9137 p8 Airport Operational Services
9137 p8 Airport Operational Services
9137 p8 Airport Operational Services
Part 8
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Airport Services
Part 8
Airport Operational Services
Annex 14, in addition to specifying certain facilities tobe fighting, other manuals cover the subjects in greater
provided at airports, identifies a number of duties to be detail. In these instances, this manual onlyhigyighfs-the .
carried out by airports. The purpose of this manual is to requirements of the airport and provides a reference to
bring under one cover a compilation ofvarious technical specificICAOdocuments.For other aspects, such
functions that are required to be'fulfiiled by an airport. flightcheckingof visual aids, detailed -material is
Most airports will be required to fulfii all of the duties provided.
reviewed in this manual.What will
vary between This manual was prepared by the ICAO Secretariat,
individual airports is the size and character of the whichreceivedassistance from the BritishAirports
organization that will be required to fulfii them and the Authority. It is important to note that the material
amount of time that each duty will occupy. contained in the manual may reflect neither the views of
The title of the manual refers to airport operational the BritishAirports Authority nor anofficialICAO
services. This titlehas been selected to discriminate position since it is intended to consist of general guidance
between those services which relate to the safety and on many subjects. It deals withseveral subjects whichare
efficiency ofaircraft operations and those which relate to not precisely defined inICAOregulatory documents.
such matters as the administration of airport finances and However,itisbelieved that the manual will be of
servicingofpassengers.Examination of the table of assistance to States as all airports are required to provide
contents will show that the manual treats two aspects of most of the services outlined in this manual.
providing airport services. The fwst two chapters relate to It is intended that the manual will be kept up-to-date.
the overall organization and staffmg of the operational Future editions will be improved on the basisof
services. The remaining chapters discuss particular experience gained and of comments and suggestions
services to be provided by the airport without detailing received from the users of this manual. Therefore,
the responsibilities of individual departments. readers are invited to give their views, comments and
In developing the manual, an attempt has been made suggestions on this edition. These should be directed to
todescribeall operational servicesprovided by the the Secretary General of ICAO.
airport. In certain instances, such as for rescue and fwe
Table of Contents
Page Page
CHAPTER 1. Introduction ................... 1 CHAPTER 6 . Adverse Weather Conditions .... 16
4.2 Frequency of inspection .............. 10 8.4
Major construction/maintenance work . 20
4.3 Routine ground inspections ........... 10
4.4 Inspection procedures ................ 11
4.5 Emergency ground lights ............. 11
4.6 Approachlighting system inspections .. 11 CHAPTER 9. Bird Hazard Reduction ......... 22
4.7Visual approach slope indicator system
9.1 Introduction ......................... 22
inspections ......... :.............. 11 9.2 Organization ........................ 22
9.3 Conclusion.......................... 22
. .
Page Page
10.3 Management by aerodrome CHAPTER 15. The Airport Emergency Plan . . 35
authority or operating company...... 23
10.4 General............................. 23 15.1 Introduction......................... 35
10.5 Apron management functions ......... 24 15.2 Purpose ............................. 35
10.6 Apronsafety ........................ 24 15.3 Responsibility ....................... 36
10.7 Diversions .......................... 25 15.4 Response ........................... 36
15.5 Maps ............................... 36
15.6 Access roads ........................ 37
15.7 General............................. 37
15.8 Exercises ........................... 37
CHAPTER 11. Control of Ground Noise ...... 26
11.1 Introduction......................... 26
11.2 Reverse thrust ...................... 26
CHAPTER 16. Medical Service3............. 38
11.3 Auxiliarypower units ................ 27
11.4 Fixedground power .................. 27 16.1 Introduction......................... 38
11.5 Aircrafttaxiingnoise ................. 27 16.2 Handling of casualties ................ 38
11.6 Engine running for maintenance 16.3 Identification of emergency service
purposes .......................... 27 p e n o m 1 ......................... 38
16.4 Communications..................... 38
16.5 Protection from the weather .......... 38
16.6 Emergency equipment ................ 39
CHAPTER 12. Airport Zoning and
Obstacle Clearance.......................... 29
Page Page
CHAPTER 20. Incidents Affecting People and 21.3 Airport owner’s responsibility. . . . . . . . . 50
Property Outside the Airport Boundary.. . . . . . . 47 21.4 .. . .
Safety services. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 50
21.5 .
Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 50
20.1 .. .
Icefalls from aircraft .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 47 21.6 .. . . .
Post-display tasks. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 50
20.2 Objectsfalling from aircraft in flight . . . 47
20.3 . . ..
Fuel jettisoning. . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . . 47 CHAPTER 22. The Provision of .
20.4 ..
Wingtip vortices . . . . ... . . . . . ., . , , . . 48 .
Aerodrome Data. . . , .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 1
structure; ICAO documents; and
b) the licensingof airports and personnel involved in b) the adoption and implementation of internationally
civil aviation, and the legislative framework within recognized procedures forthe safe conduct of airport
which licensing arrangements operate;. practices and operations.
c) the State’s air traffic control system;
1.6 The latter will include the following aspects:
d) the negotiation of traffic rights with other States;
a) the provision and maintenance of visual aids to
e) the establishment of procedures to ensure co- navigation;
ordination between the development and operation
b) the provision of rescue and fire fighting services;
of an airport and the development of the local
neighbourhood of that airport to avoid conflicts of c) the provision and maintenance of the movement
interests; area surfaces;
d) the provision and maintenance of apron markings, 1.7 Thus it will be seen that the complex matter of
lighting and visual docking guidame systems; operating a civil airport can be approached in a number of
ways. Typical examples are:
e) the control of vehicular traffic in apron areas;
- A governmentswned and operated airport, with the
Chapter 2
The Functional Responsibilitiesof
the Airport Technical Departments
2.1.2 A State owning and operating an airport may in 2.1.3 A typical simple organizational chart of airport
special circumstances delegate
this responsibilityeither in management is shown in Figure 2-1.
Airport General
Commercial Finance & Public Terminal Operations Airport Personnel
Exploitation Accountancy Relations Management Management Maintenance Management
Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization
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ICAO 9337 PART*8 ** m 484L4Lb 0038739 T58 m
building fues, fuel spillages and roadhail accidents; for the day-to-day control and organization of the safe
and expeditious mvtrnent of aircraft around the airport
b) maintenance of an effective liaisonwith local fire and to and from the aircraft stands. Within this section
departments, ambulance and police services. These the Duty Opmtions O m e r is usually responsible for the
servicesprovide the major effort in dealing with immediate optrational efficiency of the airport and a
aircraft rescue and fim fighting opcratioas; Duty Operations OfTmr is usually available throughout
c) attendance at aircraftcrash sites in the immediate 24 hours at a large airport. Specialized units may exist
vicinity of the airport.Familiarizationwith acces within the section such as the Movement Area Safety
routes; Unit and the Apron Management Unit.
1 Duty Operations
Figure 2-2. Typical organization of airport operations A Movement Area Safety Unit is established to efficient running of airport operations. Noise monitoring,
carry out the majority of the day-to-day duties of the administration of airside passes, liaison with external
Operations Department, with the exception of apron emergency services are all examples of the work of this
control. However, at a small airport, these functions will department.
be combined within a single unit. Typical duties of a
Movement Area Safety Unit are: 2.2.5 Functionalresponsibilitiesofthe
a) comprehensive androutine surface inspections of Mechanical Transport Section .
the manoeuvring area, including adjacent unpaved Typical duties of the Mechanical Transport
areas, and submission of reports to air traffic control,
Section are:
airport maintenance, and airport operations of the
condition of the areas inspected and the need for a) the maintenance of all vehicles and specialist mobile
sweeping and/or surface maintenance; engineering equipment, including rescue and fire
fighting vehicles, snow clearance equipmentand
b) comprehensive androutine surface inspections of
disabled aircraft removal equipment, including the
the aprons and submission of reports to air traffic
allocation of priorities when required;
control, airport maintenance and airport operations
of the condition of the apron areas inspected and the b) the provisionof drivers for airport vehicles as
need for sweeping and/or maintenance; required; and
C) inspections of lighting and submission of reports to c) the provision of drivers for specific duties, including
air traffic control, airport maintenance and airport sweeping, aircraft stand cleaning, snowclearance and
operations of any lamp failures, circuit failures and disabled aircraft removal.
other malfunctions;
d) bird dispersal measures;
without docking guidance systems; and and othersigns, apron guidance systems and standby
power supplies serving these facilities.
d) at some airports, the unit may also be responsibire for
apron services including the provision ofcargo, These sections are also responsible for building
baggage and aircraft handling. maintenance, but these duties are inappropriate to an
operational manual.
The Apron Management Unit may be combined with the
Movement Area Safety Unit at a small airport.
functions of the Apron Management Unit as well as the contacted whether on foot or in vehicles. Arrangements
Movement Area Safety Unit. should be made for the preparationand issue of NOTAM
(see Chapter 22).
2.4.2 The roomshould be providedwith direct
telephone linesto ATC and any other operationalcontrol 2.4.3 Cammunications should be established with
~ rooms as well as MET andAIS. Radio communications any management duty control rmnl which is providtd to
should be provided so thatoperational staff can be cover the overall operationof the airport.
I C A O 7337PART*& ** 4 8 Y L Y L h0 0 3 8 7 4 25 4 2
Chapter 3
Airport Surface Inspections
3.1 FREQUENCYOF INSPECTION Department while other areas should be inspected by the
relevant department. It will be necessary for iiiport
3.1.1 Inspections of the movement area should be operations to co-ordinate the programme to ensure that
regularand as frequent as possible. In any event the inspections are carried out at thecorrect frequency.
minimum frequency should be:
a) Runways - Four inspections daily as described
Dawn inspection -
A detailed surface inspection 3.3.1 Beforecommencinganyrunwayinspection,
covering the full width ofallrunways should
permission must be obtained from air traffic control.On
be underfaken. This should takeapproximately
entering the runway a positive entry call, e.g. “checker
15 minutes for each runway (two runs).
entering for inspection”, must be made; on leaving the
Morning inspection All runways, normally carried runway,airtraffic control must be advisedwhen the
out on an ON/OFF basis concentrating on the area inspectionvehicleisclear of the runway strip. Most
between the runway edge lights. inspections are carried out on an ON/OFF basis(i.e.
where the inspection vehiclemay be required to enter or
Afternoon inspection - Same as the morning
leave the runway at short notice). The above calls must be
made on each occasionthat the inspection vehicleenters
Dusk inspection This should cover all runways.It the runway.
is designed to bridge the gap in runway inspections
when the lighting inspection isnot required until late 3.3.2 It is essential to maintain a listening watch on
in the evening, and should cover the whole runway the appropriate R/T channel during any
surface. inspection.
b) Taxiways - daily for those in normal regular use. 3.3.3 If, during an ON/OFF inspection,airtraffic
c) Aprons - daily. control requests the inspection teamto clear the runway,
the vehicle must move outside the runway strip before.
d) Grassareas - those areas that may be required to
advising air trafficcontrol that they are clear. They must
sustain aircraft should be inspected as frequently as
then remain outside the runway strip while awaiting re-
the adjacent paved areas. Other grass areas should be
entry instructions.
inspected at intervals suitable to observe any
deterioration of the surface. Note.- Inspectorsshouldneverclear a runway by
entering an ILS criticallsensitive area.
runway strip and can be utilized in inspecting the runway bj anydeveloping depressions should be noted and
from a distance or the taxiways adjacentto the runway in plotted;
c)any unreported aircraft wheeltracks should be
carefully plottedand reported;
3.3.6 On final completionof a runway inspection the
team should adviseair U a f k control of the fact and d) the condition of signs and maKkers should be noted
report the state of the runway. and necessary repair work ordered;
3.3.7 The times of commencement and completion e) the general bearing strength of grass areas,
of the inspection must be noted and included in the particularly those close to aircraft pavement surfaces,
should be noted. A reasonable assessment can be
Record of Inspection Log.
ma& from the depth of vehicle wheel tracks. Any
areas showiag signs of persistent waterlogging should
3.4 PAVED AREA INSPECTIONS be reported. Any differences in levels betweengrass
and paved areas should be noted and remedial action
3.4.1 Attention should be paid to the folbwing requested. Because of the hazard to aircraft engines
points: particutar note should be made of the general
~ ~these areas. Signs of blast erosion
c l e a n l i r ~of
a) generalcleanliness
particular attention to should be noted and reported; and
material which could cause engine ingestion damage.
This may include debris from runway maintenance f) waterlogged grass masshoutd be noted and reported
operations or excessive grit remaining after runway particularty since they may be an attraction to b i r d s .
gritting. Any build-up oftire rubber deposits should
be noted; 3.5.2 The main object of grass cutting is to ensure
that lights and markers arc not OM by tall
b) signs of damage to the pavement surface including vegetation. It should also be managed in such a fashion as
cracking and spalling of concrete, condition of joint to limit the attraction of the airport to birds and other
sealing,cracking and loosenessofaggregate in wildlife (see Chapter 9). It will be necessary to ensure
asphalt surfaces or break-up of friction courses. that mounds of grass cuttings arc not left on areas wherc
Damage or deterioration which could cause aircraft engine ingestion is possible.
damage should be reported immediately for
inspection by the Airport Maintenance Department
and, if the damage is sufficiently serious, the area
closed to aircraftpending the results of such an
3.6.1 A check should be made of all authorized
e) after rain, flooded areas should be identified and obstacles for proper lighting and marking.
marked, if possible, to facilitate later resurfacing;
d) damage of light fittings;
3.6.2 Any unauthorized obsmlcs must be reported
to the d e s i g n a t e d persons or organizations immediately.
e) cleanliness of runway markings; and Where possible, prompt removal of the obstacle should
f) the condition and fit of pit covers. be carried out.
If this is not possible immediate
consideration must be given to whether aircraft
3.4.2 The extremities of the runway should be
operations should be restricted in any form and
inspected for early touchdown marks; blast damage to appropriate marking and lighting of the obstacle auried
approachlights,marker cones and threshold lights; out.
cleanliness and obstacles in the runway end safety area.
3.7.1 If a dangerous unserviceability is discovmd
3.5.1 The following points should be observed: during a runway inspection k g . damaged pit covers or
broken lights), the fact should be immediately reported
a) the general state of ground cover vegetationensuring by R/T in orckr that appropriate ATC action can be
in particular that excessive length is not obscuring taken. In addition. airport opcrati,:nsshould be informed.
lights, signs, markers, etc.; If the runway is closed as a reszlt ?f such damage the
~ ~~
inspection team should continue their inspection whilst 3.7.3 Should aircraft parts or tirepieces be found
awaiting the arrival of airport maintenance support. The during a runway inspection, then airport operations and
team should also be prepared to inspect any subsidiary air traffic control must be informed immediately so that
runway if required. tracing and notification action can be taken.
4.1.1 The integrity and reliability of lighting aids 4.3.1 Dairy checks
should be comparable withthose of non-visual aids. The a) all inset and elevated approach lighting systems and
integrityof the lighting system will depend upon the runway and taxiway lights should be checked for
designof both the i n t e r n a l airport circuits and the lamp failures, breakage or gross misalignment, also
external power supply. The reliability of the system will stop bars and illuminated Category I1 or III holding
depend upon the programme of preventive maintenance position signs. Lamp failures on runway centre line
employed and the degree ofinspectioncarried out. lights of precisionapproachrunwaysCategory I1
Guidance on preventive maintenance of visual aids is
and 111 should be repaired as m n as possible; and
contained in the Airport Services Manual Part 9 -
Airport Maintenance Practices. b) major deficiencies in electrical circuits affecting the
integrity of visual aids, e.g. brealgz in the distribution
4.1.2 The operational checking lighting
of is network or unserviceability of the standby power
normally carried out by the Movement Area Safety Unit generators, should be reported to airport operations,
but rectification is the responsibility of Airport maintenance and airtraffic control, and NOTAh4
Maintenance. At some smaller airports the checking may action taken.
be delegated to Airport Maintenance.
4.3.2 Wekb check
4.1.3 Faults in the lighting systems will be detected
by monitoring. Monitoring by visualdisplay on the a) checkallapproach lighting systems for burnt out
Control Panel will ensure detection of circuit failures and lamps. Check obstacle lights in the vicinity of the
verification that brilliancy selection by air traffic control airport which are the responsibility of the airport
provides the desired light output. Monitoring by visual operator. Ensure grass cutting, etc., has been carried
inspection will, however, be necessary to detect failed out and approach lightingsystems are not becoming
lamps, contamination of fittings by dirt and rubber obscured;
deposits or misalignment. Routine visual ground b) check all runway lighting whereit is likely to become
inspections should be augmented by flight checks from contaminated and arrange for cleaning programmes
time to time. to be carried out as necessary;
c) on all precision approachrunwaysCategory I1
and 111, l i t cleaning should be folbwed up by
photometric measurements of the light output of
4.2 FREQUENCY OF INSPECTION runway centre linelights from threshold for a
longitudinal distance of 910 m down the runway.
4.2.1 The frequency and detail of inspections will This will be carried out by either the Movement Area
depend to some extent on the complexity of the visual Safety Unit or Airport Maintenance, depending on
aids provided. In the case of precision approach runways, l m l circumstances. These checkscan be readily
both flight checks and ground inspections of visual aids carried out by mounting a photometer in an inverted
should be more frequent and detailed than those carried box which carries wheels at its front end and can be
out onother runways. moved swiftly from fitting to fitting;
d) the visual approachslope indicator systems should be 4.5.2 These lights are used in emergency situations,
checked for accuracy and realigned if necessary; or where no other form of lighting can be used.
e) the serviceability of retro-reflective markers should
be examined and any unserviceable ones replaced;
f) all other markers should be checked; and 4.6 APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEM
g) any taxi-holding position lights at side of stop bars
should be checked for serviceability. 4.6.1 Approach lighting systems should be inspected
every 24 hours. In addition they may be inspected on
request from airport operations or air traffic control.
4.6.2 The inspection should cover all elements of the
4.4.1 Before
commencing any
lighting, approach lighting includingthe side row ked) barrettes of
inspection permission must be obtained from air trafic a precision approach Category11 and 111 lighting system.
control on R/T or, if the runway is closed, from ground
movement control. On entering the runway a positive Note. - These barrettes are also checked when switched
entry call (e.g. “checker entering for inspection”) must on in Category ZZZ conditions.
be made and on leaving the runway air traffic control
must be advised when the inspection vehicle is clear of 4.6.3 The inspecting team should inform air traffic
the runway strip. Most inspections are carried out on an control before commencingthe approach lighting system
ON/OFF basis and the above callsmust be made on each inspection,normally by telephone.Separateclearance
occasion that the inspection vehicle enters the runway. must be obtained on R/T to enter the runway strip or
runway end safety area.
4.4.2 It is essential to maintain a listening watch on
the appropriate R/T channel during any runway lighting 4.6.4 The ILSlocalizercritical/sensitive areas must
inspection. not be infringed.
entering an ZLS criticaUsensitive area. 4.6.7 Long grassor trees obscuring approach lighting
systems should be reported to airport operations.
4.4.4 All runway lighting inspections are carried out
in the direction opposite to that being used for landing or
taking off, primarily for safety reasons. Touchdownzone
lighting cannot be checkedeasily from the upwind 4.7 VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE
direction and is the subject of a separate inspection INDICATOR SYSTEM INSPECTIONS
carried out immediately followingthe main inspection.
4.1.1 Introduction
4.4.5 On final completion of a runway
inspection the team should advise air traffic control
of the Visualapproachslopeindicator systems are
fact and the serviceability state reported. installed to indicate to landingaircraft the correct
approach slope. Annex 14 specifies the following four
types of systems:
4.5.1 A stock of ground lights which have 3-BAR VASIS
interchangeable filters and can indicate green, blue, red T-VASIS
or white light should be held. PAP1
--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Under certain circumstances it is possible to a) select the correct sighting stick;
use abbreviated configurations of VASIS, 3-BAR VASIS
b) place the sighting stick upon the relevant checking
and T-VASIS. These abbreviated configurations are
peg located approximately 31 m downwind from the
known respectively as AVASIS, 3-BAR AVASIS and
VASI unit, ensuring that the stick is heM vertically;
c) align the eyes with the top ec,ged line on the green
perspex and the VASI unit. A thin pencil line of even
4.1.2 inspeciion details white light should appear below the red light; The following inspection procedures are dl lower the eyes to the lower edged line and the pencil
common to all the visual approach slope indiator line of white light should disappear;
e) any variation to c) and d) indicates that the VASI
a) the systemshould be checked foralignment at unit is out of alignment;
regular intervals. The system should also be checked
on request from operations or air traffic control, and f) any unserviseabilities should be dealt with by the
after an aircraft landing incidentlaccident; engineer accompanying the checking party; and
b) on each runway inspection a visual check is made of g) the procedures &scribed above should be repeated
the system in use to ensure serviceability; for each unit of the system.
optically Set in the factory and all that is required is the
if the system is located within the ILS gii&
setting of the unitto the required approach angie. In some
path critical/sensitive area, the vehicle must be
cases there may be a levelling device which is
parked outside, and upwind of, the glide path
incorporated into the unit. In other cases a clinometer
critical/sensitive area boundary. The checking p a r t y
should be utilized to ensure that the desired angk is
must proceed on foot to the runway edge, remaining
clear of the ILS glide path critical/sensitive area,
then turn and walk along the grass adjawnt to the
runway edge to the system, leaving by the same
route; 4.7.3 Reporting
h) a previous arrangement shouldbe made between the V A S E When the VASIS has an
lookout and the checking party to agree on a signal unserviceability or when units have to be unplugged the
should it become necessary for them to clear rapidly following standards apply:
(e.g. portable radio); and;
- Failure of one lamp in
oneunit - UNIT
care must be taken not to obstruct the front of the SERVICEABLE.
system when aircraft are on final approach to land.
- Failure of two lamps in one unit - UNIT
UNSERVICEABLE. VASIS and M A R VASIS alignment checks.
The alignment checks of these systemsshould be carried - Notmore than two units of a12-unit system
out as follows: -
unserviceabte SYSTEM REMAINS IN USE.
- More than two units aof 12-unit system In the case of 3-BAR AVASISthe standards are thesame
unserviceable onone side -
the case of
- More than one unit unserviceable on the remaining
following applies:
side SYSTEM UNSERVICEABLE. - Failure of more than two lamps out of four of the day
lamps UNIT UNSERVICEABLE. In the case of AVASIS the following applies: - Failure of one or more of the two night lamps -
- Failure of one lamp in
one unit - UNIT
- Failure of
two lamps in one unit - UNIT The system shall be regarded as having failed
UNSERVICEABLE. when the following failures occur in units:
- Single sided system - Two out of eight reference right units.
- More than one unit unserviceable - SYSTEM - One out of six fly-up light units.
- One out of six fly-down light units.
- Two sided system In the event that more failures occur than
- More than one unit of system unserviceable on
described above, provided that they are on thesame side
UNPLUGGED AND OTHER SIDE USED. of the runway, the failed side may be withdrawn from
service and remaining side used as anAT-VASIS. In that
- One or more of the remaining side unserviceable event no further unit failures can be tolerated.
-SYSTEM UNSERVICEABLE. PAPZ. Inthe case of PAPI the following
applies: 3-BAR VASZS. When the 3-BARVASIS has
an unserviceability or when units have to be unplugged - Failure of more than one lamp in each unit - UNIT
the following standards apply: UNSERVICEABLE.
- Failure of one lamp in one
unit - UNIT - Failure of any one unit - SYSTEM
- Failure of two lamps in one unit - UNIT PAPI isprovided on both sides of the
runway, failure ofalight unit in a symmetrical PAPI
- Not more than three units of an 18-unit system system may be tolerated by switching off completelythe
Unserviceable SYSTEM REMAINS IN USE. failed side, leaving PAPI operating only on
serviceable side of the runway.
- More than three units of an 18-unit system
unserviceable onone side - REMAINDER OF Long grass obstructing light units should also
be reported.
- More than one unit unserviceable on the remaining 4.7.4 Further guidance on the subject is included in
side SYSTEM UNSERVICEABLE. the Aerodrome Design Manual, Part 4 - Visual Aids.
Chapter 5
Flight Checks of Visual. Aids
lighting and stop bars will be checked on those routes in Variations should be madeabout the approach path.
use at thetime of the flight check. Further information on Small variations in elevation and azimuth should not
flight checking of visual approach slope indicator system produce any noticeable change in the intensity of the
is contained in the Aerodrome Design Manual. Part 4 - lights. Large variations will pro* a progressive
Visual Aids. reduction in intensity as the aircraft leaves the area of
primary cover of the lights. These changes in intensity
should t>e substantially the same for aU lights. Ragged
changes are normally attributable to incorrect setting
5.2 FLIGHT CHECKS AFTER angles of individual units, and a note of these lights
MAJOR MAINTENANCE should be made for subsequent checking on the ground.
5.2.1 After major maintenance or developments During the approach, call for progressive
affecting operational facilities within the movement area, reductions in brilliancy down to the minimum setting.
special flight checks will be arranged as necessary. Check thatall lightsrespond correctly and simultaneously
to the setting changes. With the lights set at a suitable
5.2.2 Daylight visual aids checks. At least o m pcr brilliancy setting (the lowest at which the individual lights
year checks should be carried out in daylight to inspect are discernible in the oonditions is normally best), check
surface markings, VASIS for range and h a m spread and that all the individual light8 are illuminated. Note and
the balance of the runway and approach lighting system at record all failures.
maximum brilliancy.
5.3.2 Approach side row (red) bamnes
5.2.3 New installations. Before any new installations (when installed)
are brought into use or when there have been substantial
changes to existing installations, a flight check should be Repeatchecks 1 and 2 above for side row
arranged. barrettes (red) of the approach lighting system.
6.1.2 It is essential that a communications net be 6.3.3 The airport operationssupervisor should
established so that messages from the Meteorological arrange for asmany frictiontest device runs as necessary
Office giving adequate warning of
all the above to be made in order to present an accurate indication of
meteorological phenomena are passed to operations, air runway friction characteristics relative to the changing
traffic control and the airlines. weather conditions. It is important that a run bc done
immediately following the application of anti-icingfluid,
as in some circumstances this may result in an initial
serious reduction of surface friction. For further
6.2 GENERAL guidancee,see the Airport Services iUanual, Part 2 -
Pavement Surface Conditions,Chapter 3.
6.2.1 During adverse weather, airport operations will
advise air traffic control of relevant surface conditions 6.3.4 Airport operations and air traffic controlshould
and should carry out such various checksthat the weather be kept up to date regarding any significant changesin the
may dictate. surface friction situation.
6.2.2 Adverse weather weather can be divided into
seven groups: 6.3.5 Airport operations should commence any
necessary anti-ice precautions, after cosrdination with
a) ice - temperaturesbelow 0°C; air traffic control.
b) frost;
c) freezingrain; 6.3.6 Solid and liquidchemicals may beused to
combat ice formation on runways, taxiways and aprons.
d) strong winds;
e) rain - giving reduced runway friction; Urea anti-icing pellets can be dispensed from
a special vehicle. Anti-icing fluids can be dispensed from
f) fog or low visibility; and a large capacity de-icing vehicle or trailers with a boom.
g) snow. (See the Airport Services Manual, Part 2, Chapter 7.)
of 5 per cent salt, 95 per cent grit for treating runway edge 6.6.1 During conditions oflow visibility,normally
drains. Extreme care is to.be used during its application to caused by fog, special procedures will be required to en-
avoid any possible corrosion risk to aircraft. sure that vehicles or workers on foot do not inadvertently
lose their way and enter active runways or taxiways. In
such conditions the time available for aircraft and
6.4 STRONG WINDS possibIy vehicles totake evasive action will betoo short to
avoid an accident.
6.4.1 A method of disseminating strong wind
warnings to airlines, airport operations and handling
6.6.2 The visibility at which special procedures will
agents should be implemented.
becomenecessarymayvary from airport to airport.
6.4.2 Airport operations should arrange for checks to (Category 111 operations will require special procedures
be made ofwork in progress to ensure markers and but so may Category I1 operations.) Regardless of the
equipment are secure. visibility at which an airport decides lowvisibility
procedures are required, a slightly higher visibilityshould
be selected at which, during a time of failing
_ _ visibility,the
6.4.3 Airport operations should arrange for airside ~~
a aware of the effect of high winds on such aircraft, and 6.6.3 It should be remembered that in addition to
take positive steps to turn aircraft into the wind and to procedures,special airport facilities are required for
assist in tying them down. Category IIAII operations. For example, the runway
approachlighting,taxiwaylights and secondary power
6.4.5 The safeguardingof aircraft ground equipment supplies have to conform to Category IIAII standards
should be the responsibility of the owner but a careful as laiddown in Annex 14. The ILS must beup to
watch should be maintained by airport operations and Category II/III requirements as laid down in Annex 10,
adequate warningspassedtoallairline and handling Volume I, Part I, Chapter 3, and the runway must be
agencies. protected by an obstacle-free zone as specified in
Annex 14.
6.5 RAIN
6.6.4 Low visibility procedures
6.5.1 There is an operational need for information on When low visibility operations are likely and
runways which may become slippery when wet. To this at a pre-agreedvisibilitycondition,airtraffic control
end there is a need to measure periodically the friction should notify airport operations and Category II/III
characteristicsof a wet runwaysurface to ensure that they
airport surface security checks should commence.
do not fall below an agreed level (see Chapter 7). Details Aircraft opsrators should be notified immediatelyprior to
of methods for measuring and expressing friction
low visibility procedures actually beginning.
characteristicsof a wet runwaycan be found in Annex 14,
Chapter 2 and Appendix A; and the Airport Services
Manual, Part 2, Chapter 3. Airport operations should respond to the
initial call from air traffic control by arranging for the
6.5.2 Standing water checksshould be carried out on tasks detailed below, as appropriate, to be carried out:
request from air traffic control or airport operations. A
a) adviseairportsecurity so that airsideaccess for
verbal assessment for the centre half of the width of the
vehicles and personnel is restricted;
runwayis required (see Annex 14, Chapter 2). On
completion of the check the results should be passed to b) prohibited areas are closed off by lighting, portableor
air traffic control and recorded for reference purposes. switched;
c) ensure that all contractors working in manoeuvring the AIP. The method of operation and utilization of the
area evacuate the area, and leave the site marked and equipment is given in detail in the Airport Snow Plan.
6.7.2 The Airport Snow Plan must clearly define the
d) check that any lights provided to indicate the I L S
sensitive area are switched on and working;
the Snow Committee members and the person in
e) notify the following,advising them the “Category
charge of the s n o w clearance operation,with a chain
..... operations on the appropriate runway are being of command giving a break- in duties;
- Airport rescue and fae fighting service methods of communication between operations, air
- Security control staff traffic control,and the Meteorological Office;
- Apron management staff the equipment avaiiable for snow clearance.. This
- Senior operations management; and should include equipment for ploughing, sweeping
f) advise ATC when the checks are completed and and blowing snow. Assistance on types of equipment
safeguarding complete. can be found in the Airporl Services Manual, Part 2;
priority ofsurfaces to be cleared, and clearance limits Once all controlled 8cces9es have been closed for aircraft using the airport Get Part 2, Chapter 7);
by airside security, operations may have to arrange leader colkction of information for SNOWTAM and
vehicles to supervise taxiway crossings to remote stands, dissemination of this information as described in
fuel farms, etc., for any essential vehicks. Part 2, Chapter 6;
the use of friction test devices and associated ice Perimeter security should notify operations detection systems and other “specialist” aids,
of any unauthorized vehicle orpersons seen entering the
together with tables of friction c o e f f i t (details can
manoeuvring area, and a team should be dispatched to be found in Part 2, Chapter 3);
investigate and keep air tra!Xc control and senior
operations management informed. nominated snow dumping or melting areas to avoid
confusion during the actual clearance operations; When advised by the air traffic control that an alerting system in order that s u f f i i n t warning be
Category II/III conditiom are cancelled, operations given to all W e s concerned;
should ensure that the actionsdetailed in previous
paragraphs are positively restored and previously notifkd the manpower available,including staff for
personnel are re-advised. equipment maintenance arrangements for shifts, and
call out procedures;
deployment of equipment and tactical approaches to
6.7 SNOW be used; and
general principles to be followed in deciding when to
6.7.1 A snow plan for the airport must be published close runwaysfor snow clearance and designation of
and available to all concerned in snow clearance.Details management personnel authorized to make the
of the equipment available at the airport are contained in decision.
1) precise areas in which work may be done; 8.4.3 General working rules. Before work commences
2) the routes to befollowed to and fromthe
agreement should be established on:
working area; a) the hours ofwork;
~~~~ ~ ~
b) theauthorized routes - preferably these should be 8.4.5 Paved area cleanliness. Where contractors work
markedwithcontractor’ssigns. At criticalpoints on or traverse aircraft pavement areas, these areas should
controls should be established. Where there is real be thoroughly inspectedbefore they are opened again for
risk of conflict betweenaircraft and vehicles, control aircraft use, with particular attention to the presence of
points should be manned. At less criticalpoints debris and the general cleanliness of the surface. Where
controls may be effected by lights or warning signs; aircraft are constantly using areas open to contractors,
inspection should be carried out at frequent intervals to
the communications facilities to beused.Where
ensure that the contractor has carried out any necessary
direct control of vehicles is required each vehicle
should either have R/T or be escorted by a suitably
equipped vehicle. In some circumstances it may be
8.4.6 Marking and
lighting. Adequate marking
sufficient to have direct communications with
control points by R/T or by direct telephone lines to arrangements should be insisted on for crane jibs when
extra conspicuity is considered desirable. If work is of
air traffic control;
prolonged duration a constant watch should be
the permitted heights of vehicles and equipment and maintained to ensure that the marking and lighting of
the limitations to be placed on .operating heights of obstacles and unserviceable areas does not degradebelow
crane jibs; and acceptablelimits. This is particularly important with
marking and lightingarrangements to indicate a displaced
any limitation tobe placed on use of electrical
equipment whichmight cause interference with - . .~
9.2.2 Whatever the scale of organization adopted, a 9.3.2 Bird dispersal arrangements must, however,
senior member of staff should be made responsible for cover all hours of operation of the airport, including night
the following functions as far as they are applicable: hours.
a) the collection and recording of information on bird
concentrations and movement patterns; 9.3.3 Where bird dispersal techniques are employed
b) an appraisal of the bird strike rate and an assessment it is essential to realize that persistence is neceSSary in
of the local risk; many cases to achieve the degree of control required.
Chapter 10
Apron Management and Apron Safety .
all items of vital importance to both ATS and the 10.5.3 Marshalling service
Aerodrome Authority. The operational efficiency and
safety of whichever system is adopted, depends very An airport mashalling service should be
largely upon this close co-operation. provided where self-help guidance systems do not exist or
are unserviceable and where guidancc to aircraft parking
is required to avoid a safety hazard or to make the most
efkicnt use of available parking space. Proper training
10.5 APRON MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS arrangements should exist for mar&aUers and only those
who have demonstrated satisfactcn'y competence should
10.5.1 AircrqF stand allocation be permitted to marshal aircraft. Where airport
marshalling is provided, comprehensive instructions Overall
responsibility for aircraft stand should be written for marshallen including:
allocation should be retained by the airport operator
although for operational convenience and efficiencya a) the absolute necessity for using only authorized
system of preferred user stands may be established. signals. (Copies of these should be displayed at
Instructions should clearly state which stands may be suitable points);
used by which aircraft or groups of aircraft. Where b) theneedtoensurtthatthestandtobeusedisclear
considered desirable, a prefetred order of use of stands of fixed and mobile obtructiom;
should be laid down.Apron control staff should be given
clearguidance on the stand occupancy times to be c) the circumstances in which sin&? man marshalling
permitted and the steps to be taken to achieve compliance may be wtd and the occasions when assistana of
with the rules. wingtip men should be employ* and
d) the action to be taken in the event of aircraft damage
10.5.2 Aircrqft parkingldocking occurring during mars-.
guidance wstem
A distinctivejacket must be worn at all times. his can be The apron guidance system provided will of the waistcoat variety d o u r e d day-glow red, reflective
depend upon the accuracy of parking required and the orange, or reflective yellow. A badly executed aircraft
type of aircraft operating. The simplest form of stand manoeuvre could kad to the need for use of excessive
guidance where preciseaccuracy is not required will engine power for cOrrtctive action, with consequent risk
comprise stand identification and centre line paint of injury or damage from blast. If ~lecessary,aircraft in
markings withan arrow to indicate the position in which these situations should be signalled to close down engines
the aircraft should be brought to rest. This system will be and re-positioning carried out by tractor.
suitable for nose-in parking where the aircraft docs not
have to mate with a loading bridge and hydrant refuelling
is not in use. Paint markings must be maintained in a 10.5.4 M r wn m i c e
cleancondition to ensure maximum visibility. Where At airports where ground guidance (follow-
frequent night movements take place centre line paint me) vehicles are in use, local orders should ensure that
markings will be supplemented by centre line lighting. drivers are suitably trained in R/T procedures, visual
These will comprise omni-directional fittings with a signals. taxiing speeds and the correct aircraft/vehicle
yellow filter. Switching for stand centre line lighting will
either be locally controlled or at the centralized apron
controlroom. Stand centre line lighting should be
inspected weekly to ensure replacement of lamp failures
where necessary. Where a nose-in stand is equipped with 10.6 APRON SAF'ETY
a loading bridge, precision parking is required to mate
aircraft with the loading bridge. In such cases, a visual 10.6.1 Blastprecautiom
dockingguidance system will be used. For further
guidance on such systems see the Aerodrome Design All apron users should be made aware of the
Manual, Part 4, Chapter 8. Should these systems be hazards arising from jet effluxes and propeller
unserviceable it will be necessary either to marshal slipstreams. Where mcessuy apron design will have
aircraft onto stands where loading bridges are provided, incorporated blast f e n a s and the best use must be made
or to park aircraft short of the loading bridge to ensure of these to protect equipment. All vehicles and wheeled
safety clearances are maintained. equipment must be left properly braked and, where
~ ~ -
~ -~ i ~ _ _ ~
11.1.5 Measures to minimize air noise include: 11.2.2 Because of the safety consi&ratlons it is not
possible to ban the use of this technique. In practice,
a) use of quieter aircraft to Standards laid down by
however, it is often possible to balance the safety aspect
national or international noise cxrtif1cation
in terms of the actual runway length available rather than
in terms of a shorter length required by an aircraft
b) operating procedures designed to reduce t h e noise on operating near to itslimitsofperformancecapability.
the ground. These maybe enforced by a noise Consequently, on long runways the selectionofidle
monitoring system; rather than full reverse thrust will significantlyreduce the
noise.whilst ensuring that the system is immediatcb
c) operating restrictions to regulate the type of aircraft
available in case an emergency develops. It is therefore
permitted, the numkrs allowed and the hours of
airport operation; quite proper for an airport to request that aircraft
operators restrict the use of reverse thrust whenever
d) land-useplanning; and safety considerations permit.
~~ ~
11.3 AUXILIARY POWER UNITS 11.6.2 At airports with local communities and where
regular engine maintenance takes place, it is normal to
11.3.1 The auxiliary power unit (APU) provides install some form of suppressor appropriate to the type of
electric power independent of the airport for certain aircraft involved. These can achievea reduction of up to
aircraft services when the main engines are not running. 30 dB, although the improvement is usually less.
Its use is required during certain maintenance processes Whatever type of suppressor is provided they are
as well as before and after flight. expensive installations and their construction can
normally be justified only at engineering base airport.
11.3.2 The noise problem created by APUs is
confined principally to airport workers and passengers in
the apron area but, particularly at night, may also lead to 11.6.3 Restriction ongroundruns. At airports where
complaints from neighbouring communities. noise suppression equipment is not available, it is still
possible to limit the noise nuisancefrom ground running
11.3.3 According to the extent of the nuisance an
by controlling the location on the airport where it takes
airport authority may choose torestrict the length of time
place, its duration and type of run-up and the times when
that APUs are permitted to run after an aircraft arrives on it is permitted.
the stand and prior to its departure. In extreme cases, it
may be necessary to forbidthe use of APUs altogether at
sensitive locations during the night. Location. The most important factorsare the
distance to nearby communities and the wind direction.
The transmission of ground noise is clearly
dependent on
the distance between the source and the recipient, but
11.4 FIXED GROUND POWER wind direction is also an important consideration. It is
therefore useful to select a locationdownwind of the
11-4.1 Fixed ground power provides an alternative to noise sensitive areas.
the use of auxiliary orground power units, both of which
produce high noise levels. Shielding. It may also be helpful to use the
shielding effect provided by a largehangar or natural
feature. The closer the aircraft is to the structure or
11.5 AIRCRAFT TAXIING NOISE feature, the higher will be the attenuation. Use of this
technique, however, must include consideration
11.5.1 A marginal improvement to the noise employees whomaybeworking in and around the
environment of residents in the near vicinity ofan airport hangar.
can be achieved by a limitation on the number of engines
employed during taxiing, particularly the high engine on
tri-jet aircraft. Use oftractors for the positioning of Aircrqf3
heading. The noise pattern
aircraft may also
to an improvement during generated around an aircraft varies from one typeto
otherwise quiet hours. another, but generally the maximumnoiseoccurs on
either side of the tail at about an angle of 45 degrees. It
can therefore be advantageous toselect the aircraft
-heading in relationship localto communities. An
11.6 ENGINE RUNNING FOR overriding factor, however,is the wind direction, assome
MAINTENANCE PURPOSES engine types are sensitive to cross and tail winds. This is
particularly true of high bypass ratio engines.
11.6.1 Modernaircraft engines require lessregufar
routine maintenance ground running than was previously
the case. It is, however, a necessary function of airline Type of run and duration. Some ground runs
Chapter 12
Airport Zoning and Obstacle Clearance
the continued operation of the airport. Detailed guidance 12.3.2 Annex 14 requires that allexisting objects
on this subject is included in the Airport ServicesManual, penetrating the approach,transitional,take-offclimb,
Part 6 - Control of Obstacles. inner horizontal and conical surfaces should as far as
practical be removed, except when in the opinion of the
12.2 ZONINGRESPONSIBILITY appropriate authority they are shielded by existing
immovableobjects. Detailed requirements concerning
12.2.1 Responsibility for zoning is frequently vested marking and lighting of obstacles are contained in
in the national department responsible for the control of Annex 14, Chapter 6.
civilaviation. To give effect to this a zoning mapis
prepared for the guidance of the responsiblelocal
authority. The zoningmap is a composite relating all
zoning criteria to the ground level around the airport. It
12.4.1 The obstacle free zone,alsospecified in
covers not only the Annex 14 obstacle limitation surfaces
Annex 14, is made up of the inner approach surface,
but also the radar and ILS zoning criteria, etc. and any
inner transitional surface and balkedlandingsurface.
local zoning ordinances which may be applicable.
These additional surfacesareestablished to protect
aircraft near the runway from fned or mobile obstacles
12.2.2 The map shows the height above which new
during Category I, I1 and I11 approaches and any sub-
construction near the airport may interfere with its use. It
sequent balked landing.
also defiies thearea within whichthe siting of gravel pits,
refuse dumps, sewage outfalls and other features
30 Airport ServicesManual
12.6.2 Although objects may penetrate the 1 per Cent ensured by raising the oktacle clearance limit. This
slope, there is no requirement to remove any which are can have an adverse effect on the regularity of
beneath Annex 14 take-off climb surface. However, all operations;
objects shown are accountable in the calculation of the the transitional surfaces are adjacent to the runway
aircraft take-off performance and in some instams m y strip and approach surface and penetration by an
affect the payload of a particular departing aircrdL The obstacle results in a reduction in the ckarame
extent of this limitation depends on individual available whilst carrying out an approach to land or
circumstances, butit is possible to signifiintIyreduce the during a missed approach procedure. Hence, such
payload penaltyby judicious obstacle removal close to the ohstacks may have an adverse effm on the otmacle
airport. Conversely, it may be that an obstacle several C l e m limit altitu&/height;
kilometers from the airport is the l i m i t i n g factor.
the take-off climb surface is critical to this particular
12.6.3 Obstacle removal to improve the Aerodrome phase of flight. However, artzficaticm criteria require
Obstruction Chart Type "A" obstacle profile should that all aircraft can climb out over all obstacles by a
be based on a ckar understanding of the performance minimum specified margn i ,even in the event of an
requirements of the aircraft in regular use at the airprt, engine failure. Therefon, objects which penetrate
or those proposed to be brought into use. this surface do not represent a degradation of safety
standards. However, they may impose paybad
pertaltiw 011 operations from that runwaE
12.7 OBSTACLE REMOVAL the inner hoI.izontal surface is more signScant for
VFR operations. It does not usuaily represent a
12.7.1 When considering obstacle removal the critically limiting surface wound alarge aifport
following must not be overlooked: h a n d l i IFR traffic, except m so far as it extends
beneath the approach surface; and
a) objectswhich penetrate the approach surface are
critical sincc they represent an erosion of the the conical surfkc represents the obstacle limiting
clearance between the approach path,usually 3' ,and surfaccsomedistanccfromanakport.Itis&nnctt
fmed or mobile obstacles on the ground. The safe practical to m c otwtaclts which penetrate this
operationofaircraft on an approach where the surfax. although it docs W y provide a limit to
approach surface is sisnificantly obstructed is flcw C o r
tub .
Chapter 13
Aircraft AccidentdIncidents
Chapter 14
Removal of Disabled Aircraft
14.1.1 Accident
investigation. The Accident 14.3.1 Airport operations should co-ordinate the
Investigation Authority must be notified ofany accident. aircraft removal operation andan officer should be
Responsibility for notification is no;mally delegated to designated for this purpose. His telephone/telex number
ATC. No crashed aircraft or wreckage shall be moved should be made availableon request to aircraft operators.
until clearancehas been received from the Accident
Investigation Authority unless it constitutes an
obstruction to the public or to air navigation or to other 14.3.2 The task of moving the aircraft is the
transport. These exceptions must be considered responsibility ofthe aircraft owner or operator.
conservatively and the general rule about not moving
wreckage should apply unless a definite hazard exists.
The alternative ofdiverting aircraft is acceptable. As 14.3.3 Each operator using the airport should
stated in, operations can often be continued with nominate a person or organization authorized to act on
0 reduced distances. his behalf in this respect prior to the commencement of
flight operations into the airport.
14.1.2 Insurance aspects. The aircraft is the property
of the aircraft operator and his insurers. A claim for
damagescouldfollow an attempt to move a crashed
aircraft if it can be proven the act of moving has
exacerbated the damage. Therefore, the invariable rule is
14.4.1 A detailed log of the aircraft
that only the aircraft owner, operator or his appointed
operation should be maintained supplemented by
representatives should control the aircraft removal
photographs if possible.
14.2.1 Information concerning the capability to b) a list of additional equipment available from other
remove an aircraft on or adjacent to the movement area airports on request;
should be made available. This information may be
expressed in terms of the largest type of aircraft which the c) a list of nominated agents acting on behalf of each
airport is equipped to remove (Annex 14, 2.10). operator at the airport;
Chapter 15
The Airport Emergency Plan
15.2.7 Stakes and lines to allow the accident site to be on maps, apies of which should be held by both the local
fenced off shoufd be available. Consideration should also authority fue servia and the airport fue service.
be given to the provision of om or more portable tents
that can be easily erected and used to provide succor to 15.4.6 The boundary of this area will be influenced
the injured. by the existence of both man-made k g . railways) and
natural (e.g. rivers) barriers and the availabilityof
crossings. Thus at some h t
in s the boundary may be
15.3 RESPONSIBILITY only two or three kilomctrci from the airport boundary.
In other i n s t a m it m y extend to approximately eight
15.3.1 Normally, the officer-in-charge of the airport kilometres from the centre of the airport.
rescue and fue service will be the fmt person in
command of the emergency services.He should establish 15.4.7 Where an aircraft accident occurs more than
radio communications with air traffic control as m n as about eight kilometres from the airport, the airport m e
possible. Prioragreement between the airport rescue and and fire fighting services will not normally respondunless
fire fighting services and the local fue department as to requested to do so.
who is to command the combined rescue and fire fahting
operations should be written into the airport emergency 15.4.8 Normally externally b e d emergency
plan under the mutual aid emergenw agreement. services, when responding to an aircraft accident or
emergency on the airport, should report to a designated
rendezvous pointh). vehlcrW provided by the
airport authority should be awaiting their arrivaland after
15.4 RESPONSE obtaining the ntxessuy clearamxs by radio from air
traffic oontroi should escort the externally basedservioes
15.4.1 The degree of response by the airport and to the sctm of the accident m a staging area, as
exteplly based emergencyservices will be governed by appropriate.
the category of the emergency and the location of the
acciQent/incident. The pre&termined response of the 15.4.9 In the case of an aircraft emergency where
externallybasedemergency services to an aircraft r e w e and fue fighting vehicles have taken up
accident should be prearranged in the mutual aid predetermined standby positions for a landing a i r d t ,
emergency agreement. the externally bascd emergencys ervh should normally
remain at the designated “staging m” unless “&d
15.4.2 Aircraft accidents and incidents are normally forward”. In such circumstances they should only
associated withthe take-off and/or landing of an aircraft procecd onto the manoeuvring area under escort.
on the airport or in the area immediately adjacent to the
airport perimeter. The airport emergencyplan will be
implemented when an aircraft accident OCCLUS, be it on or
off the airport. 15.5 MAPS
15.4.3 A full attendance will be made by the airport 15.5.1 Two grid maps should be provided, One, the
rescue and fue fighting services to aircraft accidents and airport internal map, should depict dl relevant airport
incidents which occur on the airport and in the vicinity of details including taxiways. acces r o ads, water supplies,
the airport and the senior fue officer will be in charge. staging areas and rendezvous points. The second, an
This is sometimes referred to as the full response area. airport external map should show in detail the perimeter
of the airport, surrounding communities, ~ccessroads,
15.4.4 When an aircraft accident occulg outside the stretches of water or swampy areas, rendezvous points,
perimeter fence this is known as an “off-airport” etc., up to approximately eight kilometres from the
accident and the degree ofresponse by the airport r e m e airport. It is essential that all airport and externally based
and fue fighting serviceswill depend on the distance that emergency services, including fire, police, ambulances,
the accident site is from the airport. medical and hospital authorities, have copies of both grid
maps. It is important that grid maps do not conffict, and
15.4.5 Theextent of the area outside the airport that t h e external maps give details of medical facilities
attended by the airport fue service and the level of the and availability of hospital beds in the area. Both grid
response should be discussed and agreed with the local maps should be included as appcndks to the emergency
authorities. The boundary of this area should be marked plan and should show date of revision.
15.7.1 Airports which have an expanse of water in 15.8.2 Liaison between the services provided on the
lakes, rivers or swamps on their boundary should have airport and those of responding local authorities should
detailed emergency plans to cope with an aircraft accident be fully tested during familiarization training and
occurring in these locations. combined exercises.
Chapter 16
Medical Services
16.2.3 To ensure that lives are not lostunneces4arily 16.4.1 The overall casualty cvmtion proadUte will
and injuries are not aggravated, it is essential that be mordinated by the on-scene mmmanrtcr. It is
attention by trained personnel be provided prior to c-sacntial, however, that the mediad wrviccs have a CQ-
removal of survivors of an accident to more appropriate ordinated communicationsand response procedure.The
facilities. medical coordinator will be responsible for the control of
the iqiurcd at the scene but he must coordinate the
16.2.4 Those with minor injuries and the uniqjured dispatch ofcasualties to hospitals withthe transportation
should be quickly moved from the scene to a cksiited officer.
holdingarea. Their evacuation can be aided by any
suitable means of transport,e.g.coaches,vans, m, 16.5 PROTECTION FBOM "€IE WEATHER
readily available at the scene. The speed of this aspect
obviouslydepends upon the numbers involved, the 16.5.1 Some form of temporary shelter should be
prevailing weather cenditions and available transport. erected at the care area or transportation area to protect
Chapter 17
Rescue and Fire Fighting Services
the supporting services whichwill be necessary to stress. The use of standard messages and abbreviations
maintain the vehicle in service and preserve its overall should be developed in inter-agency training exercisesto
performance. Anystudy conducted by management prior ensure complete familiarity.The pulicy inthis respect will
to the acquisition of.anew vehicle should include have to be specified by management in consultation with
consultation with the officers who will have immediate the various agencies,on and off the airport, whichwill be
responsibility forits operational use and its maintenance. required to operate in concert during an emergency.
42 Airport ServicesMmnraI
will be required are discussed in Chapter 12 of the Airpopt these tasb, which may also includethe training of airport
Services Manual, Part 1, which should be read in staff to innzase awareness of fire prevention and
conjunction with the Airport services Manual, Part 7. A elementary firt fighting, can make a valuable
full appreciation of the factors covered by these contribution to the airport, provided that the availability
references will indicate the need for consultation with all of the service to respond to an emergency is not impaired.
of the agencieslikely to contribute to the effective Dependent on the extent of the programme which may be
conduct of all types of emergency response. All these allotted to the service in thia area, the chief of the scMce
details should be fully describedin the airport emergency can delegate suitably qualified personnel to these duties
plan as explained in Chapter 15. It b important to without necerwarily redwing the coveravailable for
appreciate that an emergency plan, o m developed and emergencies, using the spare capacity produced by most
issued to the agencies concerned, must be kept under rcwtering s y s t e m s . Some work can be undertaken by a
constant review, and to amendment where any aspect of crew with a vehicle, retaining availability by use of the
the plan, or the response capabilityofanyagency, is vehicle'sradio equipment. Where the commitment is
changed. very large, however, a special fre prevention element
may be added to the complement. Where duties of this
17.5.2 In the concept of the emergency plan kind are undertaken by rescue and fire fshting p e m ~ e l
emergencies other than those involving aircraft are they must be given the authority by the management,
normally included, the most obvious being a requirement which will enable them to fulfrl the commitment. A
for the airport r e m e and fire fighting service to attend reporting system, directed to the appropriatebranch of
fires or other emergencies in buildings,
technical management, should facilitate administrative action
installations or other airport features. Such involvement where breaches of fue security regulations are revealed.
iswholly appropriatewhere the service is trained and
equipped to make an effective intervention. Subject to the 17.5.5 AMeX 14 requires information on the level of
development of operational procedureswhich emure that protection providedby rescue and fire ftghtingservices to
the service can be disengaged from an operation if an be made avaiiabb and this is mually achieved by an entry
aircraft emergency is declared, the structural fue fighting in the Aeronautid Information Publication (Alp) or an
experience will be of significantbenefit in extending equivalent publication. The Annex also requires
professional knowledge and enhancing the status of the significant changes in the normal level of provisionto be
service. notikd to the air traffic service su that arriving and
departing aircraft may be informed. The expression of a
17.5.3 Annex 14 expresses a requirement in s i g n i f i i t change is usually achievedby stating the level
appropriate cases for the provision ofa specialized rescue of protection currently available in the form of a new
capability to deal withaircraftaccidentswhich have category.Chapter 17 of the A i m Services Manual, Part 1
occurred in difficult environments, usually external to explains the ptoocdure more fully and the action of
the airport. The Airpurr Senices Manual, Part 1, lists the notifiition is usually undertaken by the officer in charge
range of environmental conditions to which this of the rescue and fire fighting service at the time of the
requirement applies and identifies the possible use of the murrenct. Restoration of n o d cover is similar4
airport's rescue and fire fighting serviceas one elementof notified The management must ensure that this
the total response. In these circumstams,as with alloff- proadlare is adopted and may wish to include
airport accident situations, the management must define simultaneous notification of a sienificant change to a
theform of response which is to be made, provide designated offlax within the management structure so
appropriate equipment and training, set limits on the that appropriate actlon can be cosrdinated to ensure the
distances to which response is to be confined and earliest restoration of the normal kvel of protection.
establish the inter-agency command relationship which
will ensure effective cosrdination of operations (ste 17.5.6 Where conditions of low visibility are likely to
15.4). lead to impairment of response capability the provision of
guidance equipment or directions from air traffic control
17.5.4 There are duties of a non-emergency nature may reduct the probbtn Additionally, the we of special
whichcan be undertaken by rescue and fire fighting standby positions m y serve to shorten probable response
personnel by reasonoftheirtraining and equipment. distances. The prwedures developed to meet these
These include the inspection of premises to advise on, difficult situations must recognize the special hazards to
and supervise, their fre security. The inspection and vehicles and aircraft of movement in poor visibility and
maintenance of fre extinguishers and installed protection must incorporate communications which minimize these
systems would also be appropriate. The performance of hazards. Where vehicles are exposed for long periods to
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conditions which may impair vehicular performance or available, subject only to the ability to comprehend the
reduce the efficiency crew
of members, suitable language used by the selected training establishment.
precautions must be taken to eliminate or limit these benefits of exposure to a wider range of experience and
effects. modern training methods can provide a lasting stimulus
to IocaI training programmes.
17.5.7 There are a number of duties with a positive
relationship to safety which may be allocated to rescue
17.6.4 In a wider sense, the airport’s emergency plan
and fire fuhting personnel. These include some aspects
must be tested periodically as a form of training. This
of bird hazardcontrol, runway visual range observations,
requirement, described in the Airport Services Manual,
runway surface friction measurements and, where
Part 7, as an “airport emergencydrill”, will identify
appropriate, snow clearance.In all cases the specification
problems of communication, equipment compatibility,
of a particular duty must include provision of adequate
inter-service relationshipsand theoverall effectivenessof
training, ensure that control of personnel engaged in a
the emergency plan.Where an airport is available for use
task remains with their own officers and maintains the
at night, alternate exercises should be held in night-time
operationalavailabilityof the service for its primary
conditions. The initiative for full-scale exercises,
responsibility to aircraft operations.With these
involving agencies on and off the airport, must come
safeguards the wider involvement in aviation safety
from the airport management. To achieve effective
offers advantages to management and to the service.
Chapter 18
18.1 GENERAL belocked when not in use. Gates that are not locked
should at all finm be manned by a security guard.
18.1.1 It is essential that a security system be
established at an airport to deny access by unauthorized 18.1.4 A system of identity passes for persons and
persons to those parts of the airport not intended for vehicles should be instituted. Those without c o r r e c t
public use. Whether or not an unauthorized person has passes should be denied entry to the movement area. A
the intention of breaking the law is immaterial; the system of notices and publicity should be utiked to warn
dictates of safety in the environment of an airport require that entry to the movement area by unauthorized persons
that effective m e a s w be taken to ensure that is prohibited.
trespassers are prevented from gaining access to airside
18.1.2 The movement area of the airport should be
18.2.1 An airport security programme for
protected by a fence or other suitable b i e r to
safeguarding against acts of unlawful interference with
prevent/deter the inadvertent or premeditated access of
unauthorized persons (Annex 14, Chapter 8). The height civil aviation and its facilities will need to be instituted
of such fencing and the material of which it is made may Government policy will determine what this programme
will be and what general precautions are to be taken.
be dictated by the need to ensure that non-visual aids to
landing are not unobstructed.
to civil aviation as determined by the State. Guidance on
the implementation and maintenana of the required
18.1.3 Gates will need to be provided for access to programme is contained in the Securiw Manual for
the movement area by emergency services, maintenance Sq@guurdiqq Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawfil
parties and otherauthorized personnel. Such gates should lnre&wme (DM: 897312).
19.1 ON MANOEUVRING AREA e) unless specifically exempted, vehicles are fitted with
marking and lighting as
19.1.1 Air t r m c control responsibility. Airtraffic specified in Annex 14, Chapter 6 .
20.1 ICEFALLS FROM AIRCRAFT a) date, time and location of the incident;
a) date, time and location of the fall; 20.2.3 Where possible, photographs should be taken
name, address and telephone number of the of anydamage and, where the object seems to be
reporter; significant (in-flight safety being affected), engineering
advice should be sought as to its importance and steps
c) details of injuries to persons or animals, and damage taken to notify the aircraft operator as soon as possible.
to property;
d) meteorological data for the relevant time and place;
e) aircraft movements for the relevant time and place. 20.3 FUELJETTISONING
20.4.1 As a natural function of flight, vortices are b) details of injury and gtneral description of damage to
shed from aircraft
wings. In light
wind conditions, and property;
Chapter 21
Safety at Air Displays
as necessary; and
21.1.1 The proposal to hold an air show or display at
j) ensuring that adequate insurance-coverage for all
aparticular airport should, in the fnst instance, be
foreseeable eventualities has been arranged.
referred to the airport manager’ preferably at least 12
months and in any event not less than six months before
the proposed date. It is his decision as to whether he can National civil aviation authority
accept such a display,but before reaching a decision there a) initiation of Class II NOTAM action;
should be full consultation with air traffk control.
b) issue of any exemptions from the requirements of
21.1.2 Priority must be given to minimizing the National Legislation;
- _- - _ _
disturbance of routine airport operations while the c) variations in airport licences if required;
general nuisance to people livingaround the airport must
obviously be considered. d) provision of air traffic control services and control of
flying display;
21.1.3 At all times and in every respect safety is of e) ground movement control of display aircraft;
paramount importance. Nothing can be permitted which
in any way adversely affects the overall levelof safety. f) special
briefing of
participating in flying
display; and
g) provision of advice to display organizer on weather
minima and technical air traffic problems.
Display organizer
21.2.1 The responsibilities of the principal
authorities involved in a flying display are summarized a) co-ordination of all display arrangements;
below :
b) liaison with police, local authorities, public transport
undertakings and motoring organizations;
Airport owner:
c) safety of spectators includingprovision of barriers
a) safety of normal operations;
and marshals;
b) maintenance of normal airport operations;
d) provision of all spectator services (e.g. car parking,
c) avoidance of inconvenienceto passengers and airline catering, toilets, first aid);
operators; e) security of aircraft in static park;
. d) provision
of safety services; f) refuellingofdisplayaircraft;
e) arrangements for parking of display aircraft;
g) insurance coverage to cover. all foreseeable
f) siting of spectator areas; eventualities - consulting withairportowner as
g) attendance of operations manager and senior fire
officer at pilot briefmg; h) notification to the public of practice sessions; and
h) approval of participation of display aircraft; i) safety of pleasure flying parking areas.
21.3.4 There m a y be a requirement for two aircraft 21.5 ACCIDENTS
parks, one for static aircraft and the other for display
aircraft. These may be on separate parts of the airport. In 21.5.1 The procedures to be followed in the event
both instances care must be taken to ensure that the of an accident are the same as those promulgated in
designated area is of suficient size. Chapter 13. Temporary data. Datain this category are 22.4.1 Each aerodrome must establish a system for
subject to short-termvariations. These include limitations the prompt notification of changes to the variable data
andtheimmediatenotification of any temporary data will be very significant as soon as t h e aerodrome opens,
hours of e.g. snow on runways.
22.4.3 A senior aerodrome official,normallythe
22.4.2 Aerodromeswhich close at night should manager responsible for aerodromeoperations,should be
establish a system for the notification of circumstances made responsible for the provision of aerodrome data and
which may occur during the hours of closure and which any changes.
7he following summary &es the status, and also regarded as not yet having attained a sufficient degree
describes in general terms the contents of the various of maturity for adoption as International Standards
serim of technical publications issued by the Inter- and Recornmended Practices, as well as material of a
natimal Civil Aviation Organization. It does not more permanentcharacter which is considered too
includespecialized publications that do not fall detailed for incorporation in an Annex, or is suscep-
specificalb within one of the series, such as the tible to frequent amendment, for which the processes
Aeronautical Chart Catalogue or the Meteorological of the Convention would be too.cumbersome.
Tables for International Air Navigation.
Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS) have
International Standards and Recommended R a e a status similar tothatof PANS inthatthey are
tices are adopted by the Council in accordance with approved by the Council, but only for application in
Articles 54, 37 and 90 ofthe Conventionon the respective regions. They are prepared in consoli-
International Civil Aviation and are designated,for dated form, since certain of the procedures apply to
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention.The overlapping regions or are common to two or more
uniform .application byContracting Statesofthe regions.
specifications contained in theInternationalStan-
dards is recognized as necessary forthe safety or
regularity ofinternational air navigation while the
uniformapplication of the specifications in the T h e following publications are prepared by author-
RecommendedPractices is regarded as desirable in ity of the Secretary Generalin accordance with the
the interestofsafety, regularity or efficiency of principles and policies approved by the Council.
international air navigation. Knowledge of any differ-
ences between the national regulations or practices of Technical Manuals provide guidance andinforma-
a State and those established by an International tion in amplification of the International Standards,
Standard is essential tothesafetyor regularity of Recommended Practices and PANS, the implementa-
internationalair. navigation.In the event of non- tion of which they are designed to facilitate.
compliance with an International standard, a State
has, in fact, an obligation, under Article 38 of the Air Navigation Plans detail requirements for facili-
Convention, to notify the Council of any differences. ties and services for international air navigation in the
Knowledge of differences from Recommended Prac- respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions. They are
tices may also beimportantforthesafetyof air preparedon the authority of the Secretary General
navigation and, although the Conventiondoes not on the basis ofrecommendations of regional air
impose any obligation with regard thereto, the navigation meetings and of the Council action there-
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such on. The plans are amended peri?dically to reflect
differences in addition to those relating t o Interna- changes in requirements and in the status of imple-
tional Standards. mentation of the recommended facilities and services.
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) are ICAQ Circulars make available specialized informa-
approved by the Council for world-wide application, tion of interest t o Contracting States. This includes
They contain, for the most part, operating procedures studies on technical subjects.
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