Chavez 1996 PDF
Chavez 1996 PDF
Chavez 1996 PDF
measurements and RTC software were the most accurate. AS THEYWEREBY MORANETAL. DOY, DAYOF YEAR,1985-86.
They compared these results with those generated by using (1985-86) TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4
simpler atmospheric correction models. Their evaluation in-
cluded use of the in-situ atmospheric measurements as input Soils
to different RTCs: Herman-Browning (HBC)(Herman and 204 0.0805 0.1205 0.1684 0.2155
Browning (1965), which gave the best results) and 5s (Tanre 220 0.0845 0.1256 0.1854 0.2250
et al., 1990). However, as stated in their paper, "This type of 300 0.0745 0.0941 0.1082 0.2425
procedure has been shown to be accurate by Holm et al. 300" 0.0953 0.1424 0.1947 0.2437
(1989) and Moran et al. (1990), but to expensive and time- 079 0.0698 0.1072 0.1539 0.1997
consuming for it to be considered for use operationally." 095 0,0664 0.0992 0.1498 0.2039
The simpler image-based methods used by them for 111 0.0924 0.1398 0.2061 0.2736
17' 0.1046 0.1491 0.2101 0.2662
comparison included using (1)RTCs with simulated, rather
than measured, atmospheric information and (2) the dark-ob-
ject subtraction (DOS)technique (Vincent, 1972; Chavez, 204 0.0232 0.0589 0.0269 0.5387
1975; Chavez, 1988; Chavez, 1989). The model that used a 220 0.0302 0.0591 0.0365 0.5861
simulated atmosphere to infer the required correction para- 079 0.0260 0.0465 0.0302 0.3758
meters was suggested by Ahern et 01. (1977). The informa- Og5 0.0370 0.0634 0.0533 0.4124
0.0235 0.0542 0.0239 0.6258
tion derived by using the simulated atmosphere was used
with a simple procedure based on LOWTRAN 7 (Kneizys et
ii: 0.0310 0.0650 0.0336 0.5713
al., 19881, as well as with a more complex procedure based *Moved f r o m vegetation section.
Moran eta/.Models
Apparent Reflectance Model
The apparent reflectance model is the simplest one used to The evaluation by Moran et al. (1992) examined several dif-
convert at-satellite radiances to reflectances. It corrects for ferent models to derive the atmospheric parameters needed
for Equation 2. These models included using RTC solutions
spectral band solar irradiance and solar zenith angle of the
generated by using both in-situ measured (HBC and 5s) or
image but makes no attempt to correct for atmospheric scat-
tering and absorption. For the apparent reflectance model, simulated (LOWTRAN 7 and 5s) atmospheric information. The
comparisons in this paper are limited to the uncorrectedlap-
the following applies in Equation 2:
parent, DOS 1-percent, HBC (which gave the best results), and
TAUz = 1.0 (ignores atmospheric transmittance), simulated 5s models, and the new entirely image-based mod-
TAUv = 1.0 (ignores atmospheric transmittance), els derived in this paper. As expected, the most accurate
Edown = 0.0 (ignores downwelling), and model in the Moran et al. (1992) study was the one that used
Lhaze = 0.0 (ignores scattering due to path radiance). in-situ atmospheric measurements, made during the satellite
overflights, which included optical depths as input to RTC eral radiance-to-reflectance model (Equation 2) to compute
software to compute the relation between surface reflectance surface reflectances.
and sensor radiance (Moran et al., 1992, p. 170). However, The first method used to derive TAU values independent
acceptable results were also generated with the model that of in-situ field measurements is very straightforward. As
used simulated atmosphere parameters as input to RTC soft- given by Moran et al. (1992, p. 172), the multiplicative trans-
ware. A main difference between the models using RTC soft- mittance component for scattering and weak absorption is
ware and the DOS method was that in-situ measurements or approximated by Equations 3 and 4 (repeated below):
simulated atmospheres were used to derive the required at-
mospheric parameters for Equation 2, including corrections TAUz = ~ ~ ~ ( - *d sec(Tz))
e l (3)
for transmittance and downwelling. In the general radiance- and
to-reflectance model shown in Equation 2, the following cri-
teria apply: TAUv = ~ ~ ~ ( - *d sec(Tv))
e l
TAUz = ~ ~ ~ ( - *d sec(TZ))
e l where del is the optical thickness values at given wave-
lengths, TZ is the solar zenith angle (thetaz), and TV is the
and viewing angle (zero degrees for Landsat TM images - thetav).
TAUv = ~ x ~ ( - d e* lsec(TV)) Using the spectral optical depth and solar zenith values
given by Moran et al. (1992, p. 174), the TAUz values were
where EXP is the exponential, sec is the secant, del is the op- computed for TM bands 1, 2, 3, and 4. Table 3 shows the
tical thickness values measured in-situ at the given wave- computed TAUZ values, along with solar zenith angles and
lengths, TZ is the solar zenith angle, thetaz, and TV is the their cosines for the seven satellite overflight dates. Empiri-
viewing angle (zero degrees for nadir viewing systems, thetav). cally, the values in Table 3 show that, to a first order, the co-
Edown is derived from atmospheric measurements made in- sine of the solar zenith angle is a good approximation of
situ or computed from simulated atmospheres, and Lhaze is TAUz. It approximates TM bands 1 and 2 best in some cases
derived from atmospheric measurements made in-situ, or and TM bands 3 and 4 best in others. However, the average
simulated atmosphere, or by using the DOS Lhaze procedure. TAUz of all bands for all dates is very similar to the average
The advantage of the RTC-drivenmodels was the im- of the cosine values (0.81 and 0.80, respectively). Equation 3
proved accuracy. The procedure that used simulated atmo- shows that transmittance is a function of the solar zenith an-
spheres rather than in-situ measurements had the added gle (TZ) and the optical depth (del). For most acceptable im-
advantage of not requiring someone to be in the field during ages, TZ is in the range of 30 to 55 degrees and del has a
the satellite overflight. However, it did require use of the RTC range of 0.08 to 0.30. Therefore, in the EXP(-del * sec(T2))
software. The HBC model generated the best results but re- function, the variation of sec(TZ) is about 2.7 times larger
quired in-situ measurements and, therefore, someone in the than that for del, which implies that Tz (the solar zenith an-
field during each of the satellite overflights. gle) is the more dominant variable. So, a relation that is
strictly dependent on TZ to approximate the exponential
Improved Image-Based Model function, to a first order, may be acceptable (i.e., set it equal
The improvement made to the image-based DOS model is to the cosine of TZ). This empirically observed relation was
based on a method that derives a correction for the multipli- used as the first method to select TAUZ values.
cative transmittance effect by using one of two techniques. To help strengthen this empirically observed relation
Equation 2 shows that the error for not including a multipli- seen in Table 3 between the cosine of the solar zenith angle
cative correction for transmittance is approximately 1.0/ (TZ) and EXP(-del*sec(~z)), the power series expansion of
(TAUZ * TAUV) which, for the seven dates used, implies an these two functions was used. The first four terms of the
approximate overall error of 30 percent. Therefore, a correc- power series are
tion for the multiplicative transmittance component can sub-
stantially improve the DOS model results. In this study two
different methods were used to derive the required TAU val-
ues in Equation 2. Both methods that correct for multiplica- and
tive transmittance effects are independent of in-situ
atmospheric and ground measurements. Field-independent
derived TAU values were used, along with the DOS Lhaze ad-
ditive-scattering component due to path radiance, in the gen- The solar zenith angle TZ is in radians and ! represents fac-
8 2 z4E 63
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O 0 3
3 0 1 0 2 0 3 04 05 06 I 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7
(a) (b)
F~gure2. Results generated by the COST (a) and default TAUz (b) models on computed satellrte-based versus measured aircraft-based reflectances for TM bands 1 , 2,
3, and 4 uslng the soils and vegetation data for seven dates from 23 July 1985 to 2 4 June 1986 (Table 1).
sults. In fact, the COST model does as well as or slightly bet- 204
ter than the HBC model. The default TAUz model still has a D iff
problem with the near-infrared TM band 4 but does improve 220
on the DOS model; the visible bands have acceptable accu- 300
racy, and results are similar to those generated by the COST Diff
and HBC models. In general, the D o s model has a problem 300*
with the bright soils, and results are better than the uncor- D iff
rected results for only TM band 1 (as stated by Moran et al. 079
(1992)). As shown later, this is not the case for the darklveg- Diff
etation targets. Notice that the shape of the bar graphs for 095
models 5SD, HBC, and COST are similar. Diff
The vegetation reflectance bar graphs, which for the visi-
ble bands represents mostly very low reflectance values, also 175
show that the COST model generates results similar to those Diff
of the HBC model; in fact, the overall average is better be- Ave/Diff/
cause of improved results for TM bands 2 and 4. The default
TAUz model generates acceptable results for the visible Vegetation
204 0.0285 0.0497 0.0329 0.4880
bands, but, like all the other models, the near-infrared band
Diff 0.0053 -0.0092 0.0060 -0.0507 0.0178
has larger errors. It is not clear why the near-infraredl~~ 220 0.0380 0.0538 0.0416 0.4865
band 4 consistently has larger errors in all the models for the Diff 0.0078 -0.0053 0.0051 -0.0996 0.0295
vegetation group. Part of the reason may be that the multipli- 079 0.0303 0.0403 0.0328 0.3170
cative correction does not fully account for the absorption ef- D iff 0.0043 -0.0062 0.0026 -0.0588 0.0180
fect in the near-infrared band as well as the visible bands. 095 0.0371 0.0545 0.0528 0.3237
However, a second possible explanation is that it is more dif- D iff 0.0001 -0.0089 -0.0005 -0.0887 0.0246
ficult to get a good sampling of the ground when vegetation 111 0.0294 0.0465 0.0345 0.5309
is present, compared to when the soils are bare. Therefore, Diff 0.0059 -0.0077 0.0106 -0.0949 0.0298
the aircraft-based ground measurements of vegetated targets 175 0.0298 0.0541 0.0356 0.5126
could have a larger error than the soils targets. D iff
- - - - -
One reason it would be more noticable in the near-infra-
red band, and show up as a larger error in TM band 4, is be- *Moved f r o m vegetation section.
the model shown in Equation 2, the correction for the Vegetation
ground-to-satellite path (equal to EXP(-del*sec(TV))in 204 0.0637 0.0387
Moran et al. (1992)) was set to one because the cosine of the Diff 0.0048 0.0118
nadir view is equal to one; however, the values are actually 220 0.0690 0.0489
slightly less than one, i.e., i n the 0.85 to 0.95 range. This Diff 0.0099 0.0124
correction is a multiplicative coefficient in the denominator; 079 0.0517 0.0386
therefore, it tends to make the denominator smaller and the Diff 0.0257 0.0084
reflectance value larger, while the Edown downwelling ad- 095 0.0699 0.0621
ditive term makes the denominator larger and the reflec- Diff 0.0065 0.0088
tance value smaller. These two parameters, which were 111 0.0596 0.0406
both ignored in my image-based models, tend to work Diff 0.0054 0.0167
against each other, so part of the errors associated will can- 175 0.0694 0.0419
cel each other out.
(4) As stated earlier, all the radiometric-correction models have
the disadvantage that they are dependent on the accuracy of
the system's gain and offset values. One concern is that the *Moved from vegetation sectioq.
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