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Four Readings an
Philippine Values
Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged
Quezon City
The Institute of Philippine Culture is an organization that studies local problems
of education and economic development and hopes to promote a better
understanding of the Filipino way of life.
Its approach is broadly interdisciplinary, for it knows that only the combined
efforts of many arts and sciences can hope to reveal some part of the mystery
that is man.
It starts with the assumption that there are, in fact, shared and patterned
ways of thinking and doing, of valuing and feeling, that are characteristically
It operates on the principle that these qualities, with their local and other
variations, can be discovered through patient investigation prosecuted in an
orderly fashion by members of various social-science and humanities disciplines
working in close cooperation with one another.
It is inspired by the conviction that the knowledge derived from this effort
will be of transcendental importance for all those who must reckon with the
cultural backgrounds of the Filipinos they serve.
The IPCPapers is the main channel through which the institute disseminates
research findings on those aspects of the Philippines with which it concerns
Preface to the Third Edition
Frank Lynch
Alfonso de Guzman ii
Quezon Gty
October 28, 1970
Preface to the Second Edition
Frank Lynch
Ateneo de Manila
January 11, 1964
Social Acceptance Reconsidered
Frank Lynch
My earlier essay on social acceptance, written and first published in 1961, has
long needed clarification and updating. To satisfy this two-fold requirement I
offer the present article, in which the original statement, now preceded by an
explanatory introduction, is preserved as a kind of baseline and starting point.
Following it are new sections on what we have learned about the subject since
1961, and what remains to be found out.
The original essay on which this article builds was the revised version of the first part of
a paper read at the Fourth Annual Baguio Religious Acculturation Conference (BRAC),
Baguio City, December 29-31, 1960. First published in the conference proceedings
(1961), it later appeared as well in Philippine Studies 10 (l):82-99. After this it became
the lead article in two editions of Four Readings on Philippine Values (“IPC Papers,”
No. 2). Hereafter, all references to the 1961 statement will be cited as Lynch 1970c since
the entire statement is included in this, the larger article.
known and practiced in Obando, Bulacan, and its vicinity, we agreed to come
to Baguio for the BRAC meetings.
Present at the meetings, in addition to BRAC’s founder, the late Laurence
Lee Wilson, were about 80 men and women, of whom three-fifths were Amer¬
ican missionaries. They were in Baguio to mix a year-end respite with serious
reflections on the cultural problems they had met and were meeting in their
lives and work in the Philippines. At the close of three very active days Mary
and I returned to Manila determined, not only to write the promised pub¬
lishable versions of the talks we had given, but also to organize a summer
course that would answer in some fashion the need for better intercultural
understanding so often felt and expressed by good-willed Filipinos and Amer¬
icans such as our newly made Baguio friends.
In the months that followed (January—April 1961), most of my energies
were spent on the latter goal. With the dedicated cooperation of a full-time
staff assembled for the purpose, assisted generously by faculty members who
participated part time in the project, we managed to arrive at the summer
months of May and June with a new course designed to fill the need we had
sensed and spoken about at Baguio. Entitled “Understanding the Philippines
and America,” this offering attracted over 100 students that first summer,
many of whom had been at the BRAC meetings the previous December.
Meanwhile Mary had completed her write-up of the talk she had given on
reciprocity. It was published in the July 1961 issue of Philippine Studies, but
by arrangement with that journal’s editor, Horacio de la Costa, we were
allowed to use the plates later to run off a separately bound edition of the
same article as “IPC Papers, No. I.”1 We got additional mileage from the
same plates by holding them for use in setting up the proceedings of the
Fourth Annual BRAC, for the publication of which I had accepted responsi¬
bility. For my article on social acceptance, as well as for three other papers
that appeared in the 1960 BRAC Proceedings, the procedure was reversed.
Philippine Studies generously paid for the setting up of the articles, but
allowed the BRAC prior use of the plates to produce the published proceed¬
I have gone into such detail because the history of the article on social ac¬
ceptance introduces and explains the audience and purpose for which I wrote
it. To some extent, it also helps explain the sources and methodology.
As in many exploratory studies, the investigation that produced the social
acceptance article made use of three methods: (a) a review of the pertinent
literature; (b) conversations with Filipinos and others who had practical ex¬
perience with, and reflective ideas about, Filipino behavior; and (c) the anal¬
ysis of “insight-stimulating” cases, or examples, drawn from my own expe¬
rience and that of others (Selltiz et al. 1967:53).
In these readings, interviews, and analyses the goal was to identify values
operative in Philippine culture, describe how they seemed to interact with
one another, and what relative importance and position each apparently had
in the total value system. All this, of course, led at most to a tentative formu¬
lation suitable for more accurate description and testing. Of use in construct¬
ing our outline of Philippine values, and in assigning social acceptance to its
appropriate place within it, was the fourfold test that Robin Williams em¬
ployed (1960:409—410) to judge the importance of a value in a culture. His
questions about the extensiveness, duration, and intensity of the value, and
the prestige of its carriers, were in fact included in the social acceptance arti¬
cle in partial explanation of the study’s methodology.
In our saner moments, we humans accept the fact that we are different
from one another. And in our leisure moments many of us enjoy getting a
closer look at these differences, either first hand through travel, or second
hand through reading and conversation. Yet for all that, and with all the good
will in the world, we remain incipient Professor Higginses, for whom all the
world is Eliza Doolittle: unconsciously perhaps but nonetheless intently, we
are out to remake the world to our image, and if tolerance keeps our creative
urge in check today and tomorrow, we know that come next week we may
be more critical and exacting than ever.
What is this urge that lies within us, this tendency to censure and correct,
to rate and score, to prune, crop, trim, and transplant? It is the expression of
a basic and essentially human faculty, that of evaluation. It is a sign that we
are human, for only humans make this critical response to their environment
(Smith 1958:8). This intelligent reaction involves the recognition of a funda¬
mental contrast between good and evil, truth and falsity. It involves as well
the presence and operation of standards or criteria of judgment. Finally, if
the judgment is to be relevant, it supposes a knowledge of the peculiar cir¬
cumstances in which the evaluation must be made.
Thus if I see a man strike a child with some vehemence, it is likely that as
a human being I will pass some judgment, however kind and charitable,on
the action. For I am convinced that actions such as these may be good or bad,
and that there is a great difference between the two; further, I believe that
there are some conditions under which it is good and others under which it is
bad for a man to strike a child so; finally—not knowing the circumstances of
the particular case—I may presume that the man has some good reason for
this violence (because he is the father, perhaps, and the child is being cor¬
rected for an action which might possibly endanger its life, or—if I am a
*See footnote on Page 1. This section is the article previously entitled “Social Accept¬
ance” which appeared in two editions of Four Readings on Philippine Values (“IPC
Papers,” No. 2). It is reproduced here in its entirety, with minor alterations in style-nof
content. Thus the one explanatory footnote of the article is retained while all the other
notes (footnotes for purposes of documentation) have been written in brief form into
the main text, and the full reference transferred to the appropriate section at the end of
the entire article. Sequence of paragraphs was also altered as were the opening lines of
some paragraphs. Section headings were supplied for greater clarity. Finally, the numer¬
ical superscripts which appear here are new explanatory notes prepared by the author in
1970. These numbers follow the sequence of those of the larger article, and the corre¬
sponding notes are included in the section on notes at the end of the entire article.
6 Frank Lynch
Our purpose is not to pass judgment on this theme or its supporting values.
It is rather less ambitious than that: first, to present an opinion regarding a
wellspring of certain frequently observed patterns of Filipino behavior-;
second, and more important perhaps, to demonstrate a way of thinking about
observed patterns of behavior which, though it may not give us many answers,
will at least stop us from thinking we have all the answers.
At the outset it may help to place this basic value in context. It is one of
the themes that express conditions of human existence considered not only
attainable but highly desirable—the principal constituents of the Good Life
here on earth. These aims, arranged in the order of descending importance
(as I see it) are the following: (Fj to be accepted by one’s fellows for what
one is, thinks oneself to be, or would like to be, and be given the treatment
due to one’s station; (2) to be economically secure, at least to the extent of
ordinarily being free of debt; (3jto move higher on the socio-economic scale.
Social acceptance, economic security, and social mobility—these are in my
opinion, three basic aims that motivate and control an immense amount of
Filipino behavior. I shall here consider only the first and most important of
these themes.
him, was liable to death” (Loarca 1582:127, 181). Plasencia, writing in 1589,
says that insulting words caused great anger among the Kapampangan, and if
two such quarreling parties refused to pay the fines levied for this kind of
behavior, they were expected to try to outdo each other in giving a public
feast, the one who spent most to be considered “the more powerful and
honorable” (Plasencia 1589:326—27). Juan Delgado wrote in 1754 that the
Filipino would rather suffer 100 lashes than a single harsh word, an opinion
echoed in Jose Rizal’s footnote to Morga: “The Filipino today prefers a
beating to scolding or insults” (Morga 1609:128—29).
Dr. Encarnacion Alzona expresses this commonly held value when she
s (1956:263-65):
The use of courteous language is an ancient attribute of our people. Bluntness or
brusqueness of speech is frowned upon, being regarded as a sign of ill-breeding. Thus, we
give the erroneous impression to foreigners, who do not understand our concept of good
manners, of being prolix or circumlocutory. As a matter of fact, it is the respectful and
polite way of introducing a serious subject which is the real object of the call or conver¬
sation. A low voice and gentle manner must accompany the courteous speech, following
the saying in Tagalog that
Speaking in a harsh tone has been the cause of altercations, as the sensitive Filipino
interprets it as an expression of ill-feeling. Even menial workers resent it, and the wise
employer guards the tone of his voice in speaking to them, if he wants to preserve
harmony and good feeling between management and labor.
political, social, or personal reasons. And it has been going on that way for all
of Philippine history. Loarca, for example, stated in 1582 that the people of
Panay had no judges “although there are mediators who go from one party to
another to bring about a reconciliation” (Loarca 1582:141).
In family disputes, the same pattern obtains. Frequently, a relative who is
not involved in the difficulty becomes the middleman for two fellow-kinsmen
who are not on speaking terms with each other. This is considered his duty,
provided he has the other qualities that make him desirable as a go-between:
smooth speech and wit above all.
From what has been presented so far, it will be clear, I trust, that smooth¬
ness of interpersonal relations, attained through concession, euphemisnythe
use of a mediator, and other means, is highly and traditionally valued in
Philippine society, and found at work in almost all human encounters. That
this harmony of interaction should be relatively more important in the Phil¬
ippines than in the United States is traceable, I believe, to the differential
emphasis on individual responsibility and group solidarity in the two societies.
Traditionally, the American adult attains security through independence-
standing on his own feet, fighting his own battles, making his own way in the
world. In actual fact, this Horatio Alger character is often quite dependent on
the assistance of others, but the ideal, inculcated in early child training, is
that of the independent, achievement-oriented striver.15 So effective is the
childhood training that in later life, when hard reality has made appeal to
kinsmen a necessity at least occasionally, there remains the feeling that it is
not a good thing. Illustrative of this ambivalence is the report of Cumming
and Schneider (1961:501) on intensive interviews with 15 American adults
between the ages of 50 and 80.
We found some reluctance among our respondents to discuss instrumental activities
or mutual aid and an eagerness to discuss socio-emotional and ritual activities. In all 15
cases, initial questioning about aid among kinsmen elicited the belief that borrowing and
lending among kindred was a mistake. Further questioning, however, revealed that such
mutual aid had, in fact, taken place recently among 6 of the 15. Even exchange of serv¬
ice is discussed reluctantly. Kinship appears to include friendliness, rites of passage,
family reunions, and sociability, but ideally it does not include service or financial help,
although this may, through bad fortune, be necessary.
employer, “He shamed me,” or “He put me to shame” (hiniya niya ako). If,
while he was asking for the loan, a fellow employe innocently entered the
office and joined them, the worker might break off his request and leave at
the first opportunity, explaining later that he did so because “I felt ashamed,”
or “I was made to feel ashamed” (napahiya ako). A study of these episodes
indicates that the generic meaning of hiya is the uncomfortable feeling that
accompanies awareness of being in a socially unacceptable position, or per¬
forming a socially unacceptable action. Hiya is shame, but the feeling is
aroused in various ways.
In the first episode, the employe has the feeling by anticipation: project¬
ing himself into the position of asking his employer for a loan, he is aware of
being in a socially undesirable role. The concomitant uncomfortable reaction
inhibits further action. One who has flagrantly violated socially approved
norms of conduct, yet is known or presumed to have had this antecedent
awareness, merits condemnation as “shameless,” or waiting hiya: he did not
possess that restraining feeling of shame that should have accompanied his
social awareness.
In the second instance described above, the employe judged it socially
safe to approach his employer, but was rebuffed. Here it was someone else
who deliberately made the employe feel out of place, generating in him an
awareness of his socially unacceptable position or action and the feeling of
shame that accompanies this awareness. In the final case, the element of vol¬
untariness is missing, for it was the situation created by the unexpected en¬
trance of a co-worker, rather than anyone’s deliberate intent, that made the
employee feel out of place and withdraw from the scene.
Amor propio. Hiya is a universal social sanction in lowland Philippine so¬
ciety, for it enforces conformity with all aspects of the social code, whether
the end in view is acceptance by society in general or by the individual with
whom one is dealing at the moment. There is, however, a second sanction,
more limited in scope, a special defense against severe interpersonal unpleasant¬
ness. I refer to amor propio, or self-esteem, which is sensitivity to personal
This sensitivity is not, like smooth interpersonal relations, for the attain¬
ment and enhancement of social acceptance; it serves rather to retain the
acceptance one already has. It is an emotional high-tension wire that girds the
individual’s dearest self, protecting from disparagement or question the
qualities he most jealously guards as his own best claim to others’ respect and
Amor propio, in other words, is not aroused by every insult, slighting
remark, or offensive gesture. The stimuli that set it off are only those that
strike at the individual’s most highly valued attributes. Some examples may
clarify this distinction.
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 17
To judge from the failure of the joint BPS-PACD functional literacy
project, the average Filipino farmer is not greatly concerned over his ability or
inability to read and write. Chided for his illiteracy, his reaction is apathetic;
he is, at most, shamed or humiliated by the disparaging comment. His re¬
action lacks the high emotional charge generated by injured self-esteem.
But if he is accused of being an improvident father, or the husband of a
faithless spouse, core values and attributes have been questioned and the
reaction is liable to be violent.
The Tagalog scholar who is quite willing to accept corrections for his
lapses into poor English may be incensed by any questioning (even legitimate
and justified) of his analysis of Tagalog. It has been my observation that
participants in round-table discussions and seminars are extremely alert to
indications of emotional involvement and will deliberately avoid pressing a
question if the respondent seems too committed to his position. Where there
is emotional involvement, there is amor propio, and to prick amor-propio is
to ask,for trouble.
jt, Social acceptance is gained and enhanced by smooth interpersonal relations;
_ its loss is guarded against by two sanctions discouraging behavior disruptive of
these relations. The first and general sanction is hiya, or shame; the second
nd specific safeguard is amor propio, or self-esteem, which is a sensitivity to
personal insult or affront. By these positive and negative means the lowland
Filipino strives to have his fellows take him for a good man, an acceptable
member of the community.
i. Superordinate-subordinate
ii. Coordinate
4. Compassion (awd)-any individual who has suffered a grievous blow
at the hand of Fate or human injustice or who is (even through his
own fault) in a helpless condition, deserves sympathy, pity, mercy,
and, should he ask for it, assistance. (In this statement the word
“any” is stressed because the principle cuts across segment bound¬
At the time I wrote the original statement on social acceptance, there was
little information available on the subject, except in those writings, anecdotes,
personal experiences, and unpublished recollections mentioned above. But
matters have changed considerably in the past nine years: although there are
undoubtedly more, 1 am currently aware of no fewer than 31 new studies that
shed additional light on the question. Included among them, and to be re¬
viewed more or less briefly in the pages that follow, are three national surveys,
four regional or provincial studies, six community studies, and 18 reports on
special groups such as students or the parents of grade-school children.
Before we consider the results of these investigations, let me insert a
reminder. It was, and is, my position that social acceptance is for most low¬
land Filipinos a thematic value; that is, an implied postulate which need not
be consciously held, but is in fact frequently influential in the choices made
by those who have it. At the conscious level, we hypothesize two intermediate
and supportive values, namely, smooth interpersonal relations, or pakikisama,
and sensitivity to personal affront. It is with expressions of the latter two
values, and less immediately with social acceptance, that most of the following
studies are concerned.
National Surveys
Quality Fat Mo So Da Hu Wi
Consideration and
effectiveness in
dealing with people2 27% 33% 21% 18% 39% 35%
Deference, calm,
humility3 4 7 28 36 6 10
Religious piety 3 4 5 6 5 5
Morality 17 6 13 5 13 9
Industry, thrift 18 25 11 18 20 24
honesty 4 2 6 5 6 4
Modernity 6 2 12 5 3 2
Devotion to
children 19 19 — — 5 7
Other 2 2 4 6 3 4
Total 723 724 722 735 2,997 2,985
Total no. of
respondents 436 436 430 430 1,143 1,143
1 Abbreviations: Fa, father; Mo, mother:; So, son; Da, daughter; Hu, husband; Wi, wife.
2The most frequently mentioned words and phrases coded under this category are these:
understanding, sympathetic, loving, kind, thoughtful, considerate, sociable, friendly,
polite, hospitable.
3The most frequently mentioned words and phrases under this category are these: (For
sons and daughters) obedient, patient, calm, quiet, peaceful, self-controlled; (for others)
calm, quiet, peaceful, self-controlled.
32 for each of the nine provincial cities. This survey differs from the first two
mentioned above, not only because the respondents are from big cities, but
also because they are leaders at the national or regional level.
24 Frank Lynch
As of this writing (August 1970) about 160 of the national influentials and
280 of the locals have been interviewed, and it is clear from the data processed
to date that the average Filipino influential is very well educated indeed:
among nationals not one respondent reports less than four years of college;
among locals only 8 per cent have not finished a bachelors degree (Lynch
1970a: Tables 34 and 35). In contrast to the rural respondents of humble sta¬
tion who figured in the two surveys reported earlier, these urban leaders seem
notably less concerned about smooth interpersonal relations. More accurately,
when national-level leaders are asked to describe the kind of person they think
the ideal high school and college should produce, they give very little thought
to traits we would code under SIR. Qualities of this category total to only
three per cent of all answers (Table 2).
‘Includes these qualities: knows how to deal with people, can get along with fellowmen,
wins friends, cooperative, good manners, respectful, gentleman.
(stems 12, 13, and 24). However, when a friend has spoken against them, or
someone has insulted them, respondents react both more strongly and less
uniformly. All of them give more scope to anger and outright confrontation
with the wrongdoer than they do when mere dislike, annoyance, or avoidance
is at issue, but the relative importance given to this aggression varies by re¬
spondent group. In these two situations (stems 11 and 25), provincial residents
clearly differ among themselves: lower-class respondents solve both problems
principally by speaking out in anger or retaliation, while the town-dwelling big
people opt mainly for a strategy of withdrawal. Manila students, on the other
hand, emphasize the silent approach in dealing with a disloyal friend, but be¬
lieve in an angry rejoinder for anyone who insults them.
In the context of interpersonal relations, pakikisama is the most important
consideration for the great majority (72 to 93 per cent) of respondents, espe¬
cially for rural residents (stem 18), but it is the most important thing in life
for only a minority (13 to 25 per cent; stem 28).
Impact of modernization. So much for the subproject on interpersonal
behavior patterns. As materials for his major study, which concerned the im¬
pact of modernization on Filipinos, Guthrie (1970:63) had a variety of sources.
Most important among them perhaps were discussions with key informants
and the replies recorded in a 118-item interview with 108 respondents in each
of the four municipalities studied.
On the question of pakikisama, three major statements seem justified by
data derived from the latter source. First, though the majority of these re¬
spondents believe that pakikisama is now more important than it was five to 10
years ago (item 40) and that its importance will increase with time (item 60),
this attitude is less pronounced among those nearer Manila, those from higher
social groups, and women. Second, factor analysis indicates that respondents’
attitudes about interpersonal relations vary with relative independence from
their feelings about jobs and money, political influence and help, and content¬
ment (Guthrie 1970:90). Finally, lower-class barrio residents react more ag¬
gressively to insult than do town-dwellers (item 91).
Provincial surveys
Bulacan. Surveys conducted in the province of Bulacan, Negros Oriental,
and Negros Occidental also tell us something about social acceptance and
pakikisama. The first is one done 1963—65 by Feliciano and her associates in
five barrios located in four municipalities of Bulacan.23 A total of 476 re¬
spondents were interviewed to discover factors related to the acceptance of
planned change, especially to the implementation of the Land Reform Code.
Under the subheading of personalism, Feliciano (1966:260) reports that farm¬
ers “attribute their acceptance of farming practices, among other things, to
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 27
Table 3
Guthrie-Azores respondents to Sentence Completion Test,
classified by responses given to selected sentence stems,
crossclassified by residence and social class.
the influence of the change agent as well as of their neighbors and friends and
other barrio influentials.” This influence is traced to the desire to please:
“Although they might not be convinced of the new practice, still they adopt
it so as not to disappoint the change agent, their neighbor or their friend.”
“They had to cooperate, they said, because the change agent had such a fine
personality they could not displease him.” Feliciano further reports that the
portrait of the change agent, as revealed by depth interviewing of farmers, was
that of “one who could get along with everyone in the barrio, young or old
alike.” She finds, in other words, that in dealing with the friendly, well-inten¬
tioned stranger, or with neighbors and friends who give well-meaning advice,
these rural respondents bend over backwards to please.
Negros Occidental. In 1969 the Institute of Philippine Culture did a prov¬
ince-wide exploratory study of sugarcane farms located in 21 municipalities
of Negros Occidental (Lynch 1970b).24 Farms were chosen randomly—
eight in each of the eight milling districts we studied—to represent differences
in size, productivity, and tenure. On the individual farms, respondents were
also chosen randomly whenever they exceeded in number the quota we had
set for a particular role category, namely: one hacendero (planter), one encar-
gado (overseer), one cabo (foreman-timekeeper), three permanent workers
(residing permanently on the farm in free housing), three temporary workers
(residing off the hacienda property, usually in a nearby barrio).25 Besides these
farm-based respondents, we also interviewed an additional 57 off-farm respond¬
ents, some chosen purposively and others randomly, to represent officials of
the government, of labor, of the sugar industry, and the clergy.
All respondents were asked open-endedly to describe the best possible ha¬
cendero, cabo, permanent worker, sacada (migrant worker), contratista (labor
contractor), and priest. They were also asked to give the most common failings
of each of these six kinds of people. Although their replies were broader in
scope, we record here the responses of hacenderos, cabos, permanent workers,
and off-farm respondents only insofar as they shed light on the importance of
SIR as a norm.
For both cabo- and worker-respondents, smooth interpersonal relations is
the most commonly mentioned desirable quality for five out of the six roles
(all except the priest); its violation is the most frequently mentioned failing in
four out of the six roles (Table 4). Planters however, give SIR first place in
only two out of six desirable-quality cases; and in none of the common-failing
lists (Lynch 1970b: 19-25).25
For the off-farm respondents the only pertinent information available to us
at this writing is an unpublished table which shows their views of the best and
worst possible priest. For the best possible priest, off-farm respondents rank
SIR among other desirable qualities as follows: sugar officials (N = 27), 1.5;
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 29
Table 4
Average rank given to SIR by IPC/NFSP exploratory-survey respondents de¬
scribing qualities of best and worst possible incumbents of selected
roles, classified by role described, crossclassified by
respondent’s own role.
Best/ Hacendero Cabo
Role described worker
Worst (N =63) (N = 50) (N -171)
Hacendero Best 1 1 1
Worst 3 1 1
Cabo Best 2 1 1
Worst 2.5 1 1
Permanent worker Best 1 1 1
Worst 7 3 1
Sacada Best 4 1 1
Worst 8.5 1.5 1
Contratista Best 2 1 1
Worst 2 2 2
Priest Best 2 2 2
Worst 3.5 1 2
Source: Lynch 1970b; 19-25, and unpublished tables available at the Institute of Philip¬
pine Culture, Ateneo de Manila.
government officials (N = 10), 8.5; labor officials (N = 8), 4.5; clergy (N = 12),
2. The lack of SIR is mentioned as a common failing of priests only by the
sugar officials, with whom it ranks 5.5 among other qualities mentioned.
Smooth interpersonal relations is, then, of greater importance to workers
than it is to planters and off-farm respondents. In the latter group, sugar offi¬
cials (many of whom are also planters) approximate the hacenderos most close¬
ly in this regard.
Negros Oriental. Another ideal-quality study is that of Hottle (1970), who
in 1969 interviewed 84 respondents from four poblaciones in northern Negros
Oriental. Among his interests was their view, respectively, of the best and
worst possible priest. Representing almost a third of all replies to the first
question (Table 5) were responses tabulated under “Identification with/under¬
standing of people,” a category which “was understood to embrace qualities
which appeared to be those contributing primarily to what F. Lynch has
30 Frank Lynch
Table 5
Responses of Hottle-study respondents classified by qualities mentioned in
describing the best and worst possible priest, crossclassified
by kind of priest being described.
Identification with/
understanding of people1 31.4% 41.0%
1 Responses coded in this category are the following: (for best priest): sociable,approach¬
able, adjustable and flexible, “having a good PR [public relations],” deals well with
people, not proud, not aloof, not unfriendly, like us; (for worst priest): not sympathetic,
no mercy for the people, aristocratic ways, hot temper, insulting way of dealing with
people, unsociable, proud, strict, cruel.
2ln the “worst possible priest" column the percentage is that which Hottlc (1970:85)
coded under "Selfishness."
3ln the “worst possible priest” column the percentage is that which Hottle (1970:85)
coded under “Favoritism.”
Source: Hottle 1970:81, 85.
Community Studies
Since 1960 a number of studies have appeared which are based on research
conducted in a single municipality. Among those that 1 have seen, 1 find those
of Nurge (1965), the Nydeggers (1966), Abasolo-Domingo (1961), Kaut
(1961), and Jocano (1966b, 1969a, 1969b, 1969c) most relevant to our pres¬
ent interests. The first three studies concentrate on child-rearing and personal¬
ity development, while those of Kaut and Jocano are more general in scope,
with special emphasis, however, on social organization and structure.
Child-rearing studies
Nurge in Leyte. Nurge spent about eight months (December 1955 to July
1956) in barrio Guinhangdan, northeast Leyte. Her major interest was child-
rearing practices there, about which she has this to say:
Dominant and aggressive behavior is discouraged and suppressed in the village and
training for suppression begins very early for both sexes. Quarrels among children are
deplored; physical violence is inveighed against; and any attempt at self-assertiveness is
discouraged or punished. Mothers are unanimous in deploring the quarrelsome child in
the play group and in praising the peaceful one. They are, in fact, monotonous in their
repetition that an active, assertive child is a troublemaker and a quiet, quiescent, submis¬
sive, noncompetitive child is a good one (Nurge 1965:84).
It is Kaut’s observation, in other words, that the ordinary barrio folk with
whom he lived placed great importance on the avoidance of overt interpersonal
Jocano and interpersonal relations in Capiz. Jocano has studied several
communities in rural central Panay and a neighborhood in the Santa Ana dis¬
trict of Manila. Especially relevant to our inquiry are his detailed descriptions
of Malitbog (1969a, 1969b), a barrio of Tapaz, Capiz, and his references in
passing to both Malitbog and Santa Ana (1966a, 1966b, 1969c).
The Malitbog study was done especially in 1964—65, though Jocano had
visited and stayed in Malitbog on several previous occasions (1966b:xi) at
the time of his most intensive research the barrio numbered 733 people, of
whom a little over half were Catholics and the rest Protestants (1969a:31).
Jocano’s published reports affirm the high value accorded considerate inter¬
personal dealings. Thus he cites with approval Ealdama’s description of patug-
siling(Jocano 1969a:285;see Ealdama 1948:81—82), calling it, after Ealdama,
one of the “cardinal virtues” of the people of Malitbog (Jocano 1969b: 101).
Ealdama’s description of this quality contains the following familiar ideas:
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 33
It embraces the meanings of love, kindness, justice, and consideration. It also means
broadmindedness, and sympathetic understanding. In its broadest concept, it reflects a
norm of conduct which goes farther than the golden rule to the point of subordinating
complacently one’s opinions, likes and dislikes to those of another; it inclines one to
weigh his words and acts, so that what is said or done will not in any way injure another.
It enjoins one to view with just consideration the feelings, conditions and circumstances
of his fellowmen.
He closes the article with his ideas on “the psychology of the Filipino
yes," giving seven circumstances in which the average Filipino will say “yes”
when he really means “no.”28 This is of course one of the more striking eu¬
phemistic practices noted by visitors to the Philippines.
To summarize, in his Malitbog study and in at least one of his more general
statements, Jocano affirms that a traditionally high value is placed on social
acceptance (or at least on smooth interpersonal relations) as a cultural norm.
However, he does not stop here. As we shall see, he reports that in both Malit¬
bog and Santa Ana the behavior of people often falls short of this ideal
(Jocano 1966b:286-87). I shall return to this latter point after a brief sum¬
mary of the pertinent findings of Jocano’s Manila study.
Jocano and aggressiveness in Santa Ana, Manila. For his study of a slum
area, Jocano drew in part on his own observations as a resident, off and on, in
the years 1964-67, and in part on the results of interviews with 300 gang
members. Of the latter, three out of four came from one-parent households,
34 Frank Lynch
their fathers having deserted the family or been sent to jail. Given such
circumstances it is easy to believe that the “importance of the gang to the
individual often transcends that of the home” (Jocano 1969c:56—57).
“Violence,” we are told, “is a normal expectation among the gang. In fact,
it can be safely inferred that it is the core of gang subculture.” One boy is
quoted as follows:
If you show you are a coward, all the boys will make fun of you; no one will respect you
as a person. You have to be aggressive. The whole world is expecting you to be that way.
The police are after you, the people outside of the slum community look down on you,
your fellow slum-dwellers are mean to you-what else can you do? Be what they expect
you to be. That way, you are accepted and you are happy (Jocano 1969c:58).
Jocano believes that gangs are formed to answer the young slum-dweller’s
need for acceptance and group identity; further, that aggressiveness is the
vehicle for this acceptance, as well as for the expression of personal frustra¬
tions, and for the refutation of charges, real or imagined, that one is less manful
than he says he is, or ought to be. Fellow gang members are, then, substitute
parents and siblings, and loyalty to the gang (going along with one’s kabarkada
and their norms—come hell, high water, police threats, beatings, or prison
terms) makes and keeps one a member of his ersatz family.
Jocano further reports (1966b:287) that, despite the rough language many
slum-dwellers use, SIR does have a place in “dealing with strangers or with
persons suspected of having certain government connections.” He refers to
this as a “front,” suggesting that among themselves slum-dwellers are charac¬
teristically given to “threats, expletives, and obscene expressions.”
When Jocano publishes the monograph he has promised us on the slum as
a way of life, we will all have a better understanding of the complexities of
Santa Ana. Meanwhile, I conclude from what he has already published that
(a) social acceptance is highly valued among gang members there, (b) sensitivity
to personal affront (amor propio) protects against the loss or diminution of
that acceptance, (c) courtesy and euphemism are characteristically employed
in dealing with friendly strangers, (d) pakikisama, in the sense of conformity
to group norms, is highly valued among gang members, and (e) aggressiveness
toward enemies, actual or potential, is also highly valued.
Stress and conflict in Malitbog and Santa Ana. The studies of Nurge, the
Nydeggers, Abasolo-Domingo, Kaut, and Jocano are all based in part on the
authors’ observations of ongoing behavior in the communities where they
lived. In this they differ from the national surveys and regional or provincial
studies described earlier. However, among the observational studies, those of
Jocano are unique in that, while confirming, like the others, the traditional
value placed on social acceptance, SIR, and amor propio, they also attest to an
alternative norm of aggressiveness (among the Santa Ana gang members). What
is more, whereas other authors make only indirect and passing reference to
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 35
violations of the traditional norm of interpersonal harmony, Jocano emphasizes
that quarrels and conflicts are common occurrences in both Malitbog and
Santa Ana. He reports (1966b:286), in fact, that family and neighborhood
quarrels occur almost daily in Santa Ana, and that in a six-month period in
Malitbog he recorded 87 quarrels and 150 misunderstandings. We shall return
to these findings toward the end of the essay.
Special-group Studies
Aside from national, regional, provincial, and community studies, there are
18 other investigations available for review, conveniently distinguished by the
main occupation of the subjects they concern. Seven are about college or high
school students, and another three each report on the mothers of grade-school
children, government-related people, and urban workers. A final two concern
institutional inmates. With the few exceptions to be noted in passing, all sub¬
jects are residents of Greater Manila.
The SIR Factor. Juan (1967) factor-analyzed scores obtained by 215 male
Filipino college freshmen who in 1964 took a battery of ability and personality
tests commonly used in the Philippines. Her Factor B, which she calls the
“Smooth Interpersonal Relations Factor (SIR),” is a bipolar factor defined by
variables found in the EPPS and Gordon’s Survey of Interpersonal Values
(SIV).3o As Juan explains it (1967:27-28):
The positive end is defined by 1) the EPPS needs of working hard and keeping at a job
till it is finished (endurance); of letting others make decisions, getting suggestions from
others (deference); of analyzing one’s motives and feelings in order to understand others
better (intraception); 2) SIV values of conformity which is doing what is socially correct,
and benevolence which is doing things for other people and sharing with them. Clearly
then, these qualities comprise what has usually been defined as maintaining smooth inter¬
personal relations (SIR), a value that is highly and traditionally treasured in the Filipino
society and found at work in almost all human encounters....
The negative end of this factor is defined by 1) SIV values of recognition which is
being looked up to and admired, and support which is being treated with kindness and
understanding and receiving encouragement; 2) EPPS needs of going out with members of
the opposite sex and being sexually attractive (heterosexuality), having others provide
help when in trouble (succorance), saying witty things and being the center of attention
(exhibition). The negative end implies the drive for individual recognition, to be catered
to by others, to be the center of attention. It involves an element of showing off, of
striving to be recognized as better than others. Clearly none of these characteristics en¬
hance the maintenance of SIR.
All of these factors, B, F, and K reflect individual-oriented behavior; but while B pertains
to what is acceptable and valued highly, F and K pertain to what is not. The factor shows
that the person who strives towards the maintenance of smooth interpersonal relations is
one who is low in autonomy and aggression. The predominance of the SIR value is again
brought out in the second order factors.
At the end of her report, Juan sums up (1967:42-43) what she sees as the
likely contribution she has made to our understanding of the Filipino.
The significance of this study lies not so much in the validation of tests themselves as
in the isolation of a personality value pattern unique in Philippine society. This value pat¬
tern has long been believed to be characteristic of Filipinos and has been established by
means of questionnaires, interviews, and intuition. The present study not only gives quan¬
titative support to these previous findings but clarifies both their positive and negative
aspects. The two personality patterns revealed in the second order factors a and c seem to
be unique to the Filipinos.32
At this point we can reflect on the papers of both Bulatao (1963) and
Juan (1967). Common to the two studies is the use of the EPPS, either ex¬
clusively (Bulatao) or along with other instruments. Now if we consider the
EPPS variables that load positively or negatively on Juan’s SIR Factor (Factor
B), we can ask how they are distributed in the more diverse sample studied by
The EPPS needs in question are, on the positive end, endurance, deference,
and intraception;on the negative, heterosexuality, succorance, and exhibition.
Assuming that factor structures will differ by sex, educational level, socio¬
economic status, and other background features affecting performance on the
EPPS, still our knowledge of contrasting performance by sex, residence, and
culture (as revealed by the Bulatao study), allows us to make a reasonable
prediction. If factor analyses were in fact done for Bulatao’s subsamples, the
following overall tendencies would most likely appear: the SIR Factor would
be more clearly differentiated among Filipinas, provincial males, and Filipino
men and women, respectively, than among Filipinos, Manila males, or Amer¬
ican men and women.
Agreeableness. The relatively less important role played by SIR among
American students is suggested by another recent study as well. Guthrie and
Bennett (1970) replicated among 80 Manila college students an earlier study
(Passini and Norman 1966), one purpose of which was to derive the factor
structure that emerged when subjects, assembled for the task, rated one an¬
other on a set of personality scales. While the strongest factor in the Amer¬
ican studies had been “Extroversion, or Surgency,” followed by “Agreeable¬
ness,” the Filipino study discovered the reverse to be true. Guthrie and
Bennett found that Factor I, Agreeableness, accounted for 41 per cent of the
total common variance, with Factor II, Extroversion, or Surgency, accounting
for only 17 per cent. The comparable percentages for these factors in the
American study were 27 and 29 per cent, respectively.
38 Frank Lynch
In support of our conclusion from Guthrie and Bennett (1970) that Fili¬
pino college students are stronger on SIR than American students, we have
Peabody’s finding (1968:123—24) that while Filipinos are judged tactful (and
devious), Americans are considered frank (and tactless).
Communication networks. Hare (1969) was, like Peabody, one of the
research associates who participated in the Ateneo-Penn State Basic Research
Program. Before making communication-network experiments in the Philip¬
pines, he had earlier replicated the work of Leavitt (1951) in the United
States, Nigeria, and South Africa. In his report, Hare compares the perform¬
ances of male students from three Philippine colleges (Ateneo de Manila,
Ateneo de Zamboanga, and Notre Dame of Jolo) with those of students from
Haverford College, the University of Ibadan, and the University of Cape Town.
The average Philippine group is noteworthy for the high number of mes¬
sages they send. They are also more polite than any other group in message
content, and tend to give much higher ratings on satisfaction with the exper¬
iment. Hare believes these findings can be explained, in part at least, by a
concern for SIR, “which leads group members to continually check the ex¬
tent of their agreement and understanding and to inhibit the overt expression
of negative comment” (Hare 1969:43).
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 39
Table 6
Responses of Bennett-study mothers (sixth-grade children) describing
the kind of child they want their own boys and girls to be best
friends with, classified by quality, crossclassified by sex
of respondent’s child.
1E.g., friendly, kind, unselfish, considerate of others, good sport, loyal, patient, helpful,
courteous, polite.
Government-related people
l have chosen to group the next three studies under the rubric of govern-
ment-relatedness. But this is true of them to varying degrees. Hollnsteiner’s
neighborhood and district leaders from Tondo, for instance, arc either public
42 Frank Lynch
Middle civil servants. That Filipinos are personalistic and generally anxious
to avoid displeasing others is the view of a group of middle-level administrators
about whom Abueva (1970) has written. Details are found in the question¬
naires completed in 1966 by 52 middle civil servants who were then enrolled
at the Graduate School of Public Administration, University of the Philip¬
pines. There is, for instance, “nearly unanimous perception (96 per cent
agreed) that as a people Filipinos ‘tend to be personal and emotional.’ ” Al¬
most as many respondents (88 per cent) agree that “practically no one ever
gets a rating of ‘unsatisfactory’ because of our tendency to pity the employe
and not to embarrass him” (Abueva 1970:150). Four out of Five administra¬
tors (82 per cent) feel further that “most officials would rather go around the
merit system than antagonize a close friend or relative” (Abueva 1970:158—
59). In the light of this reply, it is not surprising perhaps that more than three
out of Five respondents (63 per cent) reject the statement that Filipinos as a
people tend to be open and frank about how they really think and feel.33
Paratroopers. Solina’s subjects (1968) were 54 Filipino paratroopers sta¬
tioned at Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija. His purpose was to do a factor-analytic
study of creativity and personality variables, to see if the creativity factor
would be loaded with such manifest needs as achievement, change and order.
To test his hypothesis, he administered a battery of tests, including the
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule.
Five factors were identified: Creativity, Dominance, Intraception, Smooth
Interpersonal Relations, and Nurturance. The SIR factor is defined primarily
by scores on the EPPS. High scores on needs for endurance, abasement, order
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 43
and affiliation are associated with low need for exhibition, intraception and
dominance. As Solina describes it (1968:28):
This factor suggests humility, camaraderie, and the capacity to tolerate tension. The
assertive emotions are negatively loaded, while the passive variables that contribute to¬
wards harmony in interpersonal situations have significant positive loadings. One is
tempted to guess that this is Lynch’s “smooth interpersonal relations.”
In his discussion at the end of the article, the author returns to this
question. After proposing that the four values be integrated by the unifying
concept of an ego greatly in need of security and protection, he goes on to
show the relationship between his findings and those I had expressed in the
1961 statement on social acceptance.
Undoubtedly, the instrument used in a study of values will determine in part the
choice of values or their emphases. It is by examining the confluence of various ap¬
proaches that one gets a feeling of validation of one’s own approach. For instance, Father
Lynch, by analyzing various dialogues between Filipinos, came to the conclusion that
social acceptance, supported particularly by smooth interpersonal relations (SIR), is the
primary basic value or theme among lowland Filipinos. The present study with the TAT
technique reflects a similar finding, and would explain the need for smooth interpersonal
relationships under the “authority” value, the need for approval by society, the placating
of potential enemies, the need to be careful of other people’s amor propio, so that they
will be careful of one’s own (Bulatao 1970:1 12-13).
44 Frank Lynch
Stevedores. A field study by David (1967) had as its focus the social orga¬
nization of stevedore groups on the Manila docks. In the year 1966—67 the
author observed and gathered information especially from about 25 gang
bosses, or cabos. He finds (1967:140) that “pakikisama is a vital concept in
the waterfront.” Its importance is illustrated in two situations: first, the rela¬
tion between the officials of the stevedoring company and the gangs they su¬
pervise; second, the relations among gang members themselves. In the first case
the kind of pakikisama called for is a tolerance for faults or delinquencies on
the part of the stevedores, provided their negligences are minor and the com¬
pany does not lose too much. In the second case, pakikisama refers to the
ability of a stevedore to get along with his cabo and gang mates.
As one cabo explained, there are three kinds of stevedores: those who know
their jobs but cannot get along with others (hindi marunong makisama), those
who do not know their jobs but can get along with others (manmong makisa¬
ma), and those who know their jobs and can also get along with others (maru¬
nong pang makisama). Workers of the third category are the best, of course,
but they are in short supply. The next best is not the stevedore who knows his
job, but the one who knows how to get along with others. As the cabo ex¬
plained, unskilled stevedores who know how to get along with the others can
be easily handled because they fit well; however, those who are skilled but
cannot get along are hard to handle. They are not worth having in the system
(David 1967:140).
In private conversations with me, David has also spoken of the care that
cabos exercise when scolding members of their gangs. A cardinal rule is that
the good cabo must “never shout at an ignorant stevedore.” In fact, David’s
Tagalog field notes contain continual references to shouting (s/gdw) and its
proper handling. As one informant stated, touching the chest area above his
heart, care is called for because “underneath the muscle there is something
that can be hurt.”
In summary, David sees pakikisama as a key value among stevedores on the
Manila docks—one they themselves talk about and appeal to. It has the mean¬
ing of overlooking the minor faults of subordinates, on the one hand, and of
adjusting pleasantly to one’s peers, on the other.
Laborers, employes, and professionals. Marsella and Escudero (1970) stud¬
ied the stress involved in interpersonal relations. Their subjects were 96 mar¬
ried men of Sampaloc district, Manila, stratified into six groups on grounds of
age (30—42 years, 43—55, 56—68) and social class (high or low). The authors’
understanding of social class is important:
For inclusion in the high-class group, an individual had to have a monthly income above
900 pesos, have a professional, administrative, or business position, have a minimum of
a B.A. degree and come from a high-class family. For inclusion in the low-class group, an
individual had to have a monthly income below 500 pesos, have a labor or clerical
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 45
position, have a maximum of a high school diploma and come from a low-class family
(Marsella and Escudero 1970:3).
of stress for the following situation-relationship units: “Not being able to show
my anger, frustration, or dislike to friends and strangers” and “Friends, relatives,
superiors, and strangers getting things they don’t deserve and acting haughty about
(8) Lastly, a rank-order correlation (.47) between rankings of the various interperson¬
al stress situations for the two groups suggested that differences existed among
the specific situations found to be stressful. In general, lower class subjects re¬
ported higher frequencies of stress for self-oriented statements while high-class
reported greater frequencies of stress for other-oriented statements.
Institutional inmates
Prisoners. Ashburn studied four conflict gangs among prisoners of the Ma¬
nila city jail. Summarizing the interviews he conducted with his 60 respond¬
ents, he states (1965:141): “The one characteristic stressed most frequently
and vehemently by all the gang members interviewed was that of deep-rooted
friendship and smooth interpersonal relations between all members—otherwise
known as pakikisama.” Indeed, he sees “Pakikisama and mutual protection
in an insecure environment” as the primary functions of these gangs (Ashburn
Mental patients. Sechrest (1969:312) feels it is almost certain that “the
important stresses in the Philippines arise out of interpersonal relations, and
there is good reason to believe that some aspects of interpersonal relations are
more stressful in the Philippines than elsewhere.” He continues by expressing
the opinion that despite what others have said about the “smoothness” of
interpersonal relations in the Philippines,
one is probably quite wrong if one gets a picture from such writings of easy, tension-free
intercourse that runs along nicely with little attention. In fact, interpersonal relations in
the Philippines are no smoother than they are elsewhere; they may even be much more
difficult. Any achievement of surface smoothness is through careful, constant monitoring
and nearly transparent deviousness to obscure difficulties. For example, Filipinos are
masters of euphemism, but they are so aware of its use that it fools almost no one. All it
does is to preclude the occurrence of an immediate quarrel. The very emphasis in the
Philippines on smoothness and care in interpersonal relations shows how difficult they
are (Sechrest 1969:312).
Sechrest also believes that the Filipino’s strong sense of amor propio gives
rise to much of the interpersonal difficulty he experiences. After citing some
unpublished data which indicate that Filipino respondents are considerably
more sensitive to humiliation than Americans, he concludes:
The Filipino constantly is exposed to the possibility of being “put down” in some man¬
ner, but perhaps even more of a strain is imposed by the necessity of avoiding the humil¬
iation of someone else. Thus interpersonal relations arc characterized by a superficial aura
of good will and an underlying strain and lack of openness (Sechrest 1969:313).
Summary of findings
In the preceding pages, studies on which we reported were grouped accord¬
ing to scope, the range extending from nationwide surveys at one end of the
scale to descriptions or analyses of relatively small and well-defined groupings
at the other. But from a review of each study in the series we learned some¬
thing about one or more of three different aspects of social acceptance,
values, behavior, and personality variables.
These three categories will serve an important function, which is to clarify
what we presently know about the theme of social acceptance and the
supporting intermediate values of pakikisama and sensitivity to personal
affront. For if we are to avoid at least one source of confusion in future
discussions of the subject, it is essential that we explicitly and continually
distinguish conceptions of the desirable from their related behaviors.
48 Frank Lynch
Now, then, we ask our question: What do we know about social acceptance,
SIR, and amor propio as of August 1970? It seems to me that, refinements
aside for the moment, we can make several generalizations, first, about the
norms or values themselves, and then about related behavior and personality
variables. In briefest form, the statements are these:
Values 1. The ability to get along well with others (pakikisama,
or SIR) is explicitly and highly valued in Philippine
2. Sensitivity to personal affront (amor propio), while
not often explicitly mentioned as desirable, is none¬
theless regularly recognized and appealed to as the
root explanation for approved reactive or retaliatory
3. The goal of social acceptance is rarely mentioned as
4. Both SIR and amor propio appear to be more highly
valued among Filipinos than among Americans.
I will now explain each of these propositions and add a few substatements.
1. SIR is highly valued. Facility in interpersonal relations is reported as
desirable for all family members (Lynch and Makil 1968), especially children
(Nurge 1965, Nydegger and Nydegger 1966, Abasolo-Domingo 1961, Jocano
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 49
1966a, Guthrie and Jacobs 1966, S. M. Bennett 1970, Flores and Gonzalez
1969, Bulatao 1970). The quality is also considered an important characteristic
of the good boss (Guthrie and Azores 1968, Lynch 1970b), political leader
(Hollnsteiner 1970b; Abasolo-Domingo 1961), priest (Hottle 1970, Lynch
1970b), and rural-change agent, whether Filipino (Feliciano 1966) or Ameri¬
can (Lynch, Maretzki, et al. 1966). Sugarcane planters seek it in their workers
(Lynch 1970b), and the latter look for it among their peers (Lynch 1970b)
just as street-gang members seek it among theirs, in prison (Ashburn 1965)
and out (Jocano 1966b, 1969c). Stevedores on the Manila docks expect to
Find it in their bosses and gang mates alike (David 1967). Indeed, when think¬
ing about themselves individually or as a culture group, educated Filipinos
tend to see this valuing of SIR as characteristically theirs (Abueva 1970,
Peabody 1968, Licuanan 1970).
Yet some refinements must be added, for SIR is not equally valued by all,
nor is it a simple, uncomplex quality equally desirable for all. From the
studies reviewed above, the following substatements can be made in clarifica¬
tion and support of the general proposition that SIR is highly valued.
la. SIR is considered more exclusively and saliently important by the
following kinds of people than by their contraries or opposites: rural,
lower class, poorly educated, traditional, employes, men (see especially
Guthrie and Azores 1968, Guthrie 1970, Lynch 1970b, Hottle 1970,
Nydegger and Nydegger 1966, Hollnsteiner 1970a, Licuanan 1970).
Parents apparently want it more for their children than teachers do
(Flores and Gonzalez 1969).
lb. The “pleasant” component of SIR is desirable for all; the “deferent”
component is more desirable for children, especially girls, than it is for
boys or adults (Lynch and Makil 1968, S. M. Bennett 1970, Nurge
1965, Nydegger and Nydegger 1966, Abasolo-Domingo 1961, Guthrie
and Jacobs 1966; see also Juan 1967 and Bulatao 1963).
lc. The desirability of SIR varies further by situation and the actors
involved. This will be explained under Statement 5, below (“Appro¬
priate behavior is a matter of who and what”).
ld. In some special subsocieties, such as street gangs, aggressiveness is a
coexistent value (Jocano 1966b, 1969c).
le. Teaching the value of SIR and behavior in keeping with it is not the
duty of teachers or a school (Makil 1970, Flores and Gonzalez 1969);
it is apparently the function of parents, siblings, and peers.
2. Amor propio is valued consciously but implicitly. Whereas SIR is ex¬
plicitly valued, and becomes the object of deliberate inculcation by family
members and peers, sensitivity to personal affront is implicitly valued,
50 Frank Lynch
indirectly taught. By this I mean that with only one exception (Jocano 1969c)
the value placed on amor propio is to be derived less from any straightforward
statements in its favor than from the approval or recommendation of actions
that must have proceeded from it. Because approval is consciously and ex¬
plicitly given to this behavior, and not to the norm itself, I consider amor
propio under Statement 5, below.
3. Social acceptance is rarely a conscious goal. Once more, it is Jocano’s
street gang informant (1969c) who alone articulates the theme of social ac¬
ceptance. The general run of informants tend to speak only at the level of
intermediate and instrumental values. Which is not surprising, if social accept¬
ance is indeed a theme in Opler’s (1948:120) sense of the term.
4. SIR considered more desirable by Filipinos than Americans. Although
there is more evidence for this difference at the levels of behavior and person¬
ality, the comparatively greater saliency of SIR among Filipinos is suggested by
its importance in the rating of fellow students (Guthrie and Bennett 1970;
see also Statements 7 and 9, below).
5. Appropriate behavior is a matter of who and what. This introduces the
concept of social zoning. First proposed in the 1961 statement on social
acceptance. Speaking of some academic conferences I had witnessed in the
Philippines, I stated (Lynch 1970c: 12, above): “The preference for social
process (SIR) over social product (conference results and conclusions) is
understandable in a system where the highest value is placed on the pleasant
word except when the exchange is between good friends or sworn enemies.”
In lectures that followed, this idea was developed as a distinction into three
zones: a zone for close friends, another for sworn enemies, and a “middle
zone” for “friendly strangers and acquaintances, uncommitted neutrals”
(Lynch 1963:1).
In the studies under review, this conception is supported by the way in
which appropriate, or customary, behavior varies depending on who is respond¬
ing to what stimulus.
5a. When people of the middle zone are nonaggressive and cooperative,
they should be dealt with in pleasant fashion (Jocano 1966b, Hare
1969, Kaut 1961); when they give positive and well-meant advice or
service in keeping with their official roles, one should show gratitude
by taking that advice or appreciating that service (Feliciano 1966;
Hare 1969); if they show dislike, annoyance, or avoidance toward one¬
self, one should not retaliate in anger but suffer the situation in silence
(Guthrie and Azores 1968); should they actually prove insulting,
however, one may rightly retaliate openly or, if he wishes, keep silent
(Kaut 1961, Sechrest 1969, Guthrie 1970, Guthrie and Azores 1968).
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 51
5b. When a close friend gives well-meant advice it should be taken if at all
possible (Feliciano 1966); when a friend speaks against oneself, one
may suffer in silence or, if he wishes, retaliate openly (Guthrie and
Azores 1968).
5c. Under comparable conditions, those who consider SIR most desirable
(see Statement 1 a) will be more likely than their contraries or opposites
to react openly and violently to insult or infidelity on the part of
middle-zone people or close friends (Guthrie and Azores 1968;Guthrie
5d. Children’s quarreling with peers is always to be discouraged and sup¬
pressed (Abasolo-Domingo 1961, Nurge 1965, Nydegger and Nydegger
1966, Guthrie and Jacobs 1966, Sechrest 1969, Guthrie 1961).
6. Interpersonal relations are often stressful. Despite the high value placed
on SIR, or perhaps because of it, interpersonal dealings often fall short of the
norm. Although it is difficult at this time to give any definite meaning to the
term “often,” certain substatements are possible.
6a. Stress is more often reported for family members than for strangers
(Marsella and Escudero 1970).
6b. Compared with less well educated and poorer respondents, those who
are better educated and wealthier report being stressed by superiors
more often; by relatives, less often (Marsella and Escudero 1970).
6c. Stressful interactions are reported among both rural and urban Fili¬
pinos (Jocano 1966b and 1969c, Marsella and Escudero 1970, Sechrest
6d. There are some indications that the incidence of interpersonal stress
may be greater in the Philippines than in the United States (Sechrest
7. SIR-related behavior is more typical of Filipinos than Americans.This
statement is supported in reference to Filipinos and Americans in general by
Sechrest’s findings (1969) and the student group judgments reported by
Peabody (1968). Evidence also indicates that this kind of difference exists
among students (Hare 1969) and priests (Hottle 1970) of the two nations.
8. SIR-related personality variables are more passive than assertive. This
is based on the findings of Bulatao (1970), Juan (1967), and Solina (1968).
For this reason it is valid primarily of students and army men, though I know
of no evidence that argues against its generalization, at least as a hypothesis.
9. SIR-related personal qualities are more pronounced among Filipino
students than Americans. Direct comparisons have been made by Bulatao
(1963), Hare (1969), Hare and Hare (1968), and Guthrie and Bennett (1970).
The statement seems well established.
52 Frank Lynch
Several different but related questions have been posed by those doing
research on social acceptance, SIR, and amor propio. The most common one
asked to date has been that which guided my own exploratory study, namely,
“Is smoothness of interpersonal behavior considered highly desirable in the
Philippines?” This question has by now been amply answered in the affirma¬
tive and need not, in my opinion, be asked in future. It might profitably be
replaced, however, by a more probing inquiry for which some answers are
already available in Statements la to le, above: “Under what conditions is
SIR considered more desirable, under what conditions less so?”
A second question, less commonly asked to date, is this: “Is interpersonal
behavior in fact always smooth?” Since Filipinos are men, not angels, the
answer is unfortunately but inevitably No. But there is also a third question
that has been asked, at least implicitly, by those who have gathered informa¬
tion on the frequency of open disagreements and stressful encounters (Jocano
1966b, Marsella and Escudero 1970). The question is this: “Is interpersonal
behavior in fact smooth more often than not?” What the answer is, we simply
do not know, because the available data (Jocano 1966b, Marsella and Escudero
1970) are not conclusive in their present form. Jocano’s tabulation of quar¬
rels, disagreements, and misunderstandings is an absolute frequency count,
which can tell us nothing about the relative incidence of overtly rough en¬
counters, and relative frequency is the point at issue.34 On the other hand,
Marsella and Escudero derive their percentages from a tabulation of responses
in which “Often” and “Sometimes” are lumped in the same category, dis¬
tinguished from “Seldom” and “Never.” An “often” response might possibly
be defined as meaning “in the majority of cases,” but a “sometimes” answer
could not be so interpreted.35 Hence what we learn from these two studies
(relative to our question) is merely that on many occasions disagreements and
stressful situations arise. We do not learn in what percentage of cases this
There is a fourth question that must be asked, namely: “When should a
household, or community, be considered ‘fraught with conflict’? ” (Jocano
1966b:286). To answer this one, considerable exploratory research would be
called for, since the question, when asked in the context of frequencies of
overtly disagreeable encounters, supposes the prior existence and acceptability
of a scale we do not have. This would be a scale by which, for instance, the
community’s position between “very aggressive” and “very nonaggressive”
could be predicted from the known ratio of rough to smooth encounters in
a given period of time. However, until we have the results of some representa¬
tive behavioral studies of families and communities, possibly conducted along
the lines proposed and illustrated by investigators such as the Barkers (1961,
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 53
1963), Wright (1966), Fawl (1963), or pioneers like Chappie (1940, 1949)
and Bales(1950), we cannot hope to construct such a scale. Frankly, I wonder
if it would be worth the effort.
In retrospect, I feel that the 1961 statement on social acceptance helped
us to learn a few things about Philippine culture. For by setting forth a series
of propositions that others could use as foci for their research, it encouraged
the systematic examination of several facets of Philippine values. The resulting
convergence of anthropological, psychological, psychiatric, and sociological
research has enriched both social science and the reading public. It is an added,
but unnecessary, comfort to know that the 1961 statement came fairly close
in many ways to the findings as they now stand, nine years later.
Looking ahead, I would hope to see even greater coordination in values
research, since much time, energy, and money can be saved if those who
contemplate studies of this kind will agree to collect their data in such a way
as to make their Findings comparable with those of other workers. Here I
think especially of agreement on sampling methods, and on the instruments
and techniques of observation that might, as a general rule at least, be favored.
Agreement should also be sought on what segments of Philippine society,
what roles, and what situations should be given priority in future studies.36
Values research is well worth doing, and well worth doing well. For if there
is anything needed at this point in Philippine history, it is a better under¬
standing of what it is that makes a Filipino a Filipino. Without this studied
awareness of that special mixture of modal strengths and shared weaknesses
that distinguishes us from other strong-weak members of the human family,
pronouncements about “the Filipino way” and “the true Filipino” will pre¬
dictably vary, often in contradictory fashion, from person to person, hour by
hour. With this knowledge, however, we can hope to recognize, accept, and
build on the great strengths that we rightly claim as our own. One such
strength, clearly Filipino, is a courteous respect for the ways and wishes of
54 Frank Lynch
17. Most of this paragraph is new. The change is made to make it unmistakably clear
that amor propio, or sensitivity to personal affront, is here seen as an intermediate value
peculiarly related to social acceptance. Hiya also promotes behavior likely to preserve,
enhance, or regain social acceptance, but it serves the same function for all other socially
approved values and norms as well.
18. The principle of awa was first added to this tentative values outline in 1962, in the
first revision of Understanding the Philippines and America.
19. When describing the best Peace Corps Volunteer, 63 per cent of respondents
mention only pakikisama; when describing the worst, 85 per cent speak only of the lack
of it.
20. In order of number of mother-tongue speakers (1960 census), the eight languages
are Cebuano, Tagalog, Iloko, Ilongo, Bikol, Waray, Kapampangan, and Pangasinan. BRAC
is the acronym for Baguio Religious Acculturation Conference.
21. The actual words and phrases most often used by respondents are given in the
footnotes to Table 1. To consider deferential behavior an integral part of pakikisama is
justified on grounds of the factor analysis of Juan (1967:27), an association which had
earlier been perceived by Bulatao
22. For a detailed description of the good superior, see Guthrie and Azores 1968:
23. Research sites were Barrio Mojon (municipality of Malolos), Santol (Bigaa),
Cambaog (Bustos), Balatong A and Balatong B (Pulilan), See Feliciano 1966:260, Note 8.
24. Since the funds for this survey were furnished in large part by the National
Federation of Sugarcane Planters (NFSP), it is referred to in Table 4 as the IPC/NFSP
exploratory survey. The farms finally studied were 63 in number, a 1.4 per-cent sample
of the 4,366 farms listed by the eight planters’ associations included in the survey (Lynch
1970b:8). In the second phase of the study, not reported here, 193 farms were investi¬
25. Not every farm had the full quota of nine respondents, so that our final count was
63 planters, 45 encargados,50 cabos, 171 permanent and 116 temporary workers (Lynch
1970b: 11).
26. Compared to his workers, the planter also tends to mention as desirable a greater
number of universalistic qualities (Pahilanga 1970:46-47).
27. In this passage, as throughout the article from which it is excerpted (Jocano
1966a), the author makes generalizations about “the Filipino” without qualification-as
well he might in a public lecture such as this source originally was. From his Footnote 6,
however, and from the examples he gives, I judge he refers especially to the rural lowland
28. The circumstances are these: when the speaker (1) does not know, (2) wants to
impress, (3) is annoyed, (4) wants to end the conversation, (5) half-understands the
instruction or what is being said, (6) is not sure of himself, (7) thinks he knows better
than the one speaking to him.
29. The EPPS provides measures of 15 personality variables, based on choices the
respondent makes when given 225 paired statements and asked, “Which of these two
statements is more characteristic of what you like [or how you feel]? Scoring the
schedule consists in counting the number of choices favoring each of the 15 variables.
Results are expressed in percentiles for each of the personality variables, or “needs,” the
names of which are found in the text. For further information, see Allen L. Edwards,
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (New York, The Psychological Corporation, 1959).
30. The variables and their loadings on Factor B are these: Endurance (EPPS), .52;
Conformity (SIV), .48; Benevolence (S1V), .47; Deference (EPPS), .36; Intraception
Social Acceptance Reconsidered 57
(EPPS), .34; Recognition (SIV), -.66; Support (SIV), -.51; Heterosexuality (EPPS),
-.50; Succorance (EPPS), -.50; Exhibition (EPPS), -.33 (Juan 1967:26).
31. The first order factors loading on second order f actor a, with their loadings, are
the following: Factor B (SIR), .67; Factor F (Autonomy),-.50; Factor K (Dominance),
32. “Second order Factor c is bipolar, identified on one end by Factor D, which is af¬
filiation, and on the other by Factor H, which is leadership. Since this is a doublet, no
clear interpretation can be given. However, it is suggested that perhaps some leadership
traits are not to be identified with the warm outgoingness reflected in affiliation” (Juan
33. This particular datum is from the first unpublished version of the Abueva study
(p. 39). The percentages that appear in parentheses in the preceding sentences come from
the second preliminary version of the paper.
34. To arrive at some estimate of the relative frequency of overt disagreements in
Malitbog and Santa Ana, I made several conservative assumptions about the total number
of interpersonal encounters an average person was likely to have in these two communi¬
ties over a six-month period. Jocano’s figures (1966b:286) for quarrels and misunder¬
standings were then considered against this estimated base. The resulting frequency was
much the same in both places: one overtly disagreeable experience for every 600 pleasant
35. Another difficulty 1 find with the Marsella-Escudero study is its failure to
establish even in rough fashion the average absolute frequency of all encounters the
respondent has, respectively, with family members, relatives, friends, superiors, and
strangers. For it seems that if a respondent deals with family members hundreds of times
more frequently than with the four other categories of people, we should expect-when
we inquire about the incidence of stressful encounters with these family members—to
get “often” answers in far greater abundance than we otherwise would.
36. In writing this paper 1 profited greatly from the shared insights of a number of
my colleagues at the Institute of Philippine Culture and the departments of psychology
and sociology and anthropology, Ateneo de Manila. But my greatest debt is to F. Landa
Jocano, University of the Philippines, for had it not been for his thoughtful critique
(1966b) of the 1961 statement, I might never have attempted this article.
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Reciprocity in the Lowland Philippines
Mary R. Hollnsteiner
Revised version of a paper read at the Fourth Annual Baguio Religious Acculturation
Conference (BRAC), Baguio City, December 29-31, 1960. I am indebted to the Asia
Foundation for a grant to do research on reciprocity in Tawiran, Obando, Bulacan, 1959—
60. The research was a result of my earlier work in a number of Obando barrios
(Hollnsteiner 1963), and the impressions derived from it of the role of reciprocity in the
Quasi-contractual Reciprocity
Utang-na-lo6b Reciprocity
remain in the other’s debt. It is a true gift in this sense. It is also a kind of one-
upmanship. The type of debt created in the recipient is called utang na loob
(literally, a debt inside oneselQ or sense of gratitude.3
Utang-na-loob reciprocity is an ancient Filipino operating principle. Colin,
writing in 1663 about the social obligations binding a barangay chief and his
people, makes this statement:
There was another kind of service which was not of servitude, though it appeared to
be such. It was generally seen among certain persons called cabalangay. Whenever such
persons wanted any small trifle they begged the head chief of their barangay for it, and
he gave it to them. In return whenever he summoned them they were obliged to go to
him to work in his fields or to row in his boats. Whenever a feast or banquet was given
they all came together and helped furnish the tuba, wine or quilan, such being their
method of services (Colin 1663:96).
The modern counterpart of this diffuse mutual service may be seen in the
following description of interaction in a Bisayan community:
The share tenant likes a landlord who treats him paternally. Consequently, a paternal
landlord is the recipient of many extra services from his tenant. The landlord in turn acts
as the patron of the tenant .... In many instances, a tenant’s family is tied to a land¬
lord’s farm because of gratitude and debts to the landlord .... The fact that a landlord
always grants a tenant’s request for credit and the fact that the credit is granted at a crisis
period in the tenant’s life binds him in endless gratitude to his benefactor (Poison and
Pal 1956:90-91).
outgroup members. The term, tayo-tayo lamang (“just us”), is used to refer
to this primary group. This difference in feeling and behavior toward those
who are close and those who are not, illustrates a more general social valua¬
tion in the Philippines: the keen consciousness of the near, and the diffuse
awareness and disregard of the far. Some friendly non relatives may mean
more to a man than the long-lost kinsman. Contrary to a popular notion, Fili¬
pinos do not indiscriminately support relatives above all others; the near-far,
ingroup-outgroup dichotomies introduce limiting factors.
Overall Summary
Types of reciprocity
Utang na lodb
Contractual Superordinate-
contractual Coordinate
Repayment Unmistakable
even when Not expected
in full when made
Emotions Very
Insignificant Significant
involved significant
Source of Inability or
Unwillingness to repay
hiya unwillingness to repay
82 M. R. Hollnsteiner
Hiya is thus distinguishable from utang na loob, the latter being an operat¬
ing principle in Philippine society and the former the universal sanction rein¬
forcing the desirability of feeling and honoring utang na loob. Hiya is not nec¬
essarily accompanied by utang na loob, but utang na loob is always reinforced
by hiya. The man who is shamed because he has been scolded publicly does
not recognize utang na loob as being involved in this situation; it simply does
not apply. But when a man was hired through the personal kindness of the
company president, and finds himself nonetheless joining his fellow workers
in a strike, he cannot help feeling hiya, despite the reassurances of his co¬
strikers: in turning against his benefactor in this manner, he knows he has
failed to recognize a primal debt of gratitude to him.
his trading owner’s status. Bracelets and necklaces are valued, therefore, not
for their substance, but for their source and destination.
To Levi-Strauss, reciprocity is a means for the transmission of goods, par¬
ticularly in more primitive societies. He discusses the Kwakiutl potlatch,
showing that the characteristic destruction of goods is a response to another
party’s having done the same. By throwing more blankets into the flames
than his rival, the Kwakiutl Indian enhances his claim to the superordinate
position, crushing his challenger. A Western counterpart of this ceremony, re¬
marks Levi-Strauss, is the Christmas gift exchange, which he terms a gigantic
He also cites the reciprocal pouring of wine by fellow guests at small inns
in southern France. Here the initially hostile situation of strangers at a table is
made friendly by one man’s pouring his wine into the other’s glass, inducing
the other to do the same for him. Obviously, neither has gained in an econom¬
ic sense; what has been accomplished instead by the exchange is the breaking
down of barriers and the substituting of sociability for strained silence.
Mauss, Malinowski, and Levi-Strauss, therefore, attest to the universality of
the principle of reciprocity and agree that it creates, continues, and motivates
social bonds. The data presented in this paper indicate that the norm has sim¬
ilar functions in the Philippines.
In a more recent statement, Alvin Gouldner has reiterated the role of reci¬
procity in stabilizing the social system. But, in addition, he stresses that it is
normally improper to break off reciprocal relations, that is, to stop the see¬
saw process at any point in the cycle. Furthermore, a man lays himself open
to similar blame by trying to discharge his debt too soon after it is incurred
(Gouldner 1960:175). People tend, rather, to search for mechanisms to in¬
duce others to remain socially their debtors. As one informant put it, “I al¬
ways tell my children to be good to their friends and cultivate their goodwill,
as one never knows when he may need them.” If nonreciprocation became
common behavior, the social system would be drained of an important nor¬
mative base.
Consider the Philippines in the light of Gouldner’s observation. Two fea¬
tures of the utang-na-loob coordinate relationship function to perpetuate the
existence of a debt. One is payment with interest, and the other, ambiguity.
Practically speaking, it makes little difference whether a person, on the one
hand, wants to be clear of the debt, and so returns service received with a
definite addition over and above the principal or, on the other, not certain
whether he has discharged his debt, keeps adding further services in hopes of
turning the tables on his creditor. In either case, the social bond continues
and is even strengthened.
In a society such as the Philippines, where the gap between social classes is
marked, utang-na-loob reciprocity stabilizes the social system in a special man-
84 M. R. Hollnsteiner
can only be expected to do the unskilled tasks. For those jobs requiring
greater expertise like lashing together the 21 pieces of the baklad, he would
have to hire workers at 25 centavos per piece. If more households in Tawiran
had cash, he added, they would more frequently select this alternative for get¬
ting work done. The praise generally accorded the bayanihan process may,
therefore, serve as a psychological device for enabling the individual to accept
gracefully the only alternative actually open to him.
To the man with interests outside his barrio community, repayment of an
utang-na-loob debt may prove more burdensome than the original help given
was worth. He tries, therefore, to avoid these relationships as far as he is able
to in a small community. His urban counterpart is even more anxious to es¬
cape from this drain on his already heavily taxed resources. The person who
does free himself from these binding relationships may do so at the expense
of many friendships, but at the same time enhance his upward mobility.
Although avoidance of the original debt is the safest way to free oneself
from utang-na-loob claims on one’s surplus, placing extra income beyond the
reach of one’s gratitude creditors also allows the retention of these funds for
the individual owner’s private use. This is done by committing extra funds to
enterprises from which the funds cannot easily be withdrawn, and which the
utang-na-loob creditor will accept as valid investments. Hence, should the lat¬
ter ask for payment in a form that would deplete one’s surplus, one can pro¬
vide an acceptable excuse for postponing reciprocation. The funds are simply
not available. He is not reneging because he still acknowledges his indebted¬
ness; but he does succeed in putting off a payment which he is unwilling to
make in that form or at that time. Should an utang-na-loob creditor come to
borrow money, for example, one can explain that he has invested all his sur¬
plus in a sewing machine for which he is still paying in instalments, or in
tuition fees for his children, or in an insurance policy. Where, as in this case,
the debt is not so great, the creditor cannot really expect the debtor to go to
extraordinary lengths to repay. It is true that the creditor may level charges
of “walang utang na loob” and “walang hiya” at the debtor; but since there
is also a possibility that he may not, under the circumstances, the debtor is
often willing to run that risk. If the debt of gratitude is extremely great,
however, the debtor is expected to do everything possible to grant the favor,
even to the extent of putting a second mortgage on his sewing machine or
claiming the cash surrender value on his life insurance policy.
The avoidance and channeling patterns just described are evidences that
Filipinos are developing effective ways of adapting to a changing way of life.
Traditional relationships of interdependence are being modified and alterna¬
tive responses are being found more congruent with the new situation. Educa¬
tion, for example, is so highly valued that the parent who is struggling to put
his children through college is not really expected to repay his debts of grati-
86 M. R. Hollnsteiner
tude in the form of cash loans. The society condones payment in other equal¬
ly acceptable ways. Since the amount and form of repayment of utang na
loob are undetermined, and since one’s debt may last a lifetime, a great deal
of leeway is given to persons involved in the utang-na-loob relationship before
the charge of “walang hiya” can be truthfully and effectively applied.4
In some instances, the Filipino working in a factory Finds himself in a new
subculture characterized by values derived from the Western industrial world.
Management rewards efficiency and places less value on personal ties. The
workman who wants to succeed tries to adapt himself to the new impersonal
ways, repelling the advances of relatives who seek to exploit his favorable
position in the company. To excuse his action—to himself and his offended
relatives and friends—he appeals fatalistically to the impossibility of fighting
the system. In reality, he may be delighted that the company has provided
him with a convenient way of avoiding traditional relationship like utang-na-
loob reciprocity. He can now devote his efforts to his promotion, secure in
the knowledge that the company backs his new set of values. This kind of
behavior, however, is still the exception rather than the rule. With increasing
industrialization it should become more and more common.
To say that with modernization, utang-na-loob reciprocity will assume less
importance as a means of ordering economic relations is not equivalent to
maintaining that the norm itself will disappear. Certainly, it will continue to
serve as an economic mechanism, but not as the dominant feature of that
system. This position of dominance will obtain rather in more narrowly social
field of noneconomic favor-doing among friends.
1. Fifteen randomly selected household heads, male and female, were interviewed in
depth. After listing their household composition, they described reciprocal relations in
the following areas: (1) baptism, marriage, and death; (2) schooling; (3) medical and
legal assistance; (4) support rendered nonhousehold members; (5) employment assistance;
(6) credit; (7) borrowing and lending material goods other than money; (8) politics;
(9) fishing partnerships; (10) cooperative work activities for the benefit of specific house¬
holds; and (11) community projects.
2. This is in addition to the ambagan, a community-wide collection taken up for the
bereaved family, where every contributor gives an identical sum of money-in Tawiran,
20 centavos.
3. l or two other commentaries on reciprocity in Philippine society, see Kaut (1961)
and Kiefer (1968a, 1968b). Since Kaut’s insightful article appeared almost simultaneously
with the first printing of mine, neither of us had the advantage of reading the other's work
before publication. Although our data and analyses are substantially in agreement, there
are two points in which we differ. First, Kaut (1961:258) states that utang na lo6b is
created in another person through an unsolicited gift of goods or services, while my under¬
standing is that it can spring either from an unsolicited or solicited gift. Secondly, Kaut
limits participation in utang-na-loob relationships to kinsmen, including fictivc kinsmen
(compadres); my evidence suggests that non-kinsmen also become parties to such ties.
Reciprocity in the Lowland Philippines 87
Perhaps the latter difference can be explained by Kaut's having drawn his sample solely
from Barrio Kapitangan, Bulacan, where most residents are in fact kinsmen. Within this
narrow framework, the interplay of utang na loob would therefore of necessity be limited
to kinsmen. But in more heterogeneous communities with higher proportions of residents
not related to one another, the data still show that the concept of utang na loob applies
equally to non-kinsmen. Kiefer, on the other hand, dwells on revenge as a special form of
reciprocity which also links persons, but through bonds of negative affect. The exchange
of goods and favors (buddi) is seen as conjunctive, or resulting in harmonious relations,
while revenge situations (blood debts) emerge as disjunctive, or resulting in disequilib¬
rium. Kiefer summarizes the differences in a paradigm (modeled after mine) which
appears both in his article in the Philippine Sociological Review (16 [3-4 ] : 124-31) and
in his longer monograph (1968b).
4. The non-Filipino living in the Philippines may wonder what his commitment to
the norm of reciprocity should be. A partial answer evolves from the fact that Filipinos
do not really expect a non-Filipino to act exactly like themselves. Nevertheless, the al¬
lowances made for the non-Filipino should not prevent him from making some adapta¬
tions to the local social system. Perhaps even more important is that he try to understand
the values of Philippine society and the pressures w hich motivate Filipino behavior. With
this knowledge and the consequent empathy, his dealings with Filipinos should be more
satisfactory on both sides.
Colin, Francisco
1663 Labor evangelica. In The Philippine Islands, 1493 -1898. Vol. 40 (1690-91).
EmmaH. Blair and James A. Robertson, eds. Cleveland, Arthur H. Clark Co..
1906. Pp. 37-98.
Gouldner, Alvin W.
1960 The norm of reciprocity: a preliminary statement. American Sociological
Review 25 (2): 161-78.
Hart, Donn V.
1954 Barrio Caticugan: A Visayan Filipino community. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation, Syracuse University.
Hollnstciner, Mary R.
1963 The dynamics of power in a Philippine municipality Quezon City,
Community Development Research Council, University 01 the Philippines.
Levi-Strauss, Claude
1957 The principle of reciprocity. In Sociological theory: a book of readings.
Lewis A. Coser and Bernard Rosenberg, eds. New York, The Macmillan
Co. Pp. 84-94.
Lynch, Frank
1959 Social class in a Bikol town. Research series no. 1. Chicago, Philippine
Studies Program, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago.
Malinowski, Bronislaw
1960 Reciprocity and obligation. In Man and society. Jerome G. Manis and
Samuel I. Clark, eds. New York, Macmillan.
Mauss, Marcel
1954 The gift: formsand functionsof exchange in archaic societies. Ian Cunnison,
trans. Glencoe, 111., The Free Press.
Pal, Agaton P.
1956 A Philippine barrio. University of Manila Journal of East Asiatic Studies
5 (4): 333-486.
Poison, Robert A., and A. P. Pal
1956 The status of rural life in the Dumaguete City trade area, Philippines 1952.
Ithaca, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Eastern Studies, Cornell
Udy, Stanley H., Jr.
1959 Organization of work. New Haven, HRAF Press.
The Manileno’s Mainsprings
Jaime C. Bulatao
The concept of “value” is one of those which, being very primitive and
extremely fundamental to human life, are hard to define. Just as with the
concept of “time” which, said St. Augustine, we also know but find difficult
to analyze, so with the concept of value. For practical purposes, one can best
take an operational description: a vajuejisJiie object of a positive attitude. It
is that good to which a man tends. It is the goal, the vision of which moti¬
vates him to action. It is the thing that people want.
Value finds expression in a value judgment, whether explicit or implicit.
The value judgment differs from the ordinary judgment in that it adds some¬
thing to it, an attitude, a movement of the whole person towards the thing’s
goodness. Thus a person with full scientific objectivity may look at a picture
and say, “The man is plowing a field.” But the statement itself has something
added to it when the person says, “It is good that a man plows the field,” or,
on the other hand, “It is tiresome for a man to be plowing a field.” In the lat¬
ter two sentences the speaker has called up his experience with plowing, has
expressed an attitude towards plowing which he has now added to the bare
objective statement, “The man is plowing a field.”
Values are all-pervasive in human life. They color every human act and are
reflected in every product of the human soul. Values are expressed especially
in literature. Thus, when Sappho sings,
All things thou bringest, Hesper, that the bright dawn did part-
Sheep and goat to the fold, and the child to the mother’s heart...
Revised version of a paper read at the Fifth Annual Baguio Religious Acculturation Con¬
ference (BRAC), Baguio City, December 26-29, 1961.
There are various ways of studying a culture’s values. One is the accurate
observation of behavior followed by the categorization of that behavior under
different values. Such a method is perhaps most proper to anthropologists.
Psychologists prefer to use the mental productions of members of a cul¬
ture. Thus Allport (1951), for instance, used the method of “forced choice,”
asking the subject which of several choices he preferred. The difficulty with
such an approach is that it limits choices to previous categories set by the ex¬
perimenter. Moreover, the instrument developed by Allport is probably too
culturally impregnated with American concepts and hence difficult to use
with a Filipino group.
Another approach follows the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) tech¬
nique devised by Murray (1938). The technique itself, originally meant for
personality diagnosis, is very simple. Several pictures are presented one by
one to a subject who is asked to make up a story about each one. He is
told to say what led up to the picture, what is happening and what is going to
happen. One of the cards is blank and on this card the subject is asked to
imagine any picture he likes and then to tell a story about it. In the original
test by Murray there were 30 cards and the stories told to these were ana¬
lyzed according to Murray’s own system of “presses” and “needs,” presses
being the storyteller’s way of structuring his world and needs being the drives
by which he responds to the demands of this world as he sees it. It is this
technique which has been adapted to suit the purposes of the present value
Instead of Murray’s original American cards a set of 62 pictures were
Manileno’s Mainsprings 91
picked from local fiction magazines. These were copied and reproduced,
minus the colors, by means of a Verifax machine. A blank card was added,
making 63 cards in all. The pictures themselves were such as to leave to the
subject telling the story as much of the structuring of the situation as possi¬
ble; likewise the choice of values was left to the subject. For instance, one of
the picture was of a young girl playing a guitar. From this picture a very
large variety of themes was possible and actually drawn out, for instance, that
the girl had been expelled from home and was just soothing her feelings; or
she was waiting for her husband after she had brought him food in the fields;
or she was a blind girl suffering in patience, and so on. The other pictures
were similarly unstructured, having been chosen to allow as large a variety
of theme stories as possible to be told to each one.
The subjects telling the stories were 50 men and 40 women ranging in age
from 18 to 35. They were mostly workers in four Manila factories or were
job applicants. Each subject would tell at least 11 stories. Nine hundred such
stories formed the basis of this study.
Method of Analysis
Almost every story which rises above the level of mere description con¬
tains, explicity or implicitly, some judgment about some situations or ele¬
ments in the environment. Hardly ever does a person tell a story to a picture
with such complete objectivity as not to betray what he considers “good”
in life. An example of an explicit statement of a value is the following story
by a 28-year-old man: “This is a mother and a son. They are praying that they
will stay together.”1 In this case, the storyteller has “projected” himself into
the story. The desires of the characters are his desires, and their values are re¬
flections of his own. The value theme of the story may be summarized thus:
“It is good for mother and son to stay together.” The underlying value may
be called “close mother-son relations.”
Sometimes there is a denial of value, a turning away from it, as in the
following story by an 18-year-old girl:
She’s reading the book because she has nothing to do. She doesn’t seem very inter¬
ested in the book. She becomes very bored. I don’t know what she’ll do next.
The story itself does not say what the positive value is to which the person
turns, except perhaps what may be generally described as “something inter¬
esting.” The value theme may be summarized: “There is no good in a girl’s
reading a book.” The positive value to which the person is tending, that
which she considers “good” in her life, can only be described vaguely as
“something interesting,” although more likely such a girl does not have very
strong values in her life and will be more of a “floater.”
92 J. C. Bulatao
In some stories, the values of the storyteller do not emerge explicitly. In
these cases, recourse is had to certain rules and presumptions of projective
theory. Murray maintains, and 20 years of experience with his TAT have con¬
firmed his ideas, that when a person tells a story to a picture he identifies
with at least one of the characters and “projects” upon this character his own
needs and presses (Murray 1938:530—45). If, then, one can analyze this
“hero’s” actions, his aims and goals, one can arrive at the storyteller’s own
How does one pick out the “hero” in a story? The following rule is stated
by Beliak (1954:52):
The main hero of the story is the one who is most spoken of, whose feelings and sub¬
jective notions are most discussed, and, in general, the figure with whom the narrator
seems to identify himself. In case of doubt, the figure resembling the patient most close¬
ly in age, sex, and other characteristics should be considered the main hero.
Identifying, thus, the hero of the story, his action can be studied in its
course and its outcome. The question may be asked: In the course of the
hero’s action, what is the goal he is aiming at? What does he want to accom¬
plish by his actions? What does he consider “good”? Analysis of the action
thus brings out the hero’s values.
The following story is told by a 24-year-old woman, a nurse:
I thought I will just tell a story. That’s hard. As if there is a picture here, how could I
start my story ... A picture of a mother and a child. That’s the title. The . .. the child is
lying on a bed (fans) . . . looks, ah, pale and emaciated. She had been sick for several
days. They are alone in the house, away from the neighboring houses. The mother have
done all his . . . her best treating the sick child. Still there was no improvement, so she
was forced, she was forced to call the physician, leaving the child alone. It did not take
long to reach the doctor and they hurried back to the house. Upon their arrival they had
heard the child, ah, saying, “Mother, mother,” in a very weak voice. The mother rushed
and embraced her daughter. She was crying in deep sorrow. When the doctor examined
the child, he found out that there is no more remedy. No more. (Laughs.)
The mother is the “heroine” of the story. The action of the story consists of
the mother’s attempts to save the life of her child. What was it that the mo¬
ther considered “good”? Obviously it was the child’s life. This was her value
and a reflection of the storyteller’s values. Incidentally, this storyteller later
volunteered for Operation Brotherhood International (OBI) in Laos, in order
to help the children there.
However, besides the action of the story, the outcome also has to be taken
into consideration. In a story where, for instance, the heroes are peasant
farmers who cruelly kill their oppressive masters but in the end are punished,
it is not enough to say that freedom from oppression is the storyteller’s value.
The outcome shows an opposite value also at work, namely, that of peace
and order, a revulsion from violence even when justified. Such a story to be
fully analyzed should be tallied under both values. One has to make the
Manileno’s Mainsprings 93
jump, as it were, from the mind of the peasant farmers, whose aim was rebel¬
lion and liberation, to the mind of the storyteller himself, who at the end dis-
identifies himself from the heroes and in whom two values are competing,
rebellion and preservation of the established order. In the interplay of the
two values, the second one seems to have won out but not to have wholly
extinguished the other.
The problem of simultaneous values also appears in the story, quoted
above, of the mother seeking to save her child’s life. The mother’s aim is to
save her child. The storyteller also has this value, that of the scientific, med¬
ical approach to health problems. To analyze this story properly, one has to
classify it under the two values, one of the “hero” in the story, the other of
the storyteller, who passes judgment upon the character she has created.
Gassification of Values
Once the story has been analyzed, the problem of classification then arises.
This problem is similar to that of classifying social motives, a problem which
as yet has only unsatisfactory solutions in psychology. The number of cate¬
gories to be used remains dependent on individual insight and inclinations.
Murray used 28 categories for needs. Maslow (1954) divided needs into
physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. Allport
divided values into the theoretical, economic, esthetic, social, political, and
religious. There still remains a need for some kind of qualitative factor analysis
to group the values, starting out from the data rather than from a priori
In the absence of such a qualitative statistical tool the next best method
was to leave classification to clinical insight. To obtain some sort of objectiv¬
ity, 14 psychology graduate students, all of whom had administered their
own sets of Filipino pictures to Filipino (Manila) subjects, consulted, first in
small groups of two or three, then all together in one larger discussion group,
and compared their findings. As a result of these sessions, four main headings
emerged. These were taken as the four main values of the cultural sample.
Under these four values were then listed the themes, the cultural norms,
which had reoccurred at least once in every 20 stories. There was an undoubted
overlap between the values thus obtained, as well as a hierarchical subordination
of means to ends, but such overlap was tolerated for the sake of cultural
meaningfulness, just as Thurstone allowed his factors to be rotated and to
take oblique positions (that is, to be correlated with each other) in order to
obtain psychological meaningfulness. The four values are described here with
the more common themes appended to them and with examples taken from
the stories to illustrate the themes.
94 J. C. Bulatao
Early in the morning, the farmer went to the field to continue plowing his field. This
man is living with his wife in the barrio. They have one son studying in the city. This is
the reason why the father is doing his best to raise the field alone without helper, just to
let his only son finish his studies. This farmer begin plowing the field at the rise of the
sun till noon time, then he take rest waiting for his wife to bring her a food. (Card 37, M)
This picture shows a young man who is on his way to school with the hope that
someday he will finish his studies and become useful to his parents as well as to his coun¬
try. In the background, you can see his parents working hard in the fields so that after
having a fruitful harvest, they would have barely enough money to finance the education
of their son which is one of their most important duties. (Card 5, M)
A2: Parents should be very strict in watching over, protecting, and curb¬
ing their children who might otherwise meet with disaster. The stories under
this heading are very numerous. There seems to be a very strong fear of blind
forces in the environment and in the children themselves, which makes a strict
adherence to the family’s rules imperative as a defense.
A2a: Physical harm may befall the child.
Early in the morning, beside the gate of her house, poor Mrs. Martha Reyes can be
seen standing there-shocked, eyes big as that of an owl staring at something beyond of
which the neighbor says there is nothing to be looked and stared at, really actually. Mrs.
Reyes, if one could only know, is suffering from the loss of her only child. Since she is
new in the place where she is living now, her new neighbors naturally never knows her sad
life. Actually since Mrs. Reyes had an only child and the latter was still taken from her
by God, so she becomes almost crazy, standing near the gate and imagining always her
child that met an accident. (Card 40, F)
A2b: If left by themselves, moral harm will befall the children, especially
the girls.
The time is past midnight. The couple are anxiously waiting for their teen-aged
daughter who has gone out with some friends to a party-a merienda-cena-who was sup¬
posed to be home at 9:00 p.m. The father is angry at the mother because he did not
want to give his daughter the permission to go, for the company was not good, the place
too far and so on. But the mother, who was the easily-giving-in type, helped her daughter
and she was able to go to the party. But now both of them arc alarmed. The mother cry¬
ing and imagining all sorts of things. The father scolding both his wife and inwardly him¬
self for spoiling their daughter. (Card 20, M)
A loving son, coming home to spend his vacation with her aged mother. Now he is
helping her with her work of taking off the corn from the peelings. She is trying to give a
sort of loving lecture to her son. Congratulating him on his achievement and warning
him to take care for he might have bad companions who might lead him astray in the big
city. (Card 24, M)
96 J. C. Bulatao
A2c: There is a fear that when children leave the house, they may meet an
accident. One subject gave the following story to the blank card, showing a
personal preoccupation.
Once on my way home, I had witness an accident in one of the national road of our
city. 1 was so eager to see what happened to the passenger of the vehicles. So when our
bus stopped, I went down to the spot of the accident. There were many persons around
it that I had to force myself among them before I had seen the victims. At first 1 was
looking ahead of me to the other victims. 1 see that horrors is still fresh in their mind.
Suddenly a wind blew, I was shock and remained speechless for quite sometime for 1
didn’t notice that under the newspaper which was in front of me that were blown off by
the wind was a dead body of a young boy. I had to sit for a while in the sidewalk, for 1
feel dizzy. Everything, as I looked at the dead boy, was horrible. Blood were scattered
almost around him. I can still remember how his brain were throwned out from his head.
His twisted arm and legs. It was so terrible that till now, everytime I passed an accident,
I am already so afraid to look at it. (Card 16, M)
A2e: Somehow or other, even this bodily safety, over which there is so
much concern, is linked to the drive for family security.
1 have seen a careful worker showing his hands with complete ten fingers. Do you
know that the ten best tools is this, showing his hands and ten fingers. There is no more
on stock. From more than twenty years of working I have done so many things with this
best tools that I have to take good care. Do you think the fellow who lose his arm or
even a finger can do much than the one having complete one? In mind I see this fellow
working carefully and continuously without any damage done on him as an employee
and on the company as an employer. In the afternoon in going home what to see is his
family cheerfully waiting for him for they expect that father of the family will come
without any damage on his body parts. (Card 16, M)
A3: Women are highly valued for their qualities as mothers and house¬
keepers. They are the ones primarily expected to keep the family close to¬
Manileno’s Mainsprings 97
A3a: Women are undemanding. They love one and only one.
It is harvest time and while the other girl was busy with their work, Laura plays the
guitar alone in one of the shady nooks. She strums a sad tune and recollects her past.
She had a lover whom she feel so hard. But this guy just played with her heart. He left
her and being a typical Ftlipina, faithful and true, waits for the day when she’ll come
again. (Card 11, F)
A common scene to see in any farm in the province. Lonely and waiting for the un¬
determined future, the woman keeps humming the guitar and sings beautiful songs while
some of her co-farmers are planting rice. Unsophisticated and modest, this type of our
women can be good mothers and housekeeper. Their needs are simple and few. They are
not too demanding, yet they love one and only one, characteristic of our Maria Clara.
(Card 11, M)
“For richer or for poorer in sickness or in health .. .’’—these are the thoughts that are
going around Aling Martha’s mind while tending to her sick husband. They’ve had a hap¬
py life together-a life full of joys, tears, disappointments and a few success. (Card 50, F)
A3b: A marriage should be kept intact no matter what the husband might
do. The women should forgive an unfaithful husband.
This picture speaks of a scene common to poor people living in shanties. Such places
may be in the squatters’ area. The old woman, probably the mother of the gentleman
and the child playing in the corner, seems to be demanding of the man his daily earn¬
ings. It seems that he has just arrived from work and his mother is eager to get his pay
for the day. It is obvious that these three belong to a very poor family as evidenced by
the patched rags that the child is wearing. (Card 16, F)
The scene clearly suggests a domestic quarrel between a husband and his wife. The
man could have lost his job or could be guilty of infidelity. In any way, this situation is
a common scene in many a home and no matter how strong the storm is, things get to be
smooth again. These two may Fight and argue the whole night but loving each other as
they do, they would soon talk their problems over and find their way to each other
again. (Card 20, F)
This seems to be a picture of infidelity caught in action. The woman in the shadows
is the man’s wife watching her husband leave his other woman’s house. The other wom¬
an is obviously thrilled and happy but the husband is sad and probably possesscsaguilty
conscience in spite of his amorous adventures. A typical domestic quarrel will ensue upon
the arrival of the husband and the wife home. After having talked their problems over,
the couple may find a solution to their problems and everybody will be happy in the
end. (Card 28, F)
A3c: Away from the family, women are insecure, worry about their loss
of chastity.
The scene is inside the passenger train. A woman finds herself in a precarious sit¬
uation. She is the only one among the men who surround her. Worst of all the man
right in front of her keeps on staring at her as if there is something in her which her seat-
mate see for the first time in his life. She feels as if her body is nude. She begins covering
her bosom and stoops down to hide her feeling of fear. When the train stops at a station,
the man goes down. She feels relieved and decides to go to sleep. (Card 7, M)
Linda got bored in the province. She wanted to go to the city where everything
seems glamorous. With some cash, she boarded a train going to Manila. While on the
train, she noticed a man eyeing her. She got nervous. The man approached and offered
her a job. She accepted. She found out to her regrets that she is to become a prostitute.
(Card 7, M)
A4: Tender relationships, carino, lambingan, are highly prized. Often there
is a sad, nostalgic note. Memories of close relationships are sweet.
98 / C. Bulatao
A4a: A husband and wife are close to each other. The wife pleads for her
The wife is “making karinyo” for she wants something very badly from her husband,
maybe it is for her growing children. Since usually sons are “mama’s boys,” the son may¬
be asked her to plead his cause to papa. The father on the other hand will try to agree
just to please the wife maybe. (Card 13, M)
A4b: Even in delirium (in Iris unconscious) a man thinks of his loved ones.
A sick man, having a delirium, pleading to see and speak with his loved one who is
far away. But he cannot get up and go to her, so he just cries out and in his delirium
tries to get her near him. (Card 26, M)
A4c: A husband parts with pain from his wife. He leaves her with her
This could be a picture that tells a story of love. A sad thing, however, happened so
as the husband leaves the wife to the care of her parents. She cries so much of the
thought that she will be alone for quite some time but of the happy assurance that one
day he will come back again. (Card 9, M)
Blc: Children may marry only with the consent of the parents; even when
they elope, there must be a reconciliation with the parents. Without such a
reconciliation, there is a great fear that the marriage will not be a success.
This picture shows two lovers in a very romantic secret pose. I will call the girl Isidra
and the boy Tony. Isidra and Tony are shown secretly looking in the direction of the
other room where you could see a boy and a man talking. The man, Nicolas, is probably
the brother of Isidra and maybe Tony and Isidra are up to something. Maybe they are
planning on their future or maybe planning to elope while her brother talks to his kid
brother, Bosyo, on some other matters. Their plans will probably materialize and the
couple will probably have a happy married life if ever sanctioned by both their parents.
(Card 13, M)
The son has just made a shocking confession-he is marrying the girl his parents disap¬
prove of. The girl is not good enough for him because she is a hostess in a nightclub.
However, the young man is much too in love with her; hence he tells them of his deci¬
sion. The old couple has no other alternative but to give in to their son’s wishes. The two
got married and all strive to adjust themselves to the different situation of trying to lead
a harmonious life. (Card 29, F)
B2: Authority figures must be respected and obeyed, though only within
limits. Cruelty is a valid reason for one to stop seeking the approval of the au¬
thority figure and to run away from him. The authority figure arouses a
strong ambivalent attitude in people, which may become conscious only
under special circumstances.
B2a: A person must heed parental advice.
Manileno’s Mainsprings 101
This is a picture of father and son wherein the father is teaching the son because of
the misgivings or mistakes done by the son to other people. The son listens carefully
what father was saying to him. By so doing the son learned a moral lesson from his father’s
wisdom (mistakes? ). Well maybe he’s involved in a fistfight with other teenagers of his
age. (Card 34, M)
This shows a picture of a mother and son discussing strongly about welfare of son.
Both mother and son discussing about the future daughter-in-law. The qualities the
mother would like in a daughter-in-law and wherein the son intently listens to his mother.
What will happen? Maybe the son has a girl friend with the qualities that he had
mentioned. (Card 59, M)
The father giving advice to his son who committed mistake that is against his will and
give bad impression to their family. The boy doesn’t understand the advice of his father
and he take it in wrong way. But if he only think it over, it is for his own good for par¬
ents doesn’t brought or lead their son nor daughter to the wrong way of life. The father
telling his son about his life when he is also a boy like him, the problems he encountered
and his experience in fighting for his own life. (Card 34, M)
There was a father who had an only son. He was a very prominent doctor and there¬
fore wanted his son to be a doctor. He used to talk to his son, telling him that he would
be very happy if he would become a doctor. The son being a very good son followed his
father’s wish and he became also a very prominent doctor. (Card 34, F)
There was a beautiful girl in the country who could play the guitar very well. Her par¬
ents tried to convince her to go to the city and develop her talent. At first, she did not
like to leave the country because she grew up there and loved the country very much.
However, her parents were able to convince her. After some time of study, she become
a countrywide known guitarist and was considered a virtuoso. (Card 11, F)
B2b: Even in the absence of the masters, it is the thought of them that
makes their subjects behave.
The masters are away and only the two maids are left to lord it over the big house.
One thinks that they should live it up. The other says that no, we must keep the house
and ourselves in order, because our masters are away, we must show that we are worthy
of the trust they have given us. The second maid wins the first to this course of action.
(Card 62, M)
B2d: It is for a person to keep quiet when scolded, and to think things out
for himself.
There’s nothing I can really think of about these two creatures. Maybe they’re advising
or counselling a child of theirs who has a problem. The father appears to be going about
it very calmly while the mother looks real mad. Perhaps the child did something or
decided on something against her wishes, or not according to the way she wanted. The
child will just keep quiet after the lecture, go to her room, think things out for herself
and the parents will go to their own quarters, the father calm, the mother still mad.
(Card 34, F)
102 J. C. Bulatao
B2e: Parental cruelty gives the child the right to run away.
There was once a beautiful girl who had no mother. She was an orphan and had a
cruel father. He used to beat her often without cause. A time came when she had a suitor.
He was a very good prospect and therefore after some thinking, she ran away with the man
and they had a very happy life. (Card 61, F)
Past... the daughter were caught by the father, may be going with a man. At present
he has been punished, whipped. And in the future, she will do the same and get married.
(Card 61, M)
The lady was whip by her father as punishment of her being disobedient to him. This
girl have been going steady for a long time now to man whom his father hated very
much. The relation of this girl to the man was secret, until the time the father come to
know about their relation. The father called his daughter to the room and punished her
by whipping with latigo. But the father is not right in doing this because the girl cannot
prevent her feeling to the man she love. And more is that this girl has also the freedom to
choice the man for her own and to be her husband someday. (Card 61, M)
B2f: Authority figures are feared and served with awe, but sometimes are
not really loved. When they lose their authority, the real feelings of others to¬
wards them become manifest.
The once-rich Don Quintin and his two proud sons parade through the town carrying
their suitcases. Before, they had been feared and served with awe because of their riches
and power. Now they are nothing but an ordinary person and the laughingstock of the
town. From their palatial home they descended to a “barong-barong” because their
properties have been sold for public auction. Pretense and hypocrisy caused their down¬
fall. “He who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be ex¬
alted” kept ringing to the ears of the younger son, Ben. He heard this from the pulpit
last Sunday. As he walked in the midst of jeers and whisperings, with his father and elder
brother, Tony, to their new poor man’s house, Ben resolved to humble himself in order
to be exalted. The three separated for the sake of economy. Ben remained in the town,
took the jeers he deserved as a man and worked as the town caminero. Years went on
and the town people became fond of Ben and they learned to love him. Not long later,
he became rich with a heart of flesh for his fellowmen and the poor. (Card 36, M)
B3: One looks to authority figures for help in obtaining a job and other
B3a: It is good to establish good relations with a tycoon or a manager.
“He promised to come right after the graduation dance, as we were going to have a
family reunion, and now he has forgotten me! ” sobbed Marietta in her room. Really, it
was a pity seeing her, especially on her seventh month of pregnancy. She and Arturo
were classmates, fell in love and married rather untimely; thus, they had to stay with her
parents. Her mother, woman as she was, sensed something was troubling her daughter,
came into the room and tried her best to comfort Marietta and kept on saying-“Arturo
will come back before midnight and with good news, baby.” The hours passed, and
Marietta listlessly turned in her bed, waiting, waiting for her husband. After what seemed
ages, Marietta woke up with a start, seeing Arturo standing beside her bed, kissing her
hands, and told her-“Darling, I’m really sorry I missed our family reunion, but, sweet¬
heart, I have a job! You know, right after the graduation exercises, 1 met Papa’s friend,
Don Jose, the industrial tycoon who told me that he had seen my school records and
was impressed and lost no time in hiring me forthwith as a technical engineer of his Firm;
thus, the reason why I was delayed in coming home at once.” Marietta was relieved and
hugging her husband, thanked God for such grace they received so early in their married
life. (Card 41, M)
Manileno’s Mainsprings 103
Romeo, trembling with wrath, pushed away his sweetheart, Rosana, with violence,
saying-"You lied to me, you promised not to see your old boyfriend, my boss! ” What
were you doing there in his office? ” Rosana tried her best to explain her visit but
Romeo, angry and jealous as he was, told her in no uncertain terms to leave his room and
called his sister to drive Rosana away. Months of anguish and suspicion ate into Romeo’s
soul, until he laid bedridden in the hospital. Then, just like that, his boss and Rosana
came to visit him. His boss with paternal benevolence sat beside Romeo and said-
“Romeo, you indeed have a saint of a sweetheart; you see, you have been promoted to
office manager and you must thank God for Rosana’s undying devotion and faith in you.
She fought hard for your promotion before the board of directors and came often to me
for advice on what to do. While we were sweethearts before, all that is water under the
bridge, for I am going to be your best man at your wedding. So, get well and be the hap¬
piest man by marrying Rosana with an office managership as a gift to both of you! ”
(Card 41, M)
This spinster is visited by her favorite nephew. She entertains him by telling stories
about her past life when everything was still rosy. The nephew listens patiently although
he’s bored hearing the same story over and over again. This is so because he visited his
aunt to ask for some more pocket money which he knows she will give. Finally he asks
and the spinster, being broke at the moment, disappoints him. He immediately leaves his
lonely aunt who lives in a past filled with painful memories. (Card 49, M)
In the last story above, the ambivalent attitude towards the authority fig¬
ure is implied. A person loves authority’s gift but not necessarily the person
of the one having authority.
B4. Tradition must be followed. The form of authority, especially that of
age, so dominates the individual that he refuses to let go of the group’s accepted
norms. The individual must not rise above the group. If he does, social pressure
will try to pull him down to the level of everyone else. Furthermore, he must
never sever his ties to the old home town. This value comes in conflict with
Value C, as will be seen later.
B4a: A man’s children till the same land as their grandfathers did.
Ito na. Maybe the man inherit the land from his old man and at present is working
it. And in the future he will let his children continue the work for a living. (Card 37, M)
B4b: One works for success in the city so as to be able to return to the old
town. Also noteworthy in the following story is the relation of son to moth¬
er: “God gave her a son, so that he can help her in the future.”
Dona Luz Vda. de Castro was one of the richest lady in the land. She had a beautiful
104 J. C. Bulatao
mansion on top of a hill which looked down upon a small town in the south. Many years
ago, she came to this town as a young bride of Don Juan de Castro. They had a son after
five years of marriage and they loved the boy dearly. When the boy, Jose, was five, his
father died in war leaving the young widow and son alone. But they were very well off so
they didn’t have a worry in the world. After many years of happiness, Dona Luz’ lawyers
told her that her bank account is getting less and less and something had to be done to
save the situation. Dona Luz didn’t know how to break the news to Jose. Jose was used to
high standard living, she just didn’t know how to break the news to him. But Jose knew
about the situation already, because as a lawyer they always seem to know everything
and he knew that his mother was afraid to tell him. So one evening while Dona Luz was
embroidering, Jose sat beside her on the sofa, and told her that he knew the situation
and not to worry since that was why God gave her a son so that he can help her in the
future. He was offered a good job in a firm in Manila and they can live in Manila and rent
the mansion while they were in Manila. And so they went to the city and Jose was mak¬
ing so good that he knew in a few years they can go back home forever. (Card 59, F)
This is the story of a man who left his hometown when he was still a young man.
Ambitious and proud, he set off for the big city to make his fortune. He leaves behind
his parents and relatives-and completely forgets them for years. He becomes a success.
He is rich—makes a fortune through hard work. He has married in the big city-raised a
family of two boys and lived in a very busy life. Now as he is walking on the muddy
street of his hometown, on the way to his old folks’ nipa hut, he begins to feel some¬
thing he never felt before-a certain warmth he never experienced in his long years of
working to be successful in the business world in the big city. With each step he knows
this is where he belongs. “The tree has to go back to its roots in order to sustain its life,”
he mused. (Card 36, M)
B4c: One must be on guard against strangers and innovators, who may
bring harm to the family’s traditional way of life. One must please them, that
is, one must be careful about smooth interpersonal relations.
Foreign strangers came to a small town. Maybe they are the new medical staff of the
barrio. All the children are anxious to know them. Curious to know how they speak,
how they act, what are their ways of living. On the other hand their parents and the el¬
ders are trying to have a good impression for the fear that these men might do more
harm than good to their loved ones. (Card 36, M)
B4d: The authority figure must be followed even when insisting on old-
fashioned ideas. An ambivalence within this storyteller is implied.
I see the picture of my father in this blank card as he scolded me during my child¬
hood days. You see, my father is very old-fashioned in his ideas, but since he is my fa¬
ther, I must follow whatever he commands me to do and 1 think his ideas arc the right
one. (Blank card, M)
B5. One must be careful about what the neighbors are thinking regarding
B5a: The first story dramatizes a man’s suppressed anxiety about what
people are saying.
The townfolk heard that a new family was moving in. So they all gather around near
the place to see who or what this new family looks like. The man leading the group ap¬
pears cool, and sure of himself, walking erect and dignified. The two look like fish out
of water. The one on the left side though, tries to look calm and dignified (a lesser fish)
but overdoes it. The man on the right looks relaxed and easy to get along with. When
they get to the house the man on the right will feel at home right away and go about
Manileno s Mainsprings jq j
things as if they were ordinary everyday occurrences; while those two “real cool” people
will be the ones peeping through half-closed windows and see how people reacted or try
to hear what they’re saying about them. (Card 36, F)
In a small barrio like Oring it’s nine out of ten that your life is being discussed like
news from page one especially so if you are a local girl just returned from a long stay in
the big city like Manila. In the case of Jacobe this is true. Jacobe left Oring to get em¬
ployed in the city as a housemaid. After four years she does the ‘return of the native’ act
only to be subjected to a whispering campaign. One of the local girls had started the ru¬
mor that she had stayed away so long-four years is a long time-to hide her sin, giving
birth to a product of an illicit affair with her employer’s son. In time this damaging story
reached the girl’s car and she decided sorrowfully to leave her birthplace for good, going
back to the city to resume her life as a household help. Her parents and relatives who
care refuse to believe, of course, and remained firm in their faith in Jacobc’s word that
it’s not true. (Card 62, Mj
B5b: Parents teach their family to behave so that they will be appreciated
and respected by the community, and also for morality’s sake.
This is a married couple who will soon rear their own children. They are thinking of
their responsibility as parents, on how they can go on life smoothly with all the whims
and trials they have to sacrifice. They believe likewise that on their efforts to teach and
guide their own family pleasantly so that they will be appreciated and respected by the
community. They also think of the moral ways of living. (Card 34, F)
The first two Values (A, the family; B, authority) seem to be taken as ends
in themselves. They are not considered as means to any other end. The fol¬
lowing two values, however, are in large part means for the attainment of the
first two. Nevertheless, they are not mere means, but seem to have some inde¬
pendent value in themselves. They are sought after to some extent for their
own sake and thus merit to be classified separately.
Value C: Economic and social betterment
It appears most often as a desire to raise the standard of living of one’s
family, or of one’s hometown, often as repayment for one’s debt of gratitude
to parents and relatives. Usually it is merely sufficiency or else economic
security that one is after. More rarely, the value is expressed as a desire for
106 J. C. Bulatao
Clc: Even the wife is expected to do her bit to help family finances, usu¬
ally at great sacrifice on her part.
Late in the night, the man comes home and finds his poor wife has fallen asleep while
finishing some dresses for her customers. His salary is not enough to support the big fam¬
ily, so his wife tries to help by sewing dresses. She forces herself awake to finish some
dresses due the next day but the flesh is weak and she dozes off unwillingly. The husband
gently wakes his wife with a kiss and invites her to go to bed already. She willingly takes
the invitation and calls the day off. (Card 30, F)
“What have we to cat this day? ” the meager father might have said to his wife. The
unfortunate mother maybe was unable to speak because she was incapable of earning a
living. (Card 25, F)
She started crying the very moment he stepped into the room. Why would he be gal¬
livanting around while she slaves over her sewing machine days and nights too for that
little extra money for the expected child. Doesn’t he love her? Doesn’t he pity her? Of
course he does, he had answered. And a few more endearing words soothed her to calm¬
ness. But the very next day he again was gallivanting while she slaved over the sewing
machine. (Card 30, M)
C2. One must study and work hard to improve one’s economic situation.
This theme may be an artifact of the particular sample group used in this
study, since most of the group were Manila factory workers or clerical workers.
Nevertheless, this theme occurs frequently enough to be set off on its own.
There is no mention made of the family, but success is more for its own sake
and for the aggrandizement of the self that ii brings. The desire appears in
both men and women.
This boy is trying to envision his future. After finishing his course in business now,
he is going to put up a business of his own and be an executive. Through diligence and
hard work, he finishes his career. He works in an office starting as a mere clerk and rise
from the ranks, he is made an assistant by his manager and when his manager retires he
takes over his job. Now he is a promising executive. His dream comes true. (Card 23, F)
Pepe had little love for those lazy carabaos and that stubborn piece of land. And to
Iris mother and to his father Pepe was a black sheep. But he had told them over and over,
I will never be a slave of the land or of the seasons. I will live a life that will give me
mastery of the circumstances. That is how a man should be, how he should live. It is not
good for him and his soul to be a powerless victim of circumstances. That is why Pepe
walks four kilometers to school, in the heat of the sun, in the drenching lashing of rain.
(Card 4, M)
After 20 years of struggle with life, a poor boy becomes rich through his own efforts.
His parents were poor. They could not afford to give him a comfortable home, good
food and nice clothing. But even though how poor they are, they possess and exercise
fear of the Lord, justice and virtues of honesty, obedience, etc. He worked during the
mornings and studied high school at night. He finished college taking night school. He
had to skimp and save to be able to live decently even though poorly. This was his ladder
of success Step by step he gained knowledge, experience, and skill that placed him up
and up the ladder of the company he is now working for. He may one day built a com¬
pany all his own. So it is the effort and patience that makes us. (Blank card, F)
Juan F very ambitious. Having been brought up poor, he just finished sixth grade.
But he is ambitious, nevertheless. While he plows his field he keeps thinking about how
he could increase the yield of his land. So while his crop was growing he asked the help
of the government to teach him how to increase his yield. Not satisfied w ith government
advice, he experimented on a small plot. His efforts made him a self-made farmer. He
was cited as tarmer of the year. (Card 37, F)
TTiis woman grew up musically inclined. She belongs to a poor tamily. She always
wanted a guitar of her own. But she can’t. So she always borrowed one trom an old man
in tow n She learned to play well. Harvest time and she’d rather play the guitar than join
the reapers. She’ll just sit under the tree and play, play, play. She gets to be good and
people begin talking about her. She gets into the stage and soon she s one ol a group of
gitaristas. (Card 11, M)
108 J. C. Bulatao
The girl is the daughter of an animal trainer. She is fascinated with taming animals.
She asks her father to teach her how. She is being taught by her father how to properly
hold the bullwhip, how to flick its tip at lightning speed in order to produce the crack.
He taught her all the tricks. It was hard work but the girl is determined to be a lady
trainer. She gets to be one. (Card 62, M)
The bespectacled man owns a small subdivision. He is growing old so he talks to his
timid son about the handling of the estate. He tells him to be aggressive and meet people.
He talks to him about the art of sales talk and how to convince people about buying
even unproductive land. But the son hates duping people. He doesn’t care. He just con¬
tinued writing poems and starves in later life. His brothers who are more enterprising get
the land from him and lived happily ever after. (Card 34, M)
The last story clearly states the superiority of the value of enterprise over
poetry and the more retiring virtues. It also goes against the value of family
closeness by approving the actions of the brothers in cutting off their part-
brother. The difference of these values from the big Value A and B leads one
to suspect that the Value C2 is the product of culture change and something
peculiar to the Manila area.
C3. Social recognition is a major aim in one’s going to school and going to
work. Apparently, the family in its great desire to rise socially finds two
avenues it can follow, a school education and business success.
C3a: A boy meeting an authority (an American), and apparently want¬
ing recognition, is moved to study.
Tonio does not want to study. He prefers to play in the field where everything is free
as a bird. One day an American approached him and asked for some information.
Naturally, he could not understand what the man wanted. He found out that had he
studied, he would have known what the man was talking about. He decided to study. And
that morning with determination on his face, he went to school. (Card 4, M)
Deviant values.
There are values which crop up now and then among the stories, which
nevertheless do not enter, without violence, into the four categories enumer¬
ated above,. These values are similar to “singletons” and “duplexes” in factor
analysis, variables which refuse to enter into a group factor. Since these values
occur so rarely, it is not theoretically economical to create other categories
for them. A couple of examples will suffice.
A person seriously philosophizes about life after death.
A man who is meditating sits down and pause for sometime, thinking of his past and
his future. He is uncertain whether he will be happy in the future. He knows too well
where his life began. But his problem is whether he still lives longer and fears that he
might not see his future being. So he thinks deeply that he believes life is but just a test¬
ing trial on earth. (Card 27, F)
A man (who had been to Laos and experienced a culture different from his
own) wants to help others but expresses doubts about goals, showing himself
to be in a state of conscious anomie.
I know they hate me for they don’t understand ... 1 have a different world or a look
at the world ... I don’t want to be in group with them, talking bad of others, praising
the others and when they turn their back they curse them. How I wish that I could be a
help to anybody, if 1 could only have the ways and means. People in less fortunate coun¬
try like ours, especially in Asia, need very badly the aid of their fellowmen ... but as at
present the only thing I’m doing is to wish that someday have to help them, for even
how much I like to help people, I have no means. There are lots of miserable things in
this world and we have to face it but the trouble lies on how to face it ... I wish peo¬
ple .. . (thinks) . . . people has only one mind, to help each other, to love and nothing
else, so as anger and hate will be an unknown.fact of life . . . but that is the world ...
and wish alone can’t do anything, we must do something not by words but by deeds.
There are ways I know that I could help some people, but in helping them. I’m only
leading them to a more miserable life than at present. (Blank card, M)
to all values, particularly to the one preoccupying the subject at the moment.
Some cards yielded “deviant” values, that is, values other than the four cate¬
gories used. Some yielded no values at all. Some had to be tallied under two
It may be seen from the above table that Value A (the family value) and
Value C (the socio-economic value) recurred most frequently. The frequency
of C may be explained in part by the fact that many in the sample group were
job applicants and at the moment of taking the test were preoccupied with
landing a job; this fact may have artificially swelled the frequency of C. The
deviant values took the form of religious values, desire to help others, alms¬
giving, physical fitness, and such, which are hard to include in the four-value
Table 1
Tally of recurrence of values contained
in 90 blank cards.
Value A 28
Value B 12
Value C 28
Value D 8
Deviant values 8
No values 13
There is agreement on the need for security from a hostile world, the pref¬
erence of suffering to insecurity, the basic authoritarianism of the personali¬
ty. If Felipe maintains that the main value is the need to control evil impul¬
ses, he also suggests that the need for such control is the fear of loss of secu¬
rity and of the approval of authority.
It may be asked: Where does the religious value come in? Apart from the
stories in which people take refuge in religion when in trouble, there is very
114 J. C. Bulatao
1. Each “story” was taken down in shorthand. All are reproduced here exactly as
2. Lynch (1970) is included in this number.
3. Items in parentheses identify the card, or picture, which elicited each story, as well
as the respondent’s sex.
Beliak, L.
1954 The thematic apperception test and the children’s apperception test in
clinical use. New York, Greene and Stratton.
Felipe, A. L.
1961 A thematic apperception analysis of popular Tagalog short stories. Un¬
published master’s thesis, University of the Philippines.
Lynch, F.
1970 Social acceptance reconsidered. In Four Readings on Philippine values
(“IPC Papers,” No. 2). Third edition, revised and enlarged, Frank Lynch
and Alfonso de Guzman II, editors. Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila
University Press. Pp..l-63.
Maslow, A. H.
1954 Motivation and personality. New York, Harper.
Almost half a century ago, Henri Pirenne suggested that at each new stage of
economic organization, the leaders of the previous stage
withdraw from the struggle and become an aristocracy, which if it again plays a role in
the course of affairs, does so in a passive manner only, assuming the role of silent part¬
ners. In their place arise new men, courageous and enterprising, who boldly permit them¬
selves to be driven by the wind actually blowing and who know how to trim their sails to
take advantage of it, until the day comes when, its direction changing and disconcerting
their manoeuvres, they in turn pause and are distanced by new crafts having fresh forces
and new directions (1953:502).
If this is true, then interest in entrepreneurs should be more than merely aca¬
demic, for the country will largely depend on these men willing and able to
organize new enterprises for the success of its industrialization and economic-
development programs. Yet little is known about such men at present—their
social strata or occupational groups of origin, the factors influencing their
emergence, and their sources of capital, of technological and managerial skills.
The present article, a preliminary report, will attempt to shed light on the
areas of inquiry outlined above. The writer has been engaged for a year in re¬
search into the social origins and career histories of Filipino manufacturing
The research on which this article reports was supported by a United States National
Science Foundation grant administered through Cornell University.
JOHN J. CARROLL, S.J., has since published The Filipino Manufacturing Entrepreneur
(New York, Cornell University Press, 1965). He is presently Assistant Director at the
Institute of Social Order (ISO), Manila.
study was necessary. In the first place, therefore, it was decided to limit the
study to entrepreneurs who are Filipinos legally and—as far as could be deter¬
mined—culturally. For it is already well known that in the underdeveloped
areas of today much of the entrepreneurship has been provided by foreigners
and immigrants. On the other hand, the indigenous sources of entrepreneur-
ship are less well known and perhaps more important for the future. Second¬
ly, it was decided to concentrate on manufacturing industries, but to exclude
from the study the following: sawmilling, sugar milling, abaca, ramie, and
nipa processing, newspaper and magazine publishing, and purely repair work.
These exclusions were made on either theoretical or practical grounds, that is,
the activities eliminated either are not manufacturing in the usual sense of the
word (newspaper publishing and automotive repair shops, for example) al¬
though so classified by the Department of Labor, or they are typically dis¬
persed and so remote from urban centers that it would have been impossible
to visit many of them in the time available. Finally, it was decided to con¬
centrate on relatively large enterprises in terms of employment, since employ¬
ment figures are the most readily accessible index of reasonably successful
and significant entrepreneurship.
There were two main sources from which a list of firms to be included in
the study was drawn. The first was a list of manufacturing establishments hav¬
ing 100 or more employes, provided by the Department of Labor.2 This was
a list of establishments, usually the establishment being the individual fac¬
tory. It was converted into a list of enterprises for purposes of this study by
considering different factories engaged in the same type of production and
owned by the same firm as belonging to the same socio-economic unit or
The other main source employed in making up the final list of enterprises
to be studied was the corporation files of the Securities and Exchange Com¬
mission (SEC).3 The records of approximately 300 enterprises were examined
with the following purposes in mind: to eliminate cases of government entre¬
preneurship, to make a tentative judgment as to who seemed to have per¬
formed the entrepreneurial role in a given case, and to eliminate cases in
which the entrepreneur was not legally and culturally a Filipino. Identifying
cases of government entrepreneurship was a simple matter, and the tentative
identification of the entrepreneur made on the basis of corporation records
could later be checked in the interview and by informal inquiries. But identi¬
fying a person’s culture on the basis of such records would appear to be socio¬
logical sleight-of-hand and demands an explanation. The following assump¬
tions were made:
(1) Culture is not an all-or-nothing thing, but a matter of more or less.
Hence the problem is to separate out one group which will be “more
Filipino” and another which will be “less Filipino.” The criterion need not be
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 777
(2) A person’s culture is derived primarily from that of his parents. Hence
a person who did not have even one Filipino parent will usually be less
Filipino in culture than one who did.
(3) From the fact that the SEC records list a person as an alien or a natu¬
ralized citizen we can deduce that he probably did not have even one Filipino
parent; for, at least until the Tan Chong case of 1947, it was possible for indi¬
viduals born in the Philippines of one Filipino parent to obtain citizenship
without the formality of naturalization.
(4) From the fact that the group of original stockholders of a corporation
is strongly foreign in composition, we may assume that the organizer of the
group is probably foreign in culture and/or citizenship. The known propen¬
sity of minority groups everywhere to cling together is the basis of this as¬
On the above assumptions, it was decided to eliminate at this point:
(1) enterprises in which the entrepreneur was an alien or naturalized citizen;
(2) enterprises in which the entrepreneur was still unidentified, but; (a) more
than half of the original stockholders had foreign names, including the Filipi-
nized form of Chinese names; and (b) more than half of these—that is, one-
quarter of the total—were aliens, naturalized citizens, or had Chinese names
in their unchanged form—that is, three monosyllabic names without a Chris¬
tian name.
There were a few more eliminations at this point, based on the fact that
the ultimate unit of study was to be the entrepreneur rather than the enter¬
prise. Hence where one individual had founded several distinct enterprises,
only the first of these—chronologically—was considered.
The above process yielded a list of 110 enterprises presumably founded by
Filipinos, each presumed to have more than 100 employes, in the industries
under study. Interviews were now sought with the individuals believed to
have established them. Where it was impossible to interview the entrepreneur
because he was deceased or out of the country or otherwise unavailable, inter¬
views were sought with a close relative or early associate in the business. In
109 out of 110 cases interviews were obtained.4
In the early part of each interview the writer asked the interviewee to de¬
scribe in his own words the establishing of the enterprise. He followed this
with more detailed questions about the obtaining of capital, technology, man¬
agement, and such. The chief purpose of this question was to confirm or call
in question the identification of the entrepreneur made tentatively at the
SEC. Occasionally it was found necessary to revise this identification and seek
118 J. J. Carroll
an interview with the person newly identified as the entrepreneur. The
writer’s impression was that, in general, people had fairly clear ideas in their
own minds about who had performed the organizing or coordinating role,
although often they were not familiar with the word “entrepreneur.” In the
interviews also, the writer checked on the matter of nationality. As a result, a
number of entrepreneurs who had not had a Filipino parent but did not ap¬
pear on the SEC records as naturalized citizens were dropped from the study
after the interviews. From the 109 cases studied, 92 were found to be usable
for analysis, as follows:
The writer is well aware that there are many possible sources of error in
the complex procedure just described: a firm having two plants with 90 em¬
ployes in each would not appear on the list, while one having only one fac¬
tory with 100 employes would appear; by the time of the interview, seven of
the enterprises included had dropped to between 70 and 100 employes owing
to the separation of temporary employes, while others not included might
have grown to over 100 employes; and in about 15 troublesome cases, the
identification of the entrepreneur was less certain than he would have liked it
to be. Nevertheless it is to be noted that the usual bias due to failure to ob¬
tain interviews has been virtually eliminated. The writer sees no reason for
suspecting that errors attributable to the above factors would introduce any
systematic bias into the statistical results (Tables 1 and 2).
It may be noted in passing that by the definitions employed in this study,
about two cases of foreign entrepreneurship were found for every case of
Filipino entrepreneurship. And among the 92 entrepreneurs included as Fili¬
pinos, 21 reported at least one grandparent born outside the Philippines and
five reported one parent born abroad. Whether this represents a dangerous
alienization of the economy or a beneficial contribution of entrepreneurship
from abroad is a political rather than a sociological question.
It is not the writer’s purpose to draw any important conclusions from the
above-mentioned tables, but mainly to supply a general description of the
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 119
Table 1
Number of enterprises eliminated from the study and
number of enterprises finally included.
Other exclusions
Entrepreneurs already included
in the study 12
Entrepreneurs’ identification
doubtful 3
Entrepreneurs refused interview,
labor contractors only, out of
business 5
Government entrepreneurship 9
Total 29
Geographical Origins
Table 2
Distribution of enterprises by industry.
No. of
— CN —< Os
Ninety-two enterprises classified by original number of employes,
I ro —< ro <n vo oo CO
c> m
crossclassified by year of establishment.
■2 O'
5 I
a O0 -h (N —
Table 3
2 '<9-
O' VO o CN
• & o o <L>
o O in IT) £ 73
s£ o O CN <N /.
c o
§ 1
o VO
1 |
J <L) 03 H
7 o > o
.5 1 m o z
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 123
oo oo - O
<N C-) CO
d <N
Ninety-two establishments classified by number of employes in 1961,
0 0 0 0-0
crossclassified by original number of employes.
s <N
cl */1 VO CO
Table 4
r— m
o o O <L>
S-VO «D in in >
5 ov Ov •—I <N <N C/5
Ov 1 <L> cd
'o'-5 O O
o o in
r— o z
124 J. J. Carroll
Table 5
Geographical origins of entrepreneurs compared
with 1918 population distribution. *
Representa- Representa-
Origin tion Origin tion
*1.00 indicates that individuals from the province in question have the same representa¬
tion among the 92 entrepreneurs as among the total of 1918 population.
No entrepreneurs at all come from all of Northern Luzon (except Baguio) down to and
including Nueva Vizcaya and Pangasinan; all of Mindanao; the coastal provinces of
Bataan, Zambales, and Quezon in Luzon, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Marinduquc,
Masbate, Palawan, Antique, Negros Oriental, Leyte, and Romblon.
At this point we return to the question raised by the passage from Henri
Pirenne cited at the beginning of this paper. Are the Filipino manufacturing
entrepreneurs really “new men,” that is, men not sprung from the wealthy
landowners and businessmen of the previous generation but who have risen in
their own lifetime from lower positions on the socio-economic scale? An an¬
swer to this question will throw additional light on the origins of entrepre¬
neurship in a developing economy and will provide some information on the
opportunities for socio-economic mobility within such an economy.
We are dealing here with socio-economic strata and the emphasis here is
on the economic. We are attempting to measure movement from one
wealth stratum or income stratum to another. It is not essential to our analy¬
sis that these strata be marked off from each other by distinctive “styles of
life” or distinctive functions in society, but only that those in an upper stra¬
tum have at a given time higher incomes than those in a lower stratum. On
the basis of 1939 and 1948 census data, giving average and median incomes
for the various occupations reported and average incomes from a given a-
mount of farmland, the following income categories were established:
126 J. J. Carroll
Estimated annual
Income category income IT)
1939 1948
Source-. William 1. Abraham. The national income of the Philippines and its distribution.
New York, United Nations Technical Assistance Program, 1952. P. 20.
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 12 7
Table 6
Ninety-two entrepreneurs classified by
place of origin.
Total 92 100
* Source: Census Office of the Philippine Islands. Census of the Philippine Islands, taken
under the direction of the Philippine Legislature in the year 1918. Vol. I: geography,
history, and climatology. Manila, Census Office of the Philippine Islands, 1920. Passim.
It is to be noted, finally, that these categories attempt only to state the rela¬
tive positions of four broad occupational groups; changes in the value of
money over time, or in the proportion of the population belonging to these
occupational groups, would not destroy the usefulness of the categories. They
would lose their validity only to the extent that large occupational groups
were to change their relative economic position sufficiently to move into
other income categories, for example, if semiskilled laborers were to receive
the same salaries as those with white-collar or technical skills.
An indication of the socio-economic origins of the entrepreneurs in the
present study, and similarly some confirmation of the validity of the catego¬
ries employed, can be seen if we compare the socio-economic positions of the
entrepreneurs’ fathers with the educations received by the entrepreneurs
themselves (Table 7).
From the distribution shown in Table 7, the following facts can be as¬
(1) There is a very close relationship between the socio-economic position
of the entrepreneur’s father, established according to the method just de¬
scribed, and the entrepreneur’s own educational attainments. The relation-
128 J. J. Carroll
ship is, of course, expected, but the fact that it is observed tends to confirm
the validity of the estimates of the father’s socio-economic position.
(2) Primarily, the father’s socio-economic position places a floor under
the entrepreneur’s education: entrepreneurs coming from a given socio-eco¬
nomic level tend to have at least a given amount of education.
(3) The father’s socio-economic position does not in all cases place a ceil¬
ing over the entrepreneur’s education, except that no entrepreneur from the
lower class went beyond college graduation. But five out of 19 entrepreneurs
from the lower stratum got as far as college by working for part of their ex¬
penses. Likewise, nine sons of the lower-middle stratum reached their college
level, eight of them providing part or all of their own college expenses. Were
it not for these self-help efforts of the entrepreneurs, it is reasonable to as¬
sume that the father’s socio-economic position would have placed a ceiling
over their educational possibilities. In the upper-middle and upper strata, as
expected, self help was less common; most entrepreneurs from these strata
went to college, and most had their college expenses paid by their families.
(4) The group of entrepreneurs is well educated, out of all proportion in
relation to the Philippine population as a whole. Seventy-two per cent of
them reached college, whereas in 1948 only two per cent of the total Philip¬
pine population reported having been to college. Even if the Manila male po¬
pulation aged 35—44 in 1948 were taken as a more appropriate term of com¬
parison, only 12 per cent of the latter reported having attended college (Bu¬
reau of the Census and Statistics 1954 [Vol. 3]: 192, 196—97, 224—26); on
the other hand, more than 25 per cent of the entrepreneurs from our lowest
socio-economic category—the son of a shoemaker, and so on—went to college.
It is possible that these findings indicate the importance of education as a ve¬
hicle of socio-economic mobility. The writer would suggest, however, that in
many cases the mobility aspirations and determination to get ahead which
are revealed in the efforts to get an education may have been ultimately more
important than the education received.
(5) The answer to Pirenne’s question turns out to be a rather undecisive
“Yes and no,” or an even more exasperating, “It depends on your frame of
reference.” Only 35 per cent of the entrepreneurs, all big businessmen, had
fathers who were in the upper socio-economic category. In that sense a ma¬
jority of the entrepreneurs are “new men” and have been upwardly mobile in
their lifetime—21 per cent have been extremely mobile, from the lowest to
the highest stratum in their own lifetime. On the other hand, the upper stratum,
from which 35 per cent of the entrepreneurs came, has never been as much as
one per cent or probably even 0.1 per cent of the Philippine population. That
this stratum should produce 35 per cent of today’s entrepreneurs indicates
* o
* o>
m os 00 <N VO Tf —I E
<N m O o
C/2 3
0) x>
m oo vo t-~ ' Tj- — <N O cO
<N m Os O feb
£ E
•S <U
*0 XS
•S ^
Ninety-two entrepreneurs classified by education, crossclassified
X> 3
O O o o o <N <N E O
< to 3 T3
z <D
73 O
by fathers ’ socio-economic position.
(N o
o o o <N m (N m a D
—< — m m 'aT
I co
*o •a
to CO a>
& *o o
J3 00
6, +*
Table 7
C/2 "o o
O c
5 in rn >» <u
o T3
~ (N <N o ■'fr VO a co
a> o
o g.s oo
(N <N a- J2
o •S-5 co
Vo c a>
.o JB
o O
0 o a> &
10 c
o *3
s (N — m
U 3
k. o
*») fc
(N m m >—1 m vn vO o
00 E
£ X>
co o O
<-n| m co
Os — X: T3 o
in vo <N «—i <n m o c 4-*
— C4 C/> -M
© c/2 o
•3 o . c
c0 M c/2
o o T3
& X g *5
CO c a> >»
o Q-
O 3 x
»»• * m S.w
S Cl r- m | c
a> o
I I CO o —•c cj00 oo
4-* CO
^ s CT) Q
3 CO CO C/2 C/D "o "o O H .2 cj
X) "*
a; •© O O X X U u S-
X> i-B
X> -1Z
130 J. J. Carroll
that it has not precisely retired from the field but, on the contrary, is in pro¬
portion to its size, the most fruitful source of manufacturing entrepreneurs.
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing
Total is 89, as paternal grandfathers of three entrepreneurs never lived in the Philippines.
"N* O
o o o o
~ P -tS 1 o o
£ a. S:
v Q.
b<j o
Sj s- £
2. t =§ m t}- — o
so m o
Q> ••S, £
<^) ^ .to jZ
CO 00 O' m o
in m o
£ *
S' S fc 51
^~s O a
c Vi
.o c
fc £ m m it o JZ
a. •£-S=o (N in (N o
i gf a,
i 52.
S go C
« a
to g*
o a. .o
V_ —s (N in cn o
Percentage did not total 100 because of rounding-off in some categories.
1950, 79 per cent were already of the upper stratum and none belonged to
the lower two strata. And Table 11 suggests a similar pattern of decreasing
mobility relative to the entrepreneurs’ fathers. Whereas before 1945, only
nine per cent of entrepreneurs came from upper-stratum backgrounds, since
1950 more than half have come from this stratum, while those from the
lower stratum have decreased from 41 per cent to 11 per cent.
Parallel to these changes are apparent changes over time in the industrial
origins and mobility patterns of the entrepreneurs. The number and percent¬
age of entrepreneurs who began their establishments as craftsman’s shops has
decreased steadily:
Before 1945 1945-49 1950-60
12(55%) 5(29%) 3(6%)
At the same time there has been a decrease in the proportion of entrepreneurs
who were in manufacturing immediately previous to founding their enter¬
prises and an increase in the proportion who moved directly from commerce
into entrepreneurship in manufacturing (Table 12). With regard to the change
in mobility patterns, the differences are most apparent if just two time peri¬
ods are considered: before 1950 those entrepreneurs who were mobile relative
to their fathers (that is, did not come from the upper social stratum) were in
most cases mobile after starting their manufacturing enterprises; since 1950
the great majority of the mobile had reached the upper stratum before found¬
ing their manufacturing enterprises (Table 13). In other words, before 1950,
entrepreneurship in manufacturing was a means of achieving socio-economic
mobility, while since 1950, it has been mainly a means of consolidating or
enhancing an upper-stratum position already acquired.
These figures are all in accord with the observation made earlier in this
paper, that there has been an increasing tendency over time for enterprises to
“begin big.” The writer believes that they reflect a definite change in the mo¬
bility patterns and opportunities for entrepreneurship, brought about by:
(a) a shift in the pattern of manufacturing away from the “craftsman” type,
which requires little original capital and can be built up gradually from very
small beginnings, toward a “heavier” type of industry which requires a rela¬
tively large original investment; and (b) the situation under the controls of
the 1950s, when the all-important dollar allocations seem to have been avail¬
able principally to those who were already well established economically and
politically.. It must be remembered, however, that time itself is a most impor¬
tant factor here. It takes time for an entrepreneur who has begun a small shop
to build it up until it is large enough to be included in the present study.
There may in fact have been as many craftsmen-entrepreneurs in the 1950s as
in previous decades and a study done 10 years hence might find their enter¬
prises flourishing with over 100 employees each. Nevertheless, the writer feels
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing / 35
Table 10
Entrepreneurs classified by socio-economic position immediately
before founding enterprise, crossclassificd by
year of foundation of enterprise.
(All values are in percentages.)
Upper 23 25 79 58
Upper middle 32 29 21 25
Lower middle 41 24 0 14
Lower 5 12 0 3
Total 101** 100 100 100
‘Numbers in parentheses for each category indicate the total number of entrepreneurs
in that category, which numbers were used as basis for percentages.
Table 11
Entrepreneurs’ fathers classified by socio-economic position, cross-
classified by year of foundation of enterprise.
(All values are in percentages.)
Year of foundation
position Before 1945 1945-49 1950-60 Total
(22)* (17) (53) (92)
Upper 9 18 51 35
Upper middle 32 29 23 26
Lower middle 18 24 13 16
Lower 41 24 11 21
No answer 0 6 2 3
Total 100 101** 100 101**
‘Numbers in parentheses for each category indicate the total number of entrepreneurs
in that category, which numbers were used as basis for percentage.
Table 12
Entrepreneurs classified by industry immediately before founding enterprise,
crossclassified by year of foundation of enterprise.
(All values are in percentages.)
Year of foundation
Before 1945 1945-49 1950-60' Total
(22)* (17) (53) (92)
Commerce 31 38 50 43
Manufacturing 50 32 22 31
Other 19 29 28 26
Total 100 99** 100 100
Numbers in parentheses for each category indicate the total number of entrepreneurs
in that category, which numbers were used as basis for percentages.
Table 13
Entrepreneurs classified by socio-economic position before found¬
ing enterprise, crossclassified by year of foundation.
(All values are in percentages.)
Year of foundation
Before 1950 1950-60
(34)* (26)
Upper stratum 18 84
Other strata 82 16
*Numbers in parentheses for each category indicate the total number of entrepreneurs
in that category, which numbers were used as basis for percentages.
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 137
that it is beyond serious doubt that the great increase in entrepreneurial op¬
portunities of the 1950s has been available to the well-established merchant-
entrepreneur rather than to the craftsman-entrepreneur. This conclusion,
disappointing to one who sees a relatively high rate of mobility as a socially
desirable goal, is in accord with the facts of economic history elsewhere and
may be an indication that industrialism is “taking hold” in the Philippines.
It has already been noted that the great majority of manufacturing entre¬
preneurs were engaged either in commerce or in manufacturing immediately
before founding their own manufacturing establishments. The pattern of in¬
dustrial origins back to the father’s generation is given in Table 14. Because of
the large number of those whose grandfathers’ industry is unknown, estimates
Table 14
Entrepreneurs classified by industrial origin, crossclassified by
socio-economic origin and past positions, and compared
with the Philippine labor force (male) of 1948. *
(All values are in percentages.)
fishing 26 8 6 68.3
Commerce 26 37 43 4.3
Government 9 4 3 5.7
Manufacturing 18 26 31 6.0
Professions 6 17 4 2.2
Others 14 8 14 12.9
Total 99*** 100 101*** 100.0
*Source: Bureau of the Census and Statistics. Census of the Philippines, 1948. Vol. 3:
summary and general report. Manila, Bureau of the Census and Statistics, 1954. P. 399.
**Numbers in parentheses for each category indicate the total number of entrepreneurs
in that category, which numbers were used as basis for percentages.
beyond the father’s generation were not attempted, but Philippine labor-force
data for 1948 are provided for purposes of comparison.
It will be noted that even the fathers of the entrepreneurs were far more
concentrated in commerce and manufacturing than was the general male la¬
bor force even in 1948 and far less concentrated in agriculture than the latter.
And at each step, from father to entrepreneur’s first job and from entrepre¬
neur’s first job to the last before entrepreneurship, there was further move¬
ment into commerce and manufacturing. But the main movement out of agri¬
culture was made by the beginning of the entrepreneur’s occupational career,
A first job in one of the professions, notably law and schoolteaching, pro¬
vided for a sizeable number of entrepreneurs the steppingstone between their
own industry immediately before entrepreneurship.
With regard to occupation immediately before entrepreneurship, almost 80
per cent of the entrepreneurs were already independent businessmen before
founding their enterprises, and more than half of them were independent
businessmen by the age of 28. One of the main influences of the war upon
the careers of the postwar entrepreneurs was that it separated many of them
from wage-and-salary employment: of the 70 post-war entrepreneurs, 24 had
their own businesses in 1941 and 45 by 1945. Wartime and postwar “buy-
and-sell” and postwar dealing in surplus provided a start for a number of the
No support is found in the data for the hypothesis, derived from the
thought of Max Weber on the subject of the rise of industrial capitalism in
Europe, that a Protestant religious orientation tends to favor attitudes and
values conducive to entrepreneurship. Of the 92 entrepreneurs, only one was
raised a Protestant and only two are now Protestants or died as Protestants.
Of course, the questions asked in the interviews covered formal religious affil¬
iation only. It is still possible that there is a relation between intensity of reli¬
gious belief and practice and the presence or absence of entrepreneurial quali¬
ties. But the writer’s belief is that: (a) many of the attitudes associated by
Weber with ascetical Protestantism have become disassociated—as Weber re¬
cognized—from their origins and are now part of the “modern” culture to
which the Filipino entrepreneurs, far more than the average Filipino, have
been exposed, and (b) other attitudes associated with ascetical Protestantism
may not have been as important for the Filipino entrepreneur of the 1950s as
for the European industrial pioneer of 1750.
Filipino Entrepreneurship in Manufacturing 139
1. The term, "entrepreneur,” here and throughout the paper is used to refer to the
organizer of the factors of production-land or natural resources, labor which includes
technical and managerial skills as well as labor in the usual sense, and capital. The entre¬
preneur brings these three together and thus establishes a new industrial enterprise.
Whether he personally provides the capital or technology from his own resources, or
personally manages the enterprise once established, is immaterial.
2. This list was compiled for the writer from the files of the Labor Statistics Division
of the Department of Labor, through the cooperation of Mr. Honesto K. Bringas, chief of
the Labor Statistics Division, and Miss I rancisca de Castro of the same division. Much
time and effort went into compiling this list and the writer wishes to thank Mr. Bringas
and Miss de Castro.
3. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mr. Ner C. Reodica, deputy com¬
missioner, and to Mr. Gaudeneio Mejia, administrative officer of the SLC, for making
these files available to him.
5. The map of the Philippines on p. 64, though it shows only principal cities, will give
the reader an idea of the relation between closeness to Manila and number of entre¬
6. The technique was used, of course, only for obtaining an overall estimate. In most
cases, fathers of a given educational level came from two or more socio-economic strata
and there was no way of determining which individual grandfathers should be assigned to
which of the strata.
Abraham, William I.
1952 The national income of the Philippines and its distribution. New York,
United Nations Technical Assistance Program.
Pircnne, Henri
1953 Stages in the social history of capitalism. In Class, status, and power: a
reader in social stratification. Reinhard Bendix and Seymour Martin Lipset.
editors. Glencoe, Ill., The Free Press. Pp. 501 517.
Selected IPC Research Projects
(As of August 1970)
For each entry six items of information are given, and in this order: Project
title. Name(s) of the principal investigator(s). Year(s) in which the research
was undertaken. LPC research program to which the project pertains. Present
status of the research. Place of publication.
A number of symbols are used. Research period: s—added to the year in
which the research was done indicates that the field work was a summer-month
project (six—eight weeks). Research program: APS/BRP-Ateneo-Penn State
Basic Research Program; BAS—Bikol Area Survey; CISC—Coordinated Investi¬
gation of Sulu Culture; HEWA (Hawaii/East-West Center/Ateneo)—projects
undertaken by East-West Center grantees with field advice from the IPC;
G-general research program of the IPC; MAS—Manila Area Study. Status of
research: CP—completed and report published; CPp—completed but report
not published;Cp—completed in part but report not published;CpP—completed
in part and partial report published; np—not published. Place of publication:
IPC —Institute of Philippine Culture; PSR —Philippine Sociological Review;
PS—Philippine Studies ; 0—elsewhere (specified).
1. Reciprocity in the lowland Philippines. Mary R. Hollnsteiner. 1959—60.
G. CP. PS. IPC (IPCPapers, Nos. 1 and 2).
2. The characteristics of ritual kinsmen in a small community. Wilfredo F.
Arce. 1960—61. BAS. C. np.
3. Continuities in Philippine social class. Frank Lynch, S.J., 1961. G. CpP.
O (Historical Bulletin, Manila).
4. Social acceptance as a Philippine cultural theme. Frank Lynch, S.J. 1961.
G. CP. PS. IPC (IPCPapers, No. 2).
5. Values of Manilenos as derived from projective tests. Jaime C. Bulatao, S.J.,
IPC staff and associates. 1961. G. CP. PS. IPC (IPC Papers, No. 2).
6. Understanding the Philippines and America: a study of cultural themes.
IPC staff and associates. 1961-68. G. CpP. IPC (mimeo.).
142 Selected I PC Research Projects
7. Power systems of Jolo, Sulu. Wilfredo F. Arce. 1961—63. CISC. CP. PS,
IPC (/PC Papers, No. 3), O (Doctoral dissertation, Cornell University).
8. Child rearing among the Samal of Manubul Island, Sulu. Nena E. Benton.
1962s. CISC. CP. PSR.
9. Religious rituals among the Samal of Manubul Island, Sulu. Maria A.
Gonzalez. 1962s. CISC. C. np.
10. Reconnaissance of Sulu Art. David L. Szanton. 1962s. CISC. CP. PS,
IPC (IPCPapers, No. 3).
11. Economic survival among the Badjaw of Bongao, Sulu, Jose R.
Arong, O.M.I. 1962s. CISC. CP. PSR.
12. Intergroup relations among the Taosug, Samal, and Badjaw of Sulu.
Richard L. Stone. 1962s. CISC. CP. PSR.
13. Sisangat: Samal fishing village of Siasi, Sulu. Dolores Ducommun. 1962s.
14. Production of uniform subject indices for the 100 most important general
published sources on Manila and the Philippines (MAS Basic Bibliography
Project). Helen R. Tubangui. 1962—64. MAS. CPp. IPC (mimeo.).
15. Tondo family and kinship survey (MAS Family and Kinship Project).
Asuncion Marquez-van Arendonk, project director; Liliosa T. Mangosing,
research assistant. 1962. Cp. np.
16. Study of changing patterns of social structure in the Philippines: 1896,
1963. John J. Carroll, S.J., project director; Maria Teresa Colayco, research
assistant. 1963. G. CP. IPC.
17. Trends report on studies in social stratification and social mobility in the
Philippines. Frank, Lynch, S.J., and IPC staff. 1963. G. CP. 0 (East Asian
Cultural Studies, Tokyo).
18. Folk medicine and curer among the Samal of Sisangat, Siasi, Sulu. Dolores
Ducommun. 1963s. CISC. C. np.
19. Woodcarving in Sulu. Julian E. Dacanay, Jr. 1963s. CISC. CP. O (Philip¬
pine Perspectives and Brown Heritage, Ateneo de Manila).
20. Selected folk songs of Sulu. Loretta S. Garcia. 1963s. CISC. C. np.
21. Religious attitudes of the Badjaw of Sitangkai, Sulu. Richard Nicholson.
1963s. CISC. Cp. np.
22. Ethnic identity and community integration in two resettlement areas.
Audrey Greenberg. 1963—64. CISC—HEWA. C. np.
23. Social organization of a Badjaw community of Sulu. Harry A. Nimmo.
1963-64. CISC—HEWA. CP. O (Ethnology'-, M.A. thesis, University of
Selected IPC Research Projects 143
24. Intergroup relations among the ethnic groups of the Sulu archipelago.
Richard L. Stone. 1963—64. CISC—HEWA. CP. O (M.A. thesis, University
of Hawaii).
28. Photographic study of Sulu Life. Abdulmari Imao. 1964s. CISC. CP.
O (Saturday Mirror Magazine. Manila).
29. Family development cycle and residence in a Bikol community. Nena E.
Benton. 1964. BAS. CP. 0 (M.A. thesis. University of Hawaii).
30. Production of handbooks on the Philippines (IPC Regional handbook pro¬
ject). Frank Lynch, S.J., and Richard L. Stone, general editors; Teodoro A.
Llamzon, S.J., and Alfonso de Guzman II, language editors. 1964—69.
G. CpP. IPC {IPC Guide to Tagalog/Ilocano/Ibanag).
31. Malate family and kinship survey (MAS Family and kinship project).
Nena E. Benton, project director; Liliosa T. Mangosing, research assistant.
1964-66. MAS. Cp. np.
32. Evaluation of the United States Peace Corps operations in the Philippines,
1961—64. Frank Lynch, S.J., chief coordinator; Thomas W. Maretzki,
principal investigator; Alfred B. Bennett, Jr., executive officer; Susan M.
Bennett, chief of data processing; Linda N. Murai, chief coder. 1964—66.
G. CP. IPC, O (Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii).
33. Folk music in a resettlement area of Bukidnon. Loretta S. Garcia. 1965s.
G. C. np.
34. Tondo community study. Mary R. Hollnsteiner. 1965—68. MAS. CPp.
IPC {IPCPapers, No. 7), 0 {St. Louis Quarterly, Baguio).
35. Study of aspiration levels of Filipinos in various kinds of settlements.
George M. Guthrie. 1965—66. G. CP. 0 (H.R.B. Singer, Inc., Pennsyl¬
36. Ateneo Southern Tagalog politics project. Carl Lande. 1965—. G. Cp. np.
37. Production of a modern Bikol grammar. Alan M. Stevens, 1966-67. BAS.
CpP. IPC {IPCPapers, No. 7).
144 Selected IPC Research Projects
38. Study of Filipino cognitive mapping. Frank Lynch, S.J., project director;
Ronald S. Himes and Meliton B. Juanico, project deputy-directors. 1966-69.
APS/BRP (Project One). CP. IPC {IPCPapers, Nos. 4, 5, and 10).
39. Study of folk and official concepts of ownership. Richard L. Stone. 1966—
68. APS/BRP (Project Two). CP. IPC {IPCPapers, Nos. 4, 6, and 10).
40. Study of an Iloilo town in transition. David L. Szanton. 1966-67.
APS/BRP (Project Three). CP. IPC {IPCPapers, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 9).
41. Study of ways of inquiring about family planning attitudes. Marya Pettit.
1966. HEWA. CP. 0 (M.A. thesis. University of Hawaii).
42. Study of an aspect of Philippine politics. David Kaeuper. 1966. HEWA.
Cp. np.
43. Communication effectiveness study. James McKendry, project director;
Salvador A. Parco, deputy project director. 1967. G. CP. 0 (H.R.B.
Singer, Inc., Pennsylvania).
44. Scope of the brain drain: preliminary investigation of the seriousness of
the outmigration of highly educated Filipinos. IPC staff. 1967—68. G.
CP. IPC {IPCPapers, No. 7).
45. Study of family planning attitudes (confd. see project 41). Project in¬
definitely postponed.
46. Urbanization and changes in values and motives. George M. Guthrie,
project director; Helen S. Guthrie, research associate. 1967—68. APS/BRP
(Project Four). CP. IPC {IPCPapers, Nos. 6, 7, and 8).
47. Changes in group structures and decision making. A. Paul Hare, project
director; Dean Peabody, senior research associate; William P. Bruton, S.J.,
research associate. 1967—68. APS/BRP (Project Five). CP. IPC {IPC
Papers, Nos. 6 and 7).
48. Bibliography of Philippine ethnography. Shiro Saito, project director.
1967—68. G. CpP. IPC, The Rizal Library (mimeo.).
49. Palawan resettlement project. Carlos Fernandez, II, project director.
1967—. G. Cp. np.
50. Student attitudes and reference groups study. Patricia B. Licuanan, project
director. 1967-68. APS/BRP (Project Eight). CP. IPC {IPCPapers, No.
51. 1967 lowland Philippines Christian family survey. Frank Lynch, S.J.,
principal investigator; Perla Q. Makil, field supervisor. 1967. G. CP,
O {St. Louis Quarterly, Baguio).
52. Study of school-connected voluntary organizations. Aurora Silayan-Go,
project director. 1967—68. G. C. np.
Selected IPC Research Projects 145
54. Study of the aiding response. Lee Sechrest, project director. 1968-69;
APS/BRP (Project Six). CpP. IPC (IPCPapers, No. 5).
55. Conditions of creativity among Filipino grade school children. Susan M.
Bennett, project director. 1968-69. APS/BRP (Project Ten). CpP. IPC
(IPC Papers, No. 10).
56. Masculinity-femininity differences. Todd L. Fay, project director. 1968-
69. APS/BRP (Project Eleven). Cp. np.
57. Philippine schools and influentials. Perla Q. Makil, project director. 1969-
70. G. CpP. IPC (mimeo.).
58. Graduate student cost of living. Frank Lynch, S.J., and Romana J.
Pahilanga, project directors. 1969. G/MAS. C. np.
59. Socio-economic survey of the sugar industry of Negros Occidental: a joint
project of the National Federation of Sugarcane Planters and the IPC.
Frank Lynch, S.J., project director; Romana J. Pahilanga, project deputy-
director; Manuel Regalado, S.J., field coordinator. 1969-70. G. CpP.
IPC (A Bittersweet Taste of Sugar).
60. Survey and evaluation of family planning promotion in Tondo, Manila.
Wilfredo F. Arce, project director; Aurora Silayan-Go, project deputy-
director. 1969—70. Cp. np.
61. Restudy of selected respondents of the BRAC 1967 family survey (see
Project 51). Perla Q. Makil, project director. 1970. G. Cp. np.
62. Production of a basic anthropology bibliography for Philippine colleges
and universities. Frank Lynch, S.J., project director; Aurora N. Corvera,
research librarian, 1969. G. CP. IPC (mimeo.).
63. Survey of attitudes toward morality and moral education. Perla Q. Makil,
project director. 1969—70. G. Cp. np.
64. Roles of the younger generation of scientists in modernization and
development. Florence E. McCarthy, project director. 1969—70. G. Cp.
65. Socio-economic survey of high-school and college students in selected
institutions. Frank Lynch, S.J.,project director; Horacio M. Borromeo, Jr.,
project deputy-director. 1969—70. G. CpP. IPC (mimeo.).
66. Design and testing of an evaluation procedure for the Home Aide Service
of the Bureau of Family Welfare, Department of Social Welfare. Frank
Lynch, S.J., and Wilfredo F. Arce, project directors. G. 1970. C. np.
146 Selected IPC Research Projects
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Lynch, Frank, 1921- comp. 010101
Fou readings on Philippine va
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Who is the Filipino?
What values does he hold dear?
Frank Lynch • PTCOXSlWEllTV
PTcippocny ix fjfT
Mary R. Hollnsteiner
John J.Carroll#