Thesis Patricia Egger
Thesis Patricia Egger
Thesis Patricia Egger
Massachussetts Institute of
Master thesis
The problem that we will study in this thesis is that of predicting trajec-
tories of asteroids within our solar system. This thesis is a component of a
MIT PhD thesis that aims at determining the utility of precursor missions
in asteroid deflection campaigns.
The main contributions of this thesis are (i) the retracing of the historical
development of the equations of motion used in asteroid and planetary tra-
jectory propagation, (ii) the development of a propagator, PAT2 , through
validation of the numerical integrator ode113 built-in to MATLAB with er-
ror validation against NASA’s HORIZONS system and a short discussion
on why symplectic solvers will not be considered in this context, (iii) the
rescaling of the problem in order to reduce numerical noise and (iv) the ap-
plication of this propagator to five asteroids with very different orbits.
One of the main advantages and key differences with most available prop-
agators is that PAT2 only requires the initial conditions of the bodies (i.e.
the state vector y at t = 0, y0 ). In fact, there is no need to store previously
computed planetary ephemerides as is the case in HORIZONS, for example.
This method could produce bigger numerical errors compared to the latter
because the propagated planetary orbits will also include some errors. How-
ever, this is a major simplification for the user and furthermore allows for
the study of planetary trajectory propagation as well as that for asteroids.
The asteroids we consider are chosen because of the differences in their or-
bits’ characteristics, i.e. in order to observe the behavior of PAT2 relative
to important physical parameters. Using this propagator on the notorious
asteroid Apophis, we obtain a maximal numerical error of 500 kilometers
after 10 years. Results for the other asteroids studied range from 600 kilo-
meters to 2.5 thousand kilometers after 10 years. Runtimes range from less
than 7 minutes to about 28 minutes.
As the tradeoff between accuracy, or error, and runtime is essential in many
applications of the N-body problem, we present some data that will help
in choosing the optimal set-up for the propagation of an asteroid given its
physical parameters as well as the runtime and accuracy requirements.
There are a lot of people that I would like to thank for my experience
researching and writing this thesis. First, I would like express my very
great appreciation for my two supervisors, Professor Picasso from EPFL in
Switzerland and Professor de Weck from MIT in the United States. They
have allowed me to pursue a dream that all young engineering students
share: that of studying in the world’s greatest school. Both of them have
been very supportive of my work and helped me through some important
obstacles. A second special thank you goes to Professor de Weck, a truly
inspirational man and a great role model, for providing me with unimag-
inable opportunities. I would also like to thank my student mentor, PhD
candidate Sung Wook Paek, for introducing me to the world of asteroids and
helping me in my exploration of the world of astronautics. Another thank
you goes to Paul Chodas for not only giving me an inside look at asteroid
and planetary ephemerides at NASA, but also for allowing me to discover
JPL in a front row seat.
I would also like to extend my thanks to all the people from room 33-409
- Andrew, David, Ioana, Koki, Margaret, Narek, Paul, Roi, Sreeja, Sydney
and Takuto from SERG and Dani, Íñigo, Marc, Morgan and Peter from
SAL. They made my few months at MIT that much more fun. Dani and
Marc, thank you for taking me under your wing and Íñigo, thank you for the
spanish lessons. On the Swiss side, I would like to acknowledge my friends
Angelina and Charlotte for their never ending support as well as Alessandro,
Christoph and Francesco for their invaluable help throughout my Bachelor’s
and Master’s degrees at EPFL.
Finally, I would like to thank my family - my mother, father, brothers and
my better half, who have been there for me through the highs and lows, al-
ways encouraging me to reach for the stars (or asteroids, as the case may be).
List of Tables
List of Figures
Glossary and acronyms
State vector: Vector whose components are the positions and veloc-
ities of a given body. As the positions and velocities depend on time,
the state vector is time-dependent.
Section 1
Figure 1.1: Orbits of over 1000 known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs).
These are over 140 meters in diameter and will pass within 7.5 million kilometers
of Earth – about 20 times the distance to the Moon.
† Image taken from
The first asteroid ever discovered was Ceres in 1801 [21]. Since then,
around 600’000 asteroids have been discovered in our solar system. Recently,
these objects have become a source of scientific research due to a few events
that occurred in the past years. In fact, in 1908, an asteroid entered into
the Earth’s atmosphere and exploded in the sky above Siberia. This has
been documented as the largest impact event on Earth. More recently, in
2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor entered Earth’s atmosphere and exploded in
air causing injuries to almost 1’500 people.
Table 1.1 shows a summary of collision event types with their associated
object diameters, number of fatalities and typical impact intervals.
In the scientific community, it is widely believed that a large asteroid col-
lided with our planet approximately 65 million years ago, resulting in the
extinction of dinosaurs. It is not unreasonable to assume that if such an
event were to take place again, it could lead to the demise of the human
race. Hence, the question may not be if an event such as the one respon-
sible for the extinction of dinosaurs will happen, but rather when it will
Assuming then that we will one day be faced with an Earth-asteroid colli-
sion, it would be prudent to have a mitigation plan, enabling us to avoid
catastrophic consequences and perhaps even save our species.
In view of this, PhD candidate Sung Wook Paek from MIT’s AeroAstro
department decided to focus his doctoral research on asteroid mitigation
missions. More specifically, he will prove the utility of precursor missions
under high initial uncertainties concerning potentially hazardous asteroids.
In fact, there is great uncertainty surrounding certain asteroid parameters
that greatly impact our ability to predict their trajectories. These uncer-
tainties relate to mass, density, shape, etc. and make mitigation missions
tricky. Because it is difficult to reduce these uncertainties with remote ob-
servations from Earth, we can consider precursor missions whose goals are
to obtain valuable information about the potentially hazardous body that
could then be used for an effective and optimized deflection process. There-
fore, Sung Wook’s goal will first be to prove the utility of a precursor mission
and second, he will model and optimize the details of a two-stage mitigation
campaign consisting of a precursor mission and a mitigation mission.
Now, in order to simulate a mitigation mission, it is necessary to estimate fu-
ture trajectories of the potentially hazardous objects. Moreover, it is crucial
to know whether such a deflection mission is necessary. Therefore one must
be able to predict an asteroid’s passage through what is called a keyhole.
Figure 1.2: Differences between orbits of a typical near-Earth asteroid (blue) and
a potentially hazardous asteroid, or PHA (orange). PHAs are a subset of the near-
Earth asteroids (NEAs). They have the closest orbits to Earth’s orbit, coming
within about 8 million kilometers, and they are large enough to survive passage
through Earth’s atmosphere and cause damage on a regional, or greater, scale .
† Image taken from
Simply put, these are small regions in space with the interesting property
that a body passing through one of these results in it colliding with Earth
(keyholes will be discussed further in Section 2.2.2). In turn, the study of
keyhole passages requires a precise trajectory propagator.
The goal of this thesis will therefore be to develop a high fidelity and fast-
running orbit propagator that can be used both for determining whether or
not an asteroid will pass through a keyhole and for simulating a deflection
mission. Of course, there are propagators that already exist, some of which
are available for public use. However, some of these public propagators do
not make their source code available, making the available options limited
for use in the context of deflection missions. We will explore some of the
ready-made propagators in this thesis.
One of the main motivations for this thesis is to obtain an orbit prop-
agator where the user can explicitly tradeoff accuracy versus computation
time. This tradeoff will be discussed in the case studies in Section 5. In fact,
depending on the work at hand, one might be more interested in obtaining a
very precise ephemeris with a long runtime whereas others might find more
use in a less precise ephemeris whose runtime is shorter. We want to pro-
vide a propagator that is easy to use and that is flexible in the equations,
number of bodies, relativity theory and output and, of course, that is open
source. It should not be required to have advanced knowledge in aerospace
engineering, physics or mathematics in order to use the tool. However, it
should be possible to modify it for those with the knowledge and interest.
The gap that is being addressed with this thesis is that of providing a simple
and flexible orbit propagator that allows the user to propagate and study
not only an asteroid’s trajectory but also all the other bodies that are con-
sidered in the physical model and that only requires initial conditions for
the bodies. Results for five asteroids are given in order to help the user in
chosing the numerical tolerance given desired runtimes and accuracy and
will procvide ball park values for the errors.
This thesis will focus in particular on the asteroid Apophis. Apophis was
discovered only ten years ago, in 2004, and was put in the spotlight when
initial observations and computations indicated a high probability (around
2.7%) that it would collide with Earth in 2029 [22]. We will also study four
other asteroids from NASA’s Sentry table [25] that lists the bodies with
potential future Earth impact events.
Section 2
Given the positions and velocities of bodies with known mass at some initial
time t0 , find the positions of the bodies at any other time t > t0 .
The N-body problem is chaotic [2]. Simply put, even if the present
determines the future, the approximate present does not approximately de-
termine the future. In terms of the N-body problem, this means that small
perturbations in mass, trajectories or other physical properties will lead to
enormous and unpredictable changes in the system. This is a purely physical
phenomenon. However, chaos has a numerical counterpart called instabil-
ity. Similarly to the physical meaning, numerical instability means that by
modifying the input data slightly, we will obtain very different numerical re-
sults. While instability is a negative feature of any problem, it does remove
the burden of attempting to identify an integrator that preserves inherent
stability. In fact, when dealing with physically non chaotic (or stable) sys-
tems, we try to choose a numerical scheme that will preserve the stability.
However, if the physical system is chaotic to start with, there is no point in
using a numerically stable integration scheme.
Figure 2.2: Illustration of the ecliptic plane. This plane is defined as the imaginary
plane containing the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The planetary bodies of our
solar system all nearly lie in this plane. Originally, the ecliptic plane was defined
using the path of the Sun around the Earth.
† Image taken from
where ri , ṙi and r̈i are the solar-system-barycentric position, velocity and
acceleration vectors of body i, i.e. the positions and velocities of body i using
the center of mass of the solar system as the center of the reference frame.
This means that we are considering an inertial reference frame centered at
the center of mass of the solar system. The constant c is the speed of light,
µi = Gmi , where G is the gravitational constant and mi is the mass of body
i. Furthermore, rij = |rj − ri | is the distance between bodies i and j and
vi = |ṙi |. Finally, β and γ are PPN parameters measuring the nonlinearity
in superposition of gravity and the space curvature produced by unit rest
mass, respectively. In general relativity, β = γ = 1.
For the rest of this paper, the word relativistic will refer to considering
the relativistic terms in the equations of motion. In contrast, the word
Newtonian will be used when these terms are not included. In equation
(2.1), the relativistic terms are written in gray. They are all the terms in c12 .
Because acceleration terms appear both on the right and left hand side of
equation 2.1, this problem is implicit. In fact, if
y= ,
is the vector containing velocities and accelerations and the N-body problem
can be formulated as
f (t, y, y 0 ) = 0 (2.2)
where we omit the time-dependency to simplify notation.
However, it is possible to exploit the structure of the equations of motion
in a more elegant manner by putting all the acceleration terms to the left
hand side of the equality sign. We then obtain:
where M is called the mass matrix and depends on the state vector y.
In contrast to the implicit problem (2.2), an explicit problem could be writ-
ten as
y 0 = f (t, y),
which is equivalent to (2.3) when we replace f (t, y) with M −1 f (t, y). Of
course, this requires an invertible mass matrix M . If the matrix is singular,
a different approach must be used. We will not be discussing this case fur-
ther in the context of this thesis.
where we simply omit the two terms in (2.1) where the acceleration r̈j ap-
pears. Again, the terms in gray refer to the relativistic corrections of general
relativity theory. This way, the N-body problem can be re-written as:
y 0 = f (t, y).
Now, in order to obtain the positions of each body at a given time t > t0 ,
we need to integrate the equations of motion.
In what follows, the N bodies considered will be the Sun, the 8 planets,
Pluto, the Earth’s Moon along with the asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and
the asteroid to be studied. Ceres, Pallas and Vesta are the most massive
asteroids in our solar system, accounting for about 46% of the total mass of
the asteroid belt. They are often referred to as the "Big 3". The asteroid
belt is illustrated in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3: The asteroid belt lies in the region between Mars and Jupiter. The
Trojan asteroids lie in Jupiter’s orbit, in two distinct regions in front of and behind
the planet.
† Image taken from
• Drag:
Several types of drag can influence a celestial body’s trajectory. For
example, magnetic drag and air drag.
• Solar oblateness:
The Sun is not exactly spherical. Hence its gravitational field is not
entirely symmetric as it is modeled using point masses. In order to
correct for this, one needs to take into account the non-sphericality of
the Sun. This is also valid for every one of the celestial bodies, none
of which are perfectly spherical.
• Perturbations from the 300 most massive asteroids in the asteroid belt:
Just as the planets, Sun and moons attract bodies in space, massive
asteroids have a gravitational pull and therefore influence the trajec-
tories of bodies that pass at a certain distance of them.
Each one of these forces on its own accounts for a very weak gravitational
effect. However, taken together they would contribute to the accuracy of
the numerical solution. However, for the sake of asteroid deflection missions,
these terms are not necessary and therefore are not included in the model.
They are mainly of interest when building an extremely precise planetary
ephemeris propagator.
ẏ = J −1 ∇H(y), with J = 0 Id
−Id 0 .
AT JA = J,
methods and the definition of one-step methods), i.e. y1 = Φh (y0 ), then the
method is said to be symplectic if
∂ΦTh ∂Φh
(y0 )J (y0 ) = J ∀y0 .
∂y0 ∂y0
It can be shown that symplectic solvers nearly preserve the Hamiltonian of a
system. Hence, when the Hamiltonian represents the total energy and when
using a symplectic solver, the numerical total energy is preserved just as it
is in the physical one (when conservation of energy applies). This is usually
a very attractive property.
Mass tells spacetime how to curve and curved spacetime tells mass how to
Now, let
Sg = −gRdΩ,
Using the fact that dΩ = cdtd3 x is the elementary 4-volume, Infeld and
Plebansky [4] show that this principle can be re-written
δ Ldt = 0
with Z " #
c4 √ ds
L=− −gJ + c2 (1 + c−2 Π)ρ 0 d3 x
16πG dx
to treat L as the Lagrangian of the post-Newtonian N-body problem. The
integral is to be understood as the sum of all the integrals taken over the
volumes of the bodies. After a few pages of math, one comes to the following
result, also known as the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffman, or EIH equation:
X 1 1 X mi mj 1 1 1 X mi mj
L= mi vi2 + G + 2 mi (vi2 )2 + G
2 2 j6=i rij c 8 4 j6=i rij
1 1 X mi mj (mi + mj )
× 3vi2 + 3vj2 − 7vi · vj − (vi rij )(vj rij ) 2 − G2 2
rij 4 j6=i
1 X X 1 1 1
− G2 mi mj mk + + .
6 j6=i k6=i,j
rij rik rji rjk rki rkj
grangian [9]:
1X 1 X 1 + 2γ X X µi µj 2
L= µi vi2 + 2 µi (vi2 )2 + (vi + vj2 )
2 i 8c i 4c2 i j6=i
3 + 4γ X X µi µj
− ṙi · ṙj (2.10)
4c2 i j6=i
1 X X µi µ j 1 X X µ i µj
− 2 3 {(rj − ri ) · ṙj } {(rj − ri ) · ṙi } +
4c i j6=i rij 2 i j6=i rij
2β − 1 X X µi µj (µi + µj ) 2β − 1 X X X µi µj µk
− 2 − ,
4c2 i j6=i
rij 2c2 r r
i j6=i k6=j ij jk
This Lagrangian will in turn yield the equations of motion given in (2.1).
y(t, 0, y0 ) = φt (y0 ),
and is called the exact flow of the problem. Similarly, the numerical flow is
Φh (y0 ) with h the time step.
• Reversibility:
Φ−h (Φh (y0 )) = y0 ,
i.e. we should be able to go forward in time with a step size h and
then back to where we started (with a step size −h) and arrive exactly
where we started.
• Symplecticity:
∂ΦTh ∂Φh
(y0 )J (y0 ) = J ∀y0 .
∂y0 ∂y0
It is difficult to give a geometric or physical explanation of this prop-
erty without introducing manifolds and symplectic geometry. For this
reason, we will simply say that it is a mathematical property of nu-
merical integrators that can be used in simple classical mechanics.
I(y1 ) = I(y0 )
It turns out that the preservation of these properties makes for a favorable
long-term behavior.
However, implementing solvers that preserve symplecticity, for example, re-
duces the flexibility in equations of motion, as discussed in Section 2.1.2.
Section 3
In contrast to most propagators out there, PAT2 only uses data for initial
conditions and treats all bodies the same way. In fact, most of the other
asteroid propagators available only propagate the trajectory of one single
body, the asteroid. The positions and velocities of all other bodies in the
model are queried from a previously generated ephemeris. The reason for
going with the first philosophy (of propagating all bodies rather than just the
asteroid) is simple: in the latter situation, each time step requires a query
from an ephemeris file. This requires access to such a file. Moreover, the
code must be modifiable in order to include perturbing forces, e.g. kinetic
impactors or slow push methods and therefore the equations of motion must
be available and they must be easy to modify.
Of course, choosing to propagate 15 bodies instead of just 1 will make for a
considerably longer runtime. However, as long as runtime stays reasonably
short when propagating the 15 bodies, this method is acceptable.
Note that is it also possible to modify the PPN parameters β and γ . As a
reminder, β and γ measure the nonlinearity in superposition of gravity and
Asteroid Total
Figure 3.2: Flow chart describing the inner workings of PAT2 . The pink ellipses
represent the input data, the green rectangles the processes and the purple ellipses
the output data. The arrows show the direction of flow. The timespan and initial
conditions are necessary inputs. All other inputs have default values but can be
easily modified.
Maximum Minimum
Positions 4.8 · 109 8.1 · 103
Velocities 3.7 · 101 2.4 · 10−4
Table 3.1: Maximal and minimal (absolute) values for the positions, velocities and
accelerations using units of seconds for time and kilometers for distances. Using
these values will lead to significant roundoff errors.
Maximum Minimum
Positions 4.8 · 104 8.1 · 10−2
Velocities 1.2 · 104 7.6 · 10−2
Table 3.2: Maximal and minimal (absolute) values for the positions, velocities and
accelerations using units of sidereal years for time and hundred thousand kilometers
(105 km) for distances. Using these values significantly reduces roundoff errors and
enables meaningful values of tolerances.
3.2 Rescaling
Once the user has supplied the initial conditions, PAT2 rescales the problem
so as to avoid the unwanted effects of roundoff error and to ensure that all
variables are at the same scale. In fact, the N-body problem considered here
with its usual units of time (seconds) and distance (kilometers) is prone to
a lot of numerical noise. For example, when computing the first term of
(2.1) which is proportional to r13 with r = O(108 ) we come below machine
precision and therefore introduce unnecessary numerical errors. Of course,
this will depend on the machine on which the simulation is run and on the
language used. With a 64 bit machine (MacBook Pro, Intel Core i5) and a 64
bit double precision language (MATLAB R2014a), the machine precision is
≈ 2.2·10−16 . As a reminder, machine precision is the smallest value , such
that 1 + and 1 have different floating point representations. Computing
with values smaller than causes a lot of unwanted and avoidable errors.
Note that a way of overcoming this issue could be to use another language,
such as FORTRAN that uses 128 bit representation. However, we will chose
to stay with MATLAB and rescale the problem.
The units chosen for the rescaling are sidereal years for time and hundreds
of thousand kilometers (105 ) for distances. This way, we avoid unnecessary
roundoff errors. Furthermore, by doing this we obtain positions, velocities
(and accelerations) that are of the same scale, which is a desirable property
when assigning tolerances to the numerical method. In fact, the variables
in this problem are of significantly different scales, as shown in Tables 3.1
and 3.2.
ABM methods use a number of previous points (tk−s , fk−s ),...,(tk−1 , fk−1 ),
(tk , fk ) to construct the Lagrange polynomial approximation p(t, y(t)) of
f (t, y(t)) passing through these points. Then
Z tk+1
y(tk+1 ) ≈ y(tk ) + p(τ, y(τ ))dτ, k ∈ N.
that can be used for a rough estimate (tk+1 , pk+1 ) of (tk+1 , y(tk+1 )).
We can now do the same thing and construct a Lagrange polynomial approx-
imation of f , this time using the unknown point (tk+1 , fk+1 ). This yields
an implicit method known as the Adams-Moulton method (AM) which pro-
duces the corrector formula. Since it is an implicit method, it requires several
iterations. The value of the corrector pk+1 is used as the initial guess for
yk+1 . The corrector formula should give a more accurate approximation to
ode45 ode113
10−4 12’692 6’779
10−5 16’226 8’667
10−6 21’224 10’830
10−7 34’544 13’179
The method presented here is not symplectic. The reason for not chos-
ing such a solver has been explained previously. Here, we remind the main
reason of this choice. As a reminder, the ultimate goal will be to have a
propagator that can be used in deflection missions and therefore some per-
turbing forces will be included in the equations of motions. These perturbing
forces will only be applied during a certain timespan, shorter than the in-
tegration timespan. The entire concept of deflection missions is based on
modifying the energy of a potentially hazardous asteroid in order to change
its trajectory, and hence we are not looking to conserve the total energy of
the system.
Table 3.4: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the last
time step. Here, we consider the asteroid Apophis during the timespan 2014-2024.
Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that obtained
with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding the
marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance. The star symbol ? indicates that the
solver crashes given the specified tolerance.
The star symbol (?) that appreas in the first line of the table indicates that
the numerical scheme crashes given the tolerance of 10−3 . What happens is
that given a large tolerance, the solver produces numerical errors that are
relatively large. As the problem is unstable, these errors increase drastically
and therefore it is no longer possible for the solver to achieve desired accu-
racy without going below the allowed minimum step size. Therefore and the
scheme stops. Besides this phenomenon, we observe that when going from
a tolerance of 10−4 to 10−5 , i.e. increasing the accuracy, there is almost
a 40 kilometer improvement on the error in the last step. We notice that
this improvement dampens as tolerance is decreased more, suggesting that
the problem with this formulation and solver has a lower bound on error.
Note that there are different error metrics that can be considered. Here,
we chose to study the error in a given point (the last point). However, we
might be interested in comparing the "worst" or highest error that occurs
during the 10 year timespan. For the study of deflection, this metric makes
sense because of the ultimate goal to keep the error under a 1000 kilometer
threshold. Another error metric could be the integral of the error over the
entire integration. Then, by dividing by the timespan, we obtain an average
of the error. We will not explore this metric further.
3.4 Output
Once the integration is complete, PAT2 brings the results back to their
initial scales of seconds for time and kilometers for distances. If a timespan
is specified as [t0 , t1 , . . . , tn ], then the output of the numerical integration
will be the state vector evaluated in these n points. Otherwise, if only an
initial and final time t0 and tf are specified, then the solver will return a
structure which can be evaluated at any time between t0 and tf . In Appendix
A, we will briefly discuss polynomial interpolation that is used in order to
obtain solutions at any point in the timespan and the errors that occur as
a consequence.
Simple flags allow the user to make plots for the outputted trajectories, the
numerical errors and the energy.
Section 4
Benchmark comparisons
Figure 4.1: Artist’s conception of a catastrophic asteroid impact with the early
† Image taken from
Init. state vector Timespan
Figure 4.2: Flow chart describing the inner workings of HORIZONS (and many
other available propagators). The pink ellipses represent the input data, the green
rectangles the processes, the orange cylinder the required database and the purple
ellipses the output data. The arrows show the direction of flow
GMAT is a more general tool that can be used for planning any space
mission. It is intended for mission optimization and mission analysis. By
modelling the asteroid whose trajectory we want to study as a satellite, we
can use GMAT to propagate its trajectory given initial positions and ve-
locities. GMAT uses data from JPL’s ephemerides for all the other bodies
considered in the model, i.e. it only propagates the position of the "satel-
lite". This makes for a fast-running propagator. GMAT is an open-source
system, allowing for a personalization of the software. GMAT has a user
interface that allows the user to select the desired coordinate system, initial
conditions, time span, force model and integrator.
As real data (positions and velocities) for solar system bodies is hard to
obtain, we will be using HORIZONS as a reference and comparing all other
results from other propagators to the data generated by this system. Hence
HORIZONS data will, from now on, be considered as the truth.
In order to get an idea of the quality of each propagator, including PAT2 , we
will compare the propagated trajectories of a given asteroid, Apophis, over
the 10 year time span (Januray 1st 2014 to Januray 1st 2024). Note that the
close approach in 2029 is not included in this timespan. We mention this
fact because close approaches make for bigger numerical errors. In fact, a
close approach means a fast increase in acceleration which can be missed by
the numerical integration. However, if we are aware that a close approach
will happen during the numerical integration timespan, a tighter tolerance
could help in avoiding bad results. Note that this is not a property exclu-
sive to PAT2 . In fact, any numerical results obtained with an integrator not
specifically designed and built with fast changes in acceleration in mind (see
Appendix A) will suffer during close approaches. It is therefore important
to be aware of this issue and chose the appropriate tolerances.
Section 5
Case Studies
Figure 5.1: Artist’s conception shows how families of asteroids are created. Over
the history of our solar system, catastrophic collisions between asteroids located in
the belt between Mars and Jupiter have formed families of objects on similar orbits
around the sun.
† Image taken from
Now that the propagator PAT2 has been chosen, we will take a closer look
at the results obtained using it.
To do so, we will be taking a closer look at five different asteroids. These are
Apophis, Icarus, 2007 FT3, 2009 VZ39 and 2008 FF5 whose orbits are shown
in Figure 5.2. The last three of these have been picked from NASA’s Sentry
table [25] which lists the bodies with potential future Earth impact events.
Note that not all of the bodies on this list have diameters big enough for
them to enter Earth’s atmosphere and therefore they are not all hazardous
to us. The asteroids mentioned above are chosen because of the differences
Figure 5.2: Orbits of the asteroids considered for the case studies. These asteroids
are: Apophis, Icarus, 2007 FT3, 2009 VZ39 and 2008 FF5.
We suspect that bodies on orbits with small eccentricities will have bet-
ter results than those with high eccentricities, the key idea being that a
high eccentricity makes for big and fast changes in acceleration along the
trajectories which can be missed by the numerical integrator. We might also
suspect that high inclinations influence the accuracy of the solution.
Equivalent definitions will be used for the other asteroids studied here.
5.1 Apophis
As stated previously, Apophis was put in the spotlight because of initial
observations and computations that indicated a high probability (around
2.7%) that it would collide with Earth. This lead to a big number of scientific
publications focusing on this asteroid. For this reason, Apophis will be the
object of our first case study.
Figure 5.3: Orbit of Apophis during the timespan 2014-2024 (data taken from
Apophis’ orbit is shown in Figure 5.3. We see that this orbit lies almost
in the ecliptic plane (which coincides with the xy plane).
In Table 5.2, we compare the numerical errors in the last time step given
successively decreasing tolerances along with the marginal improvements
and associated runtimes. As explained in Section 3.3, the star symbol ?
indicates that the solver crashes given the tolerance of 10−3 due to the in-
herent instability of the N-body problem. Therefore, it is required to use a
tolerance smaller than 10−3 in order to solve this problem.
We expect to see a decreasing numerical error and an increasing runtime as
the tolerance is reduced. This is a typical tradeoff between accuracy and
runtime. In Table 5.2, we can see that by choosing a tolerance of 10−5 in-
310.0709 - 8.5
10−5 273.1395 36.9314 10.5
10−6 272.4092 0.7303 11.3
10−7 272.4018 0.0074 15.5
10−8 272.4020 −2 · 10−4 20.5
Table 5.2: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the last
time step. Here, we consider the asteroid Apophis during the timespan 2014-2024.
Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that obtained
with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding the
marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance. The star symbol ? indicates that the
solver crashes given the specified tolerance
Figure 5.4: Numerical error in the position of Apophis during the timespan 2014-
2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data. The numerical error
is defined as eApo = kr̃Apo − rApo k where rApo is the true position and r̃Apo is the
numerical position of the asteroid. When rApo − r̃Apo is negative, we inverse eApo
so as to see the oscillatory behavior.
Figure 5.5: Numerical error in the position of Apophis during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
5.8 0.5
10−6 1.498301·103 1.03 0.5
10−7 1.498274·103 2.7·10−2 0.7
10−8 1.498274·103 ≈0 0.9
Table 5.3: Numerical error in the position of Apophis using the Newtonian equa-
tions of motion (2.5).
oscillation is equal to the orbital period of the asteroid (0.89 Earth years).
Furthermore, the error seems to grow initially and then dampens after 10
years. A discussion with JPL’s Paul Chodas about this result concluded that
just as gravity pulls bodies together, it can also pull bodies apart. Therefore
it is possible for the errors to compensate for each other as it seems to be the
case here. However, we note that during most of the 10 years, the amplitude
of the error remains somewhat stable.
Figure 5.5 illustrates the numerical error in the position of Apophis, this
time decomposed into the x, y and z components. We observe that the
contribution from the z component is significantly smaller than that for the
two others. This is not a surprise as the orbit in question lies almost entirely
in the ecliptic plane (xy plane). Moreover, we notice that the x and y error
contributions have similar shapes. However, the error in the x component
drifts upward (i.e. increases). The maximal error over the 10 year timespan
is less than 500 kilometers which is small enough to study keyhole passages
and deflection missions.
For the sake of comparison, and in order to evaluate the impact of the
relativistic terms in equation (2.1), we propagate Apophis’ trajectory using
the Newtonian equations of motion (2.5). The numerical errors for different
tolerances are shown in Table 5.3 along with the marginal improvements
and associated runtimes. By comparing these results to those of Table 5.2,
we notice that the relativistic equations yield more precise trajectories, as
desired. For example, given a tolerance of 10−4 , the Newtonian equations of
motion yield an error in the last time step of 1.5·103 kilometers whereas the
relativistic version yields an error of about 310 kilometers, which is about 5
times smaller. However, the Newtonian equations, which are explicit, make
for significantly shorter runtimes.
Figure 5.6: Normalized simulated total energy of each body in the model as well
as that for the solar system as a whole. The normalization allows us to understand
how the total energy varies around its mean value.
Figure 5.7: Ratio of the simulated potential over kinetic energy for each body in
the model as well as the solar system as a whole.
Figure 5.8: Normalized total energy of each body in the model as well as that for
the solar system as a whole using data from HORIZONS. The normalization allows
us to understand how the total energy varies around its mean value.
Figure 5.9: Ratio of the potential over kinetic energy for each body in the model
as well as the solar system as a whole using HORIZONS data.
objects is that of energy. Figure 5.6 shows the normalized total (simulated)
energy of each body in the model as well as that for the entire solar sys-
tem, as a function of time. We decided to show values normalized by the
mean so as to illustrate the variation around the mean rather than the ac-
tual value. This is a simple post-processing exercise that can be done using
the outputted numerical positions and velocities. Ideally, we would like to
see a regular oscillation around a given value, indicating that the numerical
mechanical energy is approximately conserved. We check this because it is
well known that when solving the Kepler problem using the Euler Explicit
scheme, the trajectories spiral out (increase) while they spiral in (decrease)
when using the Euler Implicit scheme. These results were the reason for
developing the Euler Symplectic method, for which the trajectories neither
increase nor decrease.
For bodies such as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto whose orbital peri-
ods are greater than 10 years (29 years for Saturn, 84 for Uranus, 165 for
Neptune and 247 for Pluto), a longer integration timespan could yield more
information. In fact, even if Uranus’ energy seems to be decreasing over a
10 year timespan, it may very well increase later on, once it has covered a
greater portion of its orbit. Hence if we are interested in studying the energy
of the outer solar system specifically, we could use a longer time span.
Figure 5.7 shows the ratio of potential over kinetic energy for each body
and for the solar system as a whole. For a perfectly circular orbit, we would
expect this ratio to be constant in time. However, due to eccentricities of
the orbits, there is an exchange between potential and kinetic energy which
translates to an oscillatory ratio, as seen in the figure.
For the sake of comparison, Figure 5.8 shows the normalized energy
obtained from HORIZONS data. The same timespan is used, i.e. Januray
1st 2014 to January 1st 2024. The desired oscillatory behavior is present for
the outer solar system bodies. However, it is not the case for the inner solar
system bodies, which also happen to be the smaller bodies. As stated in
Appendix A, there is more to the energy in the solar system than mechanical
energy. We also notice that the last four bodies (the Big3 and the Moon)
have relatively high variations, compared to the others. We should also note
that we are computing the energies for every day. By using a finer mesh, we
would see a more precise depiction of the evolution of the energy.
As stated previously, given the way PAT2 is designed, we have the pos-
sibility to study the positions (and velocities) of all of the bodies considered
in the model, not only the asteroid. Figures 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 and 5.13 il-
lustrate the numerical errors in the positions of the Sun and Jupiter both
in norm and component-wise. These two bodies are always very important
when modelling the solar system as they are extremely massive and there-
fore have a great influence on the other celestial bodies. The same graphs
Figure 5.10: Numerical error in the position of the Sun during the timespan 2014-
2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.11: Numerical error in the position of the Sun during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
Figure 5.12: Numerical error in the position of Jupiter during the timespan 2014-
2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data. Since Jupiter’s orbital
period is greater than 10 years, we might get more information by using a longer
Figure 5.13: Numerical error in the position of Jupiter during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
data. Since Jupiter’s orbital period is greater than 10 years, we might get more
information by using a longer timespan.
Figure 5.14: Numerical error in the position of Mercury during the timespan
2014-2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.15: Numerical error in the position of Mercury during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
Figure 5.16: Numerical error in the position of Venus during the timespan 2014-
2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.17: Numerical error in the position of Venus during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
can be made for any of the 15 bodies considered. We notice that in both
cases, the x component of the error contributes more to the overall error
compared to the y and z components and this remark can be made for all
of the bodies in the model. As we are only studying a 10 year timespan, it
is interesting to do a similar analysis for bodies with shorter orbital periods.
We choose Mercury and Venus because they have the shortest orbital peri-
ods (88 days and 225 days, respectively) and therefore they orbit the Sun
a greater number of times compared to all the other bodies. Figures 5.14,
5.15, 5.16 and 5.17, give the numerical errors of Mercury and Venus both in
norm and component-wise. Again, for both these bodies, the x component
of the error dominates. We also notice a modulation of Mercury’s error,
which can again be associated with the fact that gravity not only pulls but
also pushes and therefore some errors might compensate for each other. Fi-
nally, Figure 5.15 is a great illustration of the instability of the problem, i.e.
how a small error in the state vector (after about 2500 days) can result in a
much greater error for future times.
5.2 Icarus
We will now consider the asteroid Icarus for our second case study. This
asteroid is chosen because it has a high eccentricity (0.8369) and a high
inclination with respect to the ecliptic plane (22.68 degrees). One of the
most important properties of a celestial body is its eccentricity. In terms
of numerical integration, a high eccentricity means that there will be fast
changes in the acceleration during each one of its orbits. If the integrator
does not catch these changes, the results can be very wrong. As a reminder,
an orbit with eccentricity e = 0 is circular. When 0 < e < 1 we have
an ellipse, when e = 1 a parabola and when e > 1 we have a hyperbola.
Furthermore, Icarus’ orbit crosses that of the Earth, reinforcing the interest
of its study.
A similar analysis to that for Apophis will be done for Icarus using PAT2 .
Table 5.4: Some of asteroid Icarus’ relevant physical data ([23], [24]).
In Table 5.5, we compare the numerical errors in the last time step given
successively decreasing tolerances. Marginal improvements and runtimes are
also shown. Given the results in this table, the tolerance 10−9 is preferred.
704.2484 15.7
10−8 269.4207 555.7565 19.7
10−9 241.2383 28.1824 23.2
10−10 231.1155 10.1228 27.4
Table 5.5: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the last
time step. Here, we consider the asteroid Icarus during the timespan 2014-2024.
Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that obtained
with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding the
marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance.
Figure 5.18: Orbit of Icarus during the timespan 2014-2024 (data taken from
Figure 5.19: Numerical error in the position of Icarus during the timespan 2014-
2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.20: Points on Icarus’ orbit with biggest (in black) and smallest (in blue)
errors. The Sun is located at the right (invisible) focus of the ellipse, making the
left-most point of the ellipse the perihelion and the right-most point the aphelion.
Figure 5.21: Numerical error in the position of Icarus during the timespan 2014-
2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS
Figure 5.22: Orbit of 2007 FT3 during the timespan January 1st 2014 - January
1st 2024 (data taken from HORIZONS).
can see that this time, the error in the z component contributes to the total
error, to the contrary of Apophis. This is to be expected as Icarus’ orbit is
inclined with respect to the ecliptic plane.
The numerical errors for the other bodies of the solar system are similar
to those obtained when studying the asteroid Apophis.
Table 5.6: Some of asteroid 2007 FT3’s relevant physical data ([25], [26]).
106.0741 - 8.2
10−5 90.1473 15.9268 9
10−6 90.6667 -0.5194 11
Table 5.7: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the last
time step. Here, we consider the asteroid 2007 FT3 during the timespan 2014-2024.
Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that obtained
with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding the
marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance.
In Table 5.7, we compare the numerical errors in the last time step given
successively decreasing tolerances. Given the marginal improvements and
runtimes shown in this table, the tolerance 10−5 is preferred. Again, for the
sake of comparison, we note that for Apophis we chose a tolerance of 10−6
(small eccentricity) and 10−9 for Icarus (high eccentricity). Since 2007 FT3
has a relatively small eccentricity, this choice of tolerance corresponds to
our earlier hypothesis that small eccentricities will yield smaller numerical
errors. We will therefore use a tolerance of 10−5 in the study of 2007 FT3’s
Figure 5.23 shows the numerical error in the position of asteroids 2007
FT3 during the timespan Januray 1st 2014 to Januray 1st 2024. Similarly
to previous cases, the error is oscillatory with a period equal to the orbital
period of the body. The maximal error during the 10 year timespan is less
than 600 kilometers, which is acceptable for deflection mission analysis.
Figure 5.24 shows the decomposition of the error in the 3 component x, y
and z. This figure shows that all three of this components contribute to
the overall error, as expected because of the high inclination of the orbit.
Finally, we notice that the error increases with time, which is not surprising.
Figure 5.23: Numerical error in the position of 2007 FT3 during the timespan
2014-2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.24: Numerical error in the position of 2007 FT3 during the timespan
2014-2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to
Figure 5.25: Orbit of 2009 VZ39 during the timespan 2014-2024 (data taken from
Table 5.8: Some of asteroid 2009 VZ39’s relevant physical data. It is the aster-
oid with the highest number (815) of potential impacts with Earth, according to
NASA’s Sentry list ([25], [26]).
In Table 5.9, we compare the numerical errors in the last time step given
successively decreasing tolerances. Given the marginal improvements and
runtimes shown in this table, the tolerance 10−4 is preferred. Again, this
confirms that asteroids with low eccentricities will have smaller numerical
errors compared to asteroids with high eccentricities. We will therefore use
a tolerance of 10−4 in the study of 2009 VZ39’s trajectories.
Figure 5.26 shows the numerical error in the position of asteroid 2009
223.2047 - 6.8
10−5 226.9954 -3.7907 12
10−6 221.1609 5.8345 11
Table 5.9: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the last
time step. Here, we consider the asteroid 2009 VZ39 during the timespan 2014-2024.
Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that obtained
with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding the
marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance.
Figure 5.26: Numerical error in the position of 2009 VZ39 during the timespan
2014-2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.27: Numerical error in the position of 2009 VZ39 during the timespan
2014-2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to
Table 5.10: Number of observations used in the statistical fit of an orbit (see
Appendix A) and solution number for each of the five asteroids considered. The
solution number represents the number of time that an asteroid’s orbit has been
calculated (this is done every time new observations are made or when there is a
change in the code).
VZ39 during the timespan January 1st 2014 to January 1st 2024. We notice
that this error looks more like that of Icarus rather than that of Apophis
or 2007 FT3. Figure 5.27 shows the decomposition of the error into its x,
y and z components. As for Apophis, 2009 VZ39 lies almost in the ecliptic
and therefore the z component of the error is very small.
The maximal error during this 10 year period is about 2000 kilometers,
which is not only above the desired maximal value of 1000 kilometers, but
is also the highest error out of the asteroids considered so far. This is a
surprising result. In fact, 2009 VZ39 has a moderate eccentricity and a very
small inclination and therefore we would expect better numerical results.
One reason for this higher than expected error could be the fact that there
high uncertainty about this body and its orbit, as illustrated in Table 5.10.
In this table we see that only a small number of observations is used in the
statistical data fit of the orbit. This is most likely indicates that there are
not many observations or measurement of this asteroid and therefore some
physical parameters might have high uncertainties. Moreover, the solution
number shown in this table represents the number of times a solution has
been computed, either because new observations have been made or there is
a change in the code (observation processing algorithm, for example). This
number should also give an idea as to how well the asteroid’s orbit is known
and again we see that this number is small compared to that for the other
bodies considered.
Table 5.11: Some of asteroid 2008 FF5’s relevant physical data ([26],[25]).
In Table 5.12, we compare the numerical errors in the last time step given
successively decreasing tolerances. Given the marginal improvements and
runtimes, the tolerances 10−9 and 10−10 are the most interesting. We will
show the results of the numerical solution using 10−9 . We notice, once again,
that the tolerance needed in order to obtain reasonable errors is much smaller
than for less eccentric asteroids. However, it is important to note that
obtaining reasonable results is possible, but smaller tolerances are needed
and smaller tolerances translate to longer runtimes.
Figure 5.28: Orbit of 2008 FF5 during the timespan 2014-2024 (data taken from
10−8 2.4135·103 4.0200·104 18.3
10−9 291.4986 2.1220·103 23.6
10−10 41.5419 249.9567 28.6
Table 5.12: Numerical error (in absolute value, compared to HORIZONS) in the
last time step. Here, we consider the asteroid 2008 FF5 during the timespan 2014-
2024. Each error (computed against HORIZONS) is then compared to that ob-
tained with the previously assigned tolerance (one order of magnitude less), yielding
the marginal improvement of a smaller tolerance.
Figure 5.29: Numerical error in the position of 2008 FF5 during the timespan
2014-2024. Numerical results are compared to HORIZONS data.
Figure 5.30: Points on 2008 FF5’s orbit with biggest (in black) errors. The Sun
is located at the right (invisible) focus of the ellipse, making the left-most point of
the ellipse the perihelion and the right-most point the aphelion.
Figure 5.31: Numerical error in the position of 2008 FF5 during the timespan
2014-2024 for each component x, y and z. Numerical results are compared to
Figure 5.29 shows the numerical error in asteroid 2008 FF5’s position.
This is the only one of the asteroids that we consider that does not have an
oscillatory error. This is also the body with the longest orbital period (3.45
years compared to a maximal orbital period of 1.8 years for the four others).
Figure 5.30 shows the point of maximal error (black point), which happens
at day 1636 (about four and a half years into the timespan). In this figure,
the Sun is located on the right-hand side of the ellipse and therefore the
maximal error happens at perihelion, similarly to Icarus as shown in Figure
5.20. Figure 5.31 shows the contribution of each component x, y and z to
the overall numerical error. As in previous cases, the error in z is extremely
small because this body almost lies in the ecliptic.
Section 6
The results obtained in Section 5 suggest that the propagator PAT2 can
be used in the study of asteroid deflection missions.
Table 6.1 shows the eccentricity and inclination of each of the five aster-
oids considered as well as the tolerances chosen for each body, the maximal
errors after 10 years and the runtimes. We notice that the maximal error
for the 10 year timespan of Januray 1st 2014 to Januray 1st 2024 ranges
from 489 kilometers (for Apophis) to 2.5 · 103 kilometers (for Icarus). Out
of the five asteroids, three have maximal errors under the threshold of 1000
Table 6.1: Summary of the results obtained in Section 5. Max Error refers to the
maximal error over the 10 year timespan. These errors assume HORIZONS as the
truth. The values of the errors are rounded for simplicity.
kilometers. Moreover, the tolerances chosen for the asteroids with high
eccentricities (Icarus and 2008 FF5) are significantly smaller (3 orders of
magnitude) than those for the other asteroids. This is not surprising as
asteroids with eccentric orbits will have fast changes in acceleration. How-
ever, we also notice the accuracy of the solution does not only depend on
eccentricity. In fact, 2009 VZ39 has a relatively low eccentricity and has a
relatively big error. This can be attributed to the lack of knowledge that we
have about this asteroid and the uncertainty in the orbit in HORIZONS. In
fact, 2009 VZ39 has a small number of observations and therefore it’s input
data (initial state and mass) contains a lot of uncertainty, which can explain
the inaccuracy of the numerical solution and the orbit in HORIZONS has
only been computed a few times which means that it is not very precise.
Finally, a high inclination with respect to the ecliptic plane does not seem
to have an influence on the quality of the output.
Hence, when using PAT2 for orbit estimation, we can expect to obtain the
least accurate solutions when the asteroid in question has a high eccentric-
ity and a small number of observations or measurements. Nevertheless, in
other cases, the maximal error after 10 years should be smaller than 1000
Finally, we notice that the runtimes vary from less than 7 minutes (for 2009
VZ39, for which a tolerance of 10−4 is chosen) to 28.5 minutes (for Icarus,
for which a tolerance of 10−9 is chosen). This is a good illustration of the
impact of tolerance on runtime.
Figures 6.2 and 6.3 illustrate the relationships between tolerance and
runtime, and tolerance and error, respectively. As expected, runtimes in-
crease with decreasing tolerances and errors decrease with decreased toler-
ances. The rate of decrease in error depends on the orbit properties. These
two figures can be used when deciding what tolerance to use for a given
asteroid with a given orbit. Furthermore, they provide information on what
As far as limitations go, we see here is that PAT2 can only be used on
planets and minor planets or asteroids but not active comets. The reason
is that active comets require additional orbital parameters to account for
the nongravitational perturbations caused by outgassing of the cometary
nucleus, which is not modeled here. Other than that, PAT2 is flexible and
can introduce more or less objects, as desired, with minimal effort.
The most important limitation, as mentioned previously, is related to the
limitation of the input data. The quality of the results for any N-body
problem will heavily depend on the input parameters such as the initial
state vector and the mass of each body. Since the problem is unstable,
even small errors in these parameters can (and will) lead to very bad re-
sults. For asteroids that are hard to observe, i.e. for which we have very
few measurements, we cannot expect good numerical results. Furthermore,
for applications where an extremely precise asteroid trajectory is necessary
(for rendez-vous missions, for example), PAT2 may not be the best solution.
However, for many applications, including deflection mission analysis, the
obtained accuracy is acceptable. Finally, when studying close approaches,
it is necessary to use smaller tolerances compared to those for periods with
no close approaches. The errors should be expected to be higher and the
runtimes longer.
Future work related to the topics discussed in this thesis could include
further benchmarking against NASA’s GMAT. Studying periods of close
approach could yield important information as to the quality of each prop-
agator. Furthermore, some more digging into why the x component of the
numerical error dominates should be done. In theory, for asteroids that lie
(almost) in the ecliptic plane, the errors in x and y are expected to be similar
as the ecliptic plane corresponds to the xy plane. A deeper analysis of the
error for asteroid 2008 FF5 might also be interesting as it’s error was very
different compared to all the others presented.
Moreover, further work could include implementing the numerical integra-
tor in FORTRAN, a 128 bit language, from within MATLAB. This should
reduce the effect of roundoff errors and could potentially be beneficial to the
overall accuracy of the numerical solution.
Another path that could be explored in this context is that of develop-
ping a numerical integrator specifically built for orbit prediction, similarly
to JPL’s DIVA (see A). This would consist in finding a way to accurately
capture fast changes in accelerations which would then produce very high
quality ephemerides. We should note that DIVA was a multi-year endeavour
at JPL. Alternatively, licenses to DIVA can be purchased.
Appendix A
Thanks to Professor Olivier de Weck and Doctor Paul Chodas, I had the
opportunity to spend a day at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in
Pasadena, California.
Dr. Paul Chodas is a senior scientist at JPL. He is the asteroid dynamics
and impact probabilities guru. He is the principal architect for orbit deter-
mination and ephemeris software used by the JPL NEO Program Office and
a co-developer of the Sentry impact monitoring system.
The goal of my visit was to discuss the work that I have done in the
context of my Master thesis as well as the HORIZONS system developed
by JPL. As HORIZONS was, and still is, a big project, there are a number
of people working on its different aspects, such as the mathematical model,
the numerical integrator, the database, the updating of data, etc. I also had
the opportunity to have one-on-one discussions about each of these topics
with their respective experts.
Going into this incredible visit, I did not know what to expect. I had
prepared a PowerPoint presentation describing the work I had done until
then as well as some questions that I would have liked to get the answers to.
These questions were about the equations of motion that are used to generate
asteroid ephemerides as well as the numerical integrator and reference frame.
Furthermore, by reading some documentation about HORIZONS, I learned
that asteroids and planets are handled differently at JPL. This means that
the ephemerides for planets are generated separately from those for the
asteroids and these ephemerides are also stored separately. I therefore also
wanted to know why this distinction was made and what is the difference
The reason that the planets and asteroids are considered separately is
purely historical. In fact, asteroids have only started to be discovered re-
cently, long after trajectories of planets were being estimated. Therefore it
was easier to create a second database for asteroids with their own format
rather than trying to integrate these bodies with the planets.
Now, the way that the asteroid ephemerides are generated happens in a
few steps. First, the planetary ephemerides need to be known and therefore
previously computed. This is done using a numerical solver called DIVA.
This is a variable step size, variable order Adams method developed at JPL
over several years. It is specifically built to be able to handle fast changes
in accelerations, as is necessary when studying the elliptical orbits of plan-
ets. In fact, an object on an eccentric orbit will be greatly accelerated and
perihelion. Once positions are estimated, they are fit to data using the least
squares method. The bodies included in the model are the Sun and the
9 classical planets. Note that if DIVA had been developed later in time,
Pluto would most likely not have been included in the model. However, it
was considered a planet at that time and for this reason it was included in
the model. The equations of motion for the planets are the same as those
presented in equation (2.1), i.e. including the relativistic corrections asso-
ciated with the general theory of relativity. Interestingly, they use orbital
elements instead of Cartesian coordinates to describe the planets and aster-
oids’ ephemeris. The reason for this is that these orbital elements have a
The way that the asteroid ephemerides are generated is entirely different.
In fact, all the planets’ trajectories are prescribed and only the trajectory
of the asteroid is computed (1 body problem). Because the ephemerides
are stored as polynomials, it is easy to obtain the necessary information
about any planet at any time. However, before this can be done for a
newly discovered object, a handful of astrometric observations need to be
made. Then a preliminary orbit is computed using a 2-body problem (i.e.
no perturbations from any of the planets is included). These are of course
very approximate, but this is ok. It allows the people who are tracking this
object to know where to look in the sky. Then, when observations have been
made over several days (thanks to the initial orbit estimation), a definitive
orbit can be computed, this time with planetary perturbations included.
The advantage of this method is that there is no (or minimal) error in
the positions of the planets and therefore the trajectories of the asteroid
cannot be any more accurate. The only errors are related to measurements
and numerical integration, contrarily to the method presented in Section 2
where the error in the positions of the planets will increase the errors in the
positions of the asteroid. Another advantage of this method is the reduced
computation time. In fact, the problem shrinks from a 15 body problem
to a 1 body problem and therefore there should be 15 times less variables
and function evaluations. Moreover, the equations of motion governing the
Earth-Moon system are extremely complicated; the tidal forces for example
have a big impact on the orbits. Therefore using precomputed orbits for the
Earth and Moon should produce better results.
There are two major conclusions to be made here. First of all, the way to
get the most accurate asteroid ephemerides is to use a previously generated
planetary ephemerides and solve a 1 body problem. This cuts down on run-
time tremendously.
The reason for the planet-asteroid separation is purely historic. However,
after a lot of trial and error, it was found that this separation is convenient
for asteroid ephemeris generating.
It is important to keep in mind the context of this thesis and the goal of
the propagator. Even if we do not have access to an extremely high qual-
ity numerical integrator as they do at JPL, using the method of prescribed
planetary positions, we should still obtain as estimate of the asteroid’s tra-
jectory that is accurate enough for the study of deflection missions.
Finally, a short remark can be made about the study of keyhole passages.
In fact, the definition of a keyhole is simply a region in space such that if an
asteroid were to pass through the keyhole, the asteroid would collide with
Earth. However, when studying deflection missions, the only important
thing to know is whether or not the asteroid will collide with Earth and
therefore any simulation should be run until it can be determined if this will
happen or not (i.e. we do not stop the integration at the keyhole but at the
impact). In fact, the only way we can know if a point in space is part of a
keyhole is to start an asteroid at that point and see if it then collides with
the Earth. It would be interesting to determine how much ∆V is needed to
avoid a particular asteroid hitting Earth. This ∆V will grow a lot in the
keyhole region. Note that in these situations, we consider all bodies as point
masses and therefore a point-mass asteroid is either in or out of a keyhole,
but cannot be partly in and partly out as would be the case in reality.
Appendix B
Chebyshev Polynomial
In order to minimize the interpolation error (in the norm of the maximum,
i.e. the maximum error), we compute the roots of the Chebyshev polyno-
mials and use them as the nodes for a Lagrangian interpolation polynomial
(or any other interpolation polynomial of the same degree). For a general
interval [a, b] and a function f that is interpolated by a polynomial Pn of
degree n, by using
with Bn+1 = maxx∈[a,b] |f (n+1) (x)|. More details can be found in [27].
Appendix C
Reading Section 5, some may wonder how these asteroids get their names.
The answer is far from obvious.
First, we should note that asteroids are being discovered on a daily basis
and will keep on being discovered for decades and probably more. These
asteroids are the smaller ones, that do not pose much of a threat to Earth.
The larger asteroids are quite well known. In fact, we have information on
all of these potentially dangerous asteroids.
[1] NASA, 2006 Near-Earth Object Survey and Deflection Study. Technical
report, DRAFT: Pre-Decisional Material, 2006
[3] Q. Wang, The existence of global solution of the N-body problem. Chin.
Astron. Astrophys. 10, 1991
[15] Florin Diacu, Solution of the n-body problem. The Mathematical Intel-
ligencer, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1996
[19] Alan Pitz, Chritopher Teubert, Bong Wie Earth-impact probability com-
putation of disrupted asteroid fragments using GMAT/STK/CODES.
AAS 11-408