Optimal Force Magnitude For Bodily Orthodontic Tooth Movement With Fixed Appliances: A Systematic Review
Optimal Force Magnitude For Bodily Orthodontic Tooth Movement With Fixed Appliances: A Systematic Review
Optimal Force Magnitude For Bodily Orthodontic Tooth Movement With Fixed Appliances: A Systematic Review
Introduction: There is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the appropriate force level that should be applied
during orthodontic tooth movement (OTM). As a result, orthodontic treatments may take longer than necessary,
leading to unwanted side effects. This review aimed to identify an optimal force range with the rate of OTM as the
primary outcome. External apical root resorption and pain were evaluated as secondary outcomes, and the in-
fluence of growth was examined. Methods: Five electronic databases were searched (MEDLINE [via PubMed],
Embase [via OVID], Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Web of Science) with no publication date or language re-
strictions. Inclusion eligibility screening, quality assessment, and data extraction were performed by 3 investiga-
tors. Each retrieved record was assessed by 2 observers independently. Only randomized controlled trials and
randomized split-mouth studies were included. Results: A total of 12 articles satisfied the inclusion criteria—two
randomized controlled trials and 10 randomized split-mouth studies. Only 1 study showed a low risk of bias,
whereas the remaining 11 were unclear. The qualitative analysis showed that forces between 50 cN and
250 cN produced a similar OTM rate; forces .250 cN yielded a slightly higher rate but were accompanied by
adverse effects. Because of considerable heterogeneity in methodology, clinical diversity with varying forces
between 18 cN and 360 cN, and poor statistical reporting, a meta-analysis was deemed inappropriate.
Conclusions: Forces between 50 cN and 100 cN seem optimal for OTM, patient comfort and potentially exhibit
fewer side effects. Nevertheless, careful data interpretation is necessary because of the lack of strong evidence.
Protocol registration: PROSPERO CRD42016039985. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2019;156:582-92)
n optimal force magnitude for orthodontic an appropriate orthodontic force, a tooth could be
tooth movement (OTM) has been described as moved through the alveolar bone, as a result of remod-
the lightest force providing a maximum or a eling of the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the bone per
near-maximum response.1 This would mean that with se.2 However, if the force level were to be set higher, the
risk of side effects, such as external apical root resorption
(EARR), uncontrolled tipping, and increased hyaliniza-
Department of Dentistry - Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, Radboud
tion, most likely would be enhanced, always at the
Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands. expense of patient comfort and clinical efficiency.3-5
Department of Orthodontics, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Hyalinization is with undoubtedly inevitable in OTM.
The Netherlands.
c However, if the force magnitude against the tooth is
Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Department of Dentistry, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud Uni- great enough to completely cut off the blood supply to
versity Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. an area within the PDL, then it de facto becomes avas-
Department of Dentistry - Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, Radboud
cular. The larger the hyalinized area, the longer the delay
Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijme-
gen, The Netherlands. in initiation of OTM, as differentiation of osteoclasts
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- within the PDL is not possible, and thus, the process of
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
undermining resorption cannot take place until a
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies
in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors. much later stage.1
Address correspondence to: Christina I. Theodorou, Department of Dentistry - Even though the exact biological mechanisms that
Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Phi-
determine OTM are not yet fully elucidated, force
lips van Leydenlaan 25, 6525EX Nijmegen, The Netherlands; e-mail,
orthodontie@radboudumc.nl. magnitude has an important role to play. Other factors,
Submitted, November 2018; revised and accepted, May 2019. including orthodontic force duration, growth, medica-
tion intake, and individual environmental and genetic
Ó 2019 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.05.011 variability are also of significant substance.6-8
Theodorou et al 583
Therefore, OTM is a highly complex process, a fact that is 4. Outcome: rate of OTM was examined as a primary
frequently forgotten in an era of accelerated outcome, EARR and pain were assessed as
orthodontics. secondary outcomes, and the influence of growth
In the past, there has been considerable interest in was also evaluated.
comparing orthodontic force magnitudes, especially in 5. Study design: randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
animals.7-9 Regardless, interspecies differences seem to and randomized split-mouth studies.
apply for the regulation of various genes in animals
Studies concerning accelerated orthodontics and
and humans, which could be critical for the translation
the use of drugs influencing OTM or bone metabolism
of animal findings into clinical applications. Hence,
were excluded. Studies were also excluded when sub-
simple extrapolation of preclinical data toward the
jects had craniofacial anomalies or an active peri-
human setting is not always possible.
odontal disease or had previously undergone an
The only previous systematic review on this topic
orthodontic treatment.
published in 2003, concluded that there was no evidence
regarding an optimal force level for OTM.5 However, it
Information sources and search strategy
did not meet the current standards for systematic re-
views and included both animal and human studies. In A comprehensive search strategy was performed in
addition, the included studies were not of high quality the following electronic databases in collaboration
and showed clinical and methodological heterogeneity. with an experienced health science librarian on July 3,
Since then, further human randomized studies have 2016: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase (via OVID), Co-
been published, and thus, the present systematic review chrane Library, CINAHL and Web of Science. Grey liter-
provides an update of the previous one but with a focus ature was not included in our search.
on human studies. The search strategy was limited to humans, with no
This review aimed to identify an optimal force range language or publication date restrictions. The search
by comparing the rate of tooth movement in humans terms were developed for MEDLINE and modified
undergoing orthodontic treatment with full fixed appli- accordingly for the aforementioned databases. Table I
ances using different quantified force magnitudes. The illustrates the details of the MEDLINE and Embase
rate of OTM was evaluated as a primary outcome, searches.
whereas EARR and pain were assessed as secondary out-
comes. The influence of growth was also examined. Study selection
Three investigators were involved in the study selec-
MATERIAL AND METHODS tion process (A.K., C.T., and F.W.). Each retrieved record
Protocol and registration was assessed by 2 observers. The selection process was
carried out using Covidence (Veritas Health Innovation,
This systematic review was registered at PROSPERO Melbourne, Australia. Available at https://www.
under the unique ID number CRD42016039985 and re- covidence.org), a Web-based software platform that
ported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Sys- streamlines the production of systematic reviews. The
tematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines.10 first screening was on title and abstract. Titles and ab-
Details of the protocol can be found at: www.crd.york. stracts that did not meet the predefined eligibility criteria
ac.uk/prospero. were excluded, and the resulting articles were carefully
evaluated and judged based on their full texts by all au-
Eligibility criteria thors. Furthermore, the reference lists of the selected
A PICOS question was formulated to aid the selection studies were hand-searched to identify any additional
of eligible studies. The eligibility criteria were as follows: relevant studies. Authors were contacted if information
was lacking or unclear. All doubts and disagreements
1. Population: human subjects with a permanent
were resolved in consensus by all investigators, and the
dentition of any sex and ethnicity.
corresponding authors were contacted when additional
2. Intervention: orthodontic treatment with fixed ap-
or clarifying information was needed.
pliances, using a quantified force (as determined
per study) applied bodily in a mesiodistal direction. Data items and collection
3. Control: no treatment or intervention with a
different quantified force (as determined per study) A customized data extraction form was developed on
applied bodily in a mesiodistal direction. Covidence to record the following:
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5
584 Theodorou et al
1. Study identification (authors, publication year, as a score (range, 0-3), and pain was also defined as a
setting, and country) score (range, 0-100) based on the visual analog scale.
2. Study design Before data extraction, our customized form was
3. Sample characteristics (inclusion and exclusion pilot-tested on 10 articles to identify data that were
criteria, sample size, sex, mean age, and growth sta- potentially missing from the form and adapted accord-
tus) ingly.
4. Intervention and control group details (initial force
magnitude in cN, site of force application, type of Risk of bias assessment in individual studies
appliance used for force application and reactiva- The risk of bias (high, unclear, low) for the RCTs and
tion of the appliance, method of measuring force randomized split-mouth studies was evaluated by pairs
magnitude and tooth movement, duration of the of observers on Covidence using the Cochrane Collabo-
experiment and the amount of OTM) ration risk of bias tool, as described in the Cochrane
5. Outcome (OTM rate, EARR, and pain) Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.11
The rate of OTM was defined as millimeters per week, Seven criteria were analyzed to grade the risk of bias
EARR was determined per study either in millimeters or for each study, including random sequence generation,
November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Theodorou et al 585
Iden fica on
Records iden fied through Addi onal records iden fied
database searching through other sources
(n =12255) (n = 1)
allocation concealment, blinding of participants and sample size used. A remaining total of 12 articles, two
personnel, blinding of assessors, incomplete outcome RCTs,20,21 and 10 randomized split-mouth
data, selective reporting of outcomes, and other poten- studies,18,22-30 met the inclusion criteria of this review
tial sources of bias. In case of disagreement, the third and were used in the final qualitative analysis. The
investigator assessed the paper, and all disagreements selection process is summarized in Figure 1, and the
were resolved between the 3 observers. main characteristics of the included studies are shown
in Table II.
Risk of bias within studies
Study selection and characteristics
All included studies were assessed for risk of bias
A total of 12,255 articles were identified by database
(Fig 2). One RCT20 showed an unambiguous low risk
searching, and 1 article was included by hand search. Af-
of bias, whereas the remaining studies had an unclear
ter duplicate removal, 8347 studies underwent title and
risk of bias.18,21-27,29,30 Tests for the risk of bias across
abstract screening, 127 studies underwent full-text
studies were not undertaken.
screening, and 115 articles were excluded. Among these
115 articles, 6 were excluded upon author recommenda-
Results of individual studies
tion,12-17 and 1 article from the same author group was
included instead. This article comprised the compiled The outcomes of all individual studies are summa-
results of the 6 articles previously described.18 Another rized in Tables III and IV. Because of considerable het-
article was excluded19 to avoid result overestimation, erogeneity in methodology, clinical diversity, and poor
as the author failed to reply to an e-mail regarding the statistical reporting, data synthesis was not possible,
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5
November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5
Table II. Main characteristics of the included studies
Intervention: force (cN), force (cN), appliance Study
Study, setting and Sample size, appliance used and used and reactivation Site (jaw, side, Method for measuring duration,
country, and method sex, age (SD) reactivation (if applicable) (if applicable) tooth moved) force and OTM Outcome wk (SD)
Megat Abdul Wahab et al23 n 5 19 100 cN 150 cN Max Force: correx gauge Rate of OTM 5
(2014) academic, Malaysia sex: 14 F, 5 M, NiTi spring reactivation: NA NiTi spring reactivation: NA R or L OTM: digital caliper
Split mouth RCT age: 16-28 Canine
Ariffin et al25 (2013) n 5 12 100 cN 150 cN Max Force: correx gauge Rate of OTM 5
academic, Malaysia sex: NM NiTi spring reactivation: NA NiTi spring reactivation: NA R or L OTM: digital caliper
Split-mouth RCT age: 19.7 (5.0) Canine
Bokas and Woods26 (2006) n 5 12 200 cN 200 cN Max Force: NiTi spring and EC Rate of OTM 8, 12, 16
academic, Australia sex: 6 F, 6 M NiTi spring reactivation: 28 d EC reactivation: 28 d R or L activated from passive
Split-mouth RCT age: 13-14.5 Canine position to 9 mm and 20 mm,
respectively (following the
Confirmed intraorally 3 times
using a customized caliper
OTM: space closure assessed
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Table II. Continued
Intervention: force (cN), force (cN), appliance Study
Study, setting and Sample size, appliance used and used and reactivation Site (jaw, side, Method for measuring duration,
country, and method sex, age (SD) reactivation (if applicable) (if applicable) tooth moved) force and OTM Outcome wk (SD)
Megat Abdul Wahab et al22 n 5 12 100 cN 150 cN Max Force: correx gauge Rate of OTM 5
(2013) academic, sex: F NiTi spring reactivation: NA NiTi spring reactivation: NA R or L OTM: digital caliper EARR
Malaysia age: 24.7 (3.0) Canine
Split-mouth RCT
Norman et al21 (2016) n 5 15 200 cN 226.8 cN Max/Man Force: both stretched not Rate of OTM NA
academic, UK sex: 8 F, 7 M NiTi spring reactivation: SS spring reactivation: R and/or L more than twice their
Parallel-group RCT age: 16.3 (3.1) as necessary as necessary Canine length (according to
n 5 15 manufacturer's
sex: 9 F, 6 M recommendations)
age: 16.0 (2.0) OTM: digital calipers
Samuels et al29 (1998) n 5 18 100 cN 200 cN Max or Man Force: springs stretched Rate of OTM 27
academic, UK sex: 12 F, 6 M NiTi spring reactivation: NA NiTi spring reactivation: NA R or L between 3 mm and 15 mm
Split-mouth RCT age: 9.8-24.1 Canine (according to manufacturer's
OTM: measured using defined
landmarks on a dental
cast with a Reflex microscope
Wahab et al24 (2015) n 5 19 100 cN 150 cN Max Force: correx gauge Rate of OTM 5
academic, Malaysia sex: 13 F, 6 M NiTi spring reactivation: NA NiTi spring reactivation: NA R or L OTM: digital caliper EARR
Split-mouth RCT age: 21.3 (3.3) Canine
Yee et al30 (2009) n 5 14 50 cN 300 cN Max Force: elongation 200% Rate of OTM 12
academic, Australia sex: 9 F, 5 M NiTi spring reactivation: NiTi spring reactivation: R or L and 500% of its activation
Split-mouth RCT age: 13.0-19.5 not needed not needed Canine OTM: intraoral and
maxillary cast measurements
Iwasaki et al18 (2017) n 5 56 Intervention 1: Max force: NA Rate of OTM 12 (8)
academic, United States sex: G: 19 F, 17 M 18 cN NiTi spring; reactivation: NA R or L OTM: 3D measurement
November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5
588 Theodorou et al
Ariffin 2013
+ ? ? ? + + +
Bokas 2006 26
? ? ? + ? + +
Falkensammer 2014 20
+ + + + + + +
Iwasaki 2017 18
? ? ? ? + + +
Keng 2012 27
? ? - + + + +
Luppanapornlarp 2010 28
? ? ? ? + + +
Megat Abdul Wahab 2013
+ ? ? ? + + +
Norman 2016
+ + + + ? + +
Samuels 1998 29
? ? ? ? ? + ?
Wahab 2015 24
+ ? ? ? ? + +
Yee 2009 30
? ? ? ? + + +
Low risk of bias
Fig 2. Risk of bias summary outlining judgment of risk of bias items for studies included in the qualita-
tive synthesis.
and thus, a meta-analysis was considered inappro- cN-250 cN), and very high (250 cN-400 cN). The
priate. rate of OTM ranged between 0.23 and 0.44 mm/wk
for the low force group, 0.16 and 0.47 mm/wk for
the moderate force group, 0.1 and 0.46 mm/wk for
Rate of OTM the high force group, and 0.34 and 0.49 mm/wk for
The rate of OTM was measured in all studies18,20-30 the very high force group.
(Table III), and the force magnitude used varied be- Four studies22-25 that compared 100 cN with 150 cN
tween 18 cN and 360 cN. For ease of description, forces favored the higher range; however, of these, only
the forces were categorized in 4 groups: low in 2 studies,22,25 the difference in the rate of OTM was
(\100 cN), moderate (100 cN-150 cN), high (150 found to be statistically significant (P \ 0.05). Iwasaki
November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Theodorou et al 591
canine. The rate of OTM in this study was data, as research regarding an optimal force magnitude
0.1 6 0.02 mm/wk, which is relatively low compared for OTM is scarce. This type of study design has received
with the other included studies using a 200 cN force increased popularity in the past decades, as a smaller
on canines with the rate of OTM ranging from 0.14 to sample size is required compared with a parallel-group
0.46 mm/wk. design,31 thereby making a clinical trial easier to
With respect to the secondary outcomes of this sys- conduct.
tematic review, Megat Abdul Wahab et al22 did not Furthermore, the different appliances used for tooth
detect any EARR when comparing 100 cN with 150 cN movement in the included studies could have influenced
in the study of 2013 and found no statistically signifi- the rate of OTM, leading to a confounding effect and a
cant difference in the study of 2015.24 Megat Abdul Wa- potential limitation at outcome level.
hab et al22 tried measuring lateral RR; however, this
cannot be performed based on a periapical radiograph. CONCLUSIONS
Regarding pain, Luppanapornlarp et al28 showed that
Based on this systematic review, we concluded the
the lower force group (50 cN) had less pain than the
higher force group (150 cN) throughout the experiment.
Nonetheless, the strength of evidence for both secondary 1. There is weak to moderate evidence showing that
outcomes was considered weak as the number of articles forces ranging between 50 cN and 100 cN are
reporting on EARR and pain was insufficient to lead to a optimal for the rate of OTM, patient comfort, and
solid conclusion. potentially exhibit fewer side effects.
In consideration of the above-mentioned findings, 2. No sound conclusions can be drawn regarding EARR
practitioners must keep in mind that patient comfort and pain because of the limited amount of evidence.
should prevail during orthodontic treatment and that 3. Weak, but statistically significant evidence, suggests
lack of evidence regarding an optimal force range that growth increases the rate of OTM.
does not give clinicians carte blanche to use high
Based on the results of this systematic review, more
forces, which could eventually lead to unwanted side
robust and well-designed RCTs are needed to enable a
effects such as pain, EARR, and tipping of teeth dur-
future meta-analysis to identify an optimal force range.
ing OTM.
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November 2019 Vol 156 Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics