Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Legal Industry: Code No.: Sols27
Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Legal Industry: Code No.: Sols27
Impact of Artificial Intelligence On Legal Industry: Code No.: Sols27
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Artificial Intelligence is the ability of the machine to execute functions that generally are
associated with human intelligence. Psychological activities performed by artificial
intelligence techniques include cognitive and analytical activities. They include problem
solving, perception pattern, understanding language, answering questions, proving theorems,
and learning from experience.
In 1997, an IBM supercomputer called Deep Blue beat the then world chess champion, Garry
Kasparov at an intense game of chess.1 Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is not a new concept,
especially to the readers of science fiction. In recent times however, it is becoming more
science and less fiction. The world of technology is changing rapidly, with computers and
now robots, replacing simple human activities. AI, simply put, is the capability of a machine
to imitate intelligent behaviour.
1 Isabelle Boucq, Robots for Business, available at http: //
It is an umbrella term that refers to information systems inspired by biological systems, and
encompasses multiple technologies including machine learning, deep learning, computer
vision, natural language processing (“NLP”), machine reasoning, and strong AI.2
A. CIVIL LIABILITY : Arguments are placed forth that if AI might be fully self
sufficient then they need to be privy to their actions. If they are aware about their
actions, they must be accountable for their actions. An AI’s autonomy in the eye of
the law way that AI has rights and a corresponding set of responsibilities. In
regulation, rights and obligations are attributed to prison persons, each natural (such
as humans) and artificial (together with corporations). Therefore, if we search for AI
to be responsible for its actions, there is a controversy to be made about whether or
not or now not felony personality have to be as a result of it? Although, in the event
AI is given independent autonomy, the project which would hold is the enforcement
of rights / obligations towards the AI. At this factor in time, there are not any instantly
jacket answers, but the jurisprudence on the same could actually evolve with the
passage of time. With the current instances of injuries that occurred in relation to self
sufficient / self-driving automobiles being tested / used by Tesla Inc.23 and Uber
Technologies Inc.24 questions bearing on imposition of civil legal responsibility on
AI systems and / or their developers have become more prominent.
B. CRIMINAL LIABILITY : AI’s have become an integral part of modern human life,
functioning extra sophistically than other day by day tools. However, the query that
now follows is whether they could be a threat to our lives. In his science fiction work
‘I, Robot’, Isaac Asimov laid down three fundamental laws of robotics: (1) A robot
might not injure a man or women or, thru inaction, permit a human being to come to
damage; (2) A robot should obey the orders given to it by way of human beings,
except wherein such orders would warfare with the First Law; (3) A robot ought to
shield its own existence so long as such protection does not struggle with the First or
Second Law. Later, Asimov added a fourth, or zeroth law, that preceded the others in
terms of priority: (0) A robot might not damage humanity, or, by means of inaction,
allow humanity to come to damage. While these laws, laid down in 1942, have
emerge as pretty mainstream both in technological know-how fiction and in robotics;
there may be a large phase of the sector who argue that they may be now obsolete.26
In 2015, over one thousand AI and robotics researchers which include Stephen
Hawking and Elon Musk issued a warning of the destruction that AI warfare, Or self
sufficient weaponry could cause.27 The primary question, as Gabriel Hallevy notes, is
what form of legal guidelines or ethics are to control the situation, and who's to
decide? He observes that people’s worry of AI entities in most cases, is based totally
on the truth that AI entities are not taken into consideration to be challenge to the
law.28 Importantly, he contrasts this worry to the same unease that was felt towards
corporations and their power to dedicate a spectrum of crimes. However, with groups
now being situation to crook and company law, this worry appears to have notably
reduced.87 Bearing in thoughts the fundamental standards to bring an entity below
crook law: criminal conduct (actus reus) and the internal or intellectual element (mens
rea), Hallevy proposed three fashions to carry AI underneath crook liability:
AI and “Users” of Law
One of the most important category of AI involves users of law. 3By users, we refer to the
ordinary people, organizations, and companies that are governed by the law and use the tools
of the law (e.g., contracts) to conduct their personal and business activities. Also a few AI-
and-law uses are worth highlighting. Firstly, many companies use business-logic policy
systems to help them comply with the law. 4 These are essentially private expert systems that
contain general, computer-based rules about company activities that are likely to comply, or
not comply, with various governing regulations.5For instance, a company may have to deal
with complex import/export regulations. To ensure compliance, they might model relevant
laws using logic and knowledge-representation techniques to help their internal processes
refrain from activities that would violate the relevant laws.
Another example of users employing AI in the use of law has to do with so-called
computable contracts.6 These are legal contracts that are expressed electronically and in
which the meaning of the contract is expressed in computer-understandable form. A good
example of this comes from many securities contracts in the finance industry where the
trading contracts are expressed in computer-understandable form that allows the computer to
automatically carry out the underlying trading logic behind the contract.
A final example of the use of AI in law involves so-called legal self-help systems. 7These are
simple expert systems—often in the form of chatbots—that provide ordinary users with
answers to basic legal questions. A good example of this comes from the “Do Not Pay” app,
which provides a basic legal expert system that allows users to navigate the legal system.8
See Jyoti Dabass & Bhupender Singh Dabass, Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Law, PREPRINTS
(June 28, 2018, 3:13 PM),,
See China’s New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, FOUND. LAW & INT’L
AFFAIRS: BLOG (July 30, 2017),
intelligence-development-plan/ []; Complying with Government
Regulations, KAUFFMAN ENTREPRENEURS (Nov. 10, 2005),
See Dorothy Leonard-Barton & John J. Sviokla, Putting Expert Systems to Work, HARV. BUS.
REV., Mar.–Apr. 1988, at 91, 94.
See generally Harry Surden, Computable Contracts, 46 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 629 (2012).
Dominic Fracassa, California Courts Look to Modernize with Chatbots, Video Tech, S.F.
CHRON. (May 14, 2017, 4:27 PM),
to-modernize-with-11143095.php [].
Michael Kushner, To Pay or Not to Pay: Free Legal Services at the Push of a Button, JETLAW
(Oct. 15, 2018),
of-a-button/ [].
As a transformative technology, AI has the potential to challenge any number of legal
assumptions in the short, medium, and long term. Precisely how law and policy will adapt to
advances in AI; and how AI will adapt to values reflected in law and policy depends on a
variety of social, cultural, economic, and other factors, and is likely to vary by jurisdiction.9
I. Legal Personality of AI
II. Contractual Relationships
III. Employment and AI
AI-based software and programmes can reduce a lawyer’s time and effort considerably and
can help the lawyers and firms give a more authentic and result oriented suggestion to their
The legal industry is still developing in India and looking forward to more IA based and
automated assisting tools and software. However, these IA-based and automated assisting
tools and software are not going to replace the lawyer’s job where analysis, decision making
and stratification is required but would actually make them more efficient & competent while
automating various clerical tasks.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY, One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), Policy and Legal
Considerations, https://
policy/ai-policy-now-and-future/ policy
The penetration of self-driven cars, robots and fully-automatic machines, which are presently
being used in numerous economies around the world, is only expected to growth with the
passage of time. As a result, the dependency of entities and people on AI systems is also
predicted to boom proportionately. This may be evidenced from the fact that AI is expected
to bolster economic growth by an average of 1.7% across various industries by 2035.11
2035/#2f7f-30da1969, last accessed on September 26, 2017
However, in an effort to protect the improvement and integration of AI structures with the
economic and social sector, it is crucial to make sure that the modern-day concerns that exist
in regards to AI structures are correctly addressed. The most prevalent troubles being (i) the
problem of imputation of legal responsibility or in other terms the difficulty of keeping an AI
to be responsible for its actions; and (ii) the issue referring to the relationship / interplay
among ethics, the law and AI and robotics systems.
While addressing the aforementioned, it would be imperative that the regulators adopt a
reasonable and balanced approach between the safety of rights of citizens / individuals and
the want to encourage technological growth. Failure to accomplish that may additionally
either impact the protection of rights or alternatively may additionally adversely effect
creativity and innovation. In addition, the regulations must also undertake steps to provide for
guidance / clarity as to the rights and duties of programmers or creators of AI systems, which
will crystallize the broad ethical standards to which they're required to abide to whilst
programming / growing AI and robotics systems. Due to the lack of felony jurisprudence on
this subject, it's miles hoped that in the near destiny felony and tax standards are established
which will not simplest foster the improvement of AI but also make certain that the vital
safeguards are in place.