A Pocket Guide To Auditing
A Pocket Guide To Auditing
A Pocket Guide To Auditing
uditing a
Pharmaceutical Water System
which may have occurred but
harmaceutical water may
Control of water be the only utility from a were overlooked for documenta-
facility to be administered tion requirements or procedural
production and its to a patient. Even if the water is changes. It should be modified
removed in processing the water, and updated as necessary to
usage are critical it is still regarded as a raw mate- support the system and maintain
rial and has the potential to leave a state of compliance with cur-
in producing impurities in the product. As with rent Good Manufacturing
all raw materials of a product, Practices (cGMPs).1 The second
a product . . . the water must meet predefined audience is the auditor, who may
specifications but, unlike other use the list as a reference point
raw materials, it may be used as on which to base an audit while
it is produced. Some systems leaving the specific details to the
produce water on a batch basis individual.
which is tested and released, for Procedures and problems
use, but others continuously feed encountered in the microbiology
water to a storage tank. Water is laboratory are outside the scope
also used in many different of this article but can be found in
cleaning processes, and, if con- “Guide to the Inspections of
taminated, could affect multiple Microbiological Pharmaceutical
batches. Control of water produc- Quality Control Laboratories”
tion and its usage are critical in (FDA 1993). An introduction to
producing a product that meets regulatory requirements of water
predefined specifications and systems can be found in the
regulatory expectations. “Guide to Inspection of High Purity
The pocket checklist included Water Systems” (FDA 1993).
with this guide is designed for This pocket guide is intended
two audiences. The first is the to provide a baseline for auditing
user of the system and those water systems. It is not an all-
who have responsibility for main- inclusive list of possible items
by tenance and testing of the sys- and areas to be examined. The
Graham Bunn tem. The list may be used as a content should be adapted and
Manager, GMP Audit proactive tool on a periodic basis updated as necessary for indi-
AstraZeneca to identify and monitor changes vidual systems and situations.
Figure 1
Basics of a Typical High Purity Water System
Cationic /
Softener Reverse Anionic
Filtered City Acid Osmosis UV 254 nm Exchange
Water Beds
floor and especially from leaking pipes is cause for ing, often referred to as “dead-legs,” are found
concern. This is the first indication of the care and where changes in the distribution have been made
attention the area receives from the maintenance or in the removal of a section of the loop. Hard pip-
staff. Some of these areas are operated and main- ing of equipment without a non-return valve and
tained to a high standard. In a larger facility this drainage of isolated piping back into the system
may be maintained by the dedicated engineering can also cause similar problems.
staff compared to the smaller unit, which may be A suitable number of the points of use and the
supported by other staff, but cGMP requirements environment around them should be examined.
are the same irrespective of the water being pro- Points of use requiring tubing must not provide the
duced by the system. Area and equipment log opportunity for water to be siphoned back into the
books may be requested at this time, as it is some- system and cause contamination. The classic
times more useful for the auditor to examine these example of this is the tubing reaching into a sink
in situ. This also enables assessment of the individ- below the overflow level. Equipment joined directly
uals responsible for the areas in their own environ- to the water source has the potential to allow
ment. The SOPs applicable to the individual plant water to re-enter the system (back-flushing) and
areas should be easily accessible so that users can cause possible contamination. One-way flow
refer to them whenever necessary. valves minimize the possibility of this occurring.
Air breaks are essential to ensure that there is no
Generation possibility that waste water discharged to a drain
can possibly be siphoned or forced to enter the
Resin bed cartridges sent to a contractor for system or pieces of equipment from back-flow. All
regeneration should be dedicated to the company piping in the generation plant must be suitably
to minimize any potential for contamination from an labeled with a description of the contents and
unknown user. Any chemicals used in the system direction of flow.
for sanitization, regeneration of resins, etc., must Points of use must also have clear labeling to
be adequately stored, labeled, and as with any ensure there is no confusion in the water quality
component of a pharmaceutical product, quaran- delivered from the outlet. Multiple outlets labeled
tined, tested, and released for use by Quality “water” are major problem areas, especially when
Control. A note of readings on gauges and digital potable and WFI may both be available in an
readouts should be made for future reference and equipment cleaning area.
checked against operating ranges in the qualifica- An explanation of the procedure and any physi-
tion documentation. Any readings that appear to be cal controls should be requested when two storage
at the upper or lower end of the ranges or are fluc- tanks are released individually on a batch system
tuating erratically should be investigated further. All by QC. There must be adequate controls in place
major components of the system should be exam- to ensure that only water that has been released
ined for general condition and appearance. can be used. This may only administered by QC or
Excessive leaking or rusting are an indication of a by QC providing documentation to another group
problem area, which warrants further investigation (engineering). It should be determined if water has
and explanation. ever been released for use before all testing has
been complete. If this was allowed, it is defined as
Distribution and Storage manufacturing at risk if the water was used as a
component of a product. Manufacturing at risk is
During the walk-through, the auditor should ask not permitted under the cGMPs and has been
general questions concerning the frequency of clearly explained by the Commissioner in the
changing resins, sanitation, filter changes, integrity preamble to the cGMPs.2
testing of vent filters, and general cleaning of Major maintenance work on the water system
areas. The appropriate individuals should be asked may be performed annually when the entire plant
how the frequencies were established and what is closed for scheduled maintenance. There must
documentation supports the justifications. There be SOPs describing the procedure for decommis-
must be no place in the distribution pipes where sioning (i.e., stopping the production of water) and
water can remain stagnant and provide the oppor- then bringing the system back to its original quali-
tunity for microbial growth. These segments of pip- fied state again. This must also include the quar-
will not ensure that your facility will not receive an References
FDA form 483. Auditing is based on education, 1. Current Good Manufacturing Practice for the
experience, competency, and instinct. It cannot Manufacture, Processing, Packaging or Holding of
solely be taught in the classroom but also has to Drugs; General. 21 CFR part 210. Current Good
Manufacturing Practice for Finished Pharmaceuticals.
be learned by practical application. 21 CFR part 211.
Good luck in passing your next inspection as I 2. Preamble, 1978 GMPs: Federal Register, 29
may be the auditor at your door. ❏ September 1978 (Vol. 43, No. 190, pp. 45013-45336).
the author and are not related in any way to employ-
ers, either past or present.
Quality Improvement
What is Quality Improvement? The Role of the Quality Unit in Achieving Company Success
• Prevent “Negative” Regulatory Experiences • Satisfy Customer Quality Expectations • Identifying and
Implementing Quality Improvements • Identifying and Implementing Quality Cost Reductions
The Impact of Quality Philosophies on Quality Improvement
• Production-and Sales-Driven Quality • Paper- and Procedure-Driven Quality • Pharmaceutical Elegance
• Quality Based on Conformance to Requirements • Statistics-Based Quality – Reduction of Variability
Can “Term Limits” Improve Quality Decision-Making?
• Preventing “Risk Creep” • Maintaining a Sense of Criticality • Rotate Jobs • Actively Participate in Industry Groups • Establish Clear and
Complete Documentation to Guide Decisions • Personal Motivation
Corporate Consolidation: A Tool for Quality Improvement?
• Recognizing That Job Security is a Myth • Impact of Corporate Consolidations on the Quality Unit • Practical Steps for Marrying Different
Quality Systems or Cultures
Quality Through People: Three Things Every Employee Desires
• Treat Employees With Respect • Help Employees Feel Their Work is Important • Give Employees the Ability and Freedom to Impact Their Job
20 Practical Suggestions for Improving Your Quality Operation
Audit Date(s):
Water Quality
Yes, No, NA
or Information
Feed Water
❏ What is the source for the plant water (city or private supply – well ground water,
or surface water)?
❏ Is source water entering the facility, whether from a municipal supply or a private
well, tested for microbiological contamination, and what are the specifications?
❏ Is coliform bacteria testing performed according to 40 CFR 141.14; 141.21?
❏ Is source water entering the facility tested for chemical contamination, or are
municipality reports provided?
❏ Does the water meet the EPA specifications for potable water?
❏ What is the frequency of testing?
❏ If the results are provided by the water supplier, are they reviewed and approved
by a suitably qualified user?
❏ What actions are taken if specifications are not met?
❏ If the water is being tested by the user, is a written SOP describing sampling
and testing available?
Water board testing results at regular intervals according to SOP
Installation Qualification
• Approved protocol?
• Meet acceptance criteria?
Operational Qualification
• Approved protocol?
• Meet acceptance criteria including daily sampling after each step of the purification
process at each point of use for two to four weeks?
• Are the operational SOPs approved?
• Repeat testing as above.
Performance Qualification
• Approved protocol?
• Meet acceptance criteria including: WFI sampling one point of use
each day with all points tested weekly. Complete a year of testing
and meet specifications?
Calibration records
• Select equipment and examine the records. Are outside vendor records
reviewed and approved by suitably qualified personnel of the company
owning the equipment?
• What actions are taken when a result is out of calibration?
Operation and maintenance of the system
Sampling and handling
Change control
• Review content and completeness
• Do the SOPs reflect actual procedures observed or being documented?
Batch release SOP (if applicable)
• What documentation is required to release the batch?
• Who physically releases the batch and how?
• Are batches ever used before receiving the quality release documentation?
Shut Down and power failure
Current Specifications
For sample volumes of 100 to 300ml.