Appendixj Topart50
Appendixj Topart50
Appendixj Topart50
1.1 This method provides for the measure-ment of the mass concentration of particu-late matter with an aerodynamic
diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 microm-eters (PM 1O) in ambient air over a 24-hour period for purposes of
determining attain-ment and maintenance of the primary and secondary national ambient air quality standards for
particulate matter specified in § 50.6 of this chapter. The measurement proc-ess is nondestructive, and the PM 10sample
can be subjected to subsequent physical or chemical analyses. Quality assurance proce-dures and guidance are provided in
part 58, appendices A and B, of this chapter and in References 1 and 2. 2.0 Principle. 2.1 An air sampler draws ambient air
at a constant flow rate into a specially shaped inlet where the suspended particulate matter is inertially separated into one
or more size fractions within the PM10size range. Each size fraction in the PM1Osize range is then collected on a separate
filter over the speci-fied sampling period. The particle size dis-crimination characteristics (sampling effec-tiveness and 50
percent cutpoint) of the sam-pler inlet are prescribed as performance specifications in part 53 of this chapter. 2.2 Each
filter is weighed (after moisture equilibration) before and after use to deter-mine the net weight (mass) gain due to col-
lected PM10. The total volume of air sam-pled, corrected to EPA reference conditions (25 C, 101.3 kPa), is determined from
the measured flow rate and the sampling time. The mass concentration of PM 10in the ambi-ent air is computed as the total
mass of col-lected particles in the PM10size range di-vided by the volume of air sampled, and is expressed in micrograms
per standard cubic meter (μg/std m3). For PM10samples col-lected at temperatures and pressures signifi-cantly different
from EPA reference condi-tions, these corrected concentrations some-times differ substantially from actual con-
centrations (in micrograms per actual cubic meter), particularly at high elevations. Al-though not required, the actual
PM10con-centration can be calculated from the cor-rected concentration, using the average am-bient temperature and
barometric pressure during the sampling period. 2.3 A method based on this principle will be considered a reference
method only if (a) the associated sampler meets the requirements specified in this appendix and the require-ments in part
53 of this chapter, and (b) the method has been designated as a reference method in accordance with part 53 of this
chapter. 3.0 Range. 3.1 The lower limit of the mass concentra-tion range is determined by the repeatability of filter tare
weights, assuming the nominal air sample volume for the sampler. For sam-plers having an automatic filter-changing
mechanism, there may be no upper limit. For samplers that do not have an automatic filter-changing mechanism, the
upper limit is determined by the filter mass loading be-yond which the sampler no longer maintains the operating flow
rate within specified lim-its due to increased pressure drop across the loaded filter. This upper limit cannot be specified
precisely because it is a complex function of the ambient particle size dis-tribution and type, humidity, filter type, and
perhaps other factors. Nevertheless, all sam-plers should be capable of measuring 24-hour PM 10mass concentrations of at
least 300 μg/ std m3while maintaining the operating flow rate within the specified limits. 4.0 Precision. 4.1 The precision of
PM10samplers must be 5 μg/m3for PM10concentrations below 80 μg/ m3and 7 percent for PM10concentrations above 80
μg/m3, as required by part 53 of this chapter, which prescribes a test procedure that determines the variation in the
PM10concentration measurements of identical samplers under typical sampling conditions. Continual assessment of
precision via collo-cated samplers is required by part 58 of this chapter for PM 10samplers used in certain monitoring
networks. 5.0 Accuracy. 5.1 Because the size of the particles making up ambient particulate matter varies over a wide
range and the concentration of par-ticles varies with particle size, it is difficult to define the absolute accuracy of PM 10sam-
plers. Part 53 of this chapter provides a spec-ification for the sampling effectiveness of PM 10samplers. This specification
requires that the expected mass concentration cal-culated for a candidate PM 10sampler, when sampling a specified
particle size distribu-tion, be within ±10 percent of that calculated for an ideal sampler whose sampling effec-tiveness is
explicitly specified. Also, the par-ticle size for 50 percent sampling effectivensss is required to be 10 ±0.5 microm-eters.
Other specifications related to accu-racy apply to flow measurement and calibra-tion, filter media, analytical (weighing)
pro-cedures, and artifact. The flow rate accuracy of PM 10samplers used in certain monitoring networks is required by part
58 of this chap-ter to be assessed periodically via flow rate audits. 6.0 Potential Sources of Error. 6.1 Volatile Particles.
Volatile particles col-lected on filters are often lost during ship-ment and/or storage of the filters prior to the post-
sampling weighing3. Although ship-ment or storage of loaded filters is some-times unavoidable, filters should be re-
weighed as soon as practical to minimize these losses. 6.2 Artifacts. Positive errors in PM 10con-centration measurements
may result from retention of gaseous species on filters. 4,5Such errors include the retention of sulfur dioxide and nitric acid.
Retention of sulfur dioxide on filters, followed by oxidation to sulfate, is referred to as artifact sulfate for-mation, a
phenomenon which increases with increasing filter alkalinity. 6Little or no ar-tifact sulfate formation should occur using
filters that meet the alkalinity specification in section 7.2.4. Artifact nitrate formation, resulting primarily from retention of
nitric acid, occurs to varying degrees on many fil-ter types, including glass fiber, cellulose ester, and many quartz fiber
filters.5,7,8,9,10Loss of true atmospheric particulate nitrate during or following sampling may also occur due to dissociation or
chemical reaction. This phenomenon has been observed on Tef-lon ®filters8and inferred for quartz fiber fil-ters.11,12The
magnitude of nitrate artifact errors in PM10mass concentration measure-ments will vary with location and ambient
temperature; however, for most sampling lo-cations, these errors are expected to be small. 6.3 Humidity. The effects of
ambient humid-ity on the sample are unavoidable. The filter equilibration procedure in section 9.0 is de-signed to
minimize the effects of moisture on the filter medium. 6.4 Filter Handling. Careful handling of fil-ters between presampling
and postsampling weighings is necessary to avoid errors due to damaged filters or loss of collected particles from the
filters. Use of a filter cartridge or cassette may reduce the magnitude of these errors. Filters must also meet the integrity
specification in section 7.2.3. 6.5 Flow Rate Variation. Variations in the sampler’s operating flow rate may alter the particle
size discrimination characteristics of the sampler inlet. The magnitude of this error will depend on the sensitivity of the
inlet to variations in flow rate and on the particle distribution in the atmosphere dur-ing the sampling period. The use of a
flow control device (section 7.1.3) is required to minimize this error. 6.6 Air Volume Determination. Errors in the air
volume determination may result from errors in the flow rate and/or sampling time measurements. The flow control
device serves to minimize errors in the flow rate de-termination, and an elapsed time meter (sec-tion 7.1.5) is required to
minimize the error in the sampling time measurement. 7.0 Apparatus. 7.1 PM 10Sampler. 7.1.1 The sampler shall be
designed to: a. Draw the air sample into the sampler inlet and through the particle collection fil-ter at a uniform face
velocity. b. Hold and seal the filter in a horizontal position so that sample air is drawn down-ward through the filter. c.
Allow the filter to be installed and re-moved conveniently.
d. Protect the filter and sampler from pre-cipitation and prevent insects and other de-bris from being sampled. e. Minimize
air leaks that would cause error in the measurement of the air volume passing through the filter. f. Discharge exhaust air at
a sufficient dis-tance from the sampler inlet to minimize the sampling of exhaust air. g. Minimize the collection of dust
from the supporting surface. 7.1.2 The sampler shall have a sample air inlet system that, when operated within a specified
flow rate range, provides particle size discrimination characteristics meeting all of the applicable performance specifica-
tions prescribed in part 53 of this chapter. The sampler inlet shall show no significant wind direction dependence. The
latter re-quirement can generally be satisfied by an inlet shape that is circularly symmetrical about a vertical axis. 7.1.3 The
sampler shall have a flow control device capable of maintaining the sampler’s operating flow rate within the flow rate lim-
its specified for the sampler inlet over nor-mal variations in line voltage and filter pres-sure drop. 7.1.4 The sampler shall
provide a means to measure the total flow rate during the sam-pling period. A continuous flow recorder is recommended
but not required. The flow measurement device shall be accurate to ±2 percent. 7.1.5 A timing/control device capable of
starting and stopping the sampler shall be used to obtain a sample collection period of 24 ±1 hr (1,440 ±60 min). An
elapsed time meter, accurate to within ±15 minutes, shall be used to measure sampling time. This meter is optional for
samplers with contin-uous flow recorders if the sampling time measurement obtained by means of the re-corder meets
the ±15 minute accuracy speci-fication. 7.1.6 The sampler shall have an associated operation or instruction manual as
required by part 53 of this chapter which includes de-tailed instructions on the calibration, oper-ation, and maintenance of
the sampler. 7.2 Filters. 7.2.1 Filter Medium. No commercially avail-able filter medium is ideal in all respects for all
samplers. The user’s goals in sampling de-termine the relative importance of various filter characteristics (e.g., cost, ease
of han-dling, physical and chemical characteristics, etc.) and, consequently, determine the choice among acceptable filters.
Further-more, certain types of filters may not be suitable for use with some samplers, particu-larly under heavy loading
conditions (high mass concentrations), because of high or rapid increase in the filter flow resistance that would exceed the
capability of the sam-pler’s flow control device. However, samplers equipped with automatic filter-changing mechanisms
may allow use of these types of filters. The specifications given below are minimum requirements to ensure accept-ability
of the filter medium for measurement of PM10mass concentrations. Other filter evaluation criteria should be considered to
meet individual sampling and analysis objec-tives. 7.2.2 Collection Efficiency. ≥99 percent, as measured by the DOP test
(ASTM–2986) with 0.3 μm particles at the sampler’s operating face velocity. 7.2.3 Integrity. ±5 μg/m3(assuming sampler’s
nominal 24-hour air sample volume). Integ-rity is measured as the PM 10concentration equivalent corresponding to the
average dif-ference between the initial and the final weights of a random sample of test filters that are weighed and
handled under actual or simulated sampling conditions, but have no air sample passed through them (i.e., fil-ter blanks).
As a minimum, the test proce-dure must include initial equilibration and weighing, installation on an inoperative sampler,
removal from the sampler, and final equilibration and weighing. 7.2.4 Alkalinity. <25 microequivalents/gram of filter, as
measured by the procedure given in Reference 13 following at least two months storage in a clean environment (free from
contamination by acidic gases) at room temperature and humidity. 7.3 Flow Rate Transfer Standard. The flow rate transfer
standard must be suitable for the sampler’s operating flow rate and must be calibrated against a primary flow or vol-ume
standard that is traceable to the Na-tional Bureau of Standards (NBS). The flow rate transfer standard must be capable of
measuring the sampler’s operating flow rate with an accuracy of ±2 percent. 7.4 Filter Conditioning Environment. 7.4.1
Temperature range: 15 to 30 C. 7.4.2 Temperature control: ±3 C. 7.4.3 Humidity range: 20% to 45% RH. 7.4.4 Humidity
control: ±5% RH. 7.5 Analytical Balance. The analytical bal-ance must be suitable for weighing the type and size of filters
required by the sampler. The range and sensitivity required will de-pend on the filter tare weights and mass loadings.
Typically, an analytical balance with a sensitivity of 0.1 mg is required for high volume samplers (flow rates >0.5 m 3/ min).
Lower volume samplers (flow rates <0.5 m3/min) will require a more sensitive bal-ance. 8.0 Calibration. 8.1 General
Requirements. 8.1.1 Calibration of the sampler’s flow measurement device is required to establish traceability of
subsequent flow measure-ments to a primary standard. A flow rate transfer standard calibrated against a pri-mary flow or
volume standard shall be used to calibrate or verify the accuracy of the sampler’s flow measurement device.
8.1.2 Particle size discrimination by iner-tial separation requires that specific air ve-locities be maintained in the sampler’s
air inlet system. Therefore, the flow rate through the sampler’s inlet must be main-tained throughout the sampling period
with-in the design flow rate range specified by the manufacturer. Design flow rates are speci-fied as actual volumetric flow
rates, meas-ured at existing conditions of temperature and pressure (Q a). In contrast, mass con-centrations of PM 10are
computed using flow rates corrected to EPA reference conditions of temperature and pressure (Q std). 8.2 Flow Rate
Calibration Procedure. 8.2.1 PM10samplers employ various types of flow control and flow measurement de-vices. The
specific procedure used for flow rate calibration or verification will vary de-pending on the type of flow controller and flow
indicator employed. Calibration in terms of actual volumetric flow rates (Q a) is generally recommended, but other
measures of flow rate (e.g., Qstd) may be used provided the requirements of section 8.1 are met. The general procedure
given here is based on ac-tual volumetric flow units (Qa) and serves to illustrate the steps involved in the calibra-tion of a
PM10sampler. Consult the sampler manufacturer’s instruction manual and Ref-erence 2 for specific guidance on
calibration. Reference 14 provides additional information on the use of the commonly used measures of flow rate and
their interrelationships. 8.2.2 Calibrate the flow rate transfer stand-ard against a primary flow or volume stand-ard
traceable to NBS. Establish a calibration relationship (e.g., an equation or family of curves) such that traceability to the
primary standard is accurate to within 2 percent over the expected range of ambient conditions (i.e., temperatures and
pressures) under which the transfer standard will be used. Re-calibrate the transfer standard periodically. 8.2.3 Following
the sampler manufacturer’s instruction manual, remove the sampler inlet and connect the flow rate transfer standard to
the sampler such that the trans-fer standard accurately measures the sam-pler’s flow rate. Make sure there are no leaks
between the transfer standard and the sam-pler. 8.2.4 Choose a minimum of three flow rates (actual m 3/min), spaced over
the acceptable flow rate range specified for the inlet (see 7.1.2) that can be obtained by suitable adjust-ment of the
sampler flow rate. In accordance with the sampler manufacturer’s instruction manual, obtain or verify the calibration re-
lationship between the flow rate (actual m3/ min) as indicated by the transfer standard and the sampler’s flow indicator
response. Record the ambient temperature and baro-metric pressure. Temperature and pressure corrections to
subsequent flow indicator readings may be required for certain types of