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Astronomy 730 / Galaxies

Problem Set 3

Problem 1. Calculate surface-brightness in solar units for spirals and ellipticals:

a. Do problem 5.2 in S&G
b. Do problem 6.3 in S&G

Problem 2. Calculate M/L for ellipticals:

a. Do problem 6.6 in S&G
b. Do problems 6.13 and 6.14 in S&G

Problem 3. Parameterize the evolution of stellar populations in galaxies:

a. Do problem 6.12 in S&G
b. Estimate which single star best represents the model spectra of a galaxy which
makes all of its stars in a single burst of 108 years after 10 Myr, 100 Myr, 1 Gyr
and 10 Gyr (in Figure 6.18 of S&G) as well as the elliptical galaxy spectrum
shown in Figure 6.17.
c. Now consider Figure 6.19 in S&G. What does this tell you about the validity of a
single-star representation of the colors of today’s elliptical galaxies? Suppose we
extend this conclusion to the model spectra in Figure 6.18. Revise your estimate
for the stellar mix at each of the ages given in (b). Present a qualitative and
quantitative argument for your choice based on what you know about simple
stellar populations, and their evolution with time, Main-Sequence lifetimes, and
CMDs of star-clusters.
d. Tell me how this exercise is relevant for the term project, both generally and
specifically. What conclusions from this set of problems can be applied directly to
the project calculations?

Problem 4. In this problem you will start to work out some simple relations for how
disks like the Milky Way’s might have been heated through diffusion. For boundary
conditions assume: (i) Stars are born in a gas layer characterized by a vertical velocity
dispersion σb and exponential scale-height zb; the stars initially share these phase-space
attributes; these properties are independent of radius within the disk. (ii) The disk is
characterized by a radial mass surface-density distribution, Σ, that is exponential with a
scale length of hR and constant in time. (iii) After stars are born they are heated by a
diffusion process involving a variety of massive objects, e.g., giant molecular clouds,
spiral arms, globular clusters, and satellite galaxies and dark halos. (iv) Today, the disk is
characterized by a vertical distribution that is exponential, with scale-height hz constant
with radius. (v) The disk can always be treated as a system in dynamical equilibrium.

(a) Derive an expression relating the radial trend of σz today with radius [σz(R,t0)],
where t0 is the age of the galaxy disk today. Comment on how the radial trend is
related to, or differs from that of Σ.
(b) Derive an expression which describes the evolution of σz(R,t) for disk stars given
the boundary conditions above and the unknown parameters of diffusion.
(c) Use these results to derive constraints on the radial trend of the disk-heating
coefficient, n, with radius assuming a fixed heating time-scale, τH.
(d) Repeat (c), but instead solving for τH assuming fixed n.
(e) Assume that τH is given by the dynamical time-scale of the disk (at each radius).
For a disk like the Milky Way, what are the values of τH and n at R/hR = 1 and 3
for t0 = 10 Gyr. How does this change if t0 = 6 Gyr? For t0 = 3 Gyr? What do the
differences or similarities in n tell you about the diffusion process in the disk?

Problem 5. Do Problems 4.6, 4.7, 7.1, 7.8, 8.1, and 8.2 in Sparke & Gallagher (these are
all connected).

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