Teacher Interview

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Frank Jo

EDU 214   

Integrating technology in the classroom: Teacher interview

               I interviewed Mrs. Alejandra Rossignoli who has been teaching Spanish at Green

Valley High School for 7 years. She was born in Massachusetts but grew up in Argentina,

Mendoza. She graduated from Buenos Aires University and became a journalist. I went to do my

10-hour observation and I got to see her using all these technologies. 

               For student learning she uses Infinite Campus, which is used to taking attendance,

keeping students records and grading. There are two versions: one for teachers and one for

parents and students. For staff development and for when teachers take PDE credits she uses

Canvas. When she needs to look for a substitute, she uses Smart find. For lesson planning, she

uses Curriculum Engine. She also uses ELMS, which helps to find PDEs and other courses and

to keep track of CU’s (students need to get 225 contact units in a 3-year period to be able to get a

salary raise). In relation to software used with the students, she thinks that the most popular is the

Google products: google classroom, google docs, google slides, google sheets, google forms,

google drawings, google keep, Gmail, and google sites. She will use them in different ways

based on the subjects she teaches and her learning objectives. Besides the mentioned products

she uses the following:

 Screencast-o-matic and wevideo to create instructional videos.

 Thinglink: for students to demonstrate their learning.

 Edpuzzle to create and upload videos and you can add questions.

 Padlet to display student’s works.

 QRCodes: her students create QRCodes to add sound to paper posters. 

 She also creates Smores with her students. Her Spanish students were asked to find a love

poem in Spanish, create a Smore, and present it to the class, and they memorized the


 Quizlet.

 Zipgrade

 Kahoot and Quizzi

 Plickers

               The most effective software products for the teaching and learning process depends on

the subject, topic, and learning objective she needs to address. If she is introducing a topic and

she is using a direct introduction, she prefers a presentation tool, like PowerPoint or a slide show.

If she wants her students to collaborate on a project, she assigns them to work on a Google Slide

because they can work at the same time either from school or from their homes, If she wants to

leave instructions on Google Classroom on how to complete a project, she likes to record a

screencast. If she wants her students to practice a skill and reteach, she uses Google forms (she

can include videos, charts, etc. The data that she obtains from a google form is very helpful in

determining areas or concepts she needs to reteach. She can also use Google Forms as a test,

provided that she is using locked mode. 

               She has taken many PDE’s on technology and digital tools. She has a certification in

Online and Blended Teaching and she is working on getting her endorsement in Computer

Science Education. Since she was a journalist in Argentina and worked in a newspaper, she

learned how to use many different types of software. 

               She is always modeling her students. She believes that “the students need to learn, they

know how to use their phones but they don’t know how to use school technology”, she said. She

teaches them in the classroom and she uses screencasts as well. 

               She feels that there is a digital divide in her school, she had students in her Computer

Science class without access to a computer at home. It is very hard for these students to complete

the work. When they are absent or could not finish something at school, they have a very hard

time trying to catch up. She had to talk to the technician in the school and she was able to get

computers for the students to take home, but it was not easy. In addition, she was able to solve

the hardware problem, but at least in one case, she could not help, because the student did not

have internet access at his house. She thinks that to decrease the digital divide or technology gap

in schools we need to vote for the right person. She believes that we need a government that

really cares about the investment in public education. 

               She argues that technology is a tool, and can be good or bad, depending on its use.

Technology is a problem when students can’t stop texting, checking their social apps like

Snapchat or Instagram, or listening to music. They say they are paying attention but they are not.

It is very easy to see. She notices how many mistakes they make in their work for not focusing,

even though she went over the subject many times. 

               She feels that improvement in using technology in the classroom can be achieved by

teachers and administrators receiving training, and schools should incorporate more technology. 

               I was impressed with how much technology Mrs. Rosiggnoli uses in the classroom. I

learned about Quizlet, how the students can learn terms. Zipgrade, to grade students and obtain

different statistics to improve their learning. Plickers using an iPad to capture answers instantly
by scanning barcodes, and so much more. I feel that technology is very helpful if it is used


Additional questions:

1. What do you like the most about your job?

           She likes teaching and interacting with the students

2. What do you dislike the most about your job?

She hates grading. 

3. Is there anything you would like to change in the education system in the Clark

County District?

We need more funding so we can reduce the ratio of teacher-students, incorporate

technology, train teachers, and pay better salaries to teachers. 


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