Adieu Au Jazz Adorno
Adieu Au Jazz Adorno
Adieu Au Jazz Adorno
Farewell to lazz his cultural heritage in a club. Rather; what hollow ed jazz out is its own
stupidity.2 What is stamped out, along with it, is not the musical influence
seemed alien to the consumer, it was equally easy to use. Its excesses,
by its drastic verdict what was long ago decided in fact: the end of lazz however, recalled the erotic ones of the cinema, those undressing scenes,
music itself. For no mater what one wishes to understand by white or by dubious trips to the beach, and ambiguous situations, all of which, under lr
Negro jazz,.here there is nothing to salvage . lazz itself has long been in the dictates of a censorship that is deeply ingrained in them, stoP short of
the process of dissolution, in retreat into military marches and all sorts of final consequences. But at the same time, jazz presented itself as progres-
folklore. Moreover, it has become stabilized as a pedagogical mearls of sive, modern, and up-to-date. There was a world-economic resonance in
,,rhythmic education," and with this has visibly renounced the aesthetic
the cheap foreign locales that could be imported at will from Montevideo,
claims that it admittedly never ever made on the consciousness of the Waikiki, and Shanghai. The petit-bourgeois narrowness of dance lessons,
producers and consumers of dance, but did make in the ideology of the
polka, and galopa seemed left far behind; the se.xlgss slxop.honef squawking,
clever arr composers who at one time thought they could be fertilized by declared its quasi-agreemenr with risqué things, and the harmonies, now
it. They have to look around for something else and are certainly already
mellow now biting, not only had a stimulating effect but evoked distant
doing so; but in the surviving clubs the last interjected false bar fschein- memories, at once scary and comforting, of new music's realm of disso-
taktl,t the last muted rrumpet, if not unheard, will soon die away without nance, which was otherwise avoided so assiduously and with which, it
a shock. seemed, one could safely associate only here. As if that were not enough,
It is not big-city degeneration, deracinated exoticisffi, and certainly not, as arrs and crafts, jazzwas characterized by the fact that, despite its trans-
as naive people think, the bizarre quality of stimulating or clashing asphalt parenrly industrial origins, ir was distinguished superficially from "vulgar"
harmonies that appears in jazz and is vanishing along with it. Jazz no more
falsified and indusrrially smoothed out here, than it is possessed of any Or, even more to the point: the technique of improvisation, which devel- I
destructive or threatening qualities. Even the disrespectful use of themes oped together with syncopation and the false bar [Scheintakt]^ The vir-
from Beethoven or Wagner, which is intended to irritate and seemed to ruoso saxophonist or clarinetist, or even percussionist, who made his au-
_hfftt a! ? rçvglqlignary uldertone, is in truth
nothing but the exprcssion dacious leaps in between the marked beats of the measure, who distorted ti
and attuned to consumption that it lost its lrsr litrle l.,it o[ frccdoltt, tht'
shoulcl havc been cxempted from industrialization. His realm was consid- lr
musical inspiration, which it thcn stolt'wlr,'t('\'('r tl ,,,ntl,l lirrtl it ()ll(' ,'r('(l tç [,c tlr,.r',,,rlrrr.rf fr"r'r,rlorn; hcre thc solid wall between production I
rff iglf f flf ilf l< ,lf it s9r't 1ll' "lr,,lt'lll ('V;t:;itttt" t,tllr,'r , l,'r't'l ly ill,',)l'l)()l'rrtirttl I
498 I Music and Mass Culture Fareusell to lazz 499
symmetry would have broken aparç but along with it the tonal harmonic
and reprodu6ion was evidently demolished, the longed-for immediacy re-
structure, as is actually the case in the jazz experiments of Stravinsky.
stored, the alienation of man and music mastered out of vital force.
But then jazz would have lost its consumability and easy comprehen-
It was not, and the fact that it was not constituted the betrayal and the
sibility, and would have turned into art music. In vain, for those same
downfall of j azz. The reconciliation of art music and music for common
of consumability and "class," of closeness to the conclusions, drawn from the dissolution of the old tonal periodicity, had
use fGrbrsuchsmusik],
been arrived at long before, more thoroughly, by art music, before anyone
source and up-ro-date success , of discipline and freedom , of production and
even thought of jazz. Jazz didn't take this kind of risks; it conrented itself
reprodu6ion is untrue in all its aspects. Indeed, all the elements of " art,"
with the boredom of its false effects. Very characteristic, how easily it was
of individual freedom of expression , of immediacy are revealed as mere
able to part with its ferment, syncopation, i.e., the movement of emphasis
cover-ups for the characrer of consumer goods. In jazz, the charm of the
away from the "good part of the measure" [aom gutenTaktteil] of metrical
ninth chords, of the endings on seventh chords, and of the whole-tone
time. Kurt Weill, whom people used to like to link with jazz on account
daubings are shabby and worn ouç it conserves a decayi.g modernity of
of the sound of the saxophone, sacrificed syncopation and false bars in the
the day before yesterday. No different, on second glance, are those achieve-
conscious search for accessibihty and made the primitively symmetrical
ments of jazz in which people thought they perceived elements of a fresh
speech accents of song verses his metric rule. But for the last two years,
beginning and sponraneous regeneration-its rhythms. First, syncopation
i, ne* fot popular music, .hgt"by..n*q-m-e3"n,p*-fuf-*Lt--J5111p*S' In a master like with an eagerness that will not redound to their credit, and that people
have already seen through, the jazz manufacturers have already been
Brahms, for example, it is accomplished with incomparably greater rich-
switching to the kind of patriotic kitsch that now-and perhaps nor by
ness and penetraring depth of construction than in the jazz writers, in
,I whose work-as the "rextbooks" of hot music" unwittingly but all the
accident-has been overtaken by u government verdict at the same time
;i as jazz, precisely because it is closely related to it. The military march has
;l more drastically reveal-the apparent variety of rhythmic constructs can
.I be reduced to a minimum of stereotypical and standardized formulae. But
long been lying in wait underneath the colorful arabesques af jazz. But
then-and this explains. the stefg.olypical qqaliçy-;the rhythmic achieve- the social stratum that has consum ed jazz until now even if it has nor
been convinced of its aesthetic inferiority, will be all the more inclined to
ments of jazz are* o1pan.çn!-s above a metrically conventional, banal
architecture, with no consequences for the structure, and removable at will-
give it up politically, because in the context of what is possible to do be-
tween two four-beat measures*jg,Ua"i"*"?bl"ç
The bass drum, for which the capers of the other instruments are of no "I"g_ "gffç:.*pX
What it was possible to learn from jazzis the emancipation of the rhyth-
consequence, is already one expression of this. But above all, the way the
mic emphasis from metrical time; a decent, if very limited and specialized
compositions themselves are constructed. For the schema of the eight-
thing, with which composers had long been familiar, but which, through
measure period, with its bisection into half- and full stop, the old, cheap
jazz, may have achieved a certain breadth in reproducive practice. Oth-
schema of dance music-much more meaget for example, than the for-
erwise not much will be left of it, other, perhaps, than the memory of the
mally rich waltzes of the great Johann Strauss-is thoroughly in force in
few pieces that had the élan of first beginnings, like "Kitten on the Keys*."s
jazz. The " false bars, " which essentially constituted the supposed rhythmic
or the singing of The Revelers,u and of an era that was petrified into history
charm of j azz, have their essence precisely in the fact that rhythmically
with a single blow. Jazz has left behind a vacuum. There is no new Ge-
free, improvisational constructions complement each other in such a way
brauchsmusik to take its place, and it will not be easy to launch one. But
that, taken togetheç they fit back into the unshaken schema after all.
this vacuum is not the worst thing. In it is expressed, wordlessly, like the
Hence, for example, ro cite only the simplest and most frequent case in
alienation of art and society, a kind of overall srare of reality that words
point, two measures in three-eight and a measure in two-eight are com-
are lacking to express. This vacuum may be wordless, but it is no false
tir,.d sequentially ro make a four-four measure, as marked out by the
consciousness. Perhaps in the silence it will grow loud.
drum. And what is true of the individual measure is true, âs well, of the
musical period, as can easily be observed in its harmonic and melodic ar- Ugl3; vol. 18, pp. 795-99)
ticulation. If someone had wanted to terke the syn('oPation and rhythmi- Translated by Susan H. Gillespie
cally improvisational impulses to tlrcir" lo1ii,'rrl ( ()rl..lrtsiolt, the n th,' t,ltl
500 Music and Mass Culture