100-Ab-Workouts-By-Darebee - Copy-86-130

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39 Extreme Abs
Abs power everything. They facilitate every movement. They amplify the
power the body can generate. Extreme Abs is a difficulty Level V workout
that will make you say “ouch!”. It is worth it in terms of the results it delivers
not just in the way you feel, but in the way you do anything!
40 Five Minute Plank
Training the abdominal muscle group is no easy task. The muscles do
not all respond to training at the same rate and there is a core group of
abdominal s, running beneath the external ones with muscle fibres pointing
the opposite way. This makes for a core picture which no single exercise
can adequately address which helps explain why strong abs are hard to
attain, which makes them an aim to strive for.
41 Good Morning, Abs
Abs are core to any kind of workout and this Morning abs routine can be
performed first thing int he day before you get out of bed or last thing at
night before you close your eyes and unplug from the conscious world. Ok,
you can’t be cozily tucked in under the blankets and do it, but you’ve worked
that bit out already.
42 Hardcore
A good core will always come in handy. Whether it comes to balancing on
the deck of a boat in high seas or performing the latest exercise at home a
strong core helps make the task easier. Plus it’s great for your posture.
43 Hello, Abs!
Strong abs change the performance of every physical activity. They
facilitate and preserve power transfer from the lower body to the upper
one and vice versa. They affect the way we sit and walk, how quickly we
tire and even how explosively we can move. Strong abs require almost
daily exercise to develop and maintain. The Hello, Abs! workout is your
go-to workout for daily abs exercises. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the
44 Homemade Abs
Abs need constant work in order to be strong, supple and well-defined. The
Homemade Abs workout helps you keep your abs in shape by targeting the
four major abdominal muscle groups.
45 Ironclad Abs
What you really want to do with your abs is transform them into a wall of
protective, empowering muscle. There is no real shortcut you can take here.
You need to do the work and feel the results. The Ironclad abs workout is
perfect for giving you the results you need.
46 Killer Abs
The abdominal muscle groups form one of the most important power cores
of the body. Training them has to be a steady, incremental job that requires
patience and persistence. The Killer Abs workout is here to help you do just
that. Follow each exercise, pay attention to form. Add perspiration. Your
recipe for killer abs is then ready.
47 Killer Core
A strong core enables you to do anything that requires balance, distributed
load, explosive move or rotational motion, better. This pretty much includes
everything. Killer core is a workout that targets your core. You should do it
as often as you can. It will change the way your body generates power and
then distributes it to the muscles that need it most.
48 Master Pack
When you’re talking six-pack you’re really talking about more muscle groups
than one. The abdominals are made up of four distinct muscle groups: the
Transverse Abdominis (also called core), the External Abdominal Obliques,
the Internal Abdominal Obliques, the Rectus Abdominis (which also happen
to be handily divided into upper and lower abdominals). The Master Pack
workout takes care of them all.
49 Master Plank
Core work requires time, patience and perseverance. Master Plank is a
workout that works the core and abs providing stability and enhanced
athletic performance. The Plank, of course, recruits a lot of other muscle
groups in a small way which is an additional benefit. It is your core,
however, that it will work and it is there that you will feel the benefits of this
50 Micro Shred
Abs are there to be worked frequently, at an accessible level. Micro Shred
is only a difficulty Level II workout but add it to the routines you go to when
you’re not busy discovering the limits of your physical capability and feel
the difference it will make to your basic abs and core strength.
51 Origami Abs
The abs, really consist of four distinct, inter-related muscle groups of which
the frontal abs or Rectus Abdominis is just one and, arguably, the least
important (although obviously the most visually pleasing). Origami Abs
is the workout that targets all four, giving you the perfect opportunity to
improve inside and out, quite literally in this case.
52 Shredder Abs
For those days when you really feel like putting your body through some
serious ab work, Shredder Ad Edition is the workout you simply wouldn’t
be able to face yourself in the mirror if you didn’t just do it. At least once.
In this workout the ab groups are targeted sequentially providing an ever
increased load that results in the kind of muscular adaptation response
that results in ripped abs.
53 Six Pack
The four muscle groups that make up the abdominal muscles help connect
the power of the lower body to that of the upper body making us more
effective and efficient in just about anything. Six Pack targets just those
groups helping make your abs and core stronger.
54 Sofa Abs
At the end of a busy day, all you want is the chance to put work out of your
mind, land on the sofa, turn the telly on and ... work your abs. The sofa’s
your gym. Your body is your equipment. This is the Sofa Abs workout. If
you’re on the sofa, it’s time to work your abs.
55 Supercut Abs
Supercut Abs targets all four muscle groups of the abdominal muscle wall
and it also does not neglect your lower back, arms and shoulders. Do it
every time you want to work your abs for strength and endurance. It will
also help increase core stability, balance and help with definition. Strong,
balanced abs help in generating power in ballistic movements, they better
connect the lower and upper body and help improve posture and even
increase endurance.
56 Superhero Abs
Superheroes battle evil and fight for good and it’s almost a full-time job, but
in their spare time they work on their abs (com’on you must have noticed!).
To sport the kind of rippling, taut ab wall look that just pops when dressed
in spandex, you need the Superhero Abs workout. This is a difficulty Level
IV workout so beginners needn’t apply (then again Superhero ranks never
pull straight from beginners). Make this part of your regular workouts -
think at least once a week, maybe more.
57 Total Abs
A strong abdominal wall is your secret weapon. Not only does it make
you feel good and look good but it becomes a performance multiplier in
everything you do. Because the abs are used to transfer power from the
lower body to the upper body and vice versa, a strong abdominal wall
enables this to happen with the minimum amount of loss. When you have
ripped abs, therefore, you run faster, lift better, feel stronger and look good
naked. Totally unfair, right?
58 Tough Cookie
Get your abs and core screaming with the Tough Cookie workout. This
recipe will require an ton of iron will, ten scoops of resolve and a dash of
pure stubbornness. Keep your plank up all the way throughout for the best
59 Washboard Abs
The abs are the body’s powerhouse ensuring that energy generated by the
lower body is as fully conserved as possible as it is transferred to the upper
body. Training them takes time, patience and, of course, perseverance.
Washboard Abs is a workout that targets the four distinct muscle groups
that make up the ab wall and power the body’s performance. Make this one
a regular in your workout routines and you will feel the difference.
60 Ab Decoder
Abs Decoder will work your abs, glutes, quads and calves. It will help make
your front hip flexors stronger and also work your side hip flexors. It won’t
push you to the edge of your abilities but then again you don’t need to go
there every day to get a good workout done.

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