Sut Ams Medical College, TVM
Sut Ams Medical College, TVM
Sut Ams Medical College, TVM
P Mitrale
In the above ECG the lead I shows an upright wave When P wave is broad and notched it indicates Left
with net positive deflection and lead III shows a net Atrial Enlargement and it is most often seen in
positive wave with upward deflection. Hence axis is patients with Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis
P Pulmonale
Right Axis Deviation When P wave is tall and peaked it indicates Right
atrial enlargement
It is most often seen in Chronic Corpulmonale
Step 6: PR Interval
The physiological necessity, for the AV Nodal
delay, which causes the normal PR interval is that,
the same SA Nodal impulse has to activate, both
In the above ECG the lead I shows a downward atria & ventricles
wave with net negative deflection and lead III
shows a net positive wave with +ve deflection. Normal PR Interval
Hence axis is RIGHT The Normal PR Interval is 3-5 small divisions, when
measured from the beginning of P to beginning of
Left Axis Deviation QRS
In other words it is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds
The lead I shows a positive wave with net positive Prolonged PR Interval
deflection and lead III shows a net negative wave Prolonged PR interval is said to be present if the
with negative deflection. Hence axis is LEFT PR interval is equal to or more than 0.21 sec
Result of Step 4: Electrical Axis of Heart It is seen in Acute Rheumatic Fever and I degree
I looked into leads ! And III. In lead I there was a HB
positive and negative. But positive wave was more. Short PR Interval
In lead I the net deflection was positive. In lead III PR interval is said to be short when it is less than
also the net deflection was positive 0.12 seconds in duration
Step 04 - Electrical Axis: Normal
It is seen in WPW Syndrome and Junctional
Rhythm Why is Q very important?
Presence of significant Q wave indicates the
ECG showing short PR interval diagnosis of Myocardial infarction either acute or
It is a sinus rhythm with short PR interval and old
ventricular pre-excitation syndrome possibly due to It is usually preceded by the classical chest pain
There is in addition a Delta wave Whether Acute MI or Old MI?
If it is, accompanied by other evidence of acute
Result of Step 6: PR Interval Myocardial Infarction, like ST elevation or T wave
I looked at the PR segment. I measured the PR inversion it is acute; otherwise it is old
interval. It was found to be 4 small divisions. It
meant that it is 0.16 seconds in duration. It is with in Anterior wall Infarction
the normal ranges In Anterior wall Myocardial Infarction the changes
Step 06 – PR interval: Normal of MI are seen in V2-V4
If V1 also shows changes the septum is involved
Step 7: Q Wave
Q wave is defined as the first negative deflection of Inferior wall Infarction
the QRS Complex and it is normally present only in In Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction the changes of
a few leads viz. Lead III, II, V5 & V6 and they are MI are seen in II, III and aVF
very small If V1 also shows changes the septum is involved