On Leighton's Comparison Theorem
On Leighton's Comparison Theorem
On Leighton's Comparison Theorem
1. Introduction
In 1836 Sturm published his paper [15] containing the celebrated comparison
theorem. For it he studied two equations of the form −(pu0 )0 + qu = 0 to conclude
something about the zeros of the solutions of one equation from the zeros of some
solution of the other equation. In fact, Sturm’s theorem requires p = p̃ > 0, q̃ > q
and the continuity of these coefficients. Then, assuming that −(pũ0 )0 + q̃ũ = 0 and
−(pu)0 + qu = 0, that a and b are two consecutive zeros of ũ, and that ũ and u are
positive in (a, b), one obtains the contradiction
Z b Z b b
(upũ0 − pu0 ũ)0 = upũ0 ≤ 0.
0< (q̃ − q)ũu =
a a a
It follows that, all else being the same, u must have a zero in (a, b). The most
prominent application of this result is in the oscillation theorem which compares
the number of zeros of solutions of the equation −(pu0 )0 + (q − λ)u = 0 for different
values of λ.
Only in 1909 Picone [11] was able to weaken the condition p = p̃. The key was
the identity
ũ p
(p̃ũ0 u − ũpu0 ) = (p̃ − p)ũ02 + (q̃ − q)ũ2 + 2 (ũu0 − ũ0 u)2
u u
now known as Picone’s identity. Assuming 0 < p ≤ p̃ and q < q̃ will yield a similar
result as before by a similar argument.
Another essential improvement is due to Leighton [9] who recognized that it was
enough to require
Z b
[(p − p̃)ũ02 + (q − q̃)ũ2 ] < 0
rather than pointwise inequalities.
Recently, perhaps beginning with Savchuk and Shkalikov [12], there has been
an increased interest in Sturm-Liouville equations with distributional coefficients.
Eckhardt et al. [2] pointed out that all these situations (and more) are covered by
the equation
−(p(u0 + su))0 + rp(u0 + su) + qu = 0 (1.1)
where 1/p, r, s, and q are real and integrable1. Our goal here is to obtain a
generalization of Leighton’s comparison theorem covering two equations of the form
Our main result is Theorem 2.3 which, together with its proof, is contained in
Section 2. In Section 3 we discuss several special cases and examples to illustrate
the use of the main theorem. We also provide an appendix where we gather some
known results for the convenience of the reader.
There are many excellent books concerned with comparison theorems of which
we only mention Swanson [16]. Hinton [6] provides a survey of the subject’s history.
Finally we note that all our integrals are Lebesgue integrals unless indicated
1In the case of 1/p we really mean here and below that p is real-valued and 1/p is integrable.
Rx Rx
applied to φ(x) = a p−1/2 p1/2 φ0 gives φ(x)2 ≤ k(x) a pφ02 for all x ∈ (a, b).
Therefore, if x is sufficiently close to a,
φ(x)2 1 x 02
0≤ ≤ pφ
ψ(x) C a
which tends to 0 as x tends to a. Since a similar argument works at b the proof of
our claim is complete.
Now g 0 = pφ02 + qφ2 − pψ 2 (φ/ψ)02 (this is a variant of Picone’s identity). Hence
Z b Z b
0≤ pψ 2 (φ/ψ)02 = (pφ02 + qφ2 ) ≤ 0
a a
and so φ/ψ must be constant. Since φ is not trivial, this constant cannot be zero
thus proving the lemma.
We now extend the previous lemma to cover the general equation (1.1). We
denote the antiderivatives of s and r which vanish at a by S and R, respectively.
Lemma 2.2. Suppose 1/p, q, r, s ∈ L1 ((a, b), R) and that p > 0 almost everywhere.
If there is a non-trivial real-valued function φ which is absolutely continuous on
[a, b], vanishes at a and b, and satisfies
Z b
eS−R (p(φ0 + sφ)2 + qφ2 ) ≤ 0, (2.2)
then every real-valued solution of (1.1) has a zero in (a, b) unless it is a constant
multiple of φ. The latter case cannot occur when the inequality in (2.2) is strict.
Proof. Assume ψ solves equation (1.1) and that it is positive on (a, b). Define
p0 = p e−S−R , q0 = q e−S−R , φ0 = φ eS and ψ0 = ψ eS . Then
Z b Z b
eS−R (p(φ0 + sφ)2 + qφ2 ) = (p0 φ02 2
0 + q 0 φ0 )
a a
−(p(ψ 0 + sψ))0 + rp(ψ 0 + sψ) + qψ = [−(p0 ψ00 )0 + q0 ψ0 ] eR .
Since ψ0 > 0 on (a, b) the previous lemma shows that ψ0 is a constant multiple of
φ0 and hence ψ a constant multiple of φ.
Now the question arises of how to find a function φ which satisfies (2.2). The
idea of a comparison theorem is to look for it among the solutions of a related (but
better known) equation with coefficients (p̃, q̃, r̃, s̃). In fact, we will generalize this
idea by multiplying such a solution with a positive absolutely continuous function.
Any such function can be written as eF where F is absolutely continuous and real.
We denote F 0 by f . Thus we set φ = eF ũ where ũ satisfies
−(p̃(ũ0 + s̃ũ))0 + r̃p̃(ũ0 + s̃ũ) + q̃ũ = 0 (2.3)
and ũ(a) = ũ(b) = 0. Condition (2.2) becomes then
Z b
e2F +S−R (p(ũ0 + (f + s)ũ)2 + qũ2 ) ≤ 0. (2.4)
has a zero in (a, b) unless it is a constant multiple of ũ eS̃−S . The latter case
cannot occur when one of the inequalities p ≤ p̃ or q ≤ q̃ is strict on a set of
positive measure or if µ is strictly increasing on some subinterval of (a, b).
Proof. Choose G = 2F = 2S̃ − 2S and set r = s and r̃ = s̃ in inequality (2.5).
Then A/p̃2 , B/p̃, and C are integrable and we have A = (p − p̃) eG ≤ 0 and
C = (q − q̃) eG ≤ 0. Setting ṽ = ũ eS̃ gives
B(ũ0 + s̃ũ)ũ = µ(ṽ 2 )0 .
Using Theorem 3.36 of Folland [3] we get therefore
Z b Z
B(ũ0 + s̃ũ)ũ = − ṽ 2 dµ ≤ 0.
a [a,b)
3.4. Difference equations. A comparison theorem for the Jacobi difference equa-
tion is known at least since the work of Fort [4] in 1948. However, it may be viewed
as a special case of Theorem 2.3 as we will show now.
Let α be a sequence of positive numbers defined on N0 and β a sequence of real
numbers defined on N. We consider the difference equation
αn−1 un−1 + βn un + αn un+1 = 0, N0 + 1 ≤ n ≤ N1 − 1 (3.1)
on a bounded interval [N0 , N1 ] of N0 for which N1 − N0 ≥ 2. One might want to
write equation (3.1) in terms of forward differences un+1 − un . It then reads
−αn (un+1 − un ) + αn−1 (un − un−1 ) + vn un = 0, N0 + 1 ≤ n ≤ N1 − 1
where vn = −βn − αn − αn−1 .
A solution u : [N0 , N1 ] → R of (3.1) may change sign without ever being zero.
We will therefore be interested in sign changes rather than zeros of solutions. To
be precise we will make the following definition.
Definition 3.4. The sequence u : [N0 , N1 ] → R changes sign on [N0 , N1 ] if there
are n, m ∈ [N0 , N1 ] such that un um < 0.
If u is a real non-trivial solution of (3.1) and un = 0 for some n ∈ [N0 +1, N1 −1],
then un−1 and un+1 must have different signs. In other words, if u has a zero in
[N0 + 1, N1 − 1], then it changes sign on [N0 , N1 ].
Theorem 3.5. Suppose α and α̃ are positive sequences defined on a bounded in-
terval [N0 , N1 − 1] and that v and ṽ are real sequences on [N0 + 1, N1 − 1]. If the
difference equation
−α̃n (un+1 − un ) + α̃n−1 (un − un−1 ) + ṽn un = 0, N0 + 1 ≤ n ≤ N1 − 1 (3.2)
3All closed intervals in this section are to be viewed as subsets of N while half open intervals
are considered subsets of R.
has a non-trivial solution ũ : [N0 , N1 ] → R such that ũN0 = 0, ũN1 −1 ũN1 ≤ 0, and
1 −1
(αn−1 − α̃n−1 )(ũn − ũn−1 )2 + (vn − ṽn )ũ2n
n=N0 +1
The theorem follows from a standard iteration scheme since the equation is
equivalent to the system U 0 = M U where u is the first component of U , and
−s 1/p
q r
is integrable.
where f 0 (x) exists and is finite, B the set where f 0 (x) = ∞, and C the set where
no derivative exists (not even an infinite one). These sets are pairwise disjoint and
their union is [a, b]. We know that m(B) = m(C) = 0.
Now assume that f is absolutely continuous. Then it maps sets of measure 0 to
sets of measure 0 and, in particular, m(f (B)) = 0, completing our first step.
For the second step m(f (B)) = 0 is the assumption and our main objective is to
show that m(f (C)) = 0 but first we need to investigate whether images of measur-
able sets are measurable. To this end let A = {E : f (E) is Lebesgue measurable}.
It is easy to see that A is a σ-algebra in [a, b] which contains all relatively open
subintervals of [a, b] and hence all its Borel sets. In particular, the image of any
Borel set is Lebesgue measurable. Thus E 7→ µ(E) = m(f (E)) is a measure de-
fined on the Borel sets of [a, b]. Since µ([a, x)) = f (x) − f (a) we find that µ is the
Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure generated by f (or rather the restriction of this to the
Borel sets). Recall that f is an absolutely continuous function if and only if µ is
absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. By the Radon-Nikodym
theorem µ = µa + µs where µa is absolutely continuous with respect to m while µs
and m are mutually singular. Thus we need to show that µs = 0.
Since µs and m are mutually singular, there is a set S ⊂ [a, b] such that m(S) =
0 = µs ([a, b] \ S). Since µ(B) = 0 and m(C) = 0 we may assume that B ⊂ S c
and C ⊂ S. For n ∈ N let Sn be the set of those S∞x ∈ S for which there is a
derived number for f smaller than n. Then S = n=1 Sn . But, by Lemma B.3,
µs (Sn ) = µ(Sn ) ≤ n m(Sn ) = 0 which implies µs = 0. We have now proved the
first statement.
To prove that the second statement is equivalent to the first let g = f −1 . Then
note that g is strictly increasing and continuous and that g({t ∈ [f (a), f (b)] : g 0 (t) =
∞}) = {x ∈ [a, b] : f 0 (t) = 0}.
Appendix C. Distributions
Distributions are linear functionals on a set of test functions4. Specifically, in our
context, test functions are complex-valued, compactly supported functions defined
on (a, b) which have derivatives of all orders. The space of test functions is denoted
by D((a, b)). A linear functional u on D((a, b)) is a distribution, if for every compact
set K ⊂ (a, b) there are constants C > 0 and k ∈ N0 such that
|u(φ)| ≤ C sup{|φ(j) (x)| : x ∈ K} (C.1)
whenever the test function φ has its support in K. The set of all distributions on
(a, b) is denoted by D0 ((a, b)). It becomes a linear space upon defining αu1 + βu2
by (αu1 + βu2 )(φ) = αu1 (φ) + βu2 (φ) whenever u1 , u2 ∈ D0 ((a, b)) and α, β ∈ C.
If u is a distribution then so is φ 7→ −u(φ0 ). This distribution is called the
derivative of u and is denoted by u0 . Distributions also have antiderivatives. To
Rb Rx Rb
see this fix ψ ∈ D((a, b)) with a ψ = 1 so that ϕ(x) = a (φ − ψ a φ) defines a
test function in D((a, b)) whenever φ is one. Now, if u is a distribution, define the
linear functional v : φ 7→ −u(ϕ). It is easy to check that v is a distribution. Also,
since a φ0 = 0, we find that v 0 (φ) = −v(φ0 ) = u(φ), i.e., v is an antiderivative of
4See Gelfand and Shilov [5] or Hörmander [8] for details going beyond the very basics discussed
A distribution u is called real if u(φ) is real whenever φ assumes only real values.
It is called non-negative if u(φ) ≥ 0 whenever φ ≥ 0.
We conclude by giving some pertinent examples of distributions. R A complex
measure µ on [a, b] may be identified with the distribution φ 7→ [a,b] φ dµ. In
particular, if µ is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure m and
if f ∈ L1 ((a, b)) is the corresponding Radon-Nikodym derivative, we have the
Rb R
distribution φ 7→ a f φ dm. The antiderivative of φ 7→ [a,b] φ dµ is given by
φ 7→ [a,b] F φ dm where F (x) = µ([a, x)) is a function of bounded variation.
The class W −1,2 ((a, b)) consists of the distributions defined by φ 7→ − a F φ0
where F ∈ L2 ((a, b)). Note that the complex measures are a subset of W −1,2 ((a, b)).
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