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ICI Update E Bulletin Jan Mar 2016 Final

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January-March 2016 Vol.

8 Issue: 1-3

From the President’s Desk

Dear Members of ICI,
Happy New Year to you all. The dawn of the year 2016 brings with it
new possibilities and new challenges for the construction industry
in India as well as for the Indian Concrete Institute. The Smart Cities
and AMRUT Cities will invite an investment of Rs. 2 trillion in the
next five years. The demand for cement, which is in turn an
indicator of the demand for concrete, is steadily increasing and is
expected to be in the range of 600 million tonnes per annum by 2025. With more than
67% percent of the cement demand coming from the housing sector, the maximum
consumption of mortar and concrete happen here.
Hand Book on ‘Advanced
One of the areas of concern is the avoidable wastage of construction materials
including mortar and concrete. Woefully the most wasted material during Concrete Technology’ authored
construction operation is mortar from plastering/rendering. A survey indicated that by more than 25 Eminent Experts
“labour-only” subcontracting option leads to high contribution to material wastage. is available at 20% discounted
Furthermore, the study revealed that the average percentage contribution of building price of Rs.850/- for ICI members
material wastage to project cost overrun is between 21-30%; Poor supervision, re- only. Postage extra. Please
work, and poor material handling were identified as dominant factors that have high
contact Ph : 044-24912602 ;
contribution to material wastage on sites. Situation would be similar, if not worse in
email : ici4@airtelmail.in.
the individual house building sector.
It is imperative for every one of us to spend quality time in ensuring avoidance of
wastage of precious resources. We can then build more with the same resources.
Suggestions are invited from you as to how ICI can, as an institution chip in.
I was fortunate to participate in the inauguration of the Amravati, Coimbatore and
F From the President’s Desk 1
Salem Centers of ICI and am looking forward to the inauguration of Raipur Center. I
also participated in the inauguration of a new Students' chapter at MES college of
Engineering, Kuttipuram and delivered lectures at a couple of student chapters. The
enthusiasm shown by the members and office bearers is really encouraging. I am sure F News from Centres 2
all the student chapters would be nurtured by the Centers nearby to have fruitful
Dr. M. R. Kalgal F News from ICI
Students Chapters 21

F New Members 31

Dear Members,

Pl update your contact details,

if there is any change.

R. Radhakrishnan
Secretary General

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 01 for private circulation amongst members only
News from Centres ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016


1. Technical Lecture:

A technical interaction programme on It was decided to initiate a forum on

Geopolymer was organized by ICI-Bengaluru Geopolymer as future course of action.
Centre at Bangalore Institute of Technology
The technical interactive session was among
(BIT), Bengaluru on 19th November 2015.
the focused group perusing research in
Dr. N.P. Rajamane was the Moderator for the Geopolymer and benefitted Research
session. Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI- Scholars, and Students, who are into the
BENC welcomed the gathering and introduced research on
Dr. N.P. Rajamane to the audience. Later, Geopolymers.
Dr. Rajamane presented his views about the
Two hours session
material - Geopolymer. He stressed the need of
ended with vote of
multi-disciplinary approach to understand
t h a n k s b y
this material. He narrated the views of
Dr. M.U. Aswath
different researches across the world about
and followed by
this material. Later, the stage was made open
high tea.
for discussion.

The session was attended by more than 70

Researchers, Academicians, Industry
Personnel and Students. Dr. R.V. Ranganath,
Dr. M.U. Aswath, Dr. Raghunath,
Dr. Radhakrishna, Er. Sapna Devendra,
Er. Kaushik Hajra, other Members &
Professionals participated in the discussion.

2. Technical Lecture:

M/s. MAPEI Construction Products India Pvt.

Ltd., Bengaluru in association with
ICI-Bengaluru Centre and Bangalore Institute
of Technology (BIT) organized a lecture for ICI
Members, Engineers, Builders, Consultants &
Students on 14th October, 2015 at BIT,

Guest Speakers

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Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI-BENC Mr. Shashi Nair. Case Studies on “Advanced
welcomed the gathering and introduced the MAPEI Waterproofing” were presented. At the
Keynote Speakers of technical lecture end, Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal, President,
Mr. Santhosh Prakash, Mr. Sameer Katti, & Indian Concrete Institute was felicitated.

Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal felicitated Group photo

Mr. Kaushik Hajra, Secretary, ICI-BENC thanked everyone.

3. Endowment Lecture:

Indian Concrete Institute, Bengaluru Centre Mr. G. Shivaprakash briefed about Chemical
FOSROC Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd. - Admixtures & Use of Chemicals in
Endowment Lecture was organized on 17th Construction Field and how the Chemicals
October, 2015 at Bangalore Institute of behave with Concrete.
Technology. The lecture was well attended by Technical lecture on “New Generation
more than 200 peoples including ICI Construction Aids” was delivered by
Members, Concrete Industry Professionals, Dr. R. Nagendra, Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt.
Engineers & Students at BIT Seminar Hall, Ltd., Bengaluru.
Presidential Address was delivered by
Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI-BENC Dr. A.G. Nataraj, Principal, Bangalore
welcomed the gathering and briefed about the Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
programme & events conducted by ICI
Bengaluru Centre. ICI Student Membership Certificates were
distributed by Guest of Honour & Speaker,
Mr. Kaushik Hajra, Secretary, ICI-BENC, followed by felicitation of Past Chairman &
introduced the Speaker, Mr. G. Shivaprakash, Secretary of ICI Bengaluru Centre and
Product Segment Manager Admixture, FOSROC Endowment Program Sponsors.
FOSROC Chemicals (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Bengaluru. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mr. Kaushik

Dignitaries on the Dias Participants

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Mr. G. Shivaprakash ICI Student Membership Certificate Distribution

Felicitation of Past Chairman, Secretary of ICI-BENC & Fosroc representative

4. Concrete Day Celebrations 2015:

Concrete Day was celebrated by Indian ICI-BENC - UltraTech Award for

Concrete Institute-Bengaluru Centre in Outstanding Concrete Technologist 2015
association with UltraTech Cement Ltd., on 9th was given to Shri. M. N. Ramesh, Director,
September 2015 at NIMHANS Convention Talrak Construction Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
Centre, Bengaluru. More than 1000 people
from Construction Industry, Builders, Er. Ramesh is a member of Indian Concrete
Consulting Engineers, Architects, Institute and was the Chairman of ICI-
Academicians, Researchers, Members of ICI, Bengaluru Centre and Vice-President (South)
and Students attended this mega event. of ICI. He was instrumental in starting the
Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI-BENC Mangaluru Centre of ICI and students'
welcomed the gathering and briefed about the chapters in various educational institutions.
Programme, Concrete Day Awards and the
Concrete Day Celebrations 2015.

Dr. Aswath M. U. Er. M.N. Ramesh, being felicitated

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ICI-BENC - Birla Super Award for 2. Building Category: Jury Appreciation

Outstanding Concrete Structure of Award 2015 was given to Construction of
Karnataka 2015: Housing Flats (BDA) at Alur by M/s.
Bangalore Development Authority.
1. Infrastructure Category: was given to
Construction of Two-Level Grade Separator at
Nayandahalli in Bengaluru by M/s. Bangalore
Development Authority.

3. Building Category: Appreciation Award

2015 was given to Provident Welworth City, at
Marasandra by M/s. Provident Housing
Limited, Bengaluru.

2.Infrastructure Category: ICI-BENC - Birla

Super Jury Award 2015 was given to elevated
viaduct between Peenya Village Station and
Hesaraghatta Cross Station Reach R3 in
Phase I of Bangalore Metro Rail Project,

4. Building Category: Appreciation Award

2015 was given to HUAWEI Technologies
India Private Limited at Divyasree Techno
Park, White field by M/s. Huawei Technologies
India Private Limited, Bengaluru.
ICI-BENC - Birla
Super Award for
O u t s t a n d i n g
Concrete Structure
of Karnataka 2015:

1. B u i l d i n g
Category was given
to Brigade Exoitca by
M/s. Brigade
Enterprises Limited,

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ICI-BENC - UltraTech Award for Young Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal, Head - Technical
Engineer of Karnataka 2015 was awarded to Services, UltraTech Cement Limited and
Shri. Rathnakara Reddy KB, Principal Dr. V. Ramachandra, ICI - Vice - President
Engineer / Managing Director, M/s. Infra (South), delivered the Presidential Address &
Support Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Sponsor's presentation for the Programme.
Bengaluru and Shri. Kartik Janakiram,
Mr. Kaushik Hajra, Secretary, ICI-BENC
Partner [M/s. K. T. Engineers & Builders]
thanked everyone for their involvement in the
K. T. Precast, Mysuru
Programme. M/s. UltraTech Cement Limited
had made all the arrangements for the Mega
Show, and sponsored the fellowship and

Mr. Kaushik Hajra


The 1st Concrete Day 2015 Lecture named

after Dr. C.S. Viswanatha was delivered by
Ar. Christopher Charles Benninger on “Poetry
in Concrete”.

Ar. Christopher Charles Benninger

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5. Site Visit:

Indian Concrete Institute, Bengaluru Centre Latest Technology in Waterproofing Systems,

and Ardex Endura (India) Pvt. Ltd., (AEIPL) Industrial Flooring Systems and Repair &
jointly organized a plant visit to a construction Rehabilitation Solutions.
chemicals plant and product awareness
Later half of the time was spent on application
training with application at AEIPL Training
of selected products. The attendees were very
Centre on 18th December 2015. The visit was a enthusiastic to learn about the new products.
grand success and was attended by 20 Many construction industry professionals
construction industry professionals including tried application of products with their own
ICI Members, Leading Consultants, hands and felt very happy with the training
Applicators, Contractors, etc. facility provided by M/s. Ardex Endura.
The training programme started with welcome The programme was concluded with vote of
speech by Mr. K.P. Paulson (VP Technical). thanks by Dr. Radhakrishna.
The training provided in-depth knowledge on

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Participants travelling in Bus Introduction to AEIPL technical team & Mr K.P. Paulson

Introduction of participants Group photo at Ardex Endura Plant

6. Technical Lecture :

ICI-Bengaluru Centre in association with Mr. Rao de-mystified this enigmatic term and
ACCE (I), RMCMA & BIT organized a technical explained the whole gamut of features such as
lecture for Members, Engineers, Builders, Information and Communication Technology,
Consultants & Students on 24th November, Cloud Computing, the Internet of
2015 at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Things/Internet of Everything etc. that
Bengaluru. Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI- exemplify Smart Cities and what India's vision
BENC welcomed the gathering and introduced is in this regard. He also touched upon the flip
the Speaker Mr. B.S.C. Rao, Senior side of the dangers, risks and vulnerabilities of
Consulting Engineer, Bengaluru. The topic of a digital world. Following the Lecture,
the lecture was “What are Smart Cities?” Mr. B.S.C. Rao was felicitated.

Dignitaries on Dias Felicitation to Mr. B S C Rao

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One-Day Workshop:

ICI-Thiruvananthapuram Centre (TVMC), presentation on 'Basic Concepts in

joined hands with Association of Engineers, Reinforcement Detailing', by Dr. Bindhu K.R.,
Kerala conducted a one-day workshop on Associate Professor, College of Engineering,
“Quality and Durable Construction for RCC Thiruvananthapuram. This was followed by
Buildings”, on 13th November 2015 at presentations on, 'Seismic Behaviour of
Thiruvananthapuram. The Workshop was Structures' and 'Testing of Hardened
inaugurated by Er. Velapgy Madhu Mohan, Concrete', by Dr. Smitha M.S. and
Chairman ICI - TVMC. In his inaugural Dr. R.S.Priyadarshini, Associate Professors,
address, he highlighted the necessity for College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram.
constructing durable structures. The trio focussed on the basic aspects of
The Chief Guest, Er. Mohan Renkan durable concrete structures and by
Thiagarajan of BASF India Limited, Chennai, appropriate testing methods.
delivered a lecture, on 'Corrosion Mitigation, A total of 102 persons attended the Workshop.
Repair & Rehabilitation of RCC Structures'. The programme ended with vote of thanks by
He described the corrosion mechanism in RCC Er.S.Anwar Hussain.
Works and also threw light on the
rehabilitation procedures for RCC Structures.
This was followed by a case study on the
“Rehabilitation of a Damaged School
Structure in Poovar”, a coastal area in
Thiruvananthapuram District, which was
presented by Er. S. Anwar Hussain, Secretary,
ICI-TVMC. The session was very interactive.
The afternoon session started with a Lighting of Lamp



Indian Concrete Institute -Puducherry Centre Er. Swaminathan was the Chief Guest and
celebrated the Concrete Day and Engineers inaugurated the function and addressed the
Day on 15th September 2015. The Chief gathering.
Engineer, PWD Puducherry,

Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal Er. Swaminathan Er. R. Radhakrishnan Er. K. Jayasankar Er S.Suresh

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In the function, the portrait of Dr. APJ Abdul Two eminent personalities from the
Kalam and Sir. M. Visvesvaraya was unveiled Construction Industry viz; Ar. Ramani
by Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal, President, ICI Shankar of Coimbatore and Dr. Jayagopal of
and by the Chief Guest. The highlight of the Coimbatore were honoured with Lifetime
function was the address made by the Keynote Achievement Award and Outstanding
Speaker, Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal on the Vocational Excellence Award, respectively.
topic “Ïnspirers par Excellence about Dr. APJ
Awards were give away for different categories
Abdul Kalam and Sir. M. Visvesvaraya”.
of Outstanding Concrete Structures for
Earlier, Er. S. Suresh, Chairman, ICI-
Residential/Apartments, Utility /Commercial
Puducherry Centre, welcomed the gathering.
Building and Infrastructure Projects, Best
Er. R. Radhakrishnan, Secretary General, ICI, Rehabilitated Heritage Building, Best
emphasised the need of conducting such type Constructed Resorts etc., from various
of programme and focussed on the activities of Districts viz; Puducherry, Cuddalore,
ICI to the gatherings and asked them to be a Villupuram, Karaikal, Tanjore, Trichy,
part of this Professional Body. The VP (South), Kumbakonam, and Coimbatore. The response
ICI, Er. K. Jayasankar explained about the was very good and more than 90 nominations
procedures adopted in the selection criteria. were received for the Awards.

Lighting of Lamp by Dignitaries Best Built Resort of Puducherry-Ocean spray in ECR

Best Built Utility Building at Coimbatore Best Built Residential Building in Villupuram Dist.

Award for Best Built Residential House at Trichy Honouring of ICI-PUDC Founder Member Er. Nadarajan S.E (Rtd), PWD, Puducherry

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Lifetime Achievement Award to Ar. Ramani Shankar Outstanding Vocational Excellence Award to Dr. Jayagopal


Earlier, Er.Anil Kumar Pandey, Chairman,

ICI-Allahabad Centre welcomed the Keynote
Speaker, Guests and Delegates and also gave
a brief introduction about the activities of ICI
and its contribution towards the advancement
in the field of Concrete.

ICI-Allahabad Centre organised a Seminar on

"Alternate System of Concrete Aggregate for
Modern Constructions" on 6th February 2016
at Hotel Milan Palace, Allahabad,
successfully, in which about 80 participants
including ICI Members, Guests, Delegates and
Students participated.
Er. Ashok K.Tiwari, Ex-Vice-President (North),
The Keynote Speaker was Dr.A.K.Mullick,
ICI gave brief introduction about
Retired D.G.,NCCBM, who gave a very
Dr. A.K.Mullick before he started his lecture.
interesting and informative presentation,
which was followed by an interactive session of In the end, Secretary, ICI-Allahabad Centre
“Question & Answer”. expressed his gratitude to the Keynote
Speaker, Guests and Delegates and gave vote
Mr. Anand Pande, Regional Head, Reliance
of thanks to all concerned for making the event
Cement and Mr. Avinash Pandey, Regional
a grand success.
CSG Head, Reliance Cement, coordinated
throughout the Event. Mr. Anand Pande also Reliance Cement sponsored the event. The
gave a brief presentation on “Role of Cement in Seminar was followed by Dinner.

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Two-Day Workshop:

Dr.Manamohan R. Kalgal, President, ICI,

Er. K. Jayasankar, Vice-President (s) ICI,
R.Radhakrishnan, Secretary General, ICI,
Dr. K.P. Jaya, Chairperson, ICI-Chennai
Centre and Er.Venkataraman, Secretary, ICI-
Chennai Centre were present during the
Inaugural function of the Two-Day Workshop.
The Auditorium was packed with more than
350 persons that included Delegates,
Students, Academicians and Researchers.
Speakers from wide spectrum of Industrial
National mission "Housing for all by 2022"
Firms, Construction Industry, Precast
imparts a clear clarion call for precast
Manufacturers and Academicians
construction to be adopted in a large scale for
enlightened the audience with different
faster and high efficient construction. ICI
aspects of precast construction. The
comprehending the importance of precast
discussion threw light on various topics listed
construction way back, decided to propagate
the critical information about precast
! The Indian Precast Concrete Industry -
construction by discussions and practical
Where do we go from here? -
insight which resulted in a two-day workshop.
Prof.N.Raghavan, IIT Madras
ICI Chennai centre in association with Anna
! Architectural Precast Concrete -
University, Indian Institute of Technology
Er. Pradeep Ghumare, NOE Formwork
Madras, CSIR-SERC and The Masterbuilder
India Pvt.Ltd.
organized a timely two-day workshop on
"Precast Construction Practices in India". This ! Design Aspects of Precast Structures -
Er. Sthaladipthi Saha, L&T ECC
great event was held at IC & SR Auditorium,
IIT Madras on 12th and 13th February 2016. ! Precast Concrete Building Systems and
The Workshop was sponsored by L&T Components - Dr. Amlan K. Sengupta, IIT
Construction, B.G. Shirke Construction
Technology, UltraTech Cement Limited, ! Planning Aspects of Precast Construction -
Teemage Precast In, Halfen Moment India, Er. Surya Prakash, Sathyavani Projects
and Consultants Pvt.Ltd.
Sika India Pvt.Ltd, Ra-Ni Precast and Sunil
Chemical Industries. ! Manufacturing Process of Precast
Elements - Mr. Deinst, KEF

Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal Er. K. Jayasankar Er. Venkataraman

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! Advanced Precast Concrete Technology

with Case Studies in Indian Scenario -
Mr. Prakash Shah, Elematic
! Behavior of FRP Strengthened Prestressed
Precast Hollowcore Slabs - Dr. S. Suriya
Prakash, IIT Hyderabad
! Handling, Storage and Transportation of Book Release
Precast Elements - Er. Dinesh, Teemage
Precast In
! General Issues in Precast Construction
Practice in India - Dr. Sivarama Sharma,
! Case Studies on Precast Structures
Mr. Ajith Bate
! Quality Control in Precast Construction - Audience
Mr. Ronak Dhoot, Shapoorji Pallonji & The Workshop also witnessed the release of
Company Limited. the much awaited Handbook on "Precast
! Connections in Precast Construction - Concrete for Buildings", an initiative by (Late)
Dr.K.P.Jaya, Anna University. Dr.A.Ramakrishna. The strenuous efforts of
experts from the Precast Construction
! Durability Assessment of Precast
Industry made the comprehensive handbook
Structures - Er. Senou Krishnamoorthy,
first of its kind in India.The enthusiastic
participation of the audience and speakers,
! Precast Techniques in Mass Housing - and support from various organizations,
Er.Y.P. Kajale, B.G. Shirke, Pune Institutions and industrial firms made the
! Assessment of Quality and Productivity in Two-Day Workshop a grand success and a
the Indian Precast Concrete Construction memorable one in the history of ICI Chennai
Industry - Dr. Radhakrishna G.Pillai, IIT Centre.
Madras. The Workshop was concluded with vote of
! Erection of Precast Elements - Er. Mohan thanks by Er. K. Venkataraman, Secretary
Kumar, Ra-Ni Precast. and Treasurer, ICI Chennai Centre.


Inauguration of ICI- Salem Centre

Indian Concrete Institute - Salem Centre was Shanmugavadivu. Dr. D. Jagadeeswaran,

inaugurated on 2nd March 2016 at Sona Dr. R. Krishnasamy, Er. S. Prabakaran,
College of Technology, which is the 35th Centre Er. Jeson John Williams, Er. N. Savitha,
of ICI. Er. Venkatraman, Secretary, ICI - Er. A. Meenachi, Er. M. Jagadeeswari and
Chennai Centre welcomed the gathering. Er. K. Kumaraguruparan were inducted as
Er. R. Radhakrishnan Secretary General, ICI, Office Bearers of Salem Centre. Dr. R.
gave a presentation about ICI.Dr. Manamohan Malathy, Chairman, ICI- Salem Centre gave
R. Kalgal, President, ICI installed the Office the acceptance speech. Er. N. Sanjaikumar,
Bearers of the Salem Centre. Dr. R. Malathy, Secretary, ICI- Salem Centre proposed the
Er. N. Sanjaikumar, Er. M. Arivoli, Dr. P.M. road map of ICI Salem Centre for the

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upcoming year. Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal

delivered the Keynote Address on
“Applications of Prestressed and Precast
Concrete Technology in Building Sector”. The
function was felicitated by Er. K.P. Pradeep,
GC- Member, ICI, Dr. V. Jayaprakash,
Principal, Sona College of Technology and Er.
S. Suresh, Chairman, ICI-Puducherry Centre.
More than 250 members including
Academicians, Practicing Engineers,
Dignitaries with Office Bearers of ICI-Salem Centre
Students were present on that occasion.


ICI - Ultra Tech Awards -2015

ICI-Hubli Dharwad Centre and UltraTech entries, the Jury Committee decided to
Cement Ltd., jointly organised the ICI- present the District Awards for residential
UltraTech Awards for the Outstanding buildings as "Well Built Residential building"
Concrete Structures of North Karnataka of the District for each District. This is being
region. done to encourage Owners, Engineers and
The Outstanding Concrete Structures of North Consultants of North Karnataka, irrespective
Karnataka are given in the following categories of the magnitude of their work. The Jury
every year: Committee consisted of Eminent Engineers,
Architects and People from Construction
1. Residential Buildings
Industries and Academicians of Karnataka.
2. Public Buildings This year the Award Ceremony was conducted
The nominations received were reviewed by in two places on 23rd January 2016 at Belagavi
the Jury Committee and Awardees were and on 30th January 2016 at Raichur. The
selected based on the merit of the Awards have played a major role in creating
nominations. In all, there were 254 entries awareness of using good quality concrete in
from all the Districts of North Karnataka. construction.
Considering the large number of enthusiastic

Function at Belagavi on 23rd January, 2016.

Dr.H.Maheshappa, Vice-Chancellor, Er. Vijay Totiger, Secretary, ICI-HUDC

Visvesvaraya Technological University, proposed vote of thanks.
Belagavi was the Chief Guest and inaugurated
the function at Belagavi. Dr.V.Ramachandra,
Zonal Head (S), UltraTech Cement, Bengaluru
presided over the function. Prof. Arvind
Galagali, Chairman, ICI-HUDC welcomed the
gathering. He briefed about the activities of ICI
and ICI-Hubli-Dharwad Centre and also
explained about the ICI-UltraTech Awards
2015. Er. A. H. Annigeri, Eminent Engineer of
North Karnataka was felicitated for his great
Dignitaries Lighting the Lamp
contribution to Civil Engineering field.

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Felicitation to Eminent Engineer Felicitation to Er. A.H.Annigeri

Function at Raichur on 30th January, 2016.

Dr.Manamohan R Kalgal, President, ICI

inaugurated the function at Raichur by
lighting the Lamp. Dr. V. Ramachandra,
Zonal Head (S), UltraTech Cement welcomed
the gathering. Er. K. Jayasankar, VP (South),
ICI, graced the occasion by his presence.
Er. Vijay Totiger, Secretary, ICI-HUDC
proposed vote of thanks.
Dignitaries Lighting the Lamp

Felicitation of Awardees at Raichur Felicitation to Eminent Engineer Er.Basavaraj Gadwal


Concrete Day - 2015:

Indian Concrete Institute Patiala Centre and Shri. Shashi Gaggar, Vice-President,
UltraTech Cement Limited has organized UltraTech Cement, Dr. S.P. Singh, Chairman
Concrete day on 22nd Jan, 2016 at Hotel JW ICI-Patiala Centre, Shri. Vinay Mathur, Vice-
Marriott, Chandigarh. President and Shri. Sumat Gupta, Sr. General
Manager, UltraTech Cement.
Concrete Day function started with lighting of
lamp by Shri. Dhanpat Singh, IAS, Chief Dr. S.P. Singh welcomed all present in the
Guest of the function and Addl. Chief function and shared the significance of
Secretary, Government of Haryana, Concrete Day and his vision of ICI-Patiala
Dr. Manamohan Kalgal, Head, Technical Centre for next two years. He also introduced
Services, UltraTech Cement, Dr. Mahesh members of new Executive Committee of the
Kumar, Managing Director, HSRDC, Centre.

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Er. Shashi Gaggar said that Concrete day

celebration has become an Annual ritual for
Keynote speaker of the function all and is the platform for concrete enthusiasts
Dr. M. R. Kalgal gave an interesting, to learn and share thro technical
informative & in-depth presentation on presentations.
“Earthquake Resistant Structures”. He
briefly explained how & why earthquake
occurs. He spoke on guidelines to be followed
for constructing earth-resisting structures.
He emphasized on analysis of seismic
intensity of area, type of structure and factor
of safety to be considered.

After an interesting presentation by Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Chairman of Jury

Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal, a dance was introduced all the Members of Jury, who had
performed by group of local artists giving a put in their efforts for the selection of the
message on “Build Beautiful” concept of Awardees.
Ultratech Cement.

The Awards were presented in the

following category:
Best Structure Award 2015 in Institutional Dream Home Award 2015 in Punjab
Dream Home Award 2015 in Chandigarh
Best Structure Award 2015 in Office Building
Outstanding Concrete Technologist 2015
Young Concrete Engineer Award 2015
Best Structure Award 2015 in Residential
Building category Best M-tech Thesis Award 2015

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Sh. Dhanpat Singh appreciated the initiative

taken by ICI- Patiala Centre & UltraTech
Cement for organizing such educational &
informative technical seminars. He
emphasized that engineers should work on
smart city concepts for making Chandigarh
city as one of the best in world. Concrete is
nowadays an essential part of our life from
birth to graveyard, so quality improvement is
one of the key area to work, he added.

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ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..


National Seminar:

ICI-Goa Centre organised a two-day National He also spoke on the future activities of the
Seminar on “Latest Innovations in Concrete” Centre. Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal delivered
at the Ravindra Bhavan, Margao on 5th & 6th of the Keynote Address on “The Latest
February 2016. The Seminar received an Innovations in Concrete”.
overwhelming response with the presence of
The Speakers included Dr. Sunitha K. Nayar
more than 175 Delegates. The Seminar was
(IIT Chennai), Dr. D. D. Sarode (Institute of
inaugurated by President, ICI,
Chemical Technology, Mumbai),
Dr. Manamohan R. Kalgal.
Dr. N. P. Rajamane (Head, Centre for
Er. Chandrashekhar Prabhudessai, Advanced Concrete Research), Prof. (Major)
Chairman, ICI Goa Centre, in his welcome Mukund Apte, Dr. Radhakrishna Pillai (IIT-
address thanked all who helped him to Chennai), Er. Sunny Surlekar (Head, MC-
organise the Seminar and called upon fellow Bauchmie) and Er. Pradeep Garg
Goan Engineers and other professionals to (Superintending Engineer, CPWD). The topics
join ICI, to make it a bigger and better Centre. covered at the Seminar included Special
Concretes, Bacterial Concrete, Chemical and
Mineral Admixtures for Durable Concrete,
Fibre Reinforced Concrete in Pavements,
Particle Packing Concept in Concrete Mix
Design, Durable and High Performance
Concrete Structures, freshly Ground Lime as
a Replacement for Cement, Eco-Friendly
Geopolymer Concrete using Industrial Waste,
Pervious Concrete and Self-Compacting


ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 18

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

The first day of the Seminar was followed by than 25 years. The winners in the other
the ICI-UltraTech Awards Nite 2015 at categories were: Bridge constructed across
Metropole, Margao. Dr. Manamohan Kalgal Assolna and Cavelossim by PWD, Goa
presided over the function along with (Outstanding Concrete Structure of Goa-
Er. R.Radhakrishnan, Secretary General, ICI Infrastructure Category), Planet Hollywood
and Dr. V. Ramachandra, Vice-President, Hotel, Utorda-Goa (Outstanding Concrete
UltraTech Cement as Guest of Honour. The Structure of Goa - Building Category),
Chief Guest for the function, Er. Vivek Naik, Residential House of Mr. Grayson Serrao
President-Elect, ICI, delivered the Keynote (Outstanding Concrete Structure of Goa Well-
Address on “An Innovative Technique of Built Residential Villa).
Bridge Rehabilitation”. Er. Madhav Kamat
The Seminar was restricted to half-day on 6th
(Madhav Kamat & Associates, Vasco) was
February 2016 allowing the Delegates,
presented the Outstanding Concrete Engineer
especially those from outside Goa to
Award for his contribution to Goan concrete
participate in the carnival festivities. The
Industry (In Design/Construction) for more
seminar was considered a success and
appreciated by all.


Mr. H. Viswanatha Rao, Chairman, Standard

Build Infrastructure Ltd., Member, ICI (LM:
40) received “BHARAT RATHNA SIR
2015” from BAI, Karnataka State Centre in
appreciation and recognition of his excellent
services for Civil Engineering Design,
Construction and Management on 4th Nov

ICI congratulates him.

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 19

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 20

News from ICI Students Chapters ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016

Inauguration of Students Chapter:

Department of Civil Engineering, Building Principal, RV College of Architecture and

Science and Technology, Jain University Dr. Rama Subramanian, Prof & HoD,
inaugurated ICI-Students Chapter in the Department of Architecture, Dayananda
college premises on 14th October 2015 on the Sagar University were the Guest of Honour.
eve of Birth Anniversary of Great Visionary ICI Student Membership Certificates were
late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Chief Guest of the distributed to the Student Members during
function was Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI- the inauguration. The programme ended with
Bengaluru Centre. Dr. Om Prakash Bhavane, vote of thanks.


Inauguration of ICI-Students Chapter:

Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering membership in ICI and encouraging them to

(SVCE) inaugurated ICI-Students Chapter on participate in many such activities in the
20th October 2015 with the total of 104 future. Later, membership certificates were
students and 4 faculty members. distributed to the student members.

A Technical Quiz was organized as part of the Dr. M.U. Aswath delivered a lecture on
inauguration to all the ICI student members “Industry-Institute Interaction and Future
on 14th October. Civil Engineers”. He also, explained about the
benefits of being a student member of ICI.
The Chief Guest for the inauguration was
Dr. M.U. Aswath, Chairman, ICI-Bengaluru The winners of the Quiz Programme were
Centre and the Guest of Honour was awarded with cash prizes and certificates by
Mr. Kaushik Hajra, Secretary, ICI-Bengaluru Dr. M.U. Aswath
Centre. Mementos were given to Dr. M.U. Aswath and
The inauguration was in the presence of Mr. Kaushik Hajra as a token of gratitude for
Dr. Prabhakar Reddy, Principal, SVCE. The their guidance and presence for the inaugural
Chief Guest was welcomed by the Principal function.
and the Guest of Honour by HOD, Vote of thanks was delivered by the ICI
Dr. C.G. Hemamalini. Principal addressed the coordinator.
students congratulating them for getting

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 21

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..


1. Engineers Day:

Engineers day was celebrated on 15th importance of time management and he gave
September 2015 under the banner of ICI real time examples from the life of
students chapter. The function started with Mr.M.Vishveshwaraya, who was a legend in
the welcome address by C.J Santhosh, 3rd the field of civil engineering. Prizes were
year, civil student, Joint Secretary, Students announced for the CON Quiz competition,
Chapter of ICI. The Chief Guests of the which was organised by the PG students, as
function were Prof. Dr .G. Ramasamy, part of Engineers Day celebration.
Department of Civil Engineering and M.Balakumaran of final year civil proposed
Dr. S. Gopala Krishnan, HoD, Civil vote of thanks.
Engineering. The Associate Professors,
Mr.G.Srinivasan, M.K. Thirumalai Raja and
Dr.K.Loganathan also shared the dais.
P.Soundarya & P.Mounish of third year and
V. Indhumathi of final year spoke about
Er. M. Vishveshwaraya. R.Kishore of final year
civil spoke about the historical monuments of
Tamilian architecture. Then, motivational
speech was given by Prof. Dr .G. Ramasamy.
Dr.S.Gopala Krishnan, HoD, spoke about the

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 22

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

2. MoU Signing ceremony:

Barun Dutta, Business Development

Manager, Trimble Buildings, SAARC.
Dr.G.Ramasamy gave welcome address
followed by that Dr.P.Govindasamy gave a
presidential address and talked about the
software and the training given to the EBETi
students and also told about the MOU signing
ceremony quoting how it is going to help
ICI-Students Chapter along with ACE students in their career. Mr. Mithra Barun
organized a function at Dheeran Chinnamalai Dutta gave presentation about the Tekla
Hall in EBET College, Kangayam on 12th Software and explained how it works, its uses,
January 2016. The function was MoU Signing advantages and applications in construction.
ceremony with "Trimble Buildings, SAARC" He also showed videos related to Tekla
and Inauguration of "EBETi-Tekla Education software. The session was interactive. Finally,
Centre of Excellence" in Civil Engineering Dr.P.Somasundaram, Head of Mechanical
Department. The Chief Guest was Mr.Mithra Department, thanked everyone.


1. Hands-on-Training on Total Station:

The ICI Student's Chapter and Department of Digital Surveying, Coimbatore. The basic
Civil Engineering of Nandha Engineering feature of the instrument and the initial
College (ICI-NEC) arranged Hands-on- adjustments were taught.
Training on Total Station for
Civil Engineering Department
Faculty Members on 28 t h
November 2015. The training
was carried out by
Er. K. Ramachandran from

2. Technical Lecture on Applied Mechanics:

The ICI-NEC students chapter organized a gave the concept of Applied Mechanics on each
Technical Lecture on Applied Mechanics on topic in their syllabus and problem solving
05th December 2015. Dr. R. Kumaravel, HoD, techniques. He also taught the students an
Velalar College of Engg. & Tech., Thindal easy alternative method for solving the
spoke to the 1st Year Civil Engineering problems. Students were immensely
students and interacted with the students. He benefitted out of the lecture.

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 23

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

Inauguration of Students Chapter:

ICI - NIT Calicut students' chapter was A quiz competition was also conducted as part
inaugurated on 12 November 2015 at NIT of the inaugural ceremony under the guidance
Calicut. Chief Guest Er. M.A. Joseph, of Er. M.A. Joseph. Four rounds comprising of
Vice-Chairman, ICI Kochi-Centre inaugurated diverse questions from the materials, design &
the function. Er. Sajith Bhaskar, Secretary, structures and perspective of civil engineering
ICI Calicut Centre gave a brief introduction enlightened the enthusiastic gathering. Hitha
about the objectives and activities of ICI. Zacharia and Nirupama Iyer of S7 bagged the
Dr. N.Ganeshan, Professor, NIT Calicut gave a first prize. Christine Varghese and Akshay K of
lecture on “Ferro Cement and its Application S5 secured the second prize. Prizes for the
in Construction Industries”. Dr. P.V Indira, audience ensured the active participation of
Professor, NIT Calicut graced the occasion. every one.

Er. M A Joseph Dr. N.Ganeshan Quiz competition


ICI - Inauguration of Students Chapter:

The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)-Indian Engg. Research Centre, Ghaziabad and
Concrete Institute Students Chapter was Former Chairman of ICI-Ghaziabad Centre,
inaugurated on February 13th, 2016 in the Er. A. K. Sharma, Former Director General,
Department of Civil Engineering, AMU. CPWD, New Delhi and Chairman of ICI-
Prof. Shamim Ahmad, Former Vice- Ghaziabad Centre were present on the
Chancellor, AMU, Prof. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan, occasion. The programme was attended by a
Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, large number of faculty members and
Dr. Rajeev Goel, Principal Scientist, Bridges students.
and Structures Division, Central Road Prof. Shamim Ahmad lauded the efforts of the
Research Institute, New Delhi and Vice- Department of Civil Engineering and ICI-
President (North), ICI, Er. P. C. Sharma, Ghaziabad Centre in establishing
Former Head Materials Division, Structural ICI Students Chapter. He advised the faculty

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 24

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

members and the students to take full He assured of best possible support from the
advantage of the patronage of the industry Centre to the AMU Students Chapter. Prof.
experts in sharpening their technical and Mohammed Arif, Chairman, Department of
professional skills. Civil Engineering while welcoming the Guests
said that Indian Concrete Institute is
Prof. Mumtaz Ahmad Khan shared his views
nationally acclaimed professional
on the changing technological scenario and
organization in the field of concrete
advised the future technologists to be ready to
construction technology and practices and
face the challenges that lie ahead. Dr. Rajeev
also outlined the importance of the ICI
Goel in his address appreciated the efforts of
Students Chapter. Dr. Mohd. Shariq,
the Department and urged the students and
Coordinator, AMU, ICI-Students Chapter,
faculty members to actively participate in the
proposed vote of thanks. Mr. Mohammed Bilal
various activities of the Indian Concrete
and Mr. Shahbaz Ahmad conducted the
Institute and various Student Chapters
spread across the region. Er. P. C. Sharma
highlighted the role of professional bodies in
the training of future engineers. He talked
about the contributions of the ICI in the
Concrete Construction Practices and
Technologies. He delivered technical talk on,”
Use of Ferrocement in the Repair and
Rehabilitation of Structures”.
Er. A. K. Sharma stressed upon enhanced
Industry-Institute interaction and the role of
Indian Concrete Institute in bridging this gap.


1. Workshop:

ICI-Students Chapter in association with the students to make the best use of the
UltraTech Cement Ltd., organized a workshop Workshop. Dr.T.Karthikeyan, Dean, delivered
on Concrete Mix Proportioning on 18th & 19th motivational speech for students. 50 students
December 2015 in the College Campus. of civil department actively took part in the
Er.K.Venkataraman, Asst. General Manager, Workshop.
Technical Services, UltraTech Cement Ltd., First session of the workshop was handled by
Er.N.Sanjai Kumar, Senior Manager, Er.K.Venkataraman, who explained the
Technical Services, UltraTech Cement Ltd., concept of concrete mix proportioning with
graced the occasion as Chief Guests. videos and real life examples which helped the
Inaugural function of the Workshop was students to understand the concepts very
presided over by Principal, Dr.V.Kavitha, who clearly. Students also learned to derive mix
stressed the importance of Industry - Institute proportioning for different grade of concrete.
interaction for the betterment of students and Second session was on basic testing of coarse
the steps to be taken by the young minds to aggregate and fine aggregate.
improve their knowledge. Chief Guest
Er.K.Venkataraman explained the importance Second day of the workshop was handled by
of concrete mix proportioning and also advised Er.K.Venkataraman, Er.N.Sanjai Kumar, and

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 25

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

Er.B.Ashok. Student's underwent practical graced by Dr.T.Karthikeyan who thanked the

training in preparing trial mixes for different Chief Guest and urged the department to
grade of concrete in concrete laboratory. conduct similar kind of events which will
Students were split into five batches to do enrich the student's knowledge in
slump test and Cast cubes for their designed applications of concrete. Certificates were
mix, to be tested on 7th, 14th, and 28th day distributed to the Participants by the Chief
respectively. The Valedictory Function was Guest.

Dr. T. Karthikeyan issuing certificates to the student Dr. T. Karthikeyan honouring Er. Sanjai Kumar

2. Pre-Employment Training:

with the launch of the Department Newsletter

Vol. I - Issue II by the Guests.

The First session of day one was delivered by

Er.K.Venkataraman. The session gave
students a quick overview into the concept of
Green Building and its energy efficiency. The
roles and responsibility of Civil Engineers in
this domain was also highlighted. This was
followed by the second session on the
ICI Students Chapter in association with
Construction Sequence of the building by
UltraTech Cement Ltd., organized Pre-
Er.N.Sanjai Kumar.
Employment Training Programme between
28th & 30th of January 2016 in the college Second day of the training was headed by
premises for the final year Civil Engineering Er.K.Venkataraman, Er.N.Sanjai Kumar, and
Students. Er.K.Venkataraman, Asstistant Er. B. Ashok. Final year students were split
General Manager, Technical Services, into six batches and each batch was
UltraTech Cement Ltd., Er.N.Sanjai Kumar, accompanied by an Engineer from UltraTech
Senior Manager, Technical Services, and the faculty members from the Institution,
UltraTech Cement Ltd., graced the function as students visited many construction sites in
Chief Guests. Inaugural function of the and around Karur. The site visit enabled the
Workshop was presided over by students to bridge the gap between the theory
Dr.T.Karthikeyan, Dean, MCE. The and practices in the field of construction.
importance of Industry-Institute interaction The third day started with the presentation of
was stressed by Prof.P.Mahadevan HOD/Civil the students about the site they visited.
in his special address. The programme started Faculty members along with Mr.B.Ashok

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 26

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

evaluated the students. This session assessed upcoming civil engineers. The students who
the learning, understanding and delivering made the best presentation were awarded with
ability of the student out of their field visit. Shield and Certificates. Certificates were
distributed to all the Participants by the Chief
The Valedictory Function was graced by
Guests. The function was well coordinated by
Dr.T.Karthikeyan who expressed his gratitude
R.Vijayan, HOD, B.Saranya, AP & M.Kanitha,
to ICI and UltraTech Cement Ltd., in
organizing such a focussed event for the


Training Programme:

N.S.N. College of Engineering and Technology provides an excellent blend of Civil and
in association with Indian Concrete Institute Construction Engineering fundamentals
is organizing a programme NSN-FACE combined with the practical skills essential to
(Finishing Academy for Civil Engineers) for begin effective professional practice
final year Civil Engineering students between immediately on graduation.
23th November 2015 and 27th November 2015.
Er.Mohan, Managing Director, Reliable
Engineers and Associates, Karur guided the
students during the programme. The main
objective of this programme is to bring
Industry-Institutional relationship together
and stressed the students to gain engineering
experience in industry. This programme

1. Intradepartmental Symposium- II:

On February 5th 2016, ICI Students Chapter of oriented projects. Students presented their
NSNCET organised Intra Departmental papers on the topics such as Automation in
Symposium II for this academic year. Construction Industry, Futuristic
Er. A.Ramasamy, Managing Director, Sriram Architecture, Real-Time Energy Monitoring,
Associates, Karur, Er.Vairam Karunanidhi, Modern Construction Materials, Sustainable
Managing Director, Rank-A-Construction, Building Technology, Application of Infrared
Karur graced the function with their presence. Thermography in Concrete Engineering etc.,
Finally, winning students were awarded by the
In the day of occasion, Technical Paper
Presentation was organized related to recent
trends and challenges in Civil Engineering

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 27

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

2. Industrial Visit to SERC:

ICI Students Chapter members of N.S.N The students were guided by the
College of Engineering and Technology visited N.G.Bhagavan, Senior Principal Scientist.
Structural Engineering Research Centre Students visited Advanced Material Lab,
(SERC), Chennai, to learn about the research Advanced Seismic Testing and Research Lab,
activities happening at the Centre. Wind Energy Lab, Fatigue, Research Lab and
learnt about various Tests.

3. Visit to IIT Library:

A Visit to IIT Library was arranged for third

year Civil Engineering students of N.S.N
College of Engineering and Technology on 29th
January, 2016. Dr.K.Saravanan, Assistant
Librarian In-charge, Central Library, Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Chennai
guided the students. Students were advised to
make use of the Library to gain knowledge on
the advancement in the Civil Engineering. At
the end of the visit, students had interaction
with Dr. K. Saravanan.

4. Site Visit - Chennai:

ICI Students Chapter members of NSNCET

visited Eversendai Construction Pvt.Ltd.,
Chennai on 30th January of 2016. 56 Students
took part along with four faculty members.
Er.S.Murali, Manager, Sales and Marketing
guided the students during the visit. The visit
enlightened the students on various practical
aspects in construction at site and enabled
them to correlate what they studied in the
classroom with that of the real time practice in
the field.

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 28

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..


National-Level Workshop (PRECON'16):

Department of Civil Engineering, Sona College Time, Quality Assurance and Cost. These are
of Technology has conducted one-day the three mantras for a successful
National level Workshop on Precast Concrete entrepreneur in any field, he added. He
Construction Challenges and Opportunities highlighted the advantages of Precast
(PRECON'16) on 2 n d March, 2016 in Technology by the cost analysis of
association with Indian Concrete Institute conventional and Precast methods. He shared
(ICI) and UltraTech Cement Ltd. The the experiences about the projects that he has
Programme was inaugurated by lightening worked. While concluding his lecture, he said
kuthuvilakku by the Dignitaries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 2022 dream
Er.K.Venkatraman welcomed the Speakers will become possible only by adapting this
and gave an introductory note on the technology. Er.Ravichandran, Teemage
Workshop. The first session was given by Precast In shared about the projects
Er.L.H.Chandra Shekar on “Benefits of successfully completed by Teemage by a video
Building Information Modeling (BIM) in presentation and Er.Gowtham gave a lecture
Precast Structures”. The next session was on different types of connections in Precast
given by Er.P.Surya Prakash, Sathyavani Construction. Er. Sridhran Rao talked about
Projects and Consultants Pvt. Ltd., on the benefits of adapting Precast Technology for
“Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Precast mass construction. The final video
Construction”. He explored the opportunities presentation was made by UltraTech about
for entrepreneurs in Precast Construction various products developed by them.
Industry. He emphasized the students about

Dignitaries on the Dais


Inauguration of ICI Students Chapter:

8th, 2016 in the college premises.

The purpose of this students chapter is

primarily to create an opportunity for the
students to interact with the practicing
professionals there by keeping abreast of the
latest developments in this area. Moreover, ICI
The Department of Civil Engineering of Amrita Students chapter will enable to conduct
School of Engineering, Coimbatore organized various Training Programmes, Workshops
the inauguration ceremony of Indian Concrete and Site Visits with the strong support of
Institute (ICI) Students Chapter on February practicing professionals. A Total of 85

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 29

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 News from ICI Students Chapters Contd..

students from both UG and PG courses have S.Sandeep of Third Year, B.Tech Civil
become members of this chapter. Engineering was nominated as Vice-President
of ICI-Students Chapter of the Institute. An
Er.R.Radhakrishnan, Secretary General,
additional seven member committee
Indian Concrete Institute and
comprising of students was formed for smooth
Er.K.Jayasankar, Assistant Vice President,
functioning of the Students Chapter. The
Technical Services, UltraTech Cement
Office bearers were officially introduced to the
Pvt,Ltd., and also Vice-President (S), ICI,
Chairman, ICI-Students Chapter of the
graced the occasion by their presence. The
Institute. Er. R.Radhakrishnan distributed
program started with prayer song. All the
the Certificates to the student members. Then
Dignitaries were given a floral welcome by the
he briefed the students about the benefits of
student body.
this Chapter and explained various ICI
Dr.K.M.Mini, Head of the Department programme conducted throughout the year.
addressed the gathering and declared the
There was a Guest Lecture on the topic,
installation of ICI-Students Chapter in Amrita
“Challenges in Making Durable Concrete”, by
School of Engineering, Coimbatore. The
Er.Jayasankar, which was well appreciated
Student Office Bearers of the ICI Students
and enjoyed by the students.
Chapter -2016 were elected and installed at
the hands of Chief Guests. The inaugural function concluded with vote of
thanks by P.M.Thanu Suthan.
P.M.Thanu Suthan of Final Year, B.Tech Civil
Engineering was elected as Secretary and

Welcome Address by Dr. K.M. Mini Welcome Gift to Er. R. Radhakrishanan

Students Office Bearers Distribution of Certificates by Er. R. Radhakrishnan

Er.K.Jayasankar's Guest Lecture Vote of Thanks by P.M.Thanu Suthan

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 30

New Members ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016

Sl.No. M.No Centre Name Place

A. Individual Life Members

1 11422 Ahmedabad Tejaskumar Dilipbhai Suthar Ahmedabad

2 11423 Yogesh Ramanbhai Patel Ahmedabad
3 11536 Vatsal Mahendra Shukla Ahmedabad
4 11543 Jayesh M. Dharva Ahmedabad
5 11559 Sandeep Mathur Ahmedabad
6 11560 Allahabad Abhishek Kumar Jaiswal Allahabad
7 11424 Amravati Vaibhav Ramkrishna Dhawale Amravati
8 11425 Syed Sabihuddin Amravati
9 11442 Rameshwar S. Ingalkar Amravati
10 11443 Vakas Kabir Rahman Amravati
11 11444 Ankit Gajananrao Kale Amravati
12 11445 Ashish Bapurao Ugale Amravati
13 11446 Atmaram Pandurang Dange Amravati
14 11447 Milind V. Mohod Amravati
15 11448 Amar Suryakant Deshmukh Amravati
16 11449 Sagar Prakashrao Bute Amravati
17 11450 Mayur Ambadaspant Banarase Amravati
18 11451 Shrikant Madhav Harle Amravati
19 11452 Sanju Sampatsa Vinchurkar Amravati
20 11473 Dipak Ramraoji Bhelkar Amravati
21 11474 Rajesh Amlani Amravati
22 11479 Shailesh S Agrawal Akola
23 11487 Manoj Shyamlal Khatri Amravati
24 11488 Nitin Vitthalrao Bhatkar Amravati
25 11489 Rahul Subhashrao Tayade Amravati
26 11490 Hiral Dilip Adhiya Amravati
27 11491 Ahuja Manojkumar Ladharam Amravati
28 11492 Malsure Ramesh Sukhadeorao Amravati
29 11499 Sanjay Ganraj Adhau Amravati
30 11500 Pravin Ajabrao Wankhade Amravati
31 11501 Hiralal Govindrao Iche Amravati
32 11502 Nilkanth Deorao Dudhe Amravati
33 11503 Hemant Yadaorao Mohod Amravati
34 11504 Tejas Ravindra Wankhade Amravati
35 11505 Nitin Parasmal Kataria Amravati
36 11506 Vikram K. Shadi Amravati
37 11507 Gaurav Devidas Dhadse Amravati
38 11508 Kapil Prabhakar Nanote Amravati
39 11509 Suresh Laxmanrao Umak Amravati
40 11520 Manish Trimbakrao Deshmukh Amravati
41 11530 Anant Ishwarrao Dhatrak Amravati
42 11531 Meena Jagannath Khonde Amravati
43 11549 Pankaj Rangrao Mali Akola
44 11426 Bengaluru Geetha Kumari C Bengaluru

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 31

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 New Members Contd..

Sl.No. M.No Centre Name Place

A. Individual Life Members
45 11435 Harisha Bhat Bengaluru
46 11436 Arun Ts Dakshina Kannada
47 11439 Thakur Prabhat Singh Bengaluru
48 11440 Jagadish J S Chikkabyaladakere
49 11456 Sanjay A. Almelkar Bengaluru
50 11463 Ajaay Srinivaas Bengaluru
51 11470 Avinash J Bengaluru
52 11475 Gopalakrishna E Bengaluru
53 11539 Ramachandra K Bengaluru
54 11546 Pradeep H R Bengaluru
55 11547 Dinesh V P Bengaluru
56 11552 Raghu Annaiah Bengaluru
57 11553 Madhu H V Bengaluru
58 11555 Mallikarjun Nuvusetty Bengaluru
59 11558 K.n. Vishwanata Bengaluru
60 11566 Ananda Theertha Bengaluru
61 11572 Col Ramachandran Kumar Bengaluru
62 11575 Nagaraj V.k Bengaluru
63 11585 Pushpalatha R. Gadag Bellari
64 11586 Shobha M.s Bellari
65 11587 Pargi Prasad Bengaluru
66 11588 Krishnaji V. Kulkarni Bengaluru
67 11589 Chandrakanth Das B Bengaluru
68 11590 Laxmi Prakash M.k Bengaluru
69 11591 Adanagouda Bellari
70 11603 Dayalan J Bengaluru
71 11597 Bhubaneswar Tapas Sahoo Cuttack
72 11537 Calicut Suresh N.k Kannur
73 11416 Chattisgarh Akhilesh Ghritlahare Raipur
74 11433 Chennai Harini A Mettupalayam
75 11457 Sekar S Chennai
76 11459 Nandita Gettu Chennai
77 11497 Abhijith Jayasankar Chennai
78 11527 Santhakumar S Kulithalai
79 11528 Mohan V Trichy
80 11529 Nagarajan P Trichy
81 11551 Mohan Ramanathan Chennai
82 11573 Ayyanar K Chennai
83 11577 Srinivasan K Vellore
84 11592 Neeraja D Vellore
85 11594 Hareesh M Vellore
86 11595 Sairam V Vellore
87 11596 Umasankar N Chennai
88 11601 Sreenivasa Rao Atluri Chennai

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 32

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 New Members Contd..

Sl.No. M.No Centre Name Place

A. Individual Life Members
89 11609 Krishnasamy R Perambalur
90 11533 Coimbatore Shanmugasundaram Coimbatore
91 11544 Gnana Venkatesh Erode
92 11565 Rajakumar C Coimbatore
93 11567 Vennila A Coimbatore
94 11568 Venkata Subramani R Coimbatore
95 11570 Mini K.m Coimbatore
96 11571 Dhanya Sathyan Coimbatore
97 11582 Gnanavel Murugan Coimbatore
98 11593 Kamaraj B Coimbatore
99 11602 Deepa Shri S Coimbatore
100 11610 Delhi Vipin Chaudhary New Delhi
101 11429 Ghaziabad Sunil Kumar Srivastava Ghaziabad
102 11431 Anil Kumar Verma Noida
103 11441 Asif Muhammed N Noida
104 11454 Subhramani Khadanga Noida
105 11526 Manju Minhas Noida
106 11540 Anvesh Kumar Singh Kanpur
107 11562 Vishnuvardhan Reddy A Noida
108 11464 Goa Swaroopa G. Sail Faterda
109 11465 Neena S. Panandikar Margao
110 11466 Manoj Pai Dukle Salcette
111 11467 Datta Kare Margao
112 11468 Magdum Ashok Baburao Ponda
113 11469 Manasi Suresh Mungi Ponda
114 11482 Abhijeet Salkar Vasco Da Gama
115 11483 Padmaja A. Salkar Vasco Da Gama
116 11484 Satyesh A.s. Kakodkar Churchorem
117 11485 Shruti Desai Margao
118 11486 Austin Socorro Rodrigues Panaji - Ribandar
119 11524 Umesha J Panaji
120 11538 Avadhesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria Ponda
121 11394 Hubli Dharwad Rajkuvar . K. Mohite Hubli
122 11480 Rajshekhar B Math Bidar
123 11481 Raju Karbari Bidar
124 11605 Adarsh A Gupta Hubli
125 11417 Hyderabad Nalla. Laxmaiah Karim Nagar
126 11427 Adepu Kashiram Hyderabad
127 11428 Suda Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy Pulivendla
128 11455 Chandrasekhar M Hyderabad
129 11532 Bhosle Supriya Hyderabad
130 11583 Sidam Gangaram Hyderabad
131 11607 Emani Pavan Kumar West Godavari
132 11402 Jaipur Mayank Varshney Jaipur

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 33

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 New Members Contd..

Sl.No. M.No Centre Name Place

A. Individual Life Members
133 11462 Suneet K. Dadheech Jaipur
134 11478 Shailendra Prasad Singh Udaipur
135 11405 Kochi Ranjan Abraham Kothamangalam
136 11406 David Morais S Ernakulam
137 11407 Rinu J. Achison Angamaly
138 11408 Rahul A V Angamaly
139 11409 Shaji Mathew Ernakulam
140 11410 Ervin George Rajakumary
141 11411 Venugopal G Ernakulam
142 11412 Hashim P A Kottayam
143 11413 Deepa Ganesh Kochi
144 11414 Shreeganesh V. Nair Kochi
145 11512 A.v.s. Chakravarti Kochi
146 11513 George Joseph M Ernakulam
147 11514 Joseph George M Ernakulam
148 11515 Bindu Sunil Ernakulam
149 11516 Anthony T.c Kochi
150 11517 Verghese N.i Thrissur
151 11518 Jainy Verghese Thrissur
152 11519 Baiju Bhargavan Kochi
153 11396 Kolkata Subrata Pal Kolkata
154 11397 Sunanda Mitra Bardhaman
155 11398 Ram Chanda Kolkata
156 11399 Mohadeb Dey Howrah
157 11400 Kamal Kanti Majumder Kolkata
158 11458 Pradip Saha Barasat
159 11599 Dilip Kumar Dhar Kolkata
160 11606 Kaustav Chatterjee West Medinpur
161 11403 Madurai Nandakumar N Madurai
162 11404 Janarthanan T.s Madurai
163 11432 Kasthuri M Madurai
164 11434 Mahakavi P Srivilliputtur
165 11548 Omkar K.k Madurai
166 11563 Ramesh K Madurai
167 11564 Sathiya Moorthy R Madurai
168 11580 Jude A Tirunelveli
169 11598 Gokulesh S Madurai
170 11600 Saravanan P Karaikudi
171 11438 Mangalore Padmanabh Shenoy Mangalore
172 11421 Mumbai Ravindra Singh Mumbai
173 11495 Surendra Madhao Tople Mumbai
174 11535 Kumar Satyendra Narayan Singh Aurangabad
175 11554 Silotri Suhel Ahmed Mumbai
176 11569 Akash Singhai Navi Mumbai

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 34

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 New Members Contd..

Sl.No. M.No Centre Name Place

A. Individual Life Members
177 11576 Shailesh Sonar Navi Mumbai
178 11510 Nagpur Pratibha Uday Wankhede Nagpur
179 11511 Shweta Salilkanti Banerjee Nagpur
180 11521 Abhimaan Arunachala Hegde Nagpur
181 11522 Bipin Kumar Singh Nagpur
182 11523 Avinash M. Tarpe Nagpur
183 11557 Atul Janardhan Sakharkar Nagpur
184 11471 Patiala Smita Anand Gurgaon
185 11476 Bhuwnesh Sekhri Gurgaon
186 11545 Ravindrakumar Sonepat
187 11561 Sanjeev Batish Panchkula
188 11415 Puducherry Chandra Bose S Vriddhachalam
189 11542 Pune Anil Dhobale Pune
190 11581 Salem Sanjaikumar N Salem
191 11437 Thiruvananthapuram Sahuji K.G Thiruvananthapuram
192 11453 Jasmi J Thiruvananthapuram
193 11472 Suresh Chandran Thiruvananthapuram
194 11477 Blessen Skariah Thomas Thiruvananthapuram
195 11496 Madhavan Praveen Thiruvananthapuram
196 11541 Sathyakumar S Thiruvananthapuram
197 11574 Jeenu G Thiruvananthapuram
198 11578 Bindu S Kollam
199 11579 Sirajuddin M Ayoor
200 11460 Varanasi Kamlesh Kumar Pandey Varanasi
201 11461 Aman Sachan Varanasi
202 11493 Amarnath Thakur Ranchi
203 11494 Sudhir Kumar Ranchi
204 11534 Bala Ramudu Paramkusam Varanasi
205 11608 Sanjay Kumar Singh Lucknow
206 11395 Visakhapatnam Satish Alladaboinda Kakinada
B. Organizational Annual Members
207 11525 Chennai Baashyaam Constructions Pvt. Ltd Chennai
208 11418 Mumbai Sunil Chemical Industries Mumbai
C. Organizational Life Members
209 11420 Bengaluru Acs College Of Engineering Bengaluru
210 11430 Chennai Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College Chennai
211 11556 Chennai Vel Tech Chennai
212 11401 Ghaziabad College Of Engineering, Teerthanker Mahaveer University Moradabad
213 11419 Ghaziabad Pnc Infratech Limited Agra
214 11550 Hyderabad Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College Hyderabad
215 11584 Kochi Muthoot Institute Of Technology And Science Ernakulam
216 11611 Kochi Mar Baselios Christian College Of Engineering And Technology Peermade
217 11604 Madurai Velammal College Of Engineering And Technology Madurai
218 11498 Nagpur Prof Ram Meghe College Of Engineering And Management Badnera

ICI Update - Jan. - Mar. 2016 35

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