Iread Mobile Access

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iRead Mobile Access

The iRead app is available to all students with active program log-ins. Teachers and
students may access the student software on an iPad by downloading and
configuring the apps.

Downloading and Configuring iRead

To download and access the app, devices must meet the following requirements:

• iPad 2 or later
• iOS 7 or later
When these requirements are met, the app may be downloaded from the iTunes App

iRead Mobile Access Updated 08.26.15 •1

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company PDF0907 (PDF)
Configuring iRead

Prior to the first launch of the app, tap the Settings icon on the iPad
Home Screen. Tap the iRead link from the Settings menu.

In the SAM URL field, enter the host ID. The host ID is the number that starts with h1
followed by eight digits in the SAM Server URL:
• SAM Server URL:
• Host ID: h100000000
SAM Server URL information is also available from the district SAM administrator.

Press the Home button to return to the iPad Home Screen. Tap the app to open it
and move to the program’s login screen.

Mobile Device Functionality

Most programs functions identically on a workstation or mobile device, with the
exception that users tap buttons and links on the user interface, rather than use a
mouse or pointer as they do on workstations.

Guided Access
Guided Access is an iOS function that allows users to modify their device settings.
Teachers and administrators may use Guided Access to control which iPad functions
and buttons are enabled or disabled for student use. This may be useful for teachers
with young students who may accidentally tap the iPad Home button during
interactions with the Screener or Software. For more information on accessing and
using Guided Access, see the iPad User Guide available at

iRead Mobile Access Updated 08.26.15 •2

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company PDF0907 (PDF)

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