A. This section contains sample Prefunctional Checklists. Most checklists contain items for
several contractors. Contractor is to assign responsibility for each line item using the
responsibility column.
B. Those executing the checklists shall perform only items that apply to the specific
application at hand. These checklists do not take the place of the manufacturer’s
recommended checkout and start-up procedures or report. Coordinate with Section 01810
Fundamental Commissioning Requirements to utilize these checklists.
C. Items that do not apply should be noted along with the reasons on the form. Contractor
shall ensure that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor
responsible to verify completion of this item.
3. Pumps
12. Ductwork
B. Contractor shall develop prefunctional checklists with the start-up plans. Electronic copies
of these checklists are available upon request.
C. Sample forms of similar rigor will be provided to the Contractor by the CA upon request for
other equipment (e.g. VAV terminal units).
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor, MC =
mechanical contractor, SC = sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No
Checklist items of Part 3 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ___No
Gage reading = reading of the permanent gage on the equipment. BAS = building automation system.
Instr. = testing instrument. Visual = actual observation. The Contractor’s own sensor check-out sheets
may be used in lieu of the above, if the same recording fields are included and the referenced procedures
are followed.
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor, MC =
mechanical contractor, SC = sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No
3. Operational Checks (These augment mfr’s list. This is not a functional performance test)
Check if Okay. Enter N/A if not applicable. Enter Note number if deficient.
Check Equip Tag Contr.
Fan rotation correct
Electrical interlocks verified
Any fan status indicators functioning
No unusual vibration or and noise
Record full load running amps for each fan.
_____rated FL amps x ______srvc factor = _______ (Max
amps). Running less than max?
Check voltage: Rate = _____ Actual = ______ Within 5%?
The disconnect switch properly operates
After 24 hours of operation, recheck belt tension and
Checklist items of Part 3 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
4. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor, MC =
mechanical contractor, SC = sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No
6. Operational Checks (These augment mfr’s list. This is not a functional performance test)
Check if Okay. Enter N/A if not applicable. Enter Note number if deficient.
Check Equip Tag Contr.
The HOA switch properly activates and deactivates the unit
under manual and automatic control.
Pump rotation verified correct
No unusual noise or vibration
No leaking apparent around fittings
Measure line to line voltage phase imbalance for each pump:
(%lmbalance = 100 x (avg. - lowest) / avg.) Record
imbalance of each pump in cell. Imbalance less than 2%?
Record full load running amps for each pump. FL amps x
factor (Max amps). Running less than max?
Specified sequences of operation and operating schedules
have been implemented with variations documented
Specified point-to-point checks have been completed and
documentation record submitted for this system
Checklist items of Part 3 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
Gage reading = reading of the permanent gage on the equipment. Instr. = testing instrument. Visual =
actual observation.
Sample Prefunctional Checklist
2. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems are installed and ready for functional testing. The
checklist items are completed and have been checked off by parties having direct knowledge
of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This prefunctional
checklist is submitted subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A
Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of outstanding areas. ___ List
Prefunctional checklist items must be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended startup procedures or
Note items that do not apply with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by others).
If this form is not used for documenting prefunctional testing, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, GC = general
contractor, PC = plumbing contractor, MC = mechanical contractor, CC = controls contractor, SM =
sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor, EC = electrical contractor, CA =
commissioning agent.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
General Installation
General appearance good, no apparent damage
Site clean and ready for testing
Equipment labels and tags affixed
Tube pull and access door space adequate
Required seismic restraints in place
Flue installed completely and sloped properly
Combustion air supply provided
System filled with water and treatment chemicals
Pressure gages installed
Thermometers installed
Flue installed completely and sloped properly
Flue is installed away from combustible materials
Proper flue connection with draft diverter
Proper flue termination, vent cap, and flashing
Proper type flue – double wall penetration
EMS instruments installed
PIT plugs installed as per drawings
Boiler interlocks and controls completed
Piping Immediately at unit. Also see Hydronic and Domestic Piping)
Gas piping installed and tested (supply is at proper pressure)
Hydronic piping complete, including makeup water piping and
safety relief valves
Hydronic system flushing complete, strainers clean and treatment
Isolation valves and balancing valves installed with extensions to
clear insulation
Pipe fittings and accessories installed with extensions for insulation
Test ports installed near control sensors and per spec
Flow switches installed as required
Flow meters installed as required
Flow directions labeled on piping insulation
Chemical treatment pot installed in proper direction
ASME pressure vessel data sheet or certification tag posted and
inspection complete for each expansion tank
Expansion tanks verified not waterlogged and system is completely
full of water.
Air vents and bleeds at high points of systems functional
Electrical and Controls
Power to disconnect switch and unit installed
Electrical components grounded
Sensors calibrated (see below)
Control system interlocks hooked up and functional
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
Gage reading = reading of the permanent gage on the equipment. Instr. = testing instrument. Visual =
actual observation.
5. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems are installed and ready for functional testing. The
checklist items are completed and have been checked off by parties having direct knowledge
of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This prefunctional
checklist is submitted subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A
Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of outstanding areas. ___ List
Prefunctional checklist items must be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended startup procedures or
Note items that do not apply with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by others).
If this form is not used for documenting prefunctional testing, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, GC = general
contractor, PC = plumbing contractor, MC = mechanical contractor, CC = controls contractor, SM =
sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor, EC = electrical contractor, CA =
commissioning agent.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
General Installation
General appearance good, no apparent damage
Site clean and ready for testing
Equipment labels and tags affixed
Required seismic restraints in place
Insulating blanket installed (if necessary)
Adequate combustion air supply provided (air supply is sized and
located properly)
Unit is protected from weather
Unit is accessible and has manufacturer recommended clearances
Flue installed completely and sloped properly
Flue is installed away from combustible materials
Proper flue connection with draft diverter
Proper flue termination, vent cap, and flashing
Proper type flue – double wall penetration
Piping immediately at unit. (Also see Hydronic and Domestic
Gas piping installed and tested (supply is at proper pressure)
Piping complete, including safety relief valves.
System flushed and sterilized. Strainers clean and installed
Shutoff valves installed properly
Heat Trap properly installed
Dielectric connections installed correctly
Drain pipe is properly terminated
Smitty pan is properly installed (if required)
Air vents and bleeds at high points of systems functional
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
Gage reading = reading of the permanent gage on the equipment. Instr. = testing instrument. Visual =
actual observation.
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems are installed and ready for functional testing. The
checklist items are completed and have been checked off by parties having direct knowledge
of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This prefunctional
checklist is submitted subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A
Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of outstanding areas. ___ List
Prefunctional checklist items must be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended startup procedures or
Note items that do not apply with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by others).
If this form is not used for documenting prefunctional testing, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, GC = general
contractor, PC = plumbing contractor, MC = mechanical contractor, CC = controls contractor, SM =
sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor, EC = electrical contractor, CA =
commissioning agent.
A significant part of the BAS functional testing requirements is the successful completion of the
functional tests of equipment the BAS controls or interlocks with. Uncompleted equipment functional
tests or outstanding deficiencies in those tests lend the required BAS functional testing incomplete.
Integral or stand-alone controls are functionally tested with the equipment they are attached to,
including any interlocks with other equipment or systems and thus are not covered under the BAS
testing requirements, except for any integrated functions or interlocks listed below. In addition to the
controlled equipment testing, the following tests are required for the BAS, where features have been
specified. The following testing requirements are in addition to and do not replace any testing
requirements elsewhere in the specifications.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
The following procedures are required to be performed and documented for each and every point in the
control system. The following procedures are minimum requirements. The control contractor is
encouraged to identify better and more comprehensive checkout procedures in their submitted plan.
These procedures are not a substitute for the manufacturer’s recommended start-up and checkout
procedures, but are to be combined with them, as applicable. The documentation may be provided on the
vendor’s stock form, as long as all the information in the sample table below can be clearly documented
on the form.
Similar checkout and calibration requirements are found on the equipment prefunctional checklists.
Redundant documentation is not required. Cross reference, by name and form number, to other forms
that contain documentation left blank on the current form.
b. [Actu] If the device is or has an actuator, verify full free movement through its full range.
d. [Load] For devices with a controller, verify that current software program with proper setpoints has
been downloaded.
e. [DevCal] Device stroke/range calibration. This applies to all controlled valves, dampers, fans,
pumps, actuators, etc. Simulate maximum and minimum transmitter signal values and verify
minimum and maximum controller output values and positively verify each and every control device
minimum and maximum stroke and capacity range.
f. [SensLoc] Verify that all sensor locations are appropriate and away from causes of erratic
g. [SensCal] Sensor calibration. Calibrate or verify calibration of all sensors and thermostats,
including temperature, pressure, flow, current, kW, rpm, Hertz, etc. Verify that the sensor readings
in the control system are within the sensor accuracies specified in this section, using hand-held or
other external measuring instruments.
h. [OperCk] For controlled devices (dampers, valves, actuators, VAV boxes, etc.), after mechanical
equipment control becomes operational, perform an operational test of each control loop. Follow
procedure 6.2 below. Operational checks are preparatory to the later functional testing.
i. Other Abbreviations: [BAS] Building automation system or gage-read value; [Instru] Instrument
(calibrated) read value; [Ofset] Offset programmed into the point to correct the calibration.
Items of Parts 2 and 3 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
Field-installed temperature, CO2, CO, and pressure sensors and gages on this piece of equipment are
calibrated. Test instruments NIST certified for calibration within the last 12 months: Y/N______.
Sensors installed in the unit at the factory with NIST calibration certificates provided need not be field
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The TAB Plan has been developed and reviewed against the checklist below.
This plan is submitted for approval, subject to the attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed.
The TAB Plan checklist does not take the place of the recommended formats or procedures in
standards referenced in the specifications, but it is intended to augment them.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
Approvals. This filled-out checklist and the TAB Plan have been reviewed. Their completion is approved
with the exceptions noted below.
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Check if Okay. Enter N/A if not applicable. Enter Note number if deficient (attach notes).
Complete table for each room.
Check Rooms Contr.
Lighting fixtures and switches
Light switches are located per plans
Light switches are labeled with proper ID to match drawings
or field changes
Light switch is controlling the fixtures in the area indicated on
design drawings
Fixtures are properly supported for seismic zone
Verify proper lamp type is installed in each fixture to match
fixture schedule and specifications
Lighting controls
Lighting control is installed per manufacturer
recommendations (attached recommendations to this
Lighting control is calibrated per manufacturer checklist
Check if Okay. Enter N/A if not applicable. Enter Note number if deficient (attach notes).
Complete table for each room.
Check Rooms Contr.
Lighting fixtures and switches
Light switches are located per plans
Light switches are labeled with proper ID to match drawings
or field changes
Light switch is controlling the fixtures in the area indicated on
design drawings
Fixtures are properly supported for seismic zone
Verify proper lamp type is installed in each fixture to match
fixture schedule and specifications
Lighting controls
Lighting control is installed per manufacturer
recommendations (attached recommendations to this
Lighting control is calibrated per manufacturer checklist
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ___Yes ____No
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor, MC =
mechanical contractor, SC = sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Valves (except coil valve. Coil Valve checklists are with the
unit checklist)
Valve labels permanently affixed
Valves installed in proper direction
No leaks
Pressure relief valves tested
Refrigerant fully charged
Valves that require a positive shut-off are verified to not be
leaking when closed at normal operating pressure. List:
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No
Piping (Condensate)
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, GC = general
contractor, PC = plumbing contractor, MC = mechanical contractor, CC = controls contractor, TAB =
test and balance contractor, EC = electrical contractor, CA = commissioning agent.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade ____Yes ____No
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having
direct knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor.
This prefunctional checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding
items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of
any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional
tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
Items that do not apply shall be noted with the reasons on this form (N/A = not applicable, BO = by
If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
The Contractors who are assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall also be responsible
to see that checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, GC = general
contractor, PC = plumbing contractor, MC = mechanical contractor, CC = controls contractor, TAB =
test and balance contractor, EC = electrical contractor, CA = commissioning agent.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Valve tags permanently affixed
Valves installed in proper direction
Pressure reducing valves set at proper pressure
No leaks
Flexible connections at equipment installed
Dielectric fittings for dissimilar metals installed
Vibration Isolation installed
Fire-rated pipe penetrations installed properly
Valves that require a positive shut-off are verified to not be leaking when closed at
normal operating pressure. List:
Installation of system and balancing devices allowed balancing to be completed
following specified NEBB or AABC procedures and contract documents
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No
1. Submittals / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment is complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items are
complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as
marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This prefunctional checklist is
submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed.
None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed.
___ List attached.
Prefunctional checklist items are to be completed as part of startup & initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
“Contr.” column or abbreviations in brackets to the right of an item refer to the contractor responsible
to verify completion of this item. A/E = architect/engineer, All = all contractors, CA = commissioning
agent, CC = controls contractor, EC = electrical contractor, GC = general contractor, MC =
mechanical contractor, SC = sheet metal contractor, TAB = test and balance contractor.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Checklist items of Part 2 are all successfully completed for given trade… ____Yes ____No