Enrichment Letter
Enrichment Letter
Enrichment Letter
Your 3rd grade team has compiled a list of activities that we have been doing this year in
hopes of helping with your daily school work schedule. First off, when children are
taught one-on-one the activities go quickly. So now that your 3rd-grader is being taught
one-on-one by you, your child should not be doing more than 1.5 hours of core subject
work in one day. On a regular school day, teachers have to read and answer emails every
morning, take attendance, and do other coursework duties, so the children come
straight in, login to their Chromebooks, and start with one or two independent activities
for the first half-hour of class. This is a useful warmup tool to get those brains started.
Your child should be able to tell you what they have done throughout the year. If you
start your "school" day like this, you will have the opportunity to look over the suggested
assignments to see what needs to be done, and get your materials gathered. Below is a
list of activities that can be done independently. Remember to give yourself grace and
credit for getting anything done. If you only work in your workbook that was handed out
(“Get ready for 4th grade), then you've done something and that’s great! Here are some
activities to try:
● IXl- Any activity will be a benefit to your child especially grammar and reading.
This is a program that our PTC paid for so make sure they have signed in
before doing their work. 85% is the goal they are looking for. We only have
language arts available. https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-3
● Typing- We use many different typing programs. You might try Typing.com
through Clever or Nytro Type.
● Epic Books for Kids is also a favorite https://www.getepic.com/sign-in
Parker class code is:
Sciarillo class code is:
● Hour of Code is also a lot of fun. Just be sure your child is coding more than
changing the "skins" of the things they are coding. Here is one link but there are
several others if you Google it: https://hourofcode.com/us/learn
● Cool Math 4 Kids is a lot of fun, but you have to make sure they are math games
they are playing We limit them to multiplication and division games
● Xtramath is a way to practice multiplication and division
facts. https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
● For writing, they can simply write a story on paper, or use Word, Google Docs,
Google Slides, PowerPoint, or any other program you use yourself.
● For enrichment, they can research a topic that they enjoy and replicate the
animal report in their own Google Slides.
● Learning another language might be something of interest to your child. many
enjoy learning sign language.
● Maybe learning music and how to play a certain instrument This is something we
were doing with our recorders this year and our music teacher.
We are sure this is enough for now. There is time to fill in other opportunities as the
weeks go by. We are here to support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
Julie Parker and Michelle Sciarillo
The 3rd-grade team