100 Questions - GCSE Edition: NO. Date

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100 Questions - GCSE Edition

I have created 100 questions that are going to start on 26 March and go right up until 3 July. It would be good to keep your answers together, so maybe
start a new sheet of paper or document. You must answer the questions fully and completely and you are free to expand upon your answers. For an
extension task you could make sure you link questions to Set Works, although some questions ask you to do this anyway. And if you think there is
anything I have missed then feel free to add your own questions.


1 26 March 2020 What are 3 features of Baroque Music?

2 27 March 2020 What instruments did Bach use in his Brandenburg Concerto No. 5?
3 28 March 2020 What is The Ripieno?
4 29 March 2020 What is a Concerto Grosso?
5 30 March 2020 What does Polyphonic Texture mean?
6 31 March 2020 What is Ternary Form and what set works follows this struture?
7 1 April 2020 What does it mean when a Melody is conjunct?
8 2 April 2020 What does Diatonic mean and where can it be seen in a set work?
9 3 April 2020 If the Key Signatiure is D Major, what is the Dominant of the key?
10 4 April 2020 What is a Melodic Sequence and where can one be found in a set work?
11 5 April 2020 What are 3 features of Classical muisc (from the classical period)?
12 6 April 2020 What are the 4 sections that make up Sonata Form?
13 7 April 2020 How else could you describe a piece with a Grave tempo?
14 8 April 2020 What is a Homphonic Texture?
15 9 April 2020 How many sharps are there in the key of E minor?
16 10 April 2020 What is a Diminished seventh chord and can you exaplin what notes are used to form a specific example?
17 11 April 2020 What is the key signature of C Minor?
18 12 April 2020 What chords are used to form a Perfect Cadence?
19 13 April 2020 How would you describe & explain a Circle of Fifths?
20 14 April 2020 What Ornaments are used by Beethoven in his Sonata Set Work?
21 15 April 2020 What does Staccato mean?
22 16 April 2020 What is a Pedal Note?
23 17 April 2020 What is a Ground Bass and where do we see one used in a Set Work?
24 18 April 2020 What does it mean for the vocal line to be Syllabic?
25 19 April 2020 What chords are used to form an Imperfect Cadence?
26 20 April 2020 What is a Melisma?
27 21 April 2020 What Ornaments does Purcell used in his Set Work?
28 22 April 2020 How would you describe Melody Dominate Homphony?
29 23 April 2020 What is a 4-3 Suspension and where do you see one used in a set work?
30 24 April 2020 What is a False relation and where do you see one used in a set work?
31 25 April 2020 If a piece of music contains a Harpsichord, when was it most likely composed?
32 26 April 2020 What is word painting and where do you it being used in the Set Works?
33 27 April 2020 What does it mean for a melody to be disjunct?
34 28 April 2020 What chords are used to form a Plagul Cadence?
35 29 April 2020 What does Tonality mean?
36 30 April 2020 What are 3 features of Glam Rock?
37 1 May 2020 Name 4 Guitar techniques used in Killer Queen.
38 2 May 2020 Name 4 recording techniques used in Killer Queen.
39 3 May 2020 What does Falsetto mean and where do you see it used in a set work?
40 4 May 2020 What is a Portamento Slide and where do you see one used in a set work?
41 5 May 2020 What is Imitation in Music?
42 6 May 2020 What texture do we see in use in Killer Queen?
43 7 May 2020 How Many flats are in the Key of E flat Major?
44 8 May 2020 What is a triplet and where do you see one used in a set work?
45 9 May 2020 What is Syncopation and where do you see it used in a set work?
46 10 May 2020 What does Bossa Nova mean and where do you see it being used in a Set Work?
47 11 May 2020 What does Rubato mean and where do you see it being used in a Set Work?
48 12 May 2020 What sharps are there in the key of B Minor?
49 13 May 2020 What are Chromatic chords and can you give an example of one in a Set Work?
50 14 May 2020 What is an Arpeggio?
51 15 May 2020 What features of Samba Em Preludio are often seen in "Jazz" music?
52 16 May 2020 What 3 features of Defying Gravity make it a good example of a Musical Theatre song?
53 17 May 2020 What makes the Stars Wars set work a great example of Cinematic Music?
54 18 May 2020 What type of ensemble is used to perform the song Defying Gravity?
55 19 May 2020 What is Tremolo and where do you see it being used in a Set Work?
56 20 May 2020 What is Vocalisation and where do you see it being used in a Set Work?
57 21 May 2020 What is an Angular leap in music and can you give an example of one from a Set Work?
58 22 May 2020 Explain what Legato means.
59 23 May 2020 What is an Ostinato?
60 24 May 2020 What does it mean for Chords to all be in Root Position?
61 25 May 2020 What does Rallentando mean?
62 26 May 2020 What does Contrapuntal mean and where is it used in a set work?
63 27 May 2020 How would you describe the opening of the Star Wards set work?
64 28 May 2020 What is a Leitmotif?
65 29 May 2020 What notes are used to create a C7 chord?
66 30 May 2020 What is Quartal Harmony and where can you see it in use in the Set Works?
67 31 May 2020 What notes would form an interval of a Perfect Fifth?
68 1 June 2020 What notes would form an interval of a Minor Third?
69 2 June 2020 What is an Anacrusis?
70 3 June 2020 What is a Homorhythmic texture?
71 4 June 2020 What are 3 common features of Film Music?
72 5 June 2020 What musical features make the start of Defying Gravity sound like an argument?
73 6 June 2020 Name 5 differeny dynamic markings
74 7 June 2020 What does it mean if the music is Pentatonic?
75 8 June 2020 What different performing forces are used in Afro Celt Sound System's Set work?
76 9 June 2020 What is Reverb?
77 10 June 2020 What is a Heterophonic texture?
78 11 June 2020 What does it mean if the music is Modal?
79 12 June 2020 What is a Drone in music?
80 13 June 2020 What is looping and which set work relies in loops?
81 14 June 2020 What is Double Stopping?
82 15 June 2020 Afro Celt uses Low Pass Filters, what are they?
83 16 June 2020 What does it mean if the music is Atonal?
84 17 June 2020 What is Contrary Motion and where do we see it in the set works?
85 18 June 2020 In the key of C Major, what chord is the Subdominant?
86 19 June 2020 Name 3 Tuned Percussion instruments.
87 20 June 2020 What is an Inverted Pedal and where do we see one used in the set works?
88 21 June 2020 What is Bitonality?
89 22 June 2020 What is a Tritone and can you give an example of notes that form one?
90 23 June 2020 What does it mean for music to Contrapuntal?
91 24 June 2020 What performing forces are used in Samba Em Preludio?
92 25 June 2020 What does it mean if a solo is Virtuosic and where do you see this in use?
93 26 June 2020 What notes are used to form the Dorian Mode starting on the note D?
94 27 June 2020 What are some of the features of Samba Music?
95 28 June 2020 List 3 Wider Listening examples of Glam Rock
96 29 June 2020 List 3 Wider Listening examples of Film Music.
97 30 June 2020 List 3 Wider Listening examples of Romantic Piano Music.
98 1 July 2020 List 3 Wider Listening examples of music from the Baroque Period.
99 2 July 2020 What do you think you still need to work on in your music studies?
100 3 July 2020 What Set works do you feel you understand the least & why?

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