Passpsych PDF
Passpsych PDF
Passpsych PDF
Dr Bruce Owen
• By the end of this session, participants will be
able to
– recognise one model of medical skills and how they
are assessed
– Recognise the structure of the core curricula
– Describe the structure, content and function of the
different parts of the assessment system in psychiatry
– Recognise the concept of learning styles and how to
structure their learning for maximum effectiveness
“The most important things are not measured”
W Edwards Deming
Two purposes of assessment
• Formative • Summative
– ‘Assessment for learning’ – ‘Assessment of learning
Miller’s pyramid
Does Performance
Knows how
Miller’s pyramid and assessment
Performance Does CEX
Competence Shows how
Constructive Alignment
Biggs and Tang (2007) Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Open University Press
• By the end of this session, participants will be
able to
– recognise one model of medical skills and how they
are assessed
– Recognise the structure of the core curricula
– Describe the structure, content and function of the
different parts of the assessment system in psychiatry
– Recognise the concept of learning styles and how to
structure their learning for maximum effectiveness
The Assessment System
• Includes:
– Standardised (national) exams – mainly
– Workplace-based assessments – mainly formative
– Integration – ultimately summative
National exams
• Fully registered medical practioner
• Two written papers, 200 marks, 2/3 MCQ, 1/3 EMI
• 3 hours
• Paper A
• Part i:
Behavioural Science and Sociocultural Psychiatry
Human Development
Classification and Assessment in Psychiatry
• Part ii:
Basic Neurosciences
Clinical Psychopharmacology
316 candidates were successful at the MRCPsych Paper A Examination held in June
2018. A total of 663 candidates sat the Examination. The overall Pass Rate is 47.7%.The
Trainee Pass Rate is 56.6%
National exams
Lead in: For each of the clinical vignettes select the ONE most appropriate differential diagnosis
from the option list.
Each option might be used once, more than once, or not at all.
• You are asked to see a 21-year-old graduate who is having difficulty coping with his new job
as an administrative officer. He arrives for his appointment half an hour early because he
wanted to make sure he was not late. He reports that he is finding his job very stressful
because he is having problems at work. He has worked out a routine of how the mail needs
to be managed and drawn up a flow chart to make sure everything runs as smoothly as
possible but other members of staff are not following the flow chart. Choose ONE option
National clinical exam
• The CASC comprises two circuits of individual stations which
will test your clinical skills:
• The morning circuit will have 4 minutes to read the
instructions and 7 minutes to complete the task
• The afternoon circuit will have 90 seconds to read the
instructions and 7 minutes to complete the task.
• The sixteen CASC station exam will comprise of:
– five stations focused on History Taking, including risk
– five stations focused on Examination - both physical and
mental state, including capacity assessment.
– six stations focused on patient Management
1 x station
6 x stations 1 x station
Circuit 1 focused 4 minutes 7 minute
focused on focused on
on History reading task
Management Examination
4 x stations
4 x stations
focused 90 seconds 7 minute
Circuit 2 focused on
on History reading task
• MRCpsych course
• Trust courses
• Online resources- TrOn
• Clinical job
Miller’s pyramid and assessment
Performance Does CEX
Competence Shows how
1. Progress onwards
2. Need to develop -
within time
3. Need to develop -
additional time
4. Leave the programme
5. Incomplete evidence
6. Completion of core
• By the end of this session, participants will be
able to
– recognise one model of medical skills and how
they are assessed
– Describe the structure, content and function of
the different parts of the assessment system in
– Recognise the concept of learning styles and how
to structure their learning for maximum
Learning/teaching activities
• How do you approach learning?
Kolb’s Learning Cycle
Perform part of an Watching your
interview contributing trainer perform a
to risk assessment risk assessment
Active Concrete
experimentation experience
Abstract Reflective
conceptualisation observation
Guided reading of Discussion of
psychiatric observations in
literature supervision
Kolb (1984) Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. Prentice Hall
Which type of learner are you?
• Reflector – watch and feel
– Watch, think and review
• Theorist – watch and think
– Think a problem through
• Pragmatist – do and think
– Likes to apply new learning
• Activist – do and feel
– Likes to experience new things
Thank you!
Any questions?