Teaching Plan Law of Contracts
Teaching Plan Law of Contracts
Teaching Plan Law of Contracts
Batch 2016-21
Semester II
Contract – I
Mr. Abhijit D Vasmatkar
Assistant Professor, SLS-H
Law of Contract in India is a species of common law of England. English principles of law of
contract are almost entirely the creation of the courts, the legislature later, played a relatively
small role in its development. They are, for the most part, development of last 200 years, for
contract law is a child of commerce, and has grown through agricultural to industrial nation.
The growth of international trade further led to the creation of international commodity,
shipping, insurance, and money market, many of which were centered in Europe. All of these
commercial developments depended and still do depend for their successful operation upon
The law of contracts touches equally upon the lives of ordinary persons and the activities of
small and big business. This branch of law deals with law relating to promises, their
formation, performance and enforceability. Apart from the General Principles of Contract
contained in the Indian Contract Act, 1872, it further scattered over several legislations.
There are special legislations dealing with particular contractual relationships, e.g. The Sale
of Goods Act, 1930, The Partnership Act, 1932, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1889, the
Marine Insurance Act, 1963, the Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956, the Motor Vehicle
Act, 1988, the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 etc.
This course shall include a study of general principles of contracts (GPC) spelt out in
Sections 1-75 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. The remaining provisions of this Act will be
covered separately in the succeeding BBA/BA LL.B - III Semester course namely Special
Contract (Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge, Agency) along with Sale of Goods Act,
1930, Negotiable Instruments Act, 1889 and Indian Partnership Act, 1932. While studying
statutory provisions, Indian Contract Act, 1872 would be supplemented with necessary
judicial pronouncements.
Specific Relief Act, 1963
The Specific Relief Act, 1963 takes care of a large number of remedial aspects of law. It
came in replacement of earlier Act of 1877. The objective of this Act is to ensure that
whenever there is a wrong there must be a „right‟ to remedy. The „rights‟ and „duties‟ are
supplemented by legal devices to help an individual to enforce his rights.
Remedies are generally provided by the branch of substantive law which defines its rights
and duties for its own purposes. The law of contract provides remedy of damages for breach
of contract. Scope of the Specific Relief Act remains specific to provide a network of relief.
The Act does not confer any Rights on itself. Specific relief is only provided for the violation
of a legal right.
This course includes Specific Relief Act, 1963 which defines and amends laws relating to
specific relief including specific performance of an immovable property. This Act provides
for specific relief for the purpose of enforcing individual civil rights and not for the mere
purpose of enforcing civil law. It includes all the cases where the Court can order specific
performance of an enforceable contract.
A. Knowledge
After studying Law of contract, which required you to understand the broad patterns of
essential principles and steps in the formation of valid contract and to identify the main
policy reasons why the Courts or Parliament have developed the scope of contractual liability
in particular ways, you have acquired a general understanding of the principles upon which
contractual obligation is imposed, including the historical, political, social, economic and
other factors, which may affect the development of such obligation.
The specific objective of this course is to enable you to acquire a comprehensive knowledge
and understanding of general principles of the Law of Contract and some specified areas of
Specific Relief Act. It requires learners to be able, in the context of a given problem, to
identify the relevant area(s) of the law of contract and/or specific relief and to apply that law
in detail and with precision and accuracy to provide an appropriate solution.
B. Skills
The overall objective of this undergraduate course is to develop in you the following set of
skills: general cognitive intellectual skills; general communicative/employability skills; and
subject specific skills.
The course demands that students have the capacity to demonstrate insight in presenting
materials drawn from a wide and sometimes contradictory range of primary and secondary
sources and doctrinal commentary; and to demonstrate an ability to produce a synthesis of
those materials that offers a personal and informed criticism.
Law of contract will demand that students have the capacity to be able to write and use orally
fluent and complex prose; using legal terminology with scrupulous care and accuracy.
Subject Specific
Law of contract will demand an ability to identify and select key relevant issues and to apply
that knowledge with clarity to difficult situations of significant legal complexity; to analyse
facts and to produce well-supported conclusions in relation to them.
C. Outcomes
In preparing for tutorials, you will be asked to read, analyse and synthesize a number of
cases. You will also be asked to use that knowledge to support your answer to a number of
hypothetical, factual or “problem” scenarios. In preparing properly for tutorials, you will be
preparing properly for the end of term assessment.
Final Outcome
Four lecture times have been set aside for this course for each division. Verify it from the
timetable assigned for each division. Lecture outlines, principally in the form of PowerPoint
slides, and relevant study/reading material will be made available in “The Library‟ on
“Curiosity‟ Portal at http://slshyd.curiositylive.com/ To facilitate your understanding of
these lectures, you should always read at least the relevant pages of suggested readings in
advance of each lecture. In Law of Contract learners must attend regular classes keeping
in view the two norms. (a) Everybody must carry their personal copy of the Bare Act(s). (b)
Everybody is supposed to come with a reading of the judgments of the cases mentioned in the
list of selected cases.
The student will not be eligible to appear for the examination if he / she fail to put in the
required attendance. The Students can update themselves of their attendance daily online in
“Attendance‟ on “Curiosity‟ Portal at http://slshyd.curiositylive.com/
B. Scheme and Structure [Law of Contract]
3 Tutorials 05
4 Self Learning including projects, presentations, moot courts, 10
simulation, exercises, film review, news review, field visit, experiential
learning, guest lectures
Total 60
C. Lecture Outline:
Damages S.40
Week – 16:
A. Textbook
1. Treitel, The Law of Contract 12th Ed. 2007 Edwin Peel, Sweet & Maxwell
2. Pollock & Mulla: Mulla Indian Contract And Specific Relief Acts (Vol 1 & 2),
LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa, Nagpur (2011)
3. Arthur Linton Corbin, Joseph M. Perillo, Corbin on Contracts, Lexis-Nexis Butterworth
4. Beatson J., Anson's Law of Contract, 28th Edition, Oxford University Press (2002)
5. M.P.Furmston, Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston‟s Law of Contract (15th ed., 2007)
6. Singh, Avtar, Law of Contract, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow (2009)
7. Pollock & Mulla: Mulla Indian Contract And Specific Relief Acts (Vol 1 & 2), Anirudh
Wadhwa, 13th Edition, LexisNexis Butterworth Wadhwa, Nagpur (2011)
8. Iyer T. S. Venkatesa, Law of Contracts and Tenders, S. Gogia & Co. (2010)
9. H.K. Saharay, Dutt on Contract – The Indian Contract Act, 1872 (10th ed., 2010)
10. Soni, Ashok, Universal‟s Digest of Cases on Law of Contract, Universal Law Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
11. Burrows, Andrew, A Casebook on Contract, Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland,
Oregon, 2007.
The above list is indicative and not exhaustive.
Earlier editions of a number of the above texts might also be available and can be
consulted once account is taken of their datedness, particularly as to applicable case law.
These text were selected because they provide in one volume a combination of text, cases and
materials, designed to be read as a whole i.e., a “one-stop shop”. Nevertheless, the text
provides the basic reading for the course only. There is much more to the Tort law than this,
and you will undoubtedly benefit from undertaking some reading and study of your own. It is
creditable if you, in respect of the proper use of independent research and study, follow up in
the Law Library some of the case references, periodical articles or other material referred to
in the prime textbook or in class – or even to do some research of your own. A good resource
to use is the Law of Contract section of Symbiosis Law Library
and online databases such as Westlaw International and LexisNexis available on campus
network. Further, I will make available articles by eminent scholars in this field to be issued
from the Library (suggestive list will be provided at the time of teaching). If Copyright
policy of the publisher of those articles permits, I will make the soft copy of the articles will
be made available in „Library‟ at curiosity.symlaw.edu.in.
For supplementary reading, you could, for instance, begin by consulting the relevant sections
of the “alternative” texts placed on loan in the law library. Thereafter you could engage in
your own research, with particular reference to journals on online databases including SCC
Online, Manupatra, WestLaw India, HeinOnline, JSTOR, ProQuest,
1. A.K.Sen and I.K.Mitra, Commercial and Industrial Law, 9th ed., 1970.
2. A.C.Dutt, The Indian Contract Act, 4th ed. By B.C.Mitra, 1969.
3. Burrows Andrew, A Casebook on Contract, IInd Edition, Ist Indian Reprint (2010)
Sections 2 – 10:-
Making of an Agreement – Special Situations, Tenders and Auctions - Indian Contract Act,
1872, Sections 2 – 10:-
Capacity to Contract: Legal disability to enter into contract - Minors, persons of unsound
mind ; person under legal disability; lunatics, idiots; Restitution in cases of minor‟s
agreement; Liability for necessaries supplied to the minor - Indian Contract Act, 1872,
Sections 10, 11, 12, 64, 65, 68; Specific Relief Act, 1963, Section 33; Indian Majority Act,
Remedies for Breach of Contract: (a) Damages; Types of Damages ; Basis of Assessment
of Damages; Remoteness of Damages and Measures of Damages; Mitigation of Damages;
Penalty & Liquidated Damages – Indian Contract Act, 1872, Sections 73 – 74:-
You will be examined in this course by Internal (40%) and External Assessment (60%)
format. Internal examination will be conducted for 40 marks. It will include two tutorials (10
marks each.) and a Contract Drafting Assignment (20 marks). The Symbiosis International
University will conduct external written examination for 60 marks at the end of semester. It
consists of ten objectives (2 mark each = 20 marks) and 4 subjective/cases and open
problems/questions (10 marks each = 40 marks).
A. Tutorial/Project Timetable
There will be two tutorials. First Tutorial will be „Problem Solving‟ and the Second
Tutorial shall be „Cross-Word Puzzle‟. Each tutorial will CARRY 10 marks each (Total=20
marks). Each student will attempt it on all the occasion. One Contract Drafting Assignment
will be undertaken by learners which will be evaluated out of 20 marks i.e. Written
Submissions: 20 marks. The drafting exercise shall be undertaken by students further
to the instructions of the faculty member teaching this course. This exercise will be
administered to the students further to a workshop on „commercial Contract drafting.‟
The tutorials will give you an opportunity for assessing your learning of Law of Contract and
Specific Relief. It should be obvious that the better you are prepared to take part in such test,
the more you will learn from it and excel in both examination as well as understanding of
Law of Contract. Tutorials also provide you with an opportunity to develop written skills of
problem solving and reasoned argument. Lack of preparation and a fortiori non-attendance –
will mean that you will fail to make the most of the learning opportunities provided by these
Students are asked to pay particular attention to the technique of the dealing with Law of
Contract problems because the principal focus of each tutorial will be on problem solving and
recent situations on Law of Contract & Specific Relief. The cross word puzzle would try and
understand in-depth understanding a student has in the respective domain. Syllabus for the
same shall be shared by the faculty well in advance.
Research project, which is in the form of drafting exercise, is aimed at improving the writing,
research, communication, and other skills to make students learning academically more
challenging and rigorous than standard lecture and test format courses. It also aims at
promoting scholarship in this significant field of law, which has gained much momentum in
practice but often lacks solid theoretical underpinnings due to lack or inadequacy of statutory
provisions. This drafting exercise will enable you to develop strength to strength in the
related domain. A well designed workshop on drafting exercise will open avenues and teach
you intricacies involved in the tackling complicated commercial transactions.
Guidelines for submission of the Drafting exercise will be well explained in the
workshop. At the same time, facts based on which „A full-fledged Contract to be
drafted‟ will be shared in the last session of the workshop, with small clarification and
for doubts to be cleared.
The course chief faculty for Law of Contract is abhijit.vasmatkar@slsh.edu.in In case you
face any problem in dealing with the subject, feel free to see me. Notices relating to the
course will be posted online on http://slshyd.curiositylive.com/
If few doubts remain, please contact Mr. Abhijit D Vasmatkar via their respective e-mail:
abhijit.vasmatkar@slsh.edu.in I would strongly recommend that you should not call while at
home. Please do speak up during the class! I want each of you to glean as much from these
readings and our discussions as possible. That‟s why I am not relying on the traditional
method of teaching and testing. I welcome your questions and your comments.
Kindly Note: Formats for Drafting Exercise would be explained well before submission of
the project.