ZPS1030725-71395 - NDT Accept Level
ZPS1030725-71395 - NDT Accept Level
ZPS1030725-71395 - NDT Accept Level
Conveyed confidentially as trade secret
Object: NDT acceptance level and static test procedure ZPS 1030725
Designer: JASO
Date: 2012.03.21
Turbine: Standard ECN no.: 71395
Doc. ref.: ECN date: 2013.02.18
1.1. General This specification specifies the technical requirements for VT, MT, PT, RT
and UT based on the requirements in EN ISO 5817, EN ISO 10042 and
EN 12062
When the product specific specification specified the option “Static Test –
Internal SWP – Ver. 1 – Appendix B1.1”, then it is required that the
specified construction is tested in accordance with the description in
“Appendix B1.1, Static Test – Internal SWP - Test specification – Ver. 1”
1.3. Modifications Clause 6 describes new modifications of this document compared to the
previous revision of the specification.
2.1. General Normative references are cited at appropriate places in the text. The
references and the titles of the relevant publications have been listed
below. For dated references, any subsequent amendments to or revisions
of these publications only apply to this specification if they have been
included through amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication, which is referred to, applies.
EN ISO 5817:2004, Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel,
titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) - Quality levels for
EN ISO 10042:2005, Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its
alloys - Quality levels for imperfections;
EN ISO 11666:2011, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic
testing - Acceptance levels;
EN ISO 17637:2011, Non-destructive testing of welds - Visual testing
of fusion-welded joints;
EN ISO 17638:2009 Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic
particle testing;
EN ISO 17640:2011, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic
testing - Techniques, testing levels, and assessment;
EN ISO 17659:2004, Welding - Multilingual terms for welded joints with
EN ISO 23277:2009, Non-destructive testing of welds - Penetrant
testing of welds - Acceptance levels;
EN ISO 23278:2009, Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic
particle testing of welds - Acceptance levels;
EN 571-1:1998, Non destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1:
General principles;
EN 1011-1:1998, Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic
materials - Part 1: General guidance for arc welding;
EN 1435:1998, Non-destructive examination of welds - Radiographic
examination of welded joints;
DS/EN 1435/A1:2002, Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic
testing of welded joints;
DS/EN 1435/A2:2004, Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic
testing of welded joints;
EN 12062:1997: Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic
materials - Part 1: General guidance for arc welding;
EN 12517-1:2006, Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1: Evaluation
of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by
radiography - Acceptance levels.
3.1. MT The term “MT” means magnetic testing.
4.1. General MT, RT, UT, and PT of welds must not be started before the requirement to
minimum hold time after welding as defined in Table 1 are met.
Before performing the NDT, a procedure for performance of the NDT shall
be available for operator in question.
4.2. Severity level In the case that Severity level “SWP-EC-3-Cat 90” has been specified;
SWP-EC-3-Cat then the weld shall meet the requirements given for SWP-EC-3,
90/112 requirements at given the drawing, and the requirement for Excess weld
metal (butt weld): “h 0.1 b, but max. 5 mm.”
In the case that Severity level “SWP-EC-3-Cat 112” has been specified;
then the weld shall meet the requirements given for SWP-EC-3,
requirements at given the drawing, and the requirement for Excess weld
metal (butt weld): “The weld must be ground flush”
VT Acceptance Level D: EN ISO Level C: EN ISO Level B: EN ISO 5817 and the additional
levels 5817 and the 5817 and the requirements in Appendix A.1.1
additional additional
requirements in requirements in
Appendix A.1.1 Appendix A.1.1
Examination Examination technique must be performed in accordance with EN ISO 17637.
MT Acceptance Level 3X as Level 2X as specified in EN ISO 23278.
levels specified in EN ISO
Examination Examination technique must be performed in accordance with EN ISO 17638 and
techniques additional requirements given in Appendix A.5.1
PT Acceptance Level 3X as Level 2X as specified in EN ISO 23277.
levels specified in EN ISO
Examination Examination technique must be performed in accordance with EN 571-1 and
techniques additional requirements given in Appendix A.7.1
RT Acceptance Level 3 as specified Level 2 as specified Level 1 as specified in EN 12517
levels in EN 12517 in EN 12517
Examination Examination Examination Examination technique: Level B
techniques technique: Level A technique: Level according to EN 1435
according to EN B according to EN
1435 1435
UT Acceptance Level 3: EN ISO 11666 and additional Level 2: EN ISO 11666 and additional
levels requirements given in Appendix A.10.1 requirements given in Appendix A.10.1
Examination Examination technique: Level B according to EN ISO 17640 and additional
techniques requirements given in Appendix A.11.1
However, the maximum area for a single exposure shall correspond to the requirement of class A of EN
5.1. General NDT of a weld must not be performed on constructions until it has cooled
to room temperature.
Before performing the NDT, a procedure for performance of the NDT shall
be available for operator in question.
VT Acceptance Level D: ISO 10042 and Level C: ISO 10042 and Level B: ISO 10042 and the
levels the additional requirements the additional requirements additional requirements in
in Appendix A.2.1. in Appendix A.2.1. Appendix A.2.1.
Examination Examination technique must be performed in accordance with EN ISO 17637. The
techniques measuring of the throat thickness "a" shall be in accordance with EN ISO 17659.
Document Modifications
ZPS 1030725-71395 Title of the document has been modified.
Clause 1.1 has been revised.
Appendix B1.1 has been added to the specification
Appendix A1.1
For this table the definition given in EN ISO 5817 for used symbols (d,
s, a, etc.) apply.
Allowable number of
imperfections is described
in foot note 2.
Maximum dimensions of a >3 d 0.3 s, but max 3 mm d 0.2 s, but max 2 mm
single pore for: d 0.3 a, but max 3 mm d 0.2 a, but max 2 mm
butt welds
fillet welds Y/X must be > 2 Y/X must be > 2
X: Maximum 2 mm. X: Maximum 2 mm.
For welds > 500 mm: Max 3 imperfections per any 5000 mm of weld, For welds < 500 mm: Max 1 imperfection per weld.
1.13 506 Overlap (Picture – See the ISO 0.5 Not permitted
5817 standard)
1.18 516 Root porosity Spongy formation at the 0.5 Not permitted
root of a weld due to
bubbling of the weld metal
at the moment of
solidification (e. g. lack of
gas backing)
1.19 517 Poor restart - 0.5 Not permitted
1.22 601 Stray arc - 0.5 Not permitted
1.23 602 Spatter - 0.5 Not permitted Not permitted
Appendix A2.1
For this table the definition given in EN 10042 for used symbols (d, s,
a, etc.) apply.
For welds > 500 mm: Max 3 imperfections per any 5000 mm of weld, For welds < 500 mm: Max 1 imperfection per weld.
1.19 517 Poor restart 0,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
1.22 601 Stray arc 0,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
1.23 602 Spatter 0,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
2.7 2015 Elongated cavity - 0,5 Weld length<25mm: Weld length<25mm: Weld length<25mm:
Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
2016 Wormhole
Weld length 25mm: Weld length 25mm: Weld length 25mm:
l 0,4s or 0,4a but max 6 mm l 0,3s or 0,3a but max 4 mm l 0,2s or 0,2a but max 3 mm
2.8 303 Oxide inclusions See text and diagram in EN 0,5 Short imperfections Not permitted
ISO 10042
– summation of oxide
inclusions l 0,2 s or 0,2 a
but max. 3 mm
2.9 3041 Tungsten - 0,5 Weld length<25mm: Weld length<25mm: Weld length<25mm:
inclusion Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
It is not acceptable to compensated for non-acceptable gabs
Appendix A5.1
A5.1-1. SCOPE
A5.1-1.1. General This appendix defines examination conditions and performance of the
magnetic particle testing, when it must be preformed in line of direction
with EN ISO 17638.
A7.1-6.1. General The magnetizing equipment must conform the requirements in EN ISO
It is required that testing of the lifting power must be made at the yoke’s
maximum pole spacing.
The facility must have a size that does not reduce the operator’s ability
to carry out a correct examination.
A7.1-7.2. Using of colored When a colored detection media is used for the examination, it is
detection media required that the zone to be examined must be covered with a layer of
white paint with a maximum thickness of 50 m.
A7.1-8.2. Time for examination It is required that prior to examination with fluorescent technique that
– Fluorescent the operator waits as minimum 5 minutes inside the testing facility
technique before performing the examination.
This requirement is to ensure that the operator’s eyes become adapted
to the reduced background lighting.
A7.1-8.3. Tangential magnetic The examination must be carried out when a tangential magnetic field
field strength of 2kA/m to 6kA/m is obtained in the area to be tested.
A7.1-8.4. Viewing conditions The examination must be carried out with the naked eye or at a
maximum magnification of x3 with viewing conditions in conformity with
EN 3059. The product must not be exposed to brighter illumination until
the investigation is done with fluorescent detection media.
A7.1-8.5. Field direction The approximate direction of magnetization related to the weld
direction must, whenever practicable, be as specified in EN ISO 17638.
When using the testing equipment defined with the syntax “1” in Table
A5.1-1, it is required that the magnetizing of the surface must be done
in two perpendicular directions.
A7.1-8.6. Overall performance Before start-up of any examination session an overall performance test
test of the system sensitivity must be carried out on site.
Also that the adequacy of the surface flux density has been established
in the outer zone of the inspection area through one or more of the
methods listed hereafter before the testing of a specific construction is
It is not acceptable or possible to use a “Berttold cross” for
measurement of the field strength.
A7.1-8.7. Using of prods When using the testing equipment defined with the syntax “2” in Table
A5.1-1, it is required that areas where the prods have had contact with
the construction and the areas located in a diameter of 10 mm 360°
around this area are grounded.
A7.1-8.8. Reporting A test report describing the subjects in clause 5.14 of EN ISO 17638
must be compiled
Appendix A7.1
A7.1-1. SCOPE
A7.1-1.1. General This appendix defines examination conditions and performance of the
penetrant testing, when it must be preformed in line of direction with
EN 571-1.
A7.1-3.2. Sensivity The used product must, as a minimum, be able to indicate a sensitivity
level 3 for a penetrant type 1 and sensitivity level 2 for penetrant type
2, achieved by testing the reference block type 1 as described in EN
ISO 3452-2.
The facility must have a size that does not reduce the operator’s ability
to carry out a correct examination.
A7.1-5.2. Time for examination It is required that prior to examination with fluorescent technique that
– Fluorescent the operator waits as minimum 5 minutes inside the testing facility
technique before performing the examination.
This requirement is to ensure that the operator’s eyes become adapted
to the reduced background lighting.
A7.1-5.3. Viewing conditions The examination must be carried out with the naked eye or at a
maximum magnification of x3 with viewing conditions in conformity with
EN 3059. The product must not be exposed to brighter illumination until
the investigation is done with fluorescent detection media.
A7.1-5.4. Overall performance Before start-up of any examination session an overall performance test
test of the system sensitivity must be carried out on site.
A7.1-5.5. Reporting A test report describing the subjects in clause 9 of EN 571-1 must be
Appendix A10.1
A10.1-1. SCOPE
A10.1-1.1. General This section describes to the acceptance levels c.f EN ISO 11666, for
use at ultrasonic testing of welds.
A10.1-2.1. General Normative references are cited at appropriate places in the text. The
references and the titles of the relevant publications have been listed
below. For dated references, any subsequent amendments to or
revisions of these publications only apply to this specification if they
have been included through amendment or revision. For undated
references the latest edition of the publication, which is referred to,
EN ISO 11666, Non-destructive testing of welds – Ultrasonic
testing – Acceptance levels;
EN ISO 23279, Non-destructive testing of welds – Ultrasonic
testing – Characterization of indications in welds.
A10.1-3.2. Characterization When taking indication above the evaluation level into account planar
indications indication is not acceptable. For non-planar indication the
acceptance level in EN ISO 11666 must apply.
Appendix A11.1
A11.1-1. SCOPE
A11.1-1.1. General This appendix defines examination conditions and performance of the
ultrasonic examination, when the testing must be preformed in line of
direction with EN ISO 17640.
A11.1-3.3. Extent of the If nothing else is specified in the specification from SWP, then it is not
examination for required that examination for transverse indication is preformed unless
transverse indication. suspicion of such occurs.
A11.1-3.4. Probe angles At the examination it is required that a probe which ensures that the
weld fusion faces is examined at, or at near as possible to normal
incidence. As near as possible is defined as maximum ± 8° to normal
A11.1-3.5. Parent metal testing The parent metal, in the scanning zone area, must be examined with
straight beam probes before the welding process is started but after the
product has obtained it’s final shape and is ready for welding, or after
the welding process has been completed.
A11.1-3.6. Angles of incidence The testing must conform to the requirements in ISO 17640. In addition
it is required that the scanning plan includes the use of a 70° probe
which shall be used at scanning of all “L-scans probe positions”.
If the used of this 70° probe does not fulfill the requirements in ISO
17640 to angle of incidence etc., then the testing must be made with an
additional probe(s), which meets the requirement in ISO 17640.
A11.1-3.7. Testing level The required testing level in Table 2 (see page 5) for the weld quality
level in question must be used at the examination.
A11.1-3.8. Specific scanning When the product specific specification specified the option “Scanning
plan plan – Annex A20-1”, then it is required that the specified weld is tested
in accordance with the description in “Appendix A20–1 - Structural L-
joints – Type 1”
A11.1-3.9. Characterization Indication must be characterized in accordance with EN ISO 23279
A11.1-3.10. Test report A test report describing subjects in clause 13 of EN ISO 17640 must be
Appendix A12.1
A12.1-1. SCOPE
A12.1-1.1. General This appendix defines examination conditions and performance of the
ultrasonic examination, when the testing must be preformed in line of
direction with EN 1714.
A12.1-3.2. Setting of reference The examination must be performed by using Method 1 or Method 2
level where the probes described in Table A12.1- 1 must be used when the
setting of references and the actual evaluation is performed.
A12.1-3.3. Extent of the If nothing else is specified in the specification from SWP, then it is not
examination for required that examination for transverse indication is preformed unless
transverse indication. suspicion of such occurs.
A12.1-3.4. Probe angles At the examination it is required that a probe which ensures that the
weld fusion faces is examined at, or at near as possible to normal
incidence. As near as possible is defined as maximum ± 8° to normal
A12.1-3.5. Parent metal testing The parent metal, in the scanning zone area, must be examined with
straight beam probes before the welding process is started but after the
product has obtained it’s final shape and is ready for welding, or after
the welding process has been completed.
A12.1-3.6. Angles of incidence The testing must conform to the requirements in ISO 1714. In addition
it is required that the scanning plan includes the use of a 70° probe
which shall be used at scanning of all “L-scans probe positions”.
If the used of this 70° probe does not fulfill the requirements in ISO
1714 to angle of incidence etc., then the testing must be made with an
additional probe(s), which meets the requirement in ISO 1714.
A12.1-3.7. Testing level The required testing level in Table 3 (see page 6) for the weld quality
level in question must be used at the examination.
A12.1-3.8. Specific scanning When the product specific specification specified the option “Scanning
plan plan – Annex A20-1”, then it is required that the specified weld is tested
in accordance with the description in “Appendix A20–1 - Structural L-
joints – Type 1”
Pos 8
Pos 9
Pos 7
2) 1)
8 t < 15 1 Pos 7, 8, and 9 1.25p Pos 10 4 -
2) 1)
15 t 2 Pos 7, 8, and 9 1.25p Pos 10 7 -
Focus in the weld area. If position 10 is not accessible, then 0 must be replaced with an 80° angle beam probe.
Positions for 80 :
8 mm t < 40mm, position 8 or 9, (1.25p) ;
t 40mm, position 8 and 9, ( 0.75p).
If the SZW at position 7 is too small to make the full scan, then the maximum possible SZW must be used.
Appendix B1.1
The procedure is aimed at verifying lifting, transportation, and installation
equipment for SWP based on the internal procedure and guideline at
B1.1-1.2. Conflicts In case of conflicts between the requirements of this document and the
standards, codes, and other specifications used, the strictest requirement
must be met.
B1.1-3.1. Construction’s The term “Construction’s main dimensions” means measurements
main dimensions indicated in the drawing in question with the syntax “Dim. Test 1- ” or “Dim.
Test 2-”.
B1.1-3.3. Supplier The term “Supplier” means the manufacturer that has received the
purchase order for the supply of the proof load test.
B1.1-3.4. Static test The term “Static test” means the process of applying load on a system or
device and measuring its response.
This test is carried out on individual items of equipment and involves
loading them to a pre-determined stress that is normally slightly in excess
of the rated working load limit of the equipment.
The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the equipment is capable of
lifting and/or transporting the load for which it is rated without being
damaged or permanently deformed.
B1.1- Verification Test equipment must be verified according to ISO 7500-1 and at intervals
routines not exceeding 12 months.
B1.1-4.1.2. Test tools In some cases, product specific tools are needed in order to perform the
tension/compression test.
In this case, the tool to use will be described and specified by SWP. The
description will be included in the specification basis.
The tool shall not be manufactured in subsequent orders from SWP even
though it is defined in the purchase order.
B1.1-4.2.2. General The test must be conducted by applying a static load under the conditions
described in the drawing in the region “Parameter for static test”.
B1.1-4.2.3. Monitoring of the Unless otherwise specified in the product specific specification the entire
test process for performance of the static test must be monitored by an
examining and testing body accredited by the International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS).
A list of members of IACS can be found on: http://www.iacs.org.uk.
B1.1-4.2.4. Testing procedure The attachment must be loaded through its suspension and load
attachment points so the required load(s) and lines of force will be as
indicated in the drawing in the region “Parameter for static test”.
The static force F (±2%) as defined for each individual test sequence must
be applied without shock for a minimum period of 5 minutes.
B1.1-4.2.5. Acceptance The acceptance criteria for the test of each individual testing sequence are
criteria as listed hereafter:
The construction must be able to withstand the required force without
permanent geometrical deformation or visible defects, cracks, or
B1.1-4.3. Monitoring,
inspection and
B1.1-4.3.1. Monitoring of the The appointed representative must monitor the static test and verify that
test the test is carried out with the correct parameters.
B1.1-4.4. As-built
B1.1-4.4.1. General A package with as-built documentation with the result of the static test
must be compiled. The documentation must include at least the following:
Siemens Wind Power material number;
The construction ID number;
Supplier of the construction;
Name of the manufacturer performing the steelwork and welding;
Name of the manufacturer performing the static test;
Proof load applied in the static test
Monitoring report;
WLL (if relevant);
Maximum net weight (if relevant);
Specification basis used (drawings/purchase specification, etc.).’