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Module 6 (B1)

Material and Hardware

1. How do you check a chain for elongation?

# a) Apply a load, measure chain and use 2% max formula to check extension
b) Apply a load, measure chain and use 5% max formula to check extension
c) Hang the chain under its own weight, measure chain and use 2% max
formula to check extension

2. How do you store a chain?

a) Lay uncoiled and flat in greaseproof paper
b) Hanged so they do not kink
# c) Oiled and coiled in greaseproof paper

3. An HT lead is
# a) single core screened
b) multi core screened
c) single core unscreened

4. Two parts of the adhesive process are

# a) wetting and setting
b) wetting and gripping
c) spreading and setting

5. A 14 gauge cable when compared to an 18 gauge cable has

a) lower current rating
# b) higher current rating
c) the same current rating

6. Types of adhesive joints are

a) cemented and specific
# b) mechanical and specific
c) mechanical and cemented

7. What tests are done on adhesive joints?

a) impact and shear
b) impact and peel
# c) peel and shear

8. An interconnect cable has what insulation?

# a) thinner than airframe cable
b) thicker than airframe cable
c) same thickness as airframe cable

9. Epicyclic gears are used on

# a) shafts rotating on the same axis
b) shafts rotating on offset axis
c) shafts rotating on axis 90 degrees from each other
10. What is the effect of heat on a cold cure resin?
a) Increase pot life
# b) Decrease pot life
c) No effect on pot life

11. Forming a solution treated rivet gives it 75% of its hardness. What gives it the
other 25%?
a) Put them in a refrigerator
b) Precipitation treat the component when forming is complete
# c) Leave at room temperature for four hours

12. What two components of a three part polyester resin are dangerous to mix
together directly?
# a) Accelerator and free catalyst
b) Catalyst and resin
c) Accelerator and resin

13. What is the effect of adding too much hardener to a resin?

a) The resin will not harden
# b) Makes the repair more brittle
c) No effect

14. How many times can clad alloy be treated?

# a) 3 times
b) as many times as required
c) Once only

15.Two parts of the adhesive process are

# a) wetting and setting
b) wetting and gripping
c) spreading and setting

16. What is the largest hole in honeycomb repairable with microballoons?

# a) 2.54 cm
b) 2.54 inches
c) 2.54 mm

17. If D or DD rivets are not broached in time , or removed from the freezer in time,
# a) must be re-heat treated before use
b) can be re-heat treated once then discarded
c) must be discarded

18. How are flexible hoses categorised?

a) by length
# b) by maximum pressure
c) by diameter

19. A joggle in a removed rivet is indication of what type of partial failure?

# a) shear
b) bearing
c) compression
20. Over extended honeycomb can bend in which direction?
a) In all directions
b) Across the ribbon
# c) Along the ribbon

21. The vacuum connections in a fibre glass repair must overlap the
# a) breather mat
b) peel ply
c) top layer of glass fabric directly

22. The pattern of a gear is the

a) profile of the gear teeth
# b) mark it leaves on a mating gear
c) the path they take when the gear is rotating

23. How do you check a turnbuckle is in safety?

# a) Use the inspection hole or count the threads showing
b) Ensure that the turnbuckle cannot be turned by hand
c) Make sure no threads are showing at either end of the turnbuckle

24. Max temperature of tin coated copper cable?

# a) 105oC
b) 200oC
c) 260oC

25. The taper of a standard taper pin is

a) 1 in 36
b) 1 in 20
# c) 1 in 48

26. Spherical roller bearings resist what loads?

# a) Large radial and moderate thrust
b) Large thrust and moderate radial
c) Large radial but no thrust

27. What are the signs of fretting corrosion?

# a) black powder or cocoa staining
b) intergrannular cracking
c) flaking

28. Plug pins are numbered

a) from the outside in - clockwise
b) from the inside out - anticlockwise
# c) from the inside out - clockwise

29.What are the rigid pipes on gas turbine engines made from?
a) aluminum alloy
b) copper
# c) stainless steel

30. Equipment wire

# a) is flexible and suitable for soldering
b) can be used for interconnect wiring
c) has thicker insulation than interconnect wire
31. In the wiring code shown, what does the number 6 (4th number from the left)
represent? 1EF6B22 NMS V
a) Cable size
# b) Cable number
c) Circuit function

32. An aluminum oxide layer on a conductor will do what when the temperature is
# a) Become thicker
b) Become thinner
c) Remain the same

33. When not under load where should a pair of gears sit?
# a) In the middle
b) On the heel
c) On the toe

34. For a pair of gears to operate properly, they must have

# a) lash and pattern
b) end play and thrust
c) pattern and profile

35. Coil springs are made from

a) carbon or high alloy steels with low working stress
# b) carbon or alloy steels with high working stress
c) low carbon steels with high working stress

36. What is a coaxial cable?

a) Two or more conductors
b) A twisted pair of conductors
# c) A single conductor

37. What is the nominal length of a UNF bolt?

# a) Under head to screw threads (i.e. plain shank)
b) Under head to end of the threads
c) The length of the threads

38. How is a British al alloy rivet identified?

# a) Natural anodized finish
b) Violet anodic finish
c) Black anodic finish

39. What do you do if you forget to add hardener to a composite repair?

# a) Clean all traces of the resin away and start again
b) Add hardener at the edges and it will cure
c) It will cure eventually anyway

40. ‘X’ on a cable indicates

a) emergency power
b) control system
# c) AC power
41. A BS rivet made from L36 would be what colour and marking?
# a) Black anodic
b) Green anodic
c) Natural anodic

42. The teeth on the smaller wheel of a bevel gear are called the
a) heel
# b) toe
c) foot

43. What must you be careful with a hot stamped cable?

# a) Wet arc tracking
b) Corrosion
c) Peeling of the insulation

44. Where should you not use a nyloc nut?

a) Temperatures above 200oC
b) Temperatures above 120oC
c) Temperatures above 80oC

45. What is the nominal screw length?

a) The overall length of a bolt (from under the head) and the overall length of
a screw (including the head)
# b) The overall length of a countersunk screw and the non-threaded portion of
a bolt
c) The length of thread for a bolt, overall length for a countersunk screw

46. The correct meshing of gears is found on what part of the tooth?
a) Top
# b) Middle
c) Bottom

47. What type of gear would be used on a prop reduction gearbox?

# a) Epicyclic
b) Bevel
c) Split epicyclic

48. What is the effect of aluminum oxide on aluminum electrical cable?

a) Provides strength
b) Reduces resistance
# c) Insulates

49. What is the effect of precipitation heat treatment on aluminum?

# a) It speeds up age hardening process
b) It softens the material to allow it to be worked
c) It delays the age hardening process

50. How do you assemble a banjo hose?

# a) Put washer either side of the banjo
b) Put a washer on the outside of the banjo only
c) Put a washer on the inside of the banjo only
51. The pitch of a screw thread is
a) crest to root
# b) crest to crest
c) 2 x crest to root

52. A single start thread the lead is

a) 2 x pitch
# b) 1 x pitch
c) ½ x pitch

53. How would you test a hydraulic hose?

a) Pressure test 1.0 x working pressure
# b) Pressure test 1.5 x working pressure
c) Pressure test 2.0 x working pressure

54. A unified thread is identified by

# a) 2 or 3 rings on the head
b) a raise ring on the head
c) an 'X' on the head

55. A wire thread insert tap is

a) slightly larger than the hole
# b) supplied in a fitting kit
c) slightly smaller than the hole

56. Aluminum exposed to air will

a) oxidize and become weaker
b) oxidize and become stronger
# c) oxidize and become electrically insulated

57. What do the letters and numbers on a British rivet mean?

a) material and finish
b) material specification only
# c) head shape, material and finish

58. A natural finish aluminum alloy rivet with a D on it is

# a) duralumin L37
b) aluminum L36
c) hiduminium L86

59. A 5% magnesium rivet is identified by

a) violet anodise with 'S' on it
# b) green anodise with ‘X’ on it
c) black anodise with 'A' on it

60. Why would you use microballoons as a filler?

a) It cross-links with the panel
b) It is the cheapest filler material
# c) It is the lightest filler material

61. Black streaks back from a rivet hole signify

a) galvanic corrosion
# b) fretting
c) inter-granular corrosion
62. An AN steel bolt is identified by what marking on the head?
a) 14E
# b) An 'X'
c) A dash

63. What care should you take with 2024-T3?

a) Do not bend at sharp angles
# b) Do not scratch or make nicks in it
c) Do not remove the surface of the sheet metal

64. When using a backing former on a composite repair you need to use
# a) cellophane
b) breather cloth
c) a vacuum bag

65. Heater mats should overlap the repair by

a) 4”
b) 6”
# c) 2”

66. When using a spring washer, the plane washer would be fitted
a) between head a spring
b) under the nut
# c) between spring and part

67. Composition of silver solder is

a) tin and lead
b) tin, lead and silver
# c) tin, lead, silver and antimony

68. How many times can you use a locking plate?

# a) As long as it remains serviceable
b) Once only
c) Until all the tabs have been broken off

69. Wire locking approach angles should not be less than

# a) 45o
b) 90o
c) 10o

70. Where would you find the inspection interval for chains?
a) Maintenance manual
# b) Maintenance schedule
c) Flight manual

71. What amperage is an 18 swg cable?

# a) 10 amp
b) 5 amp
c) 1 amp
72. A thermoplastic fiber reinforced composite is prepared by
a) etching
b) a solvent wipe
# c) corona method

73. A British close tolerance bolt is identified by

# a) a raised ring on the head
b) a dropped collar under the head
c) an 'X' on the head

74. A blind fastener described as external sleeve and internally threaded would be
a) a cherry lock
# b) a jo bolt
c) a rivnut

75. A co-axial cable is better than a normal cable because

# a) there is an electrostatic field around it which helps to reduce the
electromagnetic field
b) weight for weight it can carry more signal
c) it has less resistance

76. A 0.5 in. diameter pipe is to be joined using standard nuts and fittings. What
coupling would you use?
a) AN8-8852-2
# b) AN8-8852-8
c) AN8-8852-1

77. What metal is suitable for riveting magnesium alloy?

a) Monel metal
# b) 1100 aluminum alloy
c) 2024 aluminum alloy

78. What metal is suitable for riveting alloy steel

a) monel metal
# b) mild steel
c) aluminum alloy

79. What is the danger if a silver coated connector comes into contact with glycol de
icing fluid
# a) Fire hazard
b) Corrosion
c) Wet arc tracking

80. When silver coated connectors are used in unpressurised parts of the aircraft
a) corrosion can occur
# b) wet track arcing can occur
c) separation of the coating can occur

81. When a steel part is welded, corrosion occurs because

# a) the strip has become cathodic
b) it is affected by spatter
c) the paint has been removed
82. Inter-granular corrosion
# a) may have no visual surface indication
b) can be recognized by a grey powder deposit
c) can be recognized by its flaking and lifting of the material layers

83. If aluminum alloy is not quenched after heat treatment is it will be

# a) brittle
b) subject to corrosion
c) malleable

84. Anodizing protects alloy metal from corrosion and does what else?
# a) Makes a good surface for paint to adhere to
b) Makes the surface alkaline
c) Seals the surface from moisture

85. Active flux does what?

# a) Cleans
b) Protects
c) Both cleans and protects

86. Jointing compound is used for what reason?

a) To make the components easier to disassemble
b) To bond the components together
# c) To prevent dissimilar metal corrosion

87. During vacuum bag lay-up the vacuum gauge is placed where?
a) Next to the vacuum port
# b) Opposite side to the vacuum port
c) Over the repair

88. An aluminum alloy rivet identification is

a) D embossed
b) X embossed
# c) O embossed

89. Rivet allowance is

# a) 1.5d
b) 1.5d plus the thickness of the material
c) 1d plus the thickness of the material

90. D and DD rivets are refrigerated to

# a) retard age hardening
b) increase age hardening
c) precipitation harden

91. What do you do to 2017 and 2024 rivets after heat treatment?
# a) Use immediately or refrigerate
b) Leave for a minimum of 2 hours before using
c) refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours before using

92. Stepped curing has

# a) more than 2 dwell periods
b) variable cure time
c) no constant dwell period
93. To prevent damage to seals on fitment you would
a) use grease
b) compress and stretch them
# c) use a cardboard protector over the threaded portions

94. Maximum repair dimensions for use of microballoons?

# a) 10mm
b) 20mm
c) 30mm

95. In an autoclave what pressure would the vacuum alarm be set at

a) operating pressure
# b) higher than operating pressure
c) lower than operating pressure

96. Fiber strength is strongest in the direction of the

# a) warp
b) weft
c) bias

97. In an autoclave what would you cover the repair in?

# a) High temp nylon
b) Polythene
c) Polypropelene

98. If caustic soda turns a material black what is it?

a) Aluminum
b) Alclad
# c) Aluminum alloy

99. Inter-granular corrosion is caused by

# a) improper heat treatment
b) dissimilar metal contact
c) improperly assembled components

100. Galvanic action caused by dissimilar metal contact may best be prevented by
# a) applying a non-porous dielectric material between the surfaces
b) priming both the surfaces with a light coat of zinc chromate primer
c) Special precautions are not required if they are properly bonded

101. Corrosion caused by electrolytic action is the result of

a) excessive anodization
# b) contact between two unlike metals
c) the wrong quenching agent

102. A spring type washer when used on an aluminium component must be used
a) by itself
b) with a tab washer
# c) with a plain washer
103. Nickel alloy steel split pins can be used
a) repeatedly provided they remain a good fit
# b) only once, because the legs are spread and bent
c) with a spring washer and a stiff nut

104. The standard taper for a taper pin is

a) 1:20
# b) 1:48
c) 1:600

105. Corrosion may be regarded as the destruction of metal by

# a) electrochemical action
b) electromechanical action
c) hydroelectric action

106. Tempering steel gives

a) greater hardness
b) greater brittleness
# c) relief of internal stress after hardening

107. After welding, stainless steel is susceptible to a corrosion known as

# a) weld decay
b) weld rot
c) weld deterioration

108. The lifting or flaking of the metal at the surface due to delamination of grain
boundaries caused by the pressure of corrosion is
a) electrolysis
b) transgranulation
# c) exfoliation

109. The addition of chromium to steel will produce

a) toughness
b) ductility
# c) hardness

110. A feather key locates a gear on a shaft and permits

a) a positive and strong drive for transmissions
# b) positive drive and axial movement
c) positive drive with the gear firmly locked

111. A pre-load indicating washer is correctly loaded when

a) the inner ring rotates
b) the outer ring is gripped
# c) the inner ring is gripped

112.What chemical is used to identify aluminium alloys

# a) caustic soda
b) copper sulphate
c) nitric acid
113. Multi-start threads
# a) increase the lead without increasing the pitch
b) increase the lead and the pitch
c) increase the lead and decrease the pitch

114. Pure aluminum is

# a) highly resistant to corrosion
b) not resistant to corrosion
c) reasonably resistant to corrosion

115. Cylinder containing purified oxygen for breathing are painted

a) black with a grey collar
# b) black with a white collar
c) grey with a white collar

116. Buttress threads are used

a) to transmit power in both directions
# b) to transmit power on one direction
c) on nuts and bolts

117. The electrolytic process that forms an oxide film on the surface of aluminum
alloys is known as
a) electroplating
b) galvanizing
# c) anodizing

118. Studs which have a size larger thread at one end are called
# a) stepped studs
b) plain studs
c) shouldered studs

119. The conductor in tersil cable is

a) tinned copper
# b) nickel plated copper
c) stainless steel

120. A cable is marked NYVIN 22. The 22 represents the

a) current rating
b) current/weight ratio
# c) cross sectional area

121. Copper is an inferior conductor to aluminium when comparing

# a) weight for weight
b) CSA with CSA
c) load for load

122. Chromium added to plain carbon steel

a) turns it into a non-ferrous alloy
b) makes the metal softer
# c) increases it's resistance to corrosion
123. The purpose of case hardening is to
# a) produce a hard case over a tough core
b) introduce carbon into the steel
c) reduce the carbon in the steel

124. What is the indication of fretting corrosion on aluminium alloy?

# a) Black powder
b) Brown powder
c) White powder

125. Exfoliation corrosion is sometimes referred to as

# a) layer corrosion
b) sub-surface corrosion
c) filiform corrosion

126. What action is taken to protect integral tanks from corrosion due to micro-
biological growth?
# a) A biocidal additive is used in the fuel
b) The inside of the tank is coated with yellow chromate
c) Rubber liners are installed in the tank

127. When dissimilar metals are brought together, or the same metal in different
states, one metal forms the anode and the other the cathode. Which will suffer
from corrosion?
a) The cathode
b) Both will corrode equally
# c) The anode

128. What type of corrosion attacks grain boundaries of aluminum alloys which are
improperly or inadequately heat treated?
a) Stress corrosion
# b) Inter-granular corrosion
c) Surface corrosion

129. British aircraft cables are classified by their

a) diameter and breaking load in Hundredweights
# b) breaking load in hundredweights
c) breaking loads in lbf, where 1 lbf = 4.448N

130. An American rivet with a cross on the head is

a) 2117 aluminum alloy
# b) 5056 aluminum alloy
c) 2124 aluminum alloy

131. A countersunk rivet of the ‘SP’ series has a head style of

a) 90o
# b) 100o
c) 20o

132. The lead on a single start thread is

a) 1/2 the pitch
# b) 1 x the pitch
c) 2 x the pitch
133. The coding of a British rivet indicates
# a) head type and colour
b) length and diameter
c) material and head type

134. At normal temperatures HC steel is harder because

a) it has more austenite
b) it has less austenite
# c) of the % of carbon in the granules

135. When mixing resin it is dangerous to add

# a) accelerator and catalyst before resin
b) catalyst and resin before accelerator
c) resin and accelerator before catalyst

136. Silver plated copper wire has a maximum working temp of

a) 200 ºC
# b) 250 ºC
c) 300 ºC

137. In an autoclave to apply pressure

a) weights are used
# b) a vacuum bag is used
c) clamps are used

138. Precipitation treating makes the metal

a) harder, stronger and more ductile
# b) harder, stronger and less ductile
c) less strong and hard

139. The artificial production of a film of hydroxide on the surface of aluminum or

any of its alloys is commonly called
# a) alodizing
b) parco lubrizing
c) anodizing

140. Inter-granular corrosion in structural aluminum alloy parts

a) are not likely to occur in parts fabricated from heat-treated sheet aluminum
b) may be detected by the white, powdery deposit formed on the surface of
the metal
# c) cannot always be detected by surface indications

141. Corrosion will spread more rapidly when metals are exposed to
# a) high temperatures
b) dry climates
c) cold climates

142. A material has the code 2024-TH6 on it. Which part of the code indicates the
percentage of the alloying element?
# a) 20
b) H
c) 6
143. A worm drive creates
a) a drive in 2 planes and 2 directions
b) a drive in 1 plane but 2 directions
# c) a drive in 2 planes but 1 direction

144. Color identification of an aluminum rivet is

# a) black
b) violet
c) green

145. A factor which determines the minimum space between rivets is the
a) length of the rivets being used
#b) diameter of the rivets being used
c) thickness of the material being riveted

146. Joggles in removed rivet shanks would indicate partial

a) bearing failure
b) torsion failure
# c) shear failure

147. The teeth of a gear would normally be

a) nitrided
# b) case hardened
c) tempered

148. A rivet that has 5% magnesium is identified as

# a) anodic green and has an X
b) anodic violet and has an X
c) natural and has an m

149. If a chain is removed for routine maintenance

a) it must be proof checked to ½ max load
b) it must be proof checked to full load
# c) it does not have to be proof checked

150. Magnesium alloy components are protected by

a) an electro process
# b) a chemical process
c) a painted process

151. Corrosion products should be removed from magnesium alloys by the use of
# a) a solution of 10% by weight of chromic acid in distilled water with 0.1% by
volume of sulphuric acid*
b) aluminium wool
c) a solution of 10% by volume of chromic acid in distilled water with 1%
phosphoric acid

152. If it is necessary to remove corrosion from a steel component in-situ, the base
of a suitable solution for this purpose is
a) chromic acid
b) nitric acid
# c) phosphoric acid
153. A type of protection which is applicable to magnesium alloys is the
a) phosphate process
b) coslettising process
# c) chromating process

154. Heavy corrosion deposits on clad aluminum alloys should be removed

a) mechanically using a pneumatic vibrator
b) chemically by use of trichloroethylene
# c) chemically by use of phosphoric acid

155. What action should be taken on finding inter-granular corrosion?

a) De-corrode and re-protect
b) Renew corroded area by patching
# c) Replace complete component part

156. Black streaks running away from a bolt or rivet would indicate
# a) fretting corrosion
b) exfoliation corrosion
c) inter-granular corrosion

157. Identification of British aluminum alloys is with

# a) a letter and number code
b) a color and number stamped on the head
c) a part number on the head

158. On gear teeth, the wear pattern should be

a) the top edge most worn
b) the middle of the tooth most worn
# c) even

159. On bevel gear teeth, the wear pattern should be

# a) greatest at the toe, tapering off to the heel
b) greatest at the heel, least at the toe
c) at the centre of the tooth

160. Anodic treatment of aluminum alloy gives

# a) a pure coating of aluminum oxide on the surface
b) a shorter life due to hardening
c) a purple finish

161. Cables are preferred to other control systems because

# a) they are strong and light
b) they maintain slight mechanical advantage over push/pull systems
c) single braid allows for 2 way directions

162. If you can only gain limited access to both sides of a structure, what would you
use to repair the structure?
# a) A hylok
b) A pop rivet
c) A blind rivet
163. Aluminum alloy with primarily magnesium is numbered
# a) 5025
b) 2025
c) 1025

164. Heat treatment is shown on an aluminum alloy by a

# a) letter code
b) number code
c) letter and number code

165. Bevel gears are

# a) all over case hardened
b) toe is hardened
c) heel is hardened

166. Nitriding is
# a) case hardening
b) anodising
c) tempering

167. Alloy rivets are heat treated by

a) annealing
b) anodising
# c) solution treating

168. When a solid rivet is formed it only holds 75% of its shear strength, the other
25% comes from
a) heating the completed assembly
b) cooling completed assembly
# c) leaving assembly for 4 days to age harden

169. For an electrical cable to be fireproof it must be able to stand 1100 deg C for
a) 10 mins
# b) 15 mins
c) 20 mins

170. Oxide on exposed silver plated wires is

a) non corrosive
# b) an insulator
c) a conductor

171. Turnbuckles depending on type are locked by

# a) locknuts and wire
b) stiff nuts
c) castellated nuts and split pins

172. For a wire insert thread repair, the hole is tapped using
a) the next size up
# b) a special tap supplied with the kit
c) the same size
173. To install a flare less coupling
# a) turn until torque is felt plus 2 flats
b) turn until torque is felt plus 3 flats
c) hand tight plus 2 flats

174. Flexible pipes are identified by

a) diameter
b) length
# c) material

175. A pipe carrying lubricant would be identified by the colour

a) white
b) white and yellow
# c) yellow

176. A chain is checked for stiff links by

# a) running the chain over a finger by 180 degrees
b) hanging by hand by measure and sight
c) stretching out and measuring

177. Medium carbon steels have a carbon content of

a) 0.3 - 0.5 %
# b) 0.5 - 0.8 %
c) 0.8- 1.05 %

178. Brinell hardness testing measures

a) depth
# b) diameter
c) area

179. In the tensile strength test

a) the material is pulled to limit of elasticity
# b) the material is pulled to until it breaks
c) the material is pulled until it reaches its UTS

180. Impact resistance measures the

# a) material toughness
b) material hardness
c) material ductility

181. A ferrous metal contains

# a) iron
b) aluminum
c) magnesium

182. What is Alumina?

a) Aluminum ore
# b) A ceramic oxide of aluminum
c) An alloy of aluminum

183. Non heat treatable materials

a) by annealing
# b) can be hardened strain hardening or cold working
c) cannot be hardened
184. In corrosion, the electrode that loses electrons is
a) the cathode
# b) the anode
c) either the cathode or the anode depending upon the electrolyte

185. Which of these core materials will be used in the making of a composite
material flat panel
a) rectangular core
# b) hexagonal core
c) flexible core

186. Corrosion at the grain boundaries is called

a) filiform
# b) inter-granular
c) fretting

187. What does MSDS stand for?

a) Maximum Structural Design System
# b) Material Safety Data Sheet
c) Metal Surface Dimension Sector

188. Which of these is a common coz for corrosion?

a) Water in fuel
# b) Spilled battery acid
c) Untreated metal

189. Most commonly used thread form in aviation is

a) round thread
b) buttress
# c) V thread

190. Pitch of a screw thread is defined as

# a) distance from the centre of one crest to the next
b) difference between major diameter and minor diameter
c) distance between the crest and the root of the thread

191. A bolt with a raised dash is

a) AN standard
# b) Corrosion Resistant Steel
c) close tolerance

192. A rivet with no marking has the material code

# a) A
b) AD
c) D

193. A dowel will take what loads?

# a) shear
b) tensile
c) torsion
194. The advantage of circlips is
a) cheap
b) can be used for both inner and external applications
# c) Both a and c

195. Rivet MS 20426 has what head type?

a) Round
b) Universal
# c) CSK

196. Cable tension is maintained by

# a) a cable tension regulator
b) a grommet
c) a fair lead

197. Which material are hydraulic fluid hoses made from

a) Butyl
b) Teflon
# c) Rubber

198. What load are spring hooks subjected to?

a) tension
b) compressive
# c) bending

199. Where are needle roller bearings used

# a) where there are space restrictions
b) high speed operations
c) Where is fluid damped bearing used

200. Loads on tapered roller bearings

a) axial only
b) thrust only
# c) axial and thrust

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