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myModules User Guide


Table of Contents

1.  What is myModules? ................................................................................................................. 2 

2.  More about Site Navigation ..................................................................................................... 3 
2.1 Site Navigation .............................................................................................................................. 3 
2.2 Jump directly to site tools ............................................................................................................. 3 
2.3 Currently selected sites  ................................................................................................................ 3 
2.4 Sites drawer .................................................................................................................................. 4 
2.5 Marking Favourite Sites ................................................................................................................ 4 
2.5.1 Reload to view new navigation button(s) .............................................................................. 5  
2.5.2 All selected favourites will appear in the navigation bar ....................................................... 5 
2.5.3 Organising Favourites ............................................................................................................ 5 
2.5.4 Drag and drop to reorder ....................................................................................................... 6 
2.5.5 Unfavouring a site .................................................................................................................. 6 
2.5.6 Reload to view new navigation button(s) .............................................................................. 7  
2.5.7 Logging out of the system ...................................................................................................... 7 
3 The Tool Menu on the left ............................................................................................................. 8 
3.1 myModules Tool Menu ............................................................................................................. 8 
3.2 Expanding/Collapsing the Tool Menu ....................................................................................... 8 
4.  What is “The Message of the Day”? ..................................................................................... 9 

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1. What is myModules?

myModules is UNISA’s official online teaching and learning environment used to support
online and blended courses. It forms part of the myUnisa system. The environment is built
on open source software and is jointly developed with other local and global universities as
part of the Sakai Project.



After a successful myUnisa login, you will immediately see two buttons in the top header, i.e.
myModules and myAdmin. Click on the myModules button to open the teaching and learing

myModules consists of the following navigation and display elements:

1. Site Navigation bar (displays any course sites set as favourites)

2. Tool Menu on the left which displays the (1) Message of the Day (2) Calendar, and (3)
3. The Message of the Day

Note: The system administrator customizes the availability of default items on the myModules
page. The location of the myModules page stays fixed and always appears in the same space.

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2. More about Site Navigation

2.1 Site Navigation


The Site Navigation across the top of the page enables access to any module or project site
you have selected as a favourite site.

2.2 Jump directly to site tools


1. CLICK on the down arrows next to each site name to expand the Tool Menu for that site.

2. CLICKING on a tool in the list will take you directly to that area of the selected site.

2.3 Currently selected sites

1. The currently selected site will appear highlighted in Orange in the navigation bar.

2. You will also see the title of the site as the first item in the breadcrumbs below the site
navigation bar.

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2.4 Sites drawer

1. The top site navigation bar can only display a small number of sites without appearing
crowded or expanding to fill several lines.

2. If you have many active sites, CLICKING on the Sites icon will display all of your actives
sites. Sites are grouped by academic term and type of site (i.e. course or project sites).

3. Note, Inactive or Archived sites will not display in the Sites drawer. However, you can
access inactive sites from below the Sites icon by TYPING in the name of the site in the
box and doing a search.

2.5 Marking Favourite Sites

1. CLICK on the Star icon next to a site to make it a favourite (star colour will change to
yellow). This will add it to your persistent navigation tabs at the top of the screen.

2. CLICK X (next to Preferences) to exit the prompt box.

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2.5.1 Reload to view new navigation button(s)

1. CLICK Reload to update and view your favourite sites.

2.5.2 All selected favourites will appear in the navigation bar

2.5.3 Organising Favourites

1. To organise your favourites, GO to the Sites link

2. SELECT the Organize Favourites tab

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2.5.4 Drag and drop to reorder

The order in which sites are listed in the Organize Favorites list, determines the order in which
the buttons appear in the top black navigation bar.

1. PLACE the cursor on the three horizontal lines icon and DRAG the site
2. Now DROP the site in the location where you would like it to appear

3. CLICK Reload to update and view your favourite sites.

The order in which sites are listed will be changed.

2.5.5 Unfavouring a site



To remove a site from your favourites (i.e. remove it from the top navigation),

1. CLICK on the yellow Star icon next to a site in the list. This will remove from your
persistent navigation buttons at the top of the screen.

2. You can do this from either the Organise Favourites or Sites tab

3. CLICK X (next to Preferences) to exit the prompt box

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2.5.6 Reload to view new navigation button(s)

1. CLICK Reload to update and view any changes made to favourite sites or site order.

3. Your new changes will remove the sites from the navigation on top of the screen.

2.5.7 Logging out of the system


You may log out of the system by

1. CLICKING on your name in the top navigation bar


2. SELECTING Log Out from the drop-down menu

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3 The Tool Menu on the left

3.1 myModules Tool Menu

1. The myModules Tool Menu contains links to Message of the Day, Calendar and

3.2 Expanding/Collapsing the Tool Menu

1. You can expand or collapse the Tool Menu by CLICKING on the double arrows in the
upper section of the menu.

2. When the menu is collapsed, the menu links are represented by their associated icons.

Expanded  Collapsed 


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4. What is “The Message of the Day”?

1. In the "Message of the Day" (MOTD) area of myModules, announcements created by your
system administrator will be displayed. The MOTD is typically used for system-wide
announcements. Unisa uses this space to display messages about scheduled
maintenance, system updates, and important dates and events.

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