Muhammadi2015 PDF
Muhammadi2015 PDF
Muhammadi2015 PDF
To cite this article: Muhammadi, Shabina, Muhammad Afzal & Shafqat Hameed (2015)
Bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates-eco-friendly next generation plastic: Production,
biocompatibility, biodegradation, physical properties and applications, Green Chemistry
Letters and Reviews, 8:3-4, 56-77, DOI: 10.1080/17518253.2015.1109715
Download by: [Central Michigan University] Date: 19 December 2015, At: 07:42
VOL. 8, NO. 3-4, 56–77
environments by other microorganisms. In vivo, PHAs exist as amorphous mobile liquid and biodegradation;
water-insoluble inclusions but in vitro, exhibit material and mechanical properties, ranging from physiochemical properties;
stiff and brittle crystalline to elastomeric and molding, similar to petrochemical thermoplastics. applications
Further, they are hydrophobic, isotactic, biocompatible and exhibit piezoelectric properties. But
as commodity plastics their applications are limited by high production cost, low yield, in vivo
degradation, complexity of technology and difficulty of extraction. Therefore, to replace the
conventional plastic with PHAs, it is prerequisite to standardize the PHA production systems.
in this material was negligible. The first report on func- expensive and hamper the widespread usage of this
tions of PHB appeared in 1958 by Macrae and Wilkinson high-quality material (30, 40, 41). However, environ-
(21). They reported the rapid biodegradability of PHB mental-friendly features such as biodegradability and
produced by B. megaterium, by Bacillus cereus and biocompatibility, which are lacking in conventional plas-
B. megaterium itself. From here on, the interest in PHB tics, have continued as the commercial interest in PHAs
increased dramatically. Once PHAs are extracted from (42). In the early 1990s, despite higher costs of pro-
bacterial cells, these polymers show crystalline, flexible, duction, a German company Wella started using PHAs
elastic and thermoplastic properties (22–25). Further, as packaging material for some of its hair-care products
they are synthesized from renewable carbon resources, (43). Recently, PHAs have attracted considerable atten-
based on agriculture or even on industrial wastes or fer- tion due to their potential use as biodegradable thermo-
mentation feedstocks (25–27) so do not lead to the plastics and sources of chiral monomers (34, 44, 45). Thus,
depletion of finite resources (28). Bacterial PHAs gained research is currently being performed to improve pro-
particular interest since they are completely biodegrad- ductivity, to reduce production costs and, more impor-
able, non-toxic, biocompatible and also sources for com- tantly, to produce specific functionalized PHAs (46–48).
mercially useful pool of chiral monomers (29–33). Therefore, the aim of the present study is to review the
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Growing concerns about environmental pollution have current advances and progress in biosynthesis, accumu-
renewed interest in the development of PHAs which lation, extraction, chemical and physical properties, bio-
are totally degraded by microorganisms present in compatibility, degradation and potential applications of
most environments and ecologically useful alternatives bacterial thermoplastic PHAs.
to synthetic conventional plastics which are non-degrad-
able, and release harmful chemicals like hydrogen chlor-
Chemical structure
ide and hydrogen cyanide during incineration (31, 34,
35). Besides being biodegradable, PHAs are recyclable The PHAs that have been identified to date are rather
like the petrochemical thermoplastics (7). Since their dis- complex class of primarily aliphatic/linear, head-to-tail
covery, all these properties have made these microbial and optically active biopolyoxoesters and composed of
polyesters very attractive as a source of alternative bio- (R)-3-hydroxy fatty acid monomers (Figure 1) (7, 9, 43,
degradable materials to conventional petrochemical- 45). In these polymers, the carboxyl group of one
based plastics (23, 24, 36). Therefore, they are considered monomer forms an ester bond with the hydroxyl group
for several applications in the packaging industry, biome- of the neighboring monomer (Figure 1) (18, 30). In all
dical, medicine, agriculture and food industry, or as raw PHAs that have been characterized so far, the hydroxyl-
materials for the synthesis of enantiomerically pure substituted carbon atom is of the R-configuration due
chemicals and the production of paints (28, 37–39). to the stereo specificity of PHA biosynthetic enzymes,
Due to wide industrial application, PHB are considered except in some special cases where there is no chirality
as green plastics. Unfortunately, the current production (Figure 1) (26, 43, 49, 50). Because of the chiral (R)
costs are much higher than for petroleum-based syn- center in the backbone, the chemical synthesis of PHA
thetic plastics, which make PHAs substantially more is difficult (49). At the same C-3 or β position, an alkyl
group which can vary from methyl to tridecyl is posi-
tioned (Figure 1). However, this alkyl side chain is not
necessarily saturated: aromatic, unsaturated, haloge-
nated, epoxidized and branched monomers have been
reported as well (51–55). The majority of PHAs are com-
posed of R(-)-3-hydroxyalkanoic acid monomers
ranging from C3 to C14 carbon atoms with a variety of
saturated or unsaturated and straight or branched
chain containing aliphatic or aromatic side groups (27,
56). Approximately 150 different hydroxyalkanoic acids
are now known to occur as constituents of PHAs (57)
and this number continues to increase with the introduc-
tion of new types of PHA through the chemical or phys-
ical modification of naturally occurring PHA, or through
the creation of genetically modified organisms to
Figure 1. The general molecular structure of produce PHA with specialized functional groups (58).
polyhydroxyalkanoates. The molecular weight of the PHA is in the range of 2 ×
105 to 3 × 106 Da, depending on the number of carbon granule size distributions in biotechnology (77). The
atoms constituting monomer units, the type of microor- staining of cell suspensions during cultivation exper-
ganism and growth conditions (16, 43). Based on the iments revealed that Nile red has a high potential for
number of carbon atoms in the monomer units, PHAs the quantitative determination of hydrophobic bacterial
can be divided into four groups. The short chain length polyhydroxyalkanoic acids. Such optical methods offer
polyhydroxyalkanoates (scl-PHAs), which consist of C3– the advantages of online monitoring in real time with
C5 atoms, medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates high specificity (71). Although these staining methods
(mcl-PHAs) consisting of C6–C14 atoms and long chain are quite sensitive, but it is rather time-consuming and
length polyhydroxyalkanoates (lcl-PHAs) containing labor-intensive work to screen a large number of
>C14 monomers, and PHAs containing both scl- and environmental isolates. Moreover, prior to identification
mcl-monomer units have been identified in several bac- and isolation of PHA-producing bacteria by phenotypic
teria (59–64). In addition, the random copolymer poly(3- methods, it is necessary to provide appropriate carbon
hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) (P(3HB-3HH) sources, nutrient limitation conditions and a long
or P(HB-HH) was found to be accumulated in some Aero- culture time is required for PHA granule accumulation
monas strains (64). This grouping is due to the substrate to the bacterial cells (78, 79). Sudan black B is non-
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specificity of the PHA synthesis that only accepts 3- specific to PHA as it also stains other lipid bodies. Nile
hydroxyalkanoates (3HAs or HAs) of a certain range of blue A and Nile red are reported to be more specific
carbon length (26). The PHA synthases of Alcaligenes than Sudan black B for detection (79). In addition,
eutrophus can only polymerize 3HAs (scl) while that of these methods cannot distinguish between bacteria
Pseudomonas oleovorans only polymerize 3HAs (mcl). that accumulate PHA granules and those that accumu-
For scl-PHAs, the monomer units are oxidized at pos- late lipid compounds (78). Hong et al. developed a
itions other than the third carbons while for mcl-PHAs, rapid noninvasive technique using Fourier Transformed
all the monomers units are oxidized at the third position Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) which allows detecting
except in few cases (28). A lot of PHAs (mcl) containing intracellular PHA accumulation in intact cells within a
various functional groups such as olefins, branched few seconds. If the PHA content is high in the cells, the
alkyls, halogens, aromatic and cyano have been reported FTIR spectra of PHA can also differentiate the various
(28, 53, 55). This flexibility of PHA biosynthesis makes it structures of PHB (scl), mcl-PHAs and PHA consisting of
possible to design and produce related biopolymers HB and mcl-3HA monomers (80). Genotypic-based
having useful physical properties ranging from stiff and screening method is specific, reliable and quick which
brittle plastic to rubbery polymers (26). circumvents the major drawbacks inherent in phenoty-
pic detection methods (78, 81–84). For genotypic-based
screening, the degenerate or and specific oligo nucleo-
Screening of bacteria for PHA production
tide primers are designed based on multiple sequence
To date two major methods have described for screening alignment results and are used as PCR primers to
of PHA-producing natural bacteria from environments, detect PHA synthase genes (78, 79, 81, 83–85). For
namely, phenotypic-based screening and genotypic- rapid detection, colony PCR technique is employed for
based screening. There are many phenotypic detection screening PHA producers from the environment (78,
methods for detecting intracellular PHA granules, 80). The PHA accumulation ability of well-separated colo-
which are applied to the screening of PHA producers, nies isolated from environmental samples can be directly
including Sudan black B staining (65–67), Nile blue A validated by PCR with no further culturing or chromoso-
staining (68–70) and Nile red (71), which result in dark mal DNA extraction procedures. In addition to its appli-
blue or fluorescent granules. Alternative staining cation to the screening of wild-type isolates, the
methods have been developed for directly staining colo- individual PCR-amplified product is also suitable as a
nies (72) or growing bacteria on plates containing Nile specific probe for PHA operon detection in producers
blue A or Nile red (68, 73), resulting in fluorescent colo- and cloning (78).
nies that can be visualized by UV illumination. PHA-pro-
ducing colonies on plates containing Sudan black B
Diversity among PHA-producing bacteria
appear as black-bluish (74). It was reported that PHAs
stained by Nile red show a similar fluorescence behavior, PHA producers have been reported to reside at various
maximum at an excitation wavelength between 540 and ecological niches which are naturally or accidently
560 nm and an emission wave length between 570 and exposed to high organic matter or growth-limited con-
605 nm detected by fluorescence spectroscopy or flow ditions such as dairy wastes, hydrocarbon-contaminated
cytometry (75, 76). This is suitable for the analysis of sites, pulp and paper mill wastes, agricultural wastes,
activated sludges of treatment plants, rhizosphere and bacteria) also produces copolymers of 3-hydroxybutyric
industrial effluents (86). A wide range of taxonomically acid and 3-hydroxyvaleric acid (HV) P(HB–HV) (90). Copo-
and physiologically different natural bacteria and some lymers of 3-hydroxybutyric acid with 4-hydroxybutyric
archae accumulate PHAs as storage reserve materials and acid can also be produced in A. eutrophus (91). The bac-
deposit them as insoluble granules in the cytoplasm (10, teria Rhodospirillum rubrum (59), Rhodocyclus gelatinosus
11, 69, 70, 83, 84). After the discovery of PHB from the bac- (60) and Rhodococcus sp (59) produced terpolyesters
terium B. megaterium (18), over 300 different bacteria, consisting of 3HA units of C4, C5 and C6 from hexanoate.
including Gram-negative and -positive species, have Aeromonas caviae produced a random copolymer of HB
been reported to accumulate various PHAs (11, 28, 83, and 3-hydroxyhexanoate (HH) (92–94). Pseudomonas
86, 87). To date, most PHA-producing bacteria were strain GP4BH1 produced PHA containing HB and 3-
found to be Gram-negative. Comparatively, a limited hydroxyoctanoate (HO) from octanoate and PHA con-
number of Gram-positive bacteria has been reported in taining HB, HO, and 3-hydroxydecanoate (HD) from glu-
genera Bacillus, Caryophanon, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, conate (95). Pseudomonas sp. strain 61–3 isolated from
Micrococcus, Microlunatus, Microcystis, Nocardia, Rhodococ- soil was reported to produce a blend of a PHB homopo-
cus, Staphylococcus and Streptomyces (58). As for archaea lymer and a random copolymer (P(HB–HA)) consisting of
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
is concerned, PHA production to date, however, has HA units of C4 to C12 from sugars and alkanoic acids (62,
been limited to haloarchaeal species, specifically the 63, 96). Boyandin et al. reported the luminescent bacteria
genera Haloferax, Halalkalicoccus, Haloarcula, Halobacter- Photobacterium leiognathi and Vibrio harveyi as new pro-
ium, Halobiforma, Halococcus, Halopiger, Haloquadratum, ducers of two- and three-component heteropolymeric
Halorhabdus, Halorubrum, Halostagnicola, Haloterrigena, PHA containing hydroxybutyric acid as the main
Natrialba, Natrinema, Natronobacterium, Natronococcus, monomer, and hydroxyvaleric and hydroxyhexanoic
Natronomonas and Natronorubrum (88). acids monomers as minor components (97).
Bacteria used for the production of PHAs can be In addition, two different types of polyester granules
divided to two major groups based on the culture con- were formed in the same cell (98). A recombinant
ditions required for PHA synthesis (35). First group of strain of P. oleovorans expressing R. eutropha PHB
bacteria requires the limitation of an essential nutrient biosynthesis genes has been shown to synthesize a
such as nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium or sulfur for blend of a PHB homopolymer and a copolymer of HHx
the synthesis of PHA from an excess carbon source. and HO units when grown on octanoate (99). Both poly-
The bacteria included in this group are Ralstonia eutro- esters were stored as separated granules within the cells
pha, Protomonas extorquens and P. oleovorans. The (100). Fourth group of bacteria including Fluorescent
second group of bacteria does not require nutrient limit- pseudomonads is capable of synthesizing lcl-PHAs
ation for PHA synthesis and the polymer is accumulated (101). In addition, Pseudomonas fluorescens and several
during growth phase. It includes Alcaligenes latus, a other Pseudomonas strains were found to produce a
mutant strain of Azotobacter vinelandii, and recombinant P(HB-–HA) copolymer consisting of HA units of C4 to
Escherichia coli. These characteristics are important to be C12 from HB and 1,3-butanediol (102). Although Thio-
considered while the production of PHA. capsa pfennigii accumulated only a PHB homopolymer
In another way, PHA-producing bacteria can also from various carbon sources, a recombinant P. putida
broadly be divided into four groups according to the strain harboring the PHA synthesis genes of T. pfennigii
number of carbon atoms in the monomeric units of the produced a P(HB–HHx–HO) terpolymer from octanoate
PHAs produced (39). One group of bacteria, including (103). Interestingly, the occurrence of PHA is not
Ralstonia eutropha (formerly A. eutrophus), produces limited to the intracellular collection in granules. PHB
scl-PHAs, while the other group, including P. oleovorans with lower molecular weight (cPHB; Mw < 14,000 Da)
and most Pseudomonads belonging to the rRNA hom- was also found in B. subtilis, A. vinelandii and Strepto-
ology group I, can accumulate mcl-PHAs using 3-hydro- myces lividans (104–106) in association with polypho-
xyacyl-CoA intermediates of β-oxidation pathway when sphate and calcium ions. In addition, non-storage PHAs
cultured on various alkanes, alkanols or fatty acids (11, that are of low molecular weight, PHBs have also been
26, 83, 84). Although the majority of bacteria accumulate detected in the cytoplasmic membrane and cytoplasm
either scl- or mcl-PHA, several bacteria (third group) have of E. coli (31).
also been found to synthesize PHAs (copolymers) con-
taining both scl- and mcl-HA. This largely depends on
the substrates provided and polyester synthases with
different substrate specificities (45, 89). In the presence PHAs are synthesized by several enzymatic reactions
of propionic or valeric acid, A. eutrophus (among other from acetyl-CoAs catalyzed by substrate-specific PHA
synthases located in the cytosol of the cell where PHA In vivo formation of PHA granules
accumulation takes place (12, 13, 26, 28, 107, 108). The
Two models of PHA granule formation have been
majority of bacteria synthesize scl-PHA, PHB and the
described: (i) the micelle model and (ii) the budding
second major class of PHA is composed of mcl-(R)-3-
model (Figure 3). Both models consider the defined
hydroxyfatty acids (45). The biosynthetic pathway of
location of the polyester synthase and to some extent
PHB consists of three enzymatic reactions catalyzed by
the phasin protein on the surface of the granule. The
three different enzymes (Figure 2). The first reaction con-
micelle model is certainly supported by PHA granule for-
sists of the condensation of two acetyl coenzyme A
mation in vitro and in the absence of membranes (Figure
(acetyl-CoA) molecules into acetoacetyl-CoA by β-ketoa-
3) (45, 117). However, electron microscopy studies
cylCoA thiolase (phbA). The second reaction is the
showing membrane-like material surrounding PHA gran-
reduction of acetoacetyl-CoA to (R)-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA
ules in intact cells (118) or isolated granules (119) pro-
by an NADPH-dependent, (R)-specific acetoacetyl-CoA
vided evidence for the budding model. Tian et al.
dehydrogenase/reductase (phbB). Lastly, the (R)-3-hydro-
showed that early stage granules are not randomly dis-
xybutyryl-CoA monomers the direct precursor of PHB are
tributed in the cytoplasm and close to the inner cell
polymerized into PHB by P(3HB) polymerase (phbC)
membrane (120), as would be anticipated from the two
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Figure 2. Anabolic pathways towards PHA (scl and mcl) synthesis in bacteria. Dashed lines represent engineered biosynthesis pathways.
Triangles depict targets for inhibitors enabling PHA synthesis. PhaA/PhbA (β-Ketothiolase), PhaB/PhbB (NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-
CoA reductase), PhaC/PhbC (PHA synthase), PhaG (Transacylase) and PhaJ (R-specific enoyl-CoA hydratase).
Figure 3. Models for PHA granule self-assembly. (a) In vitro assembly process, (b) in vivo assembly depicting two possible routes 1 and
2. CM, cytoplasmic membrane.
separates the polymers from the cell lumen and, conse- A. eutrophus (16, 127). Whereas P. oleovorans is estimated
quently, the osmotic pressure of the cell is not to have about one or two large granules (128). The PHA
changed extensively (Figure 4) (26). The size and granules are mostly spherical and surrounded by a phos-
number per cell varies depending on the different pholipids membrane (129) separating two crystalline
species (Figure 4). About 8–13 granules per cell having protein layers (130, 131) composed of the PHA poly-
a diameter range of 0.2–0.5 µm were observed in merases (132), the intracellular PHA depolymerase
Figure 4. Transmission electron micrograph of bacterial cells with intracellular PHA granules (arrows). (a) and (b) Bacillus sp. strain CL1
and R. eutropha, respectively, contained PHA granules within cell and (c) Phasin mutant R. eutropha cell containing a single large PHA
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(133), amphipathic phasing proteins (117, 134), PHA- agglutinating with other granules and acting as a
specific regulator proteins (135–137) and additional pro- barrier between the polymer and other cellular com-
teins with unknown function (Figure 5) (128). Granules ponents (123, 124, 145). In phasins mutants of
membrane coat is about 2 nm thick, containing 0.5% R. eutropha, the cells accumulate less PHB, and they
lipid and 2% protein, of the granule weight (138). PHA possess only one single large granule because separate
polymerases are present in the cytosol; however, they granules coagule due to the “nacked” surface if the
are only active when localized on the surface of granules hydrophobic PHA molecules get in contact (Figure 4)
(103, 132, 134). The intracellular depolymerases are (140, 142, 146). It was also speculated that phasins
required for mobilization of the reserve polyester and might have a protective function to reduce the passive
are attached to the granule surface (139). Among the attachment of cytosolic proteins. Simulation of the self-
proteins associated to PHA granules, phasins constitute assembly process showed that phasins might impact
a very diverse group are the most dominant proteins on the kinetics of granule formation by reducing the
of relatively small molecular size (124, 140, 141). A few lag phase (147). Various PHA-specific regulators such as
that have been studied in detail revealed that they are PhbR from C. necator (137, 142). PhaF from Pseudomonads
associated with a structural role of PHA granules and (135, 148, 149) and PhaR from Paracoccus denitrificans
may have several functions such as coating, stabilizing (136, 150) were found to bind non-covalently to the
granules as structural proteins by non-covalently PHA granules. The cytosolic levels of these repressor pro-
attached to the polyester core of granules (Figure 5) teins are supposed to be low when PHA granules are
(30, 135, 142, 143, 144) or activating genes and/or formed. Additional proteins (PhaI, PhaD and PhaS) were
enzymes involved in PHA synthesis (124). Phasins found to be granule-associated and co-regulated in Pseu-
promote PHA biosynthesis and their copy number has domonads, whose function has not been clarified yet
impact on PHA granule size (143, 144). Phasins are inhi- (128, 135, 148, 149).
biting individual granules from coalescing and
concentrated biomass is dried either by freeze- or spray- salt produced as a by-product and the amount of
drying. PHA is extracted directly from ground biomass by surfactant-containing wastewater generated from the
dissolving it in an organic solvent, usually chloroform, process, potentially resulting in high costs for wastewater
chlorolimited methylene chloride, propylene carbonate treatment. Singh et al. reviewed a novel self-disruption cell
and dichloroethane (70, 151, 152, 153). After removing system for recovery PHA developed in B. megaterium
cellular components (residuals) by filtration and centrifu- (167). In this system, a gene cassette carrying the cell
gation, the PHA is precipitated in a non-PHA-dissolving lysis system (holin and endolysin of B. amyloliquefaciens
solvent such as cold ethanol or methanol (154–158). In phage) (168) was inserted into the E. coli–B. subtilis
contrast to mcl-PHAs, scl-PHAs are not soluble in shuttle vector pX. In this expression system, xylR-xylA’
acetone, thus, enabling a separation of both PHA target genes are induced by xylose but inhibited by
classes (159). Recovery of PHA from bacterial cells using glucose, which acts as an anti-inducer (169). It synchro-
organic solvents is often applied in industrial processes nizes the processes of spontaneous cell lysis and substrate
and in laboratory scale PHA extractions due to the recov- exhaustion, which results in the release of accumulated
ery efficiency of the process, simplicity, rapidity, polymer PHAs. The efficiency of this regulatory process can be
purity obtained and the possible removal of endotoxins enhanced by manipulating the YoeB, a cell wall-associated
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
from the recovered polymer, which is important for protein, which gets induced in response to antibiotics
medical applications (160–162). Solvents extract the stress. The expression of yoeB in B. subtilis is under a
polymer without degrading it by improving the cellular xylose-inducible promoter. yoeB mutants display an
membrane permeability and subsequent solubilization increased rate of autolysis in response to nutrient
of the PHA (162). But a large amount of hazardous depletion and various cell envelope stress conditions.
solvent is needed to repeat the same process. Thus, The process of autolysis in B. subtilis 168 can be aided
this method is not environmentally friendly and unsuita- by mutating yoeB gene and in the process making it
ble for mass production of bioplastic (22). Excellent independent of xylose regulation (168).
recovery was reported for the extraction in supercritical
CO2, which may be especially applicable to reduce the
Biodegradability of PHA
endotoxins contamination from genetically engineered
E. coli strains (29). The second protocol is digestion- The biodegradation of PHAs in natural environments
based extraction strategies that utilize enzymatic treat- (river and sea waters, soil, sludge and compost) is one
ment of cellular components to release PHA and of the commercially attractive features which distin-
design to avoid the use of organic solvents. In this guishe the PHAs from petroleum-based plastics (170–
method, the cells need to be broken up and various 175). The main advantage of PHAs over other types of
chemical additives added to digest non-PHA material. biodegradable plastic is that they do not require
Bacterial cells debris is treated with a cocktail of special environmental conditions and can degrade in
enzymes (including proteases, nucleases and lysozymes) either aerobic or anaerobic environments through
and detergents (5% sodium dodecylsulfate) to remove thermal degradation or enzymatic hydrolysis (176, 177).
proteins, nucleic acids and cell walls, leaving the PHA Biodegradation of PHAs is performed by microorgan-
intact. Finally, the PHA is concentrated through cross- isms, which inhabit a specific natural environment
flow filtration and obtained as white latex of 95% (176). But in the absence of biological agents (bacteria,
purity, ready to be used as coating material (22, 25, algae and fungi) PHAs are practically not subject to
158, 163). Compared to solvent-extracted PHA, the mol- mass lost under normal conditions (178) and they are
ecular weight may be lower following enzymatic recov- degraded in biological media to form products innocu-
ery methods despite the mild reaction conditions (164). ous to the environment. PHA biodegradation is per-
One critical consideration of these chemical-based formed by microorganisms that secrete intra- or
methods is that harsh chemical treatment to achieve extracellular PHA depolymerases, which differ in their
high purities may lead to a reduction of the molecular molecular organization and substrate specificity (179).
weight of the polymer (165). Yang et al. developed an While intracellular PHA depolymerases are synthesized
strategy for poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) by PHA-producing bacteria and are used by them to
(P(HB-co-HV)) recovery using linear alkylbenzene sulfonic hydrolyze their own PHA storages, extracellular
acid LAS-99 as an alternative to the commonly used enzymes are produced by other microorganisms to
sodium dodecyl sulfate. In this method, only 21% of utilize PHAs usually released into environment after
the surfactant is required (166), compared to previous death and cell lysis of PHA-accumulating cells (180).
SDS-based methods. The main disadvantages of The first microorganisms degrading poly-3-HB were iso-
chemical-based strategies are the large amount of lated over 50 years ago (181). Six hundred PHA
depolymerases from various microorganisms have been depolymerases, physical and chemical properties of the
identified by now; comparison of their amino acid polymer (stereo-configuration of its molecules, compo-
sequences provided a basis for uniting them in 8 super- sition, shape of specimen, crystallinity and molecular
families including 38 families (179). The same strain can weight, polydispersity), surface area, microbial activity
contain several genes encoding PHA depolymerases of the disposal environment, the pressure of other nutri-
with different specificities. The ability to degrade extra- ent materials, physicochemical conditions (pH, tempera-
cellular PHAs is determined by the activity and type of ture, oxygen availability, moisture, salinity, acidity of the
PHA depolymerases, which hydrolyze the polymer by environment, etc.), the shape and size of PHA-based
surface erosion to water-soluble monomers and/or oligo- devices, and weather and climate in different regions
mers a substrate for microorganisms. All PHA-degrading (28, 176, 180, 189). It has been reported that poly(3-
bacteria, algae and fungi use extracellular enzymes to hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) had a much
depolymerize, or break down, PHAs and, through a faster degradation rate than homopolymer PHB (178).
process known as mineralization, absorb the remaining While according to the current investigation of Boyandin
fragments for use as minerals (182). The end products et al., the homopolymer of 3-hydroxybutyric acid is
of PHA degradation in both aerobic and anaerobic degraded at higher rates than the P(HB-HV) (176). Simi-
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environments are carbon dioxide and water, while in larly, the average rates of mass loss were 0.04–0.33%
anaerobic conditions methane is also produced (28, per day for films and 0.02–0.18% for compact pellets,
175). If the limiting growth factor is supplied again, the suggesting preferential degradation of the amorphous
accumulated PHAs can be also intracellularly depolymer- phase over pellet. The differences in degree of degra-
ized by degradation enzymes via hydroxycarboxylic dation are due to differences in the kinetics and mechan-
acids to acetyl-CoA and reused in metabolism (16, 28). ism of PHA biodegradation is caused by qualitative and
All microorganisms that synthesize PHAs contain intra- quantitative dissimilarities between microbial commu-
cellular depolymerase system for this purpose. Studies nities of different habitats and other environmental
using R. eutropha showed that the intracellular degra- and specimen-related factors (176).
dation of PHB inclusions is a very slow process (183). In microbially active environments, PHAs are initially
The rate of PHB degradation was calculated to be viewed by microorganisms as energy sources and then
about 10 times slower than the rate of its synthesis start to degrade (107, 190). Microorganisms colonize on
(184, 185). It may be because that PHA inclusions are pro- the surface of the polymer and secrete exodepoly-
tected by granule-associated proteins on the surface merases which degrade P(HB–HV) into HB and HV
from attack by the depolymerase (186). But, Merrick units. These units are then used up by the cell as a
et al. (187) proposed that an activator acts to modify an carbon source for biomass growth (15). P(HB–HV) is
inhibitor present on native PHB inclusions, thereby allow- water insoluble and is not affected by moisture, does
ing the intracellular depolymerase to access its substrate not degrade under normal conditions of storage and is
(188). Based on the finding that the number of polymer stable indefinitely in air (107, 171). The effect of different
chains was almost constant during the PHB degradation environments on the degradation rate of PHB and P(HB–
process, it was suggested that the intracellular depoly- HV) has been studied by several workers (171, 184).
merase is an exotype hydrolase acting at the carbonyl Degradation occurs most rapidly in anaerobic sewage
terminus of the polymer chain (184). Low concentrations and slowest in seawater. Lee showed that P(HB–HV) com-
of diisopropyl fluorophosphate inhibit the depolymerase pletely degraded after 6, 75 and 350 weeks in anaerobic
activity leading to the suggestion that this enzyme is a sewage, soil and sea water, respectively (107, 191). Effec-
serine esterase (188). In comparison to the extracellular tive PHA destructors include various bacteria from wide-
depolymerase which attacks crystalline PHA, the mech- spread soil and water genera (Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes,
anism for intracellular depolymerase is presumed to be Comamonas, Streptomyces, Ilyobacter) (192), as well as
different because of the amorphous nature of the intra- fungi (Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Mas-
cellular PHA inclusions. The end products of PHA degra- tigiomycetes and Myxomycetes) (180). Potential microbial
dation in aerobic environments are carbon dioxide and PHA destructors are generally isolated by inoculation of
water, while methane is also produced in anaerobic con- microbiological samples on agar plates or latex
ditions (28, 175). In vivo and in vitro PHA degradation is medium based on PHA particles or granules as the only
estimated in terms of weight loss (surface erosion), mol- carbon and energy source. Microbial exodepolymerases
ecular weight decrease, increase in the degree of crystal- hydrolyze PHA to soluble products forming lysis zones
linity and loss of mechanical properties (171). PHA on surface of the plate (175). The ability to degrade extra-
degradability is influenced by many factors, including cellular PHA depends on the secretion of specific PHA
the specificity and activity of extracellular depolymerases which hydrolyze the polymer to water-
soluble products (181, 192) and is widely distributed mesenchymal stem cells were shown to adhere and pro-
among bacteria (171, 193). Aerobic and anaerobic PHA- liferate on several PHA substrates, with a terpolymer poly
degrading bacteria of many taxa were isolated from (hydroxybutyrate-cohydroxyvalerate-co-hydroxyhexano-
various ecosystems, and several PHA depolymerases ate) (P(HB-co-HVco-HHx)) yielding the optimum results
were isolated and characterized (185, 194, 195). All puri- (212, 213). Further, Sevastianov et al. have also tested
fied depolymerases were specific for PHB and/or other the PHA matrices for hemocompatibility by inspecting
scl-PHAs, such as the PHB depolymerases of A. faecalis, the response of mammalian blood when incubated
Comamonas sp., or P. lemoignei (196–198) or for mcl- with polymer films (161). It was shown that PHB or P
PHAs, such as the poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate) (P(HO)) (HB-co-HV), when in contact with blood, did not affect
depolymerase of P. fluorescens GK13 (194). Whereas platelet responses, nor did the polymer activate comp-
most PHA-degrading bacteria analyzed so far apparently lement system (214). However, more involved polymer
produced only one PHA depolymerase, purification procedures had to be followed to signifi-
Pseudomonas lemoignei was found to have at least five cantly reduce the amount of bacterial cell wall material
PHA depolymerases (199). The structural genes of associated with the purified PHA (161).
several PHA depolymerases have been cloned and Biocompatibility of PHB has been demonstrated in
vivo under subcutaneous implantation of PHB films
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
Table 1. Comparison of physical properties of various (around 170°C) is close to the temperature where this
polyhydroxyalkanoates with conventional plastics. polymer decomposes thermally and thus limits the
Tensile Elongation ability to process the homopolymer. However, copoly-
Tm Tg strength at break
Samples (°C) (°C) (Mpa) (%) Reference mers consisting of HB and HV P(HB–HV) have better
PHB 177 4 43 5 (44, 220, mechanical properties than homopolymer PHB (Table
233) 1) (10, 11, 216). Copolymers consisting of HB and HH
P(3HB-co-20% 145 –1 20 50 (44, 221)
3HV) are less stiff and brittle than PHB, thus improve the
P(3HB-co-16% 150 –7 26 444 (233) mechanical properties of P(HB–HV) even further (225),
P(3HB-co-15% 115 23 760 (44, 221) making them comparable with conventional plastics
3HHx) such as polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene ter-
P(HB-co-10% 150 – 25 20 (221) ephthalate and high-density polyethylene (Table 1).
P(HB-co-20% 135 – 20 100 (44, 233) Actually, when copolymer formation occurs with HB
HV) and HV monomer units, the properties of the material
P(HB-co-10% 127 –1 21 400 (220, 233)
HHx) (Biopol; ICI) alter as a consequence of decreased crystal-
P(HB-co-17% 120 –2 20 850 (221) linity and Tm. These result, in mechanical terms, in a
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
Polypropylene 170 – 34 400 (44, 233) decrease in stiffness (Young’s modulus) and an increase
Polystrene 110 – 50 – (44, 221) in toughness, producing more desirable properties for
Polyethylene 130 −10 500 (221)
HDPE 135 29 (220, 221) commercial application. Consequently, a range of prop-
LDPE 130 –30 10 620 (44) erties is feasible from the hard and brittle homopolymer
PET 262 56 7300 (44, 233) via a balance of stiffness and toughness to soft and
Note: Tm: melting temperature; Tg: glass-transition temperature; HB: 3-hydro-
xybutyrate; HV: 3-hydroxyvalerate; HHx: 3-hydroxyhexanoate; LDPE: low-
tough for copolymers with a high incorporation of HV
density polyethylene; HDPE: high-density polyethylene; PET: poly(ethylene (26). Besides the mechanical properties, various HA
terephthalate) monomer structures affect the PHA degradation rates.
It has been reported that poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-
suggested that water molecules could form hydrogen hydroxybutyrate) had a much faster degradation rate
bonds with the carbonyl groups of the polyester back- than homopolymer PHB (178). mcl-PHAs are rubbery
bone to form “pseudo cross-links” between adjacent and flexible materials with low crystallinity and can be
polymer chains. This type of molecular arrangement used in a wide range of applications which cannot be ful-
may also explain the mobile amorphous nature of PHA filled by PHB and other scl-PHAs (223) but these physical
inclusions as well as the plastic deformation phenom- properties of mcl-PHAs are considered unsuitable for
enon (94, 118, 220) observed in freeze-fracture exper- applications due to their low Tm and Tg (226, 227). In con-
iments (221). But for extraction, when PHA inclusions trast to PHB and P(HB–HV), mcl-PHAs have a much lower
are subjected to physical treatments such as centrifu- level of crystallinity and are more elastic (226, 228) but
gation, they readily coalesce into larger masses and not strong enough for applications. These mcl-PHAs
this can lead to the apparent acceleration of crystalliza- potentially have a different range of applications than
tion (222). Furthermore, any damage to the surface the scl-PHAs. PHA with monomer chain lengths to 12
coating of the inclusion will allow heterogeneous nuclea- carbon atoms or more occur as sticky, more elastic and
tion, that is, crystallization induced by external molecules liquid (178, 229). However, in general, all the bacterial
other than PHA, further accelerating crystallization (223). PHAs are (i) biodegradable thermoplastic and/or elasto-
The definition of their thermal and mechanical proper- meric compounds which can be processed with appar-
ties is normally expressed in terms of the glass-to- atus used by the plastic manufacturing industry
rubber transition temperature (Tg) of the amorphous without losing biodegradability. In addition, they are (ii)
phase and the melting temperature (Tm) of the crystalline insoluble in water and resistance to hydrolytic degra-
phase (Table 1) (43, 217). The mechanical properties of dation, (iii) highly crystalline, (iv) exhibit a rather high
PHA range from brittle to flexible and elastic, depending degree of polymerization ranging from 105 to almost
on the branched length of the HAs or from the distance 107 Da, (v) they are optically active and (vi) isotactic
between the ester linkages in the polymer backbones. (enantiomerically pure chemicals consisting, in general,
Typically, PHAs with short pendant groups are hard crys- only of the R-stereoisomers). They are (vii) non-toxic,
talline materials, whereas PHAs with longer pendant (viii) biocompatible and (ix) exhibit piezoelectric proper-
groups are elastomeric (Table 1) (29). The scl-PHA such ties as revealed (at least) for poly(3HB) and poly(3HB-co-
as PHB is stiffer and more brittle than polypropylene 3HV) (7, 30, 50). These features make them highly com-
phase (217, 224). Because of its brittleness, PHB is not petitive with polypropylene, the petrochemical-derived
very stress-resistant. Also, the relatively high Tm of PHB plastic (31, 216, 217, 230).
Tunable hydrophilicity, hydrolytic stability internalization inside the core of the particles. Third
and controlled degradation method has been investigated to increase degradation
by blending with other polymers or plasticizers which
All PHAs are susceptible to degrade by hydrolysis to
disrupt the polymer crystallinity, improve processability
some extent and under normal conditions they are
by lowering the processing temperature and conse-
water stable (231). But the high degree of polymerization,
quently accelerated hydrolysis (231, 233). According to
high crystallinity, isotacticity (only the enantiomer of
the presence of PEG or PLA in blend of PHB/HV with a
absolute configuration R is present in these polymers)
hydrophilic polymer, PEG or a hydrolysable polyester,
and hydrophobicity are among the factors limiting the
racemic poly(-lactic acid) PLA50 could increase the
bioavailability of PHAs which can affect the rate of biode-
hydrolytic rate (233). From these reports, it is concluded
gradation in natural environment (231, 232). PHA biode-
that the combination of bioconversion and organic
gradation corresponds to hydrolysis involving endo- or
chemistry allows modulating more precisely the physical
exo-enzymatic systems in the breaking cleavage of
properties of these bacterial polymers such as solubility,
esters bonds. This type of degradation is needed for
hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance and bioavailability.
environmental applications. In the case of therapeutic
and biomedical uses, a simple hydrolysis is required.
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
take 50 or more years for plastic to fully degrade (238). PHA). Nodak™ has already been made into a variety of
For these different reasons, reaching the conditions of different prototype objects such as plastic fiber or
conventional plastic replacements by degradable poly- twine and molded plasticware such as plates and cups.
mers, particularly for short-term applications (packaging, Metabolix is already producing preliminary PHA
agriculture … ), is of major interest to the society as a materials, but is teaming up with BP for two years to
whole, from the plastic industries to the citizens. produce bioplastics (243). In response to an increased
Although, microbial PHAs like conventional plastics awareness of global environmental problems, PHA is
are also thermoplastics, moldable, naturally UV-resistant gaining serious attention as a potential substitute for
and could be tailor-made for numerous applications non-biodegradable polymers. Now, the advances in
ranging from stiff packaging goods to highly elastic PHA production have opened up the potential opportu-
materials for coatings. But their complete biodegradabil- nities to a number of applications (29). The production of
ity in the environment and naturalness make them quite PHA is intended to replace synthetic non-degradable
beneficial in certain short-lifespan applications for single- polymers for applications especially in packaging, agri-
use packaging, catering, surgery, hygiene, drug delivery culture, leisure, fast-food, hygiene as well as medicine
and agriculture (239). But according to Beucker and and biomedical since PHA is biocompatible and
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
component. Also tensile strength was better for the properties, in bone plates and blood vessel replacements
blend of PHB/cellulose propionate than for PHB only (31). PHA can be easily depolymerized to a rich source of
(250). However, not all blends are compatible. optically active, pure, bi-functional hydroxy acids. PHB for
instance is readily hydrolyzed to R-3-hydroxybutyric acid
(2) Medical and pharmaceutical applications and used in the synthesis of Merck’s anti-glaucoma drug
“Truspot”. In tandem with R-1, 3-butanediol, it is also
In addition to their biodegradability, many PHAs are used in the synthesis of β-lactams (31). However, cur-
also biocompatible. Their breakdown products are 3- rently, the medical and pharmaceutical applications of
hydroxyacids, which are naturally found in animals. PHAs are limited due to the slow biodegradation and
Such as PHB is biocompatible, which is not surprising high hydraulic stability in sterile tissues (259). The pres-
when considering the fact that R-3-hydroxybutyric acid ence of 150 different monomers identified yet and new
is a normal constituent of blood at concentrations types of PHA through the chemical or physical modifi-
between 0.3 and 1.3 mM (31, 205, 206) and is also cation of naturally occurring PHA gave rise to diverse
found in the cell membrane of eukaryotes (207). These properties. With these features PHA is also considered
PHAs have the potential to become important and very as pharmaceutically active compound and currently
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
useful compounds for medical applications such in investigated as potential anti-HIV drugs, anti-cancer
wound management used as surgical suture, skin substi- drugs, antibiotics, etc. (58).
tutes, nerve cuffs, surgical meshes, implants, gauzes, PHAs appear to be potentially useful in controlling
staples, gauzes, swab, lubricating powders (29, 30, 38), bacterial pathogens in certain aquaculture applications
blood vessels, tissue scaffolds and bone fracture fixation (260). For example, administration in the feed of 1000
plates (3, 251, 252). On account of their varied and mg/l of PHB particles of an average diameter of 30 μm,
diverse properties, the PHA biopolymers provide a or addition of inactivated cells (107 cells ml−1) of PHB-
three-dimensional scaffold means to support the cell containing Brachymonas bacteria (equivalent to 10 mg
growth and then degrade away leaving viable tissue, L−1 PHB) to the culture water of brine shrimp (Artemia
with potential product applications for the cardiovascu- nauplii) larvae, conferred a complete protection from a
lar system, cornea, pancreas, gastrointestinal system, virulent strain of the intestinal pathogen Vibrio campbellii
kidney and genitourinary system, musculoskeletal (261). Other similar reports have claimed an inhibitory
system, nervous system, teeth and oral cavity, skin and effect of PHB on certain gut microflora of the giant fresh-
so forth (29, 32). In orthopaedy, PHAs can also be used water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) larvae (260).
as scaffolds for cartilage engineering, bone graft substi- Administration of PHB in the feed significantly increased
tutes and spinal cages. PHAs can be used to engineer the survival of the prawn larvae and improved their
the heart valves, cardiovascular fabrics, pericardial development. The total bacterial counts and Vibrio spp.
patches and vascular grafts (3, 30, 32, 253). PHAs are also counts were significantly reduced in PHB-fed larvae com-
useful as stereoregular compounds which can serve as pared to the control larvae (3).
chiral precursors for the chemical synthesis of optically
active compounds (32, 254). Such compounds are particu- (3) Denitrification in water and wastewater treatment
larly used to synthesize the micro- and nanosphere of
PHAs as biodegradable carriers or drug delivery systems A promising application of PHAs is as the solid sub-
for controlled release of therapeutics such as medicines, strate for denitrification of water and wastewater. This
hormones, insecticides and herbicides into systemic circu- type of denitrification, termed here “solid-phase denitri-
lation are receiving attention (30, 31, 253, 255, 256). fication”, has several advantages over the conventional
According to Sudesh et al., PHAs have the oil absorption system supplemented with liquid organic substrate.
and retention capacities which offer commercial appli- PHAs serve not only as constant sources of reducing
cation value in the cosmetics and skin care industries power for denitrification but also as solid matrices favor-
(257). Voinova et al. have investigated the possibility of able for development of microbial films (189). In addition,
use of PHAs as a biodegradable carrier for pesticides (α- in contrast to conventional processes, the use of PHAs
hexachlorocyclohexane and lindane) for targeted and has no potential risk of release of dissolved organic
controlled delivery of these compounds to soil. According carbon with the resultant deterioration of effluent
to their investigation, pesticides embedded in a PHA water quality. Denitrification processes using PHAs actu-
carrier are released gradually and slowly, without surges, ally give high rates of nitrogen removal (262). Due to its
as the polymer is degraded by the soil microflora (258). oil absorption capacities, PHB has been successfully
They are also used as osteosynthetic materials in the tested for removing lipid-soluble organic pollutants
stimulation of bone growth owing to their piezoelectric from water (257, 263).
production of PHB, with combined advantages of redu- from fatty acids, while E. coli grows poorly on fatty
cing disposal cost and production of value-added pro- acid culture medium (289, 290). Therefore, application
ducts. A hydrolysis step is commonly needed before of E. coli as the host to produce PHA has not been
inoculation with pure cultures (279, 280). However, so the best option.
far, only low PHB content and productivity were At present, the application of defined co-cultures for
achieved from waste products (264). Since, the harsh PHA production is still in its infancy. For single-stage
conditions like nutrient limitation and stress are necess- co-culture fermentation systems, one of the main chal-
ary to trigger PHA production and intracellular accumu- lenges is providing cultivation parameters for efficient
lation, therefore, environmental parameters such as pH and effective bioconversion of carbon substrates into
and temperature have significant effects on microbial PHA. Parameters such as inoculum concentration, dis-
growth and PHA production (281). Further, there is diversity solved oxygen, pH, temperature, cultivation time,
among bacteria from different ecological habitats in their carbon and nutrients feed rate, and secondary metab-
PHA production, modes of growth, type of microorganisms olites production rate would need to be fine-tuned in
and media ingredients. But, the most of standardization order to maximize the bioconversion process. Another
studies on PHA-producing bacteria, including Gram-nega- challenge is the harvesting and separation of PHA-con-
Downloaded by [Central Michigan University] at 07:42 19 December 2015
tive and Gram-positive species, have reported the taining biomass from non-PHA-containing biomass, par-
optimum pH 7 and incubation at 30–37°C for maximum ticularly for co-cultures comprising PHA-accumulating
yield (282–287). and non-PHA-forming microorganisms as the presence
Additionally, the biochemical and metabolic activities of non-PHA-containing biomass would increase the
including the ability to utilize different carbon and nitro- extraction cost of PHA. Compared to single-stage fer-
gen sources, and hydrolytic enzyme (amylase, lipase and mentation approach, two-stage fermentation approach
protease) activities of bacterial candidates were also may be more advantageous as it enables finer control
reported to play an important role in PHA synthesis. over cultivation parameters and harvesting of PHA-
Therefore, it is economical to use microbes which accumulating biomass. However, higher capital and
produce a variety of enzymes to solubilize waste compo- operation cost are associated with two-stage fermenta-
sites and cheap substrates. According to Sangkharak and tion system. Ultimately, the type of systems chosen
Prasertsan, bacteria belonging to genera Bacillus, Aero- would greatly depend on the microbial characteristics
monas sp. and Alcaligenes sp. had ability to produce of the co-culture as well as the economic viability of
high amounts (2–6.58 g/l) of PHAs and high levels of the bioprocess (58).
hydrolytic enzyme activities which may result in efficient The cost of PHA using the natural producer
utilization of municipal wastewater, palm oil mill effluent, A. eutrophus is US$15–30 per Kg (30, 291) which is 18
glycerol and molasses, and its conversion into PHAs with times more expensive than polypropylene. With recom-
a variety of PHA monomers (270). binant E. coli as a producer of PHA, price can be
To reduce the substrate cost, recombinant strains reduced to US$4 per Kg, which is close to other biode-
utilizing a cheap carbon source and corresponding fer- gradable plastic materials such as PLA and aliphatic poly-
mentation strategies have also been developed (177, esters. The commercially viable price should come to US
266). E. coli harboring phaABC and phaP of Azotobacter $3–5 per Kg (266). Although there are presently econ-
sp. is a suitable host as a heterologous expression back- omic disadvantages and limited uses of bacterial plastics,
ground for foreign genes that can be easily manipu- there is currently a high amount of research devoted to
lated and improved by means of recombinant DNA improve productivity, to reduce production costs, and,
methodologies. Also, high-cell-density cultivation strat- more importantly, to produce specific functionalized
egies for numerous E. coli strains are well established PHAs.
(41, 288). E. coli cells that accumulate large amounts
of PHB become fragile, facilitating the isolation and
Conclusion and future prospects
purification of the biopolymer, and the bacterium
does not express PHA-degrading enzymes (34, 110). The intracellular accumulation of PHAs as hydrophobic
However, there are at least two disadvantages in granules of energy/or carbon storage materials under
using E. coli. First, E. coli does not contain a PHA precur- stress conditions and its mobilization on return of con-
sor-providing pathway, so that a new pathway has to ditions for normal growth is a most widely spread
be constructed to provide precursors for PHA synthesis. phenomenon among bacterial flora. PHAs are degrad-
Second, the metabolic background is quite different able within host cells and also biologically degraded
between E. coli and native PHA production strains. under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions by natu-
Many PHA-producing strains can accumulate PHA rally existing microorganisms in natural environment
into carbon dioxide and water, which return to the Disclosure statement
environment. Bacteria produce a wide range of different
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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on the substrate specificities of PHA synthases, carbon
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