Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement Among Higher Secondary Students

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Jaykumar Jayantilal Kewat

Research Fellow

Pursuing PhD (Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat)

Contact: kewatjay@gmail.com

+91 7567420004

Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement among Higher

Secondary Students
Nowadays Classrooms are filled with youngsters showing a wide range of concerns that
often make learning in the classroom difficult and ineffective. Students are often found to
suffer from poor self-esteem, low self-awareness, poor self-discipline, lesser peer interaction,
a difficulty in express feelings, and sometimes, a significant level of emotional pain such as
feeling frustrated, sad, anxious and angry. Based on concept of Emotional Intelligence
Quotient by Salovey, Mayer and Caruso (1997), the authors stated how the mechanism of
Emotional Intelligence Quotient can enhance student’s emotional competency which in turn
will improve their learning in their school and personal life. This study was conducted in five
different schools in the state of Gujarat, India; to examine student’s average level of EQ and
the relationship between student’s level of EQ and their negative affect level (anxiety, anger,
and frustration) towards some specific school tasks and academic achievement. Research
study indicates that there is linear negative relationship between Emotional Intelligence
Quotient and students’ Academic Achievement. Research also indicates positive relationship
between EIQ and gender differences.

Key Words: Emotional Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Students


An earlier definition of emotion was suggested by Young (1975) as complex affective

process and states that manifest themselves in subjective feelings such as sadness, joy, anger,
frustration, etc. Santrock (1998), defines emotion as feeling or affect that involves a mixture
of physiological arousal (fast heartbeat) and overt behaviour (a smile or grimace). Emotions
can be classified as positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions also known as positive
affectivity (PA) refers to emotions that range from high energy, enthusiasm and excitement to
calm, quite and withdrawn. Examples of PA are Joy, Happiness and laughter. Negative
affectivity (NA) involves emotions that are negatively toned, such as anxiety, anger, guilt and
sadness. These emotions are very important to the educative process as they drive attention,
and consequently learning and memory (Greenberg & Snell, 1997).

The impact of negative emotions on academic performance can be examined through the
relationship between emotion and learning process. For instance, emotional maladjustments
could result in inattention and poor memorization resulting in poor school work. According to
Sharp (1975), the relationship between emotional maladjustments and school failure actually
is a circular one. Emotional maladjustments affects children’s ability to concentrate and to
remember, resulting in poor school work which later increases the child’s anxiety and
frustration causing the child to be emotionally disturbed.

Apparently, anything that affects the child’s emotional state is likely to affect his school
performance. Anxious, unhappy, and angry youngsters don’t make ideal students
(Lewkowicz, 1999) and people who are caught in these states don’t take in information
efficiently or deal with it well (Goleman, 1995). The link between the child’s emotional life
and academic performance is clearly seen if we consider the question of anxiety. Over-
anxiety can inhibit learning or hinder performances. Take the example of child who is too
anxious to pass an examination to please his parents who have high expectations on him/her.
He/she might become so nervous thinking about the consequences of failing his parents that
he/she might lose focus to the tasks he/she might is attending to. On the other hand, a child
who suffers from under-anxiety is not anxious to learn and would be concerned at his own
failure or is not bothered whether he learns or not and he is unlikely to progress in school.
Other negative affects that portray similar effects are anger, sadness and frustration. As
attention and memorization are crucial in learning and influenced by emotional adjustments,
the ability to regulate one’s emotion can serve as a tool for students to cope with negative
affects when they encounter them in learning situations. Therefore, emotional regulation or
emotional intelligence plays an important role in student’s success in academic performance
above their cognitive ability.

Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence is a combination of the term emotions and intelligence. Mayer,

Salovey and Caruso (2000b) viewed emotions as one of three fundamental classes of mental
operations which include motivation, cognition and emotion. The connection between
emotion and cognition can be explained by the way emotion interacts with cognition. A
person who is in good mood tends to think positively and productively and vice-versa. As
such, the term EQ implies that emotion and intelligence are interrelated and complementary
giving rise to emotional intelligence (Mayer, 2001).

There are views on EQ, thus giving rise to a number of EQ conceptual models. The popular
ones are the ability theory of EQ originated by Mayer, et al. (1997) and the mixed-personality
and socio-emotional definitions employed by Bar-On (1997) and Goleman (1998)
respectively. These three models interpret EQ in different ways and they are overlapped to
some degree with other concepts like emotions, cognition and personality.

Mayer and his colleague defined EQ as “a cognitive ability” and suggested that emotion and
intelligence work hand in hand operating across both cognitive and emotional systems.
Emotional intelligence involves “ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express
emotions; to access and/or generate feelings so as to assist thought; the ability to understand
hidden emotions and emotional knowledge; and to reflectively regulate emotions as to
promote emotional and intellectual growth”. This definition implies that emotions and
intelligence are related; emotion makes thinking intelligent and one think intelligently about

The mixed models of EQ have a different approach in defining EQ compared to the ability
model. These models combine mental abilities such as emotional self awareness with other
characteristics such as personal independence, self-regard, and mood. Goleman’s definition
of EQ which described EQ as the “ abilities such as being able to control impulse and delay
gratification; to motivate oneself; to regulate one’s mood and keep distress from swamping
the ability to think; to empathize and to hope” (Goleman, 1995).

Emotions Regulation

Being the highest branch in the ability model of emotional intelligence, emotional regulation
concerns the regulations of emotional arousal or processes within oneself that facilitate a
person’s monitoring, evaluating, and changing his/her emotional reactions to maximize
his/her efficacy (Saarni, 1997). With this understanding, students who obtained high scores in
the overall emotional intelligence test in the present study are considered to have acquired the
ability to regulate his/her emotion in general. Emotion regulation in the present study also
involved investigation on subjects’ ability to regulate their negative emotions towards
academic tasks which were referred as negative academic affect.

Negative Academic Affect (NAA)

Negative academic affect refers to affects (anxiety, anger and frustration) associated with
school or academic tasks. Anxiety, for example, is an arousal that generates feelings like
uneasiness and tension, and often characterized by varying degrees of fear and worry. It has a
complex relationship with performance (Eggen & Kauchak, 1999). Relatively high anxiety
improves performance on simple and well practiced tasks but lowers performance on new or
difficult tasks (Convington & Omelich, 1987). If the task is difficult and the anxiety is high,
thoughts like “I won’t be able to do it” will occupy the working memory space instead of
devoting it to the tasks involved, and therefore lower performance on the tasks concerned. On
the other hand, for simple tasks that requires less memory space, this arousal will increase
performance. The level of negative academic affect experienced by students reflects their
ability to regulate emotions that are associated with school tasks.

Gumora (1999) investigated the connections between emotional regulation and academic
achievement. In Gumora’s (1999) study, the Negative Academic Affect Scale (NAAS) was
used to determine the emotional regulation among103 young adolescence comprised of 51
boys and 52 girls (mean age 12 years 1 month). Result showed that there was a significant
association between student’s ability to regulate anxiety, anger and frustration experienced
when performing school tasks. Other findings were significant connections between among
student’s grades, cognitive ability, academic competence and aspect of temperament such as
task orientation and mood. Overall results also revealed that students who had greater
difficulty managing negative academic affect had a lower Grade Point Average (GPA),
scored lower on the tests of cognitive ability, had lower perception on academic competence,
and had less perseverance on tasks, and had a more negative mood.

Lam and Kirby (2002) conducted a research to explore the impact of emotional and general
intelligence on individual performance among 304 undergraduates (152 men, 152 women),
ranged in age from 18 to 33 years. Multifactor Emotional intelligence Scale (MEIS) was
used to measure participants’ overall EQ. results showed that overall EQ and regulating
emotions contributed to individual cognitive-based performance over and above the level
attributable to general intelligence, and the relationship was positive.

The impact of EQ on school and learning was also mentioned by Schilling (1996) and she
relates emotion to desire, and motivation which drive learning within school or without.
Children who are emotionally competent have an increased desire to learn and to achieve.

As the study of emotional intelligence is fairly new in the local classrooms, this study
attempts to explore the fundamental issues of emotional intelligence such as the overall level
of emotional intelligence among higher secondary students, and the relationship between EQ
and academic achievement.

Specifically, this study addresses the following questions.

1. What is the overall level of EQ, academic achievement and level of negative
academic affect among the students observed in this study?
2. Is there any significant relationship between gender and EQ?
3. Is there any significant correlation between student’s level of EQ and their negative
academic affect and academic achievement?
4. Is there any significant correlation between students’ level of negative academic
affect and self-rated academic competency?


This study was conducted by using descriptive survey design. Correlation analysis was
used to determine the relationship between the variables. Three types of data were
gathered namely, student’s EQ level, demographical information, and school achievement
in terms of midterm exam results.


Participants for this study comprised 205 higher secondary level students (97 boys 108
girls) from five secondary schools in Gujarat, India with an average age of 16.5 years. An
exploratory data analysis was done to see if the samples were representative. The test of
normality for the EQ scores show that the samples came from a normally distributed
population (Kolmogorov-Smirnov corresponding observed significant = .20, df = 205).


Three instruments were used in this study to measure the desired findings. Below is a
brief description of the instruments used in this study.

1. Adolescent Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (AMEIS)

It is an ability test instrument developed by Mayer, et al. (1997) to assess adolescent’s
emotional ability, and consists of eight emotional intelligence tasks that measure four
branches of emotional intelligence. Here only four tasks are selected i.e. faces,
synesthesia, perspectives and Managing. All tasks had several questions and
responses were recorded on scale ranging from 1 (the least) to 5 (the most). The
overall reliability coefficient of the translated version of AMEIS was found to be (r
= .89)
2. The Negative Academic Affect Scale (NAAS)
This scale was developed by Gumora (1999) to assess the negative affect associated
with specific school tasks experienced by students. The NAAS (r =.93) consists of an
item pool of 39 statements having scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). These
scores are summed to reveal students’ level of emotional regulation in education
3. Academic Competency Scale (ACS)
This is one of the six sub-scales of multidimensional self concept scale developed by
Bracken (cited in Gumora, 1999). It can be used as an average assessment of self
concept. Academic Competency Scale consisting 25 items in subscale and scored on
four point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Strongly agree) to 4 (Strongly disagree).

Research Procedure

This study was conducted in July two weeks after the school’s new term started. A set of
questionnaires were distributed to four classes (each class from different school) during
school hour. Students were briefed about study and responses were taken from them.
Students’ school examination results were collected separately from teachers.

To address the first questions, “What is the overall level of EQ and negative academic affect
among the students in this study?”, the AMEIS and NAAS were analyzed. Table 1
summarizes the level of overall EQ, examination scores, and level of negative academic
affect obtained by the respondents.

Table 1

Students’ overall level of EQ, examination scores, and Negative Academic Affect (N = 205)

Level EQ (%) Exam(%) NAA(%)

Very Low 17.6 - -
Low 11.2 14.1 57.5
Average 20.0 71.7 41.0
High 17.6 14.1 1.5
Very High 33.6 - -
Total 100 100 100

Table 2

Relationship between gender and EQ (N = 205)

Gender Level of
Very Low(%) Average(% High(%) Very Total(%)
Low(%) ) High(%)
Boys 25.8 12.4 12.3 16.5 33.0 100

Girls 10.2 10.2 26.9 18.5 34.2 100

Note: Pearson Chi-square=12.79a, df=4, Significant (2-sided)=.012, Contingency coefficient= .25,p<.05

Data was further analyzed to check for possible relationship between boys and girls students
with regards to their level of EQ.

Result as indicated in Table 2 show that there is significant but low correlation between
gender differences and EQ level; and Girls seem to have a higher level of EQ compared to

Table 3

Spearman Rho EQ NAA Exam Scores

EQ 1.00 -.136* .187*

NAA - .100 -.176**

Exam Scores - 1.00

Note: *=p<.05; **=p<.01

To address the third question, spearman Rho was run to examine the relationship between
subjects’ overall EQ and their negative academic affect and academic achievement as the
distribution of the examination scores do not meet the normality assumption. As shown in
table 3, there is significant relationship between students’ overall EQ level and Exam Scores
and Negative Academic Affect.

Table 4

Correlation between negative academic affect and examination scores, and self-rated
academic competence (ACS)

Pearson Correlation NAA ACS

NAA 1.00 -.427*

Table 4 reveals the answer for the fourth research question. NAA correlates significantly with
self-rated academic competence (-.427, p<.01). in short students who are able to regulate
their negative affects related to academic tasks have a more positive perception regarding
their academic competency.


This preliminary finding on student’s overall level of EQ and it’s relationship with students’
level of negative affect related to school tasks and academic achievement yields some basic
assumptions abiut the important role of EQ in complementing the traditional intelligence to
improve academic performance. Intellectual ability alone is no guarantee of academic success
many bight students fail to reach their academic potential due to poor motivation, test
anxiety, fear, frustration which hinder learning and recall and impair the control of attention.
On the other hand, students who are able to regulate their negative affect are said to be better
and more effective in problem solving and processing information. Therefore EQ is more
important in the education setting, and learning to manage one’s emotion is particularly
important to students who are prone to negative affect such as anxiety, fear, anger, frustration
(Eisenberg, Fabes and Losoya, 1997). With a strong EQ, students will not only be successful
in school but develop into well adjusted individuals in the society as well. As such the school
curriculum and the teacher education curriculum need to include some input on EQ in order
to develop well balanced and harmonious individuals as emphasized in decent society.


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