards, duly prepared by the Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

will be issued to the candidates through the office of the Block Education
Officer. Candidates, who do not receive their Admit cards one week before
the JNVST, they should immediately contact to Principal, JNV/BEO/DEO for
the same.

2.4 Result of the Selection Test

The result of JNVST 2008 is expected to be announced by end of May of the

year of admission. The result will be displayed in the offices of the concerned
(i) Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (ii) District Education Officer (iii) District
Magistrate (iv) Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti of the
Region. The Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya concerned, will also
inform the selected candidates through registered post. The result will also
be displayed on website of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti at the address


3.a) Selection in the test will not vest any right on the candidates to secure
admission into the JNV. At the time of seeking actual admission, each
selected candidate will have to produce all relevant certificates, as prescribed
by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Until admission, the selection is

3.b) In case of any dispute, the decision of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti shall be
final and binding on the candidates.

3.c) Marks obtained by candidates (both selected and unselected) in the test are
not communicated.

3.d) There is no provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts. Since the result
is processed through computer and sufficient care is taken to ensure
accuracy through various checks in processing the result, no request for re-
totaling of marks will be entertained.

3.e) It may also be noted by the candidates and their parents/guardians that
under the scheme of JNVs, students of a JNV located in Hindi speaking State
may have to be migrated to another JNV in Non-Hindi Speaking State and
vice-versa for one academic year when the students are promoted to Class
IX. In case of refusal from the students selected for migration, continuation
of such students in JNV will not be allowed.

3.f) The candidates and their parents/guardians may note that the children
selected on the basis of the Test will be admitted only in the JNV located in
the district from where they are appearing at the JNVST. Under no
circumstances, the selected candidate will be given admission to any other
JNV. No request for shifting of students on account of medium of instruction
in the JNV concerned, shifting of parents/guardians to other district(s)
State(s) etc. will be entertained.

3.g) Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes
(STs) will have to produce a certificate of the Caste/Tribe at the time of
seeking admission, if selected. Such certificate should be procured from the
competent authority before 15th July, of the year of seeking admission so that
it may be submitted to the Principal of concerned JNV at the time of

3.h) Candidates belonging to the disabled category (Orthopedically Handicapped,

Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped) if selected will have to produce
a medical certificate signed by Chief Medical Officer of the District concerned
at the time of admission.



4.a) Only the candidates from the district where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
has been opened are eligible to apply for admission. However, the district
where JNV is opened and is bifurcated at a later date, the old boundaries of
the district are considered for the purpose of eligibility for admission into
JNVST, in case a new Vidyalaya has not started in newly bifurcated district as

4.b) A candidate appearing for the selection test must be studying in Class-V for
the whole of the academic session 2007-08 in a Government/Government
aided or other recognized schools or schools under schemes of “Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan” or ‘B’ certificate competency course of National Institute of
Open Schooling in the same district where he/she is seeking admission. A
school will be deemed recognized if it is declared so by the Government or by
any other agency authorized on behalf of Government. The Schools under
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan are to be sponsored by Govt. or Govt. authorized
agencies. Schools where students have obtained ‘B’ certificate under National
Institute of Open Schooling should have accreditation of NIOS. A candidate
must successfully complete Class-V in the session 2007-08. Actual
admission in Class-VI for the session 2008-09 will be subject to this

4.c) A candidate seeking admission must not have been born before 01-05-
1995 and after 30-04-1999. This will apply to candidates of all categories,
including those who belong to the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled
Tribes (STs). In case of doubt of overage candidate seeking admission, they
may be referred to the Medical Board for confirmation of the age. The
decision of the Medical Board will be final.
4.d) (I)(a) A Candidate claiming admission from rural quota must have studied
and passed classes III, IV and V from a Govt. / Govt. aided /
recognized school spending one full academic session each year in a
school located in rural area. Such conditions, however, are not
applicable on those candidates who apply from urban quota.
(b) Candidates who will be passing Class-V from schemes of “Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan” or ‘B’ certificate competency course of National
Institute of Open Schooling on or before 30 th September,2008 are also
eligible to write admission test provided they are in the prescribed age
group. The forms of such candidates will be verified by DEO/DIOS. The
rural status of a child from Accredited Centres/Institute of Sarva
Shiksha Abiyan/National Institute of Open Schooling will be decided on
the basis of a certificate to be issued by Tehsildar/District Magistrate of
the District indicating that the child has been residing in rural areas for
the last three years. Students studying under the above scheme from
urban and notified areas are not eligible for obtaining seat in rural
(II) A Candidate who has not been promoted and admitted to Class-V
before 30th September,2007 is not eligible to apply.
4.e) No candidate is eligible to appear in the selection test a second time, under
any circumstances.

5. The parents of the children who qualify the Selection

Test will have to submit following at the time of
admission :

i) Affidavit/Residence Certificate in prescribed proforma in addition to

other documents demanded by the concerned Vidyalaya.

ii) For candidates seeking admission under rural quota, the parents will
also have to submit an affidavit to the effect that the child is studying
in an Institute located in a notified rural area and that they are
residing in a notified rural area.


A) At least 75% of the seats in a district will be filled by candidates selected

from rural areas and remaining seats will be filled from the urban areas of
the district.

B) A candidate seeking admission under the rural quota must have studied in
Classes-III, IV and V completing full academic session from the recognized
school(s) located in rural areas.
C) Candidates studying under the schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and
National Institute of Open Schooling should produce their rural status
certificate issued by District Magistrate/ Tehsildar/Block Development Officer.


A Candidate who has studied in a school located in an urban area even for a
single day of session in any Class-III, IV and V will be considered as an urban
candidate. Urban areas are those which are so defined in 2001 census or through a
subsequent Government Notification. All other areas will be considered as rural.


a) At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by candidates selected from
rural areas and remaining seats are filled from urban areas of the district.

b) Reservation of seats in favour of children belonging to Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes is provided in proportion to their population in the
concerned district provided that in no district, such reservation will be less
than the national average (15% for SC and 7.5% for ST) but subject to a
maximum of 50% for both the categories (SC & ST) taken together. These
reservations are interchangeable and over and above the candidates
selected under open merit.

c) One third of the total seats are filled up by girls.

d) There is a provision for reservation of 3% seats for ** disabled children (i.e.

Orthopaedically Handicapped, Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped).

** “Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the

following conditions namely:-

(i) Total absence of sight; or

(ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (snellen) in the better eye with
correcting lenses; or
(iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse.

** “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better

ear in the conversational range of frequencies.

** “Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones joints or muscles

leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of
cerebral palsy.

** “Person with disability” means a person suffering from not less than forty
percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority.

1. Centre for Examination

Each candidate shall appear for the selection test at the examination centre
allotted to him/her as indicated on the Admit Card. No candidate is permitted
to appear from any other centre. No request for change of centre will be
entertained. No candidate can appear in the selection test without the proper
Admit Card. The competent authority for issuing the Admit Card is Principal,

2. Language of the Examination

The language/medium of the examination for the candidate will be the

medium through which the candidate is studying in Class-V.

A candidate will be given a test booklet in the language he/she has

mentioned in the application form and admit card. It must be ensured that
Same Medium of Examination/Language is written in the Application Form
(Col.9) and Admit Card (Col.1). The test booklet is available in the following

1. Assamese 2. Bengali 3. Bodo

4. English 5. Garo 6. Gujarati
7. Hindi 8. Kannada 9. Khasi
10. Malayalam 11. Manipuri 12. Marathi
13. Mizo 14. Oriya 15. Punjabi
16. Sindhi (Arabic) 17. Sindhi (Devnagri) 18. Tamil
19. Telugu 20. Urdu 21. Nepali

3. Composition of the Test

The selection test will be of two-hour duration and will have 3 sections with
only objective type questions. There are 100 questions in all of 100 marks.
Each question carries one mark:

Type of Test Number of Marks Duration

Mental ability Test 50 50 60 Minutes
Arithmetic Test 25 25 30 Minutes
Language Test 25 25 30 Minutes
Total 100 100 2 Hours

A single test booklet comprising of the 3 sections will be given to each

4. Method of Recording Answers

a) A separate Answer sheet will be provided. Candidates are required to indicate

their answers at an appropriate place on the test booklet itself. The Answer
sheet will be of intelligence Character Recognition (ICR)/Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) Sheet.

b) Only blue/black Ball Point Pen is to be used to write on this answer sheet.
Candidates should bring their own ballpoint pens. Use of pencil is strictly

c) For each question, there are four probable answers, out of which only one is
correct. The candidate is required to select correct answer and indicate
correct Corresponding number (1, 2, 3, 4) given against the probable
answers on the answer sheet. Any other mode such as marking (  ) OR (a,
b, c, d) OR (A, B,C, D) OR ( BÉE,JÉ,MÉ,vÉ) etc. to indicate the answers on
the answer sheet will not be accepted. For example if your answer for
Question no. 37 is 3, write as

d) No change in the answer once written is allowed. Overwriting, cutting and
erasing on the Answer Sheet is also not allowed.

e) One mark will be given for every correct answer.

f) No negative marking will be done.

5. About Instruction and Example

a) The candidate must carefully read the instructions given on the cover page of
the test booklet as well as those for each test/section before attempting the

b) Candidates are advised to confirm that the test booklet received by them is
of the language opted for the test. In case test booklet of correct language
opted for is not provided, the candidate should get it changed before start of
the examination. It is the responsibility of the candidate to obtain the test
booklet of his/her choice as opted in the application form. No representation
in this regard will be entertained after the examination is over.

c) About one minute may be needed to answer each question. Therefore, the
candidate should not spend too much of time on a particular question. If a
question is found difficult to answer he/she may leave it and move on to the
next one. This will help save time. Once the candidate completes all the
questions in a test, he/she may try those questions, which he/she had left in
the first attempt.

d) The total time would be two hours without any break.

e) Securing qualifying marks in each of the three tests is essential. Candidates
are advised not to spend more time on each section of test than suggested,
although they are free to adjust the total time, as they like.

f) There will be a bell after every 30 minutes.

g) (1) No candidate will be allowed to appear in the selection test without

proper Admit Card.

(2) No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall/ room after
30 minutes of the commencement of the selection test.

(3) No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall / room

before completion of 30 minutes after commencement of the test.

Passport size
(Last date of submission of application form in office of Block Education Officer is 15 Nov.2007) photograph of the
individual attested
by Head of the
school where
Roll No.
(To be filled in by the Office of Principal, JNV)

1. Name of the Candidate (IN BLOCK LETTERS)

First Name Middle Name Surname


2. Tick the Appropriate Box

Boy Girl Gen SC ST OBC Rural Urban
a. Sex b. Category c.

b. Disabled: Physically Handicapped Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired

3. Date of Birth : D D MM year

In figure

In words _______________________________________________________

4. a. Mother’s Name ( BLOCK LETTERS) : _______________________________________________

b. father’s name ( BLOCK LETTERS) : _______________________________________________
c. Name of the Guardian (In case father/mother is not the guardian)_________________________
d. Relationship with candidate : _______________________________________________

5. a. Present Postal Address __________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________PIN Code________________
b. Permanent Address __________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________PIN Code _______________
c. Contact Phone No. with STD code (a) landline__________________(b) Mobile_______________

6. Nationality : _____________________________ 7. Region ______________________________

8. School (s) from where the candidate passed classes III, IV and is studying in class V
Classes Class III Class IV Class V
a) (1) Name of the School
(2) Category of School (Recognized/Not)
b) (1) Month and Year of Joining
(2) Month of passing class V
c) Name of the Village or Town
(in which the school is located)
d) Name of the Block
e) Name of the District
f) *School Location : Rural/Urban

9. Language (Medium) in which you want to take the selection test


* A candidate will be belonging to the Rural Category, if

(a) She/he had been studying for all the three academic sessions of
classes 3, 4 and 5th each year from the schools located in rural areas
of the district. If the candidate has studied for even a single day in
Urban School, he/she will be treated as Urban.
(b) She/he had studied from Accredited Centres/Institutions of Serva
Shiksha Abhiyan/National Institute of Open Schooling and she/he has
been residing in a rural area away from the centres in case centres are
in Urban area.
I, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I am aware that, even if selected in JNVST, the applicant is eligible
for admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, only if the relevant documents in proof of the
particulars mentioned above are produced at the time of admission. I also understand that
for promotion of National Integration and as per the scheme of the Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalayas, students from one JNV have to migrate to another JNV (from Hindi Speaking
area to non-Hindi speaking area and vice versa) and I agree to abide by the rules of the
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti in this regard.

Signature of candidate _____________ Signature of Father/Mother/Guardian__________

Name of the candidate _____________ Name of Father/Mother/Guardian_____________

Place ______________
Date ______________


Certified that the particulars given in this application of Master/Kumari

___________________, son/daughter of Mr/Mrs.____________________________ are
found correct as per the school records.

Headmaster’s Signature ________________ BEO’s Signature __________________

Office Stamp Office Stamp

Place ___________________ Place _________________

Date ___________________ Date __________________


State District Block Centre

Scrutinized by_______________ __________________

(Signature & Name of the JNV Official) Signature of Principal, JNV

Place _____________________
Date _____________________ Office Stamp
Date & time of Test : ___________

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Pass port size

photograph of the
Code candidate duly
attested by head of
the school where
Name ___________ _____________ ___________ ____________ ______________
candidate studying.
State District Block Centre Roll No.

Name of Examination Centre ………………………….. ………………………………………….

Following is to be filled in by the candidate in CAPITAL LETTERS

(To be signed by Head Master of the School)

1. Medium of Instructions ____________________________

(It shall be the same as the medium of instruction as given in column 9 of Application Form)

2. Name of the Candidate : Master/Kumari____________________________________________

3. a. Mother’s Name (block letters) ____________________________________________

b. father’s name (block letters) ____________________________________________
c. Name of the Guardian : (In case father/mother is not guardian) ______________________
d. Relationship with candidate ______________________________________________________

4. a. Present Postal Address _______________________________________________________

__________________________________________________PIN code ________________

b. Permanent Address _________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________PIN code ________________

c. Contact Phone No. with STD code ______________________________________________

5. Date of birth : D D M M YEAR

In figure

In words ________________________________________________________

6. Tick the Appropriate Box

Boy Girl Gen SC ST OBC Rural Urban
a. Sex b. Category c.

7. Disabled: Physically Handicapped Visually Impaired Hearing Impaired

--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Signature of the candidate in the presence of HM/Head Signature of the Headmaster/Head of Accredited
of Accredited Institute or Centre of the School where Institute or Centre of the School attesting the
candidate is studying photograph with official stamp.

Signature of the Principal, JNV allotting the Roll No.
With Official Stamp

Parents are requested to collect the acknowledgement/Receipt after depositing the application form. This
acknowledgement will have to be produced while receiving the Admit Card from the Block Education Officer
concerned. In case, Admit Card is not received before one week of the date of Selection Test, contact the Principal
JNV/BEO/DEO concerned immediately.

Received the application form from

Master/Kumari___________________son/daughter of_______________________

for admission in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test 2008.

Signature of the Block Education Officer
With official Seal

Date : ________________________

The Application form for admission to Class VI in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya itself
explanatory. However, following guidelines may be specifically kept in view by the
students and their parents/guardians.

1. Please read the Prospectus and the Application Form carefully. Fill in complete
information after ensuring that the candidate fulfills all the prescribed
requirements such as date of birth within prescribed range (1.5.1995 to
30.4.1999) schooling in classes III, IV & V in recognized institutions.
(Govt./Govt. aided/ Recognized/ Accredited Institute/Centres of Sarva Shiksha

2. Carefully put tick mark in application box with regard to category i.e. General,
SC,ST, OBC & Disabled. In case at the time of Admission, it is found that a
candidate has ticked SC/ST box though he/she does not actually belong to SC/ST
community, his/her selection is liable to be cancelled. Mention at 2(b) the caste if
the candidate belongs to Schedule Caste (SC) or Schedule Tribe (ST). Mention at
2 (d) the specific category if the candidate is disabled.

3. Mention at Sl.No. 3, the date of birth in figures as well as in words. Write correct
Date of Birth as per school records. In case, it is observed at a later stage that
the Date of Birth of the candidate does not match with the school records the
candidature is liable to be rejected.

4. Affix two recent passport size photograph (one on the Application Form and the
other on the Admit Card). The photographs should be attested by the Head
Master of School/Accredited Institute/centre where the candidate is studying in
class V. The impression of the signature and the official stamp should be such
that it overlaps, impart with photograph.

5. Both the candidates and the father/guardian should sign the Application form
(with date) after studying the terms and conditions etc. given in the Prospectus
and Application form.

6. Take the help of the Head of the School, if needed, while filling the Application
Form. Get the Application form signed and stamped by the Head of School before
submission to the Block Education Officer (BEO).

7. The candidate should fill up col. 1 to 7 of the Admit Card and should sign the
Admit Card in the presence of the Head of the Institution where he/she is
studying at the time of the submission of the Application Form.

8. The last date of submission of Application Form in the office of the Block
Education Officer (BEO) is 15 th November, 2007 for test to be conducted on 10 th
February, 2008.

CAUTION : Application Form is liable to rejection if columns are left blank or the entries
are incomplete. Applicants should ensure that they fulfill all the prescribed requirements of
education, age and of special categories (like SC/ST Disabled) area (Urban/Rural) wherever
applicable. If any information given in the original application form is found to be
false/incorrect on subsequent verification, even after the selection of the candidate, the
admission is liable to cancellation and the decision of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti will be final
and binding. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard. Such admissions, if any
obtained by any candidate on the basis of false certificate/declaration/information shall not
only be cancelled but Samiti also reserves the right to recover the expenditure incurred on a
student during his/her entire stay in a vidyalaya.

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