Panchkarma Intro-Ch-1
Panchkarma Intro-Ch-1
Panchkarma Intro-Ch-1
• Cleansing of alimentary canal
• Digestive fire increases
• Diseases are alleviated
• Health is restored and maintained
• All sense organ function properly
• Mind and intellect work properly
• Colour of skin improves
• Strength increases
• Person becomes capable of getting good progeny
• Aging process delayed
• Person enjoys disease free healthy life
• In healthy persons, to avoid seasonal disorders and give long standing immunity
1. Langhan Upkrama
2. Brimhana Upkrama
Vamana Sneha nasya
Virechana Sneha basti
Niruha basti Brimhana nasya
Shodhan nasya Brimhana basti
1. LANGHAN - deepan, pachan vyayam, kshudha, vaman, virechan, niruha basti, lekhan basti,
kshara basti, vaitran basti, raktamokshan etc.
2. RUKSHAN - vayu sevan, udvartana, valuka sweda, churna pinda sweda, pradhman nasya
4. BRIMHANA - bahya snehan, shali shashtik pinda sweda, annalepa, anuvasan basti, matra
basti, yapan basti, brimhana nasya, snehan nasya etc.
5. SNEHAN- snehapana, bahya sneha, anuvasan basti, matra basti, ksheera basti, yapan basti,
snehan nasya etc.
• It is clear that various forms of poorva, pradhan and paschat karma are essentially fine
parts of Shadvidha upkrama.
• And langhan, rukshan and swedan can be included in langhan upkrama and brimhana,
snehan and stambhan can be included in brimhana upkrama of dvividha upkrama.
Diet, lifestyle and various other causative factors (apathya aahara vihara)
Disease produced
By poorvakarma procedure these vitiated doshas are brought back to koshtha from where they
can be easily eliminated by pradhana karma.
• They increase internal heat, stimulate metabolism, enkindle digestive enzymes, increase
peristalsis, improve circulation.
• It stimulates vagus nerve which secretws gastric juice.
• It stimulates duodenum which secretes digestive enzymes and hormones.
• It simulates pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice.
Abhyantara sneha:
• Sneha acts as a solvent and increases the moisture content of the body (utkleshana). It
loosens and dissolves/liquefies the doshas which are adherent to minute channels
resulting in removal of strotorodha (samprapti vighatan) so they can move to koshtha.
• Also it sticks to walls of strotas so that doshas don’t stick back. It forms protective layer
for healthy tissues.
• It pacifies aggrevated vata dosha and reduces its obstruction.
Bahya snehan:
• It increases flow of circulation to local area, strengthens the fascia, restores mobility of
soft tissues, relieves pain by releasing muscle tension, drains extra fluid into lymph
vessels thus reducing oedema (chronic).
• Warm oil applied to skin causes capillary dilatation. Fat enters through dilated capillaries
and is easily absorbed into the system.
• Sneha undergoes pachan by bhrajak pitta and by its virya is absorbed through romakupa
and dhamni and is thus circulated in the body.
• Swedana drugs penetrate strotas and activate sweat glands to produce sweat. After
dilatation of strotas (strotomukh vispharan), they liquify doshas so they can move to
koshtha and can be expelled out with miminum resistance or excreted through
micropores of skin in form of sweda.
• It pacifies aggrevated vata dosha thus reducing its obstruction.
• It also improves agni (digestive fire). By heating of tissues, body temperature rises,
which increases sympathetic activity. This in turn releases hormones which activate
meatabolic rate. This increases demand of oxygen and food and output of waste
products (strotoshodhan) which acta as samprapti vighatan.
• Thus swedan acts by vasodilatation, sweating and increasing metabolism.
Note :- Snehan and Swedan are done as poorvakarma before pradhan procedures. Also they
are done as pradhan karma in various vatavyadhis. Sometimes swedan is done as paschata
karma also.
• Expulsion of vitiated dosha through mouth. Here the drug is administered through
mouth only.
• The person is made to vomit by giving many medicines. The vomiting continues for a
short while.
• Vamana treatment is given after preparation procedures called Purvakarma. After the
end of the procedure, a diet plan is advised to follow for 3– 7 days time.
Vamana treatment is usually given in Kapha imbalance diseases.
• Eliminated of vitiated doshas through rectum. Here the drug is administered through
mouth and expelled through anus.
• The person is made to have loose motions for a short while, by administering medicines.
• Virechana treatment is given after preparation procedure called Poorva Karma. After
the end of the procedure, a diet plan is advised to follow for 3 – 7 days time.
• Virechana treatment is usually given Pitta imbalance diseases.
• Administration of medicated oils or decoction into the rectum. Here the vitiated doshas
are expelled through rectum only.
• Basti treatment is adopted in wide range of diseases, predominantly of Vata imbalance.
• According to the type of drug used it is of 2 types:-
1. Niruha :- when decoctions are used
2. Anuvasan:- when oils are used.
• Expulsion of vitiated blood from the body through the nearest vein involved.
• It is mainly done in pitta or rakta dushti.
• It is of 2 types:-
1. Shastrakrita- prachhana, siravedha
2. Ashastrakrita- jalauka, shringa, alabu, ghati
• Restoration of digestive power by giving specific diet gradually taking from light to
• Usually done after shodhana therapy (Vamana, Virechana).
• For the restoration of digestive power after vamana and virechana peyadi karma is
• In case of basti, rasadi karma is indicated due to degree of difference in impairment of
digestive power.
• In rasadi karma, firstly singdha, madhur and amla rasa is given to subside vata in
• Then, amla, lavana rasais given to increase digestive power.
• Then madhur and tikta rasa is given to pacify pitta.
• Then kshaya and katu rasa is given to pacify kapha.
• After the process of detoxification, to treat the particular disease with left over dosha if
any, administration of oral medicine is required.
• It also helps in preventing the reoccurrence and increasing the immunity and strength.
TREATMENT: in classics, snehan, swedan, basti and snehan nasya has been described as
samanya chiktsa for vata vyadhis, out of which basti is the main line of treatment because it
treats root cause of vatavyadhis.
TREATMENT: In classics, rooksha swedana, vamana, shodhana nasya has been described as
samanya chiktsa for kapha vyadhis, out of which vamana is the main line of treatment because
it treats root cause of kaphavyadhis.
TREATMENT: In classics, various types of nasya have been described as samanya chiktsa for
urdhwajatru gata vikara because nose is the gateway of head.
TREATMENT: In classics, virechana, upvasa and raktamokshana has been described as samanya
chiktsa for raktaja vikara.