Motility Indole Urea Medium Eng

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Tubes should be stored at 6 - 12 ° C in their packaging until

they are used.
Prolonged storage at a temperature below 6 ° C creates
enough moisture in the material with risk of contamination.
MOTILITY INDOLE UREA MEDIUM (MIU) Freezing even instantly destroys the material. Overheating
(CODE: 080732) should also be avoided.
Tubes can be used until the expiry date on the label.
DESCRIPTION For transport, our stability studies showed that the plates
For the differentiation of Enterobacteria on the basis of may remain at 18 - 25 ° C for 10 days or at 25 - 40 ° C for 72
urease and indole production and the trans deamination of hours, without affecting the performance of the product.
tryptophan (TDA) from clinical samples.
PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD Prepare a heavy suspension of the organism isolated from
MOTILITY INDOLE UREA MEDIUM Can be used for the plated media and inoculate the Urea Indole Broth tubes.
determination of urease, motility and indole production by Incubate at 35 ± 2°C for 18 – 24 hours
Enterobacteriaceae as well as microorganisms of the families
of Brucella, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Mycobacteria and Proteus. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS
L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid and is converted to Urea:
skatole and indole. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic Observe at 3 – 4 hours for any positive urease in tubes that
balance. Potassium phosphates act as a buffer system. Urea turn the indicator a deep violet red colour (alkalinisation),
is a source of nitrogen for those organisms producing urease. typical of Proteus or Yersinia. Klebsiella and some Citrobacter
Phenol red is the pH indicator which turns pink - red in develop positive tubes after 18 hours.
alkaline conditions. Bacteriological agar is the solidifying Motility:
agent. Motile organisms show either diffused growth or turbidity
extending away from stab inoculation line while nonmotile
FORMULA g/litre organisms grow along the stab line.
Urea 20.0 Indole:
Sodium Chloride 5.0 Indole production is determined by adding a few drops of
L-Tryptophan 3.0 Kovacs Reagent. A positive test is indicated by the
Dipotassium Phosphate 1.0 development of a red colour in the reagent layer. Tryptophan
deaminase (TDA) is demonstrated by adding to a 24 hours
Monopotassium Phosphate 1.0
culture a few drops of a 30% solution, diluted 1:3. of iron
Phenol Red 0.025 perchloride. The appearance of a brown or red-brown colour
Bacteriological agar 2.0 indicates a positive TDA.
Appearance: Orange colored..
Final pH 6.8  0.2 at 25 C. LIMITATIONS
It is recommended that biochemical, immunological,
PRECAUTIONS molecular, or mass spectrometry testing be performed on
MOTILITY INDOLE UREA MEDIUM Is an in vitro laboratory colonies from pure culture for complete identification.
diagnostic material that should be manipulated only by If not stored at 2-8 C urea has been shown to undergo
trained laboratory staff. autohydrolysis, which could interfere with the urease
This material contains peptones and animal extracts origin. reaction.
Certificates of origin and animal health status do not fully Plastic tubes or wells or tubes made of borosilicate type I
guarantee the absence of pathogens transmitted. It is glass is recommended to prevent non-specific alkaline shifts
therefore recommended that these materials be treated as due to other glass types.
potentially infectious and in compliance with the usual safety The indole test may produce false-negative or weak positive
measures (not be received by the digestive or respiratory reactions.
The tubes should always be handled with gloves and within GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF QUALITY CONTROL
Laminar flow Class II, to avoid contamination mainly from Microorganisms UREASE INDOLE MOTILITY
saprophytic fungi. Escherichia coli - + +
Ιf tubes shows signs of bacterial contamination do not use ATCC 25922
them. Klebsiella pneumoniae + - -
After the expiring date the material is unsuitable for use. ATCC 13883
In case of contact with the skin, we must immediately wash Proteus vulgaris + + +
ATCC 13315
our hands with water and soap.
Positive samples must be destroyed in accordance to the
hygiene rules that are anticipated for the handling of WASTE DISPOSAL OF WASTE
Materials that do not show any growth can be considered
infectious samples.
non-hazardous waste and discarded accordingly.
Plates that develop colonies must be disposed of in
accordance with the instructions for contaminants or
potential contaminants.
The laboratory is responsible for the proper management of
infectious waste in accordance with its nature and degree of
risk and should handle and discard it (or assign its
management and disposal) in accordance with the applicable

Tube 3ml 080732 10 pieces 6 – 12 C 8 months
Produced in Greece by Bioprepare in accordance with the
requirements of the European Directive 98/79/EK. FEK Β2198/2-10-
2009. CODE EDMA 14 01 02 01. Bioprepare company has been
certified according to standards EN ISO 9001:2008 /

Roland F. Bourbon D, Sztrum S. Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 73. 914-916.
Ewing (1986) Edwards and Ewings 'Identification of Enterobacteriaceae', 4th
ed. Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., New York.

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