Used To, Be Used To, Get Used To
Used To, Be Used To, Get Used To
Used To, Be Used To, Get Used To
1.Used to shows that a particular thing always happened or was true in the
past (see examples above)
2.Be used to is used to say that something is normal, not unusual.
He doesn't like that small town, but he'll get used to it.
She found the heels too high, but she got used to them.
Since the divorce, she has become very sad. But I think she'll get used
to her new life.
I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather.
4. Get used to and be used to are followed by either a noun or a gerund.
Get used to + noun Get used to + gerund (verb+ing)
3. How did you get used to in the middle of this mess
8. She'll get used to in the extremely cold winter of Siberia.
9. My mother didn't drink much coffee. But now she has become
addicted to it
10. There used to a lot of trees in this court yard. They have all been
cut down.