274 282 Published
274 282 Published
274 282 Published
ISSN: 1024-1752
Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 274-282
Published Year 2020
*Email: shivaprasad047@gmail.com
ABSTRACT: Automotive chassis design, development is quite important in today’s environment. This work is
oriented towards analysis of a ladder chassis and space frame chassis design. The analysis of the designed models
involves the use of three different materials. In this investigation two different conditions of vehicle loading are
considered namely un-laden (without passengers that is the KERB weight of the vehicle) condition and the laden
(with passengers and miscellaneous weight also called gross weight) condition. Analysis had resulted with various
variables of stress indicating the stress levels minimum in unladen case as 3.00E-17 and maximum in laden case
as 29.8662, in case of space frame analysis the stress in minimum for steel with laden chasis as 0.001558 and
maximum in case of composite material as 7.8447. These results would be useful with in selection of material for
automotive frames.
KEYWORDS: Aluminum; Automotive; Chassis; Composites; FEM; laden; Material; Steel; Unladen.
Automotive chassis is a skeletal frame on which various mechanical parts like engine, tires, axle assemblies, brakes,
steering etc. are bolted. The chassis is considered to be the most significant component of an automobile [1]. It is
the most crucial element that gives strength and stability to the vehicle under different conditions. The backbone
of any automobile, it is the supporting frame to which the body of an engine, axle assemblies are affixed [8]. Tie
bars, that are essential parts of automotive frames, are fasteners that bind different auto parts together. Automotive
frames are basically manufactured from steel [1,6]. Aluminum is another raw material that has increasingly become
popular for manufacturing these auto frames. Automobile chassis helps keep an automobile rigid, stiff and
unbending [7,9]. Auto chassis ensures low levels of noise, vibrations and harshness throughout the automobile
[12,15-16]. In this work the discussion will confine to the ladder chassis and the tubular space frame chassis which
is used currently in many of the race cars as of today, with the material specifications given in table 1. Both of
these frames have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Today mostly all the cars incorporate mainly three base materials for manufacturing sheets of the car body and
these are steel, aluminum alloys and composites [9,12]. Various grades of the above given materials are available
for use and they have their own advantages and The best way to select material for chassis design is based on
application and load distribution.
Traditionally the most common material used for manufacturing the vehicle chassis has been steel, in various
forms. Steel is easy to get and the machinery required to manipulate steel is also easy. The primary reason of steel
widespread use in the chassis construction industry [3,7]. There are many grades of steel which may be used for
the sheet preparation of car bodies. In this current work carbon steel material adopted.
Mild steel also known as plain carbon steel is the most common form of steel, and is relatively low. It also provides
material properties that are acceptable for many applications, more so than iron. Low carbon steel contains
approximately 0.05 – 0.320 % carbon making it malleable and ductile. This property of carbon steel is useful
because it gives good surface wear characteristics the only problem being that it leaves the core tough. These
properties easily suggest that low carbon mild steel is a suitable material for fabrication of car body sheets.
The Aluminum chassis provides the best of both worlds when it relates to chassis design and manufacturing. A
chassis, being the frame of the vehicle has to be rigid to absorb and retain movements and vibrations from the
engine, suspension and axles. It should also be as light as possible to improve the vehicle's performance and fuel
efficiency. Aluminum provides both strength and lightweight properties. It also assists the vehicle in having better
power to weight ratio as the weight is reduced considerably. After alloying the yield strength is increased by a good
amount but not much effect has been observed on the stiffness. Despite a much higher cost than steel and additional
problems in working with it Aluminum does have a secure place in chassis building. It is also less likely to suffer
from corrosion as compared to steel [1]. The positive environmental impact during the use phase plays a much
bigger role in the environmental assessment than in the automotive sector.
Aluminum Alloys
Aluminum alloys typically have an elastic modulus of about 70Gpa which is about one third of the elastic modulus
of most kinds of steels and steel alloys [3,5]. In automotive engineering cars made of aluminum alloys employ
space frames made of extruded profiles to ensure rigidity. This represents a radical change from the common
approach for current steel car design, which depend on the body shells for stiffness, known as uni-body design.
Composite Materials
The creation and use of composite materials is a fairly simple concept to understand. Basically a composite is the
mixing of separate materials designed to create one material [10]. Role of composites, it play key role in automotive
industry, it’s important to understand how composites can benefit us in other ways [5,7,9]. Composites can be
environmentally friendly [12]. The use of composite materials in vehicles has become extremely popular, if not
necessary in producing vehicles that can withstand the speed they are pushed to. Composites are popular in their
use in not only vehicles, but also on construction of sites, dental offices and other applications.
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
Two types of chassis design adopted in this work are explored in fig 1 and fig 2 which are modelled using CATIA
tool. C channel has been used instead of the box tubing as shown in fig 1 and fig 2 and geometric details are given
in table 2. Box tubing can prove to be stronger than the C channel but the latter is more user friendly and also costs
less compared to the box tubing. The box frame is better for twisting loads for four-wheeling over a rough terrain
whereas the C channel frame is stronger (for a given weight of frame material) with straight vertical loads like
loading a ton of gravel in the box but isn’t so good at twisting [4,14]. Big trucks and large SUV’S tend to use the
C channel frame.
The ultimate purpose of a finite element analysis is to recreate mathematically the behavior of an actual engineering
system [2,11,13]. In other words the analysis must be an accurate mathematically model of a physical prototype.
In the broadest sense, this model comprises all the nodes, elements, material properties, red constants, boundary
conditions as detailed in table 3 are adopted in current work by considering all loads are uniformly applied in the
vertical downward direction. The original body or structure is considered as an assemblage of these finite elements
connected at a finite number of joints called nodes or nodal points. The concept of discretization used in finite
difference is adopted here. The properties of the elements are combined and formulated to obtain the solution of
the entire body or structure. The concept used in functional approximation method but the difference, is that the
approximation to the field variable is made at the elemental level [12,15]. The stresses and strains within the
element will also be in terms of nodal displacement. The necessary boundary conditions and the equations of
equilibrium are solved for the nodal displacement [11,12]. Having thus obtained the values of displacements at the
nodes of each element, the stresses and strains are evaluated using the element properties and pressure values are
calculated from the area of application of load for each design and other features that are used to represent the
physical system.
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
Different practices are available for chassis modification. In optimization methods suitable changes are to be made
in the design of the chassis. There are mainly two standard methods used to observe a reduction in stress values
Boxing is the addition of 3 mm or thicker plate by welding it into the opening of C channel to form a box section.
Here boxing is done using plates of 90mm x 90mm dimension on both sides of cross member where maximum
stress intensity is found. It has been found that due to the boxing technique the stress values are reduced by around
30 percent and the deformation value is also reduced by a small but considerable amount.
Reinforcement is the practice of providing a cover plate either internal or external on the side members at the highly
stressed regions. Here reinforcement of 3 mm thickness and 180 mm length is provided on the side members where
the stress is maximum. It has been found that due to the reinforcement technique the stress values are reduced by
around 45 percent and the deformation is reduced even further as compared to the boxing technique. Hence it is
necessary to incorporate the above given methods to optimize the stress values and the deformation of the body.
A Comparison has been made between the un-laden and laden conditions for three types of materials which are
adopted in the current design and are presented in figure from fig. 3 to fig. 14. For ease of comparison a detail
formulation of results are presented in table 4 and table 5 which outlines the displacement and stress variations
over different designs these material properties are adopted in the current work.
From the plot shown in fig. 15 above it is noted that steel and fiberglass are the materials that show proportionality
in both the laden and un-laden conditions whereas aluminum did not obeyed the proportionality, hence a selection
has to be made between steel and fiberglass. Fiberglass has impressed with better proportionality than steel and
also adds to the weight reduction aspect of the vehicle chassis hence this material is a good choice as far as
maximum deflection of the vehicle chassis under structural loads is concerned.
In the plot shown in fig. 16 aluminum shows the minimum load carrying capacity for the minimum stressing value.
Even if a small load is placed on the chassis the vehicle is subject to deformation. So aluminum must be ruled out.
Composite material shows the highest load carrying capacity whereas the traditionally used low carbon mild steel
shows moderate properties. This means steel may be still in use in the future for some applications but composite
materials will form the majority.
From fig. 17 it is noticed that aluminum alloy does not exhibit good load carrying capacity for the maximum stress
intensity as well. This shows that aluminum alloys cannot be used for the manufacture of high end vehicle chassis
because of poor load carrying properties. Also the material being highly expensive is not suggestible for this use.
However when it comes to weight reduction Aluminum may be a good choice. For trucks and SUV’S however
weight reduction is not of much importance hence selection can be made from steel and fiberglass material in case
of ladder type frames.
In the plot shown in fig. 18 above all three materials show good proportionality. Fiberglass shows the best
characteristics for maximum deflection again like in the ladder chassis case. Steel shows the minimum amount of
deflection as expected due to the high modulus of elasticity. The aluminum alloy again shows decent
proportionality but highest amount of deflection due to its light weight. For a space frame vehicle deflection is an
important criteria but the stress values are of more importance. Therefore aluminum alloys with modifications still
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
In the plot shown in fig 19 above steel shows minimum load carrying capacity and the aluminum alloy shows a
high load carrying capacity for minimum stressing values. This means aluminum alloys can be used to make
lightweight racing cars.
In the plot shown in fig 20 it is seen that steel shows poor load carrying capacity for maximum stressing values
and fiberglass shows the best load carrying capacity amongst the three materials. It is known that racing cars are
subjected to large amounts of stresses due to their high speeds hence this factor is the most important for such
vehicles. Thus selection can be made between fiberglass and aluminum alloys for such vehicles. In all three cases
(maximum displacement, minimum stress and maximum stress) the composite materials have shown best results
in both laden and un-laden conditions whereas aluminum is not preferable as presented in table 5 and table 6 as per
current methodology adopted.
Material selection is artful balance between production and customer. The automotive industry's adoption of many
materials interrelationships among objectives, such as fuel economy and safety are sufficiently strong that materials
are very essential in manufacturing and fabrication. This work designates the process of selecting a material for
chassis design. The conclusions drawn on two designs three materials have resulted Ladder chassis can be mainly
used for long passenger vehicles or trucks that carry more load than the other types hence the material used should
be of considerable stiffness and should be able to withstand the loads exerted. Weight reduction is not of much
importance in such cases. In case of space frame chassis which is the type of chassis used for high end road vehicles
and some race cars weight reduction is also an important factor which adds to the better handling of the vehicle.
Stiffness of material is not of much importance in such cases. In these vehicles aluminum alloys may be used and
composite materials like fiber glass can be used without a doubt. Changing materials involves changing processing
operations. This can be achieved by demonstrating that light weight design does not lead to any loss of robustness
in the daily operation of the road and race vehicles. Analysis suggest that the cost of vehicle decrease with weight-
optimized commercial vehicles.
In this paper analyses has been confined to c channel frames for the ladder chassis. However there are various
structural modifications that can be done to alter the results for both types of designs. Analyses can be done after
changing the geometry and by changing the thickness of the chassis frame. In this paper thickness has been taken
to the minimum value.
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
Figure 5. Unladen chassis of Aluminum Alloy Figure 6. Laden chassis of Aluminum Alloy
Figure 7. Unladen chassis of fiber glass Figure 8. Laden chassis of fiber glass
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
Figure 11. Unladen chassis of aluminum Figure 12. Laden chassis of aluminum
Figure 13. Unladen chassis of fiberglass Figure 14. Laden chassis of fiberglass
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
Plots showing the different material properties analyzed by using FEM tool
Figure 15. Plot for maximum displacement-ladder Figure 16. Plot for minimum stress-ladder chassis
Figure 17. Plot for maximum stress-ladder chassis Figure 18. Plot for maximum displacement-space
frame chassis
Figure 19. Plot for minimum stress – space frame Figure 20. Plot for maximum stress-space frame
chassis chassis
Automotive Chassis Design Material Selection for Road and Race Vehicles
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