Strategic Fit
Strategic Fit
Strategic Fit
Sam S. Kim, Jennie J. Kronenfeld, Patrick A. Rivers, (2006),"Racial and Socioeconomic Differences in Predictors of Dental
Care Use", Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 24 pp. 61-79
Isabel Quiros, (2009),"Organizational alignment: A model to explain the relationships between organizational
relevant variables", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol. 17 Iss 4 pp. 285-305 http://
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he organisation and its competitive a common measure, research reveals that the question
situation should be viewed not as of what drives organisational performance and
separate, interdependent entities but as effectiveness is more easily answered.
just different influences in the same global
environment. Initially, researchers focused on attempting to identify
those competitive situations, strategies and styles which
seemed capable of consistently producing good
performance. Results have been mixed, and it seems that
we should abandon the search for universally appropriate
strategies or management styles. Instead, it seems more
sensible to recognise that any strategy is only appropriate
The in a given set of competitive conditions. Similarly, specific
organisation cultures and/or leadership styles are only
appropriate in given strategic situations. While this
style (see Figure 1). In this sense, alignment refers to
the "appropriateness" of the various elements to one
another. Research in the USA, Europe and Australia has
revealed that superior performance (measured in a variety
Customers: Little knowledge, very Very knowledgeable, Little knowledge or Very knowledgeable,
involved in delivery and involved delivery involvement in delivery not involved in delivery
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO At 05:32 23 December 2014 (PT)
Relationship type: Continuous delivery, Discrete transactions, Discrete transactions, Continuous delivery,
membership intense relationships arm's length arm's length
relationships relationships
Product-Market: Limited, "value- Broad, changing Limited, stable product Predictable and
added" product-line. product line. Changing line. Stable markets. changing product line.
Relatively stable markets. Growth Growth through market Predictable and
market — sensitive to through product penetration changing markets.
value. Growth through development and Growth mostly through
extra value-added market development market development
Research and Mainly in area of Extensive R&D Limited to mostly Focused and practical.
development: "core technology". emphasis on "first to product development Emphasis on "second
Emphasis on better market'' to market" and
product/service to "getting it right"
Production: Low volume-high value Customisation and High volume - low High volume - low
added. Emphasis on prototypes. Emphasis cost. Emphasis on cost. Some prototypes
improving the on effectiveness and efficiency and process
technology and unique product design engineering
Dominant coalition: CEO, human CEO, product research CEO, production, CEO, marketing,
resources, research and development, finance and accounting process engineering,
and development market research sales, operations
Individual Consensus building, Individualism, vision, Good analytical skills, High energy,
aptitudes: good negotiation skills, flexibility, logical, clear focus on
good conceptual ability tolerance for ambiguity desire for stability objectives,
desire for clarity
Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO At 05:32 23 December 2014 (PT)
Strategy: Developing long term Creation of a market, Consolidation, fine Gaining market share,
relations with new product tuning, customer focus
customers, or development improving profits,
about to change productivity
strategic direction
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