FS 3 Episode-6
FS 3 Episode-6
FS 3 Episode-6
Class Observation
For me, it is easy to surf the internet for appropriate electronic resources
for the class because my sister, which is a teacher in public school, shared to me
a lot of websitess that are educational. It was really a fun time to search the net
for learning resources for I had discovered a lot of electronic teaching materials
that I can use in the future.
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did
you consider? Explain.
3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and
what skills would you continue to work onto be better at utilizing electronic
Over the years of surfing net and using electronic divices and equipments,
I must say that I am already 80% technology literate. From the simple use of
Microsoft word, power point, excel, publisher, editing vidoes, movies, musics,
and even making linked game. I also have accounts in slideshare, linkden,
DepEd Tambayan, Northon Anthology, Edudemic, teAchnology, wordpress I also
have my own blog. Probably, the technology skills that I would to develop is
making my very own educational software that I can use in my field of teaching.
My Learning Portfolio
For your portfolio, do at least one of the three suggested activities below.
2. Visit www.edudemic.com/50-educationtechnology-tools-every-teacher-
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe
what you discovered and share hoe these tools can be helpful to you as a
This website is very useful and informative for future educator like me. I
had discovered a lot of instructional tools and tips from different people around
the world. They have teacher’s and student’s guides and some survey questions
in which you can view the answers, opinions and ideas of different teachers all
over the globe. They also have lots of blogs like: “How to Protect Students From
Fake News, 6 Tips For Keeping Your Students Engaged in Class, 5 Biggest
Barriers to Education Technology, Which Learning Style Works For You?, 10
Skills Modern Teachers Need, Teaching Students Good Digital Citizenship,
Classroom Technology: What’s New For 2017?, and 2017 Edutech Quiz Results”
which are very interesting to know and read. They also offer guidelines and
suggestions for instructional tools to be use in every topic, aside from that, you
can also ask other teachers in local and foreign countries with some questions
that will help you with your teaching career.
3. Visit edtechteacher.org. This is a treasure box for you. Explore and share
what you learned.
Before we had this FSC 3, I had already visited this website whenever I
need some ideas to make my lesson plan excellent. It is a very nice website for
every teacher and will provide you with a countless options of instructional
materials. This website contains everything that a teacher needs to make her
lesson in her class interactive and engaging every day.
2. B