Osslt Practice Test Booklet1 Question PDF
Osslt Practice Test Booklet1 Question PDF
Osslt Practice Test Booklet1 Question PDF
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)
You are not permitted to use cellphones, audio- or video-
recording devices, digital music players or e-mail or
text-messaging devices during the assessment.
Read the selection below and answer the questions in Answer Booklet 1.
Over 1500 applications from around the 1 “He’s an excellent student,” said Dave 6
world flood George Lucas’s animation Quesnelle, who teaches animation and is
academy each year (Lucas created the Star one of Lizarda’s professors. Lizarda stood
Wars films), but only four applicants are out after handing in his first assignment, a
selected for internships. Randolph Lizarda, 10-second action sequence of a muscular
21, from Scarborough, was one of them. circus performer balancing on a ball before
“I’m very excited. I’ll be working in 2 jumping through a hoop of fire. This clip
the LucasArts division animating video was the first segment on the demo reel he
games, although I don’t know what we’re submitted to Lucasfilm.
working on. They wouldn’t tell me—it’s “I had a really good sense of his 7
confidential,” Lizarda said on a break from storytelling. He had the basic principles of
his Sheridan College class. animation [but] it was also comical. And
As a child, Lizarda liked to draw 3 that’s our job. Anyone can make a picture
cartoons. Now he is learning to transfer his move, but to make it entertaining, that’s the
drawing ability to the computer. craft of an animator.”
“I was into [art] when I was little; 4
then I got more into it in high school.
In Grade 10, I took one of those career
surveys to find out where you fit in. I fit
into the animation industry,” he said.
Lizarda aspires to one day work for 5
an animation company such as Pixar or
Section A Reading (continued) page 3
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 What will the focus of Lizarda’s internship be? 4 What do Quesnelle’s quotes indicate about
A films
F He knows a lot about internships.
B cartoons
G He focuses on technical aspects of
C video games
D action sequences
H He recognizes skill and creativity in his
2 Which word is closest in meaning to J He suggests interesting storylines to his
“confidential” as used in paragraph 2? students.
F secret
G personal 5 Which paragraph presents information in
chronological order?
H confusing
A paragraph 2
J professional
B paragraph 4
Open-Response Question
6 Why is Lizarda a good choice for this internship? Use specific details from the selection to explain
your answer.
Section Writing page 4
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 Choose the sentence that does not belong in this 3 Which of the following sentences needs
paragraph. revision?
(1) Traffic is busy on city streets. (2) Cars, (1) The Tri-Town Snow Travellers is a
pedestrians and cyclists must share snowmobile club in Ontario. (2) When the
them. (3) Pedestrians often cross the club was formed in 1968, it focuses on
street where it is convenient but not teaching safe driving on snowmachines.
always where it is safe. (4) Tall buildings (3) Since then, it has raised money to
often line the streets. (5) Navigating city purchase two snow groomers. (4) Now,
streets can be a challenge. club members maintain the snowmobile
trails so that everyone can ride safely.
A sentence 2
A sentence 1
B sentence 3
B sentence 2
C sentence 4
C sentence 3
D sentence 5
D sentence 4
Read the selection below and answer the questions in Answer Booklet 1.
“I got the idea after volunteering at my grandfather’s seniors’ residence. I cut hair and 6
trimmed beards, even styled women’s hair, for anyone who couldn’t get out to the barber-
shop or hairdresser. The residence didn’t have space to set up professional equipment, so I
thought of a way to bring it all to them. After graduation, I borrowed money from the bank
so I could at least afford to buy a van. My brother put in some sweat equity as a mechanic
and converted the van into a mobile salon,” explained Alex.
Nat was puzzled. “Sweat equity? Your brother gets a share of your profit as payment for 7
his hard work fixing up the van?”
Alex nodded in agreement. “That’s the best thing about being my own boss. I can be 8
creative in how I run my business.”
“That aspect appeals to me too,” said Nat. “What’s your best advice for me as an aspiring 9
“Do your research, develop a realistic business plan and focus on your goals.” 10
Section C Reading (continued) page 7
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 How does Nat show that he prepared for his 4 What is the meaning of “aspiring” as used in
interview with Alex? paragraph 9?
2 The colon in paragraph 3 is used to 5 Which of the following best shows that Alex is
F end a sentence.
A He attended college.
G introduce a list.
B He borrowed money.
H indicate a pause.
C He started a mobile salon.
J highlight the next idea.
D He volunteered at a seniors’ residence.
A proof.
B a reason.
C permission.
D clarification.
Open-Response Questions
6 Is the interview with Alex beneficial to Nat’s career exploration? Use specific details from the selection
to support your answer.
7 How does this selection show the benefits of volunteering for community service? Use specific details
from the selection to support your answer.
Section Writing page 8
1 Identify an important environmental issue. Use specific details to explain why it is important.
1 Task:
Write a news report based on the headline and picture above.
• You will have to make up the facts and information to answer some or all of the following
questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?
• You must relate your news report to both the headline and the picture.
The lined space provided in the Answer Booklet for your written work indicates the approximate
length of the writing expected.
Section Reading page 10
Read the selection below and answer the questions in Answer Booklet 1.
Polar bear survival in the wild may be in danger because of climate change. Climate
change is lengthening the ice-free period in southwestern Hudson Bay and thus the polar
bear fast. During the Arctic spring, the bears build up their fat by eating seals that they
hunt from the ice. Warming temperatures are reducing the ice. For the estimated 2000
polar bears in the region, this has serious implications. The sea ice melts completely each 5
summer, stranding the marine creatures on land and away from their normal diet of seal
meat. Although many polar bears do consume lots of blueberries and black crowberries on
land, the bears lose almost a kilogram of weight a day for at least four months and as long
as eight months in the case of pregnant females. Canadian wildlife biologists have been
trying for decades to determine whether polar bears can better endure their months of 10
fasting on land by eating berries. Biologists in the past have tried using measurements
from muscle and blood, without success. More recently, researchers applied masks to 300
tranquilized bears and gathered samples of their breath. They found no significant
differences between bears that had recently eaten berries (detectable from tell-tale stains
on teeth and backsides) and those that hadn’t. Can a berry diet reduce the polar bears’ 15
dependence on their fat reserves? The answer is no. Unlike that of the brown bear, polar
bear metabolism cannot extract sufficient energy from berries alone.
Section F Reading (continued) page 11
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 What is the best meaning of “endure” as used in 4 What is set off by the comma in the final
line 10? sentence of the selection?
A start F a contrast
B enjoy G a definition
C tolerate H items in a list
D prevent J a repeated detail
2 Which option best describes how the 5 Which of the following is likely to occur if the
information in lines 4 to 7 is presented? average temperature continues to rise in the
F chronologically
A The polar bear population will rise.
G by cause and effect
B Polar bears will consume less seal meat.
H as a problem and solution
C Polar bears will spend less time on land.
J by similarities and differences
D Polar bears’ dependency on berries will
3 How did the biologists determine which bears
had recently eaten berries?
6 Which is compared in this selection?
A They tested blood samples.
F blueberries and crowberries
B They looked for stained teeth.
G tranquilized and awake bears
C They measured their muscles.
H past and more-current research
D They used masks to capture breath.
J muscle measurements and blood samples
Open-Response Question
7 State the main idea of this selection and provide one specific detail from the selection that supports it.
Permissions and Credits
Section A: Reading
Adapted from “A Jedi from Scarborough: Animation Student Wins Spot at George Lucas’s Elite Academy” by Robyn Doolittle,
published in the Toronto Star, April 15, 2009. Reproduced with permission—Torstar Syndication Services © Photo: Michael Stuparyk,
Toronto Star.
Section C: Reading
Written for EQAO.
Section F: Reading
Adapted from “Fieldwork: Berry Bears” by Peter Calamai, published in the Toronto Star, January 18, 2009. Reprinted with permission—
Torstar Syndication Services.