ITB Section Reference Required Information: Page 52 of 490

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following instructions for online submission:

 Bidder who wants to participate in bidding will have to procure

digital certificate as per IT Act to sign their electronic bids. Offers
which are not digitally signed will not be accepted. Bidder shall
submit their offer in electronic format on above mentioned website
after digitally signing the same.
 Cost of bid document isRs 50,000/- only whereas the Bid Processing
fee is Rs.17,700/-

 The Procuring Entity or the Representative will not be responsible for

any mistake occurred at the time of uploading of bid or thereafter.
 If holiday is declared on physical submission (depositing documents
in hard copy) & opening date of tender the scheduled activity will
take place on next working day.
The Bid security shall be paid in the name of Managing Director,
BUIDCo-as stipulated in tender document.
ITB 5.1 (a) The address where opening of the bid shall take place is:

Bid will be open on

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