Role of Bank Regulation On Bank Performance: Evidence From Asia-Pacific Commercial Banks
Role of Bank Regulation On Bank Performance: Evidence From Asia-Pacific Commercial Banks
Role of Bank Regulation On Bank Performance: Evidence From Asia-Pacific Commercial Banks
Role of Bank Regulation on Bank Performance:
Evidence from Asia-Pacific Commercial Banks
Zhenni Yang *, Christopher Gan and Zhaohua Li
Department of Financial and Business Systems, Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce, Lincoln University,
Christchurch 7647, New Zealand
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +64-21-183-4896
Received: 30 June 2019; Accepted: 3 August 2019; Published: 7 August 2019
Abstract: The banking industry is an essential financial intermediary, thus the efficient operation of
banks is vital for economic development and social welfare. However, the 2008 global financial crisis
triggered a reconsideration of the banking systems, as well as the role of government intervention.
The literature has paid little attention to the banking industry in the Asia-Pacific region in the
context of bank efficiency. This study employs double bootstrap data envelopment analysis to
measure bank efficiency and examine the relationship between regulation, supervision, and state
ownership in commercial banks in the Asia-Pacific region for the period 2005 to 2014. Our results
indicate that excluding off-balance sheet activities in efficiency estimations lead to underestimating of
the pure technical efficiency, while overestimating the scale efficiency of banks in the Asia-Pacific
region. Cross-country comparisons reveal that Australian banks exhibit the highest levels of technical
efficiency, while Indonesian banks exhibit the lowest average. Our bootstrap regression results
suggest that bank regulation and supervision are positively related to bank technical efficiency,
while state ownership is not significantly related to bank efficiency. Furthermore, our findings show
that tighter regulation and supervision are significantly related to higher efficiency for small and
large-sized banks.
1. Introduction
Banking industries, as primary financial intermediaries, provides liquidity and payment services,
transforms deposits into loans, and manages and monitors investment projects (Freixas and Rochet
2008). The efficient operation of banks not only enhances economic development, but also influences
the income distribution of the economy (Barth et al. 2004). However, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
(GFC) provides evidence that banking industries are not always stable. Before the 2008 GFC, banking
industries, especially those in the United States (US), were heavily involved in the real estate bubble
and credit boom, through off-balance sheet (OBS) activities. The collapse of the banking industries in
2008 quickly spread to the global financial system (Kim et al. 2013).
In addition to the prevalent OBS activities (DeYoung and Torna 2013; Engle et al. 2014), inefficient
regulation and supervision (Brunnermeier 2009) in the banking industries are among other possible
reasons for the recently fragile financial system and massive economic turmoil. That GFC also triggered
the reconsideration of the official interventions in the financial system (Cihak and Demirgüç-Kunt
2013). In practice, regulation and supervision define capital standards, set requirements for entry into
the banking market, frame acceptable ownership structures, and provide business guidelines for the
banking industries (Barth et al. 2013).
Compared to countries in other regions, most countries in the Asia-Pacific region have a
bank-dominated financial system. Financial systems in the Asia-Pacific region have undergone
profound deregulation and privatisation since the 1970s. Following the deregulation, banking
industries in the Asia-Pacific region have experienced rapid growth in loans and investments. After the
1997 Asian Financial Crisis (AFC), governments in the region implemented a series of structural changes
(and reforms), both in the banking systems, and regulatory and supervisory mechanisms. Following the
2008 GFC, most countries in the Asia-Pacific region had fully implemented the Basel II Accord, and were
in a better position to introduce Basel III Accord regulations (International Monetary Fund 2013).
There are two main rationales for the existence of bank regulation and supervision.
Firstly, regulation and supervision can mitigate potential conflicts of interest and externalities in
the banking system, and thereby benefit the banking industry and social welfare (Kilinc and Neyapti
2012). Secondly, regulation and supervision can maintain the stability of fragile banking systems and
function as a safety net for the financial system (Kroszner 1998). However, regulation and supervision
are associated with extra costs for the banking systems. It is also difficult to reach equilibrium between
different regulatory rules (Freixas and Rochet 2008).
As another major tool of government intervention in the banking industry, state ownership has
been widely observed in the banking industry globally. The degree of state ownership in banks
depends on factors such as economic and financial development, property rights, and financial
openness (La Porta et al. 2002). Theoretically, there are two views supporting government ownership
in the financial markets: Development and political views. The development view contends that some
financial markets are not sufficiently developed for banks to be functional. Therefore, governments
need to participate in the financial institutions to enhance the country’s financial and economic
development (Gerschenkron 1962). In the political view, state ownership in the banking industry
is a way for politicians to affect banks’ decisions and achieve their political objectives. When the
government owns the bank, it will allocate capital resource to its supporters and gain votes (Shleifer
and Vishny 1994; Shleifer 1998).
This paper investigates the impacts of the inclusion of OBS activities in bank efficiency
measurement. Furthermore, we examine the relationship between bank regulation, supervision
and state ownership with bank efficiency in the Asia-Pacific region. The remainder of the study
is organised as the follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the Asia-Pacific banking industries;
Section 3 reviews the related literature; Section 4 describes the data and methodology; Section 5
discusses the empirical results; and Section 6 concludes the paper.
that of the rest of the world, as of the end of 2014; this was largely contributed by the rapid growth of
the Chinese and Indonesian banking sectors (McKinsey Company 2016).
3. Literature Review
studies at the international level, Barth et al. (2004) find that activity restrictions are negatively related
to bank efficiency. While market discipline can significantly boost bank efficiency, capital regulation
and supervision power are not significantly related to bank performance. In addition, that state
ownership is negatively related to bank efficiency. In a study by Barth et al. (2004), bank efficiency
was measured with net interest margin and overhead costs (that is, lower net interest margins and
overhead costs indicating higher bank efficiency).
Using 715 banks from 95 countries in 2003, Pasiouras (2008a) found empirical evidence to support
the implementation of three pillars in the Basel II Accord. The authors’ result indicates a positive
correlation between capital adequacy regulation, official supervisory power, and market discipline
with bank technical efficiency. Furthermore, deposit insurance has no significant relationship with bank
efficiency. They also found that government and foreign ownership were associated with lower bank
efficiency. In Chortareas et al.’s (2012) study, however, market discipline was found to be negatively
related to the European banks’ technical efficiency.
After measuring both cost and profit efficiency for banks from 74 countries from 2000 to 2004,
Pasiouras et al. (2009) concluded that both official supervision and market discipline were positively
related to both efficiency measurement. Additionally, they found that capital regulation would increase
cost efficiency while reducing profit efficiency during the period. In contrast, activity restrictions
improved profit efficiency but reduced cost efficiency. However, Lozano-Vivas and Pasiouras’s (2010)
study revealed that supervisory power was negatively related to cost efficiency and positively related
to profit efficiency based on a larger dataset from 1999 to 2006.
More recently, Luo et al. (2016) examined the profit efficiency of banks from 140 countries over
the period 1999 to 2011, and found that capital regulation, market discipline, and activity restrictions
had positive relationships with bank efficiency. However, official supervision power was negatively
related to bank efficiency. Focusing on banks from African countries, Triki et al. (2017) suggested that
the impacts of regulation and supervision on bank performance depend on the bank size and risks.
While other regulatory policies show no significant impact, capital stringency is found to be positively
related to large banks with low risks.
Rather than using individual regulatory policies, Gardener et al. (2011) created a comprehensive
regulatory index to capture information of the three pillars in the Basel Accord in their study of
East Asian banking industries. Their results suggest that bank regulation is negatively related to
technical efficiency while positively related to allocative efficiency. Moreover, that those relationships
are not significant for state-owned banks, suggesting that regulation and supervision do not impact
the performance of state-owned banks.
government intervention mechanism used to reduce the negative impact on shareholder value in the
Asia-Pacific banking industry. Empirical evidence revealed the better performance of China’s four
largest state-owned banks (Wang et al. 2014; Dong et al. 2014; Tan and Anchor 2017) over other banks
in China. After estimating bank efficiency in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines,
and Thailand, Barry et al. (2008) found that state-owned banks were not significantly different from
privately-owned banks.
where θ is a scalar, and λ is a vector of constant. The efficiency estimated using Equation (1) is the
overall technical efficiency.
After taking various external restrictions and influences into consideration, and assuming that
there exists scale inefficiency as well as technical inefficiency in the banks during the production
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 6 of 25
process, the variable return to scale (VRS) model can be used to separate the technical inefficiency
into pure technical inefficiency and scale inefficiency. To estimate pure technical efficiency for bank i,
Equation (2) solves the linear programming problems:
minθ,λ θ,
s.t. θXi − Xλ ≥ 0,
–Yi + Yλ ≤ 0, (2)
eλ = 1
where θ is a scalar, λ is a vector of constant, and e is an I × 1 vector of ones.
The VRS model measures bank efficiency using a benchmark of similar-sized bank groups
(Coelli et al. 2005). After excluding the impact of scale inefficiency, the technical efficiencies estimated
using the VRS model are greater or equal to those estimated through the CRS model (Pasiouras 2008a)
scale efficiency (SE) can be calculated as:
SE = (3)
To deal with the issue of asymptotic distribution of estimated efficiency, Simar and Wilson (2000,
2007) proposed a smoothed bootstrapping DEA model to provide a more reliable interpretation of
efficiency scores.
To consider the distinctive production opportunities for banks operating in different countries,
O’Donnell et al. (2008) introduced the idea of meta-frontier for firms operating in different groups and
facing various circumstances. The meta-frontier production possibility set T contains all the feasible
input-output combinations for banks from all different groups, which can be expressed in a simple
function, as:
T = [(X, Y)X ≥ 0, Y ≥ 0, X can produce Y] (4)
The input-orientated efficiency score, which gives the maximum amount of input reduction for
bank i is defined as meta-frontier technical efficiency (MTE). Assuming there are K (K > 1) countries in
the sample, the technical efficiency for bank i in country k can be defined as group technical efficiency
(GTE). Specifically, the technology gap ratio (TGR) for bank i in country k is defined as:
MTE(Xi , Yi ) θ
TGRik (Xi , Yi ) = = k (5)
GTEk (Xi , Yi ) θ
when TGRik equals 1, the group-frontier is tangent to the meta-frontier. In other words, the larger the
TGRk , the more advanced the technology adopted by banks in country k.
Based on recent literature, our study employed the intermediation approach for input and output
selection. Additionally, to analyse the impact of the inclusion of OBS activities, we estimated bank
efficiency using four models with different input and output selections and examined whether the
incorporation of OBS activities significantly affect bank efficiency measurements in the Asia-Pacific
region (see Table 1). To capture the impact of OBS activities on efficiency estimations, “off-balance
sheet items” were considered as an additional output to describe the aggregation of guarantees,
acceptances and documentary credits, committed credit facilities, managed securitised assets, other
exposure to securitisations, and other bank contingent liabilities. Additionally, “loan loss provisions”
were also considered to be one of the inputs which indicate problem loans in the banking industry,
following Charnes et al. (1990); Altunbas et al. (2000); Drake and Hall (2003); Pasiouras (2008b); and
Hall et al. (2012)’s studies.
After obtaining four sets of efficiencies using 4 different models, we employed the Kruskal-Wallis
test to examine if the differences between Models 1 and 2, and Models 3 and 4 were significantly
different from zero. Furthermore, we used the Skillings-Mack test to test the rankings of the efficiencies
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 7 of 25
from 4 Models. All of the efficiency estimates are bias-corrected using the Bootstrap DEA approach
following Simar and Wilson (2007).1
1 More methodology descriptions can be found in the study of Simar and Wilson (2007).
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 8 of 25
the Asia-Pacific banking sectors. The four indicators of bank regulation and supervision are denoted
as capital regulation CAPk , official supervisory power SPPOWERk , market discipline MKDSPLk ,
and activity restrictions ACRSk . Bank regulation and supervision data are obtained primarily from the
Bank Regulation and Supervision Survey (Barth et al. 2007, 2012).
Based on Barth et al.’s (2001, 2007, 2008, 2012) descriptions, regulation and supervision variables
are constructed through assigning “1” or “0” to several survey questions, where regulation and
supervision authorities from various countries give answers of “yes” or “no”.2
CAPk was the index of capital regulation to measure the initial and overall capital requirements for
banks in country k. This index was constructed using answers from five survey questions. The range
of the capital requirement was from 0 to 7. A higher value indicates more stringency in the country’s
capital regulation.
SPPOWERk assessed the extent of official supervisory power to oversee, monitor, and discipline
managers, directors, and auditors of banks in country k. Fourteen questions were surveyed to obtain
the value of supervisory power. Variables ranged from 0 to 14 for each country. Similar to capital
requirements, higher values show stronger supervisory power from regulatory authorities.
MKDSPLk measures information disclosure to shareholders, auditors, and the public, and whether
any credit ratings are required by regulatory authorities for banks in country k. There were seven
questions for this variable. Therefore, the value of market discipline ranged from 0 to 7. A higher value
indicates a more informative and transparent banking industry.
ACRSk was the proxy of non-bank activity restrictions in real estate investment, insurance
underwriting and selling, brokering and dealing securities, and all businesses of mutual fund
industries in country k. For each category of activities, there were four answers: 1 (unrestricted),
2 (permitted); 3 (restricted); and 4 (prohibited). Thus, the value of ACRSk ranged from 0 to 12. A higher
value of activity restriction indicates more restrictions on nonbank activities in the banking industry.
2 The World Bank Regulatory and Supervisory survey questions are available upon request.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 9 of 25
is OBSTAi,k is calculated as off-balance sheet items divided by total assets. A higher OBSTAi,k value
suggests higher risks accompanied by a higher ratio of off-balance sheet activities. The second variable,
risk proxy LLPTLi,k is used to capture credit risk, calculated as loan loss provisions over total loans.
A higher LLPTLi,k value indicates a higher bank credit risk. The last risk measurement is LIQTAi,k ,
which controls bank liquidity risk levels. LIQTAi,k is calculated as liquid assets over total assets.
A higher LIQTAi,k value indicates lower liquidity risk in bank i in country k.
Except for bank-specific variables, country-specific variables were also included in our
regression models to account for variations in bank operating environments. We considered five
country-level variables: Real GDP growth (GDP_growthk ), inflation rate (INFk ), concentration (HHIk ),
banking industry development (PrCrGDPk ), and institutional governance environment INS_ENVk .
GDP_growthk is measured as the annual growth rate of GDP to control for macroeconomic conditions
of the country. Additionally, inflation INFk is measured by the annual rate of the implicit GDP deflator.
Finally, three remaining variables were used to capture the characteristics of the countries’ banking
industries. The first variable is concentration (Herfindahl Hirschman Index-HHI). HHIk is calculated
as the sum of the square of deposit shares for each bank in all banks of that country. The PrCrGDPk
describes the level of bank claims to the private sector to GDP, which is used to capture the intermediation
activities of the banking industry in one country (Pasiouras 2008a). The last variable, institutional
governance indicator INS_ENVk is used to control the institutional environment for countries. Initially,
there are six dimensions of governance environment: Voice and accountability (Voice), political stability
and absence of violence/terrorism (Stability), government effectiveness (Gov_E f f ), regulatory quality
(Reg_Qua), the rule of law (Rule_Law), and control of corruption (Corruption). Each of these variables
ranges between −2.5 and 2.5. Since these six variables are highly correlated, we employed principal
component analysis to create a new variable INS_ENVk to measure the overall governance environment
of each country.
5. Empirical Results
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the inputs and outputs of banks in the Asia-Pacific region (2005–2014).
3 Model 1 excludes both off-balance sheet (OBS) and LLP in the efficiency estimation; Model 2 includes OBS and excludes LLP
in the efficiency estimation; Model 3 consists of the LLP but excludes the OBS in the estimation; Model 4 includes both OBS
and LLP in the estimation.
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Table 4. Average technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of 4 efficiency
estimation models.3
Table 5. Kruskal-Wallis test results for efficiencies with and without off-balance sheet (OBS) activities.
Table 6 indicates that efficiency estimates from the four models were significantly different,
based on the small p-values for PTE (Panel A), TE (Panel B), and SE (Panel C). Furthermore, based
on the information from the ranking statistics (WSumCRank and WSum/SE), we can confirm our
observations in Table 4. Model 2 had higher average PTEs and TEs than those in Model 1, and Model 4
had higher PTEs and TEs than those in Model 3. In addition, after the inclusion of OBS activities, the
SEs in Model 2 (Model 4) were lower than those in Model 1 (Model 3).
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Table 6. Results of Skillings-Mack test for efficiency estimates for the four efficiency estimation models.
Number of
Models WSumCRank Standard Error WSum/SE
Panel A: Overall Technical Efficiency
Model 1 2505 −3094.51 86.69 −35.7
Model 2 2505 −1266.47 86.69 −14.61
Model 3 2505 1326.88 86.69 15.31
Model 4 2505 3034.1 86.69 35
Skillings Mack = 2210.210
p-value (No ties) = 0.0000
Panel B: Pure Technical Efficiency
Model 1 2505 −3004.66 86.69 −34.66
Model 2 2505 502.71 86.69 5.8
Model 3 2505 −510.46 86.69 −5.89
Model 4 2505 3012.41 86.69 34.75
Skillings Mack = 1857.871
p-value (No ties) = 0.0000
Panel C: Scale Efficiency
Model 1 2505 256.39 86.69 2.96
Model 2 2505 −1742.07 86.69 −20.1
Model 3 2505 948.88 86.69 10.95
Model 4 2505 536.8 86.69 6.19
Skillings Mack = 428.050
p-value (No ties) = 0.0000
Notes: WSumCRank is the weighted sum of centred ranks. Standard Error: Standard error of the test. WSum/SE is
the weighted sum of cantered ranks divided by the standard error. Smaller WSumCRank or WSum/SE indicates a
lower rank among the models. Source: Author’s calculations.
Table 7 shows the average meta-frontier PTE score of 0.9039 for Australian banks was the
highest, relative to the average level of other countries, followed by Hong Kong (0.8958) and Japan
(0.8847). In contrast, Indonesian banks had the lowest average meta-frontier PTE estimate of 0.7312,
which suggests that an average bank in Indonesia can reduce inputs by 26.88% compared to the most
efficient banks in the Asia-Pacific region, to produce the same level of outputs.
Combining the information of group-frontier PTE and meta-frontier PTE, the range of the TGR
scores for the sample countries ranged from 0.8610 (Indonesia) to 0.9227 (Japan). Compared to
the meta-frontier PTE, the relatively small range of TGRs suggests that the distances between the
country-frontiers and meta-frontier were similar among the sample countries. For example, the average
TGR for Australian banks of 0.9091 indicates that Australian banks operating on the frontier can
improve and move towards the meta-frontier by reducing inputs by 9.09%.
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Table 7. Group-frontier PTE, Meta-frontier PTE, and TGRs for Sample Countries (2005 to 2014).
Model 4 Model 1
Variables Pure Pure
Scale Technology Scale Technology
Technical Technical
Efficiency Gap Ratio Efficiency Gap Ratio
Efficiency Efficiency
Regulation and Supervision
CAPITAL 0.0413 *** −0.0008 0.0414 *** 0.0143 −0.0051 0.0024
(3.3049) (0.1182) (2.7251) (1.4627) (0.6653) (0.2161)
SPPOWER 0.0112 ** 0.0052 0.0304 *** 0.0162 *** −0.0027 0.0346 ***
(2.2398) (1.2695) (4.3678) (3.6520) (0.7370) (5.8246)
MKDSPL 0.0934 ** 0.0802 ** 0.2591 *** 0.0797 ** 0.0811 ** 0.1682 ***
(2.0006) (2.1102) (3.6960) (2.0011) (2.3647) (2.7786)
ACRS 0.0252 ** −0.0035 0.0536 *** 0.0180 ** −0.0011 0.0281 **
(2.4088) (0.4291) (3.2889) (2.0262) (0.1505) (1.9672)
DEP_INS −0.0180 0.0119 −0.0015 0.0003 0.0502 *** −0.0039
(0.7791) (0.6636) (0.0447) (0.0132) (3.2407) (0.1462)
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 14 of 25
Table 8. Cont.
Model 4 Model 1
Variables Pure Pure
Scale Technology Scale Technology
Technical Technical
Efficiency Gap Ratio Efficiency Gap Ratio
Efficiency Efficiency
Bank Ownership
STATE −0.0146 0.0101 −0.0209 −0.0078 0.0024 −0.0130
(1.2922) (1.1599) (1.3806) (0.8073) (0.2894) (1.0847)
BANKSIZE 0.0387 *** −0.0307 *** 0.0496 *** 0.0353 *** −0.026 *** 0.0397 ***
(13.1486) (18.0733) (8.6720) (16.1771) (16.1730) (11.4585)
EQTA 0.5016 *** 0.1470 *** 0.5327 *** 0.4708 *** 0.1332 *** 0.4169 ***
(7.7435) (3.2061) (5.9613) (8.8300) (2.7354) (6.4345)
LIQTA −0.1147 *** 0.0359 −0.1367 ** −0.0752 ** 0.0044 −0.0435
(2.8748) (1.3852) (2.3743) (2.1534) (0.1807) (1.0027)
OBSTA −0.0261 0.0113 * −0.0161
(1.2194) (1.7808) (1.1607)
LLPTL −0.1660 −1.568 *** −0.4978
(0.4644) (4.4302) (1.2061)
GDP_growth 0.0028 −0.0007 0.0034 0.0053 *** 0.0009 0.0110 ***
(1.2052) (0.4408) (0.9910) (3.0187) (0.6334) (4.3530)
INF 0.0021 0.0040 *** −0.0074 *** 0.0024** 0.0040 *** −0.0059 ***
(1.5009) (3.1245) (3.2805) (2.0932) (3.3899) (3.5733)
HHI 0.1704 0.1153 −0.0530 0.0569 −0.0385 −0.1445
(1.3020) (1.3683) (0.3083) (0.5487) (0.6604) (1.1137)
PrCrGDP −0.0014 *** −0.0000 −0.0016 ** −0.0000 −0.0006 ** 0.0008 *
(2.9624) (0.1594) (2.4151) (0.0459) (2.3849) (1.8283)
INST_ENV −0.0403 −0.0369 −0.0264 −0.066 *** −0.0249 −0.0481
(1.3761) (1.5343) (0.6527) (2.7279) (1.1007) (1.4502)
Constant (2.4733) (0.7818) (3.7280) (2.5700) (1.5091) (2.3282)
−0.3658 0.8555 *** −1.7831 *** −0.4160 0.8127 *** −1.2376 **
Sigma (0.9459) (2.7512) (2.9241) (1.2686) (2.9727) (2.3473)
0.1028 *** 0.0996 *** 0.1154 *** 0.0925 *** 0.0892 *** 0.1055 ***
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Year Dummy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Note: This table reports the coefficients of regulation and supervision variables, state ownership, and other
control variables in the Simar and Wilson (2007) bootstrap truncated regression models. Z-statistics are shown
in the parentheses. See Appendix A Table A1 for definitions and information about the independent variables.
*, **, *** indicates 10%, 5% and 1% levels of significance, respectively. Source: Author’s calculations.
Similar to the capital requirement, the second pillar of the Basel Accord (that is, the official
supervision power), is positively related to both PTE and TGR at 5% significance level. Under
the “official supervision approach,” greater official supervision power is believed to increase credit
flow to firms which are well-connected with banks (Levine 2004) and enhances bank performance.
Furthermore, a powerful official supervision regime can improve bank efficiency through increased
competition in the banking industry (Barth et al. 2008). Empirically, our result is consistent with
Pasiouras (2008a) and Luo et al.’s (2016) findings on global banking industries. Hirtle et al. (2016)
found similar results in the US bank-holding companies. Official supervisory power is not significantly
related to banks’ scale efficiency.
The significantly positive coefficients of market discipline on PTE, SE, and TGR estimates support
the “private monitoring approach” hypothesis, in which regulation and supervision policies promoting
private monitoring in banks can induce better performance. By requiring banks to disclose adequate
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 15 of 25
information to the public, market discipline can encourage private sectors to monitor banks with lower
information and transaction costs (Barth et al. 2008). Table 8 shows that market discipline is the only
regulation and supervision variable which is significantly (at a 5% significance level) related to the
scale efficiency of banks in the Asia-Pacific region.
Banks with more activity restrictions tend to have higher performance, in both pure technical
efficiency and technology gap ratios. These findings are similar to Barth et al.’s (2004) discussion
that restricting banks engagement in security underwriting, insurance underwriting, and real estate
investments would limit the conflicts of interest between stakeholders. Furthermore, narrowing
the range of activities can reduce risky behaviours caused by moral hazards (Boyd et al. 1998) and
positively affect bank performance. There is no evidence to suggest a significant relationship between
activity restrictions and scale efficiency.
The existence of a deposit insurance scheme in each country has no significant relationship
with bank performance according to our results. Additionally, state ownership is not significantly
related to bank performance in the Asia-Pacific region. Bank-specific characteristics exhibit significant
relationships with bank efficiencies. For example, bank size is positively related to technical efficiency
and technical gap ratio, indicating that larger banks have better management and technology in their
production processes. However, bank scale efficiency tends to be lower for larger banks, possibly due
to the fact that most banks in the Asia-Pacific region expanded too quickly and operated at decreasing
returns to scale during the 10-year sample period.
In addition, banks with higher capital ratios performed better in all three efficiency estimates.
When banks hold more capital, managers tend to be more risk-averse in terms of operation, and
therefore these banks would exhibit better performance. Our results are consistent with most of the
previous studies in bank performance (see Demirgüç-Kunt and Huizinga 1999; Goddard et al. 2004;
Sufian and Habibullah 2010; Fiordelisi et al. 2011; and Pessarossi and Weill 2015).
The level of liquid assets (LIQTA) in banks has a negative relationship with technical efficiency
and technical gap ratio, but no significant correlation with scale efficiency. One possible reason for a
higher level of liquid assets could be that banks would raise more liquid assets to reduce risks during
times of uncertainty and unfavourable industry conditions (Radić et al. 2012). Thus, banks tend to have
a lower performance during those times. Moreover, liquid assets are believed to be less profitable than
illiquid assets and reduce investment opportunities for banks managers. The negative relationship
between liquid ratio and technical gap ratio implies that holding more liquid assets would widen the
distance from the group frontiers to the meta-frontier in banking industry.
The coefficients of GDP growth are not significantly related to bank performance, while a higher
inflation rate has a positive relationship with scale efficiency and a negative impact on technology
gap ratio. The concentration (HHI) of the banking industry appears unrelated to bank performance
in the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, the negative coefficients of PrCrGDP indicate a negative
relationship between private credit from banks to GDP and bank performance, suggesting that financial
markets with more lending to private credit have relatively lower bank performance. The overall
institutional environment of banks exhibits no significant relationship with bank performance in the
Asia-Pacific region.
market discipline are significantly related to higher pure technical efficiency of small banks at a 1%
significant level. At the 10% significance level, activity restriction is positively associated with the pure
technical efficiency of small banks. While official supervisory power has no significant relationship
with the technical efficiency of small and medium banks, it is positively related to large bank efficiency
at a 5% significance level. None of the regulatory and supervisory policies are significantly related to
the pure technical efficiency of medium-sized banks.
Columns 4 to 6 in Table 9 summarise the regression results on scale efficiency for different-sized
banks. The official supervision power and market discipline are significantly related to the scale
efficiency of small banks. Additionally, market discipline is also positively related to large-sized banks’
scale efficiency. There is no significant impact of bank regulation and supervision on medium-sized
banks. Compared to the pure technical efficiency, scale efficiencies of banks are less affected by
regulation and supervision. The deposit insurance scheme is positively related to the small-sized
banks’ scale efficiency at the 10% significance level.
The relationships of regulation and supervision and bank technology gap ratio are shown in
columns 7 to 9 in Table 9. All four regulatory and supervisory indicators are positively related to the
technology gap ratio of small banks. For large banks, official supervisory power is positively associated
with the technology gap ratio. The medium-sized banks’ technology gap ratios are not affected by any
of the regulation and supervision indicators.
Table 10. Robustness test results: Fractional logit regression and tobit regression.
6. Conclusions
This study examined the impacts of off-balance sheet activities on bank efficiency measurement,
and investigated the relationship between regulation, supervision, state ownership and bank efficiency.
Our results showed that omitting off-balance sheet activities while estimating bank efficiency using
bootstrap DEA approach would significantly underestimate the pure technical efficiency and overall
technical efficiency, while overestimating the scale efficiency of banks. Furthermore, we identified the
positive relationship between regulation, supervision, and bank efficiency, especially in small-sized
banks. However, no significant relationship between state ownership with bank performance was
found in this study.
Our findings have imperative policy implications. Firstly, our results have highlighted the impact
of including non-traditional bank activities when measuring bank efficiency. Precise information
relating to bank performance is essential for policy-making decisions, such as capital requirements
and information disclosure. Correctly estimated efficiency could reveal the banks’ intrinsic value and
potential investment return in the future. Such information could further assist investors’ and bank
managers’ decision making. Secondly, regulatory and supervisory authorities could impose customized
regulatory and supervisory policies on different sized banks. While smaller banks benefit more from
stricter policies, regulatory authorities could relax the requirements for medium and large-sized banks
to exploit operational efficiency. Finally, since state ownership is found to be insignificantly related
to bank performance, it could be an appropriate tool for governments to intervene in the banking
industry during financial turmoil to maintain the intermediary function of banks.
There exist several limitations of the current study. First, we used the nonparametric DEA
approach to estimate bank efficiency. Compared to the parametric approaches, the DEA method
assumes the random error to be zero, which could affect the precision of efficiency estimation. Second,
due to the data availability of bank regulation and supervision, we used the 2007 and 2011 World Bank
Regulatory and Supervisory Survey to cover the 10-year sample period. Therefore, the timeliness
and frequency of data could have potentially limited the validity of our results. Last, our sample
covered eight countries in the Asia-Pacific region based on data availability. There were five developed
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2019, 12, 131 19 of 25
countries and three developing countries. Even though these countries can capture the diversity and
common characteristics of the Asia-Pacific banking industries, questions remain whether our results
can be applied to all banking industries in the region.
In future studies, we recommend different approaches, such as the stochastic frontier analysis
approach, to estimate bank efficiency to avoid potential biases arising from the zero-error assumption
of the DEA approach. Future researchers can collect more detailed bank-specific and country-specific
data from more sample countries. Using these detailed data, future researchers can explore the timely
changes in regulatory policies and their impacts on bank performance, and provide evidence which
can be used to benefit the stakeholders in all the banks in the Asia-Pacific region.
Author Contributions: Z.Y. contributed to the research design and data analysis, writing, and formal analysis of
the research. C.G. and Z.L. supervised the research. Z.Y. and C.G. helped with the modifying of the manuscript
and final editorial clarifications and corrections. All authors contributed to the writing, reviewing, and correction
of this manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Baiding Hu has provided valuable insights into the methodology and statistical analysis of
the the study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Table A1. Definition and data source of variables used in the regression models.
SPPOWER 0.045 * 1
MKDSPL 0.159 * −0.605 * 1
ACRS −0.115 * 0.276* −0.195 * 1
DEP_INS −0.028 0.443 * −0.6268 * −0.4598 * 1
STATE 0.0327 0.063 * 0.0530 * 0.1850 * −0.1857 * 1
BANKSIZE 0.0798 * −0.181 * 0.2173 * −0.0841 * −0.0456 * 0.1107 * 1
OBS 0.0323 −0.008 0.0997 * −0.0077 −0.1063 * 0.0313 −0.0343 1
EQTA 0.0531 * 0.005 −0.005 −0.0643 * −0.0728 * −0.0166 −0.5176 * 0.1393 * 1
LLPTL −0.0767 * 0.128 * −0.0735 * 0.2122 * −0.0966 * 0.1313 * −0.2009 * 0.1486 * 0.1034 * 1
LIQTA 0.0918 * −0.1684 * 0.2815 * 0.0308 −0.3004 * 0.1378 * −0.2498 * 0.1665 * 0.2936 * 0.2042 * 1
GDP_growth 0.0105 −0.123 * 0.4185 * 0.3590 * −0.6253 * 0.2624 * −0.1484 * 0.1336 * 0.1739 * 0.1930 * 0.4659 * 1
INF −0.048 * 0.150 * −0.138 * 0.3437 * −0.178 * 0.2353 * −0.3816 * 0.1099 * 0.2590 * 0.3138 * 0.3962 * 0.4841 * 1
HHI −0.146 * −0.361 * 0.3589 * −0.492 * −0.0829 * −0.0412 −0.0023 0.1325 * 0.1539 * −0.085 * 0.2369 * 0.1600 * 0.0737 * 1
PrCrGDP 0.1333 * −0.696 * 0.6954 * −0.367 * −0.275 * −0.143 * 0.4023 * 0.0626 * −0.126 * −0.255 * 0.0214 −0.0542 * −0.513 * 0.3332 * 1
INST_ENV −0.120 * −0.180 * −0.08 * −0.641 * 0.5179 * −0.3513 * 0.2866 * −0.1868 * −0.2115 * −0.379 * −0.398 * −0.6621 * −0.62 * 0.302 * 0.3866 * 1
Notes: See Table A1 for definitions for variables. * indicates 5% level of significance. Source: Author’s calculation.
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