HTSB Standard 8

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HTSB Standard 8: Instructional Strategies – Rationale

The artifacts that I have chosen to satisfy standard 8 are: a) instructional strategy
collaboration email printout b) orders of operations curriculum notes and worksheets c) KWL
coupled with anticipation worksheets and d) green and red true/false communication cards.
Artifact a) is a printout of an email between a special education inclusion instructor, Teri Aviles,
and I. The artifact is our communication of implementing an instructional strategy that was
introduced at the Unified School District of San Bernardino. The method is called differentiation
within the classroom model. This strategy allowed us to meet the needs of each student by
allowing them to immediately self-asses their skill and confidence level and join one of three
groups that matched their skill level. To provide a sense of Hawaiian culture, I titled the groups
‘ula‘ula (red), melemele (yellow), and kula/gula (gold). My students who chose the ‘ula‘ula
group still needed step-by-step instruction to understand the material; directed by me. Students
who chose the melemele group felt pretty good about their skills, yet needed extra practice using
designated peer-review flash cards to increase their confidence. Lastly, students in the kula/gula
group have mastered the material and are content working independently on challenging
problems. As a result, the groups provide a platform to meet the needs of each learner within a
group setting. Articles b) are two worksheets from my curriculum on orders of operations. The
first is the class notes for the lesson and the second is a worksheet with practice problems. These
two worksheets provide multiple models and representations of orders of operations and allow
my students to demonstrate their knowledge and performance using their notes on the practice
problems. Evidence c) is a combination of KWL (what you know, what you would like to know,
and what you learned) and anticipation worksheets. These two strategies allowed me to asses my
students’ existing knowledge regarding orders of operations, what they anticipate learning during
the lesson, and what they actually learned at the end of the section. Moreover, they allow my
students to expand their forms of communication through reading the text, listening to their
peer’s expectations, and writing down their findings from the lesson. Lastly, artifacts d) are
communication cards with the words true or false written on the front and back. These cards are
designed to provide timid students the opportunity to answer questions nonverbally by raising
the card with either true or false facing forward. As a result, this particular strategy gives me an
opportunity to assess my students immediately, even those that are naturally shy and have a
difficult time speaking up in class.

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