Veterinary Parasitology: Amie Perry, Sriveny Dangoudoubiyam, Melanie Bolling, Aline Rodrigues-Hoffmann
Veterinary Parasitology: Amie Perry, Sriveny Dangoudoubiyam, Melanie Bolling, Aline Rodrigues-Hoffmann
Veterinary Parasitology: Amie Perry, Sriveny Dangoudoubiyam, Melanie Bolling, Aline Rodrigues-Hoffmann
Veterinary Parasitology
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Short communication
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A 14-month-old, male American Bulldog presented to Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical Teach-
Received 4 November 2015 ing Hospital in August of 2012 for anorexia, hydrophobia and gradually worsening neurologic signs.
Received in revised form 1 April 2016 Grossly hemorrhage on the left side of the caudal cerebrum and cerebellum was observed and histolog-
Accepted 18 April 2016
ically corresponded with necrohemorrhagic and lymphoplasmacytic encephalitis associated with adult
nematodes. Based on morphology and molecular analysis, these were identified as Ancylostoma sp.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A 14-month-old, male American Bulldog presented to the Texas Due to neurologic signs, including apparent hydrophobia, and
A&M University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in August of lack of vaccination, rabies was suspected. No diagnostic imaging
2012 for a two-day history of anorexia, one-day history of apparent was performed. The patient was euthanized and the body submit-
hydrophobia or dysphagia (staring at the water bowl but refusing ted for limited post mortem examination, which only requested
to drink) and gradually worsening lethargy and depressed men- brain examination and submission for rabies testing.
tation. Approximately ten days prior to presentation right pelvic On postmortem examination, there was extensive hemorrhage
limb lameness was observed and two days later the owner reported of the left side of the brainstem from the caudal colliculi to the
that the left eye was “bloodshot.” The patient lived in a suburban caudal cerebellar peduncles (Fig. 1). The appropriate sample was
environment indoors with one other dog but was allowed out- collected and submitted for rabies testing at the Texas Depart-
doors including wooded areas and an adjacent city park for several ment of State Health Services and the remaining brain was fixed
hours each day. The patient had received no vaccinations and par- in 10% neutral buffered formalin for histologic evaluation. A neg-
asite control and treatment history was not provided in the clinical ative result was reported for rabies testing. The fixed sections of
history. On presentation, the patient was approximately 8% dehy- cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum were routinely processed,
drated, quiet, dull, and depressed with generalized ataxia, head paraffin embedded, sectioned at 5um, and stained with hema-
pressing, and photophobia. Temperature, heart rate, and respira- toxylin and eosin. Sections of the cerebrum were unremarkable
tory rate were within normal limits. Serum chemistry analysis, on microscopic examination. In the cerebellum and brainstem
complete blood count, and urinalysis were within normal limits. there was marked local necrosis and loss of gray and white mat-
Differential diagnoses for neurologic signs in a young adult, ter. The sections had extensive hemorrhage mixed with gitter
unvaccinated dog include trauma or congenital disease, as well as cells, fibrin, edema, lymphocytes, plasma cells, fewer neutrophils,
infectious agents including rabies virus and canine distemper virus, rare eosinophils and multinucleate giant macrophages surround-
protozoa such as Neospora caninum or Toxoplasma gondii, fungi such ing cross and tangential sections of adult nematodes (Figs. 2–4
as Aspergillus spp., or Cryptococcus neoformans, and migration of ). Throughout the remaining parenchyma there was significant
larval helminths. Another possible cause for neurologic signs in a edema and wide perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma
dog is metabolic disease, such as hepatic encephalopathy. cells with scattered eosinophils with similar inflammatory infil-
trates extending into the meninges. Occasionally vascular walls
were brightly eosinophilic and hyaline (fibrinoid necrosis). There
were scattered spheroids and neurons with central chromatoly-
sis. Nematodes were approximately 500 m in diameter with an
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Vet- approximately 15 m smooth, eosinophilic hyaline cuticle, vac-
erinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, MS 4467 TAMU, uolated low lateral cords divided into sublaterals, pseudocoelom,
College Station, TX 77843-4467, USA. bulbous internal cuticular ridges, platymyarian musculature, ovary,
E-mail address: (A. Perry).
0304-4017/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Perry et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 223 (2016) 210–213 211
Fig. 1. Brainstem at the level of the mesencephalon. Multifocal hemorrhage and Fig. 4. Brainstem. 400× magnification photomicrograph. Hematoxylin and eosin.
necrosis. Lesions in the brainstem were characterized by necrosis and hemorrhage with
numerous gitter cells.
Table 1
Generic primer sequences custom designed using the published hookworm ribosomal RNA gene sequences available in GenBank. The table shows primer sequences, annealing
temperature, anticipated product sizes, and the rRNA gene region amplified by respective primer pairs.
Primer combination Primer sequence Annealing temperature Product size (bp) Region of rRNA
used (◦ C) gene amplified
To the authors’ knowledge this is the first report of an adult portal vein (Katchanov and Nawa, 2010). Nematode larval migra-
hookworm in the central nervous system of any animal. Although tion through central nervous system tissues may result in various
the mechanism for introduction of adult Ancylostoma sp. into neurologic signs, depending on the location of the main lesions.
the brain cannot be explained, the hemorrhage and inflamma- These signs include depression, ataxia, seizures, paresis, hyperes-
tory reaction surrounding the nematodes favors their presence at thesia, abnormal reflex responses, and blindness. Gross lesions are
this location as the cause of the neurologic signs in this dog. This variable, ranging from inapparent (Snook et al., 2009) to large areas
nematode was determined to be from the order Strongylida based of parenchymal necrosis, loss, and hemorrhage (Denk et al., 2009).
upon its intestine, which is composed of few multinucleated cells Microscopic lesions are often more severe than gross lesions, and
with a prominent brush border and further classified into family frequently include sections of the larvae, facilitating diagnosis of
Ancylostomidae based on the lack of longitudinal cuticular ridges a specific cause for the central nervous system clinical signs and
characteristic of Trichostrongyles, and lack of the coelomyarian lesions. In the case of the patient reported here, gross and histologic
musculature and accessory hypodermal cords of Metastrongyles. lesions were evident, including hemorrhage in the brainstem, and
Based on the division of the lateral cords into sublaterals, the bul- cross sections of adult nematodes within the areas of inflammation
bous appearance of the internal cuticular ridge, and the presence and hemorrhage but confirmation of the causative organism was
of multiple sections of ovary it was determined that the nematode made utilizing polymerase chain reaction.
was an adult female Ancylostoma sp.
Cerebrospinal nematodiasis involving adult parasites is uncom- Conflicts of interest
monly reported in the central nervous system of veterinary species.
Among the most commonly reported are Halicephalobus gingivalis The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
in horses (Eydal et al., 2012; Hermosilla et al., 2011) and Pare- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this arti-
laphostrongylus tenuis predominantly in camelids. In reports from cle.
Chile, adult Gurltia paralysans have been found in the spinal cord
of cats and infection is associated with chronic pelvic limb para- Funding
paresis (Moroni et al., 2012). Horses with central nervous system
halicephalobiasis commonly show neurologic signs depending on The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
the site of infection including ataxia, recumbency, hypermetria, and authorship, and/or publication of this article.
hyperesthesia (Eydal et al., 2012; Hermosilla et al., 2011). These
neurologic signs are associated with rapid proliferation of the para-
site within the central nervous system and the resultant destruction
and granulomatous inflammation induced by the parasites. P. tenuis Denk, D., Matiasek, K., Just, F.T., Hermanns, W., Baiker, K., Herbach, N., Steinberg, T.,
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