Birds Observed During Kasma'S Y2K Tour of Southern Thailand
Birds Observed During Kasma'S Y2K Tour of Southern Thailand
Birds Observed During Kasma'S Y2K Tour of Southern Thailand
My wife, Sally, and I accompanied Kasma and Michael on a wonderful excursion through
southern Thailand this year (18 January-16 February 2000). If one can be distracted periodically
from the marvels Kasma provides each day, it is possible to observe a variety of bird species. The
following list represents what I was able to identify while we were driving through the country
side, walking in the vicinity of temples, and on nature walks in several National Parks. The
dedicated birdwatcher could produce a much longer list. My objective, however, was to identify
what we saw in conjunction with our scheduled activities and during any free time I devoted to
birding. A total of 147 species was identified by me during the trip.
The nomenclature used in this list is from A Guide to the Birds of Thailand by Boonsong Lekagul
and Philip D. Round (1991. Saha Karn Bhaet Co., Ltd.)