Differences in Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rates Using A
Differences in Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rates Using A
Differences in Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rates Using A
DOI: 10.1002/jcla.22661
Department of Molecular Medicine
and Hematology, Faculty of Health Introduction: Worldwide laboratories have adopted the use of modified or alternate
Sciences, University of Witwatersrand methods for measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The iSED
Medical School, Johannesburg, South Africa
from Alcor Scientific is a novel, alternate ESR method based on photometric ag-
Department of Molecular Medicine and
Hematology, National Health Laboratory gregometry which offers improved operator safety and reduced analysis time. This
Service, Johannesburg, South Africa study evaluated the diagnostic utility of the iSED in a South African patient popula-
Correspondence tion with a range of inflammatory disorders.
Elise Schapkaitz, Department of Molecular Methods: We compared the iSED with the predicate modified Westergren method
Medicine and Hematology, University of
Witwatersrand Medical School, Faculty (StaRRsed, Mechatronics, Zwaag, the Netherlands) measured at 60 minutes. Analysis
of Health Sciences, Johannesburg, South was performed on K 2EDTA samples at three ESR measurement ranges (<20, 20-80
Email: elise.schapkaitz@nhls.ac.za and >80 mm/h) in 120 pediatric and adult inpatients and outpatients over a 2-week
period. Precision, stability, and carryover were performed in accordance with the
revised International Council for Standardisation in Haematology guidelines.
Results: The iSED demonstrated acceptable imprecision with minimal carryover
(2.86%). The correlation coefficients at the 3 ESR measurement ranges were r = 0.58,
r = 0.71, and r = 0.56, respectively. The y-intercepts were −10.74 (CI −29.17 to 7.69),
−5.95 (CI −18.60 to 6.69) and 246.05 (CI 591.42-99.31). This indicated a difference of
a constant nature with an overall mean difference of 7.99 mm/h (CI 5.87-10.13)
(P < 0.001). iSED ESR measurements were stable up to 24 hours when stored at
room temperature or at 4-8°C.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated differences in ESR results, predominantly at
extremes of the analytical range, using an alternate method. Careful consideration
and performance monitoring of these novel methods are advised.
alternate erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement, EDTA tube, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, iSED, verification
J Clin Lab Anal. 2018;e22661. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jcla © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 of 7
2 of 7 SCHAPKAITZ et al.
abnormal controls and three patient samples (in the low, middle, and 120
upper third of the analytical range) analyzed ten times each during
the same 8-hour period. The coefficient of variation (CV) was com- 100
pared to the manufacturer’s precision limits.
2.5 | Carryover
Using the Broughton formula, three consecutive analyses of a pa- 60
tient sample with high viscosity (H1, H2, and H3) were analyzed fol-
lowed by three consecutive analyses of a patient sample with a low 40
viscosity (L1, L2, and L3). Carryover was calculated from the formula:
Carryover (%) = (L1-L3)/(H3-L3) × 100. Parametric paired t test was
used to assess the observed differences.
2.6 | Sample stability 0 20 40 60 80 100
Reference ESR
Stability analysis was performed on ten samples: five normal and five
abnormal. Analysis was performed at time zero (or as close to zero as F I G U R E 2 Correlation of the iSED and the reference method
possible) on the iSED. The samples were then divided into aliquots
and stored at RT and at 4-8°C. Subsequent testing was performed
3 | R E S U LT S
after 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours of storage. The results were compared
using a parametric paired t test.
3.1 | Comparison study
One hundred and twenty samples (Female: Male of 5.4:1) were
2.7 | Reference ranges
included in the final analysis with an age range of 6-85 years. The
Reference intervals were verified using existing samples in accord- ESR requests were from the rheumatology/orthopedics outpa-
ance with the CLSI guidelines.16 tient department (51.4%), the emergency medicine department
(37.1%), the infectious disease department (7.1%), and the oncol-
ogy department (4.3%). The StaRRsed produced no results in 10
2.8 | Ethics
samples which were excluded from the final analysis. Of these,
This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee five were turbid samples (flagged as “hazy > 25 mm”) and a further
of the University of the Witwatersrand (M-180236). five were low-s ample volumes. In addition, the StaRRsed flagged
an additional 13 samples as unreliable owing to the presence of
bubbles on sampling. The iSED produced no error readings or anal-
ysis failures during the study.
The analytical range of the iSED was 2-
130 mm/h. The me-
Difference (ISED ESR - Reference ESR)
TA B L E 1 Comparison statistics according to lower, middle, and upper third of the analytical range
Correlation coefficient
Analytical range N Bias (95% CI) (r) Intercept Slope
lower and upper third of the analytical range were weak to moder- time.15 This study evaluated the diagnostic utility of the iSED alternate
ate with a difference of a constant nature (r = 0.58, P < 0.001 and ESR method compared to the StaRRsed in an adult and pediatric pa-
r = 0.56, P = 0.059, respectively). The Bland–Altman difference plot tient population with a range of inflammatory disorders. The iSED is
showed a significant increase in the differences between the two a small bench-top device (36cmx27cmx34 cm) which has been devel-
tests at ESR values >80 mm/h with an observed mean difference of oped for small to medium-sized laboratories. The pre-analytical steps
8.66 mm/h (CI −0.42-17.73). of mixing are fully automated. In this study, the laboratory staff re-
Using the StaRRsed as the reference, 103 (85.83%) ESR results ported that the instrument was easy to operate following a short train-
from the iSED provided the correct clinical interpretation. However, ing period. Also, instrument maintenance was minimal and the iSED
there were 17 (14.17%) ESR measurements which would have re- produced no error readings or analysis failures during the study. In
sulted in a different clinical interpretation. Of these, 14 (11.67%) contrast, the StaRRsed is a large analyzer (182 cm × 153 cm × 95 cm)
were false-positive results and 3 (2.50%) were false-negative re- which produces results in 60 minutes and thus places practical limi-
sults. Additional parameters were retrospectively retrieved from the tations on laboratory workflow. The StaRRsed reported 10 sampling
laboratory information system in order to identify possible interfer- errors and flagged 13 unreliable results in this study which may have
ing variables, namely CRP, mean cell volume (MCV) and hematocrit. resulted in incorrect clinical interpretation and management.
The mean hematocrit and MCV levels in the group which would have The ESR measurement on the iSED is a calculated ESR value in
resulted in a different clinical interpretation were 0.39 ± 0.75 L/L mm/h derived from the initial stage of the ESR, namely RBC aggre-
and 90.69 ± 5.48, respectively. There was no statistically significant gation during rouleaux formation. Complete sedimentation of the
difference between the clinical groups (P = 0.511 and P = 0.565, re- RBC aggregates is not measured. However, a significant mean dif-
spectively). In addition, the corresponding CRP levels did not dif- ference of 7.99 mm/h (CI 5.87-10.13) (P < 0.001) between the iSED
fer significantly between the iSED and StaRRsed clinical groups ESR and the StaRRsed ESR was observed in this study. On subgroup
(P = 0.187). analysis, a poor correlation between the iSED and StaRRsed meth-
ods at ESR levels at the lower and upper third of the analytical range
(2-130 mm/h) with a large mean bias of 1.79 mm/h (CI −1.76 to 5.35)
3.2 | Precision
and 8.66 mm/h (−0.42 to 17.73), respectively, were found.
The results of the within-run and between-run precision analysis This significant difference we observed in this study has also been
on the iSED and StaRRsed with commercial controls are presented observed in previous studies of the iSED.3,12 These studies compared
in Table 2. The within-run precision analysis for patient samples at to methods using citrated whole-blood samples also reported a large
low, middle, and high ESR levels was within the manufacturer’s limits positive bias, in particular at higher ESR levels. Westergren ESR test-
(Table 3). ing methods are influenced by intrinsic factors such as hematocrit
and viscosity as well as extrinsic factors such as sample length and
temperature,13 whereas these factors do not interfere significantly
3.3 | Stability
with ESR measurement on the iSED. Bogdaycioglu et al12 found cor-
The undiluted ESR was stable for 24 hours on the iSED analyzer relation of 0.76 with the manual Westergren method across all ranges
when stored at RT and at 4-8°C (Figure 3). with a mean bias of 13 mm/h (CI −35.7 to 61.6). Biederman et al19
reported a mean bias of 6 ± 36 mm/h at ESR levels > 30 mm/h when
compared to the Streck ESR Autoplus (Streck, Omaha, NE). However,
3.4 | Carryover
across all ranges, the mean bias was small at −0.3 ± 12 mm/h.
The percentage carryover for the iSED ESR measurement was 2.86%. Similarly other novel methods, have also been reported to overes-
This was not clinically significant and within the manufacturer’s limit. timate the ESR compared to the reference Westergren method.10,14,20
Results of proficiency testing indicate differences of ~40% between
Westergren and non-Westergren-based methods in particular at upper
4 | D I S CU S S I O N and lower ends of the analytical range.15 Shelat et al14 studied a pediatric
population and found a correlation 0.63 with a mean bias of 3.30 mm/h
Worldwide most laboratories have adopted modified or alternate ESR (CI 1.52-5.08) in the normal range 0-20 mm/h with the ESR STAT PLUS
methods which offer improved operator safety and reduced analysis (HemaTechnologies, Lebanon, NJ). The results of this centrifugation
5 of 7
method, however, are strongly influenced by extrinsic factors such as significantly from measurements reported by the Westergren
mixing. Mahlangu et al and Vennapusa et al showed a correlation of 0.96 method.10 The imprecision of the abnormal ESR control, which en-
and 0.83 with a mean bias of 6.6 mm/h (CI 5.0-8.1) and 7.13 mm/h, re- compasses the clinically significant ESR range, was low. However,
spectively, across all ranges on the Streck ESR Autoplus. In contrast, the imprecision of the normal ESR control was high. This, however,
other novel methods have been reported to underestimate the ESR, in does not affect the clinical reliability of the measurements as it
particular at lower ESR levels.11,13 Curvers et al13 showed a correlation encompasses the ESR of the normal population. 22 Accordingly, the
of 0.83 with a mean bias of −5.7 mm/h (CI −50.8 to 39.4) on the Ves- College of American Pathologists’ proficiency testing scheme for
Matic Cube 200 (Diesse Diagnostica Senese, Siena, Italy), as compared 2017 reported a %CV of 17.4% for ESR results in the normal refer-
to the Westergren method. Variable results, however, have been re- ence range on 310 iSED users. In this study, normal and abnormal
ported with this method, which measures all three stages of ESR sedi- patient samples were stable when analyzed on the iSED beyond
mentation with an analogue sensor.12,21 Further, this method has several 24 hours when stored at RT and 4-8 °C, thus excluding instability
limitations. These include a minimum sample volume of 4 mL, analysis as a potential factor. A major limitation of the Westergren ESR
time of 20 minutes and no automated dilution. As such hematocrit and is the need to analyze the test within 4 hours from the time of
viscosity will interfere significantly with results of this sedimentation collection when stored at RT.15 The result is that many referred
method. The Test-1(Alifax S.p.A., Polverara, Italy), in contrast, performs ESR samples in everyday practice are rejected. Alternate and mod-
the ESR from a small volume of undiluted blood in three minutes. A pre- ified ESR’s performed in EDTA, however, have demonstrated im-
vious report by Van der Maas et al11 however, showed a correlation of proved sample stability.12,21 Both test methods use EDTA as an
0.67 with a mean bias of −4.4 mm/h (CI −7.8.4 to 1.0) as compared to anticoagulant; therefore, higher hematocrit values may have been
the StaRRsed at 60 minutes. These studies confirm that systemic biases a contributing factor. Our analysis showed that the StaRRsed had
exist among automated testing devices based on aggregation or centrif- a tendency to overestimate the ESR in low hematocrit samples,
ugation principles as compared to sedimentation methods. whereas intrinsic factors did not interfere with ESR measurement
We considered additional potential factors that might be re- on the iSED. This effect was reduced by applying the Fabry correc-
sponsible for the observed systematic bias between the iSED and tion to the StaRRsed results.18
StaRRsed. The differences were not related to imprecision be- In order to determine the suitability of the iSED for this specific
cause the precision of the iSED was acceptable and did not differ patient population, the clinical performance of this method was
6 of 7 SCHAPKAITZ et al.
4h 8h 12h 24h
Storage temperature
assessed. There were 14 samples (11.67%) which would have resulted that alternate methods estimate the ESR from light reflected from or
in a different clinical interpretation. On analysis of the corresponding transmitted through a blood sample during initial rapid erythrocyte
CRP, hematocrit, and MCV levels, a significant difference was not ob- aggregation.23 It follows that careful consideration and performance
served. This raises concern that alternate and Westergren methods monitoring of these novel methods are advised.
are not interchangeable. Fundamentally, the alternate and Westergren In this study, the majority of the patients were rheumatology out-
methods measure different analytical endpoints. Westergren methods patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Van der Maas et al11 previously
measure erythrocyte sedimentation, whereas alternate methods mea- demonstrated that use of an alternate ESR method affected the valid-
sure erythrocyte aggregation. Real-time studies have demonstrated ity of the Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS 28). In their study of patients
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