I 59.025 M T (Subtract Multiples of 360 To Bring The Result To The Range Between 0 To 360 .) M
I 59.025 M T (Subtract Multiples of 360 To Bring The Result To The Range Between 0 To 360 .) M
I 59.025 M T (Subtract Multiples of 360 To Bring The Result To The Range Between 0 To 360 .) M
M = 37.78776157 x /180
M = 0.6595208564 radians
*Let E0 = M
*Repeat the operation several
times until the values repeat.
E0 = M = 0.6595208564 rad
E0−esin E 0−M
E1=E 0−
1−ecos E0
E1 = 0.8761150875 rad
Solve for the position of the given binary
E2 = 0.8708612303 rad
star system at year 1980.
E3 = 0.8708576716 rad
E4 = 0.8708576716 rad (repeated)
1. Make sure that the angle unit must
E = 0.8708576716
0.6595208564−0.2763sin rad
( 0.6595208564 )−0.659520856
be in degrees. ¿ 0.6595208564−
1−0.2763 cos ( 0.6595208564)
7. Find true anomaly () by using the Make sure that the answer must
1+e E between 0 and 360
equation ν=2 tan −1
1−e {√
2 } = 23.717 + 294.7072565
= 318.4242565
ν=2 tan −1 {√ 1+0.2763
2 } 15. Compute for the separation
() using
= 1.106802937 radians rcos(ν + ω)
cos (θ−Ω)
8. Convert the answer to degrees by
multiplying 180/ 0.7455681647 cos (63.41513706+219.907)
cos (318.4242565−23.717)
= 1.106802937 x 180/
= 63.41513706
= 0.411 arcsec
9. Find r = a(1 – ecosE)
r = 0.907 (1 –
r = 0.7455681647 arcsec
= tan
( −0.5008143647
0.2304257129 )
= -65.29274351
+ 360 ---------> (+x,-y) Q4
= 294.7072565