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Copyright © 2016 Kieran Ball

All rights reserved.

I’d like to dedicate this book to my mum, who has
given me so much in life, as well as life itself.

Thank you for your unequalled support, and thank

you for being the one person in the world who has
always held unwavering belief in everything I do.

You’re the hardest working person I know and you

have pushed me to be the greatest version of
myself that I can be.

Bonjour et bienvenue (hello and welcome) to “3
Minute French”. I’m Kieran, a language tutor based
in the UK, and I wrote this book to help you to
learn to speak French.

The lessons in this book are based on the

methodology I developed for teaching languages,
which I use in all my classes and courses. The
methodology will get you speaking quickly, without
the struggle normally associated with language

I’ll not bore you with my life story or intricate

details of the history of the methodology; I know
you probably just want to start learning French
now, so I’ll let you get on with it.

Actually, I’ve changed my mind, I will bore you a

little before we start. It’s my book! I’ll keep it as
brief as I can though.

I’ve been tutoring people for over ten years on a

one-to-one basis in a range of subjects. I love
languages, I love learning and I love teaching. I also
love chocolate, but this isn’t really the place to
discuss my chocoholism. I’m very lucky that I get to
teach people every day. However, I can’t fit
everybody who asks me into my schedule so,
regrettably, I end up turning a lot of people away. I
wish I could teach the whole world but I’m yet to
figure out a way of duplicating myself!
The next best thing is to teach through the
medium of a book. So, that’s what I’ve decided to
do. If you're reading this book, then I will soon be
teaching you the glorious splendour that is the
French language.

Anyway, I'll stop blathering on in a minute and we'll

get started with learning. But, firstly, let me just say


No, I'm joking, of course, let me say this instead...

We are all human beings, which means we all

possess the attributes that make us human beings.
There's a wonderful quote by a man called

“I am human, and nothing that is human is alien to me”

What it means is that if one person is capable of

something, then we are all capable of it, because
we’re all humans too. There's nothing in the world
that I cannot understand if somebody before me
has succeeded in understanding it. Therefore, it’s
only logical that since there are more than 200
million people in the world who have managed to
learn to speak French, then you can learn it too!

Anyway, philosophising over. Let's begin.

LESSON 1 ......................................................................... 6

LESSON 2 .......................................................................42

LESSON 3 .......................................................................70

Merci............................................................................. 107


“French in three minutes?” I hear you cry

suspiciously. Yes, this book is intricately designed
to get you speaking French quickly and easily.

I’ve created this book the complete beginner who

only has a few minutes to spare each day.
I’ve set out each lesson so that they can be
completed in short bursts, whenever you find
yourself with a moment of freedom.

Before you start this book, let me share with you

an extremely handy learning tip that helped me to
progress quickly and effectively in language
learning. When most people start studying for
anything, they tend to spend the first day or two
studying for hours and hours and get through
loads of work, however, very quickly this begins to
dwindle. You might feel like spending hours
studying French, which is great, but you want that
feeling of motivation to continue. However, your
motivation won’t continue if you actually spend
hours studying. Limit your study time to chunks of
just three minutes. No more!

If you limit your studying to just three minute

chunks, there are three things that will happen…

1. You’ll maintain your enthusiasm
If you want to learn anything, you have to maintain
enthusiasm or else you won’t continue. If you limit
your study time to just three minutes, you’ll keep
French fresh and exciting and you’ll be eager to
learn. If you spend hours studying, very quickly
you’ll get bored with French and it’ll turn into a

2. You’ll study more consistently

It’s much better to study for just three minutes
once a day than to study for three hours once a
week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to
find even in the most hectic of schedules. If you
make sure you complete at least one three minute
study session every day, it’ll quickly become a habit
that you’ll do without thinking. It’s much easier to
fit in a daily three minute habit than a weekly one
hour habit. By doing this, you’ll become a much
more consistent learner, and consistency is the key
to success.

3. You’ll remember things better

This is my favourite reason as to why you should
limit your study to just three minute chunks. If you
study something for just three minutes every day,
you’ll trick your brain into memorising the
information more quickly than if it were to see the
information for hours each day. It’ll think, “I see this
information every day so it must be important, but
I don’t see it for very long so I’d better hold onto it
and make it into a memory fast!” You’ll be amazed
at how much more easily things tend to stay in
your brain if you limit yourself to just three minutes
a day.

So, three minutes is the key! Set a timer, and once

you reach three minutes, stop. Then give yourself
at least half an hour before you do another three
minutes. You should aim to do at least one three
minute chunk every day, any more than that is a
bonus, but one is fine. Just read through this book
and complete the exercises, that’s all. You’ll be
amazed at how much you learn.

Here’s your first word in French:


It means “good”
You pronounce it “bon(g)”
I’ve put the ‘g’ in brackets because you say this word
like the word “bong” but without the ‘g’ on the end.
You can’t even really hear the ‘n’ either.

Here’s your next word:


It means “it is”

You pronounce it “say”

How would you say this in French?

It is good.

It is good.
C’est bon.

You’ll start to notice similarities between French
and English words:


It means “fantastic”
You pronounce it “fon-tass-teek”


bon - good
c’est - it is
fantastique - fantastic

How would you say this in French?

It is fantastic.

It is fantastic.
C’est fantastique.

Here’s another word that looks similar to English:


It means “absolutely”
You pronounce it “ab-so-loo-mon”


bon - good
c’est - it is
fantastique - fantastic
absolument - absolutely

How would you say this in French?

It is absolutely fantastic.

It is absolutely fantastic.
C’est absolument


bon - good
c’est - it is
fantastique - fantastic
absolument - absolutely

Here’s a cute little French word:


It means “here”
You pronounce it “isseey”

How would you say these sentences in French?

It is here.

It’s good here.

It’s fantastic here.

It’s absolutely fantastic here.

It is here.
C’est ici.

It’s good here.

C’est bon ici.

It’s fantastic here.

C’est fantastique ici.

It’s absolutely fantastic here.

C’est absolument fantastique ici.

Here’s a word you might recognize if you’ve learnt
any French before:


It means “very”
You pronounce it “tray”


bon - good
c’est - it is
fantastique - fantastic
absolument – absolutely
ici – here
très - very

How would you say these in French?

It is very good.

It is very good here.

It is very good.
C’est très bon.

It is very good here.

C’est très bon ici.

You might be wondering what that little line is on
top of the è in très.

It’s called an accent. Don’t worry about it for the

time being; we’ll look at it in detail in a later lesson.
Just remember to write it on in the word “très”.

The word “c’est” means “it is”, well, here’s the

ce n’est pas

It means “it isn’t”

You pronounce it “se nay pah”

How would you say these sentences in French?

It isn’t here.

It isn’t good.

It isn’t very good.

It isn’t fantastic.

It isn’t very good here.

It isn’t here.
Ce n’est pas ici.

It isn’t good.
Ce n’est pas bon.

It isn’t very good.

Ce n’est pas très bon.

It isn’t fantastic.
Ce n’est pas fantastique.

It isn’t very good here.

Ce n’est pas très bon ici.


bon - good
c’est - it is
fantastique - fantastic
absolument – absolutely
ici – here
très - very
ce n’est pas – it isn’t

You’ve learnt quite a few words and phrases in
French now, and you’ve hopefully been saying
them out loud so that you can master the
pronunciation. Now, to really embed these words
and phrases in your brain, let’s do some

I’ve put some sentences in English below. Try and
work out how to say them in French, and then
check to see if you got it right by checking the
answers at the bottom of the page.

1. It’s good
2. It’s absolutely fantastic here
3. It’s good here
4. It is very good
5. It isn’t good here
6. It isn’t good; it’s fantastic
7. It’s fantastic
8. It’s fantastic here
9. It isn’t good here; it’s absolutely fantastic
10. It’s very good here

1. C’est bon
2. C’est absolument fantastique ici
3. C’est bon ici
4. C’est très bon
5. Ce n’est pas bon ici
6. Ce n’est pas bon; c’est fantastique
7. C’est fantastique
8. C’est fantastique ici
9. Ce n’est pas bon ici; c’est absolument fantastique
10. C’est très bon ici

Now, let’s have a go at doing some reverse
translations. Try and work out what these French
sentences mean in English, then check the
answers underneath to see if you were correct.

1. Ce n’est pas très bon

2. C’est très bon
3. Ce n’est pas ici
4. C’est absolument fantastique ici
5. Ce n’est pas très bon ici
6. C’est bon
7. C’est ici
8. Ce n’est pas bon ici
9. C’est bon ici
10. Ce n’est pas bon; c’est absolument fantastique

1. It isn’t very good

2. It’s very good
3. It isn’t here
4. It’s absolutely fantastic here
5. It isn’t very good here
6. It’s good
7. It’s here
8. It isn’t good here
9. It’s good here
10. It isn’t good; it’s absolutely fantastic

Let’s recap the words we’ve learnt in this lesson.
How did you say these words in French?

it is






it isn’t

it is c’est

absolutely absolument

fantastic fantastique

good bon

here ici

very très

it isn’t ce n’est pas

What else?

There is plenty you can do to ensure the language

stays firmly in your brain and doesn't disappear.
You can play about with building sentences from
the words you've learnt so far. Whenever you find
yourself with a spare 30 seconds, think of
something you can say in French. Saying short
sentences to yourself in French throughout the
day keeps the language at the forefront of your

Also, from time to time, there will be a word or two

(or maybe three) that just will not stay in your
memory no matter how hard you try. What you
should do to overcome this is write the word down
in English in big letters in the middle of a blank
piece of paper. Put the piece of paper in your
pocket and take it out a few times each day.
Whenever you take it out, look at the English word
and say the French word to yourself along with a
French sentence that contains this word. The first
few times, you might struggle to think of what the
French word is and you’ll have to double check.
However, pretty quickly, you’ll remember the
French without having to check. You'll be amazed
at how well this technique works.

Finally, before I end this first lesson, I'll just give you
some information on what it means to learn a
language. Memorising lots of words isn't what it
means to learn a language. It's a start but it isn't
going to get you very far. What you need to be able
to do is put those words together to get your
thoughts and ideas across to somebody else.

Each time you learn a new word, think to yourself,

“Where could I use this?” Make up a sentence and
think about where you could say it. “C'est très bon”
- you could say this to a waiter in a restaurant
when he asks you how your meal is.

By doing this, you're giving the words relevance in

your life. You’ll remember things much more easily
if you can see where it’s going to be useful. Also, by
building sentences, you're subconsciously creating
a list of things to say so that you'll never be lost for

Even when you're in France you can do this. Before

entering a restaurant, for example, have a quick
think about what you could say to the waiter when
you go inside. This helps to build your confidence
and stops you from having to think on the spot.
You’ll be more likely to speak if you have already
prepared something to say.


Let’s start this lesson with a quick recap of the

words and phrases we learnt in the last lesson.
How do you say the following in French?

it isn’t
it is

If there are any words you can’t remember, go

back to the last lesson and have a quick review of
them before you start this lesson. It’s really
important that you remember the words you’ve
learnt so far before you move on to learn any

Here’s your first word in French for this lesson:


It means “delicious”
You pronounce it “day-liss-yer”

très délicieux
Did you notice there’s another one of those
accents on top of the é in délicieux? It’s similar to
the one we saw in très but it’s facing the other way

The accent in “très” is called a grave accent and the

accent in “délicieux” is called an acute accent. It
doesn’t really make much difference what they’re
called but I always think it’s nice to know.

The accents don’t really do a lot. There’s a tiny tiny

tiny difference between how you pronounce each
one but it’s so minor, it’s hardly worth bothering
about. However, I’ll show you, just so you know:

The letter è with a grave accent should be pronounced
like the e sound in the English word ‘fed’

The letter é with an acute accent should be pronounced
like the vowel sound in the English word ‘pay’ but
without the ‘y’ sound.

How would you say this in French?

It is delicious.

It is delicious.
C’est délicieux.

Here’s your next word in French:


It means “extraordinary”
You pronounce it “extra-or-dee-nair”


délicieux - delicious
extraordinaire - extraordinary

How would you say these sentences in French?

It is extraordinary.

It is absolutely extraordinary.

It is absolutely extraordinary here.

It is extraordinary.
C’est extraordinaire.

It is absolutely extraordinary.
C’est absolument extraordinaire.

It is absolutely extraordinary here.

C’est absolument extraordinaire

Here’s a beautiful little word in French:


It means “beautiful”
You pronounce it “bow”


délicieux - delicious
extraordinaire - extraordinary
beau - beautiful

How would you say these, in French?

It is beautiful.

It is very beautiful.

It is very beautiful here.

It is absolutely beautiful here.

It is beautiful.
C’est beau.

It is very beautiful.
C’est très beau.

It is very beautiful here.

C’est très beau ici.

It is absolutely beautiful here.

C’est absolument beau ici.

Here’s a useful phrase in French:

pour moi

It means “for me”

You pronounce it “pour mwa”


délicieux - delicious
extraordinaire - extraordinary
beau - beautiful
pour moi – for me

How would you say these in French?

It is for me.

It isn’t for me.

It isn’t good for me.

It isn’t very good for me.

It is for me.
C’est pour moi.

It isn’t for me.

Ce n’est pas pour moi.

It isn’t good for me.

Ce n’est pas bon pour moi.

It isn’t very good for me.

Ce n’est pas très bon pour moi.

The phrase “pour moi” actually has two meanings
in French. We’ve seen it can mean “for me” but, if
you put “pour moi” at the start of a sentence in
French, it can mean “in my opinion” or “I think”:

pour moi

It means “in my opinion” or “I think”

You pronounce it “pour mwa”


délicieux - delicious
extraordinaire - extraordinary
beau - beautiful
pour moi – for me
pour moi – I think / in my opinion

How would you say these sentences in French?

I think it is good.

I think it’s very good.

I think it’s delicious.

I think it’s absolutely extraordinary


I think it’s fantastic here.

I think it’s good.
Pour moi, c’est bon.

I think it’s very good.

Pour moi, c’est très bon.

I think it’s delicious.

Pour moi, c’est délicieux.

I think it’s absolutely extraordinary

Pour moi, c’est absolument
extraordinaire ici.

I think it’s fantastic here.

Pour moi, c’est fantastique ici.

Now we’ve added quite a few new words to our
French repertoire, let’s practise putting them
together into sentences. How do you say these
sentences in French?

1. It’s very beautiful here

2. It’s absolutely beautiful
3. I think it’s very good
4. It’s absolutely extraordinary here
5. It isn’t for me
6. It isn’t very good for me
7. It isn’t good; it’s absolutely extraordinary
8. It’s absolutely delicious
9. I think it’s delicious
10. I think it’s fantastic

1. C’est très beau ici

2. C’est absolument beau
3. Pour moi, c’est très bon
4. C’est absolument extraordinaire ici
5. Ce n’est pas pour moi
6. Ce n’est pas très bon pour moi
7. Ce n’est pas bon; c’est absolument extraordinaire
8. C’est absolument délicieux
9. Pour moi, c’est délicieux
10. Pour moi, c’est fantastique

Now, let’s have a go at doing some reverse
translations. What do these French sentences
mean in English?

1. C’est extraordinaire
2. C’est absolument beau
3. Pour moi, c’est absolument beau ici
4. Pour moi, c’est bon
5. C’est très bon pour moi
6. Ce n’est pas pour moi
7. C’est délicieux
8. Pour moi, c’est délicieux
9. C’est absolument beau ici
10. Ce n’est pas très beau

1. It’s extraordinary
2. It’s absolutely beautiful
3. I think it’s absolutely beautiful here
4. I think it’s good
5. It’s very good for me
6. It isn’t for me
7. It’s delicious
8. I think it’s delicious
9. It’s absolutely beautiful here
10. It isn’t very beautiful

What we’re going to do now are some recap
translations, which will incorporate words we
learnt in the previous lesson.

1. It isn’t very good

2. It isn’t good here
3. It’s absolutely fantastic here
4. It’s fantastic
5. It’s good here
6. It’s here
7. It’s fantastic here
8. It isn’t good here; it’s absolutely fantastic
9. It isn’t very good here
10. It’s very good

1. Ce n’est pas très bon

2. Ce n’est pas bon ici
3. C’est absolument fantastique ici
4. C’est fantastique
5. C’est bon ici
6. C’est ici
7. C’est fantastique ici
8. Ce n’est pas bon ici; c’est absolument fantastique
9. Ce n’est pas très bon ici
10. C’est très bon

Let’s now do some French to English recap

1. Ce n’est pas bon ici

2. Ce n’est pas très bon
3. C’est ici
4. C’est fantastique ici
5. Ce n’est pas bon ici; c’est absolument fantastique
6. C’est absolument fantastique ici
7. Ce n’est pas fantastique
8. C’est bon ici
9. C’est bon
10. C’est fantastique

1. It isn’t good here

2. It isn’t very good
3. It’s here
4. It’s fantastic here
5. It isn’t good here; it’s absolutely fantastic
6. It’s absolutely fantastic here
7. It isn’t fantastic
8. It’s good here
9. It’s good
10. It’s fantastic

Let’s recap all the words we’ve learnt so far. How
did you say these words in French?

1. it is
2. here
3. fantastic
4. delicious
5. it isn’t
6. good
7. very
8. extraordinary
9. I think
10. beautiful
11. for me
12. absolutely

1. c’est
2. ici
3. fantastique
4. délicieux
5. ce n’est pas
6. bon
7. très
8. extraordinaire
9. pour moi
10. beau
11. pour moi
12. absolument


Let’s start this lesson with a quick recap of the

words and phrases we learnt in the last lesson.
How do you say the following in French?

for me
I think

If there are any words you can’t remember, go

back to the last lesson and have a quick review of
them before you start this lesson. It’s really
important that you remember the words you’ve
learnt so far before you move on to learn any

Here’s your first word in French for this lesson:


It means “but”
You pronounce it “may”

You pronounce the word “mais” like “may” but it
ends in the letter ‘s’.

Well, there’s a funny thing about consonants in

French, you rarely ever pronounce them when
they’re on the end of a word. The only consonants
you pronounce on the end of words in French are
C, R, F and L. You can remember them because
they appear in the word CAREFUL


For example:

sac “sak”

pour “pour”

boeuf “beuf”

normal “noor-mal”

How would you say this in French?

It is delicious but it isn’t very

good for me.

It is delicious but it isn’t very
good for me.
C’est délicieux mais ce n’est
pas très bon pour moi.

Here’s your next word in French:


It means “yes”
You pronounce it “wee”


mais - but
oui - yes

How would you say these in French?

Yes, it’s for me.

Yes, it’s absolutely delicious.

Yes, I think it’s good.

Yes, it’s for me.
Oui, c’est pour moi.

Yes, it’s absolutely delicious.

Oui, c’est absolument délicieux.

Yes, I think it’s good.

Oui, pour moi, c’est bon.

Here’s a common yet useful word in French:


It means “thank you” or “thanks”

You pronounce it “mair-see”


mais - but
oui - yes
merci – thank you / thanks

How would you say these sentences in French?

Yes, thank you, it’s delicious.

Yes, thank you, it’s fantastic.

It’s very good, thanks.

Yes, it is for me, thank you.

Yes, thank you, it’s delicious.
Oui, merci, c’est délicieux.

Yes, thank you, it’s fantastic.

Oui, merci, c’est fantastique.

It’s very good, thanks.

C’est très bon, merci.

Yes, it is for me, thank you.

Oui, c’est pour moi, merci.

Here’s a new word for you:


It means “always”
You pronounce it “too-joor”


mais - but
oui - yes
merci – thank you / thanks
toujours – always

How would you say these in French?

It is always fantastic here.

It isn’t always very good here.

I think it’s always beautiful here.

It’s always absolutely delicious.

It is always fantastic here.
C’est toujours fantastique ici.

It isn’t always very good here.

Ce n’est pas toujours très bon ici.

I think it's always beautiful here.

Pour moi, c’est toujours beau ici.

It’s always absolutely delicious.

C’est toujours absolument

Here’s a perfect little word in French:


It means “perfect”
You pronounce it “par-fay”


mais - but
oui - yes
merci – thank you / thanks
toujours – always
parfait – perfect

How would you say the following in French?

Yes, it’s perfect, thank you.

I think it’s perfect.

It’s absolutely perfect.

I think it’s absolutely perfect here.

It’s always perfect here.

Yes, it’s perfect, thank you.
Oui, c’est parfait, merci.

I think it’s perfect.

Pour moi, c’est parfait.

It’s absolutely perfect.

C’est absolument parfait.

I think it’s absolutely perfect here.

Pour moi, c’est absolument parfait

It’s always perfect here.

C’est toujours parfait ici.

Here’s a tiny word in French with a funny thing on


It means “that”
You pronounce it “ssa”


mais - but
oui - yes
merci – thank you / thanks
toujours – always
parfait – perfect
ça– that

How would you say this in French?

That for me.

That for me.
Ça pour moi.

The little squiggle underneath the letter ç is called
a cedilla and all it does is tell you to pronounce the
c like the letter s. That’s why ça is pronounced like

Actually, whilst we’re on the topic of the letter c,

there are a few more interesting things to say.

The letter C can be pronounced in two ways in

French, like a K or like an S. The way you
pronounce it depends on what letter comes after
it. Turn the page and I’ll explain.


If you see the letter C in front of an E or an I, then

you pronounce it like an S

For example:
c’est – it is (pronounced “say”)
cinéma – cinema (pronounced “sin-ay-ma”)


If you see the letter C in front of an A, O or a U,

then you pronounce it like a K

For example:
café – coffee (pronounced “ka-fay”)
concombre – cucumber (pronounced “kon-kom-br”)
curiosité – curiosity (pronounced “ku-ree-oss-itay”)

If you see the letter Ç with the cedilla, you always

pronounce it like an S

For example:
ça– that (pronounced “ssa”)
garçon – boy (pronounced “gar-sson”)
façade – front (pronounced “fa-ssad”)

If you put the word “ça” in front of the word “c’est”
you get:

ça c’est

It means “that is”

You pronounce it “ssa say”
Literally, it means “that it is” but that’s what you have
to say in French


mais - but
oui - yes
merci – thank you / thanks
toujours – always
parfait – perfect
ça – that
ça c’est – that is

How do you say these in French?

That is good.

That is very good.

That is absolutely fantastic.

That is for me.

I think that is perfect.

That is good.
Ça c’est bon.

That is very good.

Ça c’est très bon.

That is absolutely fantastic.

Ça c’est absolument fantastique.

That is for me.

Ça c’est pour moi.

I think that is perfect.

Pour moi, ça c’est parfait.

It’s time to practise what we’ve learnt in this lesson.

1. It’s always here

2. It isn’t always here
3. It’s always absolutely fantastic here
4. It’s for me, thank you
5. Yes, it’s for me
6. It isn’t always good here
7. It’s always very good
8. I think that is absolutely perfect
9. That is delicious but it isn’t very good for me
10. Yes, it’s perfect, thank you

1. C’est toujours ici

2. Ce n’est pas toujours ici
3. C’est toujours absolument fantastique ici
4. C’est pour moi, merci
5. Oui, c’est pour moi
6. Ce n’est pas toujours bon ici
7. C’est toujours très bon
8. Pour moi, ça c’est absolument parfait
9. Ça c’est délicieux mais ce n’est pas très bon pour
10. Oui, c’est parfait, merci

Now, let’s have a go at doing some reverse

1. Oui, merci
2. C’est absolument parfait
3. Ce n’est pas fantastique mais c’est très bon
4. Pour moi, c’est parfait
5. C’est toujours absolument fantastique ici
6. Pour moi, c’est absolument extraordinaire
7. C’est toujours très bon
8. C’est toujours très bon ici
9. Oui, ça c’est pour moi, merci
10. Ça c’est absolument délicieux

1. Yes, thank you

2. It’s absolutely perfect
3. It isn’t fantastic but it’s very good
4. I think it’s perfect
5. It’s always absolutely fantastic here
6. I think it’s absolutely extraordinary
7. It’s always very good
8. It’s always very good here
9. Yes, that’s for me, thank you
10. That is absolutely delicious

What we’re going to do now are some recap
translations, which will incorporate words we
learnt in the previous lesson.

1. It isn’t fantastic
2. It’s very good here
3. It’s good here
4. It’s delicious
5. I think it’s absolutely beautiful here
6. It isn’t very good here
7. It is absolutely fantastic
8. I think it’s good
9. It is fantastic
10. It’s absolutely extraordinary here

1. Ce n’est pas fantastique

2. C’est très bon ici
3. C’est bon ici
4. C’est délicieux
5. Pour moi, c’est absolument beau ici
6. Ce n’est pas très bon ici
7. C’est absolument fantastique
8. Pour moi, c’est bon
9. C’est fantastique
10. C’est absolument extraordinaire ici

Let’s now do some French to English recap

1. Ce n’est pas bon

2. Ce n’est pas très bon pour moi
3. C’est beau
4. C’est fantastique
5. C’est extraordinaire ici
6. C’est extraordinaire
7. Ce n’est pas fantastique
8. C’est très beau ici
9. Ce n’est pas bon ici
10. Ce n’est pas très extraordinaire

1. It isn't good
2. It isn’t very good for me
3. It’s beautiful
4. It’s fantastic
5. It’s extraordinary here
6. It’s extraordinary
7. It isn’t fantastic
8. It’s very beautiful here
9. It isn’t good here
10. It isn’t very extraordinary

Let’s recap all the words we’ve learnt so far. How
did you say these words in French?

1. beautiful
2. thanks
3. here
4. it is
5. yes
6. very
7. for me
8. that
9. always
10. fantastic
11. good
12. absolutely
13. I think
14. perfect
15. extraordinary
16. but
17. it isn’t
18. delicious
19. that is…

1. beau
2. merci
3. ici
4. c’est
5. oui
6. très
7. pour moi
8. ça
9. toujours
10. fantastique
11. bon
12. absolument
13. pour moi
14. parfait
15. extraordinaire
16. mais
17. ce n’est pas
18. délicieux
19. ça c’est…

Before you go, I’d like to say “merci” for buying this
book. There are lots of French books available and
you chose to read mine, so I am eternally grateful
for that.

I hope you have enjoyed this book and I hope

you’re glad you made the purchase. I also hope
you’ve started to realise how easy learning a new
language can be.

This book contained lessons one to three of my “3

Minute French” course. If you would like to learn
more, you can get the next book in the series
containing lessons four to six, and further books
after that to continue building your French
language skills.

For more information on where to get the next

books, or if you’d like any more tips on language
learning, you can visit my website

Thank you again, merci et à bientôt!


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