02-Stemming - Jupyter Notebook

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3/25/2020 02-Stemming - Jupyter Notebook


Often when searching text for a certain keyword, it helps if the search returns variations of the word. For
instance, searching for "boat" might also return "boats" and "boating". Here, "boat" would be the stem for [boat,
boater, boating, boats].

Stemming is a somewhat crude method for cataloging related words; it essentially chops off letters from the end
until the stem is reached. This works fairly well in most cases, but unfortunately English has many exceptions
where a more sophisticated process is required. In fact, spaCy doesn't include a stemmer, opting instead to rely
entirely on lemmatization. For those interested, there's some background on this decision here
(https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/327). We discuss the virtues of lemmatization in the next section.

Instead, we'll use another popular NLP tool called nltk, which stands for Natural Language Toolkit. For more
information on nltk visit https://www.nltk.org/ (https://www.nltk.org/)

Porter Stemmer
One of the most common - and effective - stemming tools is Porter's Algorithm
(https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/) developed by Martin Porter in 1980
(https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/def.txt). The algorithm employs five phases of word reduction, each
with its own set of mapping rules. In the first phase, simple suffix mapping rules are defined, such as:

From a given set of stemming rules only one rule is applied, based on the longest suffix S1. Thus, caresses
reduces to caress but not cares .

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More sophisticated phases consider the length/complexity of the word before applying a rule. For example:

Here m>0 describes the "measure" of the stem, such that the rule is applied to all but the most basic stems.

In [1]:

# Import the toolkit and the full Porter Stemmer library

import nltk

from nltk.stem.porter import *

In [2]:

p_stemmer = PorterStemmer()

In [3]:

words = ['run','runner','running','ran','runs','easily','fairly']

In [4]:

for word in words:

print(word+' --> '+p_stemmer.stem(word))

run --> run

runner --> runner
running --> run
ran --> ran
runs --> run
easily --> easili
fairly --> fairli

Note how the stemmer recognizes "runner" as a noun, not a verb form or participle. Also, the adverbs "easily"
and "fairly" are stemmed to the unusual root "easili" and "fairli"

Snowball Stemmer
This is somewhat of a misnomer, as Snowball is the name of a stemming language developed by Martin Porter.
The algorithm used here is more acurately called the "English Stemmer" or "Porter2 Stemmer". It offers a slight
improvement over the original Porter stemmer, both in logic and speed. Since nltk uses the name
SnowballStemmer, we'll use it here.

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In [5]:

from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer

# The Snowball Stemmer requires that you pass a language parameter

s_stemmer = SnowballStemmer(language='english')

In [6]:

words = ['run','runner','running','ran','runs','easily','fairly']
# words = ['generous','generation','generously','generate']

In [7]:

for word in words:

print(word+' --> '+s_stemmer.stem(word))

run --> run

runner --> runner
running --> run
ran --> ran
runs --> run
easily --> easili
fairly --> fair

In this case the stemmer performed the same as the Porter Stemmer, with the exception that it handled the
stem of "fairly" more appropriately with "fair"

Try it yourself!
Pass in some of your own words and test each stemmer on them. Remember to pass them as

In [8]:

words = ['consolingly']

In [9]:

print('Porter Stemmer:')
for word in words:
print(word+' --> '+p_stemmer.stem(word))

Porter Stemmer:
consolingly --> consolingli

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In [10]:

print('Porter2 Stemmer:')
for word in words:
print(word+' --> '+s_stemmer.stem(word))

Porter2 Stemmer:
consolingly --> consol

Stemming has its drawbacks. If given the token saw , stemming might always return saw , whereas
lemmatization would likely return either see or saw depending on whether the use of the token was as a verb
or a noun. As an example, consider the following:

In [4]:

phrase = 'I am meeting him tomorrow at the meeting'

for word in phrase.split():
print(word+' --> '+p_stemmer.stem(word))

I --> I
am --> am
meeting --> meet
him --> him
tomorrow --> tomorrow
at --> at
the --> the
meeting --> meet

Here the word "meeting" appears twice - once as a verb, and once as a noun, and yet the stemmer treats both

Next up: Lemmatization

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