B1 Preliminary and Preliminary For Schools 2020

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B1 Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools 2020

Assessment scales of B1 Preliminary Writing

Band Content Organisation Language
Uses the conventions Uses a range of everyday
All content is of the communicative Text is generally well vocabulary appropriately, with
relevant to the task to hold the target organised and occasional inappropriate use of
task. reader’s attention and coherent, using a less common lexis.
5 Target reader is communicate variety of linking words Uses a range of simple and some
fully informed. straightforward ideas. and cohesive devices. complex grammatical forms with
a good degree of control.
Errors do not impede
4 Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5.
Minor Uses the conventions Text is connected and Uses everyday vocabulary
irrelevances and of the communicative coherent, using basic generally appropriately, while
/ or omissions task in generally linking words and a occasionally overusing certain
may be present. appropriate ways to limited number of lexis.
Target reader is communicate cohesive devices. Uses simple grammatical forms
on the whole straightforward ideas. with a good degree of control.
informed. While errors are noticeable,
meaning can still be determined.
2 Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3.
Irrelevances and Produces text that Text is connected using Uses basic vocabulary reasonably
misinterpretation communicates simple basic, high-frequency appropriately.
of task may be ideas in simple ways. linking words. Uses simple grammatical forms
1 present. with some degree of control.
Target reader is Errors may impede meaning at
minimally times.
Content is totally
0 Performance below Band 1.
Target reader is
not informed.

UCLES (2018). B1 Preliminary for Schools. Handbook for teachers. Available at

https://keyandpreliminary.cambridgeenglish.org/resources.htm#free-resources [Accessed 18th November 2019]

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