Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of A Nitric Acid Plant

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I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q.

23 (3) 287–294 (2009) 287

Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant

I. Šoljiæ,* Lj. Matijaševiæ, and I. Dejanoviæ Original scientific paper
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Received: March 17, 2008
University of Zagreb, Savska c. 16, Zagreb, Croatia Accepted: February 13, 2009

This paper deals with an operational problem of two heat exchangers of the nitric
acid synthesis plant. Detailed calculation and vibration analysis were made and vibration
problem of the nitrous gases cooler E-111 was identified. When the vibration problem
was indicated, several steps were taken for its removal. For five different types of baffles
a study was made to determine how their number and spacing influence the cross-flow
rate of the fluid. Results showed that the vibration problem cannot be removed com-
pletely, but it can be reduced considerably with different types of baffles. Also, the anal-
ysis showed that the cooling water condenser E-114 does not have a vibration problem.
Key words:
Heat exchangers, vibration analysis, baffles, tube failure

Introduction exchanger configuration will resist vibration and

tube failure is not yet well defined.
In this work, a detailed calculation and vibra-
tion analysis were performed for two shell-and-tube
heat exchangers of the nitric acid plant (Fig. 1). Case study
Heat exchangers are used for cooling nitric gases
before their entry into the absorption column. It is Both analyzed heat exchangers are
well known that lower temperature and higher pres- shell-and-tube type designed by TEMA standards3
sure enable better absorption of nitric gases. Thus, with single segmental baffles inside the shell. Based
the absorption efficiency depends on the amount of on their construction, they are classified as
heat transferred through the two heat exchangers.1 fixed-tubesheet heat exchangers with bonnet-type
In the first heat exchanger (E-111), compressed channel covers (TEMA class C/BEM). They have
nitric gases from the top of the whitening column straight tubes that are secured at both ends to
are cooled with purge gas from the top of the ab- tubesheets welded to the shell (Fig. 3).
sorption column. In the second heat exchanger The most common materials of construction
(E-114) nitric gases are cooled with cooling water for TEMA heat exchangers are carbon and stainless
(Fig. 2). steel and their properties and composition are speci-
Practical experience has indicated that heat fied by ASTM standards.4 In most cases, all compo-
exchangers have a major operational and noise nents are made of identical materials. Some heat
problem; therefore, a detailed vibration analysis exchangers are constructed from dissimilar metals
was made. When a vibration problem of one heat and in that case extreme care in their selection is re-
exchanger was identified, an additional study was quired since electrolytic attack may develop.5 Table
made for five different types of baffles. Simula- 1 shows basic data about these two heat exchan-
tion was performed using chemical process simula- gers.
tion software ChemCAD i.e. its integrated module
CC-THERM, an interactive simulation tool for de- Tube bundle and baffles
sign and rating of the shell-and-tube heat exchang-
ers.2 A tube bundle is the most important part of a
The results obtained in this work can be helpful tubular heat exchanger. Tubes are generally the
for engineers to design heat exchangers of the nitric most expensive part of the exchanger and they are
acid synthesis because the current design criteria most prone to corrosion. Tube sheets, baffles or
are based on data collected with water and air, support plates, tie rods and, usually, spacers com-
while the prediction of whether or not a given heat plete the bundle.5
Baffles serve two important functions:
* Corresponding author: Ivana Šoljiæ, B.Sc.Chem.E. – Support the tubes during assembly and oper-
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Za-
greb, Maruliæev trg 19, P.O. Box 177, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia ation, helping to prevent vibration from flow-in-
Tel: ++385-1-4597-162, Fax: ++385-1-4597-142, E-mail: duced eddies.
288 I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009)

F i g . 1 – PFD of the nitric acid plant

F i g . 2 – Observed section of the process

F i g . 3 – Fixed-tubesheet heat exchanger6

I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009) 289

T a b l e 1 – Elementary data about exchangers, E-111 and

Nitrous gases cooler, Cooling water
E-111 condenser, E-114
F/kW 2266.3 813.9
Tube side
Compressed nitrous Compressed nitrous
gases gases
qm/kg h-1 70 753.0 81 952.0
qi/°C 43.0 80.0
qo/°C 153.0 50.0
pi/MPa 0.795 0.800
construction stainless steel; stainless steel;
material ASTM A 249 TP 304L ASTM A 249 TP 304L
Shell side
Fluid Purge gas from T-103 Cooling water
qm/kg h-1 81 952.0 100 000.0
qi/°C 176.0 28.0
qo/°C 80.0 35.0
pi/MPa 0.800 0.450
construction stainless steel; carbon steel;
material ASTM A 240 304L ASTM A 285 C F i g . 4 – Types of baffles6

– Direct the shell-side fluid back and forth

across the tube bundle to provide effective velocity
and heat transfer rates.
There are several types of baffles,6 as shown
in Fig. 4. Single segmental and double segmental
baffles reduce cross-flow rate for a given baffle
spacing. The triple segmental reduce both
cross-flow and long-flow rates and are identified F i g . 5 – Baffle cut orientation5
as the ‘window-cut’ baffles. In some special cases
no-tubes-in-window, disc-and-donut and rod baffles
Baffles must overlap at least one tube row in
are used. Rod or bar baffles have either rods or bars
order to provide adequate tube support. They are
extending through the lanes between the rows of
spaced somewhat evenly throughout the tube bun-
tubes. The shell-side flow is uniform and parallel to
dle to provide even fluid velocity and pressure drop
the tubes. Stagnant areas do not exist.7
in each baffled tube section.
Segmental baffles do not extend edge to edge
but have a cut that allows shell-side fluid to flow to Noise and vibration problems in tube bundles
the next baffle chamber. For most liquid applica-
tions, the cuts areas represent 20 to 25 % of the Tube bundles in heat exchangers are often sub-
shell diameter. For gases, where a lower pressure ject to vibration and noise problems. Vibration can
drop is desirable, baffle cuts of 40 to 45 % are com- lead to wear and consequential tube failures.8 Dam-
mon. Two type of baffle cut orientation are usually age is more likely to occur with gases or vapours on
used (Fig. 5). Horizontal baffle cut is recommended the shell-side than with liquids. Flow-induced vi-
for single-phase fluid on the shell side, because this brations also occur with liquids, but the damage is
minimizes accumulation of deposit at the bottom of often limited to localized areas of relatively high
the shell and also prevents stratification. In the case rate.
of a two-pass shell, a vertical cut is preferred for The tubes vibrate only at unique responding
ease of fabrication and bundle assembly.6 frequencies called their natural frequencies. The
290 I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009)

natural frequency of the tubes depends primarily on tract energy from the turbulence at their natural fre-
their geometry and material of construction. quencies from the spectrum of frequencies present.
Whenever gas flows over a tube bundle, in the This is extremely complex form of excitation.13 The
in-line or staggered arrangement the vortices are empirical equation of Owen14 was used to predict
formed and shed beyond the wake of the tubes re- this frequency:
sulting in harmonically varying force perpendicular
v cross D é æ Dö ù
to the flow direction. This vibration frequency is
f tb = ê ç ÷ . ú
. ç1 - ÷ + 028
305 (4)
called the vortex shedding frequency. If vortex Pl Pt ê ë è Pt ø ú
shedding frequency coincides with natural vibration
frequency of the tubes, the resonance occurs which
This equation was developed for gases and
leads to bundle vibration.9 Vortex shedding can be
may not be applicable to liquids.
described by the dimensionless Strouhal number:
Vortex shedding resonance and random excita-
f vs D tion are not usually of concern in gas flow since the
S= (1)
v cross fluid density is generally low thereby resulting in
relatively small excitation forces. However, both
Strouhal number data were reviewed for tube mechanisms should be considered in some gas heat
bundles of various configurations and tube pitch ra- exchangers. Acoustic resonance is possible in gas
tios (Xp = P/D)10–12. Vortex shedding occurs in the heat exchangers and it must be avoided. The experi-
ranges 100 < Re < 105 and Re > 2 · 106 and dies out ence with similarly sized units, tube spacing and
in between. tube size can be very helpful for predicting proba-
Another phenomenon that occurs with vortex bility of vibration problems.
shedding is the acoustic vibration, leading to noise
and high pressure drops. Standing waves are
formed inside the duct. The duct or the bundle en- Results and discussion
closure vibrates when the vortex shedding fre-
quency coincides with acoustic frequency. Such Vibration analysis
resonance normally causes intense acoustic noise
and often serious tube and baffle damage. The A detailed calculation and vibration analysis
acoustic frequency can be predicted by the follow- was made for both heat exchangers at three differ-
ing equation: ent locations:
1. The entrance baffle span (between the tube
n US sheet and the first baffle)
fa = (2)
2d 2. The centre baffle span (at a typical baffle
centre span location)
The lowest acoustic frequency is achieved
when n = 1 and the characteristic length is the shell 3. The exit baffle span (between the last baffle
diameter. This is called the fundamental tone and and the rear tube sheet)
higher overtones vibrate at acoustic frequencies 2, Table 2 shows geometry of the exchangers
3, or 4 times the fundamental (n = 2, 3, or 4) but E-111 and E-114.
reports of higher overtones in heat exchangers are Detailed vibration analysis includes the follow-
rare. The velocity of the sound in a gas is given by ing steps. The first step is determination of
the equation below: fluidelastic instability. Fluidelastic instability is by
far the most important mechanism and must be
æ z g R q ö1/ 2
U S =ç
ç ÷
÷ (3) avoided in all cases. It can be determined by
è M ø Connors method:15

The acoustic frequency always has the same 2p z n mt

v crit = b f n (5)
value at the inlet, centre, and outlet of the exchan- r
Turbulent buffeting is the name given to the This topic was reviewed16 and formulated in
fluctuating forces acting on tubes due to extremely terms of dimensionless flow velocity, v crit /f n D and
turbulent flow of the shell-side fluid. The turbu- dimensionless mass-damping parameter, 2pz n mt / rD 2 :
lence has a wide spectrum of frequencies distrib-
uted around a central dominant frequency which in- v crit æ 2p z m ö
= bç
n t ÷
creases as the cross-flow velocity increases. This ç rD2 ÷ (6)
turbulence buffets the tubes which selectively ex- f nD è ø
I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009) 291

T a b l e 2 – Geometry of heat exchangers E-111 and E-114 The results of the vibration analysis for the
E -111 E -114 heat exchanger E-111 are shown in Table 3. It may
be concluded that vibration problems exist in all
TEMA class C/BEM C/BEM three considered locations of the E-111 heat
shell diameter, m 0.934 0.934 exchanger. Cross-flow rate is more than 10 times
greater than the critical value. The ratio of natural
number of tubes 707 693
frequency to vortex shedding frequency is 40.70,
tube length, m 11.0 3.6 indicating that resonant conditions cannot occur.
tube outer diameter, mm 25.0 25.0
However, the ratio of vortex shedding frequency to
acoustic frequency is 1.02 and vibration of the tube
tube pattern triangular (30) triangular (30) bundle may occur, causing possible damage and
tube pitch, mm 32.0 32.0 noise.
number of tube passes 1 1
T a b l e 3 – Vibration analysis results for heat exchanger
baffle type SSEG SSEG
baffle cut percent, % 40 25
Inlet Center Outlet
direction of baffle cut horizontal horizontal
tube span, m 3.76 3.40 3.76
inlet spacing, m 2.06 0.26
vcross, m s–1 5.73 6.95 5.73
center spacing, m 1.70 0.27
vcrit, m s–1 0.69 0.65 0.61
outlet spacing, m 2.06 0.26
vcross/vcrit 8.35 10.69 9.37
number of baffles 5 12
f n, s–1 4.75 4.75 4.75
fa, s–1 223.3 212.0 200.0
The damping ratio, z n , is the total damping ra- fvs, s–1 179.0 217.1 179.0
tio in heat exchangers with gas on the shell-side as
ftb, s–1 33.5 40.7 33.5
defined as friction between tubes and tube-supports,
in percent:17 fvs/fn 37.70 40.70 37.70
fvs/fa 0.80 1.02 0.90
æ N - 1öæ Lö
1/ 2

zn = 5 ç ÷ç ÷ ftb/fn
è N øç ÷ (7) 7.05 8.56 7.06
è lm ø
ftb/fa 0.15 0.19 0.17

When the shell-side fluid is a gas, the Connors vibration exists YES YES YES
method is the most important determinant of the vi-
bration problem. If the velocity in the given span
exceeds the Connors’ critical velocity, then four dif- One of the possibilities for vibration problem
ferent criteria, based on the Chen9 for vortex shed- removal is to use different types of baffles. A baffle
ding frequency and Owen14 method for turbulent shape, cut, number, orientation, and spacing di-
buffeting frequency, have to be considered. So, the rectly determine the fluid rate, which in turn has a
second step of vibration analysis is to check that the major influence on vibration occurrence. For five
tube vibration level is below the permitted level and different types of baffles, a study was made and
that unacceptable resonance is avoided,18 based on simulation results are shown in Figs. 6-8.
the following four criteria: Fig. 6 shows fluid cross-flow rate dependence
1. The ratio of vortex shedding frequency to on baffle spacing for five different types of baffles.
It can be seen that fluid cross-flow rate decreases
natural frequency is greater than 0.5.
with the increased baffle spacing. Also, the lowest
2. The ratio of vortex shedding frequency to cross-flow rates are achieved with double segmen-
acoustic frequency is greater than 0.8 and less than tal and triple segmental baffles for spacing greater
1.2. than 1.0 m.
3. The ratio of turbulence buffeting frequency Fig. 7 also shows that a lower pressure drop
to natural frequency is greater than 0.5. can be achieved using double and triple segmental
4. The ratio of turbulence buffeting frequency baffles.
to acoustic frequency is greater than 0.8 an less Fig. 8 shows how baffle spacing and type in-
than 1.2. fluence the vortex shedding frequency. The value of
292 I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009)

tex shedding frequency are achieved using double

and triple segmental baffle, in comparison with sin-
gle segmental baffles, constructed in the analyzed
heat exchanger. In this case, two type of baffles,
DSEG and TSEG, shows equally good results but
DSEG baffles have the advantage because they are
specialized for reduction of cross-flow rate for a
given baffle spacing and they gave better critical to
cross-flow rate ratio then TSEG.
Based on obtained results, recommended solu-
tion of vibration problem of heat exchanger E-111
is to replace SSEG with DSEG baffles and to re-
duce the span between them from 1.70 m to 1.10 m
so their number have to be increased from 5 to 8. In
that case fluid cross-flow to critical rate ratio is
F i g . 6 – Baffle spacing influence on fluid cross-flow rate
1.75, and the vortex shedding frequency is reduced
by 4 times. This can remove the possibility of its
coinciding with the bundle’s tube natural frequency
and acoustic frequency, eliminating vibration and
noise problems. This approach retains the structural
effectiveness of the tube bundle yet allows the gas
to flow between alternating tube sections in a
straighter overall direction, thereby reducing the ef-
fect of numerous direction changes.
The results obtained by simulation for 8 double
segmental baffles with 1.10 m spacing are given in
Table 4.

T a b l e 4 – Results obtained by simulation for 8 DSEG baf-

fles with 1.10 m spacing

F i g . 7 – Shell pressure drop dependence on baffle spacing Inlet Center Outlet

tube span, m 2.71 2.20 2.71

vcross, m s-1 4.58 6.71 4.58

vcrit, m s-1 2.11 3.82 1.89

vcross/vcrit 2.17 1.75 2.42

fn, s-1 12.3 23.5 12.3

fa, s-1 223.3 212.0 200.0

fvs, s-1 36.72 53.82 36.72

ftb, s-1 3.33 4.87 3.33

fvs/fn 3.00 2.30 3.00

fvs/fa 0.16 0.25 0.18

F i g . 8 – Vortex shedding frequency for different baffle ftb/fn 0.27 0.21 0.27
spacing and different baffle types
ftb/fa 0.01 0.02 0.02

the vortex shedding frequency has an impact on the

cross-flow rate of the fluid and vibration problem in Fig. 9 shows that double segmental baffles
heat exchanger. The vortex shedding frequency, in greatly reduce vortex shedding frequency and that
general, drops with the increased baffle spacing. It the differences between other frequencies are large
is important to notice that much lower value of vor- enough not to coincide.
I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009) 293

A detailed calculation and vibration analysis of
two heat exchangers of the nitric acid synthesis
plant were made. Based on obtained results, the fol-
lowing may be concluded:
– Nitrous gases cooler E-111 has a vibration
– Vibrations of E-111 are caused by coinciding
values of the vortex shedding frequency and the
acoustic frequency.
– The vortex shedding frequency can be re-
duced using double segmental baffles, rather than
the existing single segmental, and therefore fre-
F i g . 9 – Comparison of NF, VSF and AF values for SSEG
and DSEG types of baffles
quencies coinciding can be removed. This reduces
the possibility of tube bundle vibration problems
and noise.
Vibration analysis for heat exchanger E-114 – Vibrations cannot be entirely removed, be-
was made also and the same procedure was fol- cause high-rate gas flows through the shell and
lowed as for heat exchanger E-111. The results of tubes and the designed length of the tubes is 11.0
vibration analysis for E-114 are shown in Table 5. m.
– Heat exchanger E-114 has no vibration prob-
T a b l e 5 – Vibration analysis results for heat exchanger lem.

Inlet Center Outlet Nomenclature

tube span, m 0.53 0.55 0.53 d - shell inside diameter, m

D - tube outside diameter, m
vcross, m s-1 0.25 0.24 0.25
fn - tube natural frequency, s–1
vcrit, m s-1 5.36 5.39 5.36 fvs - vortex shedding frequency, s–1
vcross/vcrit 0.05 0.04 0.05 fa - first acoustic frequency of the bundle, s–1
ftb - turbulent buffeting frequency, s–1
fn, s-1 205.8 205.7 205.9 lm - span length, mm
fa, s-1 0.0 0.0 0.0 lbaff - baffle spacing, m
L - support thickness, mm
fvs, s-1 7.68 7.38 7.68
mt - linear mass density of tube, kg m–1
ftb, s-1 1.44 1.38 1.44 M - molar mass, kg mol–1
fvs/fn 0.04 0.04 0.04 n - mode number, dimensionless integer
N - number of span
fvs/fa 0.0 0.0 0.0 pi - inlet pressure, MPa
ftb/fn 0.01 0.01 0.01 Dpshell - shell-side pressure drop, MPa
P - tube pitch, mm
ftb/fa 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pl - longitudinal tube pitch, mm
vibration exists NO NO NO Pt - transverse tube pitch, mm
qm - mass flow rate, kg h–1
R - gas constant, 8.314 J mol–1 K–1
Fluidelastic instability was determinate by Re - Reynolds number
Connors method15 and from the obtained results it S - Strouhal number
can be seen that fluid cross-flow rate is below the
Us - velocity of sound in the shell side fluid, m s–1
critical one (vcross < vcrit) which indicates that E-114
has no vibration problems. This is also confirmed vcross - cross-flow rate, m s–1
by calculated low value of vortex shedding fre- vcrit - critical cross-flow rate, m s–1
quency and the value of acoustic frequency equal- Xp - tube pitch ratio
ling zero. z - compressibility factor, dimensionless
294 I. ŠOLJIÆ et al., Vibration Analysis of Heat Exchangers of a Nitric Acid Plant, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 23 (3) 287–294 (2009)

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