Babies in Boxes and The Missing Links On Safe Sleep: Human Evolution and Cultural Revolution
Babies in Boxes and The Missing Links On Safe Sleep: Human Evolution and Cultural Revolution
Babies in Boxes and The Missing Links On Safe Sleep: Human Evolution and Cultural Revolution
DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12544
Department of Medicine, Cambridge Health
Alliance and Harvard Medical School, Abstract
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Concerns about bedsharing as a risk for sudden infant death syndrome and other forms of sleep‐
Department of Anthropology, Durham associated infant death have gained prominence as a public health issue. Cardboard “baby boxes”
University, Durham, UK are increasingly promoted to prevent infant death through separate sleep, despite no proof of
Department of Anthropology, Parent‐Infant efficacy. However, baby boxes disrupt “breastsleeping” (breastfeeding with co‐sleeping) and
Sleep Lab, Durham University, Durham, UK
may undermine breastfeeding. Recommendations enforcing separate sleep are based on 20th
Melissa Bartick, Department of Medicine,
century Euro‐American social norms for solitary infant sleep and scheduled feedings via bottles
Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard of cow's milk‐based formula, in contrast to breastsleeping, an evolutionary adaptation facilitating
Medical School; 1493 Cambridge Street, the survival of mammalian infants for millennia. Interventions that aim to prevent bedsharing,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
such as the cardboard baby box, fail to consider the implications of evolutionary biology or of eth-
nocentrism in sleep guidance. Moreover, the focus on bedsharing neglects more potent risks such
as smoking, drugs, alcohol, formula feeding, and poverty. Distribution of baby boxes may divert
resources and attention away from addressing these other risk factors and lead to a false sense
of security wherein we overlook that sudden unexplained infant deaths also occur in solitary
sleep environments. Recognizing breastsleeping as the evolutionary and cross‐cultural norm
entails re‐evaluating our research and policy priorities, such as providing greater structural sup-
port for families, supporting breastfeeding and safe co‐sleeping, investigating ways to safely min-
imize separation for formula‐fed infants, and mitigating the potential harms of mother–infant
separation when breastsleeping is disrupted. Resources would be better spent addressing such
questions rather than on a feel‐good solution such as the baby box.
breastfeeding, infant behaviour, infant formula, mothers, sleep, sudden infant death
Matern Child Nutr. 2018;14:e12544. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1 of 7
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reframe how we examine current public health interventions and prevent infant death through solitary sleep, despite no
The distribution of “baby boxes,” cardboard boxes filled with baby • Such interventions are based on recent cultural
supplies which, when emptied, can be used as an infant sleeping environ- innovations of solitary infant sleep and scheduled
ment, is an increasingly popular intervention introduced in North Amer- bottle‐feeding with cow's milk‐based formula.
ica and elsewhere to promote separate sleep and is generally paired with • Boxes disrupt the evolutionary adaptation of
some form of education on safe sleep. Baby box programs are based on a breastfeeding with co‐sleeping—”breastsleeping”, may
Finnish government program initiated in the 1930s in which baby clothes undermine breastfeeding, and divert resources away
and related items were given to mothers who attended prenatal appoint- from addressing more potent risk factors for infant death.
ments. The boxes also provided a safe place outside of parents' beds for
• Instead of distributing boxes, we should consider sleep
infants to sleep, especially in homes that might have only rudimentary
and breastfeeding as one integrated evolutionary
furniture (Rosenberg, 2016), as poverty was common.
process, develop support for safe breastsleeping, and
Although U.S. initiatives assume that sleeping in the boxes has
examine the consequences of mother–infant separation.
resulted in lower infant mortality, no evidence to date supports this
assumption. Experts in recent media reports have questioned the
underlying reasons for the significant drops in infant mortality in Fin-
land, which were observed over the period since the boxes were intro- breastfeeding (Task Force On Sudden Infant Death, 2016). The AAP
duced (Cassin, 2017; Hafner, 2017) and note that less than half of guidelines are historically predicated on the assumption that the nor-
Finnish babies currently sleep in the boxes (Hafner, 2017). Indeed, mative culture is one where infants sleep alone and are fed artificially.
the nearby nations of Sweden, Norway, and Iceland never introduced These assumptions are reflected in the fact that the AAP issues sepa-
baby boxes but have had similarly low infant mortality rates (Organisa- rate guidelines for breastfeeding and for infant sleep. The AAP has
tion of European Co‐operation and Development, 2016). They share recently acknowledged that proximity to mother matters for health
with Finland universal health care systems, social safety nets, and paid (Feldman‐Winter, Goldsmith, Committee, & Newborn, & Task Force
maternity leave policies. Moreover, although many baby box initiatives On Sudden Infant Death, 2016; Task Force On Sudden Infant Death
claim that the Finnish program was designed to combat poverty‐asso- S, 2016) and that breastfeeding matters for health (American Academy
ciated infant mortality, it was actually designed to incentivize women of Pediatrics and Section on Breastfeeding, 2012), but they are each
to get screened and treated for prenatal syphilis, which was an epi- discussed only as risk reduction strategies in guidance on reducing
demic at that time (Weeks, 2016). Furthermore, in most U.S. programs, childhood morbidity and mortality. If breastsleeping were treated as
it is assumed the distribution of baby boxes for infant sleep only con- the norm, these guidelines would be integrated, and instead, we would
fers advantages. Few questions have been raised about how these be asking about the risks of separation from mother, not solely the risks
boxes may affect breastfeeding mothers and infants or introduce of sleeping with one's infant. The AAP is considering mother–infant
new hazards. The distribution of baby boxes also fails to consider the behaviour in the context of only the last century or so of United States
evolutionary context of normal nighttime infant behaviour, reinforces and Western European history, not in an evolutionary context where
cultural historical norms about nighttime mother–infant separation breastsleeping has been the norm and a survival strategy for not only
and artificial feeding, and may inadvertently undermine breastfeeding. humans but also primates and many other mammals. However, despite
Two related devices designed with lower sides for use in the adult a cultural revolution, maternal–infant biology that was forged in our
bed in situations where high risk precludes bedsharing bear mention- evolutionary past has not altered in the most recent 100 years.
ing. The Pepi‐Pod from New Zealand and Australia (Bartholomew, Evidence shows that the bedsharing recommendations from AAP
2017) and the Wahakura from New Zealand were both designed to are not working. In the most recent study, led by one of the lead
address high sleep‐related infant death rates in indigenous populations authors of the AAP recommendations, Rachel Moon, investigators
associated with smoking and other risk factors (Baddock et al., 2017). conducted a randomized control trial using enhanced messaging to
The Wahakura, which is a woven flax bassinet‐like sleeper developed African American families to avoid bedsharing, and yet bedsharing
in the Maori community in 2006, was shown be associated with an actually increased in the intervention group (Moon et al., 2017). In
increased in sustained breastfeeding compared to a traditional bassinet another survey consisting of a survey of nearly 5,000 mothers, fully
and a decrease in direct bedsharing (Baddock et al., 2017). 25% of mothers reported falling asleep with their infants in hazardous
Baby boxes promote a separate sleep surface, following locations such as sofas and recliners, many having done so in order to
longstanding guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics avoid bedsharing (Kendall‐Tackett, Cong, & Hale, 2010).
(AAP) against bedsharing, even though AAP experts are not necessarily Much of the attention on preventing sleep‐associated infant
endorsing the boxes (Cassin, 2017). In its most recent infant sleep deaths has focused on bedsharing, despite this being of debatable to
guidelines from October 2016, the AAP continues to recommend sep- no increased risk when other risk factors are absent (Bartick & Smith,
arate sleep surfaces for all mothers and babies, including those who are 2014; Blabey & Gessner, 2009; Blair, Sidebotham, Pease, & Fleming,
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2014). A recent New Zealand study showed that it is the combination anovulatory so that her children are widely spaced (Labbok et al.,
of antenatal smoking with bedsharing that markedly increased the risk 1997). The perception of low milk supply is one of the most important
of sudden unexplained death in infants, whereas either by itself was reasons women give for stopping breastfeeding (Ball et al., 2016). Per-
associated with a non‐significant increased risk (Mitchell et al., 2017). suading mothers not to breastsleep through separate sleep and baby
The leading risk factors for sleep‐associated sudden and unexpected boxes may thus undermine milk supply and result in difficulty attaining
infant deaths include parental smoking, sleeping prone, falling asleep breastfeeding goals (Ball, 2003). Early weaning puts both the mother's
with an infant on a sofa or recliner, sharing a bed with an adult who and the infant's health at risk (Bartick et al., 2016; Chowdhury et al.,
is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and formula feeding (Bartick 2015; Victora et al., 2016).
& Smith, 2014). If it is an independent risk factor at all, the risk of It is important to look at current infant sleep recommendations in
bedsharing is tiny in comparison to the above mentioned risks (Bartick their historical, physiological, and cultural context. Human milk is
& Smith, 2014; National Institute of Health Care and Excellence, digested very quickly, and the rapidly growing infant needs to eat
2015). In an attempt to reduce sudden infant death syndrome, the U. every 2 to 3 hr (Casiday, Wright, Panter‐Brick, & Parkinson, 2004;
S. medical establishment has come down hard on bedsharing, with De Carvalho, Roberson, Friedman, et al., 1983). Such a feeding pattern
multiple public health campaigns aimed at discouraging the practice. would be difficult if the infant was not in constant contact with his
The “Alone. Back. Crib.” campaigns are especially popular: Infants breastfeeding mother, day and night. Indeed, ethnographic studies
should sleep alone, on their back, in a crib. Attention to the other risk have shown that in traditional cultures all over the world, mothers
factors is essentially neglected, even though they carry more substan- and babies are in prolonged contact, being carried by day, sleeping
tial risks for infant death. In contrast, the latest UK guidance acknowl- together at night, and nursing at will for the first several months (Barry
edges that there is insufficient evidence to say that bedsharing causes & Paxson, 1971). After that, infants remain in contact with other care-
SIDS and offers information on the elimination of bedsharing hazards, givers. Even with the return to breastfeeding over the last few decades
not of bedsharing itself (Ball, 2017). in the United States and the growing emphasis on breastfeeding in the
The “Back to Sleep” campaign (to place babies in the supine posi- public health literature, we have often grown focused on how formula
tion for sleep) has been associated with a reduction in sleep‐related differs from the components of breast milk and on the delivery of
infant deaths, a decline that began even prior to the 1992 campaign expressed milk. In doing so, we miss the connection that breastfeeding
(Pelligra, Doman, & Leisman, 2005). Yet it is important to note that is about physical and emotional contact as much as it is about the milk
sleeping prone is not in the behavioural repertoire of normal human itself.
breastsleeping infants (McKenna & Gettler, 2015; Richard, Mosko, Contrast the human physiologic pattern of frequent feeding with
McKenna, & Drummond, 1996), and this important recommendation that of cows, the primary source of food upon which artificial feeding
arose out of the recent cultural context of solitary sleep and artificial is based. On some farms, nursing calves are separated from their
feeding, in which infants were frequently placed prone alone in their mothers and are routinely allowed to suckle only 2 or 3 times a day
cribs. In the only video study done comparing bedsharing formula (Alvarez‐Rodriguez, Palacio, Casasus, Revilla, & Sanz, 2009; Bar‐Peled
feeding and breastfeeding infants, the formula feeding infants were et al., 1997; Conneely et al., 2014). The higher protein in the cows' milk
more likely to have their heads placed level with their mother's face, allows these calves to grow normally whereas nursing far less fre-
whereas the breastfeeding infant's head was placed at breast‐level, quently than a human infant would require. Having one fourth the pro-
and the breastfeeding mothers spent more time turned towards their tein content of cows' milk (Hernell, 2011), human milk is digested very
infants, who also faced their mothers, whereas the formula‐fed infants quickly, and the rapidly growing infant needs to eat every 2 to 3 hr and
spent more time sleeping on their backs (Ball, 2006). Despite what will awaken to do so. Differences in milk composition may be why we
appears to be potential risks for suffocation from pillows in this small see that baby humans fed cows' milk products are less arousable from
study among the formula‐fed bedsharing infants, another recent study sleep than babies who nurse from their mothers (Tikotzky et al., 2010).
found that bedsharing (even with formula feeding infants included) This difference in arousal levels may partly explain the higher risk of
was not associated with increased risk of death in the absence of other sudden infant death syndrome in infants who are fed formula (Horne,
risk factors (alcohol, drugs, and sofa‐sleeping) (Blair et al., 2014). More Parslow, Ferens, Watts, & Adamson, 2004). Bedsharing among
research is needed to know if the different bedsharing positioning con- breastfeeding dyads, in particular, is associated with more infant
tributes to any increased risk of sleep‐associated infant death in for- arousability compared to breastfeeding solitary sleepers, both by
mula feeding infants, and, if so, if bedsharing with formula feeding increasing arousability during Stages 3–4 sleep and by decreasing the
infants could be done in such a way that could minimize such risk. amount of Stage 3–4 sleep, both of which are particularly important
In addition, because separate sleep can undermine breastfeeding, considering that normal infant arousability is greatly diminished in
and baby boxes promote separate sleep, the boxes could hinder con- Stages 3–4 sleep (Mosko, Richard, & McKenna, 1997a). The differ-
tact between breastfeeding mothers and infants and lead to early ences between breastmilk and the composition of cow's milk‐based
weaning. Research shows that bedsharing breastfeeding mothers formula may also explain why parents of formula‐fed infants report
nurse their infants 5.75 times during the night (often without realizing more consolidated sleep (Ramamurthy et al., 2012).
it), compared to 2.5 times a night for moms and babies who do not Concerns about infant sleep were virtually absent until the late
share a bed (McKenna, Mosko, & Richard, 1997). This increased 19th and especially the early 20th centuries. Historians Stearns and
breastfeeding is especially important for a mother to maintain a robust colleagues demonstrated that “Manuals for parents, produced in abun-
milk supply (Hartmann, Sherriff, & Mitoulas, 1998) and remain dance [in the mid 19th century], simply did not deal with children's
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sleep in marked contrast to their counterparts by the 1920s. Medical 2017. SIDS is now added to the list of reasons why infants should
researchers did not study sleep extensively ‐ another point noted not share a bed with their parents, and other reasons have taken more
when research began to accelerate a half‐century later” (Stearns, Row- of a back seat. At the same time, cultural worries also linger in many
land, & Giarnella, 1996, pp. 345–46). They seem to have arisen as a parents' discomfort with sharing a bed with their babies and their con-
result of the development of solitary infant sleep in the late 19th and cerns about needing to get their babies to sleep through the night in
especially the early 20th centuries as an ideal among certain middle their own room (Tomori, 2014). In the 2016 AAP guidelines, room‐
class cultural groups, facilitated by medical experts (Stearns et al., sharing has been emphasized as a risk reduction for SIDS, but even this
1996). Medical experts also played a crucial role in the normalization recommendation has received some backlash (Fallon, 2016) in a
of scheduled artificial feeding, cemented by the growing number of context where “sleeping through the night” in the baby's own room
mothers giving birth in hospitals and the industrial production and mar- is considered necessary to achieve “independence” (Tomori, 2014).
keting of cows' milk‐based breast milk substitutes. In the 1917 edition Finally, in addition to safety concerns about the need for separate
of a popular manual (Holt, 1917), which became the basis of the infant sleep, most public health guidelines, including the AAP guidelines,
care pamphlet distributed by the government to millions of parents, Dr. ignore the role of poverty in sleep‐related infant death. The risk of such
Emmett Holt recommended that babies sleep in nurseries separate death is higher in socioeconomically disadvantaged families in the UK,
from their mothers and that they be fed only once or twice during although they are less likely to share a bed with their infants (Blair,
the night through the first 4 months and then once between 4 and Heron, & Fleming, 2010). In the United States, rates of SIDS are higher
7 months (Tomori, 2017b (in press)‐b). Thereafter, they were not to among Black and Hispanic infants than in Whites, groups who have
be fed at all during the nighttime. If infants awoke during the night lower income levels on average, and the higher SIDS rate is partially
and were not scheduled for a feeding, they were to “cry it out” for explainable due to lower rates of any and exclusive breastfeeding in
up to 2 to 3 hr. Experts like John Watson and Benjamin Spock further both groups after the post‐partum period (Bartick et al., 2017).
developed these ideas about “training” infants to sleep alone by “crying Thus, given that breastsleeping is the evolutionary and cross‐
it out.” As late as 1976, Dr. Benjamin Spock (first published in 1946) cultural norm, we must ask another fundamental question: What, if
wrote that a healthy 1‐month old infant should be able to sleep any, are the consequences of separating parents from infants? Does it
through the night and should be left to cry for up to half an hour if harm children and/or parents when we assume that babies can and
he woke; and as late as 1992, wrote about the “tyranny” of children should sleep apart from their parents? Could a separate sleep surface
who would not fall asleep when put down alone in the crib (Spock & cause other harms besides the undermining of breastfeeding? Could
Rothenberg, 1992). Dr. Richard Ferber further popularized sleep train- sleeping in a baby box cause harm just from mother–infant separation
ing starting in 1986, purposely leaving infants alone for progressively itself?
longer periods to “cry it out” (Ferber, 2006; Tomori, 2014). Because We know that separation from maternal skin‐to‐skin contact for
of their nutritional and emotional needs, very young infants are neither even an hour can have profound physiological stress on 2‐day‐old
physiologically nor psychologically adapted to either sleep training nor infants (Morgan, Horn, & Bergman, 2011). Research in a small study
“crying it out.” of 4‐ to10‐month‐old infants also shows that after separation into dif-
“Crying it out” occurs in a context in which western parents have ferent rooms for sleep, infant and maternal levels of the stress hor-
come to seeing crying infants as normal, in a society where infants mone cortisol are high, and the mothers respond to the infant's cries
are routinely separated from direct physical contact with their care- and signs of distress. However, after a few nights of separation for
givers both at night and in daytime. Yet anyone who has spent time sleep, the infant cortisol levels remained high, indicating physiologic
in the developing world, particularly Africa, where infants are carried stress, even though they no were no longer crying and appeared to
and strollers are not a part of life, will have witnessed that it is rare “self‐settle.” In contrast, the mothers' cortisol levels decreased and
to see a baby crying in public (Bleah & Ellett, 2010). Even in the United were no longer correlated with those of their infants, reflecting that
States, as hospitals become Baby‐Friendly and infants are kept in prox- they were unaware of their infants' stress and were out of sync with
imity and skin‐to‐skin, one of us (MB) frequently hears staff at many them (Middlemiss, Granger, Goldberg, & Nathans, 2012). Prolonged
hospitals make remarks such as, “we never hear crying any more. Our childhood stress can create long‐term changes in brain architecture
unit is so much more quiet now.” Hospital staff frequently note that and behaviours that could even be passed on to the next generation,
the unusual sound of baby crying on units that have eliminated mater- in a phenomenon known as “toxic stress” (Shonkoff et al., 2012). We
nal–infant separation will trigger their immediate concern, whereas do not know if the stress caused by separation, such as that seen in
before such crying was often disregarded and thought of as normal. newborns, would abate over time, or how much stress would need to
Such observations illustrate the cultural context in which acceptability occur in an infant to result in brain changes associated with “toxic
of crying and infant distress occurs where separation of mothers and stress.” At the very least, we cannot assume that enforced separate
infants is also considered normal; it is not until mothers and babies sleep is without harm to the infant through the repeated stress of
are routinely together that one realizes that crying appears unusual being separated from the only environment he has ever known and
and people become more sensitized to the sound of a distressed, cry- to which he is uniquely adapted. Finally, separation may also make it
ing infant. difficult for parents to address other potential threats. For instance,
Although “cry it out” is hotly contested among parents, various research shows anecdotal reports of parents saving their children from
forms of “sleep training” and the emphasis on “self‐soothing” and acute life threatening events that would have gone undiscovered that
“sleeping through the night” remain prominent in parenting advice in the children been sleeping alone (McKenna & Volpe, 2007).
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In addition to safety concerns about bedsharing, modern ques- Moving forward, our frame of reference in determining risk and
tions have arisen around the values surrounding parenting that affect public policy to manage risk must be normative human physiology,
assumptions about sleep practices: Should the parents' needs be sub- not an artificial intervention based on the physiology of solitary
sumed by those of their children? When we look cross‐culturally, not sleeping infants being fed the milk of another species in a bottle. We
every culture sees keeping the child in contact with the parent as a should address how we can better support safe breastsleeping and
conflict. Breastsleeping does not inherently constitute a greater bur- investigate the potential harms of disrupting breastsleeping and
den on parents, nor does it have to correspond with a parenting philos- mother–infant separation. We should also develop advice specific for
ophy where mother's needs are subsumed to those of the child. parents of formula feeding infants and support them in safely achiev-
Parents just get more rest (Doan, Gardiner, Gay, & Lee, 2007; Mont- ing closer human contact. In addition to lowering risky behaviours
gomery‐Downs, Clawges, & Santy, 2010), even though co‐sleeping themselves, interventions in high‐risk families, such as the Pepi‐Pod
mothers may experience more sleep fragmentation (Volkovich, Ben‐ and Wahakura should be continued. Moreover, we need to be able
Zion, Karny, Meiri, & Tikotzky, 2015). Many breastsleeping mothers to offer flexible guidance for families who combine breastfeeding and
are simply not aware of how many times they nursed their babies formula feeding and who are transitioning from breastfeeding to for-
throughout the night, because they were not fully awake (Gottlieb, mula feeding. Finally, we must address the role of poverty and lack
2004; Morelli, Rogoff, Oppenhein, & Goldsmith, 1992; Tomori, of paid family leave in supporting new parents and the roles these
2014). Bedsharing breastfeeding mothers spend more time in Stages may play in infant and maternal mortality related to breastfeeding
1 and 2 sleep (lighter sleep) and less time in Stages 3 and 4 sleep and sleep‐related infant death. Instead of getting more babies into
(deeper sleep) than solitary sleeping breastfeeding mothers (Mosko, boxes, nighttime infant care guidance informed by evolutionary theory
Richard, & McKenna, 1997b), which may facilitate responsiveness to and cross‐cultural practices should foster greater opportunities for
the infant. When some babies awaken frequently to nurse, mothers safe connection for all infants and their families.
may find it unpleasant, but do not perceive it as problematic (Gottlieb,
2004, Tomori, 2017a (in press)‐a). Mothers are also not usually left to CONFLICTS OF INTERES T
care for their infants alone and to be completely responsible for all Dr. Bartick has no competing conflicts of interest regarding
other tasks right after birth. There may be periods of mandated rest breastfeeding and infant sleep. Her current funding is for
for the first 40 days or so, and often there are others to help support breastfeeding and economics research and comes from the WK Kel-
mothers and care for infants and young children (Eberhard‐Gran, logg Foundation. Dr. Tomori has no current sleep‐related funding.
Garthus‐Niegel, Garthus‐Niegel, & Eskild, 2017). Her past funding came from The Alfred P. Sloan Center for the Ethnog-
Breastfeeding helps mothers and infants both quickly fall asleep raphy of Everyday Life; the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute
due to hormones released in the mother's brain (oxytocin) and hor- of Child Health and Development; the Rackham Graduate School, the
mones in the milk itself, yet both mother and baby are easily aroused, Department of Anthropology, and the Center for the Education of
which is not the case if the pair are not breastfeeding (Blyton, Sullivan, Women at the University of Michigan. Dr. Ball's recent research was
& Edwards, 2002; Horne et al., 2004). In breastsleeping dyads, their funded by the Lullaby Trust, the Scottish Government, the UK
sleep cycles are synchronized, and the infants' airway is naturally Economic and Social Research Council (ERSC), and the University of
protected from blankets and pillows by the infant's position with his Durham. Previously research has been funded by the ESRC, the UK
head across from mother's breasts, her arm, and shoulder forming a National Institute for Health Research, and UK health and medical
natural barricade from a potentially smothering pillow (Ball, 2006). charities.
We see that breastsleeping is an elegant dance between mother
and infant. Both mother and child benefit from the close physical con-
tact and increased breastfeeding, physical warmth, and emotional con- CONT RIB UT IONS
nection. This process, honed through millennia, cannot happen with a MB conceived of the manuscript with CT, and MB was primarily
baby in a box. Although it may seem like a simple, if costly, solution
responsible for constructing the drafts. HB and CT were responsible
to give out baby boxes, we should not expect this to solve sleep‐
for shaping and editing the manuscript and contributing their expertise
related infant mortality problems, when the key underlying problems as anthropologists and experts in breastfeeding and infant sleep.
are access to health care, poverty, and lack of support for
breastfeeding or for treatment for tobacco and substance use. Spend-
ing proportional resources on the most important risk factors for infant
Melissa Bartick
death, such as smoking, substance use, and formula feeding are likely
Cecília Tomori
to have greater impact than a feel‐good solution like a box. If resources
Helen L. Ball
are diverted from these efforts to baby boxes and if emphasis on
sleeping in the boxes comes at the expense of breastfeeding, the boxes
may have the potential to increase both maternal and child morbidity
Alvarez‐Rodriguez, J., Palacio, J., Casasus, I., Revilla, R., & Sanz, A. (2009).
and mortality if they result in early weaning (Bartick et al., 2016; Performance and nursing behaviour of beef cows with different types
Chowdhury et al., 2015; Victora et al., 2016). Further, discouraging of calf management. Animal, 3, 871–878.
breastsleeping may have other developmental harms to the infant from American Academy of Pediatrics & Section on Breastfeeding. (2012).
stress that have not yet been studied. Breastfeeding and the use of human milk. Pediatrics, 129, e827–e841.
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