Bicubic Spline
Bicubic Spline
Bicubic Spline
Bicubic Spline
The Bicubic Spline procedure connects a grid of (X,Y,Z) triplets with a smooth function
consisting of piecewise cubic polynomials. The function can then be used to determine an
interpolated value for Z at any specified X and Y within the range of the original data.
Beginning with a grid of m (X,Y,Z) triplets called “control points”, the procedure creates a
“natural” cubic spline, i.e., a function with continuous first and second derivatives across the
boundaries between the intervals on either side of the interior control points and second
derivatives equal to 0 at the endpoints. The coefficients of the spline are determined using a
tridiagonal algorithm.
Sample Data:
The file bspline.sgd contains 3 columns (X, Y, and Z) for fitting a spline and 2 additional
columns (Xnew and Ynew) of values at which interpolation is desired.
X Y Z Xnew Ynew
1 10 8 3.5 25
1 20 3 4.5 35
1 30 7
1 40 5
2 10 7
2 20 2
2 30 3
2 40 4
3 10 6
3 20 7
3 30 5
3 40 3
4 10 3
4 20 8
4 30 12
4 40 2
5 10 5
5 20 10
5 30 20
5 40 2
Data Input
The data required to create a bicubic spline consist of 3 numeric columns.
Z: enter the Z values for each of m control points. The control points must be arranged over a
grid consisting of all combinations of selected values of X and Y. For example, if 5 values of
X are selected and 4 values of Y are selected, the grid would consist of m = 20 control points,
as illustrated in the sample data.
X: enter the X values for each of m control points.
Y: enter the Y values for each of m control points.
Interpolate at X: enter the X value for n additional points with the range of X at which
interpolated values of Z are desired.
Interpolate at Y: enter the Y value for n additional points with the range of Y at which
interpolated values of Z are desired.
Analysis Summary
The Analysis Summary shows the number of input control points and a table of interpolated Z
values (if an entry was made in the Interpolate at X and Interpolate at Y fields on the data input
dialog box).
Interpolated Values
Xnew Ynew Interpolation
3.5 25.0 8.70379
4.5 35.0 11.1282
Spline Plot
The Spline Plot shows the fitted spline and the m control points.
Spline Plot
4 40
0 253035
0 20
1 2 3 4 1015 Y
Pane Options
Save Results
You can save the following results to the datasheet:
Interpolated values: the interpolated values displayed on the Analysis Summary pane.