Microsoft Word - CE - II - 2011
Microsoft Word - CE - II - 2011
Microsoft Word - CE - II - 2011
CC201/MA/ME/MP 201 2 2/2 2/2
In Engineering every structure or machine element is designed for a particular application. Then it is tested. A
Diploma holder should be capable of designing the various elements for particular requirements. For this he must be able to
calculate the stresses in an elements and their nature.
1.1.1 Elasticity
1.1.2 Plasticity
1.1.3 Ductility
1.1.4 Brittleness
1.1.5 Toughness
1.1.6 Hardness
1.9.1 E=3K(1-2/m)
1.9.2 E=2N(1+1/m)
1.9.3 E=9KN/(3K+N)
2. Compound Stress:
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Stress components on an inclined plane
3. Strain Energy:
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Strain energy from stress - strain diagram
3.3 Proof resilience
3.4 Types of loading - gradual, sudden, impact
4.3 Bending moment and shear force diagrams (for point loads, U.D.L. and their combinations)
5. Moment of Inertia:
5.3.1 Rectangle
5.3.2 Triangle
5.3.3 Circle
5.4 Moment of inertia of unsymmetrical section like: T-section, channel section, L-section etc.
7.1 Concept
7.2 Use of equation q = ( A y ) (with proof)
7.3 Shear stress distribution diagram of various sections
7.3.1 Rectangle
7.3.2 I section
7.3.3 T section
7.3.4 Channel section
7.3.5 H section
7.3.6 + section
7.3.7 Circular section
8. Deflection:
11. Springs :
12.3 Design of thin cylinders - calculation of the various dimensions of a thin cylinder
1. Study of extensometers
2. Study and operation of UTM
3. Tensile test on mild steel specimen and plotting stress strain curve.
4. Bending test on timber beams.
5. Compression test on common structural materials viz. timber, cast iron etc.
6. Determination of toughness of cast iron and mild steel specimen by Charpy and Izod test.
7. Hardness test by Brinell and Rockwell test.
8. Determination of deflection for various types of loading
9. Torsion test on brass and mild steel
10. Determination of stiffness of close coiled spring
* ****
Civil Engineering 6
2 2/2 2/2
Technicians have to deal with pressure measurement, transportation of fluids and the machines converting hydraulic
power into mechanical power and vice versa, in the field/industries for that one has to have a basic knowledge of fluid
mechanics. Topics such as pressure measurement, laws governing the flow of liquids, measurement of discharge, production
of power are included in this subject.
Although the major emphasis in this subject is on the study of liquids like water an incompressible fluid yet all the
principles are applicable to all the fluids such as air, gas, steam etc.
1. Introduction:
1.2.1 Kinematics
1.2.2 Dynamics
1.3.1 Density
1.3.2 Specific volume
1.3.3 Specific gravity
1.3.4 Viscosity
1.3.5 Compressibility
1.3.6 Surface tension - soap bubble, drop
1.3.7 Capillarity
1.3.8 Vapour pressure and its importance
2.3 Pressure
2.3.1 Atmospheric pressure
2.3.2 Gauge pressure
2.3.3 Vacuum pressure
2.3.4 Absolute pressure
2.3.5 Differentials pressure
2.4 Law of hydrostatic pressure
2.5 Brahma's press
2.6 Pressure measurement
2.6.1 Manometers Piezometer - its limitation
Civil Engineering 7
3. Hydrostatics:
4. Hydrokinematics :
4.4.1 Assumption
4.4.2 Rate of discharge
4.4.3 one dimensional flow
5.3.1 Pitot-tube
5.3.2 Venturimeter
5.3.3 Orificemeter
Civil Engineering 8
6.3 Time of emptying a vessel of uniform cross section through an orifice at bottom.
6.4 Notches - Classification
8.1.1 Uniform and Non uniform flow, difference in pipe and channel flow.
8.2 Classification of an open channel
8.3 Formula for uniform flow in open channels
9. Turbines :
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Classification of turbines
9.3 Working principles of impulse and reaction turbine
9.4 Constructional detail and working of different types of turbines (No mathematical analysis.)
10. Pumps :
1. Hydraulics Modi & Seth
2. Hydraulics K. R. Arora
3. Hydraulics Anand & Kulsrestha
4. Hydraulics B. L. Gupta
5. Fluid Mechanics & Machines Dr. Jagdish Lal
6. Fluid Mechanics & Machines Dr. R.K.Bansal
7. Fluid Mechanics & Machines R.S.Khurmi.
8. Hydraulics & Pneumatics H.L. Stewart.
Civil Engineering 10
CC 203 2 2/2 --
Building construction is an important job of Civil Engineering diploma holder. So he must acquire the knowledge of
various parts of the building, their functions, importance and procedure of construction and maintenance. Building
technology includes all the aspects of construction and importance of building work.
1. Introduction :
2. Foundation :
3. Walls :
4. Brick Masonry :
5. Stone Masonry :
6.1 Brief description and application of different types of scaffolding and shores.
6.2 Meaning and need for underpinning.
Civil Engineering 11
9. Doors :
10. Windows :
10.1 Names, uses and sketches of - fully panelled window, fully glazed windows
10.2 Casement and pivoted window, dormer window, clearstory window, skylight, fanlight and ventilators
10.3 Window frames of different materials- wood, steel, aluminium.
12. Roofs :
12.1 Functions of roofs and ceilings. Brief description, constructional details and suitability of common types
of roofs.
12.2 Definition of terms for pitched roofs, principal rafter, common rafter, jack rafter, hip rafter, valley rafter,
ridge piece, caves, purlins, cleats, wall plates, valley gutter, side gutter, gable, facia board.
12.3 Roof coverings for pitched roofs - Asbestos cement and C.G.I. method of arranging and fixing to battens,
rafters, purlins both steel and wooden.
12.4 Drainage arrangement for pitched and flat roofs.
13. Floors :
14.5 White washing, colour washing and distempering- water and oil bound distempers. Application of cement
plastic paints
14.6 Provision of expansion joints in building floors, walls and roofs.
16.1 Aspect, prospect its internal circulation, privacy grouping (i) living areas (ii) sleeping areas and (iii)
working areas
16.2 Roominess, flexibility, furniture setting, sanitation elegance and economy
16.3 Arrangement of doors, windows, cupboards etc for a residential building
17. Orientation :
17.1 Orientation of buildings as per I.S. 7662 in relation to sun and wind directions, rain, internal circulation and
placement of room, commensurate with available areas and requirements.
17.2 Preparation and study of sun chart on polar graphs. Sun shading devices-types sketches suitability, for
different orientations.
19.1 Common standards for floor space and cubical contents for residential building and public building
(Schools, Hostels, Dispensaries, Panchayatghars).
19.2 Economical design of single room tenements, double room tenement and residential flats
19.3 Design of a residential building and public buildings (School, Hostel, Dispensary, Panchayatghar)
including location of water supply line, drainage line and placing of electrical fittings.
19.4 Details of a toilet, kitchen and staircase for modern residential buildings.
Civil Engineering 13
2 -- 4
A diploma holder is expected to be well aware of the surveying. He must know measuring instruments and
application of them in practical work. He should be able to measure a irregular field and calculate its area.
The important functions of Civil Engineering diploma include the jobs of (i) Surveying (ii) Plotting of survey data (iii)
Preparation of survey maps and (iv) Setting out works.
Stress has, therefore, been given to the development of the skills in types of surveys including levelling, contouring,
Plane table alongwith Minor Instruments that the Civil Engg. diploma holder will normally be called upon to perform.
Ability of plotting and preparing survey maps and sections is equally important like fieldwork and so the students are
required to be given practice in both.
1. Introduction :
2. Chain Surveying :
3. Compass Surveying :
4. Levelling :
4.1 Definitions
5. Contouring :
5.1 Concept
5.2 Purpose of contouring
5.3 Contour interval
5.4 Horizontal equivalent
5.5 Factors affecting contour interval
5.6 Characteristics of contours
5.7 Methods of contouring - direct and indirect
5.8 Interpolation of contours
5.9 Uses of contour maps
5.10 Drawing cross sections from contour maps.
7. Minor Instrument :
7.1.3 Clinometer
7.1.4 Planimeter
7.1.5 Pantagraph
7.1.6 Sextent
7.1.7 Cylon ghat tracer
1. Study of
2. Use of Chains :
2.1 Folding and unfolding
2.2 Ranging and chaining on plane and sloping surface
2.3 Setting right angles.
2.4 Setting parallel lines.
2.5 Taking offsets.
1. Surveying B. C. Punmia
2. Surveying G. C. Singh
3. losZ{k.k Hkkx-I Mk0 ckypUnz iqufe;k
4. Surveying Vol. I S.B. Kanetkar
5. Surveying K. R. Arora
** * * *
CC 205 2 2/2 2/2
For economic social and cultural development of a country, Highway plays a very important role. With the invention
of heavy and high-speed automobiles, it has become necessary to construct path for them for their speedy, safe and undelay
movement from one place to another place. Due to lack of awareness in this field, road accident rate may increase, there may
be delay in reaching raw materials to industries and finished products to consumer's etc. The basic purpose of this subject is
to make the students of diploma to acquaint with construction and maintenance of highway for safe, undelayed movement of
traffic with minimum accidental hazards.
This subject is to cater to the needs of the diploma holder engaged in the investigation, planning and construction of
railways. The study of technology behind the layout, construction and maintenance of reasonably good all weather railway
systems, is extremely important. Moreover, the maintenance part is very difficult and highly sophisticated affairs requiring
the service of large team of technicians having sound knowledge of appropriate technology. Under railways, topics related to
jobs, which fall under the purview of Civil Engineering technicians, have been included.
1. Introduction :
3.1 Highway alignment and basic consideration governing alignment for a road
3.2 Glossaries of terms used in road geometric and their importance
3.3 Highway cross section elements
3.4 Sight distances
3.5 Design of horizontal alignments
3.6 Design of vertical alignments
4. Traffic Engineering :
5. Highway Materials :
6. Construction of Roads :
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Water Bound Macadam roads
6.3 Bituminous roads
6.4 Cement concrete road
7. Highway Maintenance :
9. Bridges :
10. Railways :
11. Rails :
12. Sleepers :
13. Ballast :
18. Maintenance :
19.1 Classification
19.2 Requirement and layout of station and yards
19.3 Flag station, wayside station, junction, terminal station
19.4 Passenger yards, goods yards
19.5 Marshalling yards, locomotive yards
19.6 Station equipments
20. Signallings :
21. Tunnelling :
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Advantages and disadvantages
21.3 Methods of construction of tunnels full-face method and needle beam method
21.4 Factors effecting the alignment of tunnels
21.5 Description and sketches of different types of tunnels
21.6 Necessity of ventilation
21.7 Method of ventilation
21.8 Drainage of tunnels
21.9 Safety precautions to be taken at the time of construction of tunnels.
*** * *
Supervision of earth work in construction at dams, roads, embankments and other structures is an important function
of a Civil Engg. diploma holder. For this the basic knowledge of Soil Engg. is essential. This subject covers such topics as
will enable the diploma holder to identify and classify the different types of soils, their selection and proper use in the field of
engineering construction. To develop related skills suitable laboratory work is also recommended.
1. Introduction :
3. Classification of Soils :
3.1 Classification of soils as per particle size and plasticity chart according to IS specifications
3.2 Particle size distribution - Sieve analysis
3.3 Consistency of soils – Liquid limit, Plastic limit and Shrinkage limit
3.4 Field identification of soil
4. Permeability of Soils:
5. Compaction :
6. Consolidation :
7. Shear strength :
8. Bearing Capacity :
9. Earth Pressures :
11. Foundation :
** * * *
CC 207 2 -- 2
A diploma holder in Civil Engineering will be required to handle various constructions made of cement concrete in
his professional life. He should know the properties and uses of various types of cement and other ingredients used in cement
concrete. He should know to prepare concrete mix and various operations required. He should also know to test the cement
and other ingredients used in cement concrete as per Indian Standard Codes.
1. Cement :
2. Aggregates :
3. Water :
3.1 Indian Standards for quality of water for use in cement concrete.
3.2 Effect of impurities in water on concrete.
4.1 General
4.2 Admixtures
4.2.1 Plasticizers
4.2.2 Super plasticizers
4.2.3 Retarders
4.2.4 Accelerators
Civil Engineering 25
5. Fresh Concrete :
5.1 Workability
5.2 Factors affecting workability
5.3 Measurement of workability
5.4 Segregation
5.5 Bleeding
5.6 Process of manufacture of concrete
6. Concrete Operation :
6.1 Batching
6.2 Mixing
6.8 Finishing
7. Strength of Concrete :
8. Special Concrete :
9. Formwork :
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Internal and external causes of deterioration of concrete
12.3 Prevention of deterioration of concrete.
12.4 Corrosion of reinforcing steel – causes & prevention.
12.5 Maintenance & repair –
12.5.1 Repair materials – mortar, grouts, shotcrete, gunite, bonding agent, protective coating on concrete
surface and protective coating on reinforcement
12.5.2 Repair measures – assessment of damage, possible repair measures, structural strengthening
12.5.3 Repair of cracks and honey combs.
-- -- 2
A Civil Engineering diploma student should be able to communicate through drawings and sketches. He should also
read drawing given to him. Through this subject, the student should develop skills of preparing drawing, drawing sketches to
explain construction details and reading building sketches to explain construction details and reading building drawings.
Considerations, which go with planning of building, should also be covered in the subject.
Civil Engineering 28
1.1 Two bed room residential single story building with given direction (North, South etc )
1.2 Three bed room duplex bungalow with the given plot size
1.3 Detailed plan of above showing house drainage, water supply and electrical fittings as per BIS.
1.4 Hostel building
1.5 Primary health centre
1.6 School building
1.7 Panchayat bhawan
1.8 Community hall
1.9 Polytechnic college building
1.10 Office building
1.11 Fifty bed hospital at district headquarter
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Construction materials are an important part of Civil Engineering. A Civil Engg. diploma holder should have the
thorough knowledge about different materials, useful for constructions. Diploma holder should know the properties of
different materials used in Civil Engineering works.
1. Stones :
2. Bricks :
2.5 Moulding - ground moulding, table moulding, sand moulding and slop moulding, machine moulding, utility
of frog.
2.6 Brief description and working of different types of kilns
2.7 Classification and testing of bricks as per B.I.S.
3. Tiles :
4. Lime :
4.1 Introduction - lime, calcination, quick lime, slaking, setting, hardening, hydraulicity
4.2 Classification of lime as per B.I.S.
4.3 Manufacture of lime - process of charging, burning, collection and slaking.
4.4 Properties and uses of lime
4.5 Storage of lime
4.6 Testing of lime as per B.I.S.
4.7 Field test of lime as per B.I.S.
4.8 Pozzolanic materials as surkhi, cinder and fly ash.
5. Lime Mortar :
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Raw material
6.3 Manufacturing process of ordinary Portland cement
6.4 Flow diagram for wet and dry process
6.5 Properties and use of ordinary Portland cement
6.6 Constituents, function and use of cement mortar
7. Timber :
7.1 Standing timber, rough timber, converted timber, exogenous trees, endogenous trees, softwood and hard
7.2 Growth and general structure of exogenous trees
7.3 Seasoning of timber - natural and artificial
7.4 Conversion of timber by sawing
7.5 Common defects of timber and decay of timber
7.6 Preservation of timber
7.7 Qualities and uses of good timber
7.8 Manufacturing and uses of ply woods and different ply boards and laminated boards.
Civil Engineering 30
8. Ferrous Material :
9.1 Aluminum
9.2 Copper
9.3 Zinc
9.4 Galvanized
9.5 Corrosion of Metals
9.5.1 Mechanism and prevention
10. Glass :
10.1 Properties
10.2 Types of Glass
10.3 Industrial forms of glasses
11.1 Classification of paints - oil paints, plastic paints, enamel paints, water paints and cement paints.
11.2 Constituent materials of paints
11.3 Preparation and uses of different paints
11.4 Constituents, properties and uses of varnish and polish - spirit polish and wax polish.
11.5 Different types and use of exterior paints
In the present scenario computer is becoming more and more important in every field. Computer software for
drafting are widely used for drawing work. In this subject student will be given exercises to draw detailed drawings used in
civil engineering.
1. Getting Started – I
Starting AutoCAD – AutoCAD screen components – Starting a drawing: Open drawings, Create drawings (Start
from scratch, Use a template & Use a wizard) – Invoking commands in AutoCAD – Drawing lines in AutoCAD –
Co-ordinate systems: Absolute co-ordinate system, Relative co-ordinate system – Direct distance method – Saving a
drawing: Save & Save As – Closing a drawing – Quitting AutoCAD
2. Getting Started – II
Opening an existing file – Concept of Object – Object selection methods: Pick by box, Window selection, Crossing
Selection, All, Fence, Last, Previous, Add, Remove – Erasing objects: OOPS command, UNDO / REDO commands
– ZOOM command – PAN command, Panning in real time – Setting units – Object snap, running object snap mode
– Drawing circles
3. Draw Commands
ARC command – RECTANG command – ELLIPSE command, elliptical arc – POLYGON command (regular
polygon) – PLINE command – DONUT command – POINT command – Construction Line: XLINE command,
RAY command – MULTILINE command
4. Editing Commands
MOVE command – COPY command – OFFSET command – ROTATE command – SCALE command – STRETCH
command – LENGTHEN command –TRIM command – EXTEND command – BREAK command – CHAMFER
command – FILLET command – ARRAY command – MIRROR command –MEASURE command – DIVIDE
command – EXPLODE command – MATCHPROP command – Editing with grips: PEDIT
Civil Engineering 32
5. Drawing Aids
Layers – Layer Properties Manager dialog box – Object Properties: Object property toolbar, Properties Window
– LTSCALE Factor – Auto Tracking – REDRAW command, REGEN command
6. Creating Text
Creating single line text – Drawing special characters – Creating multiline text – Editing text – Text style
7. Basic Dimensioning
Fundamental dimensioning terms: Dimension lines, dimension text, arrowheads, extension lines, leaders, centre
marks and centrelines, alternate units – Associative dimensions – Dimensioning methods – Drawing leader
8. Inquiry Commands
9. Editing Dimensions
Editing dimensions by stretching – Editing dimensions by trimming & extending – Editing dimensions: DIMEDIT
command – Editing dimension text: DIMTEDIT command – Updating dimensions – Editing dimensions using the
properties window – Creating and restoring Dimension styles: DIMSTYLE
10. Hatching
BHATCH, HATCH commands – Boundary Hatch Options: Quick tab, Advance tab – Hatching around Text, Traces,
Attributes, Shapes and Solids – Editing Hatch Boundary – BOUNDARY command
11. Blocks
The concept of Blocks – Converting objects into a Block: BLOCK, _BLOCK commands – Nesting of Blocks –
Inserting Blocks: INSERT, MINSERT commands – Creating drawing files: WBLOCK command – Defining Block
Attributes – Inserting Blocks with Attributes – Editing Attributes
13.1 Three bed room duplex bungalow with the given plot size
13.2 Detailed plan of above showing house drainage, water supply and electrical fittings as per BIS.
13.3 Hostel building
13.4 School building
1. AutoCAD for Windows Bible (with Applications) / Sham Tickoo / Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
2. Advanced AutoCAD Robert M. Thomas / Sybex BPD
3. AutoCAD Part – 1 & 2 Banglay Prokashito Tutorial / CD Media / Sonolite, 55, Elliot Road, Kolkata