Screening For Breast Cancer
Screening For Breast Cancer
Screening For Breast Cancer
a, b
Bethany L. Niell, MD, PhD *, Phoebe E. Freer, MD , Robert Jared Weinfurtner,
a c a
MD , Elizabeth Kagan Arleo, MD , Jennifer S. Drukteinis, MD
Screening Mammography Ultrasound MR imaging Cancer detection rate
Early detection with screening mammography significantly reduces breast cancer deaths by 20%
to 40%.
Annual screening mammography of women aged 40 to 84 prevents more deaths from breast
cancer than biennial screening of women 50 to 74 years old.
Currently, it is recommended that supplemental screening with ultrasound or MR imaging be
performed in addition to mammography.
The American Cancer Society recommends annual screening mammography and supplemental
screening MR imaging for women with an estimated lifetime risk of breast cancer 20%, BRCA
mutation carriers, first-degree relatives of BRCA mutation carriers who remain untested, women
with a history of mediastinal irradiation between the ages of 10 and 30, and women with certain
genetic syndromes.
a Division of Breast Imaging, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research
Institute, 12902 USF Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612-9416, USA; Division of Breast Imaging, Department of
Radiology, University of Utah Hospitals, Huntsman Cancer Institute, 2000 Circle of Hope Drive, Salt Lake City, UT
84112, USA; Division of Breast Imaging, Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weill Cornell
Medicine, 425 East 61st Street, New York, NY 10065, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
per 100,000 women
19 7519 7619 7719 7819 7919 8019 8119 8219 8319 8419 8519 8619 8719 8819 8919 9019 9119 9219 9319 9419 9519 9619 9719 9819 9920 0020 0120 0220 0320 0420 0520 0620 0720 0820 0920 1020 1120 1220 13
Fig. 1. Age-adjusted breast cancer death rate in American women decreased after the widespread introduction of
screening mammography in the 1980s. (Data from the Surveillance, epidemiology, and end results [SEER] pro-gram
from 1975–2013 and US Mortality Files, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Rates are per 100,000 and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US population (19 age groups - Census P25-
undergo annual clinical breast examination and at 18-month to 24-month intervals resulted in a
screening mammography. Breast cancer mortality 22% reduction in breast cancer mortality.11
was reduced by 22% among those invited to The Edinburgh trial evaluated the efficacy of
screen (Table 1).3,7,8 mammography and CBE in 3 cohorts of women
recruited between 1978 and 1985. Patients were ran-
domized by clinical practice to biennial single-view
Pooled estimates from RCTs demonstrate that mammography (initial screening round was 2-view) plus
screening mammography can reduce breast 12
annual CBE versus CBE alone. With 14 years of
cancer mortality by at least 20%.
follow-up from 28,628 women offered screening and
26,026 controls, invitation to screening decreased
In the late 1970s, 2 trials in Sweden, the Swedish breast cancer mortality by 21% to 29%. The
Two-County trial and Malmo¨ investigated the effect Stockholm trial included 40,000 women invited to
of screening mammography without phys-ical biennial screening and 20,000 women as controls.
examination. The Swedish Two-County trial The Swedish Two-County trial was already showing
consisted of 133,065 women ages 40 to 74, who significant benefit; the Stockholm trial was terminated
were randomized into a group invited to single-view after only 2 rounds of screening with single-view
screening mammography and a control group. mammography and showed no sta-tistically significant
Screening intervals were 24 months for ages 40 to mortality reduction (see Table 1).
49, and 33 months for those 50 to 74. After 3 The Canadian National Breast Screening Trials
decades of follow-up, invitation to screening resulted in women ages 40 to 49 (CNBSS-1) and 50 to 59
in a 27% to 31% reduction in breast cancer mortality, (CNBSS-2) investigated the efficacy of CBE and
with only 45% of pre-vented breast cancer deaths screening mammography on breast cancer mor-
occurring in the first 10 years. At 10 years of follow- tality reduction.15,16 Women were asked to volun-
up, 1303 women were needed to screen for 7 years teer to participate, and following CBE,
to save 1 life. At 20 years, 577 women were needed approximately 50,000 volunteers were included in
to screen, and at 29 years, 519 women were needed CNBSS-1 and 40,000 in CNBSS-2.15,16 At 7
to screen to save 1 life. The observed number of years of follow-up in CNBSS-1, women invited to
prevented breast cancer deaths increases with screening had 36% greater mortality from breast
follow-up duration, providing evidence that esti- cancer than control women. At 25 years of follow-
mates of absolute benefit and number needed to up, breast cancer mortality was identical in the
screen requires trial follow-up intervals exceeding 20 mammography and control arms.17 Flawed study
years. Malmo¨ recruited approximately 31,000 to design and suboptimal image quality and
each group, women ages 45 to 70 (MMST1) and interpretation may explain why the Canadian Na-
ages 43 to 49 (MMST2). Invitation to screening tional Breast Screening Trials are outliers
compared with other RCTs (see Table 1). In the
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1148 Niell et al
breasts, measuring 30% to 64% for extremely dense images following intravenous iodine-based contrast
breasts compared with 76% to 98% for fatty media injection. A recent meta-analysis of CESM
28–33 demonstrated very high sensitivity (98%) but limited
breasts. Decreased sensitivity in denser breasts
is attributable to the concept of masking. Cancers specificity (58%). At this time, CESM and CE-DBT
have similar x-ray attenuation as dense remain active areas of research and are not
fibroglandular tissue, resulting in obscuration of the currently recommended for screening.
tumor. With this limitation, supplemental screening
modalities have been investigated.
DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS Ultrasound has shown utility in detecting breast can-
cer as a supplemental screening modality since the
Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is a digital 1980s.
Compared with screening mammog-
mammogram technique in which tomosynthesis raphy alone, screening ultrasound in combination
images are constructed from a series of low-dose with mammography can increase cancer detection
images acquired as the x-ray source moves over the (additional cancer detection rate [ACDR]) but at the
breast, which reduces the impact of overlapping cost of increased callbacks (“recall rate”) and a large
breast tissue. Eliminating tissue overlap increases number of biopsies needed to identify 1 breast can-
conspicuity of lesions while reducing false positives cer (positive predictive value 3 [PPV 3] 5 number of
due to tissue summation. DBT detects malignancies 42–
34 cancers detected/number of biopsies per-formed).
occult on digital mammography (Fig. 2). Two ma- 45
In patients at increased risk of devel-oping breast
jor prospective clinical trials have been performed
cancer, supplemental screening ultrasound can
comparing full-field digital mammography (FFDM) to
detect an additional 4.2 cancers per 1000 women
FFDM with DBT. In 12,621 screening examina-tions
in the Oslo Tomosynthesis Screening Trial, with 11 cancers per 100 biopsies performed (PPV 3 5
tomosynthesis with FFDM increased the invasive 11%), compared with a PPV 3 of 29% for
cancer detection rate by 40% and decreased false mammography alone in the first year of screening
35 42,43
positives by 15%, compared with FFDM alone. In ultrasound. PPV3 may increase in subsequent
7292 Italian women enrolled in the Screening with screening rounds (as high as 16%) while maintaining
Tomosynthesis or Mammography (STORM) trial, an ACDR of 2.3 to 3.7 per 1000 in subse-quent
DBT increased the cancer detection rate from 5.3 to years. As expected, screening ultrasound in
8.1 per 1000 examinations with a simulta-neous women with breast density as their only risk factor
17% reduction in recall rate.
Retrospective detects fewer cancers and requires more biopsies
per cancer detected, with ACDR of 3.2 per 1000 in
analysis of 173,663 FFDM-DBT and 281,187 FFDM 44,45
examinations from 13 sites in the United States the first year and PPV3 of 6.5% to 6.7%. In a
demonstrated a 29% increase in cancer detection recent meta-analysis, supplemental screening ultra-
rate with a concomitant 15% decrease in recall rate sound demonstrated a PPV3 of 2% to 8% and ACDR
37 47
compared with FFDM alone. of 4.4 per 1000 with a recall rate of 14%. Because
ultrasound detects masked breast cancers obscured
by breast parenchyma on mammography, screening
DBT increases cancer detection and decreases ultrasound halves the rate of interval can-cers
recall rate, compared with digital mammog- (cancers that present within 1 year of a negative
raphy. 48
screening mammogram). In women with dense
breasts and a negative screening mammogram,
A synthesized mammogram can be created by supplemental screening with ultrasound had an
summing and filtering a stack of reconstructed DBT ACDR of 7.1 per 1000 compared with 4 per 1000 for
images, resulting in an FFDM equivalent image and 49
DBT with similar recall rates.
an examination with roughly half the dose of a
standard combined FFDM and DBT examination.
Screening ultrasound detects 2 to 4 additional
cancers per 1000 examinations but requires
many recalls and a large number of biopsies
CONTRAST-ENHANCED MAMMOGRAPHY needed to identify each breast cancer.
1150 Niell et al
image interpretation have resulted in 98% and 85% In addition to its utility in asymptomatic women,
sensitivities for high-grade and non–high-grade breast MR imaging detects contralateral cancers
55 in 3.1% of women with newly diagnosed breast
DCIS, respectively. In prospective trials of
asymptomatic high-risk women, screening MR cancer and a negative contralateral
imaging was more sensitive (90%–93%) than clin- mammogram.57
ical breast examination (18%), mammography High-risk women undergoing annual screening
(33%–50%), ultrasonography (37%–52%), or mammography and supplemental screening MR
mammography combined with ultrasonography imaging do not benefit from the addition of screening
52,54,56 52,54,56
(48%–63%). Up to 31% to 52% of MR im- ultrasound. However, women un-dergoing
aging–detected breast cancers were detected only annual screening mammography and supplemental
on MR imaging (Fig. 3). screening ultrasound do benefit from the addition of
The cancer yield of MR imaging is approximately 14 MR imaging. In women with dense breasts and
43,52,53 elevated breast cancer risk
to 30 per 1000 high-risk women screened.
Fig. 3. Screening breast MR imaging detects malignancies occult on other imaging modalities. (A) CC and (B) MLO
FFDM images of the left breast demonstrate no suspicious findings. (C) Early postcontrast T1-weighted fat sub-
tracted axial and (D) maximum intensity projection images from screening breast MR imaging demonstrate a 7-
mm enhancing mass with spiculated margins in the left breast at 12 o’clock 10 cm from the nipple. Pathology from an
MR imaging–guided percutaneous breast biopsy yielded invasive ductal carcinoma (grade 1).
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efforts will investigate noncontrast screening breast MR
imaging using diffusion-weighted imaging.
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1152 Niell et al
Table 2
Screening mammography guidelines for average-risk women
conditions and/or when abnormal results of regular screening mammography starting at age 45
screening would not be acted on due to similar years (strong recommendation). Women aged 45 to
reasons.78 54 years should be screened annually (qual-ified
The USPSTF recommendation (2009 and 2016) is recommendation). Women 55 years and older
biennial screening mammography for women aged should transition to biennial screening or have the
50 to 74 years (B recommendation). The de-cision to opportunity to continue screening annually (quali-fied
start screening mammography in women before age recommendation). Women should have the
50 years should be an individual one. Women who opportunity to begin annual screening between the
place a higher value on the potential benefit than the ages of 40 and 44 years (qualified recommen-
potential harms may choose to begin biennial dation). Women should continue screening
screening between the ages of 40 and 49 years (C mammography as long as their overall health is
recommendation). The USPSTF concludes that the good and they have a life expectancy of 10 years or
current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance 5
longer (qualified recommendation). The ACS
of benefits and harms of screening mammography in defines a strong recommendation as one for which
women aged 75 years or older (I statement). The “most individuals in this situation would want the
Task Force defines a B recommendation as one in recommended course of action, and only a small
which “there is high certainty that the net benefit is proportion would not” and a qualified recommen-
moderate or there is moderate certainty that the net dation as one for which “the majority of individuals in
benefit is moder-ate to substantial.”
Under the this situation would want the suggested course of
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, “insurers action, but many would not.”
now must cover evidence-based services for adults The National Comprehensive Cancer Network
that have a rat-ing of ‘A’ or ‘B’ in the current (NCCN) and the American Congress of Obstetri-
Based on the USPSTF cians and Gynecologists (ACOG) agree with the
ACR, recommending mammography screening
recommendations, private in-surers will cover
starting at age 40 and continuing annually, regard-
biennial screening mammog-raphy beginning at age 81,82
40; however, women ages 40 to 49 or older than 75 less of risk. The American College of Surgeons
who choose routine screening, as well as women of Oncology Group recommends following the ACS
any age who want to be screened annually may not guidelines. The American Academy of Family Phy-
be guaranteed coverage. As a result, Congress sicians and American College of Physicians both
recently enacted the Consolidated Appropriations recommend following the USPSTF guidelines.
Act, which included language from the Protecting
Access to Lifesaving Screenings Act (PALS) WOMEN WITH DENSE BREASTS
(H.R.3339) to delay implementation of the USPSTF
recommen-dations for 2 years and thus allow Approximately 40% to 50% of women undergoing
women continued access to screening screening mammography have dense breasts
80 (higher ratio of fibroglandular and stromal ele-
mammography in the interim.
ments relative to fatty tissue).85 The definition of
The ACS recommends that women with an “dense” is subjective by the radiologist and
average risk of breast cancer should undergo demonstrates moderate variability between
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radiologists with 17% of patients being recatego- compared with mammography.89 Compared with
rized into dense versus nondense on subsequent mammography alone, supplemental ultrasound is
mammograms.86 Women with dense breasts predicted to prevent 0.36 additional cancer
have a 1.2-fold to 2.1-fold higher risk of breast deaths and lead to an additional 354 biopsies per
cancer compared with the average woman.87 1000 women screened biennially for 25 years. 90
Because dense tissue causes a “masking” phe- As such, screening ultrasound is unlikely to be
nomenon and obscures underlying cancers, considered cost-effective.90 The ACR recom-
women with dense breasts have more interval mends supplemental screening ultrasound in
cancers (a cancer diagnosed within 12 months of women with dense breasts and an elevated risk
a negative screening mammogram). The interval of breast cancer who cannot undergo MR
cancer rate is as much as 17-fold higher in imaging.91
women with extremely dense breasts compared
with women with the fattiest breasts.88
As of December 5, 2016, 28 states have enacted Clinicians may choose to offer supplemental
legislation that requires radiologists to notify pa- screening ultrasound, or other tests, to women
tients of their breast density. Although the wording of with dense breasts, given the increased cancer
the individual laws varies, most encourage a pa-tient detection. However, this remains controversial
due to the high frequencies of false-positive
to discuss with her referring provider whether she
recall and false-positive biopsy compared with
would benefit from supplemental screening tests.
Individual clinical practices may choose to offer
supplemental screening ultrasound, or other tests, to
women with dense breasts, given the increased
cancer detection (Fig. 4). However, sup-plemental DBT may have its largest incremental cancer
screening for dense breasts remains controversial detection benefit over digital mammography in
due to the high frequencies of false-positive recall women with heterogeneously dense breasts and,
and false-positive biopsy when accessible, may thus be preferred over
Fig. 4. Supplemental screening DBT, ultrasound, and MR imaging incrementally increase cancer detection rate
(CDR) when added to digital mammography in women with dense breasts. PPV 3 is the positive predictive value of
biopsy and equals the number of cancers detected divided by the number of breast biopsies performed. (Data from
Tice JA, Ollendorf DA, Lee JM, et al. The comparative clinical effectiveness and value of supplemental screening
tests following negative mammography in women with dense breast tissue. Institute for Clinical and Economic
Review; 2013. Available at:
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1154 Niell et al
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using BRCAPRO or TC or other models that incor- harms of screening mammography, resulting in hotly
porate first-degree and second-degree relatives to debated controversies. Breast cancer–spe-cific
95,106 mortality reduction is the primary benefit of
estimate breast cancer risk. The ACS recom-
mends against using models with limited family screening mammography, but not the only one.
history input (eg, Gail or modified Gail). Earlier detection and treatment of breast cancers
results not only in decreased breast cancer deaths
but also decreased treatment-related morbidity; that
is, fewer mastectomies and less frequent and less
The ACS recommends annual screening 108,109
mammography and supplemental screening MR toxic chemotherapy. Women diag-nosed with
imaging for the following women: localized breast cancer commonly have the option of
breast-conserving therapy, which is associated with
Estimated lifetime risk of breast cancer 20% few surgical side effects and postoperative upper
BRCA mutation carriers body impairments, less chronic pain, better body
First-degree relatives of BRCA mutation car- image, and less psycho-logical distress.
riers who remain untested Women with localized dis-ease are more likely to be
eligible for sentinel lymph node biopsy, which
Mediastinal irradiation between the ages of 10
and 30 compared with axillary dissection, is associated with
less upper body morbidity and a lower risk of
Certain genetic syndromes 113
lymphedema. Smaller and less advanced cancers
can be effec-tively treated without chemotherapy,
which has a broad range of side effects, including
The NCCN guidelines mirror the ACS and cardiac toxicity, premature menopause, and an
include the recommendation to start MR imaging increased risk of blood disorders.
at age 25 and mammography at age 30, or 10 “Harms” of screening mammography include
years before the first-degree relative was false-positive results and associated anxiety, over-
diagnosed, whichever comes later.95 If a woman diagnosis and overtreatment, and radiation risk.
is unable to undergo breast MR imaging (eg, Before considering each individually, it is important
secondary to pacemaker or other implantable to note that both false positives and overdiagnosis
non–MR imaging compatible device, prior are a risk of any and all screening tests. Neither is
contrast anaphylaxis, or severe claustrophobia unique to screening mammography.
not responsive to treat-ment), she may be offered
whole breast screening ultrasound as an adjunct
When to Begin and End Screening
to mammography.76 Screening ultrasound does
Mammograms and at What Frequency
not add value or incre-mental cancer detection in
women who are already receiving both annual Patients and clinicians grapple with 3 possible ages
mammography and MR imaging.52,54,107 (40, 45, and 50) at which to begin screening
mammography and 2 possible frequencies (annual
or biennial) with several different permutations
Screening ultrasound does not add value or in- based on the ACR, ACS, and USPSTF guidelines
cremental cancer detection in women who are (see Table 2). All 3 guidelines recognize that annual
already receiving both annual mammography and mammography should remain an option for each
MR imaging.
woman starting at the age of 40 because all 3
organizations acknowledge that annual screening
mammography beginning at age 40 saves the most
No data or specific recommendations exist lives from breast cancer. Annual screening
regarding the best way to schedule annual mammography of women ages 40 to 84 prevents
mammography and MR imaging. As a result, more deaths from breast cancer (39.6% mortality
some high-risk women choose to obtain reduction) than biennial screening of women 50 to
mammography and MR imaging around the same 74 years old (which has only a 23.2% mortality
time, whereas others choose to alternate 117
mammography and MR imaging every 6 months. reduction). Rapidly growing cancers may become
lethal in the interval between screening rounds, so
an increased screening frequency has the potential
to detect more aggressive tumors before lethality.
Premen-opausal women diagnosed with breast
Benefits and “Harms” of Screening
cancer on biennial screening mammography (23–26
Individuals and different professional organiza- months)
tions disagree about the relative benefits and
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1156 Niell et al
are 21% to 28% more likely to have larger tumors Although false-positive mammograms are a
or higher-stage tumors compared with premeno- downside to screening, most women recalled
pausal women with breast cancer detected at from screening mammography require only addi-
annual (11–14 months) screening.118 tional imaging. Women are willing to tolerate far
higher false-positive rates than actually occur in
clinical practice, suggesting that the “harm” of
Premenopausal women diagnosed with breast false positives may be overemphasized.121
cancer on biennial screening mammography are
significantly more likely to have larger tu-mors or Overdiagnosis
higher-stage tumors compared with
premenopausal women with breast cancer Overdiagnosis is defined as a diagnosis by
detected at annual screening. screening of a cancer that never would have
become symptomatic in the woman’s lifetime or
never would have been detected if screening had
not taken place. The conversation regarding over-
The debate to begin screening at age 40 or 50 ex- diagnosis largely pertains to DCIS, as nonprogres-
ists because age 50 was chosen as a surrogate for sive invasive disease has not to our knowledge been
menopause, and age-stratified analyses (40–49 vs
documented in the peer-reviewed literature.
>50) within individual studies were underpowered to
Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of DCIS remain
detect significant mortality reduction in younger
controversial; however, detection and treatment of
women. After combining data from multiple RCTs, a
DCIS has been shown to decrease subsequent inva-
meta-analysis showed that screening mammog-
sive malignancies. A recent study of more than 5
raphy decreases breast cancer deaths by 18% to
million women who underwent screening mammog-
29% in women ages 40 to 49, similar to breast can-
raphy demonstrated that for every 3 screen-detected
cer mortality reduction in women older than 50. cases of DCIS, there was 1 fewer invasive interval
Approximately 1 in 6 women will be diagnosed with 122
breast cancer in the subsequent 3 years.
breast cancer before the age of 50, and 40% of the
person-years of life lost from breast cancer deaths The USPSTF acknowledged that “methods for
2 estimating overdiagnosis at a population level are
are in women diagnosed in their 40s or younger. In not well established” and because of the “lack of
part because the absolute risk of devel-oping breast consensus concerning the optimal method for
cancer within the next 5 years is similar in women calculating the magnitude of overdiagnosis,” the
ages 45 to 49 (0.9%) and 50 to 54 (1.1%) but lower USPSTF acknowledged a very wide range of esti-
in women ages 40 to 44 (0.6%), the ACS suggested mates in the available literature (0% to 54%) but
45 as an alternative age criterion to begin screening 77,123
emphasized an estimate of approximately 20%.
mammography in 2015 despite the lack of difference
5 In studies with adequate adjustment for confounders
in mortality reduction. and baseline incremental increase in breast cancer
incidence, the frequency of overdiag-nosis is
False-Positive Mammograms estimated at 1% to 10%. Regardless of the
frequency of overdiagnosis, an “overdiag-nosed”
A “false positive” is a test result that suggests the
cancer will persist on imaging regardless of
presence of a disease when the disease is not pre-
screening interval or age at initial screening.
sent. For women who begin annual screening
Decreasing the screening frequency and delaying
mammography at age 40, the cumulative probabil-ity
onset of screening (from 40 to 45 or 50) will delay
of a false-positive recall over a 10-year period is
120 the timing of overdiagnosis but will not decrease the
61%. On average, an individual woman ages 40 degree of overdiagnosis. Therefore, overdiag-nosis
to 49 who undergoes annual screening mammog- should not be used to determine when to start
raphy will experience 1 false-positive mammo-gram screening or how often to screen.
every 10 years and 1 false-positive biopsy every 149
years. Biennial screening reduces false-positive
mammograms by one-third compared with annual Decreasing screening frequency or delaying
screening because of the smaller number of onset of screening (from age 40 to later) will not
mammograms performed.
85,120 decrease the degree of overdiagnosis.
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Screening for Breast Cancer
death can also occur, although the number of late-stage breast cancer decreased 37% in 2007
both of these events is predicted to be low.”77 At to 2009 compared with 1977 to 1979 with a
most, 2 to 11 deaths due to radiation-induced concomitant increase in early-stage breast can-
cancer may occur per 100,000 women cers.126 Publications that claim that screening
screened125 and additional publications estimate mammography has not resulted in decreased
the risk of a fatal radiation-induced breast cancer late-stage cancers have consistently failed to ac-
due to screening mammography for a woman in count for the underlying interval increase in
her forties is 1 in 76,000 to 97,000 and too large breast cancer incidence.129,130
to estimate for a women in her eighties.117
False-Negative Mammograms and “False
Reassurance” The ACS, ACR, and the USPSTF, as well as every
medical professional organization, to our knowl-
Mammograms do not detect all breast cancers
edge, agree that screening mammography signifi-
and should not be used to tell a woman that she
cantly decreases breast cancer mortality. Although
does not have breast cancer. The probability of a
screening mammography is covered as a preventive
missed breast cancer increases with age, aver-
care benefit without cost sharing un-der the Patient
aging once every 667 years for a woman older
Protection and Affordable Care Act, nearly one-third
than 70 and once every 1000 years for a woman
of US women older than 40 are not receiving regular
aged 40 to 49.117 screening mammograms. In 2013, fewer than 66%
of women older than 40 in the United States had a
Decreased Breast Cancer Mortality: Is It
screening mammogram in the preceding 2 years,
Secondary to Screening or Improved
compared with fewer than 69% of women older than
50. The lack of a na-tional consensus on
The incidence of breast cancer has been steadily screening frequency and age to begin screening
increasing in the United States, with an annual may contribute to the low compliance. After
percent change of 0.8% to 2.3% per year with similar reviewing this article, clinicians should feel
increases observed in other countries. However, empowered to engage women in informed
between 1990 and 2000, breast cancer mortality in discussions regarding the pros and cons of regular
women decreased 24% in the United States (see screening mammography, as well as supplemental
Fig. 1). The decrease in breast cancer mortality screening in high-risk women. By educating our
despite increasing incidence is attribut-able to a patients on the importance of breast cancer
combination of screening mammography and screening and early detection, we can continue to
improved treatment options. American men, who decrease the number of lives un-necessarily lost to
presumably have access to similar treatment breast cancer each year.
regimens as women but do not have ac-cess to
screening mammography, had a breast cancer
mortality in 2013 which is identical to 1990. In Screening mammography is underused, result-
Sweden, women aged 40 to 69 who un-derwent ing in unnecessary breast cancer deaths.
screening experienced a 44% reduction in breast
cancer mortality, compared with only a 16% mortality
reduction in women ages 40 to 69 not exposed to REFERENCES
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